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11427215 No.11427215 [Reply] [Original]

best approach to immortality?

cryo, curing cancer, uploading ourselves?

>> No.11427226

immortality is low iq

>> No.11427232


>> No.11427256

For you personally? Probably cryogenic storage after your death (at least as things are now)
For like a general solution? Probably mind uploads or mind migrations to machines.

>> No.11427261

honestly with the rate that biotech is expanding and trials (obviously not gonna result in anything) out there is cryo even going to be necessary?

>> No.11427269

As far as biology goes, we age because the Telomeres start to wear down. When it do, it causes a mutation, causing the cell to commit suicide before it turn cancerous.
Preventing telomeres from wearing down would be of primary concern.
I doubt nanomachines could do it, picomachines are impossible
So I guess this would be a subject for the chemist and neurologist to figure out.

>> No.11427271

Go shit up /x/ with your sci fi shit.

>> No.11427276

What about things like the thymus shrinking?

>> No.11427280

Thymus shrink because it causes increased about of white blood cells and other anti-bodies. It is useful for children but as we grow older, the resources for that can be used for other things.

>> No.11427286


>> No.11427288

Why nanobots?

For the telomere problem it’s just telomerase -> prevent the random mutations (cancer) that’s it

>> No.11427297

I have no idea how DNA works, mate.
But pretty sure that trying to repair the telomeres nonchalantly is bound to cause some serious trouble about cell division

>> No.11427298

>I have no idea how DNA works, mate
Then don't make threads about immortality.

>> No.11427300

I am not OP, though

>> No.11427301

Is curing senescence really a key step in the human progression of immortality? Sure you stop aging. Great now you can catch half the diseases that can kill you or get hit by a truck.

Don’t get me wrong stoping aging is amazing but is it really that necessary when the final step is to upload ourselves

>> No.11427306

Drinking water.

>> No.11427307
File: 375 KB, 735x720, 1575101999105.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No-cloning theorem, bro
Uploading yourself to the internet and cloning yourself is a sci-fi myth
Physics ensures that no exact copy of anything could ever exist. It would always have a flaw

However, the best way to obtain immortality is to literally control time and space
Breaking FTL would ensure that you can also go time travel. That way, you can keep anyone from dying simply by restarting time and undoing your mistakes before it could even happen
Time paradox come separately

>> No.11427312

If we actually did somehow gain the ability to upload ourselves I don't understand how you would get over the problem of it just being a copy of yourself so you still die your brain still dies but your copy lives which is not really immortality at all

>> No.11427313

Enzyme reactivation.
Mineral homeostasis restoration.

>> No.11427317

They still age. Could prevent someone from getting shot but what then.

Fuck this might as well just go in cryo and hope someone smarter than me figures it out.

>> No.11427319

Telomeres wear down becaue of copper deficiency.

>> No.11427326

But this information from that medium is all I am! Let me consult someone who learned how to read and write before I!

>> No.11427327

Not really.
The time travel machine is just a fail-safe measure.
Any part of the body can be replaced, except the brain - which you can prevent from deteriorating by whatever sci-fi bs they have.

>> No.11427328

Enzyme reactivation? Is this for the telomeres?

Also explain mineral homeostasis restoration. Is this because the organs that manage mineral homeostasis fall apart?

>> No.11427338

Want to not die? Just eat copper. Can’t wait to live forever

>> No.11427340

Really? I heard that breathing manually was fatal.

>> No.11427348


>> No.11427356
File: 312 KB, 850x1000, 69859131_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kurisu just scanned her brain.

>> No.11427361

Shit you should try not breathing

>> No.11427363

No. That is science.

>> No.11427378

I do. Regularly. Its an amazing discipline. Its either that or put up with presumption from myself or others, I've found.

>> No.11427441

You already have a immortal soul, idiot. Read the bible.

>> No.11427470

Thank you messiah! I now know I need never read for your interpretation set me free!
*claws out eyeballs with newfound Christian joy*

>> No.11427483


>> No.11429370

eat copper, 25mg/day
keep Mg/Ca ratio above 6/5

>> No.11430764

They already learnt to reconstruct thymus. An american boomer friend of mine if in the first hundred of volunteers to go through the procedure.

>> No.11430769

Those nanomachines you're talking about are aav, and they successfully operate at cost of 250 000 usd (but the pricetag is 900 000 usd)
according to this video (this information is somewhere closer to the end of it, in the q&a part)

>> No.11431108

A Kurisu gf would make me so happy I wouldn't kill myself at 30 something

>> No.11431186

Psychological profiling and datamining for the trivium of your life, then mapped onto an industry standard "consciousness" model. For a 90% accurate emulation of the real thing!

>> No.11431255

genetic engineering (today aav is the best I know, tomorrow who knows) and autonomous dwellings.

>> No.11431947
File: 24 KB, 320x320, figure-fig1_Q320.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if we could figure out how to produce the gravity of jupiter in the size of about 4 square meters we could slow down time locally to jump ahead to the future where life extension is possible

pic related is the only plausible tech to do it.. basically a giant fucking tokamak thing with plasma as dense as a white dwarf spinning at .99 C that would focus a gravito electromagnetic.. we would need two of them to cancel eachother out and any flucuation would rip us apart from tidal forces

would take the entire energy of the sun to power it and it would be the size of a planet

cryo is the only other option.. maybe liquid helium submersion or something... all we need is to figure out how to not crystalize about 20 million nerve cells.. we can afford a bit of brain damage anyway


>> No.11431983
File: 172 KB, 1280x720, g.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>No-cloning theorem, bro
i see.. another big brain anon that caught onto this as well

yes, consciousness has to be quantum in nature



penrose and hammeroff think it's in microtubules.. hammeroff, an anesthesiologist, thinks it has to do with quantum retrocausilty as well (quantum eraser experiment)

>> No.11432273

>he never heard of The F.E.I.R Principal
Watching all the brainlets die is going to be fun.

>> No.11432284

First time hearing it.
Mind if you enlighten me?

>> No.11432322

Here is a fun little game. If you can find me. I will tell you it. ^-^

>> No.11433271

the fuck is this zodiac shit

>> No.11433302

they both lead to the same idea. what we have today or in the next 10-15 years is not technologically advanced for immortality.

we just gotta speed time up and skip

>> No.11433367

Quantum immortality
You're experiencing it until you don't