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11403719 No.11403719 [Reply] [Original]

Is racemixing bad for the species? Is it just a /pol/ meme?

>> No.11403720
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>> No.11403722
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>> No.11403724
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When has genetic diversity ever been a bad thing?

>> No.11403752

Look at what happens with European honeybees vs. European honeybees that have been "Africanized".
Only idiots cannot see the obvious.

>> No.11403754

"racemixing" is a /pol/ meme because it presupposes that races exist, and if you talk to the actual /pol/tard then if you bring up Turks and Greeks then they're like "OH GREEKS ARE WHITE BUT TURKS ARE BL-...UH NOT HUWHITE BECAUSE MUH ARBITRARY GEOGRAPHIC BOUNDARIES"

anyhow, the poltards and even some scitards go off about "optimal inbreeding and optimal outbreeding" implying some "optimal" thing that ultimately boils down to picking what one picks as "optimal." and then you get those anons who say "hey look ashkenazis are the best at science so therefore inbred ashkenazis with serious genetic heritable diseases are the best!"

in the end i think the scientific fact is that genetic diversity is the best for species survival. overly-specialized species are more likely to die out due to "specifics" that their isolated species are adapted to.

so overall i believe that human diversity, in terms of breeding all types of human hybrids, maximizes the survivability of humans in the long run. having a small set of breeds not only limits diversity but also promotes the proliferation of breed-specific deficiencies that could be avoided by more hybrid individuals existing who will, in the long run, exist carrying only strong genes and no weak genes. if you mix everything up then eventually you will come out with a deficiency-free example. if you keep things split up then the deficiencies can continue forever

>> No.11403759

If it lowers IQ averages then yes

>> No.11403760

So you deny that there are differences between Honeybees and "Killer" bees (Africanized bees)?

>> No.11403763
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Blacks and humans are not different races but different species.

>> No.11403766

no. obviously they are different. why do you ask?

>> No.11403769

Really sad. I don't think I belong in this nation anymore if this is their decided identity.
I'll move to Iceland, I guess.

>> No.11403772

Then I presume you are not against Whites race-mixing with East Asians, since both have approximately the same average IQ.

>> No.11403774


>> No.11403775


What groups? Europe conquered the world, not the other way around.

>> No.11403777

Because Africanized bees are undesirable in the same way Africanized humans are undesirable.

>> No.11403778


>> No.11403780

Not science or math

>> No.11403786

lol. /pol/ detected

what if africanized bees were the only hope for bees surviving the mass extinction that bees are having for real, today, right now? would you be more happy if only africanized bees lived on or if all bees were gone?

>> No.11403787
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They carry up to 20% of archaic hominid DNA (probably H. naledi or close relative).

>> No.11403789


>> No.11403790
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Any species.

>> No.11403792

Philosophy and politics =/= science

>> No.11403793

when talking about racemixing, you're not really talking about science. Racemixing is a cultural concept, science can't say if it's "bad" or "good"

>> No.11403796

Is health a cultural concept?

>> No.11403800

Africans were the original humans. Europeans are the hybrid species and have been worse for the planet.

>> No.11403802

>the mass extinction that bees are having for real, today, right now?
Retard detected.

>> No.11403806

Out of Africa hypothesis is wrong though.

>> No.11403811

West Africans are the most hybrid species with up to 20% non-human DNA.


>> No.11403813


What species specifically is preyed upon because cousins do not mate?

>> No.11403816

>worse for the planet
Look at Haiti, or Australia, any other place that has been ravaged by melanin-enhanced humans.
Even Indians, with all of their geniuses, have incredibly nasty pollution filling the streets.

>> No.11403817

That africanised honeybees are wildly successful to the point of annihilating native competition and even killing the occasional human?

>> No.11403826

his point was probably about who was worse “for the planet”

assuming that is what he meant then for sure white people with technology and capitalism and getting our oil fields built in brown countries did disproportionate damage to the environment. thankfully the whites in europe have turned that around and now can pin the blame on china and india, but unfortunately here in the US our veto-power holding science-denier-in-chief is making us look like a third world country

>> No.11403827
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Predation isn't the only driving factor of natural selection, retard.

>> No.11403832

One of the key factors identified as a cause for the increasing severity of our bushfires was the end of native fire management techniques post colonisation. There is now serious effort being made to recover this lost knowledge but most of the Abbos who knew it are long dead.

>> No.11403836

But they're still humans.

>> No.11403838

Third worlders would destroy the environment much, much faster were they to be the ones using those technologies.
The Europeans (and to a lesser extent, Americans) are much more mindful of their environmental impact and take pains to mitigate it as much as possible.
Lesser cultures would just live in the filth as it piled up around them.

>> No.11403842

>native fire management techniques
LOL you mean literally burning away 99% of the native flora in order to kill some animals that can then be eaten?

>> No.11403850

Dude who gives a shit lol

>> No.11403855

Damn, I didn't realize humans were bees.

>> No.11403856

It depends on how you define species. There are many definitions.

>> No.11403861

if i assume your premise, then i could argue that western countries could easily invest in educating the third world so they would know better. imagine if US universities exported their #1 educational institutions to africa (like they have for e.g. Singapore already). it would revolutionize their culture and bring a huge level of western thought to the young people there.

that is the solution to the non-problem you are mentioning. just educate them. or at least indoctrinate them like we do in the west. then it would be easy to roll out the solutions that already exist in places like france and the netherlands.

the reason the solutions like this aren’t already rolled out in the US is because we make massive profits off the pre-solution system and our culture is still based on “we need to win in case of enemies” which still overrides altruism

>> No.11403862

If Sub-Saharan Africans or Aboriginal people had died out before modern science, we would conceive of them as being different races of hominid - the reason we don't today is purely for political/ethical reasons.

