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File: 53 KB, 936x560, female sexual attractiveness vs age.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11430152 No.11430152 [Reply] [Original]

What's the scientific explanation for this?

>> No.11430158

Simple, you're a pedo who spreads falsified information.

>> No.11430170


>> No.11430544

Spotted the American

>> No.11430588

Paedo disinformation.

>> No.11430594

Men are attracted to indicators of passing puberty and signs of fertility. one of the key indicators is skin quality. as women approach menopause and skin quality declines

>> No.11430604

>passing puberty and signs of fertility

>> No.11430610

In order to stand the best chance of monopolising a girl's reproductive lifespan the best time to claim her is just prior the onset of her fertility.

>> No.11430645

Disprove it then faggots.

>> No.11430660

Idk personally that peak lis around 20 with a steep dropoff below let's say 16. A 12 y/o is definitly not the same as a 19 y/o, that's just fucking gross

>> No.11430668
File: 119 KB, 375x306, 1573449714238.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well I'm attracted to this fucking thing. Explain that.

>> No.11430669

If I recall another study said that female facial attractiveness peaks at around 21 while physical body hits plateau at around 16

>> No.11430671

Good skin?

>> No.11430674
File: 405 KB, 466x420, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What about this fucker? He has scales.

>> No.11430681

you appear to be a reptilian I'm not sure normal human concepts of attractiveness apply to you.

>> No.11430683

Do you prefer your females before or after their skin shed?

>> No.11430686

cool. When do I get my cloaca? I like those more than human genitals

>> No.11430695

Ah but isn't there just something sexy about them right before their shed as the new skin is poking through the tears in the old one?

>> No.11430698

nah bro you're just kinky af

>> No.11430700
File: 719 KB, 2600x2400, Portrait-of-Lotte-0-20.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's funny I would have thought it was the opposite.

Which Lotte do you guys find to be the prettiest ?

>> No.11430706

this seems a bit creepy

>> No.11430714

she stay lookin ugly nigga

>> No.11430720

There isn't one. It's a cope by incels who desperately want to believe they'll get some kind of "revenge" when they're older.

Pro tip: They won't. Older women still have more social value and leverage in the dating world than older men.

>> No.11430725

You gay

>> No.11430733

women are only attractive between the lower abdomen and upper thighs. the rest of them is stupid sissy shit. her father's bank account statements are more pertinent to her potential attractiveness than her face is.

>> No.11430734

if it was just the forehead, maybe. add in those droopy dog cheeks and it's game over. she should move somewhere dark

>> No.11430736


>> No.11430738

you gay for sure

>> No.11430744

look at that first one and tell me you'd smash. she's bald and fat

>> No.11430746

Life is creepy.

You might want to kill yourself.

>> No.11430750

>Explain that
Mental illness.

>> No.11430751

you guys are worthless

>> No.11430753
File: 64 KB, 500x558, 1486310954318.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

makes sense

>> No.11430754

>Being this gay

>> No.11430757
File: 64 KB, 614x514, 1518977375522.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the wall remains undefeated.

>> No.11430760

There is hope though. Your form of mental illness will make your chances of natural reproduction almost impossible so your broken genetics wont pollute the gene pool. Future generations will thank you.

>> No.11430765 [DELETED] 
File: 68 KB, 400x489, 5636446_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank my father for the years of abuse.

>> No.11430774

How do you know that it's the abuse that caused your illness and not your illness that caused the abuse ?

>> No.11430777

I was like 4

>> No.11430796

And ?

>> No.11430801

>Specifically picking pictures to turn us into pedos
Nice try. Not all girls peak at 3.

>> No.11430805 [DELETED] 
File: 161 KB, 733x550, 20200218_104057.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't remember much and I don't feel comfortable sharing it anyway. I'll just say if your son is having a mental breakdown due to your verbal abuse you don't tell him to kill himself twice.

>> No.11430816

You should. Seriously. Kill yourself.

>> No.11430823
File: 9 KB, 139x184, Fug gun.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are a great person. I hope your house burns down and you lose all your belongings and everything you ever cared for.

>> No.11430826

>you don't tell him to kill himself twice.
You're saying that's not enough ? Yeah I guess if he's daft.

>> No.11430831

You are projecting you materialist swine.

>> No.11430841
File: 368 KB, 1074x1517, rikka.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11430842
File: 111 KB, 626x399, pathetic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying i care for this world
Every day I yearn for the void but you fuckers keep coming back to give me reasons to live. I have ascended beyond any human desire. I live my life as a shitposting god. The only reason I live is to spite retards like you who think they are so edgy for telling a seemingly vulnerable person to kill themselves.

