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11401291 No.11401291[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Serious question here. Why can't Africa grow it's own food?
>fertile lands
>large variety of edible plants
>majority of population are farmers
>still starving
It seems like they lack so many things in life, but the means to attain them are right there.

>> No.11401299


>> No.11401307

You know the answer, dont come here looking to instigate a fight with the denial faggots.

>> No.11401315

>constantly being raped by other countries
>civil wars

And even through all of this there’s a bunch of decent places in Africa. South Africa isn’t all too bad right now in certain places. It can actually be pretty comfy. I’m pretty even Elon Musk was born over in South Africa.

>> No.11401350
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Why do you talk about Africa like it is a single country rather than the behemoth it actually is.

>> No.11401436

Wasn’t aware that all 54 countries in Africa were starving.

>> No.11401468


>> No.11401503

Agriculture is only 10k years old and behavioral modernity 40k. Human agricultural lineages diverged from most african ethnicities and others (eg australian natives) that collectively didn't develop agriculture or civilization over 50k years ago.
Obviously agricultural civilization requires certain behaviors and some level of higher thought and evidently that level was reached by the agriculturalists by 10kya. No reason to think anyone else has reached it or that we must have reached it pre-divergence.

>> No.11401507

There's surplus of food in my country - Nigeria.

>> No.11401528
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>Serious Question
>Why can’t the country of Africa feed itself

>> No.11401552

>deadly wildlife everywhere
>all kinds of viruses
>rampant substance abuse

>> No.11401570
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> i want an answer that makes me sound smart and thoughtfull
> obvious time-tested answer is too mundane for me, an intellectual.

The absolute state of midwits

>> No.11401628
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>> No.11401630

Someone post the screencap about the liberal going to aid africans

>> No.11401636

Was it also because among everything else, Africa was sliced and diced among the European powers?

>> No.11401647

Compare with south America, a continent that was also harshly colonized and exploited.
While not the absolute best, South American countries (with the exception of Venezuela) are getting by just fine. The people there are descended from spainish/portuguese and the indigious population who had agrarian empires thousands of year ago.
Sub-saharan Africa's population is directly descended from the hunter-gatherer tribes that were still operating 250 years ago.

>> No.11401659

South America basically just had Spain and Portugal as colonizers whereas Africa had almost every powerful Western Europe nation of that era carving up Africa and leaving very little behind in terms of a functioning civil service to run things after they left.In most cases they just handed power over to ethnic minorities to oppress the majority ethnic groups.

>> No.11401675
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because the land is infertile.
its rocky shitty desert everywhere, you'd have to spend billions just for irrigation and compost/manure.

honestly the only thing that grows wild is grain, that's why its a stable in every modern kitchen. growing a fruit or a vegetable is not easy that's why there aren't any wild fruits around you

>> No.11401679

Why is it a problem ? is it because the resulting nations are multicultural ? Should ethnostates have been created instead ?

>> No.11401700

It’s because the European country that colonized that particular African country deliberately played off various ethnic groups against each other in a ‘divide and conquer strategy’.The native armies under the control of a western country were largely made up from the minority ethnic group and were sent out to do the white colonizers dirty work.This caused them to be despised by most of the population and resulted in further tensions later down the line after independence,in which the minority ethnic group were handed power by the withdrawing European power.

>> No.11401717
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It still is. Africans own very little of Africa.

Take your cell phone for example. It can't run without Tantalum, which about 80% comes from west African Tantalum mines that are run by warlords with literal slave labor then sold overseas to corporations who don't give a shit where their Tantalum comes from, packaged into a cell phone and sold to you who never gave a shit to learn that it runs on a conflict mineral. Far more people have died to give you cell phones than ever died giving people blood diamonds.


Shit like that, the theft of the natural resources of Africa, are what keeps Africa poor.

>> No.11401721
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>> No.11401745 [DELETED] 

Blacks are objectively less functional as a group in any citcumstance compared to othet groups in similar conditions.

>> No.11401753

Explain kids of wealthy educated blacks in western countries being more voilent that their white and asian counterparts

>> No.11401754

>fertile lands

>> No.11401760

whats that having to do with agriculture?

>> No.11401762

In equatorial africa the tsetse fly completely prevents reliable breeding of domestic animals and it extends for quite a bit north and south

>> No.11401768
File: 53 KB, 600x640, African biomes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Read a fucking book.
I don't know about the entire continent, but in Rwanda, farming is seen as slave's work, so nobody farms.