>> No.11403863

The point is for race denialists to realize that significant difference exist between subspecies. And that certain subspecies are highly prone to swarming or "mob violence" when compared to other subspecies.

>> No.11403867

What is a species, in your words please.

>> No.11403871

so half blacks/aborigines are part non-human?

>> No.11403875


>> No.11403879

what about turks and greeks?

>> No.11403885

Too much mongrelization is bad.
Too much inbreeding is also bad.
Like in all things there is an optimum.

Ever heard of recessive DNA?

>> No.11403889

Why divide it like that? Slavs probably have that trait too, if it even exists. Race is dumb.

>> No.11403894

So racemixing is good because it gets rid of bad races?

>> No.11403895

>Too much inbreeding
Do you mean to tell me there's an ACCEPTABLE amount of inbreeding?

>> No.11403904

Where the fuck did you learn about native fire management?

>> No.11403911

Not him, but concepts of species are a topic for philosophy of biology. Categories like race and species are very fuzzy.
Here is a book on the topic:


>> No.11403915

West Africans ARE part non-human. That is not an argument but a fact according to the new research in archeogenomics.

>> No.11403918

>posts a book on how fuzzy concepts are fuzzy
>200 more posts arguing specific nuances of those concepts
welcome to /sci/. hope you enjoy a bunch of /pol/tards who ignore good posts and continue to go off about poorly-defined political terms

>> No.11403922

Neither /pol/tards nor libtards will read the book. They are only interested in their political agenda.

>> No.11403932

true. this place is flooded by shills who live off youtube and their facebook "feeds" and never read a book since middle school.

the best thing that can happen here is that the anons who actually have read a book or two can sit back and make that one post nobody replies to but everyone reads and ignores because they are locked into their shill system, but hopefully they remember those rare posts an actual smart anon made

>> No.11403936
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this thread was a mistake

>> No.11403951

Western nations have sunk trillions of dollars into educating and helping Africa the last 70 years with nothing to show for it other than a massively growing population of ravenous Africans.
We could not have done worse with that money if we had burned it.

>> No.11403963

>Ever heard of recessive DNA?
Literally the reason why genetic diversity is a good thing.

>> No.11403966

western nations have done shit to help africa. look, NYU has a branch of their business school NYU Stern set up in Singapore. we are exporting not only monetary resources to create that, but also it involves a big export of people and ideas. and it goes to Singapore. because they wanted it and paid for it.

if you want other, less rich countries, to modernize in the same way, then maybe it would pay to do the same kind of export but without requiring such a high price tag. exporting western ideas i.e. exporting our brainwashing program is not impossible. it's just that right now it is a profitable thing to sell, but we should be viewing it as a beneficial thing to give away

>> No.11403970
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>> No.11403975

the model of aid that your pic refers to is "buy them food!"

the model i am referring to is "send them to western-style undergraduate institutiions"!

not the same thing. it's a similar thing to how the US government takes a hit on food stamps but it actually (this is true) makes a profit off giving student loans

>> No.11404019


>> No.11404027

Hasn't been observed in humans. It's a rare thing already that only affects certain hybrid species.

>> No.11404036

>the model of aid that your pic refers to is "buy them food!"
Not that anon, but, exactly. The only aid that Africans can benefit in the long term are contraceptives, abortions, and sterilizations, not "muh food".

>> No.11404037

you're retarded. you think they don't get those, missionaries and also their own gov sending them out, getting a western education and coming back? some Nigerians are geniuses, all the ones i met were and look at the state of Nigeria. Since you didn't know that they got that and food (undergraduate students need food and so do residents apparently) you need to shut the fuck up and go google before you say anything more.

>> No.11404199

It's being observed in whites right now

>> No.11404223

Anyone who mixes with negros will be part of the consumer class in the future. Your descendants will have lower IQ, low if any consciousness, and no control over their destiny. This will be very good for the Globalist Elite.

>> No.11404242
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>Is racemixing bad for the species? Is it just a /pol/ meme?
>listening to a bunch of couch scientist lurkers who frequent internet forums for nearly 24/7 where their social skills have deteriorated so badly that they've lost the ability to compete let alone attract the opposite sex to mate with.

>> No.11404243

Most mixed race people look ugly. And there's enough racial diversity already in Europe.

>> No.11404247

Nobody on /pol/thinks modern Greeks are white.

>> No.11404282
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>> No.11404310

I need to marry a cute black woman but my family is racist

>> No.11404314

Genetically? No, not bad at all. In fact you probably become somewhat less prone to genetic disease due to a lack of the same bad genes lining up. It's not like you're going to get the worst or best of both.

Culturally and aesthetically? I would say yes but maybe that's just my eurocentricism.

>> No.11404324

>you probably become somewhat less prone to genetic disease
People with Huntington's disease should absolutely darken their family tree so their descendants will have proper warning coloration.

>> No.11404331

He's right you mongoloid, the reason Australia is a fucking dustbowl arid shithole is abos just torched everything

>> No.11404339

Is this an argument for colonialism?

>> No.11404356

Its really good, just don't touch the Jewish people!

>> No.11404390

You can touch me a little, big guy.
t. the Jewish people

>> No.11404423

Beneficial. This has been proven by actual experiments that mixed previously isolated populations. It's even how several "invasive species" came to be. But it's confusing, because you may also see individuals that are worse of, at least initially.

AAAbb/AAAbb is the "purebred" first race. (capital leters signify advantageous genes)
aaaBB/aaaBB is the "purebred" second race.

Their first generation offspring is all AAAbb/aaaBB

The second generation (grand children) with two AAAbb/aaaBB parents get 50% chance PER GENE:

aaabb/aaabb (stupid)

AAABB/AAABB (genius not seen before the mixing)

All the combinations like AaAbB/aaABb can occur, too many to list them all.

But this is how it works. There may be bad combinations, but there will be combinations better than anything before.

