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File: 125 KB, 1080x1080, youthbehavior.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11412475 No.11412475 [Reply] [Original]

Why did this happen? Are zoomers just better people?

>> No.11412478


>> No.11412486

Unleaded gasoline, xeno-estrogens from plastic and onions.

>> No.11412487

where is time spent wasted on social media?

>> No.11412497

>decline in "ever had sexual intercourse" perfectly mirrors rise in "plays 3 hours of vidya per day"

>> No.11412505

thats literally the point gj reading

>> No.11412522

thank you anon

>> No.11412528

the masturbation statistic is the worst of all of these, of course its better that weed and tobacco and alcohol is going down, but I feel generally things are getting worse

>> No.11412534

why do you think fapping is worse than drinking and smoking?

>> No.11412549

its far more degenerate, and cleary more addicting considering its upward of 80-90% of boys who engage in it

>> No.11412602

Videogame manufactures have designed a system that exploits a basic human instinct.

>> No.11412613

and cigarettes don't???

>> No.11412885

>correlation equals causation

>> No.11412891

>perfectly mirrors
But no
It dips in the last 4 years when the other plateaus

>> No.11412943


>> No.11412968


>> No.11413001

how terrible!

>> No.11413005

>ever shot up a school

>> No.11413074

>sex goes down
>video games goes up
How is this better?

>> No.11413186

4chan as a whole has become inundated with children who think that their abstinence (voluntary or involuntary) from sex/drinking/etc makes them superior.

>> No.11413191

i think it's not so much about the sex but more about engaging in addictions. the sex was thrown in there for some reason, you could also throw in there "being outside in the sun" lol cus no shit. Unless you play video games outside.

Weight gain goes up, how often one showers goes down. Number of hot pockets consumed, and therefore number of burned tongues increases.

So over time, younger people burn their tongues more. Lovely.

>> No.11413215

I love this kind of "unrelated" statistics.
>Careful to not use the computer too much you'll burn your tongue.

>> No.11413218


>> No.11414213

It also means that individuals are most likely jacking or flicking it to huge amounts of porn. Leads to a transformation to what a relationship and sex is about as well as a general degradation in social skills. Used to be in adolescence you worked hard through trial and error to learn how to interact properly with women and get them to bed. Now you have kids growing up who just turn straight to porn rather than face rejection.

>> No.11414295
File: 1.16 MB, 1154x1500, 1558358878812.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All you normie cavemen and zoomers alike are finally realizing that gaming is the literal PEAK entertainment there ever was and ever will be, soon we will literally be absorbed into a computer unironically killing us all.

>> No.11414407

Having a relationship is hard, getting hard with PornHub takes 1 minute. Our generation is doomed

>> No.11414412

They are faggot pussies with low testosterone.

>> No.11414414


gaming is fun but it's also highly addictive.
Being addicted to something is overall a terrible experience.

>> No.11414484
File: 188 KB, 1080x1080, zoomzoom.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The two you should worry about.

>> No.11414499

>the current generation is degenerate
>the current generation isn't degenerate enough
well what the fuck is it?

>> No.11414501

>14-15 years old
lying about fucking girls doesn't make you seem cool anymore

>> No.11414507

>just turn straight to porn rather than face rejection.
literally me

>> No.11414515

Just shows men checking out from social activities
The only strange one is the lack of TV watching though I suppose that is replaced by the video games.

>> No.11414522

You were allowed to try and fail before. Nowadays any failure at any point in time is instant and irreparable death, courtesy of social media and phones.

>> No.11414549

You missed the part where they're anti-social spergs. That's the real reason. And the reason they are anti-social spergs is games and phones.

>> No.11414555

This. Television has been replaced by Twitch

>> No.11414578

Except they're not. Anti-social, yes, but only in the real sense. By today's definition of what is social and what is anti-social, they are considered to be hyper-social. Spergs, fuck no. They're the normal in the first place. They're also pretty much all borderline retarded.

>> No.11414582


>> No.11414605

You're both right.

>> No.11414608

>Nowadays any failure at any point in time is instant and irreparable death
No. It's just a bunch of ill adjusted 20 year olds trying to start getting out into the sexual market only to be faced with far more experienced women shutting them down because their naive attempts at romance are just embarrassing.

>> No.11414618


Roastie please.

>> No.11414757
File: 67 KB, 1300x640, boomer AIDS.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Boomers stop whiteknighting for your degenerate lifestyles and shut up. Zoomers are the new ubermensch class - something you will never be, deal with it and go die of lymphoma already lmao

>> No.11414770

The reason you did drugs, played sports, fucked girls, went out to drink was because you'd have been bored to tears sitting at home. With the internet at your disposal, you have unlimited amounts of entertainment to enjoy. Additionally, you don't even sacrifice bonds since making friends online is significantly easier to the average person than making them in school. On the internet, you're essentially bound to share hobbies with those you meet. IRL you are not. That's why most schoolfriends grow apart the second they stop visiting the same classes.

>> No.11414780

Video games are worse than the rest except maybe tv

>> No.11414787

Lol'd hard.

>> No.11414794

Modern women aren't worth the effort anymore. The internet has opened the floodgates and gave them an entirely new perspective on what's out there. Dating websites, ONS mobile apps, social media in general makes women consistently search for a better mate despite already punching above their own weightclass. Online circlejerks and echo-chambers make them believe to be more valuable than they are. Women simply forgot their rightful place, and said forgetfulness has a notable negative effect on people's willingness to engage in relationships.

