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11400512 No.11400512 [Reply] [Original]

>dominates the earth for 175 million years
>spends all this time just fucking, eating and shitting
really? Is that it?

>> No.11400536

why stop at them?
that's literally what all life has been doing since the start

>> No.11400544

It's just mind boggling to me thinking that in 175 million of years the dominant specie didn't evolve enough to create civilizations.

>> No.11400550

Why would the dominant species need to evolve in the first place? Retards not using their brains again

>> No.11400554

its been said that troodon used to share similar traits to australopithecus in terms of intelligence and opposable thumbs.
the thing literally hunted bugs and then grabbed those bugs and put them in a place to bait small creatures.
if the meteor didn't crash on earth or trodoon survived, that dinosaur may very well become the dominant species.
millions of years before us.

>> No.11400698

troodon was the dinosaur that nearly became an actual dominant species

>> No.11400763

And then what, retard? Fuck, eat and shit more?

>> No.11400818

What makes you think they didn't?
We barely know anything about Romans and they're from only 2000 years ago and wrote everything down for us.
T-rex society could've spent a million years being ruled by a priest class with sophisticated religious ceremonies and building temples out of trees it ripped out of the ground and we would never know.

>> No.11400827

They have already established dominance though...

>> No.11400842

theyre animals, just like today, animals just shit piss and eat

>> No.11400865

Do you guys have any evidence? This sounds cool, but I don't know how we could determine that just from some fossilized teeth.

>> No.11401003
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>Do you guys have any evidence? This sounds cool, but I don't know how we could determine that just from some fossilized teeth.
yes, for its size, it had a bigger brain than your regular dinosaur but they were human sized dinosaurs...they had opposable thumbs and could grab shit with their "hand".
that dinosaur is particular because compared to other dinosaurs, this one is actually weak...like human weak and yet it proliferated, they didn't have problems to reproduce and preserve their species.
its modus operandi was to wait hidden and then jump on its prey, a literal ambush, it used smaller creatures like bugs or small lizard creature to lure its prey out into the open so that they could grab it and eat it...it eated us anon.
that dinosaur hunted small rodents, mammals, specifically the one we humans and most mammals descend from, it thrived by consuming our mammal ancestor.

>> No.11401425

There's a dinosaur civilization in the "hollow" (cavernous) Earth.

>> No.11401427

>that’s why humans make no progress and stay the same

>> No.11401613

Wales have "civilization" and have been genetically themselves for millions of years, way longer than humans have been humans.

With what we know (and don't) about wale neurology and social interactions, I wouldn't be surprised if they were capable at communicating stories to each other. They probably do.

Dolphins can LITERALLY talk to each other and have their own language and shit. It's bonkers.
Dolphins of the same species but different regions will have varying "accents".

Intelligence doesn't neccesarily mean technology.

>> No.11401667
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>dominates the earth for 70 thousand years
>spends all this time just fapping, eating and shitposting
really? Is that it?

>> No.11401673

They were Magicians But they fucked up.

>> No.11401789
File: 58 KB, 1024x1348, turok_evolution_sleg_troops____sniper_by_keiiion_d8jp5s1-fullview.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine what it would be now without that fucking meteorite. We would live in aTurok like earth with a space lizard empire.

>> No.11401792

Maybe they did

>> No.11401796

Holy shit.
Got any source?

>> No.11401799

That’s literally what all life has done, pretty much.

>> No.11401808

>Dolphins can LITERALLY talk to each other and have their own language and shit.
This is not true.

>> No.11401909

how have humans evolved since they became the dominant species?

>> No.11401915
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While this is true, some of us spent our time floating instead.

>dominates the ocean
>sees you by the shore

>> No.11401921

It’s true. Dolphins have personal names. Look it up.

>> No.11401938
File: 102 KB, 800x1047, c93e89c3ef2861771adec4554ff43ff9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

or become a bird-lizard people empire.

>> No.11401944
File: 77 KB, 800x800, D66221BE-4D02-4015-AF4B-2F80630FB303.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wales ain’t civilised, you must mean whales

>> No.11401952
File: 57 KB, 607x607, sponge1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Wales ain’t civilised
Wrong. They simply recognize that technology or society in any form would result in the loss of their freedom and souls.

>> No.11402351

Yes it is, dumbass. Crows and ravens talk to each other too. There are a several animals close enough to us that we could uplift them with a mere thousand or so years of guided evolution.