>> No.11404427


>> No.11404428

It's the kind of white part of india that is filthy and polluted. The black parts of india are clean.
Europeans have clearly more archaic features than Africans.

>> No.11404431
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>> No.11404476

Good thread

>> No.11404481

He's talking shit and you are too.

>> No.11404496

thats implying there are any good non white genes

>> No.11404504

the more devloped a nation is the more damage to the enviroment it does, brainlet. countries who can barely sustain in agriculture and commodities do way less harm than developed countries. the more your country extracted from nature to reach developed status the higher the damage.
and don't even dare to bring japan to the discussion. japan only takes cares of its land environment because it is a pain in the ass to transport commodities in the country thanks to mountainous terrain. while the japanese sea is a water desert thanks to how easy it was to exploit

>> No.11404525


Aboriginal burning's effect on our once verdant continent is a tragedy, and only midwit clowns like you hold onto the notion that they were/are noble natives living in harmony with the environment. Look up the dry great lake beds and the monsoonal seasons the interior had prior to human arrival

You probs vote greens you dumb poofta

>> No.11404557

of all the subspecies of human, the abo is the worst

>> No.11404588

All Homo sapien outside of Africa have Neanderthal or Denisovan DNA and even some inside of Africa have Neanderthal DNA and DNA from other extinct human species. So what do you think?

Homo Naledi was all the way in South Africa and the species is way older than Naledi who is surprisingly young.

>> No.11404593

Neanderthals, Denisovans, and other extinct ancient peoples are human.

>> No.11404595
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>Most mixed race people look ugly.

Brazilian here. I agree.

>> No.11404596

Bad in what context? Races have different strengths and weaknesses and expressions of culture. Saying racemixing would make a society "better in general" is a pretty subjective value judgement.

If you focus on one attribute you care about you could get to the bottom of it. For example, race mixing with africans probably wouldn't do you any good if you care about your countries IQ.

>> No.11404597


>> No.11404599
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No. The Bantu is.

>> No.11404600
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Is this a human? It is a H. naledi.

>> No.11404603

>It's the kind of white part of india that is filthy and polluted.

What locations?

>> No.11404609

If you really cared about IQ you would get rid of dumb whites and accept smart blacks.

>> No.11404622

That is an excellent idea.

>> No.11404624

Accepting blacks still creates intergroup conflict. Retarded whites are a problem but at least they're white

>> No.11404628

>Accepting blacks still creates intergroup conflict

The amount of high IQ blacks is not big enough to create this kind of problem.

>> No.11404630

>good of the species
stop this

>> No.11404635

You're just as likely to end up with genetic defects from both parents.

>> No.11404638

In general. It's the reverse in India - the dark skinned areas are clean and relatively developed. The white skinned northern areas are poor filthy, with designated shitting streets.

>> No.11404664

You still can't disprove the fact that IQ is environmental

>> No.11404699

Regression to the mean

>> No.11404707


>> No.11404711

Not an argument

>> No.11404721
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>Retarded whites are a problem but at least they're white

>> No.11404722

There are 2 ways to cripple the survivability of an species. Inbreed and mono culture. Getting compliantly race mixed will create an homo-gen Human and an mono culture. Get ova it. both sides are wrong. Btw. only faggit care about that stuff in an political way, let the people do what the want.

>> No.11404735

F2 racemixed generations have weakened immune systems and heightened disease risk

>> No.11404737

there is introgression between groups but full on mixing is fraught with outbreeding depression effects

>> No.11404739

the overwhelming bulk of the evidence points to it being mostly genetic

>> No.11404760


So Ricardo Milos is ugly according to you.

>> No.11404765

Biologically, perhaps.

But socially, Blacks and various Negroid sub-races are not capable of creating complex social structures that are needed to maintain something like a modern government.

>> No.11404777

>hasn't been observed in humans
that's a lie

>> No.11404783

there's actually an optimal inbreeding range for certain effects for example reproductive fertility peaks at about the 1% relatedness range

>> No.11404784

Species Concepts in Biology: Historical Development, Theoretical Foundations and Practical Relevance

>> No.11404789

After how many generations does Haldane's rule start to really kick in?

>> No.11404793


>> No.11404813

homo*. this ghost ancestor is a descendant of homo erectus (upright man), he is just farther from denisovans and neanderthals.

>> No.11404840

If you think there's any "pure" race, you need to think harder and read a bit more. Don't pull any semantics bullshit on me (e.g. "the word race is defined by groups present at 3000BC").

All humans originated from the same point. We're all "le le le le le le race mixed"

>> No.11404870

So gene clusters are irrelevant to you?

>> No.11404894

If everyone in the world mixed together there would still be gene clusters. Genes don't just disappear.

>> No.11404902

Not an argument

>> No.11404908

While all humans share a common ancestor, your genetic material is only composed of your last 1000 or so ancestors.

>> No.11404910

because people mix assortatively and adapt to local environments

>> No.11404926

Black Americans are hybrids that are 70% West African and 30% West European, and yet look at the absolute state of them. They are by the far the most dysfunctional dimwitted criminal humans that have ever existed on the North American landmass. The black american is living proof that combining eurasian blood with african black creates dangerous savages that will destroy your nation.

>> No.11404927

What more can you ask for? Pleb comment.

Lmao. Before your 1000 ancestors, where did your genetic material come from?

>> No.11404932

Africans are racially pure though,they are one of the few people who get 100% in 23andme.

>> No.11404935

How the fuck is a French man fucking a Latvian inbreeding?

>> No.11404939

There are barely any smart blacks to begin with though. We are better off just using smart whites who vastly outnumber them.

>> No.11404941

>What more can you ask for?
How about a reason for racemixing being good? Pleb response.

>> No.11404945

Why the fuck is it always blacks when this racemixing agenda is pushed? Why never arabs? Why never turks? Why always these aliens from another continent?

