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/sci/ - Science & Math

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11414167 No.11414167 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.11414173
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If these guys can't you think you can?

Ok so if you are a based /prepper/ you should be able to take your gear into the forest and live for a nice 3 months out there. You need to do that sooner not later.

>> No.11414177

quarantine and pray for a vaccine

>> No.11414180

In eastern europe, everyone is a prepper and has a house in villages. This doesn't work. I need to increase my immunity. Vitamins? Fibers? Voodoo magic?

>> No.11414185

It's just a cold bro there are no vaccines for colds.

>> No.11414186

No you need to flee people.

>> No.11414193

I have a job to do, university to attend, sick parents to help. Surely there must be something other than locking myself in.

>> No.11414200

Even if we make one. This isn't the 1950s anymore like with Polio where the guy just illegally tested it on his whole family. It will take years to make, more years to get to human trials, more years to get confirmed safe and even more years to mass produce.

Oh and it's mutating the strain found in Iran is far deadlier than any other type.

>> No.11414210
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>it will take years to make
Literally a British man already recovered. The cure is in his blood. Right now.

>> No.11414212

Don't smoke and start eating plenty of veg hope your immune system can handle it.

>> No.11414218

Uhm literally thousands of people have recovered that's not a vaccine. He doesn't have anti bodies. He can catch it a second time. What's your point here?

>> No.11414232
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>He doesn't have anti-bodies made from macrophages
That's what recovery needs. The majority of recovered people of other viruses and beyond have had these. They weaken and study bacteria, releasing T cells capable of identifying and destroying viruses.

>> No.11414233


>> No.11414238

is it true that covid19 can infect white blood cells and use them to spread and weaken the immune system through depletion?

>> No.11414704

Wear protective gear. No, a shitty disposable doesn't count. Limit contact with infected people. Sterilize before removing protective gear. Do not contract the virus.

You massive fucking pseud retard. What part of "you can catch it again" didn't you understand? Do you know why there's no rhinovirus vaccine?

>> No.11414718

Glad to see /sci/ waking up to the threat. I guess the MSM and reddit becoming concerned has finally flipped you.

I hope you can accept that /pol/ was right once again.

>> No.11414726

you can't stop the wrath of the otherside

>> No.11414727

Because of the massive quantity of serotypes, but Corona, hopefully, only has one.

>> No.11414736

/pol/ is always right

>> No.11414740

No way. Everyone will be getting it. Survivors will get reinfected again and again until they die.

>> No.11414743

There is possibly already more than one. Coronavirus classically spins off serotypes somewhat more slowly than rhinovirus but much more quickly than influenza. Any vaccine is guaranteed to have poor efficacy by the time it's widely distributed.

>> No.11414745

>we’re all dead!!!??!.!!
go help the world and off yourself, schizo.

>> No.11414755
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>just a flu bro
>it's nothing guys
Ready to admit you were wrong again, /sci/?

>> No.11414760

but... anon-chan, current cases are declining world wide.

>> No.11414842

End all forms of globalism immediately, then institute mandatory hygiene education and progressively harder tests to be taken throughout primary school, and execute any child who can't pass it.

>> No.11414893

You'll be wanking on about the next happening in 3 months time because Reddit told you too.
Go check the archives for ebola and tell me how that turned out.
Good you people are dumb as dogshit. It's been nearly 3 months since detection and a few dozen people have died outside of China.
> Muh much incubation period
Honestly kill yourself

>> No.11415091

>the only people dying are the ones who had preconditions
>if you are healthy now and do not live in a third world country you do not have to give a single fuck

So what? Some old people die? Get fucking over it. It's like the flu but amped up so stop this buzzfeed-tier fearmongering.

>> No.11415103



Coronavirus deaths this year


Novel Coronavirus (2019-nCoV) situation reports - World Health Organization (WHO)
2019 Novel Coronavirus (2019-nCoV) in the U.S -. U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)
Outbreak Notification - National Health Commission of the People’s Republic of China (NHC)
Novel coronavirus (2019-nCoV) - Australian Government Department of Health
World Development Indicators (WDI) - World Bank

73,328 Seasonal flu deaths this year

Sources and info:

Seasonal flu death estimate increases worldwide - CDC
Up to 650 000 people die of respiratory diseases linked to seasonal flu each year - World Health Organization (WHO)

>> No.11415108

Eugene was right all along.

>> No.11415128


>> No.11415133

j-j-just 2 more weeks am I right?

>> No.11415137

What's this 2 week meme? another end of word post?

>> No.11415140

The outbreak is always 2 weeks away since that is supposedly the incubation period.

>> No.11415153

It's hard to imagine so many people dying, but that's nothing compared to how many people die each year, about 50 million. Even if corona kills 1 million, the next year we're going to have a huge decrease in deaths from people with pre existing conditions like you wouldn't believe.

>> No.11415200
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I'm hoping something will mutate into giving us Zombies. Just dropping dead does not sound fun in the least.

>> No.11415233
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>tfw you will never become an aymptomatic superspreader
>tfw you will never become one of corona-chan's anointed messengers

why even live

>> No.11415236
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>So what? Some old people die?
If you could blow it off you would have never heard about it. It's China. They try their best to suppress any unflattering info. A doctor had to fight to get news out and he was forced to sign a confession of spreading false rumors. Now he's dead from 2019-nCoV. However bad things seem multiply by the CCP damage control factor.
>The 34-year-old had noticed seven cases of a virus that he thought looked like Sars - the virus that led to a global epidemic in 2003.
>On 30 December he sent a message to fellow doctors in a chat group warning them to wear protective clothing to avoid infection.
>Four days later he was summoned to the Public Security Bureau where he was told to sign a letter. In the letter he was accused of "making false comments" that had "severely disturbed the social order".
>He was diagnosed with the coronavirus on 30 January.
>There had been contradictory reports about his death, but the People's Daily now says he died at 02:58 on Friday (18:58 GMT Thursday).
>China’s only Level 4 microbiology lab that is equipped to handle deadly coronaviruses, called the National Biosafety Laboratory, is part of the Wuhan Institute of Virology.
>And then there is this little-known fact: Some Chinese researchers are in the habit of selling their laboratory animals to street vendors after they have finished experimenting on them.
>Instead of properly disposing of infected animals by cremation, as the law requires, they sell them on the side to make a little extra cash. Or, in some cases, a lot of extra cash. One Beijing researcher, now in jail, made a million dollars selling his monkeys and rats on the live animal market, where they eventually wound up in someone’s stomach.

