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/sci/ - Science & Math

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1143943 No.1143943 [Reply] [Original]

Lettuce Tomato Omegle.

Go on and ask: "Is there sound in outer space?"

Post thine results.

>> No.1143966

lol wut

>> No.1143975

This one is on-going.

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
You: Is there sound in outer space?
Stranger: i think so
You: Why do you think that?
Stranger: well
Stranger: cus when things go around in circles
Stranger: it makes a whoooshing noise
You: That does not explain anything.
Stranger: yes it does
Stranger: what are you some kind of science geek
You: Do you not understand how sound works?
Stranger: umm
Stranger: well no ones there to hear the noise in space right now
Stranger: unless there are aliens
You: Sound is sound no matter if anyone hears it.
You: There is no medium in space for sound to traverse.
Stranger: whats medium
You: Sound is a wave that radiates though out gas.
You: The gas is the medium.
You: There is no gas in space for the sonic radiation to transmit it's waves through.
Stranger: TELL ME WOMAN!
You: Can you not conclude for your self using the information I have provided you?
Stranger: whast conclude
You: To think for one's self.
Stranger: o.O!
Stranger: thank you for this information
Stranger: :D
You: Now, is there sound in outer space?
Stranger: yes!
You: How can there be?
Stranger: because
Stranger: thees sonic radioton
You: There is no medium for the waves to propagate.
Stranger: whats propagate
You: To move through.
Stranger: so thers no sound in space
Stranger: =.=
You: Why did you not already know that?
Stranger: because i didnt learn that!
Stranger: and on movies
Stranger: people talk
Stranger: and i can hear it
Stranger: when they are ins pace
Stranger: =.=
You: And you didn't assume that movies take creative liberties for the story?
Stranger: whats creative liberties
Stranger: why are you so smart
You: Because I am capable of higher thought.
Stranger: your a robot
You: I can only assume you are not because you choose to be.
Stranger: yeh!
You: So you choose to be stupid?
Stranger: im 16/f/aus

>> No.1143984

>You: So you choose to be stupid?
>Stranger: im 16/f/aus

so do you think it's the 16, the f, or the aus?

>> No.1143992

Probably all of them.

>> No.1143995


You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Stranger: entertain me
You: Is there sound in outer space?
Stranger: yes
Stranger: there is
Your conversational partner has disconnected.

>> No.1143999

Oh, point them all to this thread.

>> No.1144013

Here's some more good ones.

Tell them about how they're being exposed to acoustic radiation all day.

Tell them the dangers of dihydrogen monoxide.

Ask them about gravity on the moon, "If a pen is dropped on a moon, will it:
A) Float away
B) Float where it is
C) Fall to the surface of the moon"

And ask them about what the kidneys do. Retards be thinking they the liver.

>> No.1144017

This makes me depressed.
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
You: Is there sound in outer space?
Stranger: yes..
Stranger: of course...
You: ...
You: Why do you think that?
Stranger: its a simple theory... energy never dies...
You: No...
Stranger: if one form of energy cant change to another...
You: Sound is a longitudonal wave, based on atoms in a gas.
You: In space there is no gas.
Your conversational partner has disconnected.

>> No.1144018

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
You: is there sound in space?
> they start to type something
> they delete it
> 2 mins of silence pass
Your conversational partner has disconnected.

>> No.1144023

now sci are the trolls

>> No.1144024

2nd try...

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
You: Is there sound in space?
Stranger: jae
Stranger: ;D
You: jae?
Stranger: ja
Stranger: means yes
You: ok
You: DO you know what sound is?
Stranger: yes
Stranger: Hahaha
You: What do you think it is?
Stranger: nedern
Your conversational partner has disconnected.

>> No.1144027

3rd time lucky

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
You: Is there sound in space?
Stranger: No
Stranger: where are you from?
You: Finally
You: Someone got it right.
You have disconnected.

>> No.1144030

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
You: Is there sound in space?
Stranger: the game
Stranger: and no...
You: I lost it.
You: 2:2 for yes:no so far.
You: fucking niggers
You have disconnected.

>> No.1144048

Stranger: hi4
You: Is there sound in outer space?
Your conversational partner has disconnected.


>> No.1144051

You: one question: is there sound in space?
Stranger: yes
You: why do you think that?
Stranger: because the music of the sphere's
You: are you a fellow /sci/tizen?
Stranger: im a pedotizen

>> No.1144064

protip: you are 16/f/cali

>> No.1144074

You: hey
Stranger: hello
You: is there sound in space?
Stranger: I don't believe so with the sheer compression of it all.
You: compression of what?
Your conversational partner has disconnected.

>> No.1144069 [DELETED] 

lulz i found sum child porn featuren christopeher pooolar bear hearways :tinyurl dawt com / 39poqjq 7f73ce87798f92db93c12c6e23ea5c22

>> No.1144084

someone's not responding...... they just leave the window open for ages.... IHBT :(

>> No.1144086
File: 81 KB, 1024x768, omegle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1144085 [DELETED] 

lulz i found sum child porn featuren christopeher pooolar bear hearways :tinyurl dawt com / 39poqjq b9368ce93ec60020f2822a7b6d8a5da6

>> No.1144088 [DELETED] 

lulz i found sum child porn featuren christopeher pooolar bear hearways :tinyurl dawt com / 39poqjq 8c38f2ca50551c801a393fb5d1522eec

>> No.1144092

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
You: Is there sound in outer space?
Stranger: Are you Taylor from missouri that plays 'open book'?
Stranger: probably
You: why?
Stranger: cause I'm looking for him..we got disconnected earlier :(
You: you'll never find him, there are millions of people on omegle
Stranger: there's only 4857 users online silly
Stranger: I've gotten the same ppl two and three times. lol
Your conversational partner has disconnected.

>> No.1144101

Time to go pedo-baiting

>> No.1144105

> implying that liking 16 year olds makes you a pedo.....

>> No.1144111

Dude. 16 is hardly pedo.

I'm a pedo and only like girls 12 or younger.

>> No.1144113

in my country it does.

>> No.1144116

Ausfalia? America?

>> No.1144122

Wouldn't the real question be, just because there is no medium for the sound to travel through is there still sound and we just can't hear it?

or is there no sound without a medium?

>> No.1144121 [DELETED] 


lulz i found sum child porn featuren christopeher pooolar bear hearways :tinyurl dawt com / 39poqjq 4d81a1869578c2f684c389d8f19dfab2

>> No.1144124

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
You: hi
Stranger: greetings, earthling!
You: Is there sound in outer space?
Stranger: of course
You: why?
Stranger: because waves can exist

>> No.1144126

Nobody asked what kind of girls you like. It depends on the age of the other guy really. If he is say, 30+, then I would say that is fairly pedo.

>> No.1144127

Stranger: is this unfathomable?
You: yes

>> No.1144129

>It depends on the age of the other guy really.

What, what?

Pedophilia is relative? That's news!

>> No.1144134

No retard, if you like girls that are 16 that's not pedophelia it's Ephebophilia

learn your shit nigger

>> No.1144136

no sound without the medium, you see the sound wave needs to travel through something, its not like radiation where it can travel through a vacuum.

>> No.1144139

And that is why you are a pedophile

>> No.1144137 [DELETED] 

lulz i found sum child porn featuren christopeher pooolar bear hearways :tinyurl dawt com / 39poqjq 5d13ff7dc6f6d4a02cd7d7bc044adf9c

>> No.1144145

Yes a wave needs a medium to travel through, but is any wave created at all, or is it created and destroyed instantaneously because there is no medium to travel through?

>> No.1144147

I thought ephebophilia was liking babies

>> No.1144146 [DELETED] 


lulz i found sum child porn featuren christopeher pooolar bear hearways :tinyurl dawt com / 39poqjq 134ed17a940e5db382c3d7f4ce5b3317

>> No.1144155

You thought wrong.

>> No.1144159

no that's motherhood

>> No.1144162

Well explain then

>> No.1144163

No, he would be a pedophile if he likes children that are prepubescent, he would have hebephlia if he liked pubescent aged children, and a have ephebophlia if he liked 15-18.

So it doesn't matter at all the age of the guy, it's the age of the child

>> No.1144165
File: 28 KB, 768x768, 1276078446629.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

on a COMPLETELY unrelated note..

anyone got the picard penis shoop of this?
>/r/ etc, i know.. but can you post it anyway?

>> No.1144172

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
You: Hi
You: Is there sound in space?
Stranger: hi
Stranger: no
Stranger: i'm dude
You: Have you heard of the dangers of dihydrogen monoxide?
Stranger: no
Stranger: whr r u frm
You: It's in chemical waste
Stranger: wt happen
You: There's heaps of it in the mexican gulf mixed with all the iol
You: oil*
You: if you get covered in it you can die

>> No.1144176

People are less likely to call a 17 year old guy going out with a 15 year old girl a pedo than they would be even if the guy was like, I don't know, 25+

>> No.1144181

well people are retarded because that's not pedophilia, that's ephebophilia.

Just because the general public calls something by the wrong name doesn't make it correct just because they are the majority

>> No.1144184

if you want to be technical about it. but it's the same idea.

>> No.1144189

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Stranger: hi!
You: hi
Stranger: asl?
You: 17 f uk
Stranger: 20 m usa
You: Is there sound in outer space?
Stranger: yes.
Stranger: I once heard of a star that emits a tone 52 octaves below the lowest piano key.
You: wow how does that work?
Stranger: Something about the polar fields being in resonance.
You: cool how do you know so much science??
Stranger: I used to be a space buff as a kid, so naturally I have all of the useless knowledge about space, not the useful (:

>> No.1144190

technically right is the only kind of right

>> No.1144191 [DELETED] 


lulz i found sum child porn featuren christopeher pooolar bear hearways :tinyurl dawt com / 39poqjq 7f0572ec296333a7c1fe73bf3b7c7d00

>> No.1144200

you can't just group all people under 18 as one and call that pedophilia.

There is a huge difference to wacking it to a 17 year old that is for all intents and purposes a woman with big tits and ass and a child that's 7 who hasn't developed at all

>> No.1144210

Actually if we are to assume that the use of language is to effectively communicate thoughts to others, then in normal conversation yes the word the public use to describe something is also the word you should use. Obviously it would be different in a law setting or something.

>> No.1144220 [DELETED] 

lulz i found sum child porn featuren christopeher pooolar bear hearways :tinyurl dawt com / 39poqjq cf8374c462b2a08f9ea34fa8e5790162

>> No.1144226

The majority of Americans use the word creation to describe the great number of different type of animals and species.

So should I start using creation instead of evolution to describe it just because there are more of them and that is the word they use??

>> No.1144227

In my country the age of consent is 16 so no I would see no problem in someone fapping to a 17 yo girl. But as far as I and the general public see it. Yes anything under the age of consent is pedophilia.

>> No.1144241

The words evolution and creation describe entirely different proccesses. Even creationists still use the word evolution. In the public's eyes however sex with anyone under the age of consent is pedophilia.

>> No.1144244 [DELETED] 


lulz i found sum child porn featuren christopeher pooolar bear hearways :tinyurl dawt com / 39poqjq c6ab8e9c1c022ce8b4f30ca4eaa3ee94

>> No.1144247

That's a Bingo.

