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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 48 KB, 744x372, millisecond_nuclear_explosion_rapatronic_resize_md.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11427321 No.11427321 [Reply] [Original]

Your objective is to contain a 1 megaton nuclear explosion in a 1x1x1 metre sized cube, using whatever technology you can come up with. How do you do it?

>> No.11427336

by definition, an explosion is a rapid increase in volume and release of energy in an extreme manner, not its containment.

>> No.11427344
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>> No.11427353

Imagine being a fuckwit who knows exactly what is meant but chooses to be a pedant instead.

>> No.11427364

Use a box built from nuclear pasta.

>> No.11427413

Does the "explosion" originate from within the space it needs to be contained in?

>> No.11427417

Just drop the object exploding into a black hole

>> No.11427422

How else would it work?

>> No.11427424

It's not specified, which is why I'm asking
Maybe you want the explosion to be in a specific 1x1x1 meter cube that is not within the explosion's initial chain reaction origin point in space.

>> No.11427430

Use 100 1000 megaton explosions going off at the same time surrounding the 1 megaton explosion.

>> No.11427431


Make the box out of some really thick strong metal. Bury it reaaaaally deep underground essentially making a billion tons of earth the walls.

>> No.11427437


Anti nuclear explosion magnets. Very strong ones. With containment parameters set to 1m3.

Can I get banned again for 'You were banned from all boards for the following reason:
Responding to off-topic garbage." again? Please! I love getting banned. It makes me drool. Long thick ropey lengths of drool.

>> No.11427451

Exactly what I thought.

Why is it that regardless of topic or forum, there is always at least one fuckwit that just has to post their fuckwittedness? Always. No exceptions. Just a few minutes ago I was on the Paradox forums looking up the effects of using nukes in HOI3. An OP asked "Do nukes damage armies?" One of the first posters was this fuckwit who said "I never use nukes". Literally, just what the fuck was the point of that post? Fuckwits, man, they live in some sort of parallel alternative reality.

There must be some law to describe this phenomena.

>> No.11427462

based and checked

>> No.11427505

Any metal would be vaporized and leave a giant cavity.

>> No.11427528

line with pure neutrons mined from a neutrons star

>> No.11427533

A box made from solar panel batteries.
Just wait a few more years. EXPONENTIAL GROWTH

>> No.11427534

a box made from passports.

>> No.11427552

Literal quantum entangled pairs with their wave functions being collapsed at the same speed of the nuclear blast, thereby neutralizing the blast. You could shape the quantum pairs to be the size of a 1m3 box, yes, with not too much complicated engineering.

>> No.11427565

Surround the explosion with a wormhole.

>> No.11427568

Surround it with dark energy. It will absorb the blast so we can't see it

>> No.11427571

With a deposit of inflatons that are created by the explosion and expand the space within that 1x1x1 cube until the energy is dissipated.

>> No.11427573

very hard wood?

>> No.11427576

can't be vaporized if it has no place to go

>> No.11427580

is this how low "theoretical" physics has fallen?

>> No.11427589

More like surround it with solar panels and mount large fans to those panels. The harder it explodes the more power it produces pushing harder against it with the fans. Easy as that

>> No.11427612

don't know how you'd do it, but if your box had translucent walls you could charge to see it, for sure

>> No.11428717

never go to stackexchange, then. it’s fuckwit central.

>> No.11430203

doesnt seem possible, perhaps a large thin physical barrier with special properties and a large enough external force to contain the explosion in a fixed area

>> No.11430217

a tokamak with big magnets

>> No.11430317

Diamond box. Also magnets.

>> No.11430318

Bro, do some research on heavy elements.
The crust of a neutron star is completely indestructible because it is just that dense. 1 cubic cm is worth the weight of 1 mountain.
Its inner layers are even denser

>> No.11430327

Black hole

>> No.11430386


Pulse electromagnetic fields with plasma, only the plasma actually helps because it blocks radiation, which is important in this scenario.

Self re enforcing anti matter and matter plasma shield might also work if a nuclear bomb is not enough to make the shied go critical

>> No.11430457

i surround it with 1000 1000 megaton nukes obviously.

>> No.11430483

mini black hole in the box

>> No.11430516

Kys lol

>> No.11430518


>> No.11430522

>doesnt seem possible
>bro indestructible neutron matter
You sure showed him

>> No.11430562

Not enough lmao

>> No.11430564


>> No.11430577

they're literally imagining things, yes

>> No.11430578

I'm sorry, is there something wrong with what I said?
The only thing that could destroy a neutron matter is another neutron matter that collided with it at great speed/mass (but not to the point of collapsing into a blackhole)

>> No.11430625

Easy, a very strong box made out of nukes.
The increase in volume from the inner nuke would just be cancelled out by the outer nukes.