>> No.11415238 [DELETED] 

I hate chinks. Seriously.

>> No.11415328

Some Twitter checkmark with TDS that people listen to for some reason despite him having awful opinions. /sci/ lefties seem to love him.

>> No.11415331

Imagine still trusting the WHO that completely bends over for the CCP. Maybe this virus is a good thing so all you redditors die and get killed by raiders and based preppers survive.

>> No.11415493

Does UV light kill the virus? Could you make a mask where rather than having a filter the air has to pass through a chamber with UV LEDs?

>> No.11415498

Wouldn't that be really expensive and also dangerous?

>> No.11415519


uv light can cause skin cancer

>> No.11415534
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It would be in a chamber like this. UV LED + drivers are pretty cheap. USB battery packs and other things could be re purposed. A wide range buck converter could allow almost any DC input up to 100V or so to be used.

>> No.11415563

Yes, but you're deal better off with a simple N/P100 rated filter and a commercial full face respirator, which requires no power. The UV solution is better for fixed installations where such a fine filter would be cost prohibitive, like an air handler.

>> No.11415567

Aww so I don't get to shoot you in self-defense.

>> No.11415814
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Are there any non-perscription medications or supplements that have any effect whatsoever on a viral infection? Asking for a friend.

>> No.11416111


you can try blood-letting

>> No.11416133
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Surprisingly, India hasn't gone into full lockdown. There's probably something to be said from a mixture of lou poo vapors, curry, and malaria pills.

>> No.11416142

monolaurin and liposomal ascorbic acid (no, not plain vitamin c. It must be encapsulated in a liposome).

>> No.11416145

Drink lots of water, your body uses water to break apart many chemicals. There is a reason your supposed to drink lots when sick and consume things like chicken soup.

>> No.11416153

read >>11416142

>> No.11416195

Most indians are vegans

>> No.11416253

>muh it’s a huge conspiracy trust me
nice argument

>> No.11416289

No they aren't you fucking retard.

>> No.11416296

>27 000 recovered
>80 000 infected
>number of infected no longer growing exponentially, growth rate plummeted drastically
>only 2000 dead
>WHO declares it as not a pandemic
>apparently only kills weaklings
stop the fear mongering, it's over. go back to posting "it's happening" on /pol/ for the millionth time

>> No.11416317

beef is banned in some parts.

>> No.11416350

>Cows are the only edible animals
Wow I really learned something today!

>> No.11416352

very simple: prevent travel and global trade

>> No.11416361

B-But muh 10% quarantine!

>> No.11416523

Good hygiene and wait for the vaccine, what's so complicated?

>> No.11416526

You can only treat the symptoms of viral infections. Antiviral drug treatment can only do so much, and these drugs are fairly specific in what viruses they treat.
A good OTC medication to get now is guaifanesin as it thins mucus in your lungs so you can cough it out, considering respiratory failure is the leading cause of death for the novel coronavirus. Gotta let your body take care of the virus itself, I'm afraid.

>> No.11416592

>implying the flue is nothing

>> No.11416810

i dont have any chicken around is it ok to use weird flying critters from the nearby cave for my soup?

>> No.11416835

>much more quickly than influenza
What is reassortment?

>> No.11416850

Its going to get worse, i think you zoomers call it a "vibe check", and the human race has needed to be vibe checked for a while now because so many idiots have gone over the line into narcissistic delusion thinking nothing bad can ever come out of our current world society.

>> No.11416929

This except for the kys part which isn’t nice

>> No.11416933
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I've a freind who comes from Milan today, I'm assumin he might have it so I'm going to seek him out in hopes to contract this stupid flu and get over it before the rest.

>> No.11416941

this is already worse than ebola though?

>> No.11416963

Nobody really expected ebola to go worldwide. This is different and it seems obvious China is lying about the deaths, while the rest of the world silently sticks to the don't test, don't tell approach. WHO works with the sicial media to censor and stopped using the word pandemic so that they don't have to call it a pandemic. People in Korea are collapsing on streets (which of course ocassionally happems) and getting taken away by people in hazmat suits while people are told it's perfectly normal. It's going to be fucking horrible. Reddit officially started banning people for upvoting wrong content and is on with the censorship , so your complaint makes no sense.

>> No.11416978

Of course this post had to culminate in anon admitting to be a redditor

>> No.11416998

Reddit has 330 million users. It means absolutely fucking nothing.

>> No.11417038

You won't "get over it" though because reinfection is possible and such cases have a much higher fatality rate.

>> No.11417110
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REMINDER THAT THE EU CDC IS ONLY TESTING PEOPLE RETURNING FROM RISK ZONES AND EXHIBITING SYMPTOMS. Obviously we have to consider supply here but I think countries should also start monitoring and preemptively testing major transportation hub areas

Whatever the EU CDC decides will generally be done in every national CDC, just look up your own CDC testing protocols. Germany already is getting a bigger increase due to the larger scope of testing as more and more outbreaks turn countries into risk zones, the testing scope will increase until it is too late

>> No.11417266

Then go back.

>> No.11417280

It means you are redditor, who thus has in mental faculties impaired by the consumption of reddit content. Social Media conditioning is real.

>> No.11418151

The only source I can find for this is some Taiwanese newspaper claiming to have heard this through some Bong who is in contact with Chinese Doctors in Wuhan. It's not the strongest claim in the world, but it is somewhat worrying.

>> No.11418589

It got too heavily censored.