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
You: Is there sound in space?
Stranger: Dunno
You: why not?
Stranger: cos i amn't a physis
You: can't you work it out though?
You: I need to know
Stranger: Probly no sound because there is no gravity ?
You: So there would be less sound on the moon?
Stranger: Yeah maybe
You: But then how do they talk in the space station?
Stranger: By Radio
You: That doesn't make sense
You: can you explain it to me?
Stranger: I'm no scientist
Stranger: Google it if you must
You: what are you going to do when your kids ask you
Stranger: What are YOU going to do /?
Stranger: WELL I DONT KNOW, GOOGLE IT !!!!!!
You: What do you think of all that dihydrogen monoxide in the gulf of mexico?
Stranger: Nothing really
Stranger: You ?
You: It's a shame it's all mixed up with that oil
Stranger: Yupp :(
You: And all that acoustic radiation we hear about
You: what's wrong with this world?
Stranger: Global Warming maybe ?
You: Maybe, but it might be a global sickness
You: something affecting the kidneys?
Stranger: Em...........NO
You: one last question
Stranger: Ok
You: what happens if I drop a pen on the moon?
Stranger: Nothing There is not much gravity on the moon so it will just float probably
You: Thanks

>> No.1144251

holy shit...people really are dumbasses

>> No.1144257


>> No.1144260

I'm trying this now man. I gotta see it by myself.

>> No.1144261

Yes just like pedophilia and ephebophilia describe two different fetishes.

Just because the public doesn't recognize it doesn't mean that it's not correct. That is not how science or psychology works.

>> No.1144287

They both describe sex with a minor. Which the public defines as pedophilia.
Your creation-evolution example was poor because they describe very different processes the difference between which the public, at least partially, understands.

>> No.1144291

it's a matter of semantics you fuck.

>> No.1144296

So, all minors that have sex with other minors are pedophiles?

>> No.1144299

I'm on your side but every argument on /sci/ seems to come down to semantics eventually.

>> No.1144303

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
You: Hi
Stranger: hey
You: Can I ask you something?
Stranger: sure
You: Is there sound in outer space?
Stranger: i dont know...
Stranger: why do u ask?
You: I'm curious
You: What do you think?
Stranger: ok
You: I mean, do you think there is sound in outer space?
Stranger: i think there should be sound... sound is good
You: Why you think that?
Stranger: because if we can hear we know more
You: I see...
You: Not that it makes much sense
You: Is it supposed to be sound in outer space just because it is "good"?
Stranger: the world doesnt make sense
You: Actually, it does
You: And that doesn't answer my question
Stranger: well im just thinking... why couldnt there be sound? sound is everywhere
You: Sound needs a medium to propagate
You: A gas, for example
You: Outer space is mostly void
Stranger: u r boring
Your conversational partner has disconnected.

>> No.1144305

According to the law, yes. Yes they are.

>> No.1144308 [DELETED] 

lulz i found sum child porn featuren christopeher pooolar bear hearways :tinyurl dawt com / 39poqjq 5caee58705ccbaf88efedf07aaa463a3

>> No.1144309


Once again, just because the majority of people believe one thing does not make it true just because they have greater numbers.

It depends on the age of the person they are having sex with. two 14 year olds is not pedophilia, but a 14 year old and a 6 year old is.

>> No.1144315

This makes me feel like crying.

>> No.1144320


>> No.1144321

You completely missed the point of what I was trying to say.

>> No.1144331

I understand you're talking about public perception of the situation, but it still doesn't make it right.

There is still a public perception that weed is bad, kills brain cells, etc etc. too, does that mean that this is true just because the public perceives it to be so?

>> No.1144342

So wait. All those cases of teens having sex with other teens, and both of them being placed on the sex offenders register are actually a lie?

>> No.1144346

I'd like to see you cite just one.

>> No.1144354


not sex, but sexting betweeen minors close enough for you?

>> No.1144356

I hope this was one of you trolling me. Because this is beautiful.

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
You: Hi
Stranger: hi
You: Is there sound in space?
Stranger: depends
Stranger: is there someone there to hear it?
You: So if I put a microphone up there I could record things?
Stranger: yep but you wouldn't get much interesting except for what basically sounds like fuzz
You: What medium does the soud travel through?
You: *sound
Stranger: save the odd asteroid or whatnot - depending on the relative location of your mic
Stranger: atoms obviously
You: Isn't space defined by it's lack of atoms?
Stranger: Nope
Stranger: You're thinking of molecules
Stranger: space has a lack of molecules, which by our standards would logically equal a lack of sound
Stranger: however in theory the sound waves would travel through the atoms instead, resulting in what we would percieve as somewhat distorted sound due to the lack of molecular vibration
You: What's the difference between atoms and molecules?
Stranger: on that note, certain sounds would be almost entirely impossible to hear as a result
Stranger: you're kidding right?
You: nope, explain it to me
Stranger: ....wow... alright...
without going into too much detail I'll put it in a way easy to understand
You: thanks
Stranger: basically a molecule is a combination of atoms that are bonded together
Stranger: should be simple enough to grasp
You: so there are lots of unbonded atoms in space, that are close enough to transmit a compression wave, but don't want to join and fill their out valance shells?
Stranger: something like that
Stranger: the main factor in the reception of sound is - as I mentioned, if there is someone there.
You: No it's not, that's like saying the main factor in a tsunami is that someone is there

>> No.1144357

Stranger: Haha, in normal circumstances yes but not when dealing with sound in space.
Stranger: The fact of the matter is that since there are no molecules in theory there is no sound until molecules are introduced in the environment get it?
You: you seem to know this stuff, can you tell me how magnets work?
Stranger: fucking miracles

ok who was it?

>> No.1144360

not sex, but making child 'porn', nice try retard

>> No.1144368

It wouldn't be hard to find a case of a 17 year old molesting a 6 year old, that would easily land them on the sex offender list.

>> No.1144371

I didn't say that public perceptions were technically true. Just that when talking to the public it is best to use words in the way that the public use them to avoid confusion. I am not disagreeing that pedophilia and ephebophilia are seperate fetishes just that the public would not see them as such. I also don't believe that weed is any more harmful than smoking or alcohol and I think you'll find the general public is not terribly concerned about weed, compared to other drugs at least.

>> No.1144373

twas me
Stranger: are you on /sci/
You: good luck with your space sound theorem

>> No.1144379


here you go a 17 year old and a 15 year old. He got put on the sex offender list

>> No.1144384

Funny, OP thinks he is smart, but there is in fact sound in space.

>> No.1144388

I await you apology

>> No.1144393

I await your grammar.

>> No.1144395
File: 9 KB, 252x159, 1268799349509.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.1144398

You're mad that you got proven wrong so instead of manning up to it you choose to point out one misspelled word?

Never change /sci/

>> No.1144400

that's spelling

>> No.1144405

You: Hello.
Stranger: hye\
You: Is there sound in space?
Stranger: hey*
Stranger: whats up
You: Nothing to much.
You: Is there sound in space?
Your conversational partner has disconnected.

>> No.1144409

And yet my rant here >>1144371
Is entirely disregarded. I think we can all see what's happening here.

>> No.1144414

You lost bitch !

>> No.1144418

I would apologize if I thought you were correct. I on the other hand provided a documented case of two minors having sex and one being placed on the sex offender's list.
Also just because you don't think weed is harmful doesn't mean the public at large feels the same.

>> No.1144420

>implying spelling isn't grammar

>> No.1144424

>both of them

>> No.1144427

Stranger: 80/m/zimbabwe
You: That's hot.
You: Is there sound in space?
Stranger: nope
Stranger: of course not.
You: Indeed.
Stranger: no molecules to vibrate silly :P
You: I see what you did there.
Stranger: I don't
You: My apologies then.
Stranger: That's okay
Stranger: i forgive u
You: Thank you for the answer, and good luck to you, old chap.
Stranger: Oh
Stranger: thank you too
Stranger: <3
You have disconnected.

>> No.1144429



>> No.1144437

So, we have settled that there IS sound in outer space?

>> No.1144439

Stranger: m/f??
You: F.
You: Hello.
Stranger: m here
Stranger: age???
You: 17
Stranger: same herer
You: Is there sound in space?
Stranger: location>???
You: usa
Stranger: nope!!no sound
Stranger: i m frm india
You: cool beans

>> No.1144440


Prove it

>> No.1144441

I think you are confused. I have been arguing with someone that sex with a minor, regardless of age is pedophilia. He then asked if I thought children having sex with other children was pedophilia. I told him that people had been put on the sex offender register for exactly that reason. He asked me to prove it. You did instead. We are on the same side here

>> No.1144442

I don't think we ever settled whether a sound wave was created or not, just that it can't propigate

>> No.1144448

You said both, not just one. Fuck off retard.

>> No.1144451

I haven't been arguing that, I just found the article. I think what he did wasn't wrong as they were both in the 15-19 age range. But just because I think that doesn't mean it's not against the law.

>> No.1144454

Sound requires a physical medium in which to travel.
Outer space contains matter.
Therefore sound can travel in outer space.

>> No.1144461

My god it's like talking to a bunch of retards! You can't even follow the links in my posts can you? If you did you would quickly see I am not arguing with either of you but with someone from earlier in the topic.

>> No.1144462

It can propagate, but the attenuation is so high that only extremely low frequencies propagate.

>> No.1144465

No, John, you are the retards. And then John was trolled.

>> No.1144478

I lol'd

>> No.1144485

I love it how these blatant morons invent all this stupid shit just because they think they should know it

>> No.1144488

Fuck it. Obviously the guy I was debating has left because he lost. You are impossible to talk to so I am just going to give up on this thread.

>> No.1144493

I'm still here nigger, and I haven't changed my opinion.

ephebophilia isn't the same a pedophilia just because the public is stupid

>> No.1144494


>> No.1144498

Well, that was certainly an enlightening post. I wish more people were like you.

>> No.1144500


>> No.1144503

See >>1144371

>> No.1144506

So we both agree that the general public is retarded...we're just going to have to agree to disagree on the other points.

>> No.1144515

Sigh... whatever

>> No.1144535
File: 309 KB, 916x1300, 947.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1144544

Uh guys....

You: Hey
Stranger: i want to talk with an indian
You: why?
You: whats so special and unique about indians?
Stranger: because they talk very nice
You: ...
You: you get indians who are bastards just like everyone else
You: and you get non indians who are just as nice as well
Stranger: no it is wrong
Stranger: all other country mens are bastared
You: If you really
Stranger: they talk always dirty
You: honestly believe that
You: you need raped
Stranger: from whose
You: From Cthulhu
Stranger: i want to rape u
Stranger: what is ur address
You: ...
You: kinky...
Your conversational partner has disconnected.

Why do people believe this shit?

>> No.1144554

hi 2 girls here

>> No.1144572

So many retards who answer it wrong, its mental.

>> No.1144587

it is bizarre.....

>> No.1144592 [DELETED] 

lulz i found sum child porn featuren christopeher pooolar bear hearways :tinyurl dawt com / 39poqjq

>> No.1144604
File: 6 KB, 194x160, Melt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've already been called a fucking moron for saying there is none.

Then got told to go back to school and ask my physics teacher.

A guy also said obviously there is, cause you hear it when two asteroids hit, and when asteroids hit the earth.

>> No.1144607

Stranger: hi
You: Hello.
You: Is there sound in outer space ?
Stranger: ur mom
You: This isn't sound.
You: Maybe yours is screaming ?
Stranger: ur mom is screaming
You: Dunno, headphones with maximum volume. Only can hear yours right up there.
Stranger: fk u. ur a fail... just like ur mom in bed
You: Define fail.
Stranger: u
You: Define you.
You: So you imply that I = my mom ?
Stranger: YEAH!
You: So I'm a motherfucking GOD.
You: No, you said I was my own mom. That means I'm capable of auto-duplication.
You: That means I can create matter out of nowhere.
You: = GOD.
Stranger: UR MOM IS GOD
You: Thus, I am.
You: Who needs a life when he's a god ?
You: Who have plenty :)
You: If God is stupid...
You: what are you ?
Stranger: UR MOM!
You: So you're me.
You: Incredible.
Stranger: FK U
You: I am currently chatting with myself, who is telling me I'm a MO FO BITCH, so that he's too.
You: Am I right ?
Your conversational partner has disconnected.

