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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 993 KB, 1390x4086, NCoV GENES Explained.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11389692 No.11389692 [Reply] [Original]



>> No.11389705
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Very related, not specifically to that scientists research, but to the virus in general and its nature. Highly informative.

> "Logistical and Technical Exploration into the Origins of the Wuhan Strain of Coronavirus (2019-nCoV)"



"Given the above facts, either a coronavirus spontaneously mutated and jumped to humans at a wet market..."


"Chinese scientists failed to follow correct sanitation protocols possibly while in a rush during their boisterous holiday season, something that had been anticipated since the opening of the BSL-4 lab and has happened at least four times previously, and accidentally released this bio-engineered Wuhan Strain – likely created by scientists researching immunotherapy regimes against bat coronaviruses, who’ve already demonstrated the ability to perform every step necessary to bio-engineer the Wuhan Strain 2019-nCov – into their population, and now the world. As would be expected, this virus appears to have been bio-engineered at the spike-protein genes which was already done at UNC to make an extraordinarily virulent coronavirus. Chinese efforts to stop the full story about what’s going on are because they want the scales to be even since they’re now facing a severe pandemic and depopulation event. No facts point against this conclusion."

>> No.11389711
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the japs wanted to spread the bubonic plague in the US in WW2, now the chinese tried to spread this and ended up fucking their own shit up. the fuck is it with these pricks?

>> No.11389852

well, that's a thinker.

>> No.11389890

> unintelligble technobabble and graphs!! affirming the latest conspiracy theory.

well i'm convinced!

>> No.11390014
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top kek

>> No.11390218
File: 75 KB, 396x594, contagion PAPR.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In case we need to make about a billion sets of biohazard gear to stop the virus, we've started work on how to construct PAPRs (and negative-pressure sick tents) over on /diy/:
We could use /sci/'s input on this, and more hands to try building them and share their experiences.

It seems like hooded Powered Air-Purifying Respirators should be easier to improvise and use without training than full-face masks because they're fault tolerant, and only the filter housing itself needs to seal properly, so the blower doesn't push contaminated air past the filter into the positive-pressure clean-air hose. HEPA filters are as good as N100 filters (much better than N95 filters), and they're inexpensive and common, and can be pulled out of many devices such as vacuum cleaners and non-portable air purifiers.

>> No.11390324

no it's just a flu

>> No.11390328

>>over 700 million people under residential lockdown in China
>it's just a flu, bro

>> No.11390374

China received a lot of criticism for how it handled SARS, so now it's going all out for this one.

>> No.11390395

Sure. They're shutting down practically their entire economy because they're worried about criticism.

>> No.11390517

Consider the possibility that, rather than the material being unintelligible, you are unintelligent.

>> No.11390537


>> No.11390555

With what they're currently doing, they are seriously risking a revolution that ends with China's current leaders being shot against a wall. They're not shutting their cities down from worry about what people outside the country will say about them.

Anyway, they're provoking huge international criticism for their brutal and clumsy methods.

>> No.11390559

If it was a bioweapon it would have a higher mortality rate.

>> No.11390561

>They're not shutting their cities down from worry about what people outside the country will say about them.
Nobody said they were.

>> No.11390563

Not necessarily. High mortality rates can make it harder to spread.

It helps that they were already sort of caught fucking up again. Overreaction makes sense from them.

>> No.11390567

So you think they're shutting the country down, making everyone there lose lots of money, and putting everyone through a terrible time to avoid *domestic* criticism?

>> No.11390573

maybe it's a prototype

>> No.11390575

Yes, because as you said, they are afraid of being shot against the wall. I get that you're too young to remember the SARS outbreak but China received a tremendous amount of domestic criticism for their underwhelming response to it.

>> No.11390610

First of all, we don't know what the mortality rate is. A tiny number of people have "recovered", and they may still be infected, or may easily be reinfected, and may face a crisis again, or gradually accumulate organ damage. Some are estimating that the real figure will be above 10%.

Secondly, a bioweapon doesn't have to kill to be effective. It can be intended to paralyze the target country with debilitating illness.

Third: by its nature, a bioweapon isn't likely to behave exactly how its developers want, especially one that's released accidentally, which would likely mean it's a work in progress that was just being tested, not a final product.

It's hard to be sure it's a bioweapon, but there are a lot of reasons to be suspicious, starting with the fact that it emerged in the city with China's only dangerous virus lab, and was initially pubicly blamed on a market only 300 yards away from that lab. That's one hell of a coincidence.

>> No.11390716

Brainlet take.
The purpose of a bioweapon in an international conflict is not to genocide the enemy population, it's to weaken the war effort.