>> No.11419192

ching ling ding ping sing song dong rong wong PONG

>> No.11419310

it's reasonable to assume that some priority/urgency will be applied in this case. have you ever played pandemic? :^)

>> No.11419313

>Do you know why there's no rhinovirus vaccine?
bad example here

>> No.11419315

>I hope you can accept that /pol/ was right once again.
>Trump farts
>fart stinks
>/pol/ was right again
many such cases

>> No.11419321

oh boy, another
>guys this is nothing, but INFLUENZA
stfu already

>> No.11419325

he got popular originally bc he didn't like Trump. he's still riding that popularity wave

>> No.11419327

>more people die to the flu than due to car accidents
>why even bother with seatbelts

>> No.11419338

autochthonous transmission has been confirmed in Italy, Iran, Japan, and South Korea. CDC has stated it is very likely to begin spreading in the US. stop downplaying the epidemic you dunce.

>> No.11419340

Uh oh! Is this nigga really doubling down on being a redditor?? Gtfo PIGGOT

>> No.11419353

nobody is saying its nothing tho

>> No.11419362

apparently japan govt is trying to approve for some anti-viral drug by some biofirm named Fujifilm

you guys think this will work?

>> No.11419374

you're the example why countries are being too cuck to stop the spread easily
just quit it

>> No.11419377

No, sounds like you're describing HIV.

>> No.11419380

>Remdesivir/Chlorquine/Lowhateverthefuckvir is a year away for public usage
>careful usage is months away

>> No.11419382

Don't be such a doomsayer.
They have been working on a vaccine since December that is supposed to be ready by April.

>> No.11419389

>92% confirmed survivals out of people infected
Yet another absolute nothingburger.

>> No.11419395

Everyone just stays at home for two weeks. Done

>> No.11419400

That would cost billions of dollars.

>> No.11419402

see >>11419374

>> No.11419407

>Everyone just stays at home for two weeks.
make it a month, provide free canned food per door
i don't give a shit

>> No.11419409

And we're gonna make the virus pay for it.

>> No.11419416
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oompa wuhan style wop wop wop

>> No.11419419

just your daily reminder we had a vaccine (DRACO) that could subdue a shit ton of HIV and Influenza virus yet its in a funding black hole for the research to make further progress

everyone spent nearly 2million on a shitty Platinum title to get a re-release, yet not a measley 100k for the dude to solve AIDS and Coronavirus.
fucking kek

>> No.11419421


>> No.11419426

You're right anon if you make a thousand retarded and baseless predictions per day at least one of them is bound to hit paydirt

>> No.11419429

Didn't say don't prepare.
People need to stop fearmongering as it's not helping.
Useful information is currently being drowned out by conspiracy theories, guessing and paranoia.
All I need to know is when is it in my country so that I know to be careful where I go and who I make contact with.

>> No.11419430

I’ve had enough of these shitty threads filling this board. Stop worrying about it. It’s nothing.

>> No.11419437

You can only “catch it again” if it mutates significantly. Coronavirus isn’t adapted for humans and once we’re adapted for humans it will go extinct just like SARS did.

>> No.11419440
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>> No.11419441


>> No.11419442

>Ready to admit you were wrong again, /sci/?

Infection rate has slowed to a crawl and recovered are rising daily. Big nothing.

>> No.11419452

Edgy doomer posting is just as bad as incel posting. Humanity is the best thing in the universe and some boring flu virus won’t have any serious effect on us.

>> No.11419460

>It’s different this time guys!!!111

>> No.11419461
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Incredibly well fitting

>> No.11419467

>Stop downplaying the declining and nonexistent epidemic

>> No.11419491

How can it be declining and nonexistent at the same time? Checkm8

>> No.11419564

Fear is extremely useful to prevent an outbreak. People travel less, wash their hands more, and prepare for a potential lack of resources.

>> No.11419581

>mutating the strain found in Iran
you're a moron

>> No.11419590

it literally is a flu

>> No.11419684

What the fuck? The only photo they had of him for the memorial was with a surgical mask on?

>> No.11419747

So far the people who've been re-infected were all immunocompromised, which is where it makes sense. Maybe this will become another seasonal virus with yearly flare-ups where the virus has maybe mutated enough to evade the immune system again, but so far there's no indication it's any different to the other human coronaviruses. If there was a report of a healthy person (not immunocompromised) getting re-infected it would turn heads and grab headlines. And it's the type of a thing a Chinese doctor would've published or even leaked by now if it were the case, even in spite of the CCP's best efforts to hide real data and silence people. Now that epidemics have broken out across the world more reliable data should be coming in shortly.

>> No.11419753

>it's mutating the strain found in Iran is far deadlier than any other type.

>> No.11419762
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>once we're adapted to humans

>> No.11419767


I sincerly hope Eugene catches the whu-flu

>> No.11419768

>it would turn heads and grab headlines.
That you believe we have anywhere near total information on this event is very cute. We'll still be learning new shit about this in 2022.
>Chinese doctor would've published or even leaked by now
If I was a Chinese doctor I wouldn't say shit. Leakers and critics are getting themselves disappeared and put in sick camps. I'm sure it doesn't earn your family any good citizen points either.

>> No.11419866

>That you believe we have anywhere near total information on this event is very cute.
I don't, I'm saying it's the kind of thing that would've gotten at least leaked if not published by now in spite of everything the CCP's doing, as the reports of (immunocompromised) re-infections did. And if not from China then from one of the nearby such as Taiwan, HK, Singapore, Japan, Malaysia etc.
>If I was a Chinese doctor I wouldn't say shit
Maybe not, but you might just simply publish or otherwise report it through a VPN anyway. Most if not all doctors take their Hippocratic oath seriously.

>> No.11419885

>I wouldn't say shit.
cause you're a chickenshit poltard

>> No.11419934

>if not from China
Most of the infections are in China. The largest infection density by orders of magnitude is China.
>Hippocratic oath
Chinese doctors are not required to take any oath other than to serve the party. Any who publicly take the HO are already getting themselves put on a shit list, as they're essentially putting up a middle finger towards the party being the ultimate authority. Do you know where a twice infected patient will be shuffled towards? A loyal doctor.

Says the westerner sitting in a comfortable home where telling the truth won't get him murdered by his government.

>> No.11419950

Shut down the entire planet for two weeks

>> No.11420217
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>Nobody really expected ebola to go worldwide.
What is with /pol/cucks and revising history?