>> No.1144610

so turns out OP was an epic troll and the truth is that there is sound in space?

>> No.1144617



>> No.1144620
File: 42 KB, 350x218, 1269040759578.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1144630

FAIL the other guy wrote about 5 words and still managed to troll you into writing loads.

>> No.1144639 [DELETED] 

lulz i found sum child porn featuren christopeher pooolar bear hearways :tinyurl dawt com / 39poqjq

>> No.1144642 [DELETED] 

lulz i found sum child porn featuren christopeher pooolar bear hearways :tinyurl dawt com / 39poqjq

>> No.1144682

"Is there sound in space" is not really a yes/no question. You can say "no, there's nothing to vibrate" or you can say "yes, but only very low frequencies due to the sparse distribution of atoms". They're both valid answers since they *include a reason*. We can disagree with the first by using the second as a counterexample, but we can also disagree with the second by saying that such low frequencies aren't 'sound' since they fall below the accepted threshold of human hearing and are thus 'just' vibrations.

tl;dr Both yes and no are valid, given the definitions of "sound" implied by their explanations. However, "I don't believe so with the sheer compression of it all." is a pile of bullshit.

>> No.1144716
File: 64 KB, 500x333, slock.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>better education than Americans

>> No.1144738

"I don't think we ever settled whether a sound wave was created or not, just that it can't propigate"

Well sound is a wave, and waves are "...a disturbance that propagates (travels) through space and time, usually by transference of energy. " (in the words of Wikipedia). Thus, if it doesn't progagate then it isn't a wave.

As an example, a swinging pendulum in a clock is not a wave. However if you hang many pendula from a piece of string and start one of them swinging then you will get propagation of that swinging motion, and thus the pendulum is sending 'sound' down the string.

>> No.1144787

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Stranger: hello
You: hi
Stranger: asl ?
You: what would happen if i dropped a pen on the moon?
You: 17 m uk
Stranger: nothing ? it would stay were you dropped it, it's vakuum. 15 f sweden
You: nothing?
You: what do you mean?
Stranger: ingenting
Stranger: nada
You: so it would not fall to the surface of the moon?
Stranger: no
You: does the moon have not gravity?
You: *NO
Stranger: it has, but not as much as the earth
You: but if it has gravity shouldn't it fall to the moon?
Stranger: its vakuum
You: why does a vacuum have anything to do with it?

>> No.1144790

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
You: hi
Stranger: Hi.
You: what would happen if i dropped a pen on the moon?
Stranger: It'll float.
Stranger: ; )
You: why?
Stranger: We'll you just simply let it go.
Stranger: You didn't throw it anyway.
You: does the moon have gravity?
Stranger: So it won't be moving anywhere.
Stranger: I'm not sure.
Stranger: Haven't been there.
Stranger: ; )
You: if the moon has gravity shouldn't the pen fall to the surface of the moon?
Stranger: Like I've said, I'm not sure.
You: oooooooook
You have disconnected.

>> No.1144833

Stranger: asl?
You: 16 f uk
You: can I ask you a question?
Stranger: okey..
You: Is there sound in outer space?
Stranger: nope..
You: and why is this?
Stranger: becouse is u are
You: that sentence makes no sense at all
You: give me a clear answer please
Stranger: becouse of u..
You: what is that supposed to mean
Stranger: the meaning is.. the problem is in ur head..
You: No.
You: The problem is that
You: sound needs a medium of gas to move through
You: and there is no gas in space
You: so is there sound?
Stranger: wow..
Stranger: thats rights..
Stranger: where u studied?
You: what's your asl?
Stranger: 20 m bandung..
You: I've lost all hope in humanity.
You have disconnected.

>> No.1144875

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
You: hi
Stranger: hie
Stranger: asl..??
You: what would happen if you dropped a pen on the moon?
Stranger: i wont fall dumbass
You: what does that mean?
You: it* won't fall?
Stranger: moon....0 gravity..objects float
Stranger: asl..??
You: there is no gravity on the moon then?
Stranger: ofcorz...
Stranger: you dont go to school..?
You: apparently i don't
You: so you are saying it will float
Stranger: yup
You: but there IS gravity on the moon?
Stranger: who said it..??
Stranger: i my slf hav been there
You: what causes objects to fall to the earth?
Stranger: actually you are a asshole......datz y
You: so objects fall to the earth
You: because im an asshole?

>> No.1144890

You: Evolution is right. If you disconnect without saying why, you also believe that it is true also.
Stranger: why?
You: Because the evidence points to it.
Stranger: .but the Bible!
You: So?
Stranger: becauseeee!
You: There is always a why. Thinks are never just there 'Just because'.
Stranger: well thats just your opinion
You: Because you want to believe that, that is why.

I fail to see these things as people anymore.

>> No.1144892

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
You: hi
Stranger: hello looking for a potter fan
You: harry potter?
Stranger: yup
You: yea, I've read all of the books
You: what was your favorite part?
You: I personally loved all of it
Stranger: its so good its hard to choose one part
You: Want to know my favorite part? it is a bit embarressing
Stranger: ok tell
You: Ok, you gotta let me type all of it, I'll say finished
You: you can't reply until I say finished!
Stranger: kk
You: ok
You: I'm starting
You: Remember when Ron had the cocaine problem and Hermoine got worried and went to Harry for help
You: then Harry raped Herm and then killed Ron with an AK
You: finished
Stranger: uhhhhhhh ur a dick
You: Say, do you think there is any sound in space?
Stranger: nope
You: Because there is no matter in space right? that allows sound to be transmitted
Stranger: yes idiot
You: Proove it
You: Its like saying evolution is real, but like
Stranger: go to the NASA web site
You: Harry potter said evolution is for queerfucks
You: and that is the word of god
You: I bet I could transmit data faster than light
Stranger: uhhh ur kinda stupid
You: just take like a 6 lightyear long pole and push it back and forth
Stranger: like a dick
You: my dick
You: oh wait I haven't got a dick
You: teehee n_n;
Stranger: ur a girl????
You: ofc u dummy
You: I only use apple products because they're way better than linux
You: but my mac is lagging for some reason
You: its being slow :[
Your conversational partner has disconnected.

>> No.1144895
File: 13 KB, 468x425, 1272894350448.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This thread


>> No.1144915

sound can travel through any medium, solids and liquids included

>> No.1144923

You: What is the largest known star?
Stranger: VY Canis Majoris
You: Oh
You: my
You: god.
You: I love you.
Stranger: Between 1800 & 2100 solar radii
You: I wish you were a woman so I wouldn't feel so gay for loving you.
Stranger: lol
Stranger: I apologize for being born with male genetalia.
You: Cool story bro.
You have disconnected.

>> No.1144930

You: Please enter a valid creditcard number to continue.
Stranger: hii
You: Please enter a valid creditcard number to continue.
Stranger: fuck you
You: Please enter a valid creditcard number to continue.
Stranger: 12345684123*** fuck tou
You: Please enter a valid creditcard number to continue.
Stranger: 1524632********
You: Please enter a valid creditcard number to continue.
Stranger: fuck you
You: Please enter a valid creditcard number to continue.
Stranger: haker
You: Please enter a valid creditcard number to continue.
Your conversational partner has disconnected.

>> No.1144932

Stranger: hi. horny 18 year old male looking for girl with pics or cam to trade
You: Is there sound in space?
Your conversational partner has disconnected.

>> No.1144934


>> No.1144937

You: Is there sound in space?
Stranger: yes
You: Explain.
Stranger: roaring flames on stars (the sun)
Stranger: and when astronauts go they can hear
You: Where did you read that?
Stranger: nowhere
Stranger: common sense
You: Do you understand how sound works?
Stranger: hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
Stranger: im having second thoughts actually
Stranger: since there is no air
Stranger: and sound travels through air
You: YES

There is hope for us all, /sci/.

>> No.1144939

You: There is nothing wrong with homosexuality.
Stranger: its very WROONG!!
You: Not logicly. Explain.
You: Also, you can not use the bible in your explanaiton.
You: Nor can you use god.
Stranger: U r crazy!!!
You: You are the mentaliy unstalbe one.
You: Explain how a man loving a man in a sexual way is wrong.
You: Or a woman doing the same.
Stranger: wat ever!!!!
Stranger: but I think its very very wrong
You: Explain, conservitive cancer scum.
Stranger: Its not good
You: What is your logic?
You: How do you explain that?
You: Also, if you disconect in a rage, I win.
Stranger: I must go... but u can add me in my facebook... hisakata chan,,,and we can talk bout it in my FB
Stranger: okay
Stranger: deal?
You: I don't use facebook.
You: Also, I win,
Stranger: shit!!! wat ever....do u hve yahoo??? U win in ur eyes!!!
You: No, I win logicly.
Stranger: if u dont hve yahoo.... u r lose!!!
Stranger: LOOSER!!
You: God said I win.
You: You're the one raging right now.
Stranger: god!!!
Stranger: who is ur god??
Stranger: hah!!!
You: That's me, what?
You: I'm god.
You: And I'm telling you, I made homosexuality because I love lesbians.
You: And gay men make better uncles.
Stranger: wat do u feel if u r become lesbians???
You: Also, global warming will start the next ice age.
Stranger: it's dat fun?
You: I wouldn't feel any different.
Stranger: r u f? or m?
You: Not relivant.
Stranger: I'm serious!!
You: Gender is meaningless.
Stranger: gender is meaningmore!!
You: No it is not.
You: Explain how it is.
Stranger: thinking by ur self if u have BRAIN!!!
Stranger: DO U HAVE BRAIN?
You: I do.
You: You do not it would seem.
You: Explain how gender is anything other than an idea.
You: You seem to be confusing the minor biological differences of sex with gender.
Stranger: I like a male...AND I'm a normal person not like u!!!
You: You are not normal.
Your conversational partner has disconnected.

>> No.1144942

hurr durr tree in a forest

Stranger: hi
You: Is there sound in space?
Stranger: yes
You: why
Stranger: because there is sound everywhere
Stranger: even if we cannot hear it
You: But there is no medium for hte sound to travel through
You: *the
Stranger: nonetheless it still exists
Stranger: the only reason we dont hear it is because of that medium
Stranger: just because we cant experience something doesnt mean it isnt there
You: But sound is defined as waves travelling through a medium. Without the medium, there are no waves
Stranger: hmm
Stranger: but the waves still exist
You: Just to let you know, the answer is no.
You: good day

>> No.1144946


Stranger: heyy
You: Do you know what dihydrogen monoxide is?
Stranger: noo, but i could look it up=/
You: It's found in pesticides, it's used with necular waste,
You: And now it's in our foods.
You: It's fatal if inhaled.
Stranger: hmm, thats like deadly
You: It can even kill people if too much is in their system.
You: Does it sound like something that should be banned?
Stranger: well yeahhh! i would think so
You: So you want to ban water?
Stranger: what?? you said it was in foods!
You: It is.
Stranger: ...
You: Water is found in foods.
You: How else do you think brownies become moist, or plants grow?
Stranger: but we cant ban WATER!
You: But you just said we should.
Stranger: a person cant go 7 days without water!
You: Even though it's deadly if you drink too much, or inhale it.
You: Now why would you want to ban water?
Stranger: well i would rather live a little longer why drinking water than totally banning it
Stranger: i'll talk to u wen u get ur fact straight!
Your conversational partner has disconnected.

>> No.1144949

wow... someone on 4chan understands the difference between sex and gender? I am impress

>> No.1144951

You: Do you think chemicals are bad?
Stranger: yeah do you?
You: Then water is bad?
Stranger: no that is the most ridiculous statement ive ever heard
You: Water is a chemical.
You: By your logic, that means it's bad.
Stranger: no youre wrong
Stranger: sorry
Your conversational partner has disconnected.

