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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 93 KB, 978x652, flat-earthers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11424280 No.11424280 [Reply] [Original]

How did science communicators fuck up to the point where flat earthers are still around and even growing in some places?

>> No.11424305

The flat earth model actully makes more sense. If any of you so called science wizards bothered to look up from your microscopes for a minute and pay attention to the debate surrounding the nature of the earth you might learn something for once.

>> No.11424309

Blame the media for legitimising it. A few schizos and a couple hundred memes managed to convince the media that this was an established and legitimate perspective held by many online. Hardly anyone, even politically controversial and scientifically ignorant people, thought the Earth was flat before this shit blew up a couple years ago.

>> No.11424310
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by lying incessantly and aggressively to the point that nobody believes them anymore. the origins of the problem lie in allowing women into the sciences. women aren't intelligent enough to understand long term consequences of something like lying, women behave and act impulsively based on their current emotional state like an animal.

>> No.11424330

I personally pretend to be a flat earther and anti-vaccer because I dislike dumb pretentious redditor pseuds who think that arguing with retards makes them smart

>> No.11424338

There will always be retards.

>> No.11424366

Every time I open Facebook someone is posting a series of pictures about the sheeple believing in gravity just because the Government wants you to.

It's making me irrationally irritated looking at it

>> No.11424374

PSA for how gullible people are. At least it's harmless.

>> No.11424378

It's mostly the internet. Loonies can get in touch with other loonies easier than ever which makes even the most retarded ideas spread and grow.

>> No.11424409

if people are all so stupid and incredibly gullible then how come nobody believes in all of the stuff they leaned during a decade and a half or so of daily indoctrination with government propaganda at school during their childhoods?
round earth only become genuinely plausible to a discerning mind after they've mastered noneuclidian trig, and most people don't become involved in that before grad school (its not rly that difficult if you're comforatable with coordinate transformations.)

>> No.11424441

if you actually believe that it makes more sense you're an utter moron with no understanding of scale or physics and zero critical thinking

>> No.11424462
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very well reasoned response

>> No.11424469
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I think that particularly stupid conspiracy theories (like flat Earth or Moon hoax) have glow-in-dark types behind them; they are meant to tar by association anyone who questions mainstream narratives. People who wonder just who has the CIA used its heart-attack gun get lumped into the same category as people who think space isn't real. It should be noted that the term 'conspiracy theory' itself was coined in a memo released to CIA agents on how to talk to people questioning just what went on with President Kennedy's death.

>> No.11424481

>It's making me irrationally irritated looking at it
That’s the intended effect. That’s actually how the whole thing started out several years ago until schizos latched into it.

>> No.11424500

>how come nobody believes in all of the stuff they leaned during a decade and a half or so of daily indoctrination with government propaganda
if it was propaganda, don't you think they'd be better at it?

>> No.11424516

The revelation is that flat earthism is a scheme to seperate the gullible from their cash.

>> No.11424519
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>science communicators

>> No.11424524 [DELETED] 
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>> No.11424527
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>PSA for how gullible people are.

>> No.11424529
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>There will always be retards.

>> No.11424530

The Earth actually could be flat. Yes we think it is a globe due to science but you must understand these are just MODELS have you actually been to space?

>> No.11424531

Kek I thought this was gonna be the one where the guy grabs an obvious wire.

>> No.11424562

so why can you walk to the other side of the south pole then?

>> No.11424574
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>Eclipses showing our shadow
>Mother fucking non stationary satellites
>Different constellations on both hemispheres
>Every object in space being a sphere if the size is big enough

Go and do Eratosthenes experiment yourself, you piece of shit. And if you have time, the movie Idiocracy.

>> No.11424591

It’s just mentally ill people being exposed to other mentally ill people.

>> No.11424597

>I looked at a website specifically about movies and this website said these people sometimes act and write gotcha

Holy shit cringe

>> No.11424599

Flat earthers are literally schizophrenic there’s no point in “debunking them”. Just ignore them and they leave.

>> No.11424613

Flat earth was and still is an experiment on the durability and dissemination of propaganda in modern western society.

You can expect it's being studied, and knowledge gleaned from the experiment will be applied to more nefarious deeds in the VERY near future.

>> No.11424617

>Flat earth is actually a false flag conspiracy

Literally as crazy as the flat earthers.

>> No.11424630
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>false flag conspiracy

nice strawman ya got there

>> No.11424633

>y-you strawmanmed me even though you didn’t

“ Flat earth was and still is an experiment on the durability and dissemination of propaganda in modern western society.”

You think flat earth is astroturfing made up by some nefarious party. Prove it.

>> No.11424644


>> No.11424650

Yeah you are right it could be flat. Good be a sphere I haven’t been to space. It’s most likely a sphere. I’m not intelligent enough to prove it but there is probably little reason for all these people to be lying.

>> No.11424653

>because I dislike dumb pretentious redditor pseuds who think that arguing with retards makes them smart

I have to live in the world that you are wrecking with your stupidity. Your anti-vax BS is getting people killed. Children even.

>> No.11424655

>made up by some nefarious party
I never said that. The idea could have came from anywhere and then get "enhanced" somehow and then disseminated.

Here's how I imagine it'd work:
>find polarizing/destabilizing idea that's highly controversial but somewhat plausible
>inject idea into small online community of intelligent but gullible people
>once small community accepts the idea, turn around and attack the idea
>get them to attack, debate, argue, and dissect the idea
>the small community will do the work of creating every possible defense and argument and counterargument
>collect all the information
>now disseminate idea on very large scale
>with knowledge of previous shop testing of idea, you can avoid areas that are weak or easily falsifiable, or create/add entirely new facets to the idea which help shore up the more falsifiable bits long before they're even debated/questioned openly

sound familiar

>> No.11424657

>Go and do Eratosthenes experiment yourself
you do know that that experiment is famous for being unrepeatable?

>> No.11424678

>It’s impossible to measure shadows in different places

Do elaborate.

>> No.11424700

going outside is impossible for his lardass

>> No.11424714

don't forget, it's also a battle of attrition.
You'll get sick of giving counterarguments to sockpuppets, stop posting, and a new generation of credulous uni students will come in to take your place.

>> No.11424743

I have literally seen the experiment repeated on YouTube.

>> No.11424769

So this is the kind of retardation flat earthers believe.
You can go out and repeat it yourself, retard.

>> No.11424808

you niggers act so high and mighty because you disbelieve in flat earth but I bet you still think polywater was just some sort of experimental artifact

>> No.11424821

As a long range competitive shooter I can fucking assure you the goddamn Earth is not flat.