>> No.11401782

How is it theft though if the guys digging it and the guys who first sell it are both black africans? What if some german enslaved a french guy and made him cut down a tree in some bavarian forest and sell it to a man in india, is that theft? Is the slavery the issue? What if the german paid the frenchman? Is the wood not supposed to leave europe? The money stayed in europe.

>> No.11401785

One factor is that Europeans dump their excess garbage meat onto African markets. It is cheaper than regional products and many African farmers go bankrupt. I imagine that is the same for other industries as well.

>> No.11401786

So you're saying Africans can't handle Machiavellian politics?

>> No.11401787

Colonialists poisoned the land with pesticides and other chemicals.

>> No.11401790

>Thinks blacks in the colonial were allowed to own the mines and corporations that sold the raw materials to Europe.
The locals who were employed to do the work were paid slave wages.

>> No.11401793

Desert regions have little to no infrastructure. Even less education.

>it's the metaphorical devils fault you signed the contract

Now you know why it's important to read between the lines.

>> No.11401794

Because the people don't own the land dipshit. I gave an example about how the land is being exploited.


>> No.11401795

To be fair, yes. Machiavelli had a monstrous IQ and even today you could destabilize even some western countries using nothing but the rhetoric and principals he abided by.

>> No.11401797

>So you're saying Africans can't handle Machiavellian politics?
Neither can Europe with WW1 and WW2.And those were white nations screwing over each other.

>> No.11401798

it can

>> No.11401823
File: 161 KB, 1200x690, Q.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

WW1 and WW2 were even worse. The claws that were sharpened there were not mere swords and spears, but the very air itself was set ablaze in the fury of total war.

>> No.11401846

>Now you know why it's important to read between the lines.
Nice of you to believe that the European colonial powers in the 19th century were such progressives that they gave black African laborers contracts to sign(as if refusal to work was an option),while at the same time white kids in America were still being used as child labor in the coal mines of Appalachia and textile factories in New York.If only those 8 year old white kids had read their ‘contracts’

>> No.11401856

I think he's talking about the ethnic minorities, who actually were often given a contract to their employ in exchange for "official" positions as overseers to the mining operations and other exploits in Africa.

>> No.11401865

The Germans perfected their genocidal tendencies in their African colony of Namibia,Italians used poison gas in Ethiopia(after it was banned in WW1) and King Leopold of Belgium slaughtered an estimated 6-10 million people in the Congo before the invention of the machine gun.

>> No.11401869

Your point?

>> No.11401889

>Your point?
The claws that the European powers sharpened in Africa weren’t mere ‘swords and spears’ either.

>> No.11401896

From years of fighting each other in Europe? They weren't "sharpened" they were already sharp.

>> No.11401923

Africa is a huge continent with pretty much all the landscapes and climates you can imagine.
Many areas are deserts, others have huge rainforests, neither of which are amenable for agriculture.
I also do not know where you get the idea that the majority of people are starving. That is simply not the case. Many countries are poor, but not starvation tier.

>> No.11401928

Africa has been full of farmers for thousands of years.


>> No.11401934

its called investment.
africa's don't have a pot to piss in so they sell their natural resources in exchange for money

>> No.11401991

They can. The difference is that when south Germany has crop failure, nobody can tell, because Europe has a working economy. While crop failure somewhere in Africa means local famine, because the warlord nearby or whatever other reason won't let them trade.

>> No.11402005

They can and did in the past. America grew cheap ass grains and shipped them to Africa for various food programs. This destabilized the areas in Africa receiving this ultra cheap grain, causing many farmers to go out of business completely. Fast forward 3 generations and America stops sending cheap grain over because we want to make ethanol with it. Now Africa has lost its old farmers and the new generations didn't get that knowledge passed down to them.

A similar thing happened to Mexico. When America stopped sending the cheap corn down to Mexico, prices for tacos went sky high. This resulted in the, "2009 Mexican Taco Riots." No joke, look it up.

>> No.11402008

This is a God tier book about African poverty. The repeat story for many nations is their governments earn >90% of their income direct from natural resources and have zero incentive to try and develop the nation beyond the infrastructure and military needed to protect and control the natural resources. Meanwhile other developing industries can't compete with the oil/mineral cash and go out of business (Dutch disease). In the west we often think of African economies as totally non-functioning and that makes the average African poor. Their economies are functioning exactly as intended by the people who control them, as they have since being colonised. For example in Angola something like 50% of people live in poverty, while the government earned enough money between 2007-2010 that $32 billion was able to just go missing in the pockets of govt. officials.