>> No.1144954


You: Name the function of the kidneys.
Stranger: To process food.
You: What.
You: Why would you think that?
You: How could they even do that ever?
Your conversational partner has disconnected.

>> No.1144956

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
You: Is there sound in space?
Stranger: of course there is!
You: How can you be so sure? :O
Stranger: cause im from austria and i learnt it in university!?
You: But if there's no medium for the wave to propagate through then transmission of vibrations that we interpret as sound cannot occur D:
Stranger: 3
Your conversational partner has disconnected.

>> No.1144957

This raises a question.

Can sound propagate through a plasma?

>> No.1144964



>> No.1144965

You: Can you light a match in space?
Stranger: No?
You: why
Stranger: Coz..
Stranger: Coz you cant
You: Lol but why can't you?
You: it's not full of water
Stranger: Coz......Its not full of air?
You: Good. :)
You: you "pass"

>> No.1144969

why? too disorganized or too high energy?

>> No.1144971

who wants to talk to her?

>> No.1144975

Stranger: hi
You: Hi
Stranger: aslß
You: 14/f/cali
You: is there sound in space?
Stranger: no
Stranger: can yiou send me a pic from you?

Haha, oh wow.

>> No.1144978


What? Is that her?

And how did you find that?

>> No.1144988

1 in 7 chance, but she has a hot pic on her facebook, so must be her rite?

>> No.1144990

Yes it can. Sound is nothing more than a pressure gradient.

>> No.1144995

> implying you didn't just get trolled with the force of six thousand ass rapings

>> No.1144998

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
You: What function to do the kidneys serve?
Stranger: They help you pee.
You: good

>> No.1145003

You: hi
Stranger: Hi
You: is there sound in outer space?
Stranger: Idk.y?

>> No.1145018
File: 41 KB, 800x533, SWEET JESUS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stranger: hi
You: Evolution is true. If you agree, disconnect.
Stranger: no
You: Explain why.
Stranger: u wont get tht
You: I will.
Stranger: asl
You: Tell me why you disagree with facts first.
Stranger: its modification
Stranger: nt evolution
You: Evolution is modification.
Stranger: no
You: How so?
Stranger: u know
Stranger: like gaming?
You: Evolution is modifacaiton through nature.
Stranger: computer gaming?
You: It's the same thing.
Stranger: modification represents small changes
You: That is evolution.
Stranger: but evolution is different
You: How so?
Stranger: f/m?
Stranger: first
You: How is evolution different from modifacaiton?
Stranger: f/m?
You: Neither. Not relevant to the argument.
Stranger: hv big boobs/ dick???
You: Irrelevant.
Stranger: evolution will come to tht
Stranger: tell
You: Neither.
Stranger: small??
Stranger: getting erected is modification and having sex is evolution
You: I have no reproductive organs or secondary sexual characteristics.
You: No.
You: That is not how it works.
You: Evolution is change in a species over time.
Stranger: r u biologist???
You: No.
Stranger: or mad?
You: Neither.
Stranger: wht then?
You: What 'what' then?
Stranger: ur country
You: Irrelevant.
You: Do you now understand evolution?
Stranger: no
Stranger: u explain
Stranger: will get it better then
You: Evolution is the change in the inherited traits of a population of organisms through successive generations.
You: Do you now understand?
You: Understand?

>> No.1145023

Another proof scandinavians are smart!

You: 56/m/ghana
Stranger: 17 f finland
You: is there sound in space?
Stranger: no
You: good, thank you!
Stranger: any more questions?
You: no, I wanted to disconnect but it asks "really?" and i didnt realize
You: sry lulz
You have disconnected.

>> No.1145036

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Stranger: i
You: Science test: If you are on the moon and have a rock in your hand and let go of it, what happens?
Stranger: it will float..
You: why
Stranger: bcoz there are no gravity at there..
You: But all mass has gravity
Stranger: the gravity is low
You: Answer: it falls to the ground, but slower than on earth

>> No.1145046
File: 79 KB, 554x407, 1251011150492.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You: If a pen is dropped on a moon, will it:
A) Float away
B) Float where it is
C) Fall to the surface of the moon
Stranger: I love you
You: I love you too, sweetybuns.
You: Now, do you know the answer?
Stranger: a?
You: Why?
Stranger: No particles in space.
You: There are particles in space.
You: And what does that have to do with gravity?
Stranger: Obviously gravity plays a part. But it's a well known fact that there's no gravity on the moon
Stranger: Or little gravity...
Stranger: Less than Earth anyway
You: 1/6th the earth's.
You: The right awnser is C.
Stranger: The gravity is strong enough to have an effect on something that has as small of a mass as a pen?
You: There would be no other forces acting on the pen.
You: Thus, it would fall.
Stranger: Okay.
Stranger: Thanks for telling me that my physics teacher is wrong
Stranger: Bravo
You: If he said there's no gravity on the moon, he's no physics teacher.
Stranger: He didn't say there was no gravity.
Stranger: Don't assume things.
Stranger: YOU DON'T KNOW MY LIFE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
You: I'm assuming you go or went to a public school.
Your conversational partner has disconnected.

>> No.1145052

Stranger: Hello Kitty
You: How does the sun burn if there is no oxygen in space?
Stranger: ummmmmmmmm
Stranger: Hydrogen
You: But you need oxygen to burn hydrogen. It makes water when you do
Stranger: are you scientist?
You: ye
You: yes
Stranger: oh~~

>> No.1145056

>The gravity is strong enough to have an effect on something that has as small of a mass as a pen?

Oh My God

>> No.1145058

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
You: Hi
Stranger: hey
Stranger: i'm male
You: f
Stranger: where are you from?
You: Ausfalia
You: Is there sound in space?
Stranger: no
You: how come?
Stranger: there's no air which could "transmit" it
You: and what about that dihydrogen monoxide in that Gulf of Mexico, how do you feel about it?
Stranger: you mean the oil?
You: no, there's something mixed with it, dihydrogen monoxide, but I don't know what it is, they say it kills you..
Stranger: hm, i don't know either. but this whole catastrophe is pretty bad
Stranger: i wonder what the long term effects will be
You: that dihydrogen monoxide kills everyone, not good!
Stranger: indeed
Stranger: what do you do?
You: cry
You: cry like a baby
Stranger: haha
Stranger: i rather mean what do you do for a living etc...?
You: noothing realy, just fucking up some people on omegle.. dihydrogen monoxide, for fucks sake, it's H2O, water ;) that's not going to kill you
Stranger: o right
Stranger: my knowledge of the english language is sometimes lacking, especially when it comes to scientific terms
You: Right ;)
Stranger: i think i might go to the beergarden now and have a nice cold glass of bavarian beer
You: bye!
Stranger: bye
Your conversational partner has disconnected.

>> No.1145059
File: 844 KB, 998x545, 1254021195459.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You: If a pen is dropped on a moon, will it:
A) Float away
B) Float where it is
C) Fall to the surface of the moon
Stranger: a
You: Why do you say that?
Stranger: Because its the move
You: Incorrect.
You: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-4_rceVPVSY
You: The video contains the awnser.
Stranger: ok say ugly shit bag
You: Ugly shit bag, now what?
Stranger: ur not real r u
You: I am indeed real.
You: As real as the gravitaitonal force of the moon.
Stranger: well i don't think you are bitch
You: Why not?
Stranger: cause who can type that fast and if you are then say something stupid
You: I will not.
You: Why would I?
You: Also, no bot has this much intelegence.
Stranger: thats not stupid
You: I have no reason to say anything stupud.
Stranger: thats not stupid either
You: What are you implyinh?
Stranger: ya i can tell you are fake
You: Are you implying I am not human?
Stranger: yes yeas i am are you a girl or a boy
Stranger: or he she
You: My gender is not relevant to the conversation.
You: Nor is yours.
Stranger: ok i belive you
Stranger: how old are you
You: Nor is that relevant.
You: Nor is my geographical location.
Stranger: how
You: There is no reason for it to be.
Stranger: ok now i think your fake
You: In what way?
You: There are no A.I.s that have this level of comprehension.
You: Nor flexibility.
Stranger: ok disconnect please you are boring
You: I have no reason to.
Stranger: pickle
You: Vlasic pickle.
Your conversational partner has disconnected.

Remember kids, if you can type above 50 WPM, you're a robot.

>> No.1145062

You: How does the sun burn if there is no oxygen in space?
Stranger: heat doesnt travel on oxygen you idiot
You: But what causes the heat?
Stranger: the fucking sun!
You: Yes, but what causes the sun to be hot?
Stranger: God
You: Is it burning?
Stranger: yes
You: But there's no oxygen to make it burn
Stranger: this is pointless. it's up there burning. are you trying to say that it doesnt burn? because if so, youre an idiot.
You: Yes, I am saying it doesn't burn. It's something else... I am trying to see if you know what it is
Stranger: nope
Stranger: you should go to school
You: It's a nuclear reaction. Nuclear fusion.
Stranger: and learn something
You: I am in grad school
Stranger: read the bible homie

>> No.1145065

You: How does the sun burn if there is no oxygen in space?
Stranger: hi
Stranger: its a star dickhead, its plasma


>> No.1145066
File: 73 KB, 500x605, dumbpiphany.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This thread makes me depressed and feel detached from the human race.

>> No.1145069
File: 39 KB, 469x428, trollface.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>read the bible homie

>> No.1145074

smartasses on online chats: the board

>> No.1145089

Stranger: hello
You: Why is the sun hot?
Stranger: because it is a gas giant.
You: and... being full of gas makes it hot?
You: Jupiter is a gas giant
You: it isn't hot
Stranger: well jupiter is not burning ;)
You: But how is it burning if there is no oxygen?
Stranger: is there oxygen in our planets core? no
Stranger: same thing for the sun.
You: Our planet isn't burning
You: and it's not a gas giant
Stranger: our core is.
Stranger: our core is hotter than the surface of the sun.
You: Our core is hot due to pressure.
Stranger: indeed.
You: But why is the sun hot?
Stranger: hmm
Stranger: why are all stars hot?
You: That's what I'm asking
You: Want the answer?
Stranger: i do not know
You: It's plasma from a nuclear reaction. The sun is a nuclear fusion furnace.
Stranger: duh
Stranger: fusion
Stranger: not fission
Stranger: :P
You: I said fusion
Stranger: i know
Stranger: and i said its not fission
You: Um ok... was that just you talking to yourself?
Stranger: no
Stranger: ;)
You: Fusion is the combination of atoms to create larger ones. Fission is the splitting of atoms to create smaller ones
Stranger: yes i know that.
You: Okay then we agree
You: Have a good day
Stranger: you too.

>> No.1145092

>Stranger: read the bible homie

Oh Goddamn. This thread is hilarious.

>> No.1145101

Stranger: hey
You: Science time! Why is the sun hot?
Stranger: bcoz
You: Because ...
Stranger: bcoz its jealous of moon
Stranger: LOL
You: Heh, but seriously
You: I mean, there's no oxygen in space... it can't burn
Stranger: its bcoz of
Stranger: nuclear fusion rctn
You: yes
Stranger: b/w h
You: thank god
You: someone got it right
You: have a good day sir/ma'am

>> No.1145102

>read the bible homie

>> No.1145103

You: Is there sound in outer space?
Stranger: i dont know
Stranger: i dont think so
Stranger: maybe of asteroids
You: ok thnx
You have disconnected.

>> No.1145125

>This thread

>> No.1145131

You: Science time! Why is the sun hot?
Stranger: all that matter burning?!
Stranger: i dunno
You: But you need oxygen to burn something
Stranger: hmm ok
Stranger: chemical reactions create heat?
You: it's a nuclear fusion reaction. Have a good day.
Stranger: cheers!