>Bumbling fucking retards

>> No.11424973 [DELETED] 
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Flat earth bullshit is pushed by jews to discredit people who believe in the conspiracy theories that are actually true

>> No.11424986

They tried to communicate science and engage the general public, who already hate science. Humans are distrustful of authority, the more you try to convince them the harder they will stick to their own beliefs. Even in today's modern society, science is held in low regard, what most people think of as science is actually engineering of consumer goods, the real science is still misunderstood and feared by most people. The modern day aristocracy tolerates science because they are long term thinkers, but only give patronage those who can forward the aristocrat's own agenda. Just look for the numerous social media posts of "why are we giving tax money so some egghead can find a new particle, give me a bigger screen for my iPhone". If your research doesn't produce an immediate gimme for the plebs you will be reviled and feared.

>> No.11424988

>People who wonder just who has the CIA used its heart-attack gun
What evidence is there for a heart attack gun? The only sources I can find talking about it are flat-earther tier conspiracy sites.

>> No.11425150

Not evidence, but if you were a paranoid conspiratorial govt. agency, wouldn't that be the first thing on your list? Who WOULDN'T

>> No.11425188

>merely pretending

>> No.11425429

>What evidence is there for a heart attack gun?
A "heart attack gun" is essentially "a needle with poison that causes a heart attack", and everyone with a working brain understands that the glow-in-the-dark pests use such methods against their enemies.

>> No.11425440

I think stupid people always existed it's just that the internet has brought to to light and given them a voice. These people will always latch onto the most retarded position so it has nothing to do with how you teach/communicate science

>> No.11425469

gun is still going to have a sound and leaving a poison needle with heart attack sauce into your victim is not only sure fire way to put the blame to yourself but also fucking retarded way of killing someone when you could just use an anonymous bullet
At best that would be something like a close range weapon for manual takedowns on agents but those already exist and are just called poisons and no one is trying to hide them.

I can understand why CIA would try to hide their "heart attack gun" because it's so hilariously stupid idea combining high price with ineffectivness and easy identification that if public knew they might question CIA's capabilities.

>> No.11425479

It has nothing to do with science communicators and everything to do with carbon tax shills, financial sector parasites, the weirdos in big pharma (and their freakish pets that we see running around), and more generally white collar crime.

Naturally people want to distance themselves from anything with even a passing resemblance to that kind of crap.

>> No.11425480


>> No.11425496

and who could forget the absolute nausea inducing bullshit politicians constantly spew.
if this is what people in positions of "authority" are all about, then surely no authority figures can be trusted.

It will only get worse until inbred and nepotistic political class is given a role in society more suited to their abilities, like fry cook.

>> No.11425503
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So no evidence.

>> No.11425518

Flat earth is counterintelligence black propaganda spread for the sole purpose of discrediting/demoralizing people who investigate fake history.

>> No.11425527
File: 8 KB, 250x205, F0D18D79-99BF-4DB6-9F29-6546413CAE2A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I have to live in the world that you are wrecking with your stupidity. Your anti-vax BS is getting people killed. Children even.

>> No.11425532


>> No.11425538

>counterintelligence black propaganda is supernatural
Ok retard.

>> No.11425543

>no problem with 25% of kids being autistic, it means nothing

>> No.11425550

I saw a screecher for the very first time last summer. it was unsettling.

>> No.11425744

The CIA literally testified to its existence in front of a Senate investigation committee in 1975. This site has a video that includes clips of Senators asking questions about it.


>> No.11425758

First of all it is an air gun, so much quieter than a regular gun. And the poison was in a dart made of ice, which would melt, leaving only small pin prick wound.

>> No.11425769

They fucked up by allowing fedora tipping redditors to speak for them.

>> No.11425772

Doing God's work Anon.

Fuck redditors.
Fuck pseuds
And fuck jannies

>> No.11425782

> Thinking beliefs come from communication, information availability, or education

Complete dumb dumb

>> No.11425869

some have fish eye lenses and some don't you fucking imbecile

>> No.11425879

>women behave and act impulsively based on their current emotional state like an animal.
so do you. If you don’t respond to hormones you are incapable of life.

>> No.11425890

>round earth only become genuinely plausible to a discerning mind after they've mastered noneuclidian trig
are you retarded or trolling?
A spherical earth is the first conclusion anybody draws when assuming that matter attracts matter. And that is not a mind breaking assumption to make compared to the shit you have to assume for a flat earth model to work.

>> No.11425895

very good arguing points you provided

>> No.11425970


>> No.11425996

huh? there are literal reports of the CIA pushing it along with the moon hoaxers.

>> No.11426005
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>> No.11426018

>How did science communicators fuck up to the point where flat earthers are still around and even growing in some places?
Someone made a joke about flat earth and then instead of everyone having a laugh a tremendous amount of opposition to the concept appeared causing some people to see this as suspicious and warranting further digging into the idea.

Same reason the illegality of questioning the holocaust is evidence that something is off about that story too.

>> No.11426027

This. I admire flat-earthers. I despise anti-flat-earthers.

>> No.11426312

anti-flat earthers just remind me of ""anti-racist activists""" you see at mls games and the like. It's entirely stupid because "racism" isn't a legitimate position that people are still debating. There is no Racist party running for office. No mainstream "racist activists". Whether or not some other group is thought to be racist is a completely different notion entirely, and they would be much more well directed to protest against something specific rather than just the general concept of racism.

>> No.11426314


>> No.11426326

>Flat earthers are literally schizophrenic there’s no point in “debunking them”. Just ignore them and they leave.
Here's the mistake, OP.

>> No.11426334

Earth’s diameter is 7917.6 miles. The largest number in that meme is 270 miles.

>> No.11426339
File: 401 KB, 3837x1613, 1579984942381.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There should be hundreds of miles of exponential curvature in every direction in this panoramic shot. Looks very flat to me.

>> No.11426346


>> No.11426358

American education is a hell of a drug.

>> No.11426382

> an obvious wire
you mean the one where he reaches out to grab his friend to steady him and only manages to grab his pants with his pinky?

>> No.11426403
File: 12 KB, 202x214, MOON.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11426416


>> No.11426423

>implying the momentum of an impact sufficient to blow a moon sized pile of shit off the earth is insufficient to blow it hundreds of thousands of miles away from the earth before stabilizing in an orbit

>> No.11426570

There is no mention of heart attacks. They mention shellfish toxin, which doesn't cause heart attacks.

>> No.11426571

>And the poison was in a dart made of ice
Source? Sounds like bullshit.

>> No.11426702
File: 38 KB, 640x640, fucc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Impressive argument. Another shining example of the human intellect.

>> No.11426819

When have scientists gone back on the notion of dinosaurs having feathers? Also why is his cock so prominent?

>> No.11426887

the schizo you replied to is mistaking jurassic park anti-feather normie cope for some sort of paleontological spat

>> No.11426892

Great hobby.

>> No.11426906

Read up on how a panoramic pic is made, 8 yr old.

