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/sci/ - Science & Math

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11433337 No.11433337 [Reply] [Original]

are schizos not capable of realizing there's something wrong with them?
how are there so many of them loose even here

>> No.11433346

I know this is bait, but a characteristic of schizophrenia is not being able to distinguish between reality and delusions/hallucinations. Also go back to /pol/

>> No.11433350

Most of them do realize it, but they can't help it.
Mental illnesses are subtle in nature, if you had one you'd know.
Too bad you are too much of a pussy to try and induce yourself one in order to test it on yourself and see with your own eyes.
Fucking bitchboi, I bet you don't even science at all.

>> No.11433369

Nice 1/4 of a falseflag, anon. Now fuck off back to /pol/.

>> No.11433458
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schizoaffective bipolar type here
this will be told from my own perspective and the third person perspective of me observing my schizo family members

as long as you've been told your whole life to prepare for this inevitable schizo* that will be happening to you weather you like it or not, like I was, as well as having a natural curiosity for psychosis spectrum disorders, chances are you or anyone for that matter would believe what is happening to you is real.
the delusions don't pop up one day put of the blue. it's a series of events unique to you that build up your unique to you delusions. it's a slow process, sometimes the events that build the foundation for your psychotic beliefs take months or over a year. they're always triggered by an event of high stress, like college finals, drug abuse, physical abuse, emotional abuse, etc.
so your beliefs do usually start from something grounded in reality, yes, your notification light is turning on at random, yes you're in a science field doing something important, perhaps it does mean the via is recruiting you. heck, it might even be really cool to work with the cia. I doubt they're only gonna look at you through the camera so we better be on the lookout on the streets. hmm maybe I should actually call the cia and ask. oops they said no and laughed at you, that must mean it's malicious. and now you've quit your science field, gone full hermit, no internet, and are starving yourself to dodge poisoned food from the cia, all because you saw your phones notification light light up one too many times.

>> No.11433466

Most think that the voice(s) they hear give them useful information and the distorted perception is what makes them human.

>> No.11433471
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>Too bad you are too much of a pussy to try and induce yourself one in order to test it on yourself and see with your own eyes.
>Fucking bitchboi
lol im dyin

>> No.11433472
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anyway, the reason so many schizos stay in their delusions never making a recovery is because of what their brain is doing, the chemicals that are being over produced and what they do to you. essentially being schizophrenic is like a never ending dissassociative and coke high (ndma receptor and dopamine).
you've seen crackhead right? you've seen people having a xan trip right?
that's a schizo 24/7
you try having a long term stable thought after being on crack and Xanax for 79 hours and no sleep

>> No.11433477
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>Most think that the voice(s) they hear give them useful information
isn't this how neurotypical people work too, just without attributing their faggy thoughts to outside sources?

>> No.11433483

You realize that there's a difference between actual schizophrenics and dumbasses posting retarded shit here, right?

>> No.11433484

Why would you give that much weight to arguments that aren't externally generated? Don't you know humans hate it when others go against their explicit ordering?

Also, what is the point of being unique or an individual? Everyone lives according to whatever story they believe and get super sensitive no matter what an individual tries.

Ultimately if you are a group-think person your 'floor of psychology' is whatever your group will back you up with.

>I literally see no problem with all the narrative except that humans don't actually do much by way of reaching out and caring.

Most normal peeps get massive thought boners and dopamine rushes over AH HA! GOTCHA! moments. Which are overrated btw. Oooh I got tricked, me so mad n buttburt etc. Etc.

>> No.11433485

>You realize that there's a difference between actual schizophrenics and dumbasses posting retarded shit here, right?
>people aren't what they say they are cuz i said so

>> No.11433487

The fuck does recovery have to do with it? Why do you guys even bother to try and fit in? What if schizophrenia was just the ability to run priority narratives in parallel according to emotional stimuli?