>> No.11404949


>> No.11404950

i thought the average was closer to 20% and the areas with less euro admixture are more violent?

>> No.11404956

All black americans have euro admixture thats why their faces are different from pure west africans,higher IQ than them, and they have a higher degree of muscularity compared to them as well.

>> No.11404957

I think you fundamentally misunderstood my post. Racial purity exists, it's not just a "construct" or whatever, there is this thing called genetic drift, and that's what separates a European from an African, an Asian from a Native American. Genetic markers allow scientists to identify geographic groups as well.

>> No.11404962

Live your life and don't cry or worry about low IQ obsessions such as 150 years of "le race".

>> No.11404963

You literally failed biology and have average IQ, I'm sure of it.

>> No.11404966

Still not an argument.

>> No.11404969

dios mio

>> No.11404970

Thats fine and dandy except one thing, every single non white in America cares about race, while we whites are told not to care about race. So guess whats gonna happen to us when they outnumber us they are gonna oppress us and terrorize us, and we wont be able to say anything because whites caring their tribe is "Racist" yet blacks declaring themselves gods on earth, or mexicans going reconquista is just fine you leftard evil psychopaths. So fuck you, give us a logical reason for racemixing or leave this thread.

>> No.11404980

yawn, don't respond, thanks

why do racist Americans care so much about race when white Americans are a mix of English, French, Irish, Scottish, etc peoples? How many thousands of people have been slaughtered over the centuries between these groups back in Europe? All of this grandstanding about tradition and identity is merely misdirection about racism.

>> No.11404985

>yawn, don't respond, thanks
No. Also that's not an argument.

>English, French, Irish, Scottish, etc peoples?
All those people are white Europeans btw.

>> No.11404987

>English, French, Irish, Scottish, etc peoples
In Europe there is comparatively little genetic diversity within populations. The genetic distance between what you would call an English vs Irish is paltry, barely enough to even matter. The genetic distance between a European and an African, well, that's not paltry.

>> No.11404988

>why do racist Americans care so much about race
Because you evil jews have been racebaiting in our nation for decades thats why, before you semetic demons flooded out land race was an after thought to us americans. Sure we treated blacks like shit because they are evil savages who terrorized us when we allowed them to live around us so they had to be segregated or exterminated so we chose segregation. Notice other minorities like hispanics we didnt really even care about them yet there is some stupid idea we are some evil racial supremacist organism on this planet concocted by you evil fucking jews. When in reality that is you, the world needs to know the truth about you evil scum if it wants to have a future.
>How many thousands of people have been slaughtered over the centuries between these groups back in Europe?
What does this have to do with anything?
>All of this grandstanding about tradition and identity is merely misdirection about racism.
You are so full of shit

>> No.11404993

That's what I wrote.

>> No.11404994

I recall something saying that if the difference between the average Dane and Brit is 1 then the average between a brit and a sub saharan is 109
and 42 between a Brit and a Jap

>> No.11404998

You're the definition of racist and you don't even know it lmfao.

Not even memeing but I feel so fucking lucky to have a brain and consciousness that's not retarded. It feels good to be enlightened, something you'll probably never experience.

>> No.11405000

>You're the definition of racist

Why is race mixing good again? You've yet to post an argument.

>> No.11405002

You sound mentally ill. Take some time to reexamine your ideology and do some research before you post again on /sci/.

>> No.11405003

>up to 20% non-human
>article mentions that the DNA stems from humans
What did he mean by this

>> No.11405004

>You're the definition of racist
>Not even memeing but I feel so fucking lucky to have a brain and consciousness that's not retarded. It feels good to be enlightened, something you'll probably never experience.

Leftards be like everyone is equal then go AHAHAHAHA LOOK HOW SUPERIOR I AM TO YOU ALL.

I mean how is racism wrong exactly, it actually isnt because you allow WHITE RACISM non whites can be downright psychopathic to innocent white people yet if whites even notice most of the criminals in their suburbs are black people then they are evil monsters. Fuck you evil scum.

>> No.11405007

if it's such a good idea then go marry a ghetto sheboon and have her shit out your kids.

>> No.11405008

If you believe what you say then you should hang yourself because you are mixed.

>Why is race mixing good again?
You're asking the wrong question. It's not about good or bad, it's the reality of homo sapien existence and universe sentience. You're the equivalent of a child busy playing with keys when reality is passing you by. Fucking move on and use your brain cells for something else.

>> No.11405012

This post reeks of insecurity. It's ok, sub 100 IQ are still human and potential contributors to society. I'm liberal which by definition means I have empathy and compassion so I support your efforts to improve yourself.

>> No.11405013

>it's the reality of homo sapien existence and universe sentience.
Then why are we not already all mixed race? You are acting like a religious person just parroting shit without any evidence to back it up, get out of this thread.

>> No.11405014

You clearly don't understand what you posted

>> No.11405016

>If you believe what you say then you should hang yourself because you are mixed.

>it's the reality of homo sapien existence and universe sentience
Yeah, cool, sure. Why is race mixing a good thing again?

>> No.11405020

weak, bye, best of luck to you, open your mind

>> No.11405021

I accept your concession.

>> No.11405026


>> No.11405029

>Then why are we not already all mixed race?
We are though? Surely you don't believe 100% of your ancestors came from the very same small region?

>> No.11405032

Fuck off
>We are though
No we arent especially not Sub Saharans or Aboriginals.

>> No.11405034

Go marry inbred white trash, way better

>> No.11405035

>While all humans share a common ancestor, your genetic material is only composed of your last 1000 or so ancestors.
Where did this bullshit idea come from? Whose DNA do your 1000 ancestors have?

>> No.11405036

How is fucking your race inbreeding? By your logic most black americans are severely inbred.