>> No.11402030
File: 197 KB, 1024x1023, 1024px-Map_of_Africa_by_2017_nominal_GDP_per_capita_(USD).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this might surprise you but not all african countries are doing bad. many are self sustained but their problem is that they have nothing and no natural resources to sell in order to gain money.

>> No.11402044

>and no natural resources
There is a staggering amount of natural resources in Africa and a huge demand for them. They're still a big part of the problem but because there's a huge reliance on them

>> No.11402055

Yeah it's the resources curse, especially when combined with endemic corruption. All that mineral wealth generally ends up in a western bank somewhere.

>> No.11402115

Niggers everywhere

>> No.11402173

this, they've also lost the food infrastructure and endemic adapted crops and management practices.

>> No.11402216

Globalism will always be a mistake.

>> No.11402218

while supple with nutrients, those nutrients are not being passed around to the right hands. Bugs suck it out of the people, and the people only feed their kids sugar. The kids die out, the bugs survive, and then the people have more kids. We're fixing it, trying to.

>> No.11402232

The rabbit hole goes pretty deep.

>> No.11402237

Didn't they send free baby formula to Africa for a few months then start charging for it, only to have the mothers not be able to afford it? Their own breast milk dried up during that time and when the free formula stopped coming the infants started starving to death.

>> No.11402254

>fertile lands
Not really.

>> No.11402255

How so?

>> No.11402283

africa is a desert

>> No.11402296

Jesus christ this literally true

>Surface area of africa: 30.37million km^2
>Surface area of the us: 9.834million km^2
>Surface area of china: 9.597 million km^2
>Surface area of india: 3.287 million km^2

You can literally fit in the 3 world superpowers (by 2020) inside and still have a shit ton of space left

>> No.11402306

/Sci/ logic:
>black kids are less intelligent than white kids at early ages
>"Obviously because niggers hehehehe lololol"

>Savant kid graduates from [insert tough stem field] at age 10
>"he just got hes iq earlier!"
>"His iq wont increase over time!"
>"He wont amount to much like all the other savants"

Hypocrite retards

>> No.11402308

Venezuela was doing decently fine until the communist came and fucked everything up

>t. Venezuelan (still here)

>> No.11402317

Africa doesn't have a problem with growing food, they have a problem with government corruption and economic mismanagement.

>> No.11402328

That is written in that page

>> No.11402340
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>> No.11402357

Those are comparatively shit compared to wide fertile plains

>> No.11402374
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If you say so pal

>> No.11402383

>year ago

>> No.11402384

African blacks are dumb as shit.

>> No.11402390

Retard, if your childhood IQ is low then your adult one will also be low. Every single human genius had the reasoning skills of a grown adult before they were even 10 year old.

>> No.11402402

Africa the continent grows enough food to feed everyone.

Countries in Africa use starvation to kill tribes they don't like and conflict and other human bullshit make it worse. When you see a picture of someone starving in Africa that does not mean that everyone in Africa put all the food into one pile and they all took out an equal share and that's the result.

Why are there homeless people in America? We have houses, apartments, hotels, and construction companies out the ass

>> No.11402403

What if you get a great education?

t. Upper average before going to private school and now I academically BTFO everyone I left behind at state school

>> No.11402404

Education means nothing, geniuses laugh at our education system thats how you know their IQ is extremely high.

>> No.11402405

>Education means nothing
Who's the retard again?

>> No.11402406

Geology student here. You guys completely forget how shit the soil is in Africa. Ignoring the Sahara for a moment for obvious reasons the rest of Africa isn't exactly good farm country. Sub Saharan Africa is primarily tropics, which despite the amount of tropical plants, is shit for agriculture. The plants that live in the tropics evolved to live in the worst soil on Earth. Nobody is going to grow crops in Alfisols
or Oxisols

Tropical land is absolute shit. The only real area available for agriculture is South Africa, which is the reason every European power's attempt to colonize Africa failed except the Dutch. The only thing Africa has for exploitation is mineral resources and those are owned by foreign powers. If Africa had such great Agriculture as you idiots seem to think, Europe would have long ago murdered the natives and done it themselves as they did in The US, Canada, and the edges of Australia fit for agriculture.

>> No.11402413
File: 180 KB, 1280x685, 22134952-one-only-nyungwe-house_cover_1280x685.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Africa is a continent. There are success stories and shitholes. But the shitholes usually have too many people and a shitty environment.