>> No.11390739

Let's be real, most likely scenario is that Coronavirus is some experimental virus where Chinese scientists tried artificiallly combining genes from one virus to another that got loose somehow. Harmless comparative to even a normal flu but it would make sense that the CCCP wants to ensure their virus manipulation efforts aren't being broadcast to the world, so they're clamping down on it really, really hard

>> No.11390747

>Harmless comparative to even a normal flu
Where do people get these fucking stupid ideas? We knew weeks ago that it was killing at far higher rates than the 0.05% of the usual flu.

>> No.11391777

The higher than normal mortality could be blamed on the poor air quality in China, plus the generally poor health of the Chinese public from things like gutter oil and heavy pollution. Keep in mind that the only person to die in the west was a Chinese tourist. These people are eating rats, dogs, bats, etc, probably not the greatest immune systems.


>> No.11391781 [DELETED] 

God, chinks are fucking disgusting

>> No.11391784

>he doesn't know the medication used to treat it which is a HIV cocktail damages your heart tissue
>he doesn't know people are now having heart failure who caught it twice
Just a flu.

>> No.11391794

HIV meds are heavy anti virals, schizos need to stop making the assumption that just because drug x is for disease y then disease z must be the same thing. The reinfection story is unproven yet and basically boils down to a Chinese doctor saying some people aren't producing adequate antibodies to remove the virus completely.

>> No.11391795

I read that totally wrong, I'm retarded

>> No.11391839

>Anyway, they're provoking huge international criticism for their brutal and clumsy methods.
when has international criticism done anything to change China's opinion?

>> No.11391935

So everything else aside, if we consider it *was* an unfinished bioweapon that was accidentally let loose, how fucked are we?
It seems to me that as of now mostly asia will be affected, which is great until you realize that people have been outsourcing almost the entire wests means of productions to them...

>> No.11391951
File: 194 KB, 889x479, Linda.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A theory is only as strong as its weakest link.

>> No.11391959

Hate to be the boy shouting "The Emperor has no clothes!" here, but, have we actually SEEN a recovery yet?

>> No.11391995

It's totally destroying Chinese imports, exports and travel. I've had more than one shipment delayed until further notice because of this. Sounds pretty fucking effective as a target softener for covert economic warfare against a developed power.

>> No.11392091

>this information goes against what i believe therefore i will refuse to read it

>> No.11392192

>Secondly, a bioweapon doesn't have to kill to be effective. It can be intended to paralyze the target country with debilitating illness.
This, in fact it's BETTER that it can't kill. The developer wouldn't want it to turn around and kill them all too. Only a retard would design a highly lethal airborne plague and weaponize it

>> No.11392237

Or a sociopathic misanthrope.

>> No.11392248

Maybe it's just a natural virus, you idiot

>> No.11392266

3. linda is a dumb hoe

>> No.11392271 [DELETED] 
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>> No.11392345
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>> No.11392402

>/pol/ explaining science to you

>> No.11392418

>have we actually SEEN a recovery yet?
You probably haven't and I haven't either but:
>As of February 11, 2020, at least 4,200 people have made recoveries, the vast majority of them in China. Patients in other countries have also made progress with ten recovering in Thailand, along with seven in Singapore. Three patients have also gotten better in the United States, Malaysia and South Korea. Even though the statistics are promising, there are still more than 43,000 confirmed cases of the coronavirus worldwide.

>> No.11392422

>the chinks want to spread this
>that's why they're locking down china instead of sending as many infected as they can abroad

>> No.11392425
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>> No.11392549

mg772933 (Bat Sars-Like Coronavirus) was isloated from Rhinolophus sinicus and mk211376 (BtRs Coronavirus) from Rhinolophus affinis.


It appears that the wuhan seafood market strain MN908947.3 is mostly mg772933 plus a little bit of mk211376.

Is it possible that both of these coronaviruses infected some bat at the same time and recombined, and that somehow, this new virus is super deadly to humans?

>> No.11392563
File: 280 KB, 1242x1068, 1580911691237.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gonna have to wait for a """real news source""" to publish.

But it is legit fucked up. Zero Hedge tweets their story, account gets banned for "doxing", when the information on the doctor was on the page they directed to. Then, a blue-checkmark NYT reporter tweets the same story.

Fuck this gay planet, trump for emperor of america.



>> No.11392576

>These people are eating rats, dogs, bats, etc, probably not the greatest immune systems.

No less healthy than eating cows.
Ban meat

>> No.11392601
File: 101 KB, 1011x1300, FAIRYBOY.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Ban meat

>> No.11394209
File: 126 KB, 537x483, xpnd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying there's a difference

>> No.11394683

>attacks the source not the content

>> No.11394808


>> No.11394815

This pt2

>> No.11394836

hahah ooof

>> No.11394855

>wtf, what's ORF8 thingy doing in my bat virus?!
You react like you aren't aware of what viruses are capable of, complete without human's "help". You also conflate several unrelated events. For instance this virus likely did originate in a Wuhan lab because an incompetent retard did not