>> No.11426908

grant-chasers keep making earth science look retarded with hundred-year extrapolations of short term data in order to get climate hysteria funding

>> No.11426966

its the incessant lying and demands for money
>its for a good cause
>you owe me a favor
>i'm doing it all for you
>i'm sacrificing opportunity for myself to be a scientist
is what the university professor says as he collects his paycheck and research funding, but the never end up producing a result that benefits anyone in any real way. stupid wasteful bullshit like jwst doesn't benefit anyone who doesn't get a paycheck from the billions spent on the project. $15 billion wasted so some useless ass can act like knows how the universe works, like some magical gnostic gatekeeper of advanced wisdom.

>> No.11426988

I would like to see actual physical proof of a round earth. Optics, pictures, and videos could all be lies or illusions. Otherwise get fucked.

>> No.11427004

>I would like to see actual physical proof of a round earth

There are different stars in the sky entirely at different latitudes.

>> No.11427007

>I admire insane retards

Go figure

>> No.11427015

The thing about Flat Earth is that it’s only part of the picture
They’re missing the second, possibly more important piece: Cylindrical Sun

>> No.11427029

Yea dumbass stars move around the sky and shit. No moron stars prove nothing.

>> No.11427031

>allowing criminals to inject you with mecury

>> No.11427035

>Yea dumbass stars move around the sky and shit.

The appearance of the stars is impossible on a flat plane. All of them should be visible from any position.

>> No.11427077
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pic related is you

>> No.11427078
File: 1.54 MB, 2048x1369, gettyimages-152209956-2048x2048.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the never end up producing a result that benefits anyone in any real way. stupid wasteful bullshit like jwst doesn't benefit anyone who doesn't get a paycheck from the billions spent on the project. $15 billion wasted so some useless ass can act like knows how the universe works

>> No.11427165
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>> No.11427169

>>11424462 = u

>> No.11427211

The average person thinks we can cut funding of scientific research while not affecting the advancement of the technology that allows him to further indulge in the vices he perceives to be more important than said scientific research.
It's the epitome of shortsightedness and precisely why certain things cannot be decided by the democratic process.

>> No.11427285
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>> No.11427294

ok boomer

>> No.11427295

Flat Earth and Anti-Vax exist because now you can create your own bubbles. The bubble then filters anything that doesn't agree with your worldview.
It strikes me that both are more "boomers on facebook" and for the particularly savvy, reddit. I'd guess most of the anti-vax and flat earth on /sci/ is just dedicated "ironic" shitposters.

>> No.11427358

>imagine believing that's how the moon formed

>> No.11427702

Christ, I hate this brand of contrarianism.

>> No.11427713

Here is a better citation for the "heart attack gun" - straight from the government itself.

Volume 1, Unauthorized Storage of Toxic Agents (September 16, 17, and 18, 1975)

>> No.11427730

earth is a tesseract

>> No.11427885

Thanks 4chan

>> No.11427897

>people saying something is wrong is evidence of it being right

>> No.11427902


>> No.11427928

White people clinging to the "moon landing" are like "jews" clinging to the "holocaust".

>> No.11427954

Trolls and retards who think that everything is a conspiracy.

>> No.11428034
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>> No.11428075

"science communicators" are the problem, they pushed their shit so much it became retarded.

>> No.11428104
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spending time trying to debate with them only gives them the belief that their arguments are worth taking the time to debate and further fuels their retardation. they're classic trolls but are so dumb they don't even realize they're the ones trolling themselves. ignore them. don't feed their delusions

>> No.11428248
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>> No.11428251
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>> No.11428262

Yeah I read it already. There is no mention of heart attacks, just a dart gun (not darts made of ice) and shellfish toxin. So as usual, cranks have completely exaggerated reality.

>> No.11428383

I am not a flat Earth-er or some other highly conspicuous conspiracy nut with an obsessive fixation, I am a natural philosopher.

I want you to take a careful look at the pic related chosen by OP
The object depicted is a simple lens. An optical material that harnesses the resonance of light to magnify an image.
A not so subtle hint at to what this "conspiracy" is all really about.
Suppose one makes the observation that the Earth is flat?
This observation is made without exaggeration or suspected consequence of any mentally compromised state.
There are now two possible conclusions, as I see it.
One, the Earth is a big pancake-like thing and there are several interpretations for that.
Two, it is an optical illusion created by a super-optical fluid known as the Luminiferous Aether*

Assume two, I propose several hypothesis as to why this would be kept secret.
For starters, that might mean that the astronomical distances between cosmic bodies is a lot closer than we have been told, and that their appearance of being extremely distanct is due to the path of light following a curved path in parralel with the terrestrial sphere.

>> No.11428386
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>> No.11428398

The curvature of spacetime is an identical concept to a fluid lattice oriented about an axis pointing towards the mean point of greatest gravitational field intensity. Light is the transfer of momentum along the intermediate axis of an aetheric vortex.

>> No.11428430

I personally pretend to be a flat earther and anti-vaccer because I dislike dumb pretentious redditor pseuds who think that arguing with retards makes them smart

Pointing out that the flaws and inefficiencies in our biology that Reddit fags bring up as evidence of evolution, are actually evidence of intelligent design is fun.

>anyone can build a bridge that stands, it takes an engineer to design a bridge that BARELY stands

>> No.11429269

Go on? I'm interested

>> No.11429298

There is so much conformity and mindless appeal to authority in modern culture that, even though flat earthers are retarded, they're still using their brains more than the average "I FUCKING LOVE SOIENCE" npc.

>> No.11429309

>you can simultaneously be at two places at difference latitudes on Earth to conduct the experiment.
Ok retard.

>> No.11429321

Science can't fail. When it is wrong it learns from its mistakes and adapts. That's what's happening w/ the flat earth, scientific paradigms are being challenged and in some cases overthrown. Don't be strong and join the revolution.

>> No.11429325

*Don't be a trog.

>> No.11429375

this triggers me

>> No.11429424

why? because 8' per mile squared?

>> No.11429442

>using exponents to describe the curve of a sphere
whoever started this shit is the conman of the century

>> No.11429528


Now that is a good take. I like it. Similar to the idea that Corona virus is being used as a similar study.

However it seems rather pointless, its already well established that most people are stupid and can be easily manipulated through a variety of means, all of which have their own niche uses. Why bother reinventing the wheel?

>> No.11429584

Yeah you are onto it. Making a study of how to best effect disinformation, discredit opponents, recruit supporters, disseminate ideas, etc, can yield all sorts of useful information. Especially with changes in technology and social connectivity.

Such information and techniques are a tool, to be used for whatever vested interest seeks to gain an edge, or merely remain competitive with their opponents. They would be fools not to use it.

We have seen the impact of disinformation and infoflation on recent issues such as climate change and the corona virus. Understanding how people react to propaganda, how to efficiently use it, even its economics (how to get the best bang for buck), is valuable to those wishing to use it.

>> No.11429596


Such attitudes may also be a historical legacy which began with industrialized warfare, culminating in WW1 and WW2, then continuing throughout the cold war with the threat of nuclear warfare.

