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11405702 No.11405702 [Reply] [Original]

>dude im so deep let me recount the lyrics to a pink floyd song to go along with this photoshopped image

>> No.11405742
File: 63 KB, 612x407, infinite soy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11405753

what pink floyd song is that?

>> No.11405804

>earth small so life meaningless

>> No.11405818

>the aggregate of our Joy and suffering

Utilitarianism of the most stupid ethical theory and is not surprise that also happenes to be the most popular among scientists

>> No.11405834

hmm... why is this rather small eagle eating insects?

>> No.11405840

it may be a bird, one that is at the bottom of the food chain, picking on the insects, as birds do

>> No.11405843

Fuck off underage scum

>> No.11405844

then why is this bird hanging around with the eagles? is it an idiot?

>> No.11405868

>if you don't intimately know the lyrics of some drug song you are underage
Ok, boomer.

>> No.11405872

>dude I'm so meta let me recount the countless times people have done the same thing to seem deep

>> No.11405874

what's with this incredibly small eagle hopping on the grass?

>> No.11405901


>> No.11406198

Eclipse you fucking zoomer

>> No.11406200

Now that the star dust has settled, was Carl Segan Reddit?

>> No.11406211

Agreed; utilitarianism is a self defeating ideology. Attempting to make the general population follow a utilitarian system causes general misery & unhappiness, so the the only 'ethical' choice for a utilitarian is to promote some other moral/ethical system.

>> No.11406259

Was pinky floyd utilitarian? I thought they were protesting against in a way.

>> No.11406264

Ok, schizo

>> No.11406770

I don't think Pink Floyd promotes any particular ethical theory and is more than certain that Rogers is anything but an utilitarian

I was talking about Carl Sagan's quote and how it mention a quantification of pain and pleasure which is a key part of utilitarianism where we calculate the degree of pleasure that a specific action is likely to have.

>> No.11406789

Ok, Pepe Silvia

>> No.11406810

>Utilitarianism of the most stupid ethical theory

All ethical theories are stupid. There’s no such thing as right and wrong any more than some foods taste bad to some people and good to others.

>> No.11406812

>Attempting to make the general population follow a utilitarian system causes general misery & unhappiness

Show scientific proof.

>> No.11406874

I would like to say that I remember when I was an edgy 11 year old too or something. But I am don't I was ever so stupid as to believe in moral skepticism.

>> No.11406888

Not an argument. Prove moral realism is true.

>> No.11406903

Okay lawful evil dick sucker

>> No.11406912

Not an argument. Prove moral realism is true.
Prove I am “evil”. Name five, even one, behaviors of mine that are notably “evil”.

>> No.11407086

Checked. Also, logic in moral terms is a load of bollocks, since morality is inherently emotional. So 'I don't like it' is the sum product of all (((scholars))) in that field. Kek.

>> No.11407174

>Also, logic in moral terms is a load of bollocks, since morality is inherently emotional.

“Reason is, and ought only to be the slave of the passions.”

I don’t do “good” things because of some bullshit pseudophilosophical or quasilogical reason or because some “God” says so; I do them because I feel an instinctive, emotional desire to do them and I would feel bad if I did not satiate that desire. Doing “good” is pleasurable as biting into an orange is pleasurable, and doing “bad” is displeasurable as stepping in shit is displeasurable.
Other people inevitably vary in which behaviors and actions illicit moral displeasure and moral pleasure and there’s no logical system or mathematical theorem you can invent to resolve this disagreement; no matter how much naive people and liars may wish this isn’t the case so they can enforce their own personal moral convictions without resorting to force.

>> No.11407325

but that's not the lyrics to Eclipse, what the fuck is your point? are you implying that Roger Waters is the only person in the history of the world to have had the thought that everything we experience and surrounds us is ultimately insignificant?

>> No.11407373

Exactly. I always say we use logical means to achieve emotional ends. 'b-b-but...' is always the response, normies and brainlets just won't have it.

>> No.11407391

>implying there are lyrics in the image

>> No.11407443

What do you think of the question of the cause of existence?
>Every event is caused by another event
>Therefore there has to be at least event that was not caused by another event

>> No.11407501

>Don't be nationalist! Because the universe is massive protecting your borders from predatory foreigners is pointless and irrational.

>> No.11407504

>What do you think of the question of the cause of existence?

Of dubious grammatical and logical meaning. Something has to exist itself if it is to cause something else, which presupposes existence already existing, and with it the phenomenon of causality which has no existence outside of the context of the four dimensions of spacetime, so to assume the existence of things causing other things is to assume that the universe is existent in the first place. We need not suppose events without causes are exemplified by one single uncaused event or even rare since we have well-known examples of them such as radioactive decay and quantum fluctuations. I find the idea of the universe having no cause vaguely unsatisfactory but I also find it to be the inescapable conclusion without assuming the existence of prior universes within which events could occur that could have caused our universe, but then you must ask where test one came from?

Infinite regress or concede that the universe is uncaused? I’ll take the “universe is uncaused” option.

>> No.11407508

you're a serious neanderthal, knuckle-dragging subhuman if that's your takeaway from this image. Your scope of life is limited by the lens you look at the world through.

>> No.11407516

Unilaterally abandoning group self interest in a world full of others who will never abandone their group self interest is cosmic cuckery and it is being promoted here.