Eventually whatever one believes about self melts and returns to nothing. It is strange how so many identify suffering when it seems to be when others describe their internal narrative.

>> No.11433497

Did you have any brothers/sisters that went skitzo? My dad's exactly how you explained, went skitzo after his parents told him they wanted to die and after mum divorced him.
My brother stresses the fuck out about becoming skitzo though. I handle it better as I understand I might get it, but I'm ready for it if it ever does come along.
Thing is I never really grew up with it. My dad grew up with his skitzo dad and family whereas my whole family were out of that house and living in a new state just a year after he went downhill. He's living with his parents now. Kinda upsetting as everyone loved him.

>> No.11433498

Since when was having an internal narrative that could sound like someone you know not called a phone call?

Fucking hell people, you all must have at least one good friend or memory that you can at least simulate a conversation with them and SOME length of call/response/agree/refuse. How else do you guys even think at that point? Are you just store values of physical sound or some shit?

>> No.11433499

Unless he *hides* personalities/identities why not get to know him instead of forcing your limited understanding/perspective onto his expressions?

>> No.11433503

Because the copper faggot clearly calls himself a schizo, right?

>> No.11433505

Nice try ZOG

>> No.11433508

What? Get to know him? Everyone's out to get him though. You can't have a conversation with him as something won't click right in his head and he'll obsess over it.
Like once I put my pen lid on the top of my pen and he thought I put it there to record him. When he is out of his paranoid state for a few hours he jokes about it then goes back to skitzing out. It's too traumatic to just talk to him like I used to

>> No.11433511

Then those stories/identities/languages need CLOSURE or some way to integrate into some centralized imagination/intellect.

>You can't talk to him like you used to because obviously the identity you knew was tied emotional to other events. Ya gotta be like a sheep dog.

>> No.11433518
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the self is malleable and bends to ones will, wether that one be you or another. with enough practice, an introvert can appear to himself and others as an extrovert. in all senses except his deep down feelings, he is an extrovert.
>why would you want to stop suffering with delusions and extreme pain caused by your own tormented thoughts
why do you clean your room and not let the mold and insects eat your stupid fucking cock
I recovered (or am recovering) because I didn't want to think my mother was trying to instigate incest with me every time I hugged her when she was crying out of emotional pain.
in no way am I recovering to fit in with normie or anyone, purely because I was absolutely exhausted of constant mental anguish that almost pushed me over to suicide on multiple occasions. plus, I still have goals I wanted to achieve and being a 24/7 psychotic was really interfering with those goals. very difficult to learn a language when you think the words have an even deeper hidden meaning than what you're being told.

>> No.11433524
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You, the object being acted upon, literally have no faculty to objectively evaluate the intent or desire of another. It is always stochastic/inferential.

My physical nerves have opinions, my emotions are indifferent. If some group of humans want to eternally rape~torture me, how am I gonna stop them? Hell, that could be me right now. If they don't let me have a breather then technically I could never experience WORSE.


>Why your mother gotta throw up in your existence, emotionally speaking? If you put up with them for resources, be honest about that. Otherwise just fuck up and try something new. I did. Pretty fucking happy about it too.


>> No.11433527

There's a lot of "high functioning" schizophreniacs in society, who either don't talk about their delusions or who have enough social status for others to get along with their bullshit. Just try to investigate how many people believe they can see on people when they are lying or other outright hallucinations. As long as they are capable of working and living independently, there is no way to diagnose them.

>> No.11433528

Yeah would rather not waste my time being called a cunt by my own father.
Don't worry, I've tried all the techniques. Meds and therapy are the only thing that would ever help him. Yet his last therapist gave up on him.

>> No.11433530

If nobody has the emotional fortitude then why not hail mary it and just super spike him with 10 tabs of LSD? If it just gonna be a slow decline anyway, may as well.

Saying that therapy and meds will help when all they do is provide those around him an excuse to keep giving more emotional leeway is kinda duuuumb.

