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11439713 No.11439713[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Would a bucket and a scarf potentially offer any defense?

>> No.11439730

How about a big ikea bag with a small handheld vacuum pumping air into it through a filter?

>> No.11439776

Stuff socks into your mouth and breathe through them

>> No.11439796

wash your hands and don't touch your face

>> No.11439800

Can't die from a virus if you aren't alive.

>> No.11439831

I too want to know how to make a makeshift suit, and I will likely attempt to produce such a thing soon.

>> No.11439833

Well, that shit works just as well as a face mask does

>> No.11439840

Basic splash protection in case some asshole is coughing in your direction. Or like one of those stupid boomers that spits out a ton of saliva when speaking.

Other than that, mind face-hand hygiene. You touch your face all the time without realizing it.

>> No.11439841
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>> No.11439842
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forgot image

>> No.11439903

City people are dumb as shit.

>> No.11439920
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Why is always the useless 9-5 wagies who provide negative value to the world always the ones that go to lengths to preserve their survival the most?

These same worthless scumbags are also the ones who go into the shops and completely hoard all the toilet paper and other essential items.

>> No.11440099

You can make facemasks out of kitchen paper and foil yourself https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aNjpH5lBZ8w.. I guess for a short time this should provide enough protection from a droplet infection, even when the person is directly in front of you.
If you are not in close contact to anyone when you go outside (at least a few meters away) washing your hands (and phone) and not touching your face should be sufficient as it does not transmit over the air.

>> No.11440198

They pay for your neetbux
Should they die, you’ll have to live months off your own grotesque body fat
They have every right to shit on you

>> No.11440274

Staying at home
NEETs survive everything

>> No.11440321

>People laughing at them
>These people and their familiars will survive longer.
Fuck you. If her bucket is covered in virus, her face and hair and clothes would be as well (like everyone else in there probably is).
You have zero arguments. Protect yourself. Protect your family. If you get ill people will not give a shit about your health. Only you can defend yourself. Use as much protection as you need and wash your hands constantly.

>> No.11440369

The virus is getting right in through that fabric filter. The bucket does nothing. You can buy a real respirator that will actually work.

>> No.11440386

I don't understand your argument.
You correctly identified that the bucket is useless, because literally every surface of her person including the bucket would also be contaminated. So she's not protecting anyone with her foolishness.

>> No.11440392

A dinosaur suit with an oxygen tank is technically air tight.

>> No.11440399

How come there are literal subhumans repeating government propaganda lines like “we can’t end flights to infected countries because then we lose track of people”

As if their passport doesn’t have dates they travelled from wherever?

>> No.11440424

This shizo made an interesting mask out of a bottle and a coffee filter, could be interesting:


>> No.11440517

>Dealing with something alive
>Salt kills everything
>Coffee filters will filter out 10um particles
The effort is more than 90% of normies can muster, but this design is still bad. The edges of the plastic will be really uncomfortable after just a few minutes, the surface area of the filter is so small that he can't get a breath of air past it without the whole thing collapsing under the pressure, and there's no way to get air out without pushing it through the filter or blowing it out the face seal. Add a rubber lining around the edges which contact the face, add an exhaust valve (could be a shitty home made reed valve as long as it seats well), and add a ton of surface area to the filter. My first thought is to just use an elastic to hold several layers of filter onto the bottle neck, which will give something like 30x the surface area. As is, this design is dangerous and won't result in anything useful. With these improvements, it could actually be superior to the shit N95 disposables because it's a full face seal.
I don't have a Google account. Someone comment this on that video. Credit goes to anonymous asshole from 4chan.

>> No.11440533


I know right. Its fucked up.

I was listening to some podcast with an epidemiologist who consulted the UK government. She was saying that quarrantines wont work because you cant keep everyone out. She seemed like she was in her twenties. No alarm in her position.

Just seems like some dumb young girl. No practical experience. No wisdom. No clue what she was talking about ultimately.

These are our experts? These are the elites of society?

>> No.11440537

Make your mask and post it here. I'll wait.

