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11433811 No.11433811 [Reply] [Original]

I'm almost 30 - can I reasonable expect that we will terraform Mars in my lifetime? What about flying cars?

>> No.11433825
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It is literally impossible to do that in the time frame you suggest simply due to physics. In fact, terraforming Mars legitimately is going to be one of those things that humanity can't really do and if we try, it will be tragic that such a money sink was even attempted.

Want another kicker? Those glass domes in your image wouldn't be what people would live in or anything. The reality is that they'd live in caves. Either literal caves or just ISS type modules with no windows and tons of shielding against radiation. You wouldn't be able to grow anything with direct light simply because the window shielding needed to stop the harmful radiation would stop too much light for plant growth. Oh, people may build such glass domes and it may look cool as fuck, until that is people start getting cancer due to the higher radiation exposure.

That's the problem with most places in the solar system. There's just too much radiation for legit usable windows. So, you will end up with a space civilization living in space caves. Which sucks.

>> No.11433833

If we get transhumanism, then yes.

>> No.11433836


>> No.11433907

flying cars already exist and we dont use them because people would kill themselves and others

>> No.11433919

no, terraforming could take centuries or more if its even possible at all

flying cares are a stupid idea to begin with

>> No.11433922

>Muh radiation.

Imagine actually being made of meat.

>> No.11433932

>needed to stop the harmful radiation
Imagine being this much of a smooth brain to not realise the problem is basically solved already with modern technology.
The magnetic field required would be a fraction of what we already generate in MRI's today. The size really wouldn't be that large in L1. All of it could be autonomous and solarpowered.
Remember /sci/ the world is full of contrarian faggots who love nothing more than sperging out and telling people why things are impossible. And then a few years later people prove them wrong and they move onto the next topic with their all-knowing verbal masturbation.

>> No.11433935

>What they found was that a dipole field positioned at Mars L1 Lagrange Point would be able to counteract solar wind, such that Mars' atmosphere would achieve a new balance. At present, atmospheric loss on Mars is balanced to some degree by volcanic outpassing from Mars interior and crust. This contributes to a surface atmosphere that is about 6 mbar in air pressure (less than 1% that at sea level on Earth).
> As a result, Mars atmosphere would naturally thicken over time, which lead to many new possibilities for human exploration and colonization. According to Green and his colleagues, these would include an average increase of about 4 °C (~7 °F), which would be enough to melt the carbon dioxide ice in the northern polar ice cap. This would trigger a greenhouse effect, warming the atmosphere further and causing the water ice in the polar caps to melt.
> By their calculations, Green and his colleagues estimated that this could lead to 1/7th of Mars' oceans – the ones that covered it billions of years ago – to be restored.

>> No.11433943

>terraform Mars
Not happening in our lifetime. What we'll get is domed cities or underground cities for cities. It will take a huge effort to terraform that may not even be worth it. We could potentially generate some artificial magnetic field to deflect some of the deadly solar radiation with low key tech we have today. We could also increase sun light with some solar powered arrays to illuminate Martian city whenever/wherever they need it.

>Flying cars
Already exist, just not in abundance due to safety/range/control/cost issues.

>> No.11433965

>Flying cars
Yeah, as an air traffic controller I can flat out tell you normies are not ready to handle sky traffic.

>> No.11434043

Terraforming Mars is impossible with current technology.

>> No.11434046

So what the fuck do we have to look forward to in our lifetimes then?

>> No.11434055

man on Mars, maybe

>> No.11434056

>imagine taking it up the ass my so much fat sci-fi cock
Come back down to reality, kid. Stop watching comic book movies.

>> No.11434106

> What about flying cars?
The Mosquito XE personal helicopter costs less than $50,000.

> Buh buh I can't afford that!
Then you don't fly. Get a job nigga.

>> No.11434113

> normies are not ready to handle sky traffic.
In 2018, there were 10.8 arrests for DUI. Some of them were air traffic controllers.

Apparently, normies can't handle the ground either.

>> No.11434115

> 10.8 million
Fixed for you.

>> No.11434132

>terraforming mars
Impossible, gravity is too low.

>terraforming venus
Entirely possible with our current technology, it will just take 1,000 to 2,000 years minimum to accomplish.

>flying car
It's called a helicopter. You are not part of the (((class))) of people who get ti own one.

>> No.11434216

Helium-3 shipments from Moon?

>> No.11434237

You can spend several hours every day on Mars surface or in a surface dome, and still be within acceptable radiation limits. So there will be windows and surface buildings/domes in a Mars colony, Time spent in them will just be limited.

>> No.11434245

You dont know what you are talking about. That magnetic shield is supposed to protect Martian atmosphere from solar wind. It does fuck all to protect against galactic cosmic rays - the primary radiation threat on Mars surface.

>> No.11434293

No and maybe

>> No.11434313

no and no
Flying cars exist you are just too poor
Terraforming mars will take longer than 100 years. If you get really rich you could potentially live the end of your live in Mars in sort of a touristy type of living on some form of early colony, though there isn't any guarantee that would be an option available after next 50 or so years but it's definitely possible.

Essentially aquire currency