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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 38 KB, 500x373, gluon-quarks-quarks-really-dont-want-to-be-alone-2meirl4meirl-48220169[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11394497 No.11394497 [Reply] [Original]

now just hold on. if gluons carry the strong force, and them moving around is what acts upon quarks, then which force is it that moves the gluons (and photons etc)?

>> No.11394505
File: 651 KB, 240x320, v54w45.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anybody actually believe this god damn fucking shit is gonna lead to anything of value?

>> No.11394522

they move by themselves my man

>> No.11394528

do you really believe that?

>> No.11394529

if the whole thread is just posts like this then no. also, it would be nice if you stopped posting unrelated pixel art gifs. are you just trying to clog up hiro's servers?

>> No.11394531

they have to move at c because they have no mass, same as the quarks

>> No.11394537
File: 1.59 MB, 540x304, zvd908j.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>if the whole thread is just posts like this then no
this is true. i get worked up over all the particle talk since there's so many and how they all have different spins or w/e and in the end i have no business shooting my mouth off in this area yet i am desperate for someone to simplify it for an ignorant stubborn cunt liek me to understand
>it would be nice if you stopped posting unrelated pixel art gifs. are you just trying to clog up hiro's servers?
ok, here's an unrelated irl nature gif.

>> No.11394544

nobody interact with it, maybe it will go away

>> No.11394549
File: 1.91 MB, 480x270, z0vdh.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11394564

Quarks have mass, the top quark even has more mass than a tungsten atom.

>> No.11394571
File: 87 KB, 1500x1155, 1264521794133.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh shit

>> No.11394730

I come to /sci because someday it might tell me what's smaller than a gluon. And I am not going to figure it out on my own.

>> No.11394800


>> No.11394859

This is a deceivingly involved question. While photons themselves don't feel any of the forces in the standard model, gluons are actually able to interact with themselves leading to the strong force being much stronger than the others. In this way there are forces that can "act on" gluons. However a point must be made: the "force" itself is the exchange of these particles. We know from QM that the emission and absorption of bosons are not continuous processes but instantaneous at the time of interaction. Therefore there doesn't need to be another force propelling these bosons which is what it seems OP is asking about.

Tl;dr- forces don't act on gauge bosons the way you think but gluons do have self-interactions

>> No.11394916

Nobody has yet explained what electric charge and color actually are or where they come from.

>> No.11394919

It's an infinite regress, therefore logically impossible.

>> No.11394947

whats wrong with it being an intrinsic property

>> No.11395068

Because that doesn't actually mean anything. There is a reason, internal structure that we don't know about yet.

>> No.11395088

>There is a reason, internal structure that we don't know about yet.

Saying that doesn't make it true.

>> No.11395095

holy fuck this thread confirms that /sci/ is legit retarded

> if gluons carry the strong force, and them moving around is what acts upon quarks, then which force is it that moves the gluons (and photons etc)?
the concept you are griping for here is called “gauge theory”. the gauge bosons and fermions that manifest as representations of the gauge group need to respect the laws of the gauge theory. a dumbed down version of this says that the way particles behave is dictated by the gauge fields, and the requirement of gauge invariance dictates how the bosons and fermions can behave in the context of the gauge theory.

this is why all wikipedia articles on quantum field theories state the gauge group in their opening sentences. because this is what dictates the dynamics. common knowledge since the 1970s

>> No.11395116

It's more logical than
>muh intrinsic property
I bet you'd suck Bohrs cock wouldn't you

>> No.11395120

>Reality consists of little balls and glue holding them together
complete retardation

>> No.11395125

lol so dumb. any theory that takes any object from our daily life and claims reality is made out of that thing is retarded.

>> No.11395128
File: 28 KB, 750x281, EM_spectrum_compare_level1_lg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The foundational and elementary theoretical maths was done in 1900, 67 years before the discovery of cosmic radiation. Which acts as an EMF field that is the medium for electromagnetic radiation (light) to travel.
Einstein and his peers had to do all the equations without one of the variables.

This is exactly the same as the designs Leonardo da Vinci did of helicopters and planes.
It was genius, it was pioneering. It's awesome.
But it will never work.
Just like quantum mechanics.
They are looking for theoretical (imaginary) particles, but the maths is wrong. The equations are wrong.

>> No.11395132


>> No.11395137

Turtles, strings, fractals, computer sims
There is a drive for us to say "the univerese is like <this thing i see all the time>"

>> No.11395197

>quarks have no mass
are you fucking retarded?

>> No.11395209
File: 20 KB, 533x276, images (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lol, that feeling is caused by assymetrical brain hemispherization, as your corpus callosum tries to balance the hemispheres and the data doesn't match (left brain logic vs right brain art)
Your brain releases dysphoria inducing neurotransmitters to let you know you are in danger.
You pull your shoulders up when you cringe hey?
Try and curl into a ball to protect yourself from my dangerous ideas.
Let the cognitive dissonance wrap around you like a warm blanket.
And keep you safe from the terrors in your mind.

Man I have a narcissistic deity complex. Don't feed it by letting me know I can make you try to curl into a ball in self defence. Just how powerful do you think I am lol.

>> No.11395339

>It's more logical

Saying that doesn't make it true.

>> No.11395612
File: 351 KB, 1400x800, zv07h.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well this thread went abso-fucking-lutely nowhere LOL

>> No.11395618

That makes 0 sense

>> No.11395622

Technically all that has mass is what's bound energy as well as the higgs field which give particles their base mass. If i'm understanding it correctly? Also how does the higgs field give mass?

>> No.11395624

>my tungsten cube is now obsolete

>> No.11395786

So nobody has a solid answer

>> No.11395801

The question has been answered itt.