>> No.11433534

Honestly not a bad idea. He's got nothing going for him. At least after that he would be commited to an institute.
Also I know therapy and meds won't 'fix' him. But they numb him. Prevents himself from pushing himself further away from his family.

>> No.11433539

Would be better to spike him. I doubt whatever your Father is going through truly wants to be in a broken vessel that can't communicate with those it once loved.

This whole not helping others pass on is a cancer in society. PUSH OUT DA NEST!

>> No.11433704

schizophrenic here, sometimes yes other times no, to help you understand if you can see something, hear something, feel something if something is capable of interacting with every sense you have then how do you know it's real or not, some things are mundane and others more delusional I try to use game theory to help if something out of the routine happens treat it as both real and a hallucination then work out the best outcome

>> No.11433842


>> No.11433847

Mine's just a placebo.

Well, how do you know what is real or not beyond what keeps you warm and your tummy to a minimum or arguments? Language disassociation is more like defragging a harddrive than people might believe and is amazingly necessary more and more these days where everything and everyone keeps screaming their messages 24/7 in each other's face and large audiences like to abuse others because that is the only way they know that they are at least included.

I personally find that shit creepy as fuck. I post on 4chan for the challenge, not because I could ever take any negative criticism here seriously. Same with the 'real-world', the number of deep connections one should have/maintain isn't that much and small-talk makes me want to punch something. I view it as buffering their youtube personality.

>> No.11433863

>Well, how do you know what is real or not beyond what keeps you warm and your tummy to a minimum or arguments? Language disassociation is more like defragging a harddrive than people might believe and is amazingly necessary more and more these days where everything and everyone keeps screaming their messages 24/7 in each other's face and large audiences like to abuse others because that is the only way they know that they are at least included.
I'm not sure what this means, I can't distinguish between what is real and what isn't so I assume any major event is both then figure out the best outcome, also not sure what language disassociation is? I've not read up on schizophrenia as much as I probably should have I just took my meds until I couldn't bare to anymore

>> No.11433869

Language disassociation is when the source and destination of intent and description become misattributed in the recipient's mind and without any discipline or prior narrative can just become a big chaos noise bundle of random crap. Like static on the radio.

Why not just simply let an event be recorded as 'occurred' until something else explicitly references it? Say like you ARE superman, but you only let it become relevant when others reference/celebrate it? And if they just reveal 'har har we were fooling you the whole time!' you can just shrug you shoulders and say to yourself that you guess it wasn't real.

Either way it helps keep your input and output linear, which should help with stability in general.

>> No.11433875

>event of high stress, like college finals, drug abuse, physical abuse, emotional abuse, etc.
Not within your control at all... oh wait

>> No.11433885

>Also go back to /pol/

redditfags getting so sensitive they are accusing random people of being poltards, yikes.

>> No.11433904

that kind of makes sense, but to use a real world example of when my method would have helped me drastically I had some hallucinations and could hear noises coming from my arm, this was before the method so I ended up trying to cut it out, big shocker nothing was in there, now had I been practicing the game theory approach then I would have said if I do nothing and it's true then some unknown people continue listening to me via an implant in my arm, if I do nothing and it's not true then it doesn't matter so in doing nothing the worst outcome is they continue listening to me

if I cut it out and it's true then cutting it out wouldn't matter, if the people could implant a listening device without a scar or without me knowing it up until now it's not like cutting it out would stop them and if i do nothing and it's true they continue listening to me

so regardless of if it's true or not cutting it out was the worst outcome. I hope this makes sense

>> No.11433912

Live example of a schizo for anyone who was wondering!

>> No.11433914

Why not attribute affordances to the narrative source?

If the information stream is coming from a subsection of a whole then just assume that it is context data attempting to enrich the primary source (which if it is your arm should be your head). Like a student that turned in homework late.

Why would it matter if people were listening in on you anyway? Is paranoia a thing for you?