To many people it may have seemed very apparent that:
Science = technology = mass death

>> No.11429612

Best post.

>> No.11429617

This is exactly how anyone with common sense respond to a flat earther.

>> No.11429623
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>t. doesn't understand trigonometry.

>> No.11429626

>I am not a flat Earth-er or some other highly conspicuous conspiracy nut with an obsessive fixation, I am a natural retard.

>> No.11429636

im retard, what am i missing here
did he almost break a vital wire or something

>> No.11429658

Ya I think it goes beyond that.

The psych industry is chopping boys' dicks off and turning maladjusted people in emotionally inert, morbidly obese blobs of complete and utter uselessness.

The financial industry is spouting things like modern monetary theory, aka print print print, despite numerous historical examples of this leading to collapse.

Politicians claiming we can fight climate change while we "grow the economy"

The list goes on and on. People see this kind of thing and begin to mistrust all authority figures.

>> No.11429679


The key issue is that we never developed a court-like judiciary to apply to our political decision making process.

>> No.11429772

I'm not gonna lie I believe the Earth is flat because it would be really cool if it is and I want to explore other continents. I am going to travel to the Ice Wall and attempt to cross it wish me luck guys. I need to build some more wealth but once I have it I am doing it no turning back.

>> No.11429782

The proper formula to use is h=r-r•cos(s/2r).

>> No.11429812

Godspeed Anon. I only wish all flat earthers would do the same as you. I would gladly donate to your exploration goal. Stay true to your word and on absolutely no account turn back.

>> No.11429836

stupid faggotass reddshit tier hippe college professor: question everything man! question authority
>what about flat earth
stupid faggotass reddshit tier hippe college professor: nooooo you can't just question authority! you're wrong because i say so
>what if everything about your libtard goodgoy narrative is false?
stupid faggotass reddshit tier hippe college professor: nooooo you can't just question everything!!!

>> No.11429877
File: 623 KB, 1000x1209, 94ac55e4e117e10c51c132306e112bbc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

2009 the entry level for the internet became as simple as signing up for a phone bill, since then the webpages went from forums with details and and appealing to intelligent users who could discern...
then in afew years into to blown up like a baloon with afew big stupid words and really silly stupid looking minimalistic artwork and it would still bring in the crowds. that is why they called them "smart"phones due to including the less smart in on the Internet

>> No.11429894

>flat Earth
>apple supremacists
Is the any difference between the above cult followings?

>> No.11429905

And forgot Elon musk followers to the list

>> No.11429963

Also forgot cryonics retards.

>> No.11430215

The professor assumed you wouldn't be dumb enough to assert nonsense after having eschewed coherency and sanity. You can do Eratosthenes' experiment.

>> No.11430227


>> No.11430320 [DELETED] 
File: 389 KB, 1374x1046, infiniteplane.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11430322
File: 681 KB, 1871x1143, polarnight2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11430326
File: 280 KB, 1081x803, locallight2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11430329
File: 632 KB, 1536x1030, airmapofworld.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Funny how all flight maps are flat earth AE proj

>> No.11430332
File: 164 KB, 758x946, seasons2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


How do seasons work? If the whole planet is away from the sun - REGARDLESS OF TILT - why is it hotter in AUS/NZ???

>> No.11430334
File: 487 KB, 1872x1047, seasonsflatearth.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11430340
File: 98 KB, 900x675, missingcurve.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.11430350

lmao do you actually think the earth looks like that at 100ft

if this is the kind of thing that convinces the drooling retards of flat earth of course science has no hope converting them.

>> No.11430364

I have not actually proved that the earth is round myself
nor have I proved to myself that there exists countries or even cities outside the few I have visited.

but in what fucking universe is a flat earth a more likely explanation than a round one?
I would sooner believe reality/experience was a simulation where nothing exists outside of what I am currently interacting with than I would believe some grand conspiracy

>> No.11430389
File: 30 KB, 425x328, watersticks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>but in what fucking universe is a flat earth a more likely explanation than a round one?

Theres no measurable curvature on the ocean

see >>11430340


>> No.11430393
File: 209 KB, 704x886, mnteverestFISHY.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Its always being faked

>> No.11430396
File: 326 KB, 1151x2048, copypaste3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11430402

>Can't into manifolds
Get the fuck out of sci.

>> No.11430432

maybe if you could explain your theory in full sentences instead of some hard to interpret twitter meme image

>> No.11430446
File: 93 KB, 665x960, missingcurve3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>maybe if you could explain your theory in full sentences instead of some hard to interpret twitter meme image

Watch the link and understand - THERE IS NO MEASURABLE CURVATURE period

Not a theory, its a fucking fact


>> No.11430459

I entertained the guy after the presentation for 2 minutes
he assumes it HAS to go the full range, and has to do it across land
it was literally stated in the video it was also intended to shoot down missiles (which tend to be in the air)

do not get me started on the retarded units used

>> No.11430467


Of course there is no curve, the Earth is a Polygon. A polygon has flat sides, no curves at all. The sun is a cylinder. They have been lying to us about these facts for years! Thank God people like you are here to set the record straight!

>> No.11430478
File: 1.32 MB, 1022x5384, flatearthers.png.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

are you by any chance the video uploader?

>> No.11430482

>Flatearthers are caused by whamen
Will literally pull anythjng out of your ass just to hate on, do u have any goals in life or are u just shitposting

>> No.11430505
File: 151 KB, 650x650, shills.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Of course there is no curve, the Earth is a Polygon. A polygon has flat sides, no curves at all. The sun is a cylinder. They have been lying to us about these facts for years! Thank God people like you are here to set the record straight!>>11430459
>I entertained the guy after the presentation for 2 minutes
>he assumes it HAS to go the full range, and has to do it across land
>it was literally stated in the video it was also intended to shoot down missiles (which tend to be in the air)
>do not get me started on the retarded units used

The measurement for the railgun range doesnt account for CURVATURE

>> No.11430512

because they still haven't actually proved that gravity exists

>> No.11430521

>no argument point besides insulting intelligence
Not even a flat earther but this is why /sci/ is dead.

>> No.11430595

the varmint round .220 swift travels at a little over mach 3.5
1 mach = 1126 feet per second
a 30-06 can be loaded with a 150 grain bullet and pumped up to over 2900 feet per second
alternatively you can load the "slow" 220 grain bullet and drop down to 2500 feet per second
have you ever looked into ballistics at all before?
is everyone who spouts this shit a sheltered city boy with no experience hunting or reloading?

>> No.11430600

also a 300 win mag can be loaded to 3300 feet per second
don't let scary fighter jet top gun OH BOI WOWIE WOW BIG FAST speeds like "mach" scare you

>> No.11430601

Me too senpai, I just want rebbit to fuck off from 4chan. /sci/ in particular is stacked with these first year at university rebbit pseuds.

>> No.11430603

How would the flat earth model explain the differences of gravity caused by the earths spin? Do various parts of earth accelerate at a different speed?

