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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 331 KB, 2147x917, sci pseud.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11428752 No.11428752 [Reply] [Original]

What traits do pseuds have in common? What can we do to get rid of the pseuds?
I'll start:
>posts math equations on an anime message board to make himself feel smart
>argues in bad faith and can't stay on topic
>projects midwit status constantly
>makes fun of practical knowledge like engineering
>studies obscure, impractical topics to look good on 4chan
>uses unnecessarily obscure jargonoid lingo/notation for simple problems

>> No.11428755

statistical illiteracy and no sense of self doubt

>> No.11428758

No offence anon, but it seems like you lost an argument and are now insecureposting.
If you want to be taken seriously, provide an example of any of the things you mentioned happening to you.

>> No.11428767
File: 57 KB, 1024x576, 1svpg4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I suspect you are the same anon whom I responded to in the pi=4 thread. It seems like you were confused by my equations. I am perfectly open to explain every part that confused you. :)
Perhaps we can both learn something from the exchange, rather than make strawmen threads complaining about "the Pseud Problem" hehe.

>> No.11428796

i would say
>posts anime pictures on a math and science board
then i would say you should spend your time more wisely

>> No.11428799

See that "definitions of e" thread and all the group theory shit that's been all over this board recently.
Also I only learned the midwit meme word since coming here
Also I've seen multiple threads from math majors explicitly hating on engineers (pseud supreme)
>anime poster
>posts math on anime forum
learn something useful faggot

>> No.11428813

Yes I think a complete lack of practical knowledge, plus an autistic isolation from others, plus maybe so type of propaganda that was on tv years ago glorifying the antisocial pursuit of definitions of e instead of the solving of real problems might be the issue with the pseuds

>> No.11429661

In elementary school being “””smart””” is all some kids have going for them, even if being smart in K-12 just means being able to read and apply the Pythagorean theorem. After K-12 everyone else develops hobbies, acquires skills, gets a personality, while the “””smart””” kid from before goes to college then drops out of his CS degree. Now all he has to cling on to is being the smart kid and doubles down on feeling like a genius even without any real proof of intelligence.
If he can’t have that label, then there’s nothing else for him.

>> No.11429703

The one more willing to explain arbitrary notation or observations is the one that becomes known. Life is just one massive grab for attention.