Always nice to have an audience wrangler on board!
>Did you want a cookie or can't you, the poster I'm replying to, not realize when I'm trying to address you in isolation of everyone else?

>> No.11433916

Your brain is not working correctly. Try taking magnesium to fix it.

>> No.11433917

>Why would it matter if people were listening in on you anyway?
well it's unnerving to think someone was listening to me 24/7 but the bigger issue was who put a listening device in my arm and why
>Is paranoia a thing for you?
yes it's was the main thing
I don't have any deficiencies and live a pretty healthy lifestyle and have done for about a year now

>> No.11433923

Personally I can't understand the disembodied voices thing. How does a 'voice' come from something that isn't a speaker, whether analog or digital? Does it just arrive as narrative in their head or is it actual audio data that can be 'louder' than other environmental audio data, confusing the listener, or is it... well, I can't actually think of other scenarios.

Keen to learn.

Unless the entire economy ran off observing you without you being aware of it, why would it be relevant? I guess I don't understand why having some group who has it out for you, good or bad, would matter if they were willing to be THAT obtuse about their interactions.

>> No.11433924

There's a difference between being skeptical of the world and legitimately believing (and seeing/hearing) people are coming after you 24/7
And trust me, when you see someone who actually has schizophrenia, the difference will strike you.

>> No.11433929

it's the same as an external voice, you hear it the same as any other external noise, same with bodily sensations and visual hallucinations
>I guess I don't understand why having some group who has it out for you, good or bad, would matter if they were willing to be THAT obtuse about their interactions.
you can't understand why believing with absolute certainty a listening device has been implanted into your arm without your knowledge would matter?

>> No.11433938

Not enough magnesium makes the NMDA receptors open randomly. Early on it causes depression, later people may experience weird random shit. It may even be why some alcoholics hallucinate (because their drinking makes them Mg deficient)

>> No.11433945

No, I genuinely can't. If there is some entity/force/group that is out to monitor to you but doesn't have the confidence to restrain or interact with you directly then said entity/force/group has too much time/resources on its hands for it to be worthwhile in terms of focus/attention.

Some shit is just beneath notice.

I'm not a chemist so can't really comment on that side of things. As an Aboriginal Elder I have to deal with what society presents me and how that person in front of me chooses to 'proudly' and 'happily' present themselves, doesn't matter what the narrative is. It's more a body language and said person's ritual of inclusion is. Our culture is the oldest living one because a lot of our approaches are literally about the person in front of us and our want to heal it, not about how big the group of other people we can gather to talk about the problem is.

If we hadn't done it this way for this long we wouldn't have been here. Caring is... a tricky thing to translate to people online.

>> No.11433948

so in as plain and simple of terms as you could put it, what would your advice be to me?

>> No.11433954

You have to have your own bar of sanity that you don't let everyone fuck with. In our culture we just call it our silence or the weight beneath our feet.

Sometimes we just over-expose the fear of death until the person realizes that when this loaner soil vessel (our human body) goes, it'll go regardless of what we say or do. It's on loan to us from Earth. You came from it, you'll return to it, in some form or another.

Ultimately though I would say start 'distancing' things that you have to apply some magic understanding to like implant in your arm and whatnot. If it requires more than something naturally making sound (like voice/animal) then you could easily go 'my spirit guide is being retarded again' or '4chan is being a fag again lol'.

It's about separating internally the identity store of memory and the story of who you are and why your future would be built from broken bits and not from whatever your bar of sanity is.

Not all ego can be distributed, not all language can be learned.

>Super simple version: Everytime you get a voice episode, hug someone you know that will let you and don't explain why. Set it up as a ritual and just say 'need a hug!' or whatnot. Don't make up a fancy reason as to why, just do it. If you're already that far down then don't make it harder on yourself by punishing yourself for how you gotta pull yourself up.

>> No.11433995

Just because you ignore evidence doesn't mean it's wrong.