>> No.11430864

>implying we're upset
We're all bored shitposters wasting time here.

>> No.11430877

>Shitposting god
A shitposting god wouldn't be whining about how people shouldn't treat mental illness faggots bad, you seem more like a degenarate pussy now go back and never come back.

>> No.11430878 [DELETED] 
File: 59 KB, 180x248, rare_shiny_smug_fug.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no :^)

>> No.11430939
File: 389 KB, 1088x1183, f563c0a179d9376f911f53c5a4e4ff51.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're just based. That's really all there is to it. Let the normalfags seethe.

>> No.11430981


>> No.11431109


>> No.11431135
File: 45 KB, 447x392, mortalitymother.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Childbearing is more dangerous around 15 than it is around 20 though.

>> No.11431172

it mostly depends on nutrition and physical development
we have studies in livestock like cattle where we accelerate growth rates by feeding higher nutritional value feeds.
For example you would aim to get a holstein heifer (mature bodyweight 750-800kg) pregnant at around 350kg the target for that is around 14-15 months to create a sustained 24month calving pattern
but you can plausibly get it down to I think 10 months given a sufficiently accelerated growth phase from nutrition and hormones.

>> No.11431175

>You're just based. That's really all there is to it.

Please see a doctor.

>> No.11431184

birthweight of about 40-50kg
so that's about 300kg in 450-300 days or 1-0.66kgLW/d

>> No.11431201

I think that was without hormones, and I think calving weight is 80% of adult body weight for a heifer and not hitting full adult body weight and skeletal structure until part way through 2nd lactation
but undergrown heifers was one of the biggest causes of mortality losses through dystocia, so you have to manage to the growth carefully if you get a feed deficit you create a lot of problems.
back in the old days on less nutritious diets cows might not calve until 2.5 to 3 years and on seasonal systems that is still common if you miss the specific service dates to hit the next grazing season.

>> No.11431256

lmao get fucked normalfag. You're talking to the future of humanity. Natural sex between humans is no longer necessary for reproduction, and is actually less desirable than selective IVF. Your culture is primitive and will eventually die. It will be replaced by those who give no fucks about what a person is into because it's completely irrelevant.

>> No.11431303

>9 year old girls are more sexually attractive than 50 year old women

>> No.11431319

Okay. I will. :)

>> No.11431324

>Coping from an incel who will die a lonely unhappy virgin and lives in a power fantasy


>> No.11431337

Barely. Not by any significant amount judging by your own graph.

>> No.11431341


>> No.11431358

>Calling a panchad a virgin

>> No.11431398
File: 290 KB, 1281x953, 59.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I googled pictures to give myself an idea and found some british news articles about this. She's 50 and she's 9.
Frankly the daughter is strictly more attractive.

>> No.11431447

bottom right and the one above look best. others in the bottom row would look good too if she didn't make weird faces
>inb4 you ignore the 2nd part of my post

>> No.11431497

Evolution obviously. Females at that age are most fertile, so being attracted to that age is the most adaptive behvaiour for males.

>> No.11431506

how well does part of this graph correlate with age at menarche of the tested girls?

>> No.11431514

It's fake.

>> No.11431534

Why don't you look up the source?
OP is shitposting.

>> No.11431555

4th row all the way on the left

>> No.11431587

The 9yo is more likely to give you healthy offspring than the 50yo. It's that simple.

>> No.11431605

>the average man finds women more attractive at 11 than at 29
Lmao femoids seething

>> No.11431627

Anon almost none women can have childs at 9 yo.....

>> No.11431636

yes but if you wait around long enough she will

>> No.11431656

the correct answer, but i hate anything that seems fake so maybe the one before where she doesn't have so much makeup

>> No.11431676

plus the chance of having healthy offspring with 50 is lower than having healthy offspring at 9. Sure, the mother might die but that is of no concern for our male ancestors.

>> No.11431690

>any girl peaks at 3
Anon, I have bad news for you...

>> No.11431727
File: 33 KB, 938x669, femaleagechart.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please stop posting that fraudulent graph

>> No.11431734

What kind of graph is this, ffs /Sci are you Dawkins tier?

>> No.11431737

what species?