>> No.11430638

You're so fucking airheaded god I already lost just replying to you.

Go ahead and tell me how you intend on making a box out of indestructible material.

>> No.11430643

A steel box 1m3 with 30 foot thick walls

>> No.11430675

I would make the box out of Nokia 3310s.

EDIT: Thanks for the gold, kind stranger!

>> No.11431525 [DELETED] 

> using whatever technology you can come up with
I don't know either

>> No.11431550

since yall is too dum to suggest this: build a box out of antimatter

>> No.11431556

>using whatever technology you can come up with
That's easy.
Shatter a neutron star by colliding them with each other then just reassemble the pieces as you wanted.

OP wanted a 1x1x1 meter cube.
1cm of neutron matter is around 100000000000 tons
1 cubic meter =1000000 cubic cm
The resulting box would be less than the weight of the Earth - an easy feat for a K3 civilization.

The hard part is if the collision caused strange matter.

>> No.11431628

If by "cube" you just mean the space it needs to be contained at I would play with the environment of the space. Temperature, pressure and ex...

>> No.11431642
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Surround the region where the explosion originates with a thin shell of neutronium which, when it collapses, causes a 1 megaton explosion inward.

>> No.11431651

Put it on a neutron star.

>> No.11431659
File: 71 KB, 540x766, based_leguan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>bro just use pieces of a neutron star
>its so dense
>its so dense because of the neutron stars self gravitation
>bro just break off a chunk, it will remain as dense as before

>> No.11431687

Well, ok, smart guy.
Just punch a 1x1x1 meter hole inside a neutron star via antimatter then place the nuke.

How big of a difference would it be if the chunk of a neutron star was removed?

>> No.11431707

That on the other hand could work.

>> No.11431718

Neutronium should remain relatively stable even when outside of the neutron star though I guess you could bombard it with protons and start to degrade it

>> No.11431871
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I boom even bigger explosions in the other directions to oppose the force of the original BOOM

>> No.11431882

quantum kek

>> No.11431912

redefine the metre

>> No.11431961

>Neutronium should remain relatively stable even when outside of the neutron star
What's holding all the neutrons tightly together absent the high gravity of a neutron star?

>> No.11432054

a firm grip

>> No.11432180

I set off an antimatter version of the same nuke inside the same box. The explosion and antiexplosion cancel each other out, except for a pattern of constructive interference, which is however much weaker and can be contained with a thick layer of steel.

>> No.11432192

One giant cube-shaped carbon molecule constructed with sheets of hexagonal "bucky" formations.

>> No.11432200

I make the cube out of magnetic material. Contain the blast using electromagnetic fuckery.

>> No.11432203

Congratulations. You have succeeded in blowing up half the solar system.

>> No.11432211

Just drop that shit into the sun lol. No problems

>> No.11432215

Put in a box with nuclear shaped charges all around going inward timed so they cancel out.

>> No.11432229

Box where the inside is all mirrors.

>> No.11432231

Antimatter does not work like that, you idiot.
Antimatter RELEASES energy and therefore results into an explosion as well when made contact with matter.

The opposite of explosion is implosion.

>> No.11432239

>The opposite of explosion is implosion.
Wait. Say that again.

>> No.11432245


>> No.11432251

How is that meant to affect anything?
Wavefunction collapse is just you making a measurement.

>> No.11432253

Raise the temperature of the surroundings to a temperature only slightly lower than that of a nuclear explosion. Probably sending it into the sun is a practical implementation.

>> No.11432254

When did you get that? I got one a few days ago.

>> No.11432259

Okay, fine, but you gave me the idea. I create a gravity well inside the box!

>> No.11432260

so a lotta M

>> No.11432261

Just pile in negative mass matter

>> No.11432262

>using whatever technology you can come up with
I would shrink the explosion with my shrink ray that shrinks space itself. It would still be 1 megaton, just proportionally smaller.

>> No.11432285

>tfw these are practically the same idea
Get a room you two.

>> No.11432289

Gravity is the result of matter/energy pilling up on each other
Gravity Well is only possible if you have something that holds equal energy and density

>> No.11432298
File: 16 KB, 265x326, +_3bb67940cb8b13f0a625f579cc2f65fc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I always look at these threads completely uncomfortable with the question of whether you guys are trolling or serious

I do not have that much IQ but I am confident it does not work that way. Am I retarded or am I surrounded by retards?