>> No.11430618
File: 15 KB, 497x617, images (1).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11430619
File: 1.70 MB, 3540x4005, AS08-16-2593.med.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here's a photo of earth from apollo 8

>> No.11430620

Both falseflag ops by NASA to deny cylindrical earth

>> No.11430627
File: 1.99 MB, 3540x4005, AS17-148-22727.med.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here's the archive scan of the original "blue marble" from apollo 17

>> No.11430647

This is what causes mountains to exist. They pop up where the acceleration is largest. This is verified by measurement.

>> No.11430665

>This is what causes mountains to exist.
plate tectonics
>They pop up where the acceleration is largest.
>This is verified by measurement.
no it isn't

>> No.11430672

So wait, does that mean the Earth is a tesseract?

Regardless, the sun is still a cylinder though, nothing those disgusting GLOBER LIARS say will ever change that fact!

>> No.11430679
File: 512 KB, 2400x2400, 1546700675669.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Those photos were taken at LEO through a circular window, they used some kind of insert to create the shadow line separating night and day.

In pic related, they've actually stuck something like wet tissue paper on the window to create the continent Antarctica, as you can see it has much more depth than anything else and appears higher and over the clouds.

>> No.11430682

>It just is like that. We can see the results therefore it is real.
>every religion ever

>> No.11430708

THEY EVEN HAD TO WASH THE FECAL MATTER OFF THE TOILET PAPER! But if you look carefully you can see where a bit of poo didn't wash off.

Sloppy work by those dirty stinking low life globers.

>> No.11430711

NASA destroyed.

>> No.11430717

>timezones exist

>> No.11430718

>hysterical globecuck can't be intellectually honest

>> No.11430721

pretty redpilled ngl

>> No.11430726
File: 2.83 MB, 5880x1763, AS17-148-22727-crop.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>posting the picture from the blue marble wiki page and acting like that means anything
if you download a larger scan you can see the clouds over top of antarctica
i'm not downloading the 1200MB+ .tif file because I can't crop it enough to get it below the 4MB limit here, but here's a link if you're genuinely curious

>> No.11430727
File: 214 KB, 960x960, cgiearth2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11430732
File: 1.57 MB, 1998x924, antarcticmapproblems.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11430739

>if you download a larger scan you can see the clouds over top of antarctica

>> No.11430740
File: 2.95 MB, 1280x720, dogcam.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the sun

Gopro footage, sun distance seen 4:15


Pay attention to the lack of curvature shown had extreme height, also see the small reflection below the sun.

IF the sun is 93million miles away and GIGANTIC, why is this reflective lightsource from the sun is so SMALL???

>> No.11430748

>nasa photoshops earth to make it brighter and more saturated
no shit
all those pictures of nebulae, SNR, and galaxies are color corrected so humans can see the light emitted from them as well
I bet you think there's a conspiracy campaign in walmart because they set all their tvs to "brilliant" mode that has increased contrast, brightness, and saturation. It catches the customer's eye.

look at the photo scan I posted in that reply, genius
it's right there in front of your eyes
refusing to see shit doesn't mean it's not there
you pulled your photo off of fucking wikipedia for fuck's sake

>> No.11430756
File: 457 KB, 432x1065, prospiracy4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11430758

also pay attention to the inverse curvature because a gopro uses a wide angle lens
is the earth concave?

>> No.11430759

>look at the photo scan I posted in that reply, genius
Circle some of these clouds then, you mong.

>> No.11430770
File: 226 KB, 1200x1439, legalglobe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>there's a conspiracy campaign in walmart

>> No.11430776
File: 3.05 MB, 5880x1763, AS17-148-22727-crop copy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

look at them with your fucking eyeballs, jackass

>> No.11430778
File: 464 KB, 1920x1081, fisheye3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>also pay attention to the inverse curvature because a gopro uses a wide angle lens
>is the earth concave?

What is a wide-angle lens and how does it work?

>> No.11430780

>you pulled your photo off of fucking wikipedia for fuck's sake
Oh, what, is wiki in on the flat earth conspiracy now? You globecucks are deranged tin foil hatters.

>> No.11430787

Based timecube

>> No.11430790
File: 3.08 MB, 5594x2224, AS17-148-22725-crop.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no you're sourcing from wikipedia like a middle schooler

>flat earther can't read the post he's responding to
I specifically mentioned the wide angle lens
you people are a caricature of a caricature

pic related is another scan from the same roll of 70mm film as the blue marble image
not that you give a damn anyway

>> No.11430792
File: 338 KB, 932x930, antarcticLIMA.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11430793
File: 1.44 MB, 5880x1763, tissue.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pathetic, pic related is the tissue, no clouds are on it.

>> No.11430795

More like Ligma

>> No.11430799 [DELETED] 
File: 389 KB, 1374x1046, infiniteplane.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I love how this pic keeps getting deleted.

>> No.11430800
File: 273 KB, 1549x925, antarcticshop.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Interesting way to take pictures...

>> No.11430825

>if I say the wrong thing enough times it becomes correct

So far you've wikipedia posted like a middle schooler, saved face over not being able to see clouds in a shitty scan, and somehow convinced yourself that sending a weather balloon up at 7am while the sun is rising proves that the sun is close and not far away.
You also think mach 7 isn't subject to the laws of physics because you have no experience with anything moving faster than 80mph on a highway.

>> No.11430828

looks like tissue paper

>> No.11430829

You just got pwned by a middle schooler.

>> No.11430833
File: 922 KB, 399x400, 1575050395885.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

By not realising that our current model of the universe to the reality of the universe is as good as the flat earth "model" is to reality of the Earth.
I consider it a thought experiment that went pants on head retarded with memes.

>> No.11430835

kek so you're a boomer then

>> No.11430838
File: 10 KB, 192x192, 1573622306365.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>all of them have curves
>this somehow proves the flat earth theory correct

>> No.11430839

No, just bringing pwned back from the dead into popular vernacular again.

>> No.11430843

But they're not
They literally argue against basic mathematics and refuse to investigate and test things themselves

>> No.11430844

This is interesting.
Because on a macro level it appears round and on a micro - flat due to the relative appearance and measurements of angle.
Makes you think about all the other things in science we consider "flat" when it may be curved.

Take light speed for example. What if it only appears consistent on the scale we see it at.

>> No.11430846

One of those is a map and another is a satellite based map. One shows the ice shelfs as ocean as there is water undernearth there while the other shows them as ice because there is ice on top.

>> No.11430856

Do you sell shirts that say antarctica is made out of tissue paper? Because if you do I would very much like to buy one.
I hear you boomers are more entrepreneurial than other people.

>> No.11430857
File: 59 KB, 421x496, floridafromspace.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>all of them have curves
>>this somehow proves the flat earth theory correct

Why distort images if you shouldn't have to?