>> No.11405038

Yes they are. There are dozens of races in sub-sahara, including mutt races.

>> No.11405040

no, the vast majority of the evidence points to it being environmental

>> No.11405042

There's massive differences between Western and Eastern Sub-Saharan Africans. Why would they not be able to interbreed?

>> No.11405043
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this is a genetic pattern in human fertility that is replicated across species even in plants and fish and presents a mechanism for stabilisation.

>> No.11405046

That's a blatant lie, it's like you've never read any legitimate IQ studies?

>> No.11405047

What dozens of race? The Khoisan and Pgymies are not niggers.
Blacks barely move around thats why there is barely any interbreeding.

>> No.11405050

Learn to read Cletus. Your white trash darling is a product of nuclear inbreeding. That's how it goes down in the trailer park when the family finishes smoking their meth.

>> No.11405055

>barely any interbreeding
>not none
I accept your concession

>> No.11405056

What? How is me who lives in Ohio fucking a woman in Kansas inbreeding? Are you fucking retarded or something? Besides white trash why do you hate them so much? They dont even cause as much crime as the criminal african savages you leftards keep defending.

>> No.11405057

Look at any genetics analysis of Africans. Look at Europeans too, another mutt race.

>> No.11405062

What the hell do you mean by mutt? If you mean haplogroups then yes, but halplogroups cannot define racial groups as there are 2 unique ones for europeans despite europeans being a single white race. Blacks only have three different haplogroups despite how genetically diverse they are.

>> No.11405063

Lol. You really can't read. I'm done I guess.

>> No.11405065

if you aren't a close relative with different deleterious recessives aren't you a healthy outcross while still maintaining decent complex gene compatibility?

>> No.11405067

Good now leave this thread.

>> No.11405069

>a single white race
1) Back that up scientifically.
2) Populations change. Proto Europeans had at least 3 races, very distinct.

>> No.11405077

My family came from immigrants in Slovenia so Im barely genetically related to most Americans, yet you think me fucking an American woman is incest.

>> No.11405082

>1. I define europeans to have one race
>2. the science disagrees
>3. thus the science is wrong

>> No.11405087

Looks like you can't read either Jimbo. Go marry that girl who's mother is also her sister. At least she's white.

>> No.11405088

The absolute state of /sci/

>> No.11405094

It is wrong because blacks are too diverse to be only 3 haplogroups.
The DNA testing company can somehow link all euros into a single white race proving a white race is real, thought the proper term is North West Eurasian Caucasoid.

>> No.11405095

>Selling DNA tests to people is a science now

>> No.11405096

Lol. 23andMe absolutely doesn't tell you you're "white." It gives you a breakdown of different European populations.

>> No.11405102

White means european.
If the white race is not real why can it be genetically mapped?

>> No.11405108

And European is not a race. It's a continent.

>> No.11405112


>> No.11405114

Irish have very poor genetics compared to the English.

>> No.11405126

Do I really look this ugly or are American mutts a special breed of ugly?

>> No.11405130

>The DNA testing company can somehow link all euros into a single white race proving a white race is real
No, it proves that all Euros share at least some DNA. But that doesn't mean that there isn't some DNA which almost never occurs in one part of Europe while being extremely dominant in another part of Europe.
The "1 white race" thing is as arbitrary as anything else about race

>> No.11405520

Race being "arbitrary" doesn't deny its reality no matter how much you want it to. Look up the continuum fallacy.

>> No.11405648

Except for some regions in Appalachia, the "white inbreeding" is a myth.

>> No.11405941
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This thread got derailed by one baiting leftist lmao

>> No.11406220

This is extremely retarded. Where do you think all that aid goes to in countries like, say, Nigeria?
To the dictatorship of course. You cannot ever send money to a dictatorship and expect it to not get "redirected" in the way.

>> No.11406258

>leftists learning how to shitpost
it's about damn time

>> No.11406342

/pol/ lacks of understanding how taxonomy works will never not make me laugh.

>> No.11406348

nice try schizo

>> No.11406363

quote from a baghdad wedding
"we marry our cousins because we'd rather not marry strangers"

>> No.11406385

They don't want to 'understand it'. That's their way to bait people who have even less understanding into their shithole.

>> No.11406402

Prior to genetic research, visual cues were and still are perfectly valid tools for taxonomic categorization

Fortunately, we now have genetic data to compliment observational tools, which validates even more a human sub-speciation at Fst = 0.11

>> No.11406406
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>> No.11406416
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Egalitarian midwits can't/won't entertain the obvious reality of race

>> No.11406418


>> No.11406422

>Grade Level: 10

to high level for /pol/

>> No.11406423
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>here's someone who agrees with me
>here's an appeal to authority fallacy

low quality bait

>> No.11406453
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An absolute meme. Have you ever seen a 1/4 black 3/4 person? They're basically white. If anything, blacks should be concerned to be wiped out since their physical traits would be mostly gone of we were all to 100% mix. Concerned about Hispanics? They're already half-white and most half Mexican half white people are basically white. /pol/ acts as if European genes were so recessive and shitty that they're wiped as soon as they racemix but Europeans have existed for thousands of years and still here for a fucking reason.

>> No.11406483
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>Have you ever seen a 1/4 black 3/4 person?
Have you? They often in complexion and facial features.

At most, you might see some of the lighter-skinned ones as "Italian", if they don't have black facial features and hair.

>> No.11406487

*They often vary in complexion and facial features.

>> No.11406524

Those are two different species anon.

>> No.11406530

Maybe Aboriginal Australians, but Sub-Saharan African are blatantly Homo sapiens.

>> No.11406533
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Yes, and that is an ugly reconstruction. Of course, the species Africans interbred with could have very well been Homo rhodesiensis, a species with a similar brain size and large brow ridges, but that wouldn't fit your racist narrative.