>> No.11402414 [DELETED] 

Actually black kids tend to be about one year ahead. White people aren't smarter, they are jsut better able to deal with imperfect information. Basically the whole history of European philosophy is figuring out how to deal with people knowing thing that just aren't true. This is how Asian children are years ahead in critical thinking, without even having to be really taught, while white children suck at it even if it's drilled into them.

>> No.11402418

Actually black kids tend to be about one year ahead. White people aren't smarter, they are jsut better able to deal with imperfect information. (that is, they can always come up with some aswer, even though it's a wrong one, while others tend to get stuck and just don't know) Basically the whole history of European philosophy is figuring out how to deal with people knowing thing that just aren't true. This is how Asian children are years ahead in critical thinking, without even having to be really taught, while white children suck at it even if it's drilled into them.

>> No.11402420

Look at that brown soil. can't grow shit on it

>> No.11402423
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The problem is that as long as the african attitued towards power and money doesn't change, they will forever be poor. If a country in the West has valuable resources, they would no doubt sell it to other countries and the same is true for Africa, the difference being that in the West more people profite. The worker gets paid and the businessman pays taxes which are in turn used to create better infrastructure. In Africa only the owners of the slave mine, the few oligarchs or corrupt polititians profit from selling the resources and nothing gets paid back into the system. The West is not raping Africa the West is a creepy old dude and Africa is the prostitute selling herself for little scraps of money. If Africa wants to free itself, its people have to develope a healthy working, spending and saving mentality because I've seen it happen so many times that a good trustworthy African worker gets a pay raise only to spend it all in a couple of weeks on stuff "da wealty pepol have" like drugs and hookers and then dying of some STD a few months later. If that continues to be the work ethic of most Africans, the continent will forver be the goldmine of the West.

>> No.11402426

What happened a year ago?

>> No.11402431

Wealth is labor you retard.
Japan have nothing except wood, fish and small dicks, and look at them.
Rhodesia, breadbasket, Zimbabwe, helhole.
South Africa under human rule, first-world and great power, South Africa under nigger rule, collapsing.

>> No.11402438

I too can win arguments by completely rewriting history.

Good job.

>> No.11402458

>South Africa under human rule, first-world and great power,
It’s easy to do when most of the budget was used to keep the 9% white population happy and living in first world conditions at the expense of the majority of the country.

>> No.11402597

South Africa was never first world.

>> No.11402601

71 average IQ

>> No.11402614

[citation needed, but never to be found]

>> No.11402636

You are the retard, education only works if your IQ is above 92 anything below is too dumb to be educated.
No, black kids are legit retarded most of them cannot read picture books PICTURE BOOKS.

>> No.11402639

How the hell are you blaming whites for what black run governments do in South Africa?

>> No.11402657

Source: My ass

>> No.11402660

cause huwhite men keep putting them down

>> No.11402663

>all humans are equally intelligent because uh uh muh morals

So logical, the very fact apes have different levels of intelligence while existing on other landmasses debunks this nonsense.

>> No.11402740

Apes have been diverged for far longer than any "races" alive today have been so this is not a good argument at all.

>> No.11402741

How was South Africa first world under Apartheid?

>> No.11402790

It is cost effective for would be competitors to donate food and money so 3rd worlders don't learn to prosper and profit for themselves. Big businesses don't want a three dollar can of coffee on the shelf next to their eight dollar can. I sound like a faggot but, this is true.
t. Trump voter.

>> No.11402885

I too can win arguments by not understanding the proposed opinion.

I never said that Africa is poor, I said its people are poor. Also I have never said that the West is not profiting form its exploits in Africa. You can even argue that without the cheap and plentiful resources from Africa, our system wouldn't work but that's the point, the West is exploiting Africa because the people in power in Africa let us do so. If they would be as I've said more responsible with their wealth, it would be a different story but as long as that is not the case, Africans will continue to be poor.

Tl;dr confirmed jimmies rustled

>> No.11402890

Not making any claims but Humans have been existing on oposite sides of the planet too, just not as long. You could argue that there is a difference just not as drastic as in apes.

>> No.11402896

Ah yes I've forgot the major event where poverty and hunger were eradicated in Africa. When was that exactly, I can't seem to remember the date?