>> No.11420444

words that shall never be uttered in the same sentence unless separated by a huge NOT

>> No.11420463

>What the fuck? The only photo they had of him for the memorial was with a surgical mask on?
When you have that many people the value of each individual life is almost nothing at all. Someone probably just googled (or baidu-ed I guess) for him and printed out the first news article with that photo in it to stick on his memorial flowers.

>> No.11420489

with westerners it's the jews and their religion people aren't allowed to talk about for the moat part with the sad exception that they will allow you to tell people to read the uncensored version jewish religious works themselves, but since americans revel in ignorance they don't have to worry about more than a tiny handful actually bothering to research

>> No.11420497

Why did they keep calling it a fish market in the news when in reality it was bushmeat, without ever specifying what it was? Is it because people would justifiably become WACIST?

>> No.11420537

>Why did they keep calling it a fish market in the news when in reality it was bushmeat, without ever specifying what it was?
It was a seafood market. You can sell bat and monkey meat at a seafood market. It's like how not everything they sell at Red Lobster is seafood either.

>> No.11420538

better tell californians to get prepared

>> No.11420556

but they never mentioned that in the news. you say seafood, people immediately picture fish and ordinary mundane things, they never once said it was actually sick shit, like bats, koalas, rats, badgers etc

>> No.11420574

I don't think they're trying to avoid sounding racist. Nobody's going to yell at a newscaster for saying the coronavirus is thought to have originated from bat meat. They just call it the seafood market virus because it was first reported as probably originating from a seafood market (which is still true; the seafood market had bat meat at it and despite the name did not exclusively cover seafood alone).

>> No.11420595

it's not that they don't wanna sound racist it's that they don't want people to get racist. your reading comprehension is shit

>> No.11421002
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The reason the growth rate has plummeted is because China has literally stopped reporting cases by government decree. It is against party policy to diagnose someone with coronavirus in China right now.

>> No.11421005

literally 430 new cases reported from China yesterday

>> No.11421297

>Oh and it's mutating the strain found in Iran is far deadlier than any other type.
[citation needed]

>> No.11421306

My cousin said in china you can buy bird cocks. Is that true?

>> No.11421365

>"Several medical experts have said that patients who have already been infected with the virus cannot be infected again, as they will have developed immunity."
does this severs the reinfection theory?

also some japanese woman caught the diesease but she was only discharged after her flu symptoms lowered on Feb. 1, now its back up.
not sure if this means it reinfection...

>> No.11421389

Doctors are running out of facemasks because idiots like you keep buying them in bulk, Doctors are pretty much the most susceptible young people during a pandemic because they're in the thick of it, so when people buy up all the masks, they just make it far more likely they die on the job

>> No.11421400

/pol/ is still flip-flopping with the speed of light between "just a flu" and "END OF THE WORLD AS WE KNOW IT"

>> No.11421401

>China switches daily between reporting and not reporting cases
Another one of /pol/'s gems of wisdom

>> No.11421422

Don't buy masks.
Don't stockpile reserves
There is nothing to worry about.

>> No.11421441

what is stockpiling supposed to achieve?

>> No.11421472

Minimizing amount of time times you need to go to the store to stock up.
Which minimizes contact with other people and lesser chance to encounter an infected person

>> No.11421905


you can buy anything as long as you have money

>> No.11421931

new Wuhan style song


>> No.11421995


>> No.11422006
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you're a big virus

>> No.11422702

>Macrophages releasing Antibodies
>Antibodies releasing T Cells

ok retard

>> No.11423230
File: 2.41 MB, 245x298, 1553708674284.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You need to start dry fasting (no food or water) for as long as you can, refeed, and go back into dry fasting. It's the only way to stop viruses from attacking your body due to ongoing autophagia. Do this and avoid people, wash hands, don't touch face.

>> No.11424806

Imagine identifying yourself based on what shithole website you visit

>> No.11424850

Why not Google this shit rather than relying on antique and sacred knowledge passed on to you?

>> No.11424852

Just use Thymosin a1 and licorice root extract if you can't get a hospital bed.

>> No.11424905

Isn’t it supposed to be quite similar in that respect? I was reading something about it yesterday. Who the fuck knows.

>> No.11424927

You know it already happened right? There's already been a case of a person that had the virus being let go since theu no longer had it. They tested positive a second time for the virus. There's also a case involving a dog getting the virus. Search it up

>> No.11424969

>dentist cancels appointments due to illness
>another important appointment also cancelled for no given reason
>go to post office, the clerc is sperging out and sprays disinfectant around every 2 minutes
>family suddenly calling ten times more often to see how everyone is doing
what a time to be alive

>> No.11425003

>There's already been a case of a person that had the virus being let go since theu no longer had it.
the japanese woman. in all likelihood a relapse, she had not come in contact with anyone else which suggests she still had it

>dog getting the virus
no such case, just the media being retarded

>> No.11425023
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autonomous protected living pods. the only way. that virus is only the first wave. the first ring of artificial death.
I warned humans for decades now, nobody listened. I'm really pissed and tired of this Cassandra syndrome.

>> No.11425099

Indians eat chickens and their eggs, among other animals and animal products. If you seriously think not eating cows or drinking milk makes you a vegan then you need more protein.

>> No.11425140

India has mandatory labelling what food is or isn't vegetarian.

>> No.11425157


This. Also veganism is generally promoted by the gurus. They are purist and often consider eating meat impure.

>> No.11425168 [DELETED] 

Veganism actually prohibits milk as well, which means that most indians are not strictly vegetarian.

>> No.11425170

Veganism actually prohibits milk as well, which means that most indians are not strictly vegan, only vegetarian.

>> No.11425180

>Veganism actually prohibits milk as well
Retard, why don't you understand that Indians follow a subset of veganism rules. Most Indians drink milk, because they don't consider milk itself to be non-veg.

>> No.11425187
File: 493 KB, 900x450, fishmarket.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*obliterates your worldview*

>Veganism means whatever I want it to

>> No.11425192

Therefore they are vegetarian

>> No.11425194
File: 202 KB, 592x350, indiachicken.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This chicken are for pet only I assure you kind sir. India number one vegan capital.