>> No.11431747


>> No.11431767

>Sure, the mother might die but that is of no concern for our male ancestors.
That's bullshit from an evolutionary view. If the mother dies, so will the baby - so the "attracted to 9 year olds" alleles are less likely to be passed on

>> No.11431774

Can you help? All I'm getting is blogshit like this

Probably because I never use Google and don't have a search history for them to reference but it's a reverse image search so I don't have much choice.

>> No.11431781

anon...how low is your IQ? did you even read OP?

>> No.11431784

Is it though? Because once the baby is alive and healthy, it can easily be nurtured by other females in the community. On the other hand, if the child is retarded due to bad genes from its too old mother, the baby is doomed to fail reproductively, no matter how well the community cares for it.

>> No.11431825
File: 113 KB, 620x796, porn_hub2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Humans my friend

>> No.11431831
File: 61 KB, 346x427, 1495359787100.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lmao fake as fuck but pretty funny nonetheless

>> No.11431832

No, it's way more possible to have healthy offspring with a 50 yo than with a 9 yo. Almost none 9 yo can have childs, and most 50 yo are menopausics, but it's more common to be a 50yo non menopausic women than a 9 yo than can already have children.

>> No.11431842

You'd need another female who is
a) lactating (which means she already has a man)
b) willing to rear another women's baby (and the father of her child agreeing)
Not very likely, m8. Meanwhile the amount of birth defects goes up with the mother's age, but nowhere near as drastically as you seem to think it is.

>> No.11431852

But what I think you fail to consider is the fact that throughout most of history, a lot of females would flock to a small number of alpha males. In those harems, the conditions you lay out are not as unlikely as betting on some 50yo hag to give you viable offspring, especially considering that most women wouldn't even reach the age of 50.

>> No.11431889

>But what I think you fail to consider is the fact that throughout most of history, a lot of females would flock to a small number of alpha males.
[citation needed]
>In those harems, the conditions you lay out are not as unlikely as betting on some 50yo hag to give you viable offspring, especially considering that most women wouldn't even reach the age of 50.
If "chad" fucks and impregnates those all those females as soon as they can bear children, most of them will die in childbirth. Childbirth was extremely dangerous for females of any age 150+ years ago, and for ~14 year olds ones even more so

>> No.11431928

not true, fertility peak is at 20/21, not 13 or 14.
That’s why this is weird.

>> No.11431963


This is why age of consent should be lowered to 10-13.Our ancestors had a lot more wisdom than us regarding this.Males should always go for virgin,pure ,fertile attractive young girls rather than some used up roastie with 100s of dick up her ass who is just after your money to support her illegitimate,retarded children.

>> No.11431967

The longer you wait, the higher the chance for other males to impregnate the female. Therefore, you will take your chances as early as biologically possible.

>> No.11431990

>[citation needed]
Fuck off. It's common knowledge that we have way more male than female ancestors.
>If "chad" fucks and impregnates those all those females as soon as they can bear children, most of them will die in childbirth. Childbirth was extremely dangerous for females of any age 150+ years ago, and for ~14 year olds ones even more so
>implying women are all the same age at the same time
Obviously there will be age differences and by chance men will breed with women of varying age. Circumstantial limitations don't change anything about general tendencies.

>> No.11432025

A living creature needs to take some risks to survive you moron, hunting down a mammoth is even more risky than copulating with a 15 year old. Taking into account child-teen mortality rate of the past it was better for a female to produce as many offspring as she could once she was in her last years of puberty. So, problem is that these reproductive scheme is not necessary for these days to ensure survival of the species, but moralfags expect that we just ignore years of human evolution in less than century with vague claims like yours.

>> No.11432040

>It's common knowledge
Maybe among retards who think if they hear something often enough it must be true
>we have way more male than female ancestors
I doubt that

>> No.11432062

technically the women are at greater risk of developmental problems while male sperm is constantly regenerating so the older the testes get, the more actual germline mutations occur.

>> No.11432065

It's literally common sense
1. females are the selectors in mating
2. men lead more dangerous lives in general
Those 2 things alone would be enough to reduce your number of male ancestors.

>we have way more male than female ancestors
I'm a retard. I obviously meant the other way around.

>> No.11432068

anon....maybe you should actually read the reports looking at differential reproductive success of mitochondrial lines vs y chromosome.

>> No.11432087

nice butt but why does she have a hole in her cheek and a retard face? fucking manga baka

>> No.11432099

No shit Sherlock. I'm just saying still more likely to have healthy offspring with a 50yo rather than a 9yo.

>> No.11432104

Islam exists.

>> No.11432111

I'm just bringing in a point about male sperm viability.