>> No.11432301

I would shoot it with my reduces 1 megaton nuclear explosions to 1x1x1 meter, ray gun.
gg ez

>> No.11432359

While this is true, the vectors of an implosive gravity well against the nuke explosion will cancel out with sufficient energy.

>> No.11432366

You don't get it, nigga
What I mean, is that, if you want to produce enough gravity that could contain the explosion of the nuke, you would need to detonate that shit on the surface of a neutron star.

You cannot produce gravity out of nothing, that violates all 3 laws

>> No.11432368
File: 23 KB, 680x382, Brainletos.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw /sci/ thinks it can use energy to destroy energy
This is how much of a brainlet you sound like right now.
*pic related*

>> No.11432373

>out of nothing
Who said I wasn't generating gravity waves through a different means?
>use energy to destroy energy

>> No.11432380

Do you even know what a gravity wave is?
Gravity wave and gravity are like water and stone.

>> No.11432383

Do you even know what 4chan is?
Shitposting and 4chan are like water and stone.

>> No.11432385
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Nah, he does not mean it that way.
He is just saying about enough energy to make the explosion self-contained, which is technically possible since E=mc^2. The universe cannot differ between mass and energy and both can create their own gravitational fields
Energy that became self-contained to the point of becoming a blackhole is called a Kugelblitz

Well, I hope that's what he meant

>> No.11432387

>Gravity wave and gravity are like water and stone.
Both made of atoms?

>> No.11432393
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Shut WEEB. Nobody loves you.

>> No.11432405
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>tfw not even weebs love weebs

>> No.11432461
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Einstein literally interrupted a meeting just so he could watch their version of mlp. stfu
Put that guy on this era and he would be as degenerate of a fuck as any weeb

>> No.11432611

>Einstein literally interrupted a meeting
Based and Beany pilled


>> No.11433357

self-healing drones with force-field generator
>swarm surrounds explosion
>absorbs energy
>continually generate outer layer of drones while maintaining the force-field

>> No.11433379

Explosions are an increase in air temperature due to a rapid increase in infrared radiation, creating an increase in air pressure. If you remove the air, then the air doesn't expand. Therefore, you would have to perform the reaction in a vacuum sealed chamber.

>> No.11433387

so what exactly would be exploding?

>> No.11434858


these guys are absolute fucking nutters

>> No.11434866

Explode 6 nukes around it

>> No.11435304

Inner dimensions of the cube have to be 1x1x1m?
I would make a cube with inner dimensions of 1x1x1m and walls 700,000 light years thick made of any material. it would be contained. I choose cotton wool.

>> No.11435326

You idiot.
The cube is where the explosion has to be CONTAINED
No matter how thick the walls, they are just shock absorbers
The nuke would vaporize a radius of 50km of your cotton wall+fire

>> No.11435339

I used a 1x1x1m cube to contain the blast though yes? the original post does not say "within" a 1x1x1m cube, just "in". A cube must have some outer dimension? My 1x1x1m cube has quite large outer dimensions, yes but it has contained the blast let off "in" it.

>> No.11435344

If, and only if, your wall managed to keep itself whole.

You never specified what it is made off so I assumed it's also cotton. A wall of cotton

>> No.11435347

It will decay instantly you mong. If you just teleported a 1cm thick box shaped amount of material from a neutron star around the explosion, the "neutronium" (hypothetical) would emit more energy than the bomb.

>> No.11435348

Specifically cotton wool as stated originally.

>> No.11435350

Vaporized you are indeed

>> No.11435354

Won't a decayed neutronium be just like depleted uranium that is a bit radioactive but still dense enough that we use them on AP rounds?

The energy would be emitted but the dense wall is all that's needed

>> No.11435357

You need to freeze it down first into a solid block, then you can use it

>> No.11435359

I don't dispute that a large amount of material would be destroyed but I allowed a quite large margin of error in specifying a structure 1.4 million light years + 1m wide. I Don't think a megaton explosion could destroy a structure 14 times the width of our galaxy.
Therefore: the explosion is contained.
Using cotton wool.

>> No.11435364
File: 113 KB, 275x275, Gt+mfw+i+forthwith+acquire+a+burgeoning+cranium+_a6b8600a74cb77ea2cda738bba9e3c4c (1).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Might as well detonate the nuke on the atmosphere and say the explosion was contained by a wall of air

>> No.11435383

You would not have created a 1x1x1m cube though would you and no structure within which the energy from the explosion was contained, both of which I did.