>> No.11425239
File: 40 KB, 500x535, IMG_987_9876543.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And you do realize that this true for coastal states only right? Somehow you decided to assume that that one single picture encompasses India's stance on veganism. What a faggot retard.

>> No.11425268

kys pajeet lover

>> No.11425284

How the fuck am I a pajeet lover if I'm stating the facts? Looks like you've had a unhealthy relationship with them most probably because they cucked you at every stage of your life.

>> No.11425329

kys pajeet no one cares about your wacky worldviews and ad-hoc definitions

>> No.11425585

>kys pajeet
So you just assumed my nationality without any facts or proof? You really do have xenophobia. kek.

>> No.11425590

holy sheet rekt

>> No.11425613
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>>11414167 Got a question that might be somewhat relevant here:

do air cleaners that use photocatalysis kill bacteria and viruses smaller than what they advertise as the size of particles the filters catch? Do they suck in basically all viruses and bacteria of the air and then kill almost all of them?

>> No.11425634
File: 776 KB, 1434x702, screenshot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is the meaning of 114

>> No.11425739

Interesting. I intermittent fast, since over a year. No food between 8pm and 12pm, so that's 16 hours with no food. I Drink a lot of water, though, and I piss like crazy, and it's always super clear.
Should be good, right? Anyway, why do you say no water?

>> No.11425748
File: 357 KB, 2000x1333, coronavirus_map_feb27-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>anyone who's worried about the coronavirus is an idiot
>coronavirus is nothing to worry about guys
>there's no way coronavirus will spread far outside china
t. /sci/ a few weeks ago

>> No.11425799

It literally does not take years you fucking drooling retard. What is happening right now has happened several times in the last 2 decades.

>> No.11425809

Wake me up when it kills more people than the flu retards

>> No.11425814

>worried because the media tells him to worry
Absolute retard.

>> No.11425828
File: 60 KB, 500x500, 1515004554925.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not taking seriously something that will likely become a problem

>> No.11425838

my age group has less than an 0.2% mortality rate, and i'm not exactly in poor health.
i'm not worried.

>> No.11426200

I don't scare how much it fucking spreads if you are worried you are an idiot unless you're a boomer

You're not a boomer or boomer apologist are you Anon?

>> No.11426201

Well ..... fuck


>> No.11426209

That's fine but this will cause you other problems. If this leads to panic expect your local grocery store to run out of food, for people to stop working, for food shortages and long lines to get more, and so on. This may be a minor annoyance or it may be a catastrophe but pretending it can only be nothing because you're likely to survive is short sighted and stupid.

>> No.11426221

>it's not the disease, it's the tards panicking, that's why you should panic
bank runs all over again

>> No.11426256

Unfortunately that is correct but people can get scared and stupid.

>> No.11426337


A vaccine has already been developed. It took less than six weeks, and human trials are expected to begin at the end of april. This isn't the 1950's anymore, technology has improved, so you don't need to do stupid things like test on your family.

>> No.11426374

Wouldn't a shit ton of people already be infected by april?

>> No.11426391

Due to HIV like inserts in the virus's DNA it depletes T-Cell counts

>> No.11426396


it is funny how what used to be a great brilliant idea of a sci-fi novel can now be reduced to a three panel ms paint meme

>> No.11426402

It has a genetic sequence that shares proteins with HIV... and hundreds of other viruses

>> No.11426418

Dumb take. He died fighting the virus, so they have a masked picture of him at his memorial to emphasize that, probably.

>> No.11426420


>> No.11426455

>UV LED + drivers are pretty cheap
Only the unsuitable for this purpose near-UV ones.

>> No.11426977

Yeah I'm gonna go with BTFO.

Only someone emotionally attached to the "India isn't a shithole" meme would lie so boldly.

Consumer grade photocatalytic filters almost never have testing to back up any claims they make. They do use a UV light which will destroy some viral particles, but don't expect any hard numbers on the efficacy.

Anon, the media is telling everyone to not worry. You'll see no end of experts flat out lying, saying there is no problem and everything is alright.

I guess the based whistleblower Chinese doctor was the unlucky 0.2% huh?

>> No.11427330

>There's already been a case of a person that had the virus being let go since theu no longer had it. They tested positive a second time for the virus
this was just shot down today, experts says that faulty tests are the most likely reason why said person got the virus and testing negative for it doesn't mean the virus is absolutely gone.

>> No.11427341

clinical trials are going to take over a year to complete
the real question is if they're going to use the vaccine on people that have the virus or got the symptoms from it early on during one of the phases?

>> No.11427349

>Abe vowed to increase testing capacity so anyone who doctors felt needed a test could obtain one, and also pledged to roll out a new test in March that could give results in 15 minutes. He said three drugs are being used to treat patients with the virus.

>“All those drugs have been confirmed to have efficacy to a certain degree in the basic study using new coronavirus,” he said. “Therefore, we will use them with the consent of patients so as to develop therapeutic drugs as soon as possible.”
what drugs are they even using?

>> No.11427379

>start eating plenty of veg hope your immune system can handle it
What immune systems has problems with vegetables??

>> No.11427385

>How do we protect ourselves,
tell your countries to stop being pussies and block and close everything instead of waiting at the last moment
close schools for weeks
block travel from any country for 2 months once they get growing cases past 10 or "unknown origin" cases
>then eradicate this beast?
wait a year or so for a vaccine for public usage

>> No.11427415

Such measures can devastate public support and even the economy.

And for what? Because of minor flu panic exaggerated by media fearmongering?

It's gone in few weeks and nobody is going to remember it besides those that suffered the consequences of implementing ridiculous hard measures.

>> No.11427459

your constant downplaying is an example to why there's mimimal effort to contain the spread
first South Korea, then Iran

>> No.11427501

The Ganges poo gas disinfects all airborne viral particles while superhuman immune systems and the local flora immediately eradicate any foreign diseases. You thought India superpower 2020 was a joke but they will be the only country left unscathed in the cataclysmic dark days ahead.

>> No.11427780

>Maybe not, but you might just simply publish or otherwise report it through a VPN anyway.
The whistle blower is dead. The rest will be under extended surveillance. It is quite unlikely any knowledge will be smuggled out. Last I heard China refuses US experts entry.