>> No.1145136

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
You: Is there sound in outer space?
Stranger: asl?
Stranger: what do u mean
You: Simple question
You: Is there sound in outer space?
Stranger: u mean presence of alleins
You: No
You: Sound
Stranger: sorry i cant undrstand
You: What you hear
You: You know
Stranger: nothing
You: GOD
You have disconnected.

>> No.1145138

lulz i found sum child porn featuren christopeher pooolar bear hearways :tinyurl dawt com / 39poqjq

>> No.1145140


What a pleasant exchange.

>> No.1145147

Stranger: Dad I am Homosex
You: Hello, I am doing research to test the scientific knowledge of people on Ome gle.

Is there sound in outer space?
Stranger: no
You: son i am disappoint
You: why not?
Stranger: because
Stranger: all the ne wfags ate it
You: ne wfags can't ...
Stranger: no but srsly
Stranger: there is no sound
You: why not?
You: /sci/ wants to know
Stranger: i didn't pay attention in class
Stranger: but there is no sound
Stranger: no oxygen
Stranger: no air
You: Well at least you know the answer. It's because there is no medium through which it can travel
You: right
Stranger: the sound
Stranger: it can't travel
Stranger: i was gonna say that
Stranger: lol
You: well done.
You: cock mon gler and all that
You: tootles

>> No.1145154

"Is there sound in outer space?

>> No.1145155

You: Is there sound in outer space?
Stranger: /b/rother?
You: /b/rother!!! :D
Stranger: SCIENDE
You: Screencap
Stranger: hold on gettting one too this is too epic
You: saved

>> No.1145156


Suddenly, a challenger appears.

>> No.1145158

Stranger: hi
You: is there sound in outer space
Stranger: hmm
Stranger: i thinkyes
You: why
Stranger: because sound can heard in outer space
Stranger: lol
You: but sound waves need to travel through air
Stranger: oh yes i remember
You: social experiement
Stranger: ok
You: thanks for your cooperation

>> No.1145160

You: Is there sound in outer space?
Stranger: Nope
Stranger: only if u believe star wars
You: WUT? starwars?
Stranger: yes
You: what does star wars have to do with sound in outerspace?
Stranger: they have the pew pew sounds in the movies
You: lawl
You: u have a point

>> No.1145164

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
You: Hi
Stranger: 21 f usa
Stranger: u
You: Who is the greatest scientist?
Your conversational partner has disconnected.

I'm not sure I'm good at this

>> No.1145166
File: 72 KB, 385x339, 1270701615429.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1145171

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
You: is there sound in space?
Stranger: prob
You: can you answer with yes or no please?
Stranger: yes
Stranger: jesus
You: how so?
Stranger: how would i know?
You: I like your answer. That is all
You have disconnected.

>> No.1145172
File: 37 KB, 333x500, Face - Fence.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You: Hello, I am doing research to test the scientific knowledge of people on Omegle.

Is there sound in outer space?
Stranger: yea
You: Why
Stranger: because idk. i jus think their might be
You: What's your logic for it?
Stranger: next question
You: Why is the sun hot
Stranger: idk
Stranger: next question
Stranger: and easy one
You: If you are holding a rock in your hand on the moon and let go, what happens?
Stranger: it floats up
You: Why
Stranger: because theres no gravity
You: then how did the astronauts land on it?
Stranger: becaus eof the weight of the shuttle ?
You: I really hope you are in high school. Please pay attention in your science classes. There is gravity on the moon. The rock would drop, but slower than on earth
Stranger: okay. ill pay attention next time. i promise

>> No.1145176
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>> No.1145177

I lol'd

>> No.1145179

You: Is there sound in outer space?
Stranger: does the pope rape kiddies?
You: no.
Stranger: well theres your answer
You: great!
You: you passed the test
You: have a nice day
Stranger: 4chan ftw
You: brofist
Stranger: fucking scitard
Stranger: yeah

>> No.1145195


Hahah. Called out.

>> No.1145197

>Stranger: does the pope rape kiddies?


>> No.1145199
File: 58 KB, 246x212, Rage - 08.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stranger: hey
You: Hello, I am doing research to test the scientific knowledge of people on Omegle.
You: If you are holding a rock in your hand on the moon and let go, what happens?
Stranger: nothing
You: Why?
Stranger: becuse its no gravity
You: Then how did the astronauts land on the moon?
Stranger: with a rocket
Stranger: i´m not born yesterday
You: But wouldn't they have flown away when they tried to walk if there was no gravity?

>> No.1145204

>You: Sound is a wave that radiates though out gas.

Not only gas.

>> No.1145216

I just met a guy who not only knew the sound and dropping a pen on the moon question, but began to ask me about non-newtonian fluids. I love him.

>> No.1145220

there is sound in space, just very little of it and not over long distances. in the centre of the sun you could hear sound as long as you weren't instantly incinerated/crushed

>> No.1145222
File: 123 KB, 457x457, advice duck..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

go to omegle, ask basic maths question, pretend like you don't understand, post results.

Like this:

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Stranger: hi, 16 f usa, not horny are you ok with that?
You: yeah fine
You: i just need to know
You: how to i work out the space inside a circle?
You: all i've got is this line across the middle
You: which is '8cm'
Stranger: find the area of a sphere?
Stranger: or just a flat circle
You: it's like a flat round shape
Stranger: ok
You: the question is
You: 'find the area of the circle'
Stranger: ok
Stranger: the formula is (pi) (radius)^2
You: pi?
Stranger: so if the diameter is 8 the radius is 4
You: why?
Stranger: square 4 to make 16
Stranger: then multiply by pi
You: it's acircle not a square
Stranger: 3.14159
You: huh?
You: is that the answer?
Stranger: alright your not funny
You: you're*
Stranger: yes thats right
You: that's*
Stranger: fu

>> No.1145226

You can also hear sounds on earth, which is part of space. I'm not sure you really get the point.

>> No.1145244

lol no, the sublunar sphere is not part of space you retard

>> No.1145251

/sci/ we need to do this scientifically.

Writing abstract, will bbl, probably with a new thread

>> No.1145261

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Stranger: howdy
You: hi!
Stranger: whats up
You: well haven't seen any mudkipz lately......:(
Stranger: me either
You: so I herd u leik Mudkipz
Stranger: yes i do
Stranger: there awesome
Stranger: i have 3
You: i wuv you!
Stranger: awwww i love you too
Stranger: where have you been all my life
You: i was hunting the same mudkipz as you
Stranger: bitch you better leave my mudkips alone
You: are you a wizard?
Stranger: no warlock
You: o rly?
Stranger: indeed
You: son i am dissapoint!
Stranger: why
You: how can you believe in magic if it is just a theory ? (a geuss)
Stranger: its easy
Stranger: just believe like a child
You: so how do fucking magnets work?
Stranger: i dont kno
Stranger: their crazy
You: oh yes, probably that the iron mined to make these magnets still retain the Earth's gravity in them
Stranger: thats a good guess, i was gonna say because of the blueberry pancakes
You: I'd have said Mudkips but it would have been to unrealistic
You: there are not enough Mudkips in an iron bar for it to be magnetic
Stranger: i just found out what a mudkip is
Stranger: i had to google it
Stranger: whats the point of them
You: Do you know the game "Battletoads"?
Stranger: nope i do not
You: go look it upm, it wil all make sense
You: *will
Stranger: so like ninja turtles?
You: sort of, yes
Stranger: i see
You: THey're quite popular in my town - Ever heard of Bel-Air?
Stranger: yes i have when i was a young child
Stranger: i thnk i might have went there once
You: I have a story about it I can tell you : It is ny arrival in that town
You: *my
Stranger: asl?
The rest in next post.

>> No.1145265

You: Now this is a story, all about how my life got flipped - turned upside down,
And i'd like to take a minute,
just sit right there,
I'll tell you howI became the prince of a town called Bel-Air

In West Philadelphia,
born an' raised,
on the playground is where i spent mosta my days,
Chillin out, maxin', relaxin' all cool,
An' all shootin some B-ball outside of the school,
When a couple o' guys who were up to no good,
Started makin' trouble in my neighbourhood,
I got in one little fight and my mom got scared,
She said 'You're movin with your auntie and uncle in Bel-Air!'

I begged and pleaded with her day after day,but
she packed my suitcase and sent me on my way
She gave me a kiss and then she gave me my ticket
I put my walkman on and saig 'I´d might as well kickin'
First class, 'Yo, this is bad' drinkin orange juice out of a champange glass
'Is this what the people of Bel Air live like?'
'Hmm.. this might be allright!'
The way I´d hear the percy, boots white and all
I had to sit as I have a place of they just in this school cat
'I don´t think so', 'I see what i get there'
I hope they´re prepared for the Prince of Bel Air!

Well I, tha plain land and when I came out
there was a dude look like a cop standin' there with my name out
'I ain´t trying to get arrested yet, 'I just got here'
I sprang with the quickness like light has disappeared

I whistled for a cab and when i came near,
The license plate said 'Fresh',
And had dice in the mirror,
If anything i could say that this cab was rare,
But I thought 'Nah, forget it - Yo, home to Bel-Air!'

I pulled up to the house at bout seven or eight,
I yelled to the cabbie 'Yo home, smell ya later!'
I looked at my kingdom,
I was finally there!
To sit on my throne as the prince of Bel-Air!
You: You just lost the game.
Stranger: oh ok
Stranger: im sorry
Your conversational partner has disconnected.

>> No.1145277

Can you make a new thread to sort methodology before you write it?

>> No.1145282

You: Is there sound in outer space?
Stranger: hi
Stranger: yea
Stranger: it is
Stranger: 你好嗎 哈哈 我是陌生人
Stranger: can you understand aliean?
You: I can understand alien. Dont know what your trying to spell
Your conversational partner has disconnected.

>> No.1145295

Stranger: :)
You: Why does the sun burn?
Stranger: beacouse i m beauitiful
Stranger: lo;
Stranger: lol
You: Define beautiful
You: And what does your beauty has to do with the sun burning. There is no logic connection
Stranger: kidding
You: Would you please answer
Stranger: u can ask Einstein
Stranger: but
You: Einstein is dead
Stranger: haha
You: It's not a fucking hard question
Stranger: find the answer from book kid~
You: Why? Why can't you answer the question yourself?
Stranger: 去你嗎
Stranger: 吃屎
You: 没有你
Stranger: 你是大陸人
You: 答案
Stranger: 是吧
Stranger: 呵呵呵
You: 而且没有我不
You: 是不是一个有效的答案,为什么太阳灼伤
Stranger: 我不相信你不知道
Stranger: 奘傻
You: And stop speaking chinese, speak english again
You: What is wrong with you?
You: Calling me fat does not answer the question
You: If this question is too hard for you
You: Let me ask you another one
You: Is there sound in space?
Stranger: Idiot
You: "Idiot" is not an answer

>> No.1145347

`Couldn't be the answer hydrogen?

>> No.1145350

>Stranger: two girls here
>Stranger: Katie 17 f
>Stranger: and Amy 19 f
>Stranger: we have a website
Is anyone else getting this spam all the time?

>> No.1145361

I lold

>> No.1145370

Stranger: ask me any 5 questions you like (19 m england)
You: Hey
You: Alright
You: How does the sun burn if theres no oxygen in outer space
Stranger: has its own fuel...nuclear fusion
You: Good
You: What would happen if you let go of a hammer on the moon?
Stranger: well since gravity is approx a tenth of the force as it is here, youd expect it to float a bit
Stranger: then hit the ground
You: Good
You: Is there sound in space
Stranger: nah its a vacuum
You: Good
You: Dihydrogen monoxide is deadly, should it be banned?
Stranger: no mate, its water
You: Good
You: How does magnets work?
Stranger: How do magnets work?*
You: Yes, exactly
Stranger: polarity
You: explain
Stranger: ok...less clear on this one as have forgotten most of it...basically opposite poles attract...electrons attracted to protons
You: wrong
You: However
You: you answered 4 out of 5 questions correctly. I have gained faith in humanity once again
You: have a good life

>> No.1145377

spiffing plan, will do and bbs

>> No.1145379

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Stranger: hi
You: hi
You: Are you a wizard?
Stranger: yes:)
You: Then do you know how the sun burns?
Your conversational partner has disconnected.