>> No.11435600
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>> No.11435672

Contain it in a box of unmeltable steel beams

>> No.11436052

No. Depleted uranium is depleted because it lightened up enough to be stable. Neutronium has a LOT of mass to let go before it becomes stable outside the gravity well of a neutron star. It would most certainly detonate like a bomb.

No. Low temperature doesn't stop decay until you hit abs 0, which is impossible.

>I'm posting in a troll/brainlet thread again...

>> No.11436908

lmao dude just pour concrete on it

>> No.11436961
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Also, I know that at an extremely high explosion strength, obsidian blocks will indeed break (or atleast used to) in which case you can just switch to bedrock.

>> No.11437106

throw the bomb into a black hole with a diameter of 1m

>> No.11437497

Yeah, except neutronium would release its energy via radiation for eons. No way it would explode.
It's a giant neutron, not some pressurized air.

>> No.11437574

It will implode and contain itself, you just have to be patient ;^)

>> No.11437601

Holy shit you're so retarded. Please read a book.

>> No.11437613

I wonder what would that fireball taste like if you could taste it.

>> No.11437621

Planet made of titanium with ball with radius of half meter in the middle for explosion, titanium having thin tuboid structure whitin it filled with liquid hydrogen.

Maybe walls could be out of calcium oxide or similar structure with titanium oxide coating. Well cooled by heatpipes.

>> No.11437627

Not allowing explosion, just put substance for radiactive heat generation without reach of critical, therefore harvesting power of explosion for longer period trought time.

I don't know why nuclear explosions, when there's cold fusion. It's much better eco technical source for generating elektricity than old school uranium, when it comes to nuclear.

>> No.11437650

For not meter x meter but something large, but to "safe" population from nuclear blast, best approach would be to develop some sort of foam, as is probably on the picture...

But I doubt it fits meter*meter.

I think something that remains elastic under high temperature would be sufficient, therefore I would just put layers of sand between titanium plates... Maybe some special pyro sand if available, if titanium not available, then just wet sand between layers of steel will do it's job quite well.

Shape can be constructed in a way, that any hole in layer would build opposite reaction on escaping force ... It must be really convex ... like outwards shapped material, so it will reflect it to the inside, but must be really full of wet sand,

>> No.11437659

Building a torus inside of that cube, made of titanium having shape of tesla's valve... or maybe something softer that will put pressure on one side so all the force will end up in the circular motion of plasma.

>> No.11437692

i would find a really big guy that punches hard and have him punch the explosion away. simple as

>> No.11437721

place the bomb inside a diamond cube

>> No.11437735

I suppose first have the explosion device suspended in a vacuum so there's not much air to heat and pressurize, then an interior wall of a super insulator like aerogel, then an exterior shell of a super conductor like boron arsenide, then put some wicked heat fins on the exterior walls and super cool them with near light speed "water"falls of liquid hydrogen whisking the heat away so it's dissipated before it gets a chance to melt the walls.

Idk, I think you could actually do the math to see what kind of heat transfer is required to whisk away 100,000,000°C in less than a second but I'm too busy watching TV and eating chips

>> No.11437741

nuclear explosions don't exist.
So what you ask is impossible.

>> No.11437759

Love it. Why fight it when you can redirect it

>> No.11439219

i think it would taste like doritoes COOM ranch

>> No.11439226

Not even him, but now I want to act like a fuckwit just to watch you guys seethe

>> No.11439243
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>> No.11439266
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The entirety of the vehicle must be constructed out of metallic hydrogen.

>> No.11439331

thats just very stupid

>> No.11439350

ur supposed to contain it not cancel/annihilate it

>> No.11439361

unfortunately cotton, much like the atmosphere near a megaton nuclear blast, would be incapable of containing it. so you'd still have a huge uncontained explosion

>> No.11439541

Based and looneytoons-pilled

>> No.11439550

I'd fill it with listerine first

>> No.11440201

the cube is made of a cube shaped nuclear bomb,

so when your bomb goes of inside it, the cube blows up also, effectively keeping your explosion inside.

>> No.11441665

You should flip that box upside down. The flaps will blow open, and the force of the explosion will propel you skyward at 5000 meters a second. With the flaps pressed to the surface of the ground, the explosion has nowhere to go, and you'll be left relatively unscathed.

>> No.11441678

Or the exact opposite can happen. The flaps facing upward will just blow open, and the explosion will rush by him, leaving him a charred, though alive, blinking skeleton. With the flaps facing down, the explosion will propel the box upward into space, carrying him and his box all the way to the moon.

>> No.11441805

Was about to write exactly the same thing. The problem is so easy to solve that way.