>> No.11402394
File: 467 KB, 1920x1299, ian-barker-6chozodesigns.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>There are a several animals close enough to us that we could uplift them with a mere thousand or so years of guided evolution.
now I want to know how far can eugenics improve a species like that.
at first they'll be extremely healthy crows, then they will start to develop traits that resemble archaeopteryx as nutritions and selective breeding alongside eugenics speed up what would take millions of years in mere decades.
we would literally carve a new race in our image.

>> No.11402439

They had survived meteorite and now humanoid reptiles rule the planet, haven't you heard of it?

>> No.11402640

>carve a new race in our image
Don't know why retards obsess about Mars and shit when this is objectively 10000x cooler.
But if you used selective breeding to make three foot tall super intelligent crows with wing-claws for tool use, it would prove that guided evolution works for intelligent animals, and retards are terrified of eugenics. Fucking crab bucket retards. I just want to see at least one of us get out.

>> No.11402676

What if they become hostile ?

>> No.11402679

Honestly curious, how the fuck do you determine specific hunting habits like these from fossils? I get determining diets, tissue damage from fights etc... But placing bugs? Did the find entire fossilezed scenes?

>> No.11402700
File: 59 KB, 1298x651, ellen_cuylaerts_sperm_whale_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>males often sing low songs to the females as a way to court them. Some researchers also believe these low songs serve as a warning to other males in the area though to stay away. It could be a dual message that tells the female he is interested and lets other males know that they need to find someone else for their own interests.

Based Chad Sperm Whale keeping all the incels pygmies away.

>> No.11402719

You think he needs to have a fucking coat because it's a bit cold? Maybe he needs a fucking bicycle because he's not fast enough.

>> No.11402728

What the fuck does that mean? Of course they would be hostile, sometimes, if necessary. They'd be intelligent creatures who would want rights and independence. The goal isn't to make slaves or pets 2.0, it's to have a crack at making something as or more intelligent than us. It's unlikely that we'd do more than get kinda close to human intelligence though. We could instill a strong sense of social cooperation at least. That way even if they're kinda dumb, they'll act more Japanese and less African.

>> No.11402733

How exactly is civilization different from a bunch of creatures eating and shitting? Civilization just creates more eating and shitting.

>> No.11402755

yes, they found trees which had claw marks, it coincided with troodon claw.
and they found remains of small critters remains inside some of them, like a piece of skull or small limbs.
some remains just show what you mentions.

>> No.11402822

why can't we do this in an accelerated way with crispr gene editing?
Just take border collies, gene edit the fuck outta them and make them breed with each other, only the non brainlet ones and there you have it.
25 years later and you get the second intelligent species.

>> No.11402880

Dogs, for how well we treat them, are quite stupid. They're very obedient, empathic, and can be trained easily, but they aren't innovative. They don't form complex social relationships. They don't have a casual understanding of basic physics. They can't understand unintuitive causal relationships after experimenting with an unknown system. Crows can and do all these.
The three good candidates I can think of for uplifting are bottlenose dolphins, New Caledonian crows, and bonobos. Dolphins would take a ton of effort just to get them a tool using body. Bonobos, well might as well just work on making retarded humans smart for the benefit it gives. Crows have a totally alien brain structure to our own, and they're already effective tool users. They just need a long push in the right direction. I suppose some parrots would work as well, but their ability to deceive and spot deception is poor in comparison, and they have a propensity for autistic behavior.

>> No.11402886
File: 66 KB, 500x734, tumblr_nuz0pdwetx1rvfh0po2_r2_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

because it takes more than that to make a proper species in our image.
eugenics and selective breeding may be more viable, gene editing may come into play for the shape these new species will have but nothing else.
in 25 years you will still be in the alpha stage, things will slowly begin to form there my friend.
it took russian scientists 50 years to domesticate the fox and that was through selective breeding speeding up the process or it would have taken a lot longer than that.
do you get it? even though we will have eugenics, selective breeding and gene editing in our side, it will still take at least 200 years if we are lucky enough for that species to properly be a new race that can hold on its own, we don't want nigger birds that do fucking nothing and grew complacent in their continent, we need actual education and proper drive for that species to do more and have curiosity and thirst for knowledge.
we want a sentient species buided to be more than mere birds.

>> No.11402889

>pseudo/pop science
>reddit spacing
like pottery

>> No.11402900
File: 394 KB, 719x1200, 1458692068646.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

a failed species that cannot survive without our interference and taking care they don't go extinct is not a damn sucess or a proper candidate.
what about selective breeding of smart chimpanzees? the type of chimp that is smarter than your average chimp, then we apply the magic of eugenics and selective breeding, TADA, we have a proper humanoid species that seems like something out of fucking planet of the apes.
it won't help that niggers will want to fuck these new beings...