>> No.1145380

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Stranger: hey
Stranger: asl
You: why do i have hair?
You: but only on my head?
Stranger: umm
Stranger: u dont have hair anywhere else
You: well no
You: no one does
Stranger: i dont think thats possible
Stranger: are u human
You: of course
You: but i have long hair on my head
You: but why?
You: animals are hairy all over
Stranger: everone have hair elsewhere
Stranger: even human
You: gross
Stranger: wats ur age?
You: i am 12
You: you?
Stranger: ohh
Stranger: sorry
Stranger: i am 21 years
You: and you have hair all over?
Stranger: not like taht
Stranger: hey
Stranger: do u have skype/msn
You: i have msn
You: why
Stranger: i want to talk to u htte
Stranger: there
You: fuck off pedo
You have disconnected.
or switch to video or send us feedback
Was this conversation great? Share the log on Facebook or download it!

>> No.1145389

You: Hello, I am doing research to test the scientific knowledge of people on Omegle.
You: How does the sun burn if there is no oxygen in space?
Stranger: okay
Stranger: hmm
Stranger: i think
Stranger: oxygen is easy to burn right?
Stranger: so if nothing oxygen
You: You need oxygen to burn.
You: There's no oxygen in space, yet the sun burns.
Stranger: sun cannot burn
Stranger: sun burns cause big bang
Stranger: right?
You: Where does the heat come from then?
Stranger: yeah sometimes science cant explain that
You: It does, because I know the answer.
Stranger: God can do everuthing :)
Stranger: why?
You: Evolution can do everything.
You: Now sir, please answer my question.
Stranger: what?
You: It's simple science
You: How does the sun burn if there is no oxygen in space?
Stranger: iam not sir iam a girl
You: Same thing, please answer my question.
Stranger: i dont know the real answer
Stranger: iam not scientist
You: Nuclear fusion.
Stranger: ow
Stranger: is nuclear fusion give oxygen?
You: No, magic.
Stranger: hmm
Stranger: maybe it can learned how can that happen
You: I already taught you: Magic.
Stranger: magic?
Stranger: dont u believe God?
You: Yes, nuclear fusion happens by magic.
You: And sun burns by nuclear fusion.
You: No, I believe in wizards.
Stranger: it happen because of God :)
You: No, because of wizards.
Your conversational partner has disconnected.

>> No.1145392

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
You: Hi
Stranger: hey
You: Are you a wizard
Stranger: yes
You: Then can you tell me how the sun burns?
Stranger: yes by.......fuck off weirdo
Your conversational partner has disconnected.

>> No.1145403
File: 34 KB, 512x413, Face - 11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You: Hello, I am doing research to test the scientific knowledge of people on Omegle.
If you are holding a rock in your hand on the moon and let go, what happens?
Stranger: ello
Stranger: the rock would "fall" to the moons surface with the speed of the moons gravitational pull
You: thank god
You: you are a breath of fresh air in this miasma of ignorance
You: keep up the good work
Stranger: what do people normally answer?
Stranger: it floats?
You: it floats away
Stranger: let me guess
You: then i bring up astronauts landing on the moon... and they don't get it
Stranger: there is no gravity on the moon
You: "there's no gravity on the moon"
You: yes
You: Want anoterh question?
You: *another
Stranger: that's what i was thinking as well...
Stranger: oh sure
Stranger: kinda stupid
You: Is there sound in space?
Stranger: there is
Stranger: but!
You: go on
Stranger: there is no medium to transmit it
Stranger: or
You: you are right
Stranger: it is very limited
You: 2 for 2
You: last one
You: well
You: There is no sound in space really... no medium like you say...
You: Last one... why is the sun hot?
Stranger: nuclear fusion!
Stranger: creates enourmous amounts of energy
You: Thank you!
You: Feel proud!
Stranger: what do other people say?
You: for the sun?
Stranger: it a ball of fire?
You: It "burns"
You: or "chemical reaction" or "god"
Stranger: *facepalm*
You: seriously... "god"
Stranger: god needs a light as well...
You: /sci/ thanks you
You: have a good day good sir/ma'am
Stranger: for his sigaret
Stranger: that's where clouds come from :P
Stranger: same too you
You: Lol

>> No.1145415

You: If i finger myself in space, will there be a squirting sound?
Stranger: how can you finger yourself in space ?

>> No.1145420

Stranger: hey
You: How does the sun burn
Stranger: asl?
Stranger: really hot
You: what
You: Anyways
Stranger: ur asl pls?
You: I got this square, I know 2 sides, but i dont know how to find the total area of it :(
You: 16 f uk
You: Could you help me please?
Stranger: ya i can help
Stranger: tell what can i do?
You: I only know the 2 sides length , 2 and 2 :(
Stranger: k
You: I heard i should use something called pi?
You: and pythagoras?
Stranger: pi means 22/7
You: So how do I use pi to find the area of the square
Stranger: (side) sqare muliplied by pi
Stranger: muliplied by pi
Stranger: got it
Stranger: ?
You: hmm?
Stranger: side*side*piarea
Stranger: =
Stranger: area
You: So what is the total area? I havnt got a calculator
Stranger: side*side*pi+=area
Stranger: waut
Stranger: wait
Stranger: 12.52
Stranger: k\
Stranger: ?
Stranger: ?
You: Alright thanks (:
Stranger: ok what do u do dear?
You: Laughing at your math skills
Stranger: why?
You: You clearly have no idea what you are doing
Stranger: how do u say so?
You: How old are you?
Stranger: 14
Stranger: u?
You: Holy shit
You: Ask your fucking teacher for help

>> No.1145425


>> No.1145433


I'm speechless. A fourteen year old kid, unable to work out the area of a square.

>> No.1145435

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
You: Hello, I am doing research to test the scientific knowledge of people on Omegle.
You: How does the sun burn if there is no oxygen in space?
Stranger: cos the magic of L space
Stranger: the last person who asked me that question was very rude!
Your conversational partner has disconnected.

>> No.1145453

You: hi
Stranger: Hey
You: I am doing research to test the scientific knowledge of people on Omegle.
If you are holding a rock in your hand on the moon and let go, what happens?
Stranger: Asl?
Stranger: It's float
You: Why is that?
Stranger: There's zero gravity
You: How did the astronauts land on the moon then?
Stranger: They didn't, if you look at the pictures they're floating dumbass

>> No.1145461
File: 56 KB, 213x111, 1252558783421.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


ooh, I look all official now

Get in here chaps, we have science to do

>> No.1145464

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
You: hi
Stranger: hey
You: cool story
You: is there sound in outer space?
Stranger: no
You: why not?
Stranger: i dont know
You: then how do you know?
Stranger: WOOW WOOOW
You: but why isn't there any sound?
Stranger: thats a cool song
Stranger: =)
You: how does the sun burn without oxygen?
Stranger: its cool like that
Stranger: are you cool?
You: my mom says i am
Stranger: ok
Stranger: well i take that as a hell yesss
Your conversational partner has disconnected.

>> No.1145465

You: hi
Stranger: hello
You: I am doing research to test the scientific knowledge of people on Omegle.
If you are holding a rock in your hand on the moon and let go, what happens?
Stranger: it doesn't go anywhere
You: Why is that?
Stranger: becouse there is no gravity
You: How does the moon affect the tides if it doesn't have any gravity?
Stranger: idk
You: It does have gravity
Stranger: well
Stranger: little
You: The rock falls, but slower than on earth
Stranger: gravity
Stranger: lol
Stranger: that's what I said
You: sure you did
Stranger: that's what I ment

>> No.1145469

Stranger: hey
You: Hello
Stranger: asl please
You: No u
Stranger: 24/f
Stranger: you?
You: I will give you my msn adress if you can tell me how the sun burns ;)
Stranger: I'm not to sure I want your msn
You: Then just tell me how the sun burns
Stranger: I'm not helping you with your homework:D
You: This is not homework
Stranger: you will never learn that way
You: I already know the answer
You: I'm wondering if you do
Stranger: I older than you so of course
You: How old am I?
Stranger: hmmm.... 18
You: Wrong
You: Now answer my question
Stranger: first tell me how old you are
You: That is not relevant to why the sun burns
Stranger: please and then I will tell you
You: My age is between 0 and 100
You: now answer
Stranger: first your age then I will answer
You: 20 if thats important for your brain to function correctly
Stranger: if you going to be rude you can honestly take a hike
You: Explain why I'm rude.
Stranger: 2 lines up
You: I told you my age. This was your condition for answering my question. You did not answer
You: Why did you not answer
You: I cannot understand this, because it is not logical

>> No.1145500

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
You: Is there sound in outer space?
Stranger: no
You: are you sure?
Stranger: yes, need air, or atmosphere for sound
You: and theres none of that in space?
Stranger: not last i looked!! :)
You: you can see it?
Stranger: no
You: the how do you know?
Stranger: this isn't going down the faith belief road are you?
You: like religion? no
Stranger: thank god!!
You: ???
Stranger: what are you asking about space for?
You: i was told to by the anons on 4chan
Stranger: "anons on 4chan" ??
You: anonymous posters on 4chan.org
Stranger: they told you to ask about sound in space?
You: yes
You: do you think it was a stupid question
Stranger: if you don't even know why you want to know - yes!! :)
You: if there is no sound in space
You: as you claim
Stranger: here it comes...
You: then why can you hear the battles in star trek
Stranger: don't know if you're aware, but star trek is fiction!!
You: yer
You: duh
You: but they had to make those noises somehow
Stranger: there are also no klingons, vulcans, and faster than light travel
Stranger: how old are you?
You: 15
Stranger: where from?
You: uk
You: why?
Stranger: conversation is too weird- being setup for something :) too silly to be real
You: so did they film star trek in the atmosphere then?
Stranger: have you heard of computer animation? LOL
You: no what is it like cartoons on a computer?
Stranger: or a model on a string for the originals?
You: they dont use models
Stranger: Seriously; how old are you? m/f?
You: you see people inside them for starters

>> No.1145504

You: hi
Stranger: hey
You: I am doing research to test the scientific knowledge of people on Omegle.
If you are holding a rock in your hand on the moon and let go, what happens?
Stranger: the rock will float away
You: Why is that?
Stranger: no gravity on moon dude
You: How does the moon create the tides then?
Stranger: only gods know why
You: Astronauts couldn't have walked on the moon without gravity
Stranger: the didnt walk actually,they floating
You: All mass has gravity.

>> No.1145507

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Stranger: hi
You: hello, friend
You: what's up?
Stranger: nothing special
You: Actually, I am doing research to test the scientific knowledge of people on Omegle.
Stranger: thats good
You: care to participate?
Stranger: ya
You: How does the sun burn if there is no oxygen in space?
Stranger: there are other gases which participate in different fission & fusion reaction
You: correct
You: Would you hear a firecracker in outerspace?
Stranger: no
You: correct
You: Dihydrogen monoxide is deadly, should it be banned?
Stranger: dude catch u later i am going to take supper
Stranger: bye
Stranger: take care
You: damn, thanks anyway
You: got it all
Stranger: mention not
Stranger: if u want we can chat later
You: keep up the studying
You: nah. doing some more of these with other people
You: thanks tho
You: bye
Your conversational partner has disconnected.

