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/sci/ - Science & Math

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11416934 No.11416934 [Reply] [Original]

If I gave you 1 BILLION dollars, today. Tax free. What would you do with it to further science /sci/?

Groundrules: you cannot use the money for anything personal, all expenses will be for lab/equipment. You will receive 100k salary for your personal expenses per year during the lifetime of the project to lead and manage the project. A gym and a full kitchen with staff will be allowed expenses for the project team members.

What is your proposal?

>> No.11416938

What does it mean to "further science"?

>> No.11416944

you're done. next please.

>> No.11416958


>> No.11416980

eugenics and gene-editing.
if not then sexbots and artificial wombs just to end human slavery and prostitution.

>> No.11416985

I'd probably fund smart women to have two more kids each and campaign for sterilising the lowest IQ and criminals.

>> No.11416993

Integrated neural threading advertisements so we can market products directly into people's heads.

>> No.11417005
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Fund fusion and moon base.
Bribe the right people in the UN to make background checks mandatory for couples who want to have children.

>> No.11417006

Research immortality.

>> No.11417007

I fucking hate you, you sadistic asshole.

>> No.11417009

1 - Find the 10 scientists who published the most impactful papers (some combination of citation and longevity and etc metrics to decide this) in the 10 countries who published the most and give them 1 million each with the same rules you just gave me. That's 100 million total.

2 - 200 million dollars for neglected diseases. Cancer/Diabetes/etc are industries at this point, and there are a ton of people with shitty life quality due to chronic shit that is not being seriously researched. We're 300 million down now.

3 - 200 million dollar prize fund for the group that can assess the reproducibility of the most papers within 1 year, with good methodology and sound reasoning demonstrated. This group could kickstart the fixing of the shitty replication crisis, especially in medicine. That's 500 million total so far.

4 - 300 million go into an AI center for genomics, security and climate prediction. That shit will pay for itself over time and become self sustainable on the long run. 800 million down.

5 - Last 200 million dollars go for trying to cure OP's low IQ. I'm not very optimistic about the chances, but you never know.

>> No.11417013

I start making miners robots to mine asteroids and space factories to process the rocks
If that looks too much engineering for you I propose to fund the Future Hadron Collider

>> No.11417014

bigger willy research

>> No.11417029

It is already begun.

>> No.11417048

fund a left-wing death squad to kill the Rothschilds

>> No.11417055

our brains are too limiting to handle immortality properly, at most we can live up to 300 years before our brains fail us or 1500 if we somehow grew the size of a tall building.
our brains can only hold so much memory before its full.

>> No.11417059

Terahertz hi resolution imaging for using in medicine. Potential low-cost alternative for magnetic resonance and/or computer tomography. By significantly reducing cost, those devices could become much, much more widespread, and combined with AI diagnostic, could reduce amounts of a lot of diseases, thus improving life quality for a lot of people.

>> No.11417063


>> No.11417107

Build an independent research facility that doesn't need grant farming and can produce actual, unbiased scientific advances.
I'd build it a bit reclusively and self-sustaining. Including a bunker and stock food and water just in case.

>> No.11417119 [DELETED] 
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probably this

>> No.11417129

Create anime loli specie

>> No.11417146

that's a naive statement, there is no reason why our brains wouldn't simply continue to adapt past 100, 150, 200, ad infinitum. we would just disgard old memories, or be digitally enhanced with nanotech. your argument is very luddite, to say the least.

>> No.11417151

that's pretty, i want one.

>> No.11417158

make anime real.
start with profitable creations, than advance to massive time wasting projects just cause.
Rinse repeat.

>> No.11417173 [DELETED] 

gimme one billion and you'll have hundreds of thousands of those, so we can sell them for many billions.

>> No.11417180

>make anime real
its already real, check cosplay events.

>> No.11417196

All in sex bots, no artificial wombs

>> No.11417207

research how to turn myself smaller than an atom

>> No.11417217

Means to achieve faster than light travel

>> No.11417222 [DELETED] 

both impossible and useless

>> No.11417228

Wormholes and warpdrives and shit my dude

>> No.11417229
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>implying a billion would cut it
What a fucking joke. But also, localized artificial atmospheres

>> No.11417240

First off, remove hindrances and barriers:
>lobby for a UBI to get the intelligentia out of wage slavery and raise the average IQ
>lobby for a substantial education reform so as to include all bright minds in our civilization
>lobby for patent reform to end the cold war between scientists fighting for credit and get them to work together
>lobby for the gov't to financially prioritize science over military (funding NASA and whatnot)
>lobby for an overhaul of the "humanities" and get materialists and authoritarian ideologues out of psychology & co
>lobby for drug legalization to be able to conduct drug research without punishment
>assassinate anyone of importance working against these goals