>> No.11402914

Sorry to break it to you, but Humans aren't that old.

>> No.11402918

>other chimpanzees
I'm no basketball expert. I thought bonobos had the higher intelligence. A small difference doesn't even matter though. What does matter, is the scientific relevance to the effort. I don't think uplifting another ape is very informative. We already know apes can be as smart as a human because we have humanity as an example.

>> No.11402940

Nuke em

>> No.11402963

they did evolve alongside us

>> No.11403238

Thanks anon, that makes sense

>> No.11403395

Evolution my mans.

It doesn't have to be perfect, only just good enough to survive and reproduce. If its at the top and has no trouble surviving and reproducing, then there is nothing pushing it to do more.

>> No.11403470

This is amazing. I want it to be true.

>> No.11403475

they were better at fucking, eating and shitting than the other animals
humans brains are a massive cope

>> No.11403964
File: 399 KB, 1480x720, Antarctic_Pyramid.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there is an unexplored pyramid in antarctica.
it must be beyond old, at least 50000 years old.
maybe even before that.

>> No.11403967
File: 350 KB, 1480x720, Strange_Ruins.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

also there is some strange entrance to somewhere.
its 90 meters tall the damn thing and god knows where it'll take you.
but the fact is that these 2 things were there when antarctica was still warm so there is a chance that bird-lizard people builded them.

>> No.11404591

And why nobody bothered to give it a check?

>> No.11404644

no resources or money

>> No.11405595

>1000x cooler
I don’t know man sounds like that’d be playing god

>> No.11405745

We've been playing God ever since we broke the wolf and junglefowl into the domestic dog and chicken. Playing God is badass and yields good results. Let us continue.

>> No.11407687

All this technology, all of our scientific advances and most of the people out there, myself included, use it to:

> watch porn (to fulfill our sexual instincts)

> to fly to luscious green looking places (to fulfill our drive to find new pastures)

> consume mass produced food (to fulfill our need to eat)

> (Japs use it to) have a robotic shitter automatically clean their anuses


That's all there, is but so what? I love eating, wanking, going on holiday, and one of my greatest regrets is not using one of those toilets when I went to Tokyo

>> No.11408260

Dinosaurs are still the most successful terrestrial vertebrate
Birds are on every continent and have a huge number of species

>> No.11408309

are we doing anything different? Really, even in our furthest seeing sci fi stories, we're just shitting on other planets in fancier toilets.

Face it, you're nothing but a mobile poop machine.

>> No.11408348

That doesn't make sense

>> No.11408395


First of all you can't really consider dinosaurs as a singular species
T-Rex wasn't around for 175 million years only a fraction of that
Many species were created and went extinct over that period of time

Secondly what should actually boggle your mind is how humans became the dominant species and did evolve enough to create civilization
Humans are the anomaly here

>> No.11409118
File: 46 KB, 403x433, dinosauroid.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If we could evolve from simple, shrew-like creatures like Megazostrodon to us then dinosaurs could have definitely made the leap if it weren't for the asteroid and pic related would be roaming the world today. It's crazy to think about.

>> No.11410138

Humans are literally the only animal with foresight. Without foresight there's no advancement in astronomy, mathematics, geology, geodesy, geometry, agriculture, you name it.
As it was stated before, humans are the weird bunch here, not the dinosaurs.
My only hope is that we can make an evolutionary jump in the future where we can still exist and not need to fuck, eat and shit all the time.

>> No.11410283

>Humans are literally the only animal with foresight
Except all the others. Like crows who hide food from others and make false stashes when they're being observed. Then while the observer is distracted, they make the real stash.
Whatever humans have, it's not foresight. Honestly most of us are pretty crap at planning for the future. I think our biggest hardware perks are our ability to reflect and abstract.

>> No.11411326
File: 281 KB, 1600x1245, elite_leg_study___gray_scale_by_muddytiger_d8g4oke-fullview.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I believe the legs would be more like this.

>> No.11411375

Octopus is the best candidate

>> No.11411383

mass extinctions are proof of us living in a simulation
every time life didn't evolve the creator sent an asteroid as a restart switch

>> No.11411431

Wales know Ted was right.

>> No.11411541

you dumb shit do you think human-like things are an imperative?

>> No.11411684

yes, just look at dogs. totally not inbred wolf monstrosities

>> No.11411752
File: 154 KB, 593x782, pandadog.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kys faggot