>> No.11440558

I own a real full face respirator. I could make one pretty easily with the tools and materials I have in my shop, but it wouldn't be a certified design, and the average person wouldn't be able to make my design with shit they have lying around. I'm suggesting improvements which could make his (shockingly nearly functional) homeless tier build actually work.
t. /diy/, /k/, /out/, /sci/

>> No.11440564

Get a plastic grocery bag and place it over your head. make sure to tie it really tight around your neck in order to get a good seal.

>> No.11440596
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>could be interesting
"Typically coffee filters are made up of filaments approximately 20 micrometres wide, which allow particles through that are less than approximately 10 to 15 micrometres.[4][5]"

>> No.11440704

Because capitalism rewards reckless retards who are willing to risk their and other's safety for their personal gain.

>> No.11440830

Fuck off commie
use a vape and blow thick clouds. That's pretty much what they're doing in china with those leafblower things

>> No.11441150
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Welcome to public transit I will be your guide

>> No.11441172
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Studies show travel bans don't work.
They delay the onset of the epidemic for a few days but then it hits harder. Several countries banned travel to and from Mexico during 2009 and it did nothing.

But sure, the incels on 4chan know better.


>> No.11441194

>People with jobs

>> No.11441356


>> No.11441406

boom harder

>> No.11441842


> Only banning travel from one country

Ban harder. Ban all travel. Lock down the country internally too.

I get the point. If you ban from only one country, people with cases will just come in from different countries. So the peak of the epidemic is just delayed, but not prevented.

But thats not a real quarantine.

>> No.11441884
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It's too viral to contain it and we won't stop civilization to save few thousand boomers/smokers.

>> No.11441930

If you cant get a N95 mask, get a standard mask, but mod it so that air doesn't go in from the sides. Seal it air tight.

>> No.11441933

Bucket is not the issue. The issue is people believing in junk science that tells them masks are useless. If masks are so useless, then why the fuck do doctors use it? Think clearly, you're the one being played at. Masks are there for protection both from external agents AND from internal to public spreading.

>> No.11441951

Masks ONLY protect other people.
Shitty disposable respirators with exhaust valves barely protect you a little, and barely protect other people a little. The work better to protect you if you ensure the fit is absolutely perfect, but it's not easy to keep that fit when moving around.
Shitty disposable respirators with no exhaust valve are really uncomfortable after prolonged use, but they protect others the same as a mask.
A moon suit, or a true full face respirator with cartridge particulate filters and a rubber seal, actually protect you quite a bit. They don't protect others so much because of the unfiltered exhaust, but at least you can't cough into the open air.

>> No.11441959

>Masks ONLY protect other people.
What do you think hepa filters are there for in your car or your homes? To protect the car/house? LMAO

>> No.11441971

Masks just make the particules go "less far" when you sneeze.
If I sneeze on your face it won't protect you, the virus will be all over your exposed skins.

Same thing if you touch some infected surface and touch any part of your face (which happens dozens of times a day).

The primary role of surgical mask is to NOT infect others.

>> No.11441998

easiest and simplest thing you can do is find a straw and jam some cotton wool in it.

Suck through the straw and the cotton wool will filter out any nasties. Use ear plugs to jam your nostrils.

>> No.11442002

>If I sneeze on your face it won't protect you
That's a dumb objection. The function of n95 mask is to protect when you breathe. Its not designed to protect against direct sneeze on your face from someone else close by or gunshot to the head or a car accident or a meteor hitting earth and wiping out humanity. Its designed to filter in the virus molecule trapped in water vapors in the air. Coronovirus travels through not just sneeze but also through sharing same air space as people do mini spits while talking.

>surgical masks is to NOT infect others
Is that why you cover your nose when you smell fart/shit?

Either I'm being trolled here or there's a massive amount of retarded people out there who will not admit what's happening.

>> No.11442022

>What is the best makeshift protection against Covid-19?
Body Odour. Stop washing.
Nobody will come close enough to infect you.

