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/sci/ - Science & Math

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11416007 No.11416007 [Reply] [Original]

Is /sci/ really the smartest board?

>> No.11416009


>> No.11416014

But are you guys actually "smart"? Or are you just good at doing computations? Genuinely intellectual people also read philosophy, history, politics, literature, etc, you guys just read science textbooks.

>> No.11416017

If it was properly defended against /pol/yards and all the other shitposters, yes, it would be.

>> No.11416029

/sci/ and /lit/ undoubtedly have the least shitposting/degeneracy across the board.

>> No.11416036
File: 68 KB, 600x456, 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am Jacob Barnett. SUPER --- GENIUS! Who the fuck are you? What manner of shitpost is this? Do you even like math?

>> No.11416043

>Do you even like math?
Yes, but you guys seem a bit close minded and limited about intellectual pursuits.

>> No.11416048

/r9k/ is tranny general. Most awful board.

>> No.11416050

What are you? A fucking undergrad? Some kind of lazy popsci faggot?

>> No.11416070
File: 95 KB, 220x229, jacobcash.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck you, insolent child. Learn some math. Oh, and get the fuck off my board.

>> No.11416531

I-It's 135 sir

>> No.11416535
File: 1.60 MB, 350x197, Nathan-Fillion-Loss-For-Words-Reaction-Gif.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Is /sci/ really the smartest board?

No, god no. Why would you even think that?
I mean ... wtf, pic related.

>> No.11416674

/diy/ is probably the smartest

>> No.11416685

>engineer wannabes

>> No.11416696
File: 255 KB, 796x699, 1582634867015.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that OP picture
Confirmed for having spent more than three seconds on /sci/.

>> No.11416725
File: 15 KB, 204x251, 1580645036087.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>science is liek numbah and shit
>u dun know nuthin bout life xD am i smarter

>> No.11416728

see >>11416725

>> No.11416731

There is a meaningful distinction between a specialist and an intellectual. True intellectuals read widely. Specialists are educated tools, good for one thing only.

>> No.11417415

Of course, there is many brainlets faking it through STEM.
But a proper one that has passed with good grades, reads and comprehends the subjects; should have a critical mind that is able to analyze a variety of subjects.
At least for Math, by the first or second year if you're good enough you should have a pretty ordered and logical thinking that is not bound to a specific field.
That's what data analysts (basedentists) should be.
I've seen people that their minds just work for the specific task of passing the test and can't really talk about the subject nor apply it.
But that should be far from the norm.
If we talk Masters and PhDs, they are usually pretty cool people that dominate the languages and multiple subjects

>> No.11417425

/sci/ is probably on average smarter than /lit/, but the top 10% of /lit/ bodies the top 10% of /sci/

>> No.11417437

lmao get a load of this pseud

>> No.11417468

not really. most discussion about science and math never goes past a late sophomore-early junior level. People here constantly argue about QM interpretations but can't solve basic mechanics problems. If you go to the math general, most people are bitching about introductory abstract algebra. Engineering students here unironically peddle stress tensors and introductory control theory as the hardest physics or math could get. CS doesn't even get discussed here past the capacity of "dae prongrammin." Chemistry discussions seem to be good here but they always die so quickly. Bio is in a similar camp.

Almost nobody here is good at what they do. It's clear that many here, while shitposting, are also the students snickering at.
genuinely intellectual people tackle topics in an intellectual manner across the board, but this doesn't mean they have a shortlist of "things sophisticated people read" in order to become that way. This is why you can tell the difference between a lecturer and a professor proper.
LMAO say that again when the IQ, tooker, climate change, "libs are talking about wamen in STEM ree," linear algebra hate, major tier list, polshittery/mangling statistics and race, and other such threads stop spamming their way to the top of the catalog. This place isn't as bad as /v/ or /g/, but it fucking blows by a mile compared to almost anything else

>> No.11417471

Intellectuals tackle subjects in an intellectual manner, which is to say they do so with an open mind and in a way to bolster their own view. That being said, your argument is not only reductive, it goes against the idea that people can study a subject and only be 'a specialist,' as though we all have to be jack-of-all-trades, master of none to reach the esteemed title of intellectual. That's pretty non-intellectual

>> No.11417483

Pol just need some help. They whining caus the world is this bad. But what to do, whining more? =/

>> No.11417505

/lit/ and /sci/ are intellectual
/g/ are specialists

>> No.11417522

No, the answer is none of these boards are filled with intellectuals. They’re mostly occupied by 20 and 30 something insecure undergrads with a fairly mediocre sense of humor and an unwarranted sense of self importance.

>> No.11417536

true, but compared to the remaining demographics of this website, they are

>> No.11417557

that's really not saying much. people regurgitate the same stale flavor of the month vocab from other boards. From cuck to zoomer to tranny/dilate, it's still on those two boards. If you want any sort of intellectual conversation related to stem, unironically stackexchange is a great place.

>> No.11417559

>real life applications instead of just debate and speculation
>problem solving
>using creativity to overcome an obstacle or complete a task

>> No.11417702

/lit/ is pure snobbery

>> No.11417711

Imagine being too dumb for highschool calculus and then proceeding to pontificate for the rest of your life

>> No.11417739

Did you forget incel/have_sex?

>> No.11418550

Yes, but keep in mind that that says more about the intelligence of other boards than /sci/.

>> No.11418679

haxve sex incel

>> No.11418681

No it's just as retarded as every other board.
4chan is for shitposting and Reddit for smart discussion.

>> No.11418858
File: 135 KB, 330x319, kek004.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no, its basically the reddit of 4chan
dumb people pretending to be smart

>> No.11418883

>But are you guys actually "smart"?

>> No.11418890

I'd wager a bet that most smaller boards like /an/, /diy/ or /po/ are better (without knowing them well)

>> No.11418946

if /sci/ is a smart board, does posting here make me smarter? or does it make the board dumber?

With that in mind, with all the retarded race baiting and trolling there hasn't been an intelligent discussion on /sci/ in months. I'd say /sci/ is one of the least intelligent boards here. I miss old days where you could have an intelligent discussion without someone intentionally derailing it cause thinking makes their brain hurt.

>> No.11418963

/g/ is full of bugmen just like /fit/ is full of homos
There is no good board

>> No.11418966

Yes but those are low traffic boards.

>> No.11418990


>> No.11419001


>> No.11419751

It is and always will be /s4s/

>> No.11419804

By virtue of the userbade of 4chan, all boards will expose you to warped and foreign ideas of mentally imbalanced social outcasts

With that said, imo sci, lit, x and tg are the best for discussion of ideas. Engaging with ideas reguarly will help you be smarter

>> No.11419865

/ck/ is the smartest and ultimate board

>> No.11419881
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