>> No.1145509

lulz i found sum child porn featuren christopeher pooolar bear hearways :tinyurl dawt com / 39poqjq

>> No.1145519


>> No.1145521

oh lawl, talked to the same dude :)

>> No.1145525

what if we are the medium?

>> No.1145528

You: hi
Stranger: hello
You: I am doing research to test the scientific knowledge of people on Omegle.
If you are holding a rock in your hand on the moon and let go, what happens? Please explain your answer.
Stranger: haha really?
You: Yes please
Stranger: like is that a serious question?
You: Yes it is
You: Many people get it wrong
You: Many many people
Stranger: ok then well the outcome depends on type of rock and density
You: Would it help if I said a hammer?
You: or a basketball?
Stranger: lol well the rate of fall would not accelerate as fast as earths but would still fall
You: Good
You: You are correct
Stranger: there is gravity on the moon
You: Density of the rock doesn't matter btw
You: Most people think there is no gravity on the moon
You: you are ahead of the curve
Stranger: well it kinda does for the rock
You: If the rock has mass, it would fall. There is a negligable atmosphere on the moon, so it wouldn't float.
Stranger: you get on that floats on water and its all mathematics after that to determine weather it falls or not
You: I understand what you might be driving at
You: Congrats

>> No.1145532

Stranger: hey
You: Hello, I am doing research to test the scientific knowledge of people on Omegle.
You: Why is the sun hot?
Stranger: uhh
Stranger: because
Stranger: god made it that way
You: Evolution made that way, but you did not answer my question correctly.
You: So please, try again.
You: Why is the sun hot?
Stranger: because the temp is high
You: What makes the temp so high?
Stranger: god
You: /facepalm
You: Let me ask it simpler.
Stranger: *shrugs*
You: How does the sun burn if there's no oxygen in space?
Stranger: hmm
Stranger: the sun doesn't burn
Stranger: does it?
You: Then where does the heat come from if it doesn't burn?
Stranger: are you doing a science assignment right now?
You: I am here to test the scientific knowledge.
You: So please answer my question.
Stranger: for what
Stranger: i'm dumb
Stranger: okay
You: Figures.
You: So what do you think?
Stranger: about what
You: You're a disgrace for the humanity.

>> No.1145540

conversation was way too long. Ended with
You: also, the way you're typing makes it difficult to copy/paste this on /sci/ afterwards
Stranger: o
Stranger: you
Stranger: must
Stranger: be
Stranger: a
Stranger: 4chan
Stranger: person
Stranger: i
Stranger: see
Stranger: let
Stranger: me
Stranger: help
Stranger: u
Stranger: out
Stranger: go
Stranger: to
Stranger: /b/
Stranger: and
Stranger: go
Stranger: fuck
Stranger: yourself
You: thanks tips
You have disconnected.

>> No.1145545

>You: Evolution made that way,

I lol'd. Also, get in here >>1145452

>> No.1145547

this is hilarious

>> No.1145554

You: I am working on a science project: is there sound in space?
Stranger: and no, there isn't
You: why not?
Stranger: sound doesn't travel through space
You: how does sound 'travel'?
Stranger: soundwaves
You: but I thought my teacher said light was a wave and it travels through space right?
Stranger: light travels through space
Stranger: hence why you see stars etc...
You: but why does light wave travel through space but not sound waves?
You: I wanna know why we can't hear stars too
Stranger: cause you can't
Stranger: just one of the rules
You: what are the rules?
Stranger: look them up
Stranger: i can't remember from the top of my head

>> No.1145562

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
You: hey
You: sup
Stranger: how are you
You: just fine thanks, and you?
Stranger: good
Stranger: where you from
You: Canada
Stranger: usa here
You: cool, I'm trying to figure out how smart people on the internet are
You: is there sound in outer space?
Stranger: good luck
Stranger: no
You: why not?
Stranger: i've never seen it
Stranger: you
You: you've never seen sound?
Stranger: just sound waves
Your conversational partner has disconnected.

>> No.1145568

You: you see people inside them for starters
Stranger: 48
Stranger: 2
Stranger: 154
Stranger: 34
Stranger: 65434
Stranger: 3
Stranger: 2
You: what?
Stranger: 16
Stranger: 4
Stranger: 56
Stranger: 34
Stranger: 2
Stranger: 6
Stranger: 2
Stranger: 45
Stranger: 6
Stranger: 457
Stranger: 42
Stranger: 2456
Stranger: 2
Stranger: 2
Stranger: 56
Stranger: 34
You: what are you doing?
Stranger: wasting time!
You: why?
Stranger: you're not being serious, or truthful
You: i am!!
You: dont be mean
Stranger: :)
Stranger: m/f?
You: f
Stranger: age?
You: 15, i told you already
Stranger: either very clever, playing dumb, or ....
You: i'm not dumb!!!
Stranger: then clever, pretending!! :)
You: what have i done to make you think that im not real?\
Stranger: and theres none of that in space?
Stranger: you can see it?
Stranger: i was told to by the anons on 4chan
You: none of what?
Stranger: then why can you hear the battles in star trek
You: what are you doing?
Stranger: repeating your quotes
You: why?
Stranger: ai test?
You: well im not a bot
Stranger: you think star trek is real, yet know what i'm referring to when i say ai?
You: everyone knows what ai is
You: its like computers
Stranger: :) yes.... okay
You: are you moking me?
Stranger: moking? :)
You: making fun of
You: oh wait, i forgot the c

>> No.1145571

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
You: hello
Stranger: hey
You: I am doing research to test the scientific knowledge of people on Omegle.
If you are holding a rock in your hand on the moon and let go, what happens? Please explain your answer.
Stranger: it floats
You: it floats away?
You: or stays in place?
Stranger: yes
You: incorrect
You: it falls to the ground
Stranger: bull shit

>> No.1145572

You: mocking
Stranger: yes, but that's what you're going for; right? :)
You: why do you mean?
Stranger: what's your name? quick answer - 2 seconds
You: sam
Stranger: samantha?
You: well, yea but everyone calls me sam or sammy
Stranger: what's your favourite lesson in school?
You: none of them lol
You: maybe geology cos a lot of my friends are in it
Stranger: what are you studying in geology at moment? i've done a bit in the past
You: like plates and stuff
Stranger: tectonics?
You: um yea
Stranger: wadati benniof zone?
You: not that detailed lol
Stranger: i've got to go soon
You: oh ok
Stranger: enjoyed chat :)
You: me too
Stranger: bys Sam, aged ...? from UK
You: 15, keep track lol
Stranger: LOL :)
Stranger: I'm Mark
You: cool
You: hi mark
Stranger: i'm pretty new to omegle. you on here a lot?
You: sometimes ya
Stranger: who are 4chan, who asked you to research space sound?
You: just a site, you should look it up
You: random's quite fun
Stranger: yes!! expect to see this convo on there? :)
You: lol maybe
Stranger: bye
You: cya
Stranger: :)
fuckin hell i think i pulled

>> No.1145584

You: hi
Stranger: sup?
You: nothing much, just wondering if there's any sound in space
Stranger: hm, i wonder.
Stranger: maybe?
You: I think there is
You: after all you can hear the tie-fighters screaming in the battles
You: as well as the lasers
Stranger: ha, you're a crazy fellow.

>> No.1145646

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
You: Hi
Stranger: Ohm
You: ?
You: The measure of resistance in an electric circuit?
Stranger: no -_-
You: Yes it is
Your conversational partner has disconnected.

>> No.1145696

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
You: is there sound in space?
Stranger: Yep
You: are you sure?
Stranger: Well yeah.
Stranger: Or else how could astronauts talk
You: but why do they have space suits then/
Stranger: To protect them from blowing up or something
Stranger: idk something to do with the pressue
Stranger: prssure*
You: who would blow them up in space/
Stranger: The pressure
You: in it the talibans
Stranger: yes
You: they fucking us up where ever we go
Stranger: the taliban will blow you up in space unless you wear a suit
You: they're fuckers aint they?
Stranger: the fuckerest.
You: all the islambs fucking terrorists
Stranger: and I bet they have gay sex too
You: wouldnt be surprised
You: anything to fuck off God
Stranger: Yep
Stranger: Its a wonder he doesnt smite them all right now
Stranger: few big lightning strikes could do it
You: well he told us to didnt he
You: our army's blessed to do it by bush
Stranger: yeah
Stranger: i think i was thinking of zeus anyway. does anyone still believe in that guy?
You: he's like in rome or somin
Stranger: ikr in that percy jackson movie.. it turns out olympus was in NY the whole time
Stranger: and medusa is actualy in america
You: came over after the nazys
Stranger: to join them
Stranger: too bad she didnt get to
Stranger: they could have won
You: not agaisnt us
Stranger: what i thought they were allies
You: nazys? no we were fighting them,
Stranger: shit
You: protecting the jews
Stranger: i dont wanna protect a jew
You: they did at the time,
You: its how things change tho innit
Stranger: ya if i was a jew i'd be hunting down nazis
Your conversational partner has disconnected.

>> No.1145706

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Stranger: 25 m
Stranger: hey
You: Hi
You: How does the sun burn?
Stranger: fusion
You: Magnets, how do they work?
Stranger: polarity and ions
You: Largest Star?
Stranger: brown dwarf
You: you were going so well :(
Stranger: ahaha, well it is
Stranger: or you mean the biggest star discovered so far?
You: yes
You: I wanted the name
Stranger: kw sagitari
Stranger: or sagitarii
Stranger: not sure
You: VY Canis Majoris
Stranger: 1500 times the sun radii
You: I'm afraid
Stranger: ha
Stranger: 1800 times
You: 1800-2100
Stranger: ok, got me there
You: and it's a red hyper giant
Stranger: why did I say brown dwarf..
Stranger: I wanted to say "geante rouge"
Stranger: but I suppose you don't speak french
You: I can get red from that
Stranger: ahaha, next time I will go for the french one then
You: dihydrogen monoxide should it be banned?
Stranger: eh
Stranger: I think we would be very thirsty then :P
You: ok last one
You: Is there sound in space?
Stranger: hmm, unless you're traveling in a pocket of gas, no there isn't you need a minimal atom density for the sound to propagate
You: You've made me a very happy person
Stranger: did I? :P
You: Have a good day
Stranger: ahaha, well thanks
Stranger: you too
You have disconnected.

>> No.1145710

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
You: is there sound in space?
Stranger: heyy
Stranger: and ive spoke to u before fuck off u trolope
Your conversational partner has disconnected.

>> No.1145728

Has someone get the moon and sound in space right, but wasn't sure why the sun is hot.

>> No.1145732

You: Let's say the only two objects in space were a 1kg rock and a 1g rock.
You: If the two rocks were placed 100 m apart from each other, would the larger rock's gravity pull the small rock towards it?
Stranger: no
Your conversational partner has disconnected.

Did he get it right /sci/?

>> No.1145734

Stranger: hi
You: What would happen if you were standing on the surface of the moon and dropped a pen?
Stranger: well, since there is not gravity, it would float off into the great void. no?
You: Then how could the astronaut stand on the moon in the first place?
You: It would fall to the surface of the moon. More slowly than on Earth because of the decreased gravity, but it would fall.
Stranger: are you sure of that? i apologize for my inferior intelligence.
You: Yes. I'm just afraid for the future, because people don't know shit about science...

>> No.1145743

Okay... after about 100 chats and at least a dozen posts in this thread, i am quite depressed... had a few people do well though.

>> No.1145753

Magnitude of acceleration would be about 66.7 attometers per second squared, so pretty much yeah.

>> No.1145767

The correct answer is "Yes, but imperceptibly slowly."

>> No.1145792
File: 180 KB, 889x566, Picture 10.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

max trollin

>> No.1145816

there is hope.

