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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 221 KB, 639x426, viruses.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11432794 No.11432794 [Reply] [Original]

Well /sci/, are they alive?

>> No.11432813

maybe, but fertilized eggs are definitely alive and definitely human

>> No.11432817

>Well /sci/, are they alive?
define "alive"

>> No.11432820

they don't perform mitosis, don't have metabolisms, and have any organelles. they're just self-replicating RNA

>> No.11432835

How they know what to do? It's almost as if their nanotech...

>> No.11432841

They're* excuse my error

>> No.11432844

because they contain RNA. RNA (along with DNA) are like instructions, in the form of proteins.

>> No.11432856

What if Viruses low key came from aliens? They're basically nanotech.

>> No.11432864

google "Panspermia"

>> No.11432878

Will do

>> No.11432882

It makes sense too. Ngl i'm high on edibles these ideas always pop up in my head. It really does make you think lol.

>> No.11432897

unrelated but one time on a biology test 3/4 of the class lost points on a question because the professor considered ribosomes organelles so viruses had organelles

>> No.11432903
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>> No.11433237

To be honest the definition of organelle is kinda blurry
Is the cytoskeleton an organelle? are lysosomes organelles? we're saying ribosomes are not organelles just because they're present on prokaryote cells

>> No.11433259

In the delta quadrant there exists macroviruses. They can fly around and stuff. How could something fly around and not be alive?

>> No.11433261

Airplanes are alive now
What a retarded ass board

>> No.11433262
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lol duuuude im hiiiiigggghhhhhh hahah hoho heheh

Grow the fuck up, child.

>> No.11434683

They don't know, they just follow instructions in their genetic code.

>> No.11434691
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>> No.11434987

If anti_bio_tics won't kill 'em, they're not alive.

>> No.11434998

Why don't antibiotics kill me when I take them?

>> No.11435000

??? Absolutely retarded

>> No.11435011

>It's almost as if their nanotech...
Too much Babylon 5 for you.

>> No.11435012

what about when they hijack your cells nucleus?

are they alive then?

>> No.11435017


>> No.11435126
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>t. nucleokek

>> No.11435148

time to kill yourself if you made this pic.

>> No.11435178

>attacking a Cell nucleus

>> No.11435181
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lol i agree

>> No.11435203

Is a computer virus a computer?

>> No.11435205
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>> No.11435208
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Fragile eukaryote masculinity is real.

>> No.11435216

Did that fag also die from a hangover

>> No.11435219
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>> No.11435281

yeah that's what he basically said. He emailed us an article from uchicago or some shit about the debate. Pretty lame though since literally every other biology class any had ever taken considered ribosomes their own thing.

>> No.11435291

is a piece of rna or dna alive?

>> No.11435310

If we found something like a virus on another planet everyone would intuitively understand it to mean life. These semantics are irrelevant.

>> No.11435427

>source: my ass

>> No.11435452

So what about prions? Are they alive?

>> No.11435463

They're a life-based phenomenon at least. I think defining a single object as either "life" or "not life" is useless when that is not how things work, for life to exist, there must be a larger scheme perpetuating it, any one part of which may be taken as being "life" in a way.

>> No.11435470

Reminder that the debate of whether or not something is “alive” is meaningless, inconsequential bullshit semantics. Nothing can be proven in this context, only preferred definitions asserted. Grow up and stop.

>> No.11435479

Antibiotics work by targeting specific processes necessary for bacteria but not human cells. Penicillin derived antibiotics prevent the formation of peptidoglycan. This is bacteria-specific. The reason they’re called antibiotics despite specificity is because the general concept of “prevent some necessary cellular function” doesn’t work since traditional thought says viruses don’t do much and don’t really need much(which is why they’re not considered alive).

>> No.11435501
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>make way more obnoxious post
>I am the mature adult here

>> No.11435916

I too like to speculate wildly about random shit while high, just bear in mind that you will almost never be correct while doing so.
If you are looking for a fun topic to speculate wildly about, I recommend some amateur astronomy. Go outside on a clear night and take guesses about what all that crazy shit in the sky is doing, then check your answers and see how close you got.

>> No.11435942


How does water know how to roll down hill, or even to evaporate?

How does a chemical know how to react with another one?

How do molecules know how to form?

How do amino acids and protein form and know how to react with one another or form larger structures.

How do you know how to think or see?

It's all determined buddy.

>> No.11435975

You have to go back

>> No.11435981
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but anon seems to have valid points, why not engage them? it's all very interesting. makes you wonder how life spits in the face of this deterministic world

>> No.11436843
File: 63 KB, 500x281, 1574564980082.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not too late to embrace God anon.

>> No.11436929

>If we found something like a virus on another planet everyone would intuitively understand it to mean life
Because the existence of viruses implies the existence of actual life, not because viruses are alive.

>> No.11437317

>Fun in for bad people

>> No.11437368

by the agreed upon definition of life, no dipshit

>> No.11437456
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>> No.11437745

I didnt agree

>> No.11437772

phages are proto life. they cannot reproduce on their own or with other phages. they need bacteria to infect with their defective genetic code and the bacteria mass produce them internally until they rupture like any virus

however a phage is more complicated than viruses multi celled organisms contract. they have limbs and they use them. most of what humans contract look like smooth orbs or hairy orbs if its a virus

>> No.11437792

they parasite other energy forms
vegetables parasites sun
vegan parasites vegetables
they are called borderline since they are so simple but they seem like life forms to me, simply at the bottom of the ladder

>> No.11438304

>they're just self-replicating RNA
They're not even self-replicating, they require a host cell to do the replication for them.

You can laugh at this idiot thinking viruses are alive because they're stoned but I had a housemate who was an ex-virologist who was convinced that only god could have designed HIV. Could be the reason she was an ex-virologist retraining as a lawyer.
She was the only religious life-scientist I've met in my life.

>> No.11438766

>1 AM and still posting on /sci/
Sup, my T4-phaggas

>> No.11439587
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definitely alive

>> No.11439589
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>> No.11439640

They're certaintly based at least.

>> No.11440199

if these things are not alien probes designed to alter our evolution I dont know what is.

>> No.11440204

The main argument against viruses being alive is that they """hijack""" molecular machinery """belonging""" to the host cell to perform the necessary functions that define life (movement, metabolism, reproduction, etc)

but the whole idea of a host or host cell "owning" its ribosomes, nucleotides, etc is arbitrary and stupid. does that mean that when you eat food, you're hijacking energy that "belongs" to plants when they make it from sunlight? are the plants hijacking the atmosphere's CO2?

>> No.11440207

I tend to agree, I think the important thing is that they have the capability to seek out and exploit those resources/tools rather than whether or not they have them in the first place.