>> No.11406538

>Blacks barely move around

Blatantly incorrect. Bantus left Cameroon and populated Central, Southern, and Southeastern Africa, West Africans are originally comprised of two now extinct races of humans, the Nilotes have spread out to West Africa thousands of years ago, and the Cushites used to live as far south as Tanzania.

>> No.11406543

For example.


>> No.11406625

>science is an argument of authority

>> No.11406632


Good for your bloodline, 100%.

Think in terms of averages. If you have 2 reps from 2 races they will average together and make children who are way hotter than either could produce alone. This is why mixed kids are almost always fucking knockouts even with the parents are lowlife trash. In fact race mixing is the surest way for genetic cast offs to still have scorching hot children.

>> No.11406637


And if you think I'm just making this up, or if you are too stupid to understand my superior, high IQ logic, just go look at Rihanna or Scary Spice's parents, or just about anyone super hot mixed chick. Their parents look like walmart trash, because because of the power of averages two divergent races meet in the flaming hot center, and jesus fucking christ you people really dont deserve someone as smart as me dropping truth bomb red pills...

>> No.11406866

looks like poorly made npcs you'd cycle through in an rpg

>> No.11406881
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What are you going to do now faggot, you just got rekt.

>> No.11406946

>However, the genome-wide ancestry proles of all four individuals are most similar to
those of present-day hunter-gatherers from western Central Africa, which implies that
populations in western Cameroon today—as well as speakers of Bantu languages from
across the continent—are not descended substantially from the population
represented by these four people.

Straight from the abstract. What did you mean by posting it?

>> No.11406990

Because latin people have fuck all to do with slavs, be it culturally, linguistically, or geographically and if you think otherwise, your dumb american ass should go read a book

>> No.11406993

You still need to define it though. Also we can completely change the up which race equals what just because there's no definitive way to talk about it

>> No.11407008
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>> No.11407011

Nigga they killed off the mega fauna because of their bushfire love

>> No.11407015


all humans are racemixed. Europeans are 50% Arab.

racemixing puts together good genes from both races, and allows a superior mixed race to form given time and selection.

>> No.11407016

European genes are recessive though. There's a reason that dark eyes are so common in Europeans. The Aryans and Anatolians had their fun.

prior to the neolithic, the incidence of light eyes in Europe was 100%. Now it's something like 50, depending on locale.

>> No.11407021

I too can link websites backing me up brother

>> No.11407028

not an argument. turks are greeks are actually pretty distant.

>> No.11407045

The thread should've ended here.

>> No.11407053

Just because pol spergs out on this shit doesn't nullify the existence of group differences

>> No.11407063

>claims to be smart
>ignores f2

>> No.11407065

We should all mix with East Asians

>> No.11407170

No we're not.
Obama was a smart black and became president

>> No.11407192

>because it presupposes that races exist
Stopped reading there. Of course races exist you fucking retard. Anthropologists can literally tell what race a person was from their damn skeletal structure. You can believe the OBVIOUS FACT that races exist without being a racist. People with a positive IQ understand this, but apparently you don't.

>> No.11407195

"Barely any" =/= "none"
Clearly you are not a smart black.

>> No.11407234

There are populations not races.

>> No.11407242
File: 303 KB, 659x582, human genetic diversity - 3D PCA.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>bbut races dont exist

Modern population genetic research enabled by cheap whole genome sequencing and computer analysis of the resulting data shows that high level genetic clusters exist in global human population. And they correspond quite well with traditional notions of a so-called "races". Pic related.

>> No.11407253

Just because people have different skin color and dick sizes doesn't mean races exist

>> No.11407266

Please explain how, in this context, the difference between those terms is anything other than trivial.

>> No.11407275

Just because you're an idiot who thinks people just use skin color and dicks to determine whether races exist, doesn't mean everyone is.

>> No.11407276

Because it wouldn't fall into the categories we use for race.

>> No.11407284

Well, that's what PC1 and PC3 are.

>> No.11407289

Well his dad was the leader of a chicago communist group instead of the Kenyan they claim it was so he probably had above average intelligence, and his mother's side was an elite white military family.

>> No.11407292

>presupposes that races exist

Denying the existence of different races is flat-Earth tier retardation. Do you honestly believe that Australian Aborigines, Koreans, Slavs, Pygmies, Nordics and Aztecs are all the same race? Despite massive differences in genetic composition through tens of thousands of years of divergence? Of course races are real, and what's more is that some are objectively better than others. Race-mixing can be used to raise/lower the IQ of offspring, generally avoid breeding with blacks and abos at all costs.

>> No.11407293

That was so vague that I nearly passed out from the vacuum that is your comment.

>> No.11407296

>generally avoid breeding with blacks and abos at all costs.
What if they and their family are smart?

>> No.11407298

Nothing wrong with it from a genetic perspective. Only issue is that hapa children may grow up with identity issues, however solid parenting can overcome that. I myself am an Anglo/Slav in a relationship with a Han Chinese.

>> No.11407300

Well yeah. It's a vague exercise. Define how you want your populations distinguished and you can cut it up however you want to fit that.

>> No.11407301

>kids with slav + Han genetics.
Well they will be able to squat at least.

>> No.11407302

There are some blacks (Igbo Nigerians) who are far smarter on average than other blacks. In the UK infact they score highest on GCSEs (although they mature early and peak in intelligence before other races). Generally their behaviour, however, is poor. Still, some end up in Oxford or Cambridge and present high quality genetic material that should be shared with the population - these are very few in number, however.

>> No.11407305

I fucking hope so because I can't. Honestly it's an embarrassment to my race. My girl can squat for hours flat footed.

>> No.11407306

The Igbo are a fucking crazy group man, they literally got genocided and managed to fight their way back to the top of society.

>> No.11407308

Because population doesn't support the color theory.