>> No.11434018

You have to attack me even in other threads? OK let's completely ignore how low Cu diet makes animals obese, how it makes their muscles smallers
and liver fatty. How a major part of damage in aging can be directly linked to specific copper enzymes (cytochrome c oxidase - a lack of it causes cellular asphyxilation, starting from the most metabolically active tissues, like brown fat, thymus and eventually the brain;lysyl oxidase, deficiency of which causes the decay of skin, blood vessels and bones;tyrosinase, deficiency of which causes gray hair) how copper deficiency has been even proposed as a potential model of aging:https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/23604915-copper-deficiency-a-potential-model-for-determining-the-role-of-mitochondria-in-cardiac-aging/

>> No.11434028

This. I know someone with real schizo and it's nothing like some of the mild schizo described here. 4chan is toxic because its filled with wannabe geniusbois who think they're qualified to call people out on shit they know nothing about. That's what happens when you mix middling intelligence with ego.

>> No.11434035
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>> No.11434058

>middling intelligence
that's the nicest thing anyone has ever said to me :,)

>> No.11434076


>> No.11434084

you belong in /pol/

>> No.11434255

It's a /pol/ image.

>> No.11434289

many are.
I am a schizo and know that I am beyond fucked

>> No.11434376

Everyone has a mental disorder.
There's no such thing as a mental order.

You don't need to hear or see imaginary things in order to labeled as a schizo.
In most cases, 'schizo' means a person with 'really good assumptions' that are completely false in real life.
We always have wrong assumptions; for example, we are pretty bad at measuring the difficulty of goals.
We always hope that we are going to make it and that our plans will one day succeed.
And then we realize that our ideals is unattainable, then we cope and lower our expectations.
But some of us ignore those 'reality checks' and bury those hints/feelings deep into our subconscious.
Why ignore them? Because our reality is boring/unacceptable or maybe because we are too fucking high from our delusions to notice it in the first place.

This is very common in people with hyperactive minds, especially those uber ambitious ones in academia (like /sci).
The problem with intellectual schizos is that it's very hard to detect what's wrong with their mindset because one must work really hard to disprove their beliefs (ex: Proving a theory of everything is way harder than inventing one.); unlike low IQ schizos where it's pretty obvious (ex: that 'requiem for a dream' movie).

>> No.11434382
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>'requiem for a dream'
good fuckin movie

>> No.11434383

You sound like a loser. I've achieved most things despite what people have told me. Make room for the winners, loser.

>> No.11434442

>You sound like a loser.

>> No.11434446
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>> No.11434463

Lol alright excuse me while I wipe away my tears with my accomplishments

>> No.11434464

I don't need to project, anon. I know it.

>> No.11434469

True schizo right here

>> No.11434486

>uber ambitious ones in academia (like /sci)
>(like /sci)
Oh no no no no no

>> No.11434504

Reminder that flattards and other retards are hired psyops made to make actual conspiracy theories look insane.
>hey, how come Anne Frank's diary was written in pen before the ballpoint pen was actually invented for widespread use? Why did Larry Silverstein happen to not be working at the WTC when 9/11 happened? How come so many banks can be connected to Zionism? And why is it illegal to deny the holo-

>> No.11434513
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>psychosis is like cocaine
>being a schizophrenic is like being a crackhead
>"""""xan trip""""
Lowest IQ post I've seen all day. Who the fuck refers to being on xanax as a xan trip?

