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/sci/ - Science & Math

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1143861 No.1143861 [Reply] [Original]

Search your feelings, you know it to be true.

>> No.1143865


>> No.1143864

I don't care if it is or it isn't.

If it isn't I don't care.
If it is then it's the only right one.

>> No.1143868

i don't feel anything for science

feelings are irrational. religion is irrational

science is rational. i like rational

>> No.1143873

Science is a methodology. It cannot be a religion.

>> No.1143884


>feelings are irrational
>i like rational

Yet your post isn't rational, ironically enough!

And as they often say. Science is in search of the how. Religion is search of the why.

>> No.1143895

>Science is in search of the how. Religion is search of the why.

Science has progressed in the past 10 years, let alone the past several thousand.

Religion hasn't gotten any closer or less subjective in the past 3000.

>> No.1143896

Religion isn't the search of why, philosophy is. Theology is philosophy for the intellectually inferior.

>> No.1143899

Disregard the OP tag, was just in another thread.

>> No.1143914

you spotted my irony, well done

just making sure not all the faggots in this thread are retards

then again, the rest of your post is kinda retarded, ironically

>> No.1143915

sage goes in all fields?

>> No.1143929


>> No.1143940

The search of why, the search of how.

it's fucking semantics.

BTW: religion has done NOTHING to advance our knowledge of the world. All we've ever learned we learned trough science.

>> No.1143977
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>> No.1144050

This is such an obvious troll that is almost qualifies as a mockery of trolls and retards on /sci/ still take it seriously?

>> No.1144348


>> No.1144358
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Good show OP

>> No.1144401

It's true. Magnets are a miracle, hence science is a religion.

>> No.1144430

So obvious troll, yet ppl still respond :P

i lol'd

>> No.1144456

I care about science as a philosophy very much.
Science FTW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11111111111111

>> No.1145577

Religion requires belief, science requires knowledge. I don't believe religion is bullshit, I KNOW it.

>> No.1145602
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>> No.1145617

To some people it is. They're called transhumanists.

>> No.1145621

"a" religion. Not "an".

>> No.1145630

You, sir, are and idiot :)

>> No.1145639
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>> No.1145644

I just realised why so many religious fags insist on shitting up every other board, they don't have their own.

But, even if they did, I get the feeling they wouldn't stay there anyway.

>> No.1145656

i;d like to see your proof that god isnt real or your proof of quantum mechanics.

>> No.1145658

Oh please. When, throughout history, have religious people not respected the rights of others?

>> No.1145672

>implying the religion trolls are religious.

>> No.1145675

>38 posts
Trolling is a art.

>> No.1145679

Damn trolls.



>> No.1145684

Correct. It's a dogma. Any ideal can be dogmatically held.

>> No.1145703


The difference is progress.

Its that simple.

>> No.1145723

Witch hunts and burnings, slavery, genocide, so called divine right of kings, the Crusades, Holy Wars, etc.

>> No.1145748

According to Durkheim, it's not a religion

>> No.1145756

Science is the religion where all your prayers and invocations come true.

>> No.1145800

>Science was used to justify eugenics and the Holocaust is an offshoot of eugenics. Your unquestioning belief in science is proof that it has become a religion for some. Remember, science is a human concept for studying the universe. There is nothing that states that those human beings who uses sciences will come to the correct conclusion or that they are free from personal prejudices that causes their perception of reality to be skewed.

>> No.1145817

"Thou shalt not lie with mankind, as with womankind: it is abomination."...now make a choice op...

>> No.1145820

Why the hell do people respond to these troll threads?

>> No.1145860

>Well, I know what choice you made:


So, I take it you support killing infants

>> No.1146140

You don't know what your talking about, Ben Stein.

>> No.1146145