>> No.11442070

actual quantum brain advice. based.

>> No.11442154

Masks are not HEPA. They're made from fabric that's basically tightly knit shop rag tier. There is a huge difference between mask and respirator. Respirators are certified with a protection factor when fit correctly.

>> No.11442182

People are learning how to make their own masks amid the shortage caused by the coronavirus outbreak. | Jetjaras Na Ranong

>> No.11442187
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You could always go Chinese Bane style.

>> No.11442240

Is...that a nappy?

>> No.11442242

>[Heavy Breathing Intensifies]

>> No.11442288

Britbong detected.

>> No.11442332

I'm a med resident idiot, the only thing you keep posting are non sequitur.
You're a retard who can't even form a coherent series argument.

>> No.11442338

Double layer garbage bag. No holes, naked in a closet.

>> No.11442417

and this is abnormal how?

>> No.11442424

Wearing diapers on your head for no protection at all is normal around your parts?

>> No.11442452

>You are wearing a mask.
>Someone else is not.
>They sneeze on you.
>You're fucked because sneeze goes through mask.

>You are not wearing a mask.
>Someone else is.
>They sneeze on you.
>This time for RANDOM FUCKING MAGIC the sneeze doesn't go through the mask and you're safe.

Is this what you fuckers are trying to get me to believe?

>> No.11442467

The masks stops the droplets at the mask
If the mask is on the mouth of the infected most of the droplets stay right there at the source or go back in.
If the mask is on the mouth of the uninfected the virus stops at the mask again where it easily spreads to the mouth and nose as part of normal breathing and it spreads to things like handles and surfaces where it's easily transported to the uninfected trough touch.

Unless you regularly breath trough masks worn by other people then yes the mask does "magically" work way more effectively when worn by the infected to stop the spread than by the uninfected trying to protect themselves.

>> No.11443099

Presumably they wouldbt be wagies if they didnt produce value

>> No.11443140
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Unironically make everyone legally obligated to dab when coughing.
>cough on the crook of the arm
>extend your other hand to create distance between anyone close to you

>> No.11443201

That's right, you little bitch. I'll bong right over your mum's tits.

>> No.11443215

A genuine piss take! Aimed at me! I'm going to tell all my friends.

>> No.11443380

99.9% of places are out of stock of masks with a high enough rating to protect

>> No.11443501

Does it really? Won't it get caught on the fabric if the fabric is sufficiently thick?

>> No.11443537

You had two months.

Define sufficiently. Yes, of you have a few feet of knit wool and you drive a low flow rate then you'll probably catch most of it. There's no data on this though, and it's not going to work at scales you can breathe through without a pump.

>> No.11443557
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What if the air was forced against the fabric in a vortex like shape? Would the virus stick to the fabric from the outward pressure?

>> No.11443567

Being younger than seventy.

>> No.11443570

try sixty.
Plus that doctor that died was in his 30s.

>> No.11443593

It's way too light for that. Vortex vacuums still need a HEPA final stage to remove fine particulates.

>> No.11443617

What if the air pressure is high enough to destroy the virus?

>> No.11443628

What if you shot the virus with a handgun?

>> No.11443630

What if you shot the PEOPLE with the virus with a handgun?

>> No.11443636

Seriously though, how about a ventilator that either uses high air pressure to destroy the virus, or UV rays to disintegrate it. Would that work??

>> No.11443667

Sure that'll work so long as you do a full body decontamination everytime you come home and avoid touching your mouth or eyes.

The problem is that this isn't practical for the majority of the population (90% will still touch their eye's/mouths/noses with their hands anyways) and mass producing those ventilators isn't a viable option.

You have to realize the majority of the population are literally idiots, and so the quest is to figure out a viable option of stopping the virus that will work even with incompetent morons.

>> No.11443680

it is airborne you mongoloid

>> No.11443687

This is true. However the slower rate of its spread/infection compared to the flu seems to point to it being far less effecient spreading via airborne particles, and the majority of infects are stated by the WHO to be from contaminants left on surfaces that people touch.