Much beyond that would sort itself out as the improved conditions cause a massive surge in science.
With the rest I would probably:
>fund nuclear fusion
>fund terraformation
>fund rocket science and space exploration
>fund eugenics and medical research
>fund AI and transhuman superintelligence
>fund video game technology (VR and AR) to optimize AI use
>fund myself and publish my findings

>> No.11417245 [DELETED] 

both astrophysics and quantum physics are kiked down to the bone

>> No.11417258

I’d bank it under a company name and account for a year like AnonAerospace collect the interest you didn’t specify I couldn’t be use for personal things and my salary and donate the billion to SpaceX.

>> No.11417274

>What would you do with it to further science
The most important thing you can do with that money is pro-science lobbying and trying to defend science from the whims of governments who see it as a pawn in their politics

>> No.11417292
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>> No.11417302

>REEEEEEE I don't want to die I'm too important REEEEEE
Not science.

>> No.11417310
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Buy 6 reusable Falcon Heavy launches with a custom-sized Bigelow Aerospace habitat module. Build bigger space station than ISS.

>> No.11417327

Build $1 billion dedicated AI supercomputer. Considering that Summit cost $200 million for 3 exaflops of AI performance and is not strictly design-optimized for AI only, it would be one hell of a ML machine. 12 exaflops of AI compute could accelerate progress in many areas of science.

>> No.11417329
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Begin construction of an orbital ring

>> No.11417330

Humanoid robots, a new slave class will herald the next golden age of humanity. But 1 billion is nothing nowdays.

>> No.11417345
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Make a magical pill that can cure ANY illness and any deficiency. It would also boost your mood :). I would also make it affordable so anyone can get it.

>> No.11417358

Whoever makes a realistic robot will rule the world, but imagine if the likes of Facebook or Googles makes it first. Nothing will ever be private again. And if you run out of anything, such as salt, your robot will automatically start suggesting whatever salt brand has paid to advertise. And I won't even begin to imagine the Orwellian shit Google and the government will pull in monitoring you for wrongthink. Humanoid robots will sink us further into a capitalist dystopia.

>> No.11417373

>AI center for climate prediction
get a load of this fag

>> No.11417684

1 word: cure stupidity pill

>> No.11417694

I'd conduct a self-study on the long term effects of benzodiazepines for a single borderline patient

>> No.11417844

>sexbots and artificial wombs just to end human slavery and prostitution.
He thinks that would end world's most ancient job, or human traffic.

>> No.11417846
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i lol'd

>> No.11417852
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lol they already invented that bro

>> No.11417860

they look like this now: https://reallovesexdolls.com/Ryan_Davis_Jasmine_163cm-h-cup/
I am pretty sure of it, if we invested 1 billion dollars in cybernetics and robotics alongside giving it a proper "skin" then we will have a feasible substitute.
the new robo-prostitutes will be perfect and clean, they won't get tired and will be far cheaper than your typical prostitute alongside not dealing with a human being will make things easier for everybody + in the long run women will be forced to work for a living and not sell their bodies, leading to women being healthier.

>> No.11417865

Semantic satiation reduction practices. That's it. Translation would be a byproduct because nobody would believe it's not butter.

>> No.11417885

Then argumentation would replace faggotry because only men would be the source of creating the idea of feminine pleasure for other men, retard.

>> No.11417898
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I would start a research lab to produce the best possible drug ever and then use that drug to enslave mankind by controlling the supply.

>> No.11417900
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fukkin based sheep

>> No.11417912

I would create a drone army of acid spraying drones with solar powered base stations using GPS to self guide thenselves back when recharge and more acid is required and they would communicate over 4g and the amateur band to a central server with facial recognition so that they can go out and slaughter every single person that has a picture on any social media website thus furthering science by freeing up natural resources.

>> No.11417929
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So, a based sense of humor?! I GOTCHUA SENPAI!

LSD cropsprayer?! TELL ME.MORE!

>> No.11418004

Lobby the government to defund the NSF.

>> No.11418017

Manage to extend project lifetime to my lifetime and underpay some monkey so I can live the free NEET way of life

>> No.11418086

>Then argumentation would replace faggotry because only men would be the source of creating the idea of feminine pleasure for other men, retard.
are you an idiot? thats exactly how its been since the beginning in a way.
especially traditionalism and other stuff like porn, waifus and hentai.
we men in a way taugh feminity to women since they were and still are hypergamous beasts.

