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11421461 No.11421461 [Reply] [Original]

Medical testing on captive chimpanzees has halted:
>FWS stated that all U.S. chimpanzees--including the more than 700 chimps used in research--would be classified as endangered under the Endangered Species Act (ESA). Any labs that wished to continue invasive work on these animals would need to apply for an ESA permit, and permits would only be allowed for work that enhances the survival of the species and benefits chimpanzees in the wild.
>Lanford says he’s not surprised that other labs also have not applied for permits. Any applications, he says, are likely to attract the attention of animal advocates, and it’s not clear whether FWS would grant the permit. “Public opinion is currently heavily influencing this process,” he says. “Nobody wants to be the first test case.”
Meanwhile, even *unintentional* human to chimp transmission of coronaviris strains has been documents:
We should be using these beasts as test subjects RIGHT NOW.
Besides, they are pure evil, and surely would do the same (or worse) to us if they could.

>> No.11421467

>nooooo I can’t enslave and torture chimps who did nothing to me nooooo

>> No.11421475

Andrew Oberle was a chimp lover, and look where it got him:
>The vicious attack left Oberle with injures over his entire body. His right upper arm is broken, while his lower right arm muscle and ligaments are torn and exposed to the bone. Oberle's left arm was mauled and he lost fingers on both hands.
>One testicle was ripped off and he suffered deep lacerations to both legs and lost several toes.

>> No.11421481

Fuck you.
Chimps would enslave and torture us, just for fun, if they could.
If we can't use chimps, we should use liberals instead.

>> No.11421482

>Fuck you.

Fuck you.

> Chimps would enslave and torture us, just for fun, if they could

They can’t, so it doesn’t matter.

>> No.11421484


>> No.11421485

if chimps were smart enough to do that they woukd develop a complex set of morals like us and probably not enslave and torture us

>> No.11421488

Why so unempathic? You seem rather like the sociopathic super-chimps you imagine.

>> No.11421496

mors tua vita mea

>> No.11421527

There is absolutely no reason to believe it would be useful in any way.

>> No.11421542

Your two links have nothing to do with each other whatsoever, it's more some bizarre political statement from the first you are trying to test with the second.
4 clinical trials are already underway in China, numerous others in the pipeline globally.
They have successfully treated COVID19 with existing malarial drugs such as the ancient and widely manufacturers chloroquinine phosphate.
Maybe should have stuck with your first topic alone and see how that goes? About how you want the literal right to assfuck chimps. That was a good topic op.
There'll be a vaccine developed within a few months, regulators will sit on it unless shit gets bad.
Case closed.

>> No.11421545

Medical testing should be illegal we can't subject innocent living creatures to terrible torture just to feel better about ourselves.

>> No.11421550

>There'll be a vaccine developed within a few months, regulators will sit on it unless shit gets bad.
That's most likely somebody trying to abuse the situation to commit a stock fraud. Vaccine against this is most likely impossible.

>> No.11421644

> they woukd develop a complex set of morals like us
That's not what happened in South Africa

>> No.11421702

Trust me dude

>> No.11421730

>That's most likely somebody trying to abuse the situation to commit a stock fraud. Vaccine against this is most likely impossible.
Oh, there's definitely some pump and dump action.
NovaVax is notorious for this.
Every time there's a virus scare (nCoV, Ebola, etc) they issue press releases about some preliminary study showing safety (but not efficacy) of some candidate vaccine (probably a saline solution), usually in animals, and the stock pumps.
Then management heavily dilutes the shareholders (suckers).
Read the cynical comments on SA:

>> No.11421815

Tfw, COVID-19 is actually the simian flu and earth becomes the planet of the apes.

>> No.11421823

BS. Chinks/Asians in general are desperate for a vaccine and they torture animals in every insane way possible, often for fun

Ever been to an Asian zoo? shit till turn you into an animal rights activist. It's like that King of Fools scene from Hunchback of Notre Dame but with Elephants

>> No.11421825

This is a morality question, not a science question. If the rules are you can't use chimps then you can't use chimps.

>> No.11421845

>noooooooo you can't potentially save millions of human lives, what about the literal apes?

>> No.11421870

People should stop making such a fuss about Corona. It mostly just kills the old and weakened - exactly the vitalization the developed world needs. It fixes the demographic pyramid without burdening the environment with an even wider base.

If people carried on as usual, they'd just get a disease that is really not that different from a flu and get back to work in a week or two.

>> No.11421876

Old people deserve to live more than young people. They struggled against tougher odds *and* were more successful. They're just better people overall.

>> No.11421888

>Old people deserve to live more than young people

Cringe. Old people are gonna die soon anyway so they have less value than young people. Less potential wellbeing.

>> No.11421939

I bet that even with chimp testing it would still be at least a year away. How long do you think a chimp test would take? A good part of a year.

>> No.11421946

old people have already lived

>> No.11422510

>How long do you think a chimp test would take
a month.
a month
>inject n groups off chimps with n vaccine candidates
>monitor for a month

>> No.11422572
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>> No.11422590

human lives aren’t important though

>> No.11422591
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>> No.11422638

Looks like we've just found our first volunteer test subject.

>> No.11422661

>It mostly just kills the old and weakened
Based on shitty data that can't be trusted? Sure. Real data will take time and because the CCP is suffering an acute allergic reaction to reality and the world should be really sensitive to the needs of a ruthless kleptocratic tyrannical regime or else there might be instability in the financial markets.


>> No.11422945

And what do you learn from that? and how?

>> No.11423048

>save millions of human lives
we are too many, coronavirus is a gift from god

>> No.11423064

Sweet, we should use you as a guinea pig. Not valuing your own race is a low IQ play.

>> No.11423067

This clip is not about corona. It is from the aftermath of three dying of CO poisoning. The idiot who posted it on twitter put #coronavirus knowing it would grab attention. He was forced to admit he was it misdirecting people later. But, now he is suspended for it and I can't give you link for proof.

>Still shows how fucked CCP is though.

>> No.11423961

Why are the people wearing masks and hazmat suits? So that they don't catch the poison?

>> No.11424092

If animal rights faggots followed their principles all the way through they wouldn't be able to breathe. There is always a need for a slave class. It shouldn't be humans fair enough but anything else gets in the way of our comfort level.

>> No.11424226

>save millions of human lives

no humans, only chineeses

>> No.11424241

t. old person
hurry up and die from corona you oldtart

>> No.11424297
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>> No.11424313

we should use illegal immigrants, they're less of a threatened species than chimps.

>> No.11424319

Literally impossible.

>> No.11424331

Thats racist.

If it was straight white cis males who werent born into poverty or had any mental illness no one would object.