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11412896 No.11412896 [Reply] [Original]

What does it mean if I just can't imagine anybody else being more intelligent than me? Like, I know statistically there must be other people out there who are smarter than me. I know there's plenty of people on this board who have higher IQs than me. But I just mentally won't accept it. I still 'feel' that I am smarter. It seems impossible that others are more intelligent. Am I a narcissist? pic unrelated

>> No.11412902

Forehead shows the intelligence motherfucker, accept it or die

>> No.11412940

It may mean that you have some autism spectrum disorder because you have a fucked up theory of mind. Though, reading a little bit of some truly inspired genius might remind you that other people are capable of having thoughts you may have never conceived of. You could be the smartest man in the world, but you could still be extremely naive because you haven't seen fuck all compared to some of the old wizards lurking about.

>> No.11412944

Dude that forehead... Yep, definitely smarter than most. I mean you have the raw hardware for it.

>> No.11412946

Autism expert over here.

>> No.11412955

As with me, you probably aren't used to hanging out with people who are smarter than you irl.

>> No.11412969

"Intelligence" is not about potential. I have no doubt that you have potential to be the smartest alive. Can you deliver? That is different. Mozart was a normal kid but his dad was Germany's most famous music teacher... you get what I'm saying here?

Fyi, people on 4chan have unified physics and cracked AGI. The world is not always about who gets it done. Its not even about who is smartest.

Cheers and I wish you the best.

>> No.11412981

When did Gary (pbuh) crack AGI?

>> No.11413006

Mozart was normal? Since when can an average run of the mill person do what he did? I really doubt it.

>> No.11413016


Fucking amazing. Cheers

>> No.11413090

It's because you know your area of focus well, and you just think it's like you think it is. Therefore you are best...

Try some totally unrelated subject... Yep, you can't find it, because everything is related.

I think high intelligence can come with thinking you are good at what are you doing, because in your taught process, you observed mostly self, therefore you are the most intelligent by counting all ++ of universe you've ever seen.

>> No.11413109

Maybe you take some pride from being smarter than most people you know, but don't you feel lonely?

>> No.11414653

Mozart was playing the piano when he was 4 and composing songs when he was 5 years old. He was by no means normal, and no, you can't just make any preschool kid a prodigy just by starting early

>> No.11414663

A reasonable explanation: you simply have no idea what it means to be intelligent or smart.

>> No.11414778
File: 19 KB, 413x395, don.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I still 'feel' that I am smarter.

Which means you are dumb as fuck. Only idiots think their feelings are facts.

Do this:


Report back with how smart you really are - or not, nobody cares either way.

>> No.11415055

You need to embrace nihilism and the supreme insignificance of your, and everyone else's, existence. Then you'll see what a big nothing it all is, and how genius will ultimately be de-mystified and un-deified upon scientific understanding of intelligence and upon intelligence being artificially created to engineer sentient beings vastly more advanced and perfected than our current crop of best and brightest. Literally everyone smarter than you and I is inherently flawed in some manner. All humans, including geniuses, will probably be seen in the future as flawed conceptions of sentience. Our personality, which lends us our strong sense of identity and purpose, might be perceived in the future as a mere configuration of blemishes. We're so wrapped up in self-importance, almost nobody can see this. What is probably the single most defining characteristic of mankind is our astronomically-inflated significance. It is only upon cognizance of this inflated self-importance that people can finally stop worrying about being the most intelligent being in the universe and perhaps stop worrying about death altogether.

>> No.11415058

his early songs sucked. fuckin 5 year old prodigy my ass i don't play any of that shit

>> No.11415313

Confirmation bias

>> No.11415316

Icelandic people have bulbous fucking foreheads yet those Nords are kinda tards compared to many European great minds which Iceland falls behind in comparison

>> No.11415321

Go back

>> No.11415374

you just haven't met anyone who is or anyone who knows how to prove it. When someone does, you'll want to learn from them.

>> No.11415388


>> No.11415439

Truth to tell he was actully lousy at the piano and his compositions were basically renditions of hot crossed buns. All the adults basically were like "how cute what a great little pianist" but he was shit

>> No.11415477

I have the same problem as OP. Comparing yourself to other great geniuses doesn't help. Every great genius had a different style and different way of approaching problems. I might not have von Neumann's machine-like calculating ability, or Feynman's gift for quickly cracking difficult puzzles in clever ways, but I can always convince myself that I have some kind of intangible form of genius. An intuition that allows me to see outside of the box where others can't. You should never underestimate the mind's ability to hold on to a delusion despite all evidence to the contrary.

>> No.11415482

If you cant imagine anyone being smarter you are truly retarded

>> No.11415692