>> No.11418095


Need way more than a billion for this dream but...
Purchase huge tract of land, preferably an island, with the intention of forming independent nation based on a form of technocracy.

Purpose of nation is to:
1) Devote all resources other than what is needed for living to science. The arts are encouraged for personal satisfaction an balance.
2) Live sustainably with respect to the environment. Zero population growth once sustainable population has been achieved.
3) Live sustainability with respect to the economy. No outside debt.
4) Develop advanced democratic system with weighted voting dependent on person's skills, education, experience, responsibilities, economic contributions. There will exist no political parties or general elections, rather just issues and policies, each of which will have their own referendum.
4) Criminal justice system will comprise of only three outcomes. Complete forgiveness, exile, or death. There will be no prisons.
5) Although a democracy in all other respects I will retain the right to veto any decision which goes against these aims.

People wishing to apply for citizenship will be selected on basis of their morality, intelligence and education.

Culture of new nation to be predominately austere living, encouraged by restrictions on waste and extravagant lifestyle. For example domestic servants will not be permitted. House size will be limited. Size of settlements will be restricted to villages and research centres. Imports of frivolous luxury goods will be banned. Divorce, deceit, lying, slander will be grounds for exile. Corruption will be grounds for death.

Live simply and devote yourself to science, the arts and the community and you will have a great time. People trying to take advantage of others or pursue harmful activities to others, will see them removed, one way or the other.

>> No.11418168

>Bribe the right people in the UN to make background checks mandatory for couples who want to have children.
This is actually brilliant because it implies free abortions provided by the state

>> No.11418170

But I only crave and desire hypergamous beasts!

>> No.11418174
File: 81 KB, 1024x768, JWST+Science+Planning+Timeline.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd hand that cash right over to the JWST team. Those big government science folks absolutely do their best to deliver maximum science on the dollar, thats why only the smartest and most talented people can get get into those NASA and other big government science jobs.

>> No.11418250

then indulge but don't expect loyalty from them.
also be careful, someone better than you can easily replace you so good luck stressing yourself to death.
also sexbots and artificial wombs will force them to be loyal to you or else they will get swiftly replaced by machines, so in a way you would get an harem of women who will beg you to take your name.

>> No.11418270

How would even enforce people having sex and creampie-ing each other. What a retard

>> No.11418307

Since when was any man loyal given how men only fight other men?

>> No.11418310

Like, what is the value of loyalty if not only to prove that over a long period of time only a few fellow 'we believe the same thing' can put up with you while wvwe

>> No.11418314

And what is loyalty if not just your rebound partner when everyone else is too tired to exist around you or bother sharing/including you in new shit?

Or is loyalty to you just something to beat other people with that you deem as without value?

>> No.11418322

>4) Criminal justice system will comprise of only three outcomes. Complete forgiveness, exile, or death. There will be no prisons.
sounds absolutely comfy..... for a nightmarish hellscape of terror because anyone could accuse you of anything!

>> No.11418347 [DELETED] 
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You are talking about weed, and I'm not sure a billion is enough to lobby it back on the market.

>> No.11418354

>why yes I am a polcel with no scientific knowledge, how did you know?

>> No.11418381

>I need every last detail spelled out because I lack common sense.
There would be functioning courts, much like we already have, ya dense meathead.

>> No.11418382


Launch Loops are more realistic.

>> No.11418383

Replicate Biosphere 2.

>> No.11418656

This is great but it only furthers science indirectly, by avoiding the birth of people who will never contribute or comprehend.
I think OP means further knowledge not further benefit from knowledge that we already have like basic genetics.

>> No.11418662

shit that might work

>> No.11418663

looks like shit, sex dolls are never gonna replace prostitutes because it is not the same no matter what

non-sentient, anencephalic clones could be an alternative

>> No.11418664

I honestly think sex dolls/robots will actually be more successful than prostitutes. But you're right, prostitutes will never be entirely replaced.

>> No.11418671

>sex dolls are shit
>100 percent mentally retarded dead vegetable floppy humans? Hot.

>> No.11418683

>climate prediction
Retard alert. If you actually think the climate needs to be saved then you should have spent your billion on that.

Intelligent people aren’t inherently good or wise. Your proposed methods would never work and cripple your nation.

Also you should put your billion into one goal, you’re not doing jack shit if you are giving a million at a time to little causes.

AI doesn’t need raw power it needs data if it is to solve anything useful for us. Would be cool if you opened it to research though, I need more resources for FEA for my project.