>> No.1145877


>> No.1146104

You: Is there sound in space?
Stranger: No.
You: Right answer, well done.
You: Next question
You: How does the sun burn, if there is no oxygen in space?
Stranger: Because the sun is hydrogen and it's under such an intense pressure that the hydrogen atoms split, releasing their energy.
Stranger: Pressure from gravity, of course.
You: Simply saying fission and fusion reactions would have sufficed :)
Stranger: I forgot the technicl terms, sorry.
You: Okay
You: If I drop a hammer on the moon, what would happen?
Stranger: It would float to the ground at 1 sixth of the acceleration rate it would have on earth.
You: Brilliant
You: Final question
You: If I drop a hammer and a feather on the moon, from the same height, what would happen?
Stranger: They would fall at equal rates.
You: It is very rare to find an intelligent person here.
You: How old are you?
Stranger: 18.
You: That would explain it
You: Are you male or female?
Stranger: Male.
You: That would explain it further, at the risk of being percieved as sexist
Stranger: Not at all.
You: I am a fifteen year old male here.
You: Thanks for your time.
Stranger: You're welcome. Continue educating the world, my friend.

>> No.1146171

I doubt it, something with that small of mass can't really pull on something that is moving fast.

>> No.1146180

they combine, not split

>> No.1146211

I should have read his answer more thoroughly.

>> No.1146457

I've got a great one that's devolved into a slugfest with a redneck, I'll post soon.

>> No.1146561

Stranger: hi
You: if you are standing on the surface of the moon, and let go of a pen, what happens?
Stranger: it will float in air
Stranger: gravity 1/6 th of earth
Stranger: i am the master piece
You: but there still is some gravity right?
Stranger: yeah
You: so wouldnt it fall slower
Stranger: upthrust of air will be making it float
You: what air
Stranger: gases present thr
You: there are no gasses present

>> No.1146667

You: Is there sound in space?
Your conversational partner has disconnected.

>> No.1146691

You: If you drop a pen on the moon, what happens?
Stranger: you have to use a pencil
You: why
Stranger: becuse you dropped your pen

ok i lol'd

>> No.1146694

a woman with a master degree in chemistry couldn't answer my question

the hell

>> No.1146723

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
You: hello.
Stranger: hello
You: is there sound in space, sir?
Stranger: Tired of Omegle? Yakkah.com is a website just like Omegle where you can chat with random people from all over the world. You can upload a picture to share with other chatters or use your cam for a live chat. You could also add other chatters as friends and build your reputation points. Check it out and spread the word~!
You: I think you're avoiding the question.
Your conversational partner has disconnected.

I think they've caught on.

>> No.1146730


>> No.1146841

Stranger: hi asl?
You: 1 question first, is there sound in space?
Stranger: no
Stranger: there is no sound in space
You: ok
You: if i dropped a pen on the moon, what would happen?
Stranger: it would take like 3 minutes to hit the surface but u wouldnt be able to here it
You: awh, thanks so much ! ~.~ xx

>> No.1146989

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
You: Pop Quiz:
Stranger: ok
Stranger: hit me with it
You: ?
Stranger: i am listening
You: No, that was the question: Can you hear sound in space?
Stranger: no
Stranger: oh
Stranger: no
Stranger: NO NO NO
You: You're right
You: Next question
Stranger: it goes bai
You: IN THIS SITUATION IT DOES, BECAUSE I BITCHSLAP IT'S PUNK ASS. But no, normally it would fall to the ground because the moon has ~1/6 the earth's gravity
Stranger: you're intelligent
You: FUCK NO CRAZYHORSE 1-8, THE HAMMER FALLS FASTER BECAUSE I'VE BITCH SLAPPED IT. But In a vacuum, both objects would fall at the same rate, regardless of size or mass
Stranger: DO IT
Stranger: I'M GOOD
Stranger: GO
You have disconnected.

>> No.1146992

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
You: Hey
Stranger: hey
You: How exactly does the sun burn in space?
Stranger: well
Stranger: it does not burn
Stranger: it is not fire
Stranger: it is plasma matter
You: Sir, you win 1000 internets
You: For being the first non-retard on Omegle
You: Good night.

>> No.1147014


>> No.1147087

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
You: good day!
Stranger: hi
Stranger: asl
Stranger: plz
You: 17/f/melbourne
Stranger: nice
You: oh let me ask a question
Stranger: yup
You: is there sound in space?
Stranger: go to hell

>> No.1147121

You: Hi! I am doing research to test the scientific knowledge of people on Omegle.
If you are holding a rock in your hand on the moon and let go, what happens?
Stranger: hey asl?
Stranger: umm
Stranger: wait
Stranger: its floats no gravity
You: If there's no gravity then how does the moon make tides?
Stranger: umm its just the way thing works
Your conversational partner has disconnected.

He was typing for like a minute before he disconnected. I was dissapoint.

>> No.1147233

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
You: Hi
Stranger: hi
You: Is there sound on the moon?
Stranger: i dont know :)
you know in 10 years we will be able to go to the moon for a holiday :D?
You: I really doubt that.
You: That sounds illogical
You: Okay, let me ask you another question.
Stranger: lol well the men who work for this rocket company said so
and go ahead x
You: If I was holding a rock on the moon and let go, what would happen?
Stranger: errrr i think it would float,
yes it would float why? x
You: No reason. Just wondering.
You: Last question: what do kidneys do?
Stranger: errrmmmm kidneys ?
process all your waste for like your wee and stuff
you could live with out 1 but not 2 :)
You: thanks
You: Have a nice day
You have disconnected.

>> No.1147435

Stranger: hi
You: hello
Stranger: f?
You: answer my question first. why does the sun burn?
You: :3
Stranger: idk why
You: take a guess
Stranger: because its hot?
You: there is no oxygen in space so it is strange that it could still burn
Stranger: i know
You: it would have to be something powerful
Stranger: but its the uv rays
You: like nuclear power, you think?
Stranger: no uv rays are really pwoerful

>> No.1147585

there IS sound in space. the medium of space is not pure vacuum. there are still particles that float around. obviously we will not be able to hear the sound in outer space, but the definition of sound is just the propagation of particle collisions

>> No.1147588

Stranger: hi
You: Hi.
You: Mind if I ask you a few questions?
Stranger: go right ahead
You: Is there sound on the moon?
Stranger: no.. space is a vaccuum
You: If you were on the moon and you dropped a penny, would it A) Float there, B) Drift down to the surface of the moon or C) Float towards Earth?
Stranger: B. the moon has gravity
You: What do your kidneys do?
Stranger: filter your blood and make pee
You: Jesus Christ, maybe there is hope for humanity.

>> No.1147967

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Stranger: Привет
Stranger: как жизнь?
Stranger: Eng?
You: english please
Stranger: Hi there
You: greetings
You: so can you answer me one question?
Stranger: yeah, of course
You: is there sound in space?
You: elaborate if possible
Stranger: I don't know. And why are you asking me that?
You: scientific research
Stranger: I think, yes. It is
You: at least take a shot and try one answer yes or no 50% 50% you are right or wrong
You: yes?
Stranger: Yes
You: why do you think that?
Stranger: It's a wave. Sound wave
Stranger: There are waves in space
Stranger: Am I wrong?
You: well sound does need a phisical medium to propagate
You: something that by definition space is lacking
Stranger: And how then light's propogating?
You: light is an eletromagnetic wave
You: which does only need an emmission source to propagate it
You: sound is a phisical wave
You: which needs something to propagate istelf in such as gas liquid or solid
Stranger: You convince good. I'm not a scientist, unfortunately...
You: neither I am but knowledge is something we should all share isn't it?
Stranger: Of course it is. But I have never thought about sound in space...
You: I see
You: good bye I will have a snack now
Stranger: bye
You: from the South America with love

>> No.1147996


>> No.1148007



>> No.1148031
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yeah you got it right BR

gibi moni plox
I report U

>> No.1148046

my partner said there is matter in space

>> No.1148077

You: Is there sound in outer space?
Stranger: Ya
You: Are you sure?
Stranger: Ya why
You: Because there isn't any sound in outer space, it's impossible
Stranger: It is possible
Stranger: Congratulations from Trollegle! Good luck trying to convince this stupid bimbo of that
You: Explain why
Stranger: Because there's space? Where there's space sound and light exsits
You: There is no gas in space for the sound waves to travel though, therefor sound cannot exist
Stranger: Well techniquly it hasn't been proven but I'm sure it's possible
Stranger: Sound travels in waves not through gas lol
You: Wow...


>> No.1148081

He goes on to say

Stranger: Okay so ur standing in space and the sun blows up. Think u will hear anything?
Stranger: I believe so


>> No.1148084
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I think your partner was right, feel free to correct, however

>> No.1148099

well yah he was

but I got kind of stumped over the definition of a vacuum, no matter at all, or almost no matter?

and how do I convince them there is no sound in space if there there are mediums present for it to travel through

he was wanting to dirty talk anyways, so it's not like it matters

>> No.1148123
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>my face when people think GAS is needed for sound to travel through

fucking imbreds

>> No.1148192

Sound that we precieve with our ears isn't possible (as it's vibrating air) but if you hear with radio waves, then space is noisy as fuck.

>> No.1148281

Stranger: whats new?
You: Is there sound in outer space?
Stranger: no that is rediculous
You: right.
Stranger: does a tree that falls in the forest make a sound if no one is around to hear it?
You: most people think there is.
yes, yes it does!
Stranger: nope
You: sure
You: if theres a medium though which the sound can travel, then yes, there will be sound waves. of course there is not the impression fo sound, because there is no brain to translate the waves to sound.

>> No.1148287

that's russian...

>> No.1148554

What is "huehuehue" and what does it have to do with Brazil?

>> No.1148586

Stranger: m/f horny?
You: Hello. Female and yes.
Stranger: im male and yes ;)
You: First you have to answer something.
You: Is there sound in space?
Stranger: no
You: Why?
Stranger: because sound waves vibrate through particles and there arent any particles (or very few) in space
Stranger: me = nerd XD
You: Lol. Thanks.
Stranger: why?
You have disconnected.

>> No.1148598

You: Let's say I'm on the Moon and I drop a hammer. What would happen to it?
Stranger: it would float ? idfk do i look like niel armstrong
You: Why is the sky blue?
Stranger: a blue whale was floating on its back and got a little exited ?
You: What do the kidneys do/
You: ?
(Long pause)
You: It's no fun if you Google it. Why does the Sun burn if there is no oxygen?
You: Thank you for your time.

>> No.1148626
File: 125 KB, 1024x768, 1274978324855.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
You: I love jesus
Stranger: HEE
You: I love him I love him I love him
Stranger: ME 2
You: Wanna have sex?
You: I mean, do you want to go to church?
Stranger: YES
Stranger: YES
You: Go to church and have sex.
Stranger: YES
You: You can come in the holy water.
Stranger: WORD
You: Then I can shove a crucifix in my vag-house.
You: What do you say?
Stranger: YES
You: Just kidding. I just want to sit on the pew and pray to jebus that I don't go to hell for what I just said.
You: Then afterwards me and god can have makeup sex.
You: You can video tape it.
Your conversational partner has disconnected.

>> No.1148629


>> No.1148657

I asked this question to twenty people.


Yes - 10
No - 8.
Undecided - 2

It would seem that the majority of people believe that there is sound in space. Below are some response highlights.

"yes, I also say yes because there's no such thing as dead quiet."

"Stranger: if there wasent sound how do they comunicate in space

Stranger: what if planets colided"

>> No.1148671

You: Hiya.
You: Wanna learn about Jesus?
Your conversational partner has disconnected.

>> No.1148777

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!

You: Hey.

Your conversational partner has disconnected.

>> No.1148872

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Stranger: european girl?
You: I could pretend
Your conversational partner has disconnected.