>> No.11434632
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I've never done xanax, that's why I refer to it as a xan trip. what's the more regarded termonology? I imagine you abuse Xanax if it's such a problem for you?
I've learned to talk about schizophrenia this way because of my family history of drug abuse.
as I have done drugs (only weed, acid, and alcohol), while also being verifiably schizoaffective bipolar type, as well as knowing many people who do various other drugs who enjoy talking about their experiences, I can personally tell you (in my experience) that being schizophrenic/schizoaffective is a lot like a bad trip or bad high of a variety of different drugs. to add on to this, as we have seen and hypothesized about when looking at the brain of schizos or through experimentation, schizos have similar chemical imbalances to those who are on a number of drugs, mainly hallucinogens, or dissasociatives. we also know that it can be dangerous for schizos to take antidepressants which raise your dopamine. from this, you could say that being schizophrenic is a bit like taking methamphetamines or the abusable class of drugs known as disassociatives which are commonly used for muscle relaxation, depression, and/or sleep.

tl;dr stop trying to call me a brainlet, you insecure brainlet

>> No.11434703

What's weird is I actually have schizoaffective disorder myself. No, I don't abuse Xanax, though I have been prescribed it before. It's not a dissociative whatsoever. It's just a sedative. It has no hallucinogenic properties. As someone who has done drugs in the past and also suffers from the same illness, drugs may mimic some of the common symptoms, but it doesn't encapsulate the full experience of the disorder. It was a bad comparison. Also, beyond that-- what kind of meds do they have you on? Abilify is an antipsychotic that is mild enough to not affect my memory or concentration, so I'm fine with it. I just started lithium last month and it's been one of the best things for it. If you haven't tried lithium, give it a shot. Saved my life

>> No.11434837

>mossad blamed
oy vey shut it down, take your meds schizo ahmed youre a crazy huwhute supremist

>> No.11434852

>mossad blamed
One of these things is not like the other.

>> No.11434904

most of them yes but some of them realized something was wrong and choose to disasociate, almost as if they self-exiled.
I know of one guy who realized he was a schizo and went to do everything in his power to try and get better, he is now a relativately healthy person but sadly he accepted the fact that he will never be able to have a GF because he knows if he skips his pills ONCE he will probably end up murdering her or worse his own children.
its sad because he wants to be just a regular person...but he knows he is fucked.

>> No.11435030

This is the answer nu-/sci/ can't accept.

>> No.11435036
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>> No.11435107

ok schizo

>> No.11435425

>>hey, how come Anne Frank's diary was written in pen before the ballpoint pen was actually invented for widespread use?
Ever heard of a fountain pen, moron?

>> No.11435430

>all the cucks in this thread that think psychiatry is a legitamate science

>> No.11435438

What a load of garbage holy shit. Psychiatrists need to be banished.

>> No.11435449
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Uh yeah, even though the diary was written in ballpoint pen supposedly.
I only mentioned that as an example of a more rational conspiracy theory to compare to a JIDF approved schizo who has been excused from his meds.
>pic is a real conspiracy

>> No.11435535

By that virtue aren't schizos just people with powerful story-link imagination? Because X for Y all Z-conjugates valid shared reality P with recurrence Q.

>> No.11435560

"Schizo" is just the late 2010s variant of early 2010s "sperg" to mean a person you disagree with or find particularly abhorrent.
t. 4chan historian

>> No.11435583

>even though the diary was written in ballpoint pen supposedly.
No it wasn't. The ballpoint pen parts were later small additions by other people. Stop buying everything you read in infographs.

>> No.11435592

Scientists are incapable of understanding the way our minds perceive things you don't, and won't believe in no matter what. I'm just saying, nature did this to humans. Are you gonna try to actually understand nature, and consciousness, or are you gonna continually label people scitzo for the rest of your life whenever we claim any sort of abnormal awareness of the the universe with our minds?

>> No.11435605
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*gasp* arbitrary group of humans A exclude arbitrary group of humans B in order to exert greater dominance over their existing subscribers?!

>Say it ain't so, disembodied voice eminating from my butt!

>> No.11435615

This is how it always was because humans are not that different from their chimp counterparts.

>> No.11435634

>Uh yeah, even though the diary was written in ballpoint pen supposedly.
Says who?

>> No.11435646

How could I be the ONLY human that wants that shit to be different? Is it just easier for brain to fall back on mirroring animal behavior because using intellect or imagination is somehow too energy intensive?