>> No.11407309

It depends what your anglo side is though.

>> No.11407310

Seriously, what is the reason that west europeans are completely unable to actually squat?

>> No.11407312

So it seems the good ones end up in good places. Assuming you are high IQ, and generally find yourself in good places, you shouldn't be avoiding all blacks at all costs.

>> No.11407313


>> No.11407314

>1000s of years
Not anargument. Crocodiles have stayed very similar to their ancestors for 80 million years

>> No.11407315

Different race

>> No.11407319

What is the "squat"?

>> No.11407323

What's her alcohol tolerance? anglos and slavs can drink but many asians have that flush reaction thing.

>> No.11407324

I said it as a general rule, not dogma. Of course there are always exceptions. For abos however, there is no hope whatsoever; they should be left to breed among themselves as they are an ancient race that has historical anthropological significance.

>> No.11407326

Squatting without having to go on your tiptoes. (It has nothing to do with training, even untrained people can do that easily if you are from the east, even athletes will fail when you are not.)

>> No.11407328

Not an argument. Dogs have diverged massively from their original wolf-like ancestors.

>> No.11407331

they're pretty well adapted to living in the outback.
they might be be better off living that way

what does it look like?

>> No.11407336

Poor. She doesn't drink much at all since she gets Asian flush, which can increase her chances of getting Alzheimers. That is an example of a bad genetic trait that a race can possess.

>> No.11407337

Through eugenics. Show me one human eugenics program that lasted for more than 2 generations

>> No.11407341

The Sherpa people of Nepal are also genetically well adapted to their environment. Their haem groups have a much higher affinity for oxygen which allows their blood to absorb more oxygen at higher altitudes where the air is thin.

>> No.11407343

So it's kind of likely that only one of your hypothetical kids will be able to squat with a bottle of Vodka...it's better than none at least, can you drink raw milk?

>> No.11407348

don't tibetans have a similar gene? supposedly it's derived from a high altitude denisovan group.
funny how the han moved into Tibet and will die of the long term effects of altitude sickness from thickened blood...

>> No.11407350

As a general rule, you don't decide the race of a mate and then choose randomly among them. So it's really not something you have to worry about.

>> No.11407352

Ashkenazi Jews; selectively bred to become bankers during the times when the Church forbade Christians from lending money and anti-semitism was rife. To this day they are still disproportionately represented in banking.

>> No.11407355

Yes, we both can and both enjoy it.

>> No.11407360
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>> No.11407362

I suppose they do - they surely must be closely related with Sherpas, though I'm just speculating. Yes, it is believed to be a Denisovian trait.

>> No.11407364
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serious question here. obviously all humans are the same species and race is an informal and unscientific taxonomic rank but what about subspecies? what criteria is required for certain group of individuals to be considered a different subspecies?

>> No.11407365

True, although I've always had a thing for East Asians so I do judge by race first.

>> No.11407366
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>> No.11407367

Incest is not an eugenics program

>> No.11407377

>Diversity doesn't increase diversity!

>> No.11407380

It is a complete mess. The thing is the taxanomic system is quantized when infact speciation is spectral. We say neanderthals and denisovians were different species to us, yet we were able to interbreed with them to produce fertile offspring. It is clear, however, that some populations show marked differences from others, however again it is a spectrum of generic deviation and putting clear boundaries is subjective. Race, for example, is used as a convenient and generally reliable method of sub-dividing humans with similar characteristics.

>> No.11407382

Inbreeding with preference for certain traits is exactly what we do to get pure breeds of different dogs.

>> No.11407387

>the model of aid that your pic refers to is "buy them food!"

god there's always a fucking excuse as to why sub-Saharan African nations can't make any resemblance to a first world nation, JUST DO THIS ONG THING!!. colonialism this colonialism that, it will be 100 years later they will still be in endless perpetual squalor, and you fucks will still be going on about the 'legacy of colonialism', you know there are multiple examples of former colonies around the world that managed to benefit from colonization? Like Hong Kong? Is it really the case that after 8 fucking marshall plans worth of investment there is marginal improvment?

>> No.11407388

>Clearly retarded fucker writing this using big words to sound smart

Im not even for racemixing, but post this garbage again and I'll beat you the fuck up

>> No.11407389
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making fun of lurkers who frequent internet forums for nearly 24/7 while being one yourself won't get you pussy, i'm sorry.

>> No.11407392

Different forms of colonization. Africa's was clearly unique. Also Africa has been improving for decades.

>> No.11407399

Africa's was clearly unique.

How so? Some white people rocket up set up a port and used it as a hub for exporting resources? That's what fucking Hong Kong was and they somehow today a thriving metropolis, I thought colonization was this evil force that ruined everything it touched?

>Also Africa has been improving for decades.
Like I said, marginally and after billions upon billions in investment, some African nations like Zimbabwe and South Africa especially are even sliding backwards.

>> No.11407402


>> No.11407412


>> No.11407419

One city vs a whole continent...

>> No.11407427

not good enough rebuttal

>> No.11407433

Reading more about Hong Kon, Britain was determined to make it a long term sustainable addition to the empire for their own people to live in as well. One passage:
>With a rapidly increasing population, the colonial government began reforms to improve infrastructure and public services. The public-housing estate programme, Independent Commission Against Corruption (ICAC), and Mass Transit Railway were all established during the post-war decades to provide safer housing, integrity in the civil service, and more-reliable transportation.

It was different than Africa.

>> No.11407444

>Reading more about Hong Kon, Britain was determined to make it a long term sustainable addition to the empire for their own people to live in as well. One passage:

So you're saying this wasn't the case in Africa? The only reason western nations packed up and left was because the US and USSR pushed for the end of colonialism (so they could use Africa as a geostrategic battleground) Rhodesia, was a shining example of development under colonialism in Africa before it was cut loose, they were in it for the long run.