>> No.11402949

>expense of the majority of the country
Who weren't native either

>> No.11402962

Because they are fucking dumb

>> No.11402966
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I found this a while ago on another thread. Think it applies here

>> No.11402989


>> No.11402993

From what I know namibia is one of the few civilized african countries

>> No.11403011

>Blacks aren’t native to South Africa
Blacks had already settled South Africa hundreds of years before the arrival of white settlers.

>> No.11403104

I find it hard to believe the yields would go back down the first year fertilizer wasn't applied. Sounds made up.

>> No.11403109


Try thousands of years.

>> No.11403181




>> No.11403357

>leaving very little behind in terms of a functioning civil service to run things
assuming they had that before

>> No.11403405

Third world countries that promote welfare programs are punished. Appeals to hands off government are used to dismantle welfare, environmental regulations, and consumer protection. Simultaneously, government is expected to intervene to subsidize large businesses and repress unions. Big government to crush dissent and support the private sector. Small government to protect citizens. This is the core of neoliberal foreign policy.

On the other hand, the private sector in Africa actively combats AIDs and racial violence. Even businesses aren't completely myopic.

>> No.11403449

Are black South Africans better off today than they were under apartheid?

>> No.11403453

>Serious question here.
>blatantly expects a 7 letter word for an answer.

>> No.11403459

those kids are usually on stimulants and actually end up growing up into not amounting to anything

>> No.11403462

In what population densities? Did they have permanent settlements? How did the density of south Africa compare the east Africa? What is the ethnic background of the majority of South Africans? Are the descended for those living in southern Africa before colonization or are they mostly descended from east Africans who migrated there after it was turned into a hospitable place to live?

>> No.11403465

think about it, india only has 1/3rd the landmass of the us or china, but still managed to become a superpower by current year those people must know something.

>> No.11403607
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>Why can't Africa grow it's own food?

>> No.11403627
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>> No.11403664

At what point would a white leftist concede reality do you think?

>> No.11403701

I dont own a cell phone but I think I want one now.

>> No.11404065
File: 101 KB, 593x530, zimbabwefarms.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if africans really are being oppressed by their land then why the fuck can white people grow food in africa? refute this faggot

>> No.11404071

At no point. It is a religion. They are part of an evil religion.

>> No.11404074

It's filled with niggers and very few humans.

>> No.11404075

It's too hot to invent anything, niggy

>> No.11404133

>Are the descended for those living in southern Africa before colonization or are they mostly descended from east Africans who migrated there after it was turned into a hospitable place to live?
Why can’t we find any Zulu,Swazi or Xhosa tribes anywhere else in Africa if blacks living in South Africa arrived after colonization?

>> No.11404157


<70 IQ means no agriculture

>> No.11404167

>At what point would a white leftist concede reality do you think?

Impossible. Leftist think all people are born equally mentally. This is CORE to their belief.
If it was not true then sexism, racism, etc would all have a core biological truth.
They believe any differences are due to environmental factors and social influences.

If IQ tests show differences then the IQ test is racist and sexist. ANY evidence you show they will blame anything but biology.

>> No.11404248

Even if it's true, how is it worse than our 'I got mine, fuck you' culture? This is the kind of socoety where sayings like 'rising tide lifts all boats' come from, because in such societies it's generally true.

>> No.11404306

IQ is low because of socioeconomic factors.

>> No.11404338

Yeah that's right NOT.
Haiti has been independent for over 100 years. Their low IQs are due to the legacy of colonialism from the 1800s.

>> No.11404342

>Leftist think all people are born equally mentally. This is CORE to their belief.
All people are capable of achievement with technology. To live is to better yourself.

>> No.11404347
File: 63 KB, 520x536, Africa_Liberia_exam_Failure.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>IQ is low because of socioeconomic factors.

The ENTIRE population of a country not possibly claim that they are all dumber than rock because of socioeconomic reasons!

>> No.11404374

Liberia literally had a massive civil war from 1989 to 1997 that killed a good chunk of the population.

>> No.11404379
File: 96 KB, 1022x731, Its AllSoTiresom.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>All people are capable of achievement with technology

>> No.11404396
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>> No.11404402
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>Leftist think all people are born equally mentally. This is CORE to their belief.
no retard, leftism is building a system in which the nation state sees and treats all of it's citizens as equal. Nobody claims there are no differences between humans except for some outraged retardo normies. Know that you run into a technocracy real fast if you start evaluating people by who they are, instead of what they can become. u faggot

>> No.11404414

Research is pretty clear on this. Intelligence differences in races are a result of socioeconomic conditions. You're welcome to claim that all soft sciences are useless garbage that can't be used to support claims, but know that, without academic research, literally nothing can be demonstrated. It's all just hearsay and conjecture.

