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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 49 KB, 695x390, Wuhan_Coronavirus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11421445 No.11421445 [Reply] [Original]

I posted here a month ago and you all said that it was just fear mongering and media hyping it. Look where that got us. How come it's still spreading and killing so rapidly? What is the truth? Is the media still hyping it up or is the situation really that bad?

>> No.11421446

Nobody fucking cares and there's a ton of other threads discussing it

>> No.11421450

Why did you lie to me, /sci/? You said everything was going to be fine.

>> No.11421452

Nobody here lied. The media lies. Jews don't even exist.

>> No.11421454

It's all going to be fine

>> No.11421458

>just fear mongering and media hyping it.
Its just that tho

>> No.11421463

Why is it still such a hot topic then? They're even going to cancel the Olympics, Mecca is being closed to the public. If it's all just media hype, why are the governments acting so paranoid?

>> No.11421470

>How come it's still spreading and killing so rapidly?

It’s-it’s not. It’s slowed down to a crawl and was never significant. It’ll be extinct by the end of the year.

>> No.11421474

>Why is it still such a hot topic then?

News is all bullshit. They just want clicks for ads, and they know the bored people with boring lives will click to read about le epic disease that’ll totally destroy earth just like Ebola did.

> If it's all just media hype, why are the governments acting so paranoid?

Governments have an obligation to protect their citizens. Sometimes that means shutting down amenities.

>> No.11421477

it's certainly a cause for concern and anyone who says "justaflu" and "don't believe the media guys more people die from XYZ" are naive retards.
Worst case scenario is something on the scale of 1918 spanish flu, which is possibly the worst pandemic in recent history despite "only" having a 3 % mortality rate.
Best case scenario at this point is probably along the lines of the 2009 swine flu outbreak, which was still a serious pandemic but with a lower mortality rate.
Either way I'd say prepare your anus, get at least 2 weeks worth of non-perishable food in reserve. This is more to prepare for the inevitable panic buying and economic impacts than the disease itself. If 400 cases can emerge in italy in less than a week then you can bet your ass it can happen to your country as well.

>> No.11421478

>Governments have an obligation to protect their citizens. Sometimes that means shutting down amenities.
Never happened during Ebola or SARS.

>> No.11421479

So it doesn't become a global pandemic
No on wants more virus' to commonly exist that kills people

>> No.11421486

>Never happened during Ebola or SARS.

Neither were as virulent.

>> No.11421489

>8098 infected In shit hole countries
>28,000 infected in shit hole countries
>80,000 infected + spread in first world countries

>> No.11421500

they're trying to contain it you mouth breathing moron

>> No.11421502

>spread in first world countries
How did Corona-chan do, what her cousins couldn't?

>> No.11421505

I'd say likely due to the long incubation time allowing people to cross borders and travel before even knowing they have the virus.
I don't know if it's confirmed whether it spreads during the incubation period, but if that's true then that would be a big factor as well.

>> No.11421507

Mortality rate was too high in SARS and MERS

>> No.11421512
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>> No.11421522
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>> No.11421526
File: 81 KB, 813x375, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It is already pandemic. There are quarantine zones on 6/7 continents now.

>> No.11421531

I'm a struggling middle america retard, how do I get paid by the chinese to spread misinformation about trivial things?

>> No.11421538
File: 110 KB, 876x915, Screenshot_20200225-165948_Chrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>muh habbbbening

>> No.11421546
File: 184 KB, 1024x1024, 1582161191563.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>CDC estimates that influenza has resulted in between 9 million – 45 million illnesses, between 140,000 – 810,000 hospitalizations and between 12,000 – 61,000 deaths annually since 2010

>While estimates of case-fatality (CF) rates for past influenza pandemics have ranged from about 0.1% (1957 and 1968 pandemics) to 20% (1918 pandemic); the official World Health Organization estimate for the current outbreak of H5N1 avian influenza to date is around 60%.


>Coronavirus "COVID-19"
>Fatality Rate (CFR) (WHO early estimate): 2%

>> No.11421549

Bet you $5000 the Olympics won't get cancelled.
How fucking dumb do you have to be to believe the media after all this time when they are so consistently wrong?
They sell you fear.

>> No.11421558

>140,000 – 810,000 hospitalizations
impossible. no amount of hospitals could deal with such workloads

>> No.11421566

I think that's world wide. Keep in mind that the 1st paragraph is about influenza, not the current Coronavirus.

>According to Cybermetrics Lab there are over 16,500 hospitals worldwide.
That's only 49 people per hospital per year to reach 810,000 hospitalizations across 16,500 hospitals.

>> No.11421608

air travel become even more affordable for the unwashed 3rd world masses
just 10 years ago you wouldn't see nowhere near as many chinks spitting snotballs and coofing all over European city centers

>> No.11421701
File: 503 KB, 656x368, chink infects free masks.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

now you can see them directly infecting face masks

>> No.11421710

Japan just shut down their entire school system.

>> No.11421724

Sounds dumb even considering that their school year ends in March.

>> No.11421735

Apparently he only advised the school to be closed. Abe really wants the Olympics to take place.

>> No.11422430

What makes it bad is that people are fucking retarded.
They enforce 14 days of quarantine when regularly cases with 27 days incubation are reported.
Then people think if they have no symptoms, they're not contagious and spread shit everywhere. People do not wash their hands properly pretty much ever.

>> No.11422497

i'm only trusting these fucking graphs/maps at the moment because the media refuses to talk about the recoveries

>> No.11423441

>They enforce 14 days of quarantine when regularly cases with 27 days incubation are reported.
Literally only a single case, and it's being speculated that it's inaccurate

>> No.11423457

>Is the media still hyping it up or is the situation really that bad?
The media is definitely hyping it up, and the situation is extremely bad but probably not as bad as people would lead you to believe. Don't worry too much about it until you need to. Prep if it makes you feel better, it can't hurt. Even if the disease isn't bad, media hype could make people hysterical and cause a shortage of supplies, so having some extra food on hand isn't a bad idea. Don't listen to /pol/ who will lead you to believe it's the end of the world. Don't listen to /sci/ who will deny that anything is even happening until they're coughing up blood. Wash your hands and stay informed about what's going on. Use your best judgement. I know that's asking a lot from some of you legitimate retards on this board but I know you aren't all dense.

>> No.11423458

Yes, now you see the problem.

>> No.11423462

>anyone who doesn't believe international media is a retard
lol ok retard.