>> No.11430860
File: 84 KB, 660x359, antarcticrace.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>One of those is a map and another is a satellite based map. One shows the ice shelfs as ocean as there is water undernearth there while the other shows them as ice because there is ice on top.

Thanks for clearing that up

>> No.11430861

Yes but I don't make them in your size, sorry.

>> No.11430868
File: 869 KB, 988x1140, 85a.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>what are ultrawide angle lenses?

>> No.11430869


NASA conspiracy

>> No.11430873

do you sell women's medium?

>> No.11430882

You're not fooling anyone, sorry.

>> No.11430884
File: 85 KB, 680x680, 1559488199680.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

take yourself out of the genepool already

>> No.11430902

decades of academia getting as far way from the common society as it could.
academia making everything it could to stay away from school and neighborhood associations ended up creating this mass of stupidity and malice that made flat earthers, anti vaxxer and other retardation bloom into society

>> No.11430941

>IF the sun is 93million miles away and GIGANTIC, why is this reflective lightsource from the sun is so SMALL???

Because the sun is a cylinder!
Globers butt fucked, again!

>> No.11430959

Flat earthers never listen to science anyway. But they are forced to listen to teachers. In high school we had physics and geography teachers who freely preached about stuff pulled of their asses. Probably due to disappointment of never making it into actual science.

>> No.11430965

My k-12 education was fucking abysmal. The most boring classes by the most retarded teachers. We would have been far better served by just watching the popsci stuff released on YouTube these days.

>> No.11430972

Can you blame them? We can't just get rid of the sub 100 iqs, but they're just going to be a hindrance if you let them in. The best thing was to just silently stick them in trailer-parks outside of town and pretend they don't exist.

>> No.11430978

>We can't just get rid of the sub 100 iqs
100 years ago people had plans to breed the retards out of the population
we can't say things like that now, though

>> No.11430980

Flat earthers are literally just stubborn mentally retarded people who will probably never learn anything

Literally below child tier intelligence

You could literally fly them around the globe or just open google map FFS and resolve the issue

It's almost so stupid I can't believe it. Like a giant joke, but with expert actors who went full retard

>> No.11430995

that is just a excuse to put blame on another group instead of acknowledging that if a society is getting dumber than it is because the academia is doing everything it can to stay away from it. the more connected with society the academia is he less stupidity breeds into society. because now you can have people with 100+ IQ that believes in conspiracy theories that will help dumb people thanks information getting locked up behind the golden gates of academia.
academia turned into the same BS that Hollywood is. but without the beautiful and cool people
also this eugenic take will only the billions of idiots go in rage mode and get rid of you instead. because no matter how smart someone is. the moment you give them a reason to kill you because you want to kill them, they will get rid of you first without caring about the consequences
stop halting information and starts sharing it and explaining shit to people instead of going "hurr durr people are too stupid" and then complainning why there is a massive amount of idiots being made by the minute.
people hate science because theycan't understand it. the moment they can understand it they stop hating it. it is required to create empathy towards the scientific field.

>> No.11431013

The people with those plans were themselves retards, planning to breed out the intelligent ones. Like Alan Turing and others.

>> No.11431043

Fedora thinks he's smart.

>> No.11431047

holy basedoni

>> No.11431051

It's the opposite, the more you try to explain things the less people trust them. Back in the day people just whipped you in school or home when you said stupid shit, that actually forces you to think. People need to be embarassed and hurt again, that is the only way to force people to learn.

>> No.11431059

I don't see how that works. Pro-vaxxers are below-0 IQ retards, but so are flatearthers. Why would you pretend to be simultaneously retarded and smart?

>> No.11431066

Pretty much every known serial killer is/was a globe believer.

Let that sink in.

>> No.11431077

at least I know the world's a torus unlike you dumb flatlanders

>> No.11431085

only if you are a sperg that can barely communicate. in our society, communication skills is a must for everything. you need to learn how to talk properly to people without sounding like either a retard or an asshole.
The Academia needs to develop its communication abilities with common people to revert the effect. because the issue is happening across the globe. people need to learn the effect of scientific researches in their day to day lives and the science behind things. like how fibonacci is in fucking everything and why why need to learn about it and how to tuse it. shoving people in school that teaches them fuck all above the applications of science in the real world and only creates drones to follow order is 90% of the issue. the more someone grows around a circle of "accept this shit or get hit", the more ignorant they become. you just have to look at boomers and how their retardation fucked the entire planet and every generation post them. instead of just hitting a kid. you tell them why they will get hit. the school system is also fucked beyond repair because it doesn't teach people to think. it creates political cattle. doesn't matter if people will get hit or not.

>> No.11431087

Correction, it's a flat torus in 3-sphere you dipshit fedora.

>> No.11431096

No you don't seem to get it, with more communication ideas like flat earth are coming up. There was no flat earthers 50 years ago, now there are despite unprecedented communication and information resources available to everyone.

Literally bringing back beatings would fix this instantly

>> No.11431102

>the school system is also fucked beyond repair because it doesn't teach people to think. it creates political cattle.
yes it's the "school system" that turned boomers and genxers into retards and definitely the leaded gasoline fumes they were inhaling for decades.

>> No.11431103

>There was no flat earthers 50 years ago
Flat earth was taught in schools in the early to mid 1900s.

>> No.11431106

you can take your homo-morphic math and shove it up your circular asshole into your point sized brain

>> No.11431111 [DELETED] 

We all was told that we fly around sun on the ball and in a opposite side of sun after 6 month we still can see anti-Semitic truth https://i.pinimg.com/736x/42/8f/7b/428f7b5aef89944965e2e1aafca7b676--four-seasons-outer-space.jpg =Oo what? is that means, that we do not flying any where ? So how it is anti-Semitic? https://www.bitchute.com/video/fiG11Z7JBbDC/
Can we observe that earth is flat? Yes. https://duckduckgo.com/?q=view+from+the+airplane&t=lm&atb=v1-1&iax=images&ia=images
Can we measure ? Yes, but only those who have technical awareness how to do that.
Commercial airplanes fly laser straight lines, according to the tool gyroscope, that keeps drift from rigid point in space, that confirms flat ground under all over from Europe to Australia.
So earth is continents surrounded by flat surface of water? Yes.
Observe able ? Yes.
Measurable? not by every baboon, but yes.
Ok. lets check the Ball. It is observable ? No
Can we measure if "curvature" is correct ? No, no one have find yet any curvature = no ball sorry
CGI pictures and fake videos are real. Take your time to see.
Fire work rockets real and $19.4 billion from tax payers pockets real.
But how about "space" ? As real as Godzilla we all sow it on the screen, right? =O)

Submarines vs. ISS https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZLZngcQFCJA

>> No.11431121

How did you know that Santa is real ? made up by NASA = free masons where is evidence of balls in imaginary space? You delusional ?
A delusion is a belief that is held with strong conviction despite superior evidence to the contrary.