The Chinese or the Muslims will not care one iota about muh pale blue dot. The world is what we have now, and it is the stage for our constant struggle for life and propagation. For good or ill we will fight each other on this planet and the strong will survive.

>> No.11407522

>Muh cucks
>Muh foreigners
>Muh Muslims
>Muh Chinese
>Muh social Darwinism
>Muh struggle

Nazi shit is so boring.

>> No.11407527

That's your prerogative to think that way, natural law operates despite your denial though. Other groups will not see you as some enlightened post-national utopian, you will be condemned for your group history and your birth in that group all the same.

>> No.11407557

If I have a moral standard, and others don't treat me to my own standard, does that mean I should treat others by the standard they're judging me by and not my own?
I don't think so, for that would make me spineless in my eyes.

>> No.11407558


>Muh natural law

Boring. Get a new spiel.

>> No.11407787

>Acting in self interest would make me spineless
And not altering your attitude would make you headless, so decide which you prefer.

>reddit spacing
It's 'boring' that we have to keep telling you brainlets obvious truths for years without it being taken on board. The only way a group survives in the long term is by acting like whites to their own, like asians to friendly people, and like niggers to enemies.

>> No.11407812

All that you touch
And all that you see
All that you taste
All you feel
And all that you love
And all that you hate
All you distrust
All you save
And all that you give
And all that you deal
And all that you buy
Beg, borrow or steal
And all you create
And all you destroy
And all that you do
And all that you say
And all that you eat
And everyone you meet (everyone you meet)
And all that you slight
And everyone you fight
And all that is now
And all that is gone
And all that's to come
And everything under the sun is in tune
But the sun is eclipsed by the moooooooooooooooooon

>> No.11407822

Its true though? Literally all joy and suffering, for us as a species and for all species on the planet, occurred on the tiny blue dot in the photo. Like it physically occurred there. What is there to disagree with exactly?

>> No.11407831

>Nazi shit
Okay ill jump on the /pol/ is retarded bandwagon before anyone but leveling “Nazi” claims against people makes us look like fags. Chalk it up to garden variety brainletism and move on.

/pol/ fags wont even disagree when you call them brainlets, they know it.

>> No.11408051

I love how this retard quotes and misinterprets Hume to support his moral skepticism when Hume literally says at the beginning of his Inquiry Concerning the Principles of Morals that

>Those who have denied the reality of moral distinctions, may be ranked among the disingenuous disputants...

He basically dedicates one paragraph to explain why he retards like you are not even worth arguing with.

Also, when he Hume talks about how sentiment is the source of our moral distinctions it has ZERO to do with all the retarded crap you said. He is not even saying that morality is subjective in the way idiots like you understand that word.

You are just another pop-sci maggot who dismisses philosophy in general but then distort the philosophical positions of actual philosophers to try to prove your retarded claims. I bet you are also one of those retarded who spout "muh philosophy is a just spiele, the wikipedia page of Wittgenstein says that!"

>> No.11408123

I (ending 86) wasn't quoting Hume you soft cunt. Why should I give two dog shites about some pseud's opinion? I don't deny certain systems can have positive outcomes (like stoicism) but really, the 'reasoning' behind them, even that reasoning is behind them, is by nature flawed.

>> No.11408338

Those lyrics aren't in OP's pic at all.
Are Pink Floyd fans so burned out on drugs that they can't discern different words anymore?

>> No.11408357

>It has to be 100% similar or it doesn't count
Are you retarded or something?

Why is the verbal IQ of this board so low?

>> No.11408416
File: 1.75 MB, 2390x2500, GPN-2000-001131 rsz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well technically the joy of all the Apollo astronauts on the moon occurred off of that blue dot

>> No.11408420

Why are you getting this triggered by someone's different perspective?

>> No.11408453

>t. burned out druggie
Those aren't the lyrics, retard.
They aren't even close.
The meme about you Floyd fans being completely burned out acid freaks must be true.

>> No.11408461

After the Paris massacre in 2015 my high school Computer Science teacher read this to our class

>> No.11408484

Ridiculous how people have their time and emotions occupied with foreign news.
Unless your faggot professor actually knew someone killed he should have kept it in his pants.
>Computer Science
kek I get it now. I hope it's a free community college class.

>> No.11409691


>> No.11409714


kys american

>> No.11409719



>> No.11409723
File: 705 KB, 451x767, 1581445221193.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pink Floyd actually fucking sucks

>> No.11409768

I want to fornicate with that bunny.

>> No.11409776

>I only listen to the most esoteric of sampled vinyl scratches and mad rhymes about snorting coke and shooting cops.

>> No.11409780

I think Roger Waters would agree with the last part of your post.

>> No.11409783

The last of Roger Waters era Pink Floyd did suck, that I will concede. Then again, that wasn't really Pink Floyd anymore, that was the precursor to Roger Waters' solo career.

>> No.11409784

Still better than "in a world of magnets and miracles"

>> No.11409829

I was at the Animals tour in Montreal, at the Olympic dome, on the floor and Roger Waters started spitting on my face, the fucking whore. Then he said that it begat the wall because he wanted to put up the wall between the audience.

>> No.11409831

Segan confirmed for the original basedfather.

>> No.11410199

>>It has to be 100% similar or it doesn't count
it's not even 10%
there's absolutely no direct connection to Pink Floyd in OP's image LMAO