>> No.11407462

Hong Kong like Singapore and gibraltar was a bunkerage port, same with south africa.

>> No.11407479

Looks like Britain refused to give them independence, leading to a revolt that turned into a big proxy war with the USSR. Zimbabwe only got independence in 1980, and their current constitution in 2013. Africa's own "world war" is still ongoing and a direct result of over-colonization.

>> No.11407481

Don't waste your time on these idiots. It's flat-Earth tier denial of racial inferiority. Nothing can convince them because they're following an ideological belief rather than basing their opinion on objective facts. It's like trying to convince a Muslim that Allah isn't real.

>> No.11407491


>> No.11407494

it wasn't quite the ussr, there was zanu and zapu was was russian backed the other chinese backed, the chinese won same with mandela's chinese connections.

>> No.11407503

Imagine being part of the master race and this is still not enough to get a girl. Shit must make some people crazy.

>> No.11407512

But scientific racism doesn't care about science at all, so /pol/ will just handwaves such papers.

>> No.11407546


>A 2005 study by Noah Rosenberg and colleagues, which Wade treats as the last word on the existence of racial genetic clusters, used a program called STRUCTURE to identify clusters in a worldwide gentic dataset. STRUCTURE’s results are visuzalized as a row of bars, one for each individual, colored proportionally to their probability of assignment to each cluster. From the figure above (their Figure 2) you can see that Rosenberg et al actually used STRUCTURE to split their data into 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6 groups. It’s true that, when K, the number of groups, was set to 5, the 5 clusters more or less correspond to Wade’s “continental races.” But in fact, when the authors compared the number of individuals in their dataset who were ambiguously assigned at each value of K, they found the result was slightly more “clustered” with K=6, which splits the American samples.

>A 2009 study by Sarah Tishkoff and colleagues added more than 2,000 individuals from Africa to the data analyzed by Rosenberg et al. The authors ran STRUCTURE on this new global dataset, evaluating the “fit” of a range of K values—and they found that the data best supported not five population clusters but 14. In other words, if we were to split humanity into “objective” races using genetic clustering, we’d end up with a lot more than five races, and at least half would be within Africa.

>Wade discusses this paper at length, but misses that point entirely. In introducing Tishkoff’s results, Wade implicitly compares differentiation within Africa to the differentiation between European populations. But the variation within Europe is not on the same scale as variation within Africa.

>> No.11407549

>Indeed, Rosenberg et al. found a strong correlation between genetic variation and geography—geographic distance between populations explained 69% of the variation in genetic differentiation in their data. When they also accounted for major barriers like oceans and mountain ranges, geography explained 72.9% of the variation. On average, a major barrier increased genetic differentiation between populations by 1.5%, and Rosenberg et al. concluded that this tiny fraction of variation is what allowed STRUCTURE to find clusters in their data:

>Analyses based on more modern data find that worldwide, the largest differentiation between human populations tends to be on the order of 10%. Those still fall within Wright’s “moderate genetic differentiation,” but they are estimates of the proportions of total human population genetic diversity, not absolute differences in DNA sequences. It is quite possible to have 10% differentiation that without much biological meaning, if humans are not a very genetically diverse population.

>It turns out that this is exactly the case, which we can see by comparing variation within humans to variation within closely related species. In a 2013 paper, Javier Prado-Martinez and a large consortium of collaborators (including Sarah Tishkoff) made that comparison using genome-wide DNA sequence data from humans and three species of great apes. Their samples from chimpanzees, gorillas, and orangutans each had two to three times as much DNA sequence variation as a human sample from multiple continents. In fact, the worldwide human sample had less variation than three subspecies of chimpanzees.

>> No.11407882


>> No.11408083



>> No.11408095


>> No.11408126

Ignoring the new research findings >>11403763

>> No.11408137

That computer simulation doesn't mean what you think it does. I thought this is a science board.

>> No.11408170

Read the article, ignoramus.

>> No.11408185
File: 1.97 MB, 380x285, 1556060979802.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why human evolution deniers are so dishonest?

>> No.11408188

>there is an extremly low diversity in genetics between human populations worldwide
>a part of the small set of differences is based on an unknown 'ghost' human species

try to think at least once

>> No.11408195
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>small difference

Kill yourself

>> No.11408201

The fact that the human world population has less variation than subspecies of chimpanzees is some telling fact.

>> No.11408209

Arguing with human evolution deniers is exactly like arguing with creationists. It is useless to discuss with religious fanatics.

>> No.11408486

different colors. different faces, bone structures, hair, temperament

>> No.11408515

If you gave a white person black skin you would say they were black.

>> No.11408593

The fact that no one in this thread can define race suggests that there is no point in arguing over whether it exist or not.

>> No.11408612

The fact that no one in this thread can define species suggests that there is no point in arguing over whether it exist or not.

>> No.11408659
File: 101 KB, 600x1000, average_white_people.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This, so much this. And it works the other way around.
Look at those, they're completely undistinguishable from regular white people.

>> No.11408661

>but they wouldn't be a nigger

>> No.11408665

Don't they hunt down albinos in africa and use their bodies for witch doctors?

>> No.11408692

If you gave a white person black skin, he would continue behaving like a white person.

>> No.11408718

It doesn't work the other way around. Why does it only work one way?

>> No.11408724

But would you say they were white?

>> No.11408755

Yes. White in this context simply means Indo-European. It has nothing to do with skin color.

>> No.11408787

>words don't mean things anymore
fuck off. if it's white it's white, if it's not it's not. simple.

And no the Aryans were not white until they mixed with whites.

>> No.11408801

I though we were talking about races not skin color. These are very different things.

>> No.11408841

So according to you East Asians and Ashkenazi Jews are "White" since they have pale skin.

>> No.11408942

no ashkenazi jews literally cluster with white europeans genetically