>> No.11427798

By a wide margin, yes.

>> No.11427914

It is getting pretty though in China, even people rescuing abandoned dogs after owners were quarantined, are in fear:
>The volunteer didn't want to reveal her name because of fears of official repercussions. She said she has 35 dogs and 28 cats in her apartment in addition to the animal rescue centre she helps operate.

You would have to be insane to trust any news out of China.

>> No.11427982

The US has labeling regarding kosher that doesn't mean everyone's a Jew.

>> No.11428040

ALL food needs to be labelled whether it's vegetarian or not.

>> No.11428110

>farts in your mouth
Irrelevant. Your missing the point

>> No.11428165
File: 287 KB, 1077x2054, 1582995760857.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how true is this?

>> No.11428215

The bioweapon myth is a meme, the tech is nowhere near that level. The PCR test barely even works but people can engineer a viral genome? I mean it's possible something they were studying escaped from a lab but it wasn't designed to be a weapon.

>> No.11428217

Well the fact is that a bout one third of Indians are vegetarian, while an undeterminate number are not calling themselves vegetarian, while not really eating meat either, with some states being majority vegetarian. Whatever you say is just you not being able to accept that fact.

>> No.11428234

Damn this is catchy

>> No.11428246


We definitely can construct a virus. Maybe you noticed the long debate whether smallpox samples should be destroyed or not suddenly fizzled out. This is why.
The article is most likely bullshit anyway, because a bioweapon wouldn't behave like that, it wouldd have to have some kind of mechanism to determine who it kills or not. It most likely seems that a coronavirus infected somebody HIV positive and the viruses mixed up their genomes and the result was a viable virus by a sheer accident.

>> No.11428250

let's say it's an escaped virus instead. I recall reading on /sci/ about how modified virus were absolutely fucking crazy dangerous and they basically made conspiracy theories look like bedtime stories. There was a thread about it many years ago. I don't remember much of it, but I remember reading it and being fairly spooked.

>> No.11428261

>Anon, the media is telling everyone to not worry. You'll see no end of experts flat out lying, saying there is no problem and everything is alright.
This. I don't get people saying that the media is hyping this up. They're not hyping it up, they're deliberately keeping it down.

>> No.11428291

These. People are fucking mongs, especially politicians.

Do you fear "durrrr I told you it was nothing"? Or why this constant shilling? I don't get it.

>> No.11428296

I'm the guy you replied to. That post is taking from a bunch of bullshit that's been circling around. It's possible this was a leaked bioweapon, but more likely it's just a naturally evolved coronavirus which happens to be very stealthy and just deadly enough to be a serious concern. I'd of course advise NOT getting the virus. Don't treat this like the yearly flu where you're a bit cautious. Be very, very cautious. Even if the rate is only 1% for fit young adults, I don't think anyone would want to play Russian roulette even with a single round in a hundred round cylinder.

>> No.11428329

is it confirmed that no one fully recovers and it's like AIDS?

>> No.11428340


>> No.11428344


>> No.11428356

No, but the latest numbers from HK say that 14% regain the infection once they stop taking the HIV drugs.

>> No.11428371

I didn't read it on /pol/. Newspapers said it's similar to AIDS in their affinity with human cells and it's like Herpes Zoster and can remain dormant. They said herpes can last for YEARS and we don't know yet if corona will last that much. 14% of the patients that got cured developed it again within weeks. It is not yet fully known why, but it's pretty unsettling.

>> No.11428377

And what's the fucking deal with /pol/? If someone's ignorant about something this is /sci/, and learning is something pretty basic, I am not an epidemiologist and I don't know anything about medicine, but seeing these news I'm getting pretty concerned.

>> No.11428378

The best rwain not to get this is the pneumonia imo. It's some serious shit you do not ever want.

>> No.11428390


>> No.11428391

>I am not an epidemiologist
Neither is anyone else here lol.
You're barking up the wrong tree if you're coming to these retard pseuds for answers. You're unironically more likely to get better answers on /pol/, it's pathetic.

>> No.11428395

Sperging out, sry.

>> No.11428404

this but uniroically. /pol/ is always right

>> No.11428417

Yeah I know. My brother god pneumonia when he was a kid and it permanently fucked his kidneys. He's on meds for the rest of his life, and I might need to give him one of mine some day.
Do. Not. Get. Pneumonia.

>> No.11428420

My bro is god apparently. Keke phoneposting.

>> No.11428425

/sci/ has been in denial since day 1 and it's about time that this gets attention. The WHO pseud and the media went from WE ARE IN DANGER HOLY SHIT TO "nah, just a flu bro". What worries me is that they started saying that when evidence that shit did indeed hit the fan is piling up.

>> No.11428435

Modified viruses can definitely be dangerous. There's a researcher at the University of Wisconsin-Madison that made a strain of influenza that was 100% fatal in humans. Some of his colleagues weren't happy about it.

>> No.11428458

I'm, sorry, the 14% is for Guandong, not HK

>> No.11428474

They were initially hype cycling for rating whoring like usual, but the the people with real money saw that this is actually a huge fucking deal, so they put the kibosh on that shit quick. With the media, nothingburgers are always talked up, and actual problems are always buried. They run as if reality was a fucking sitcom where things happen but everything is always the same.

>> No.11428537

Provide affordable healthcare
Provide stable hours and living wages to working people
Don't overpopulate the planet
Don't shovel unhealthy dogshit food into people to make an extra buck

>> No.11428558

First death in the US, Iran falling into anarchy, this isn't looking good at all.

>> No.11428574


>> No.11428590


>> No.11428688
File: 10 KB, 563x93, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>first coronavirus vaccine to be out by july approx.
can you handle the wait goy?

>> No.11428712

>“From this understanding ... after someone has been infected by this kind of virus, he will produce antibodies, and after these antibodies are produced, he won’t be contagious,” he said.
>“In most cases though, because their body has developed an immune response to the first infection, the second infection is usually less severe,” Kamradt-Scott said.
This doesn't reinforce your "end of the world" narrative very well, doomfag.