>> No.11431125

there is no such a thing dummy , "space" is a hoax for suckers like you.
The Empirical evidence, also known as sensory experience, is the knowledge received by means of the senses, particularly by observation and experimentation.
Go suck cock dummy

>> No.11431136

No, you just dull, unbelievable dumb and have no technical awareness how to measure ... so shut a fuck up , water surrounding flat continents at the same sea level.

>> No.11431145

Wake up dummy look in to it . not react based on your bamboozled brain farts, but truly look in to it.
there is no curvature no balls in imaginary space , it just a jew joke wake a fuck up earth is as you can measure and observe , not as Jews suggested you to imagine

>> No.11431326

Science communicator isn't an actual fucking job.

>> No.11431346

All you have to do to shit on "I FUCKING LOVE SCIENCE" faggots is ask them any question that involves the actual mathematics of the SCIENCE that they love so much.

>> No.11431361

muh air doesn’t exist coz I no see

>> No.11431373

>S2 manifolds are locally homeomorphic to Euclidian R2 space

>> No.11431434
File: 74 KB, 700x470, Jeffrey_Epstein_and_Associates_1088x725-700x470.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When "science" (acadamia) pushes CLIMATE ALARMISM, and GENDER "SCIENCE" that makes people doubt the establishment, rightly so.

ill take 1000 flat earthers any day over a greta nigger

also if you cant tell dubay is trolling you are a retard.. he's troll of the decade easily

>> No.11432336


>> No.11432354

Why doesn't someone trek across the south pole and prove it once and for all?
>Why doesn't someone trek across the south pole and prove it once and for all?
Why doesn't someone trek across the south pole and prove it once and for all?
>Why doesn't someone trek across the south pole and prove it once and for all?Why doesn't someone trek across the south pole and prove it once and for all?
>Why doesn't someone trek across the south pole and prove it once and for all?Why doesn't someone trek across the south pole and prove it once and for all?
>Why doesn't someone trek across the south pole and prove it once and for all?

>> No.11432421

You're supposed to fall for his actual bait, not his admission of posting it elsewhere.

>> No.11432429

>You can do Eratosthenes' experiment.
Then the response should be "Sure, let's question it for the sake of skepticism, here's an experiment we can do".

>> No.11432436

Where's the "my life is fucked because my parents were antivaxxers" testimony?

>> No.11432441

They can't say it because that would mean they died of chicken pox at age 2. Don't joke about this shit.

>> No.11432449

There's no survivors then? How convenient for your argument

>> No.11432454

You either get all your vaccines or die as a young child of the illnesses they prevent. That's how it works.

>> No.11432462

That's only possible if the illnesses have a 100% mortality rate. Where's that one dude who survived, who can attest to his almost-death caused by his parents being anti-vaxxers?

>> No.11432478

go do the experiment and report back with your findings

>> No.11432485
File: 2.57 MB, 2560x1440, Screenshot_20200224-202009.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder that flattards and other retards are hired psyops made to make actual conspiracy theories look insane.
>hey, how come Anne Frank's diary was written in pen before the ballpoint pen was actually invented for widespread use? Why did Larry Silverstein happen to not be working at the WTC when 9/11 happened? How come so many banks can be connected to Zionism? And why is it illegal to deny the holo-

>> No.11432497

the more I speak with these people, the more I agree with you

>> No.11432508

She wrote the diary with a fountain pen and basically you're just as fucking retarded as flatfaggots

>> No.11432511

see >>11426358
This flat eart fad is an indictment of the American education sysyem.

>> No.11432516

>actual conspiracy theories
What's the difference between an actual conspiracy theory and a regular conspiracy story?

>> No.11432519

>hey, how come Anne Frank's diary was written in pen before the ballpoint pen was actually invented for widespread use?
She literally wrote a part of it about how much she loved her fountain pen.

You're right though that there's definitely something fishy about it. Guilt by association with flat earth just happens to be such an easy dismissal of any unconventional belief though.

>> No.11432531

>Reminder that flattards and other retards are hired psyops
Probably. The earth might be flat though. Why do you plebeians have this absolute, existential need to believe you have knowledge of your surroundings? I don't know if the world is flat, because I don't feel the existential need to think I know what shape the world is.

Reminds me of this facegook group I regularly troll, and one of the normalfag popsci fanboys asked me how old the earth is, trying too make the point of being grounded in reality or something. My answer was to give a link to the answer on google. Can you appreciate the absolute intellectual-depth of my mockery?

>> No.11432570

>Why do you plebeians have this absolute, existential need to believe you have knowledge of your surroundings?
Exactly what board do you think you're on, bucko?

>> No.11432572

Pretty sure he meant as opposed to intentionally false ones being pushed to discredit the rest. I agree, it's kind of unclear if "actual conspiracy theory" means it's true, or just that it's legitimately proposed.

>> No.11432589
File: 2.97 MB, 1983x1313, Lake_Pontchartrain_Causeway_From_Three_Lakeway_Center.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>see >>11430340
See pic related. It just takes a lot of zooming.

>> No.11432595

A relatively tame and easily verifiable conspiracy theory would be something like the democrat party busing voters from polling station to polling station to inflate their numbers in certain areas on election days.
The way you discredit this idea, which is terribly damning and would result in a shitshow if the media decided to jump on it, is by lumping it in with people who took the Ancient Aliens show at face value.
It's nothing more than a tactical application of guilt by association.

tame conspiracy theory
>jfk's murder was set up by people connected to US government who had a vested interest in doing so
insane conspiracy theory
>the globalist bilderberg nazi bankers are using interdimensional space aliens to turn the frogs gay
connect these two and they're both invalidated

>> No.11432598

A forum with a typical bunch of assholes who think they know something because [authority figure] said so. The fact is, most if not every person here has not done a one of the supposed easily-reproducible, do-it-yourself-at-home experiments that show the earth is round, rather, most if not all simply take [authority figure]'s word for it. This means the reason for their belief isn't reason at all. It's dogma.

>> No.11432610

tfw all these flat earthers are boomers from /pol/

>> No.11432615

>supposed easily-reproducible, do-it-yourself-at-home experiments that show the earth is round
It's sad that this is probably the case when "go to the lake with binoculars and watch a boat go over the horizon, almost as if the surface is curved and gets in the way" is one of those experiments.

>> No.11432620

I just went out for a smoke and saw the moon - its fucking round. Everything else in space is round too coz gravity. I can clearly see why this happens and why there is zero reason for earth to be the one fucking flat thing out there.

Thing is people who buy into this shit are dumb motherfuckers with 0 knowledge about anything and its the same with every single conspiracy theory.

>> No.11432636

>I just went out for a smoke and saw the moon - its fucking round
At this distance and the timeframe of a smoke, you shouldn't be able to accurately judge if it's round or not. Literally just look at the OP for an image of a "flat earth" which would look "round" to someone on a second disc facing it. The moon's librations make it clear it's not flat, but that takes multiple observations.