>imported based on morality, intelligence, education
Retard alert. I’m not sure anyone who is extremely intelligent or has a lot of education can be considered moral. Again it’s stupid to be giving election priority to people with “skills” or “education”, and not what they actually accomplish or whether they have a family to take care of. Also divorce being grounds for exile is based, but it would be even more based if it is outright banned.

>> No.11418707

no it needs to all be invested in jwst

>> No.11418716

yes, a vegetative human >> a fucking toaster

>> No.11418720

>2 - 200 million dollars for neglected diseases

If reducing suffering is your goal, then depression treatment research is probably the most effective way to do it.

>> No.11418721

1) Fund an AI based chatbot that can assume the personality and mannerisms of any fictional character you tell it to
2) Fund Ronald Mallett's laser time machine

>> No.11418729

This. Eugenics program would be my answer as well.

>> No.11419072

you are literally asking for the very same thing though...

>> No.11419223

I would spend it all on womans studies research

>> No.11419231

>Ronald Mallett
this nigga cray-cray

>> No.11419235

>mentally retarded dead vegetable floppy humans
so why did my dick move when you said it like that then?

>> No.11419236

Team up with my research associates back when I was in school. Invest in nanoparticle heat transfer, biomedical gel delivery systems, photovoltaic nano-systems, and algae fuel.
Then id save a few million for myself desu.

>> No.11419238

1bn isn't nearly enough for that. You could spend all of Jeff Bezos and Warren Buffet's fortunes and still wouldn't get enough people in your pocket to pull those forward.

>> No.11419243

wireless brain computer interface research

>> No.11419249

Gather the best climate scientists and engineers I can get and work on a demonstration of a large-scale carbon capturing project.

>> No.11419286

Health of the populace is imperative. The first thing I would engage in would be life extension technologies. Ground up librarial exchanges between DNA and coded programmes to interperate and alter it as needed. This would allow for longer and more efficient study of certain subjects within biology, chemistry and physics. Then focus would swing to physics for improvements to communications technology, quantum computing and the fabled quantum "teleportation" research. Once all these are fully established, all that is left is to sandbox new elemental compositions, decay cycles and alloys in chemistry for the lulz.

>> No.11419434

holy based bost

>> No.11419443

for energy
fresh water
medical isotopes
Pu238 for RTGs

>> No.11419450

todays problems are mostly political and phychological, so, reinventing education from scratch

>> No.11419598

Am I allowed to invest the $1 Billion in order to create a constant revenue source that grows over time?

>> No.11420014

Invest in clean energy. Energy makes the world go round. Fusion, fission, dark matter annihilation, etc

>> No.11421178

Colonize the moon

>> No.11421382

cooming cure

>> No.11421399

Space shit. I'm convinced that if we can reach the point that getting into space isn't a challenge or even impressive anymore all of our current problems will evaporate.
Global warming? Solar shade.
Hungry? Space farming
Land too expensive? Space station

>> No.11422938


>> No.11422946
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>says the guy who base his entire selfworth on the opinion of other women.

>> No.11422987

>1 - Find the 10 scientists who published the most impactful papers (some combination of citation and longevity and etc metrics to decide this) in the 10 countries who published the most and give them 1 million each with the same rules you just gave me.

You have no idea of what you're talking about. 1 million is the order of magnitude of some mildly-prestigious grants, so that's unlikely to make any difference.

>> No.11423268

I vote this, and everyone they've ever talked to

>> No.11423272
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Cure aging

>> No.11423325


Did you go to dumb motherfucker school or were you just born that way?

>> No.11423365
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invest it on creating automatons.
using 1 billion dollars to fund a project in which we'll bring automatas to life sounds good.

>> No.11424113

I will examine the cognitive bias resulting from performing experiments on myself relative to the experiment of comparing reported pleasure received from having unprotected anal sex with prostitutes, using having unprotected vaginal sex and unprotected oral sex with prostitutes as controls.
>you cannot use the money for anything personal
Get shit on, OP, I just ruined your game.

>> No.11424318
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Using the money to see if it is possible to evolve other animals and make them "human" or as human as possible

>> No.11424322

>Bribe the right people in the UN to make background checks mandatory for couples who want to have children.
That's so dumb. We don't need the state to control child rearing we just need to be accepting of people choosing to not have kids then the people who really don't want to be parents won't be.

>> No.11424327
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genetically engineered catgirls

>> No.11424332

I think you over estimate the power of 1 billion dollars.

>> No.11424336
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I like you both

>> No.11424638
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investigation and experimentation on inbreeding and what predisposes some people to indulge in it
maybe even find out how far can we take it with selective breeding and gene-editing