>> No.11428732 [DELETED] 

>Song Tie, vice director of the local disease control center in southern China’s Guangdong province, told a media briefing on Wednesday that as many as 14% of discharged patients in the province have tested positive again and had returned to hospitals for observation.

>> No.11428738

>Song Tie, vice director of the local disease control center in southern China’s Guangdong province, told a media briefing on Wednesday that as many as 14% of discharged patients in the province have tested positive again and had returned to hospitals for observation.
>Other experts have also raised the possibility of “antibody-dependent enhancement”, which means exposure to viruses might make patients more at risk of further infections and worse symptoms.

>> No.11428748

BUT for the most part reinfection is less severe if it happens at all. Again, this hurts the doomfag narrative.

>> No.11428844

Absolute brainlet take

>> No.11428848
File: 34 KB, 750x920, flat,750x1000,075,f.u1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Listening to my street some guy coughing as he passes my house

>> No.11428867

/pol/ isn't here to learn

>> No.11428871

Coronachan vs normies

>> No.11428960
File: 159 KB, 800x600, 1582773765019.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Should I buy the dip? Stocks have dropped several days in a row, it seems like a great opportunity.

>> No.11428961

Source? Is it from that scam lab in Boston?

>> No.11429036

>90 days
Can't even do this with influenza and that shit happens every damn year.
>Oral vaccine
You mean the delivery method with the shittiest efficacy?

>> No.11429089

>on people already infected

>> No.11429115

its the israel vaccine lab

>> No.11429122

they need something out soon anon

>> No.11429136

>i have no argument, so i'll keep being a stubborn donkey

>> No.11429141


Not yet. It will go lower.

>> No.11429144


Yeah but, the seasonal flu infects like 40 million Americans each year. Swine flu got a vaccine and it will infected 57 million people.

>> No.11429243

You mean "they" need damage control reports so we don't get a retard panic.
>Nah it's no big deal just like 1% death rate lol, yeah deaths / total infected is perfectly valid even though the infection is growing still, but lol just in case it IS a big deal (it won't be of course), we have scientists that say they'll have a vaccine in like a few weeks no problem!
>...pls no let market fall

>> No.11429252
File: 667 KB, 1440x1516, 20200229_173842.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this enough? I've got a ton of these already but idk if they'll work if I ever want to go outside and into the public

>> No.11429330

If there's no rubber seal around the mask edge then you'll get filter blow by. That's the real reason why these masks are only 80% effective. Also you can contract it through the conjunctiva, you need goggles too. Might as well use a full face respirator you can do a vacuum check on to ensure the seal is good.

>> No.11429345
File: 201 KB, 820x861, 1574435783906.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So what's the verdict?

Does it render males sterile?
Does it render females sterile?
Is the mortality rate 0.7% or 50%

>> No.11429353

>We really need a vaccine, therefore it must come out soon.

>> No.11429359

I think the fertility stuff is bogus. Lots of chaotic and confusing info right now.

The recorded mortality rate in Korea and Italy looks close to 1%. It was higher in China. All numbers could be over estimates if there are many unrecorded mild cases.

>> No.11429361



"It will happen because it would be really good"

Why do people think like this?

>> No.11429374

Go pack to pol and take your meds OP. You are a racist Nazi piece of shit. I, on the other hand, love asians.

>> No.11429378

>tfw corona is in my town now

What do I do? Am I doomed? I don't care if I catch it, but I don't want to infect my dad because he's nearly 80 and would probably die.

>> No.11429380

I mean, on that map where you are looking at you can see S113, which I think is the street number 113, maybe there's a Road S114 on there that leads somewhere like a fishmarket

>> No.11429381

don't see your dad. talk on the phone/skype/whatever. do NOT see your dad or you will have blood on your hands,your own father's no less

>> No.11429385

I'd do that but I'm a poor fuck and idk where to get a mask and filter that doesn't cost $300+ for the mask and $80+ for a single filter.

>> No.11429393

everybody dies eventually

>> No.11429414

I live with him because he's already fallen down twice on his own and is at risk for breaking his hip or worse. Like he just randomly loses balance and falls so I gotta do stuff for him.

>> No.11429548

At this point a 60-70% infected rate with a 1% death rate sounds much preferable to the alternatives...

>> No.11429650

>The recorded mortality rate in Korea and Italy looks close to 1%
South Korea is currently 0.5% and Italy 2.6% but the latter is closer to the real figure since that's A) closer to other locations' data and B) SK numbers seems highly skewed by how recent the cult mass infection occurred at one of their mass ceremonies (ie freak accidental mass infections aren't the norm). So 1% seems like an underestimate in the short to medium term (of course long term it will hopefully go down below 2% if the attack rate keeps rising so fast and mild cases overtake serious cases in diagnosed data).

>> No.11429712

this was published today
he took anti-HIV medication and was declared virus free since Feb 7


>> No.11429716

post an actual source if there is one

>> No.11429720

Mortality rate over 5% if you have hypertension and diabetes, over 10% if you have cardiovascular disease. Time to admit that /pol/ was right, /sci/

>> No.11429816

Give your elderly parents/grandparents a lot of love now if you are concerned. Pray as well.

>> No.11430262

Hardware stores, welding shops, industrial supply catalogs, fucking amazon. Just look up full face P100 respirator. Expect to spend around $100.

>> No.11430271

>they used an antiviral to treat a virus
that said, if you aren't a boomer you eventually get better, it's possible the HIV meds did nothing at all
>an illness gets worse if you have preexisting conditions

>> No.11430368

Yes and those pre-existing conditions are things that 90% of American boomers already have. It's ok, you can apologize later when half the country's infected.

>> No.11430372

>Yes and those pre-existing conditions are things that 90% of American boomers already have.

>> No.11430383

Jeez I thought this was the smart board

>> No.11430400

italy is an extremely old country. our hospitals are filled with decrepit men and women with more than a foot in the grave already

>> No.11430403

>muh amerimutt perspective
no one important gives a shit you self centered moron

>> No.11430477


>> No.11430508

It's just a normal flu, stop being a poltard.