>> No.11432643

You should try, for as long as possible, to keep your thoughts from ending with "well you obviously just disagree because you're stupid." It would be most rational of you to start with the assumption that anyone saying some ridiculous shit is as smart as you are.

>> No.11432655
File: 232 KB, 2295x2295, waxing crescent aldebo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's current phase is waxing crescent and you can absolutely see the curved light/shadow boundary.

>> No.11432660


>> No.11432676

spseaking of moon phases, if the sun and moon are at the same height in the sky under the dome, how the fuck does a full moon work?

>> No.11432683

Asking questions like this is pointless because flat earth has no predictive or explanatory capacity. The implications stop on the "earth is flat" bit

>> No.11432687


Now you are just needlessly complicating things.

The sun is a cylinder. The Earth is a block of cheese. Prove me wrong.

>> No.11432695

>Asking questions like this is pointless
I would say asking these questions is the most important thing we can do.
If the sun under the dome moves to the outside of the flat disc in the winter time, how is it possible for the same midnight sun phenomenon that exists in the northern hemisphere to exist in the southern hemisphere?

>> No.11432705

>The fact is
That's not a fact, that's merely an assumption - a very stupid one - that you made out of your obnoxious pretentiousness, a hubris so out of place that it should only be expected from some moron who feels validated by telling tales of his shitty Facebook trolling.

>> No.11432712

Globers are idiots. Flat earth can be easily proved with one simple experiment. Get on a plane, fly due West. You will fly to the ice wall and then keep flying over an vast expanse of ice until you go over the edge and into space.

>> No.11432728

>if the sun and moon are at the same height in the sky under the dome
Where did you get that from?

>> No.11432730

Wrong, if you fly west you end up on the next identical copy of Earth which had its version of you fly west at the same time.

>> No.11432753

Supposedly, you are seeing at the end of the video the guy in the middle struggling to move his arms/elbows away from his sides because some wire that is holding him up got tangled around his torso while he was spinning.

Unfortunately for the critics, at 0:14s you clearly see the man reach out with his arm to touch off the floor after doing all other spinning, so it's clear there's no wire wrapped around his torso.

>> No.11432759

Because of cylindrical sun

>> No.11432760

They didn't fuck up. They are actually doing a fairly good job. The public remains better educated and more aware of science than in the past. However, there will always be a certain percentage of contrarian trolls and morons who will pointlessly argue and stubbornly deny everything despite all reason and evidence.

A common question for people entering the education field is: "Is there such a thing as a bad student?" The politically correct answer is "no". But any educator soon realizes after practical experience that this is not true. There are some who are not willing to learn. There are many who are simply incapable of learning. They do not possess the necessary cognitive ability to grasp some concepts. Teaching them is like trying to teach a pig to sing.

Despite this, flat earthers and others do serve a variety of useful purposes, ironically in the interests of science and education. For that reason flat earth debates are not to be dismissed as being a waste of time, within certain provisions.

>> No.11432764

That's an optical illusion caused by heat rising off the oceans and camera angles.

>> No.11432768

Wrong. The sun is a cone.

>> No.11432771

It might be but we’ve never seen the side of it to make sure
The simpler explanation is a cylinder

>> No.11432780


A cone is arguably a simpler construct. It has less edgy bits.

>> No.11432787

>flat earth debates
If it's done to make people realize even basic assumptions need to be supported at some point, sure, but 90% of the time now it's either crazy people yelling at each other or someone jerking off about how superior they are to people who may not exist.

>> No.11432888

It has the same number of edgy bits, and one of those edgy bits is far more dangerous because it’s pointy

>> No.11432910

Science communicators aren’t really good at the whole “communicating” part. Bill Nye is a shill with a show about vaginas and the “myth of gender.” Neil degrasse tyson can’t communicate- all he did was argue on JRE

>> No.11433061

Neil Mike Tyson is good when reciting from a script like when he was the host of Nova. Live he’s pretty crap, because he comes across as scatterbrained. Especially those Isaac Asimov debates he’s moderated over the years. His Startalk podcast also went to shit when he brought on that comedian who tries to ask the “everyman” questions.

Bill Nye is 10x better than Tyson when unscripted.

>> No.11433065

Flat earth people I know in real life
Has the doctrine been revised?

>> No.11433067

It really shows that Bill Nye as "The Science Guy" started on a sketch comedy show.

>> No.11433078

There is no "doctrine" AFAIK, since the number of legitimate flat earth believers is in the dozens, and half their information probably comes from people trolling. See picture in >>11430340, which just seems like it was designed to be debunked.

>> No.11433111

Fucking lol

>> No.11433217

>one of those edgy bits is far more dangerous because it’s pointy

Now you see why the ancient Gauls had a perfectly valid reason to fear the sky falling on their heads.

>> No.11433228
File: 2.93 MB, 2100x2680, Thanks for the gag bro.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What did I say, reddit retard?
We /pol/ faggots, as insane as we are, are not stupid enough to deny basic science. In fact, the establishment (run by you know who of course) is the one denying science to keep the goyim pacified.
These flatties came from the JIDF.

>> No.11433240
File: 17 KB, 255x254, WTC7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That is correct. I mean, JFK being shot by multiple snipers by Israeli order makes plenty more sense than a frisbee earth being controlled a bunch of fucking Mudokons from Oddworld even though god is supposedly all powerful.
>pic related

>> No.11433317
File: 161 KB, 1664x514, mirage.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11433320
File: 789 KB, 2000x1344, circumfrenceproblem.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Then the response should be "Sure, let's question it for the sake of skepticism, here's an experiment we can do".
>go do the experiment and report back with your findings

>> No.11433400

A line of argument only someone who has literally no friends could come up with

>> No.11433420

You don't even need friends.
You just need to know the sun is directly overhead in a certain spot on a certain day of the year.
If you're a sperg with no friends, you should be able to check and make sure the sun is directly overhead of your spot for a few years in advance of doing your actual measurement, then you can use your observations to do a measurement at a predetermined distance.

This is how science in the past worked. People today have absolutely no attention span. High time preference = earth is flat because 10-15 minute youtube videos tell me. Reading books is brainwashing. 15 minute youtube videos are enlightenment. Unlike those RUBES who only watch 3-5 minute youtube videos, flat earthers are intellectuals who have the attention span to watch something longer than that. Some are even intelligent enough to watch HOUR long youtube videos. Honestly? They're basically geniuses.

>> No.11433630

>when you have to unwrap a sphere to a flat plane make your flat earth theory work

>> No.11434272

My friends, I have finally worked it all out. The sun is a cone. So is the Earth. Some of us just happen to live on the flat bit, so we experience a flat Earth. Others fell off the edge and now live on the curved part of the cone, they experience a curved Earth. Some unlucky sods fell far enough to land up at the pointy bit. Life really sucks for them, they experience a pointy Earth.