Divorce-rates are another factor. Marriage is not an indicator of stability anymore. The more kids grow up with single moms, the less faith the average kid will be in the concept of relationships. They consequently wonder whether their own relationships are any more likely to succeed than their parent's. The incel-uprising shouldn't be much of a surprise. In all honesty: I've been in a dozen relationships up until now, and I'd much rather jerk it to porn and pursue personal interest than sacrifice my time for a woman ever again.

>> No.11414796

unironically this

>> No.11415092

bullshit, before the internet I just played with sticks and built shit out of rubberbands and old tools. Incels have been fucked over since the dawn of time.

>> No.11415118

what a mistake. you will never get to have sex with 14-18 year old girls again, and the youngest generations are spending that time playing video games instead.

>> No.11415218
File: 39 KB, 720x772, 50787744_2620806911323092_8105560773201231872_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The incel-uprising
the what now lmao. go die in a hole you sociopath

>> No.11415291

>I'd much rather jerk it to porn
So lies the problem with modernity. Both sexes of the younger generations find far easier forms of emotional and sexual fulfillment from Pornhub. They are not willing to put in the effort to bond with one another and live with each others differences.

>> No.11415294

The problem is entirely on the women. They have life-ruining power and keep flaunting how they're not afraid to use it. They only go for chad while men have no problem going for women even far below their own theoretical standards. Men are still expected to provide everything, but unlike yesteryear, the woman is no longer expected to do anything at all (whereas before the woman was a homemaker in exchange for the privilege of the man doing everything else).

>> No.11415398


>> No.11415409

That could be the best thing the zoomers have going for them, instead of getting all of their media from a few Jewish corporations. They are getting it from some regular dudes that share similar interests

>> No.11415415

I like how vidya or used a computer >=3 hours a day is one category. As if, Reading comfy theory of equations book and shitting up /b/ is the same thing.
I would argue that it's not even close.

>> No.11415428

>As if, Reading comfy theory of equations book and shitting up /b/ is the same thing.
Literally identical.

>> No.11415674 [DELETED] 

I blame the jews

>> No.11415694

>Children are having worse lives

Yikes. How do we fix this?

>> No.11415697

>of course its better that weed and tobacco and alcohol is going down

No it’s not. All of those things are enjoyable substances to enjoy in social contexts. People should use them.

>> No.11415724

>People should use them.
no they shouldnt, these are terrible fumes for your lungs. you should only breathe clean air not shitty drugs and other crap.

>> No.11415736

>no they shouldnt

Yes they should. It’s fun.

> these are terrible fumes for your lungs

No one cares. Life isn’t a contest to maximize your lifespan. Just live, have fun, then die.

>> No.11415739

yeah you do that while I have kids and raise them to be valuable contributions to society. if anything, its good that morons abort kids and smoke pot. replacing the weak and naive is the ultimate form of eugenics

>> No.11415885

>I list a variety of reasons
>he focuses on the throwaway sentence
Very nice.

>> No.11415929

>unironically whining and using sociopath as an insult on 4chinz
Back to plebbit faggot

>> No.11417199

Your reasoning is wrong. All women don't just "punch above their weight." Fat whales don't all have boyfriends. "Fat shaming" movements exist because fat whales cannot punch above their weight. It is the same situation male and female. Those who indulge too much in online gratification, whether through Pornhub or Social Media lose the will power to change. Rather than face their ineptitude and make changes to form a functioning relationship, they retreat to the comfort of online. Women seek their shelter from social media telling them that they are "Queens" as they are, while men find solace in digital titties. The mechanism is the same, the medium is slightly different.

>> No.11417238

>The problem is entirely on the women.
Again, the delusion. A clear sign of a man who when faced with the discomfort of reality, rather than changing to advance a relationship forward, simply retreats online. Firstly, there is literally nothing stopping you from becoming "The Chad." Unless you are that retarded copper poster, muscles are made not born. You yourself can hit the gym. Unless you are willing to go down to date hambeasts, you have no right to complain about a women's selectivity with regards to physique.

Second, most women do not "expect a man to do everything." This is a delusion brought about by you who spends too much time online. Most women simply want a more equal style relationship where there are two housekeepers and two bread winners. Second even if you want a housekeeper type scenario, have you ever tried broaching these subject with your significant other in any serious conversation? Have you sat down and discussed why you think the cleaning may be unequal based on how much work you are doing to provide income? Of course not. You just want a women to be like your pornos where they are naked with an apron, cooking and cleaning, ready to get fucked and don't need to say a word or put in any effort on your part to build that relationship. Buy a wife/slave from Vietnam if that's what you want.

>> No.11418323

Based and omnissiah pilled

>> No.11418329

Imagine thinking zoomers are better people

>> No.11418687

assuming 80-90% of boys weren't doing it before, albeit less often

>> No.11418693

legit no way 40% of 15 year olds were getting laid in the 90's

>> No.11418705

countless high caliber individuals, many of them undoubtedly smarter and more successful than you, have spent time in their lives drinking, smoking and getting high.
Being straight edge does not make you better, it may make you live longer, but that is all

>> No.11418717

Just eend it

>> No.11418732

>yeah you do that while I have kids and raise them to be valuable contributions to society.

So make sure they smoke, drink, and have lots of sex? KK

>> No.11418970
File: 426 KB, 931x682, zoomzoom.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Zoomers are all hooked to high speed internet porn and extremely addicting video games.

Why trying alcohol and chasing girls with the lads when you can masturbate to latex tranny porn and have an illusion of dominance by chatting on discord and winning a fortnite game with your other zoompals?

>> No.11418972

Cause zoomers have not had their innocence ruined and they are pushing their early twenties so much so to the point that they behave like twelve year olds