>> No.11404714

Most published studys are worthless and their results can not be reproduced this goes for almost ALL FIELDS

>> No.11404726

So what about all the assassinations and coups? How can you be "responsible with your wealth" when every time you try they murder you or fund death-squads to take your power away?

>> No.11404736 [DELETED] 
File: 422 KB, 494x916, mugabe-whites-cant-own-land-in-zimbabwe-by-taylor-wofford-61665570.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Why can't Africa grow it's own food?

Because Africans are too stupid and too lazy to be hardworking famers.

>> No.11404740

It has infestation

>> No.11404742

Because there is just america for them burger eaters.

>> No.11404744
File: 422 KB, 494x916, mugabe-whites-cant-own-land-in-zimbabwe-by-taylor-wofford-61665570.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Why can't Africa grow it's own food?

Because Africans are too stupid and too lazy to be hardworking farmers.

>> No.11404755


That'd be like asking why Asians are not as well represented as blacks in basketball. Its a silly, obvious question that only people that deny reality will react to

>> No.11404886

Just another example that they are responsible for their shit situation. I said that the leaders are at fault and that they just seek to further their own wealth so if one good politician emerges and tries to implement good ideas that hinder their businesses, they "remove" him from power because money is all they care about. Now if I may ask what's your point exactly?

>> No.11404890


>> No.11404897

I'm not trying to be rude but could you explain that again? English is not my first language and I don't really get your point.

>> No.11404975
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>Now if I may ask what's your point exactly?

Not him but I think his point is that if external powers are assisting in the exploitation of already established corruption the likelihood that a "good" politician is able to fix the system is slim. Because said politician is fighting on two fronts the first is against those who are corrupt and the second is against an external foreign power that is usually out of immediate reach.

Without resorting to a full blown war how does the good politician remove both internal corruption and external exploitation? Should they compromise on their own ideals, participate in the corruption just so they fix the system from the inside out covertly, risking being seen as a hypocrite? Or do they reject the system entirely, pushing peaceful protests only to be seen as a threat and marked for assassination by either fronts.

It's easy to minimize the profound conundrum some of these African countries are faced with when the same situations that occurred in your own country are distant memories. It really wasn't that long ago when Americans had to go to war with Britain just to become independent.

>> No.11406009

Thanks for the explanation! I thought he just meant assassinations and coups by their own people or corrupt power hungry maniacs but somehow the thought of external "share holders" has eluded me so thanks fren.

>> No.11406014

Original guy, I specifically mean the many assassinations and coups that the CIA funded or did themselves.

>> No.11406036

Uhm to everyone ITT who is saying that it is somehow our fault, because we keep pumping money into Africa and making them dependant on us: WRONG. If you remember, after World War 2 and during the Cold War, the USA pumped tons of money into European countries like Germany, Austria, also other countries like Japan and Korea, and they are all world leading nations now

>> No.11406055

They came from country with literal warlords and slave labor?

>> No.11406093


The European countries did well because the Council of Europe protected them from any possibility of the U.S. flipping the script and turning them into puppet states. Japan was allowed autonomy/U.S. protection in trade of being defanged militarily and occupied by U.S. forces (which is partially why China and Russia don't start any shit with them). Meanwhile Korea was split into two, South Korea received aid and trade while North Korea was actively shunned to the point of becoming a third world African warlord tier country despite having a supposed IQ around 103.

>> No.11406136

A lot of it is related to political strife and lack of infrastructure. Can't do industrialized farming without industry. A lot of that, if you're looking for a cause, relates to a continent ravaged by colonial exploitation. Borders were drawn by foreigners, not accounting for tribal strife. Poor political management related to that leads to mismanagement of resources, such as food. The famine in Ethiopia happened as a direct result of bad politics (communism).

To understand why there are famines you have to look at what leads up to a famine, often the case is that a population grew quickly because of some reason. Subsidies, or boon periods of economic growth, but when a crisis occurs they are not prepared to deal with the results of that crisis. Then resources are stretched and can't support the previous growth. As I said, often related to politics, which are completely fucked as a result of a fucked up history. It's not necessarily their fault, it's not just because Africans are inherently dumb and can't handle civilization, they were just dealt a bad hand. In time things will improve once they are more developed, but it's going to take a long time to recover from the tragedies they experienced earlier in their history.