>> No.11432114

islam destroys civilisations and rags you back to the culture of a 7th century warlord with 70% cousin marriage.

>> No.11432126

I shouldn’t respond to namefags but I’m too autistic to let this go. That’s not how you spell sage. It’s 下げる. Sageru.

>> No.11432190

[Think I'm gonna regret this but anyway]
But a 9 year old may be able to reproduce in 3 or 4 years, getting a 50 yo pregnant can also take you a lot of time or girl can get menopausal before you score and a miscarriage is also very likely even if you impregnate her. Both are poor strategies for reproduction, but the first may have better chances at succeeding.

>> No.11432213 [DELETED] 

>parents who put pictures of their kids on the internet
should be treated as lower than pedo

>> No.11432227

(1,1) in cartesian

>> No.11432232

fuck I mean (0,1)

>> No.11432241

top left

>> No.11432266

3rd row column 1 or 4th row column 1, braces are not my thing

>> No.11432294

Since the human mating system revolves around long-term relationships and marriages rather than one-night-stands, what matters is the integral of a girls fertility not the instantaneous value.

The way to maximize this is by claiming girls at or just prior the beginning of their fertility, i.e. about 14.

>> No.11432307

Imagine being in denial this much

>> No.11432324

>3rd row column 1
the 9 years old ? whew man

>> No.11432327


>> No.11432329

Not really, I think you are falling for the same moralfag argument of "unique supreme reproductive system" or some shit like that. But life is diverse, there is no reason to think that there should be one way to achieve reproduction for any species, if someone wants to reproduce with one girl or many, or only with a 14yo or any female on breeding age, that is not a crime from a biology perspective. But real diversity is something moralfags can't understand since their claims are absolute.

>> No.11432331

Shit I counted wrong, just add one unit to the rows

>> No.11432334

my man, 13yo masterrace

>> No.11432342

Last 3 from column 4

Prove me wrong fags

>> No.11432348

She still looks childish at 12, I would bet she was flat chested fuck when the pic was taken.

>> No.11432358

exchange last one for r4c1 and I agree

>> No.11432400

Where do you assume the origin point to be ?

>> No.11432501

bottom left pic

>> No.11432714
File: 72 KB, 1080x1020, 1547506585942.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11432720

and safest than 25.....

>> No.11432729

Shes ugly but i prefer the last pic and 4th row 1st column and 4th clumn. Probably the face expression has a big roll here...

>> No.11432735
File: 24 KB, 825x185, anime site.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because anime site

>> No.11432982

Entry[math]_{13}[/math] is dangerously cute though.

>> No.11433003

How to find the objective correct age.
Step 1) Remove last row, because fuck grannies.
Step 2) Calculate determinant using ages of each picture.
Matrix is singular. [math] \implies [/math] No objective age. (same if we removed top row)
Concluding question:
Can we say anything else about this matrix that will help us determine the correct age.

>> No.11433135


>> No.11433204

The second row

>> No.11433210

peaks at #12

>> No.11433809

well I mean that makes sense with 40% mortality rate at childbirth...
Are there similar studies across cultures?

>> No.11434006

Who made this chart? What group of people did they ask? I don't find 15 year olds attractive.

>> No.11434092

Fucking pedophile, hope you drop the soap in prison

>> No.11434146

Pedophilia is the natural state of man.

>> No.11434148

What the actual fuck? No it's not, it's natural to fuck women when they reach Secondary Puberty, you're just a pedophile, say that shit again loud on the streets

>> No.11434150

Of course you don't, this thread is pedophilia sponsored.

>> No.11434154

>The normalfag is a hag lover
Pretty gay desu

>> No.11434183

The chart is the most disgusting toxic image I've seen on this site recently and that says a lot.
If you find children under 18 attractive you have no place outside of prison.
If you find women more than 5 years younger than you then you are a creep and potentially a pedophile.

>> No.11434200

>I don't find 15 year olds attractive.

You are either lying or an anomaly.

>> No.11434204

nice troll, anon

>> No.11434205

>it's natural to fuck women when they reach Secondary Puberty
nope, primary puberty is also natural, you think cavemen waited until she was 18 you dumb fuck?

>> No.11434207

>If you find children under 18 attractive you have no place outside of prison.
well, assuming this study represents the general population, the majority of men belong into prison.
Besides, who the fuck cares what people find attractive, what counts is to not harass minors.
You can’t justify to punish biological reactions.

>> No.11434213

Are you a caveman you pedo dumb fuck?

>> No.11434219

biologically we are all cavemen for sure

>> No.11434271

evolutionary psychology. for men, the older your partner is the less healthy your will progeny will likely be due to genetic defects and whatnot. And since there is no fitness disadvantage for a man's children even in the extremes of young age such as 13 or 14, the logical conclusion is that they find attractiveness at earliest sign of sexual maturity (puberty).

>> No.11434292

There are other evolutionary factors as well:

1. starting young means more time to be pregnant, it is not just about health of the offspring but also there simply being more of them on average.

2. Man having sex with prepubescent kids will very likely continue to do so even when they reach puberty. So there was some evolutionary pressure even for prepubescent sex with infertile kids.

>> No.11434310

>A 17 yo is a children

>> No.11434333

>here are my arguments why this lie is actually true

>> No.11434344

not an argument

>> No.11434414

I keep posting this book because it's worth a read or at least skimming through.
The Weaker Vessel: Woman's Lot in seventeenth-Century England
Fraser, Antonia

>> No.11434433

Why are anti-pedos always so emotional and retarded?

>> No.11434437

lol. retard is breaking

>> No.11434493

Not true you fucking retard.

>> No.11434537

Why not post the actual article, pedo retard?
It probably explains any charts they use.
(hint: actual chart is nowhere near as skewed to 12 year olds as you wish)

>> No.11434549

Correct. It's actually skewed further to the left.

>> No.11435443

hey. its not like i agree that we should decrease the age of consent. I for one understand that the age of consent is more based on neural development and thus advocate for increasing it. Just because some women reach menopause by 50 doesnt mean that i want people to not fuck 50 year olds

>> No.11436286


>> No.11437210

It's two bell curves combined. There are two types of men. Those who prefer 14 year olds, and those who prefer ~23 year olds.

>> No.11437249

you're right I don't know why I never saw that before

>> No.11437258
File: 123 KB, 592x463, twitts.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11437401

3rg row, 3rd column LOOKS like the kind I meet, but definitely older. usually meet a some drunken party getting stoned

>> No.11439328

yeah. agree.

>> No.11439639

Based Europe posing practically no danger to older women during childbirth

>> No.11439642

Those IV babies will not survive without motherly love. And it doesn't justify unhealthy sexual behaviour. You're a deviant, and you know it. One day you will do something that crosses a line and you will get shanked in prison for it, as sexual morals are morals that even murderers can agree on (mostly).

>> No.11440947
File: 2.11 MB, 2048x1940, prime.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11440961


>> No.11440974

USA and Canada have the same rate, also some other Asian countries

>> No.11440977


>> No.11441097

Funny how this is always the graph the pedos post and they never reference any studies about at what ages girls most want to have sex -- which should be the more relevant question, because the whole premise behind statutory rape being bad is that it causes psychological trauma even with superficial consent, and it has nothing whatsoever to do with what the perpetrator supposedly should or should not find attractive.

>> No.11441111

A study like that would never work, femoids don't experience sexual desire. Evolution decided they didnt need it, since There only role is to graciously indulge the appetites of men.

>> No.11441136

That wouldn't be a better study because it wouldn't capture future regret and hindsight. The real question is what variables cause psychological trauma and how much age plays into that.

>> No.11441249
File: 400 KB, 572x693, 1578188882112.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11441337
File: 131 KB, 947x476, l_543_a574b96ef9274c2a10b8eea7dade8a0d.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder that it is perfectly legal to have sex with 14 yearolds in multiple civilized countries.

>> No.11441362

I causes psychological trauma because we tell people sex is evil and a sin. I'm not arguing for removing statutory rape laws, they're there as a reflection of society's norms and society's norms don't want girls of a certain age engaging in breeding activities (nevermind contraception at the moment). There's nothing wrong with that, I applaud the effort to keep children, children as long as possible but we really need to think things through going forward in society.

Stop telling people sex is wrong and a sin. That's what the problem is.

>> No.11441421
File: 137 KB, 264x264, TIMESAND___2xc256hroossvrrvnw1mpdd6xn8thf777ecrefq566tpasswoffrsrrry77788f4t4tyfnxv8n26e97eqhr.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah... thinking that you can survey women about sex and get a realistic answer instead instead of their idealized self-conception.

When Masters and Johnson did their sex study, actually watching people fuck and not just asking them about it, their data showed that the women in their study were most likely to orgasm while getting fucked in the ass. Data like that would (((NEVER))) show up in a survey of women's opinions about themselves. Also, nice quaids.