>> No.11430520


Back to /pol/ retard

>> No.11430548

How dumb r u

>> No.11430633

>And would probably die
Only 18 % death rate so he probably wouldn't. But still, don't take the risk.

>> No.11430636

Death rate among the elderly*

>> No.11430655

Based Corona chan killing off boomers

It's genius, maybe in one year half of the boomer population is gone from Corona, or the stress of maybe catching it. Meanwhile for everyone below 40 it's just a cold...

>> No.11430658


washing your hands with soap

wow. chinks BTFO

>> No.11430743

is there a chart for the age-death ratio for coronavirus victims?

>> No.11430862

you cant tell me countries like Japan won't be secretly keen to wipe out a good chunk of the population who don't work and are an enormous drain on the economy i.e. the elderly

>> No.11430875

you probably won't need to donate a kidney we're on the brink of lab grown replacement organs

>> No.11430887

Yeah, that shit has been "on the brink" for a long time, and his kidney function is crap right now. Within a couple years he might be getting a cadaver kidney, but if one doesn't come up then I'll be on the table.

>> No.11430904

/sci/ is full of shills, schizos, and pseuds as usual

>> No.11430909



>> No.11430922

create your own virus instead of complaining

>> No.11430933
File: 706 KB, 500x212, 1425077706103.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>rates of influenza more than halved because people are taking proper precautions instead of acting like retards
>massive reduction in carbon emissions from china
This virus has been a godsend all things considered.

>> No.11430934

>Running out of test kits
>selectively testing people
Gee I wonder why.

>> No.11430936

it literally isn't

>> No.11430937

it is effectively a tabloid, known for gossip articles and pure opinion pieces instead of reporting

>> No.11430953

The interesting thing is that media kind of went silent about deaths in China.
Italy locked down few towns, I wouldn't take it lightly.

>> No.11431058

>>massive reduction in carbon emissions from china
They'll be back up the week after it's officially over, hell they might go up by double if China decides to overclock to make up for that lost time

>> No.11431123
File: 2.17 MB, 198x195, Jesus asks what the unit of measurement is for joules per second before ascending to heaven.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

meanwhile they've spared the earth from more carbon emissions than norway could have done with 0 emissions over several decades and yet we're supposed to pay billions to "go green" while they keep churning out shit.

>> No.11431124

it's worse, it's a globohomo propaganda piece

>> No.11431129

according to one US general china poured more concrete in just 4 years than america ever has

>> No.11431148

they are literally building "islands" in the middle of the sea.

>> No.11431164

yeah, i'm not defending china here
i'm ridiculing my own country's hysterical climate fanatics

>> No.11431210

Are yours in government?

>> No.11431219

The entire government here is incompetent and yes, it's borderline religious here.

>> No.11431247

as i've already said, let's hope it goes on indefinitely

>> No.11431265

Meanwhile, some of us love our parents and grandparents..

>> No.11431295

love won't save them, death comes for everyone, you'll have to learn to accept it, or not, death doesn't care

>> No.11431353

i've long since accepted death
doesn't mean i'm going to use it as an edgy justification for willful ignorance and lazyness

>> No.11431413

>post an actual source if there is one
let me guess, Joe Rogan?

>> No.11431543
File: 238 KB, 2666x2916, _111074816_death_ratio-nc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just stay healthy anon

>> No.11431557
File: 61 KB, 812x1024, 1572906326690.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>det grønne skiftet

Får helt fnatt. Fokuser på så ren oljeproduksjon som overhodet mulig og reinvester penger i forskning på og utvikling av toriumsbasert kjernekraft; garantér velferdsstaten og reduser klimautslipp samtidig. Gjør dette fram til fusjon blir en greie. Jobb med å finne alternativer til betong, plast og kobolt-baserte batterier. Dette er bokstavelig talt løsningen men forklarer du dette til en politiker er alt de hører
pic very related
Må vi snart få en forsker/siving med litt peiling inn på stortinget da for helvete

>> No.11431562

And most importantly: stay young.
Also, respiratory diseases, do those include plain flu?

>> No.11431583

>roasties are immune

>> No.11431593

overall cases show 71% being male.

>> No.11431599

>normal flu
>just go back to /ccp/

>> No.11431611

>source: trust us, we made the virus

>> No.11431708

That sliver for younger healthy people is still higher than the average for the flu, and with the flu if you're young and healthy you're basically guaranteed to be fine.

>> No.11431744

Gilead Sciences will also start testing remdesivir this month.

>> No.11432122
File: 14 KB, 200x302, merkel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tfw you're chancellor said
> we shouldn't fear this corona-flu

this slob is supposed to lead a country.

>> No.11432139
File: 84 KB, 436x425, p.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yesterday i had contact with someone that worked in the same company that someone tested positive to corona had. today that guy writes me that he has 104°F Fever

should i be concerned

>> No.11432168

start writing your will

>> No.11432349

where do you live?

>> No.11432375

yeah, they also said FDA approved 2 Phase 3 trials for the anti-viral to prior

>"Gilead Sciences is focusing on confirming the efficacy and safety of Remdesivir as a potential treatment of COVID-19, and the clinical trials may enable us to collect a broader range of global data of Remdesivir profile in a short time," Gilead Sciences' Chief Medical Officer Merdad Parsey said.
results will be in mid-April
hopefully this means they can cut down a lot of time to get this outside while proving its safe usage.

>> No.11432402

>>rates of influenza more than halved
2019-20 would like a word with you

>> No.11432416


>> No.11432426

You saying that increased vigilance and hygiene by normies has done any good at all on slowing influenza this entire year?

>> No.11432444

No, the statistics are saying that.

>> No.11432470

I live right next to a place where an infection was found (am northern euro).
My heart booms and aches noticeably, and breath wheezes a bit. But I have nothing else going on. Should I bother with a test? I want to keep my family safe.

>> No.11432477
File: 272 KB, 2151x1289, Flu+Hospitalizations+Graph+1920wk8+crop.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Flu illnesses peak in mid-late February
Water is wet?

>> No.11432489

Are you retarded?
Who the fuck is talking about ohio?
Why would they have been taking extra precautions when the disease has just now showed up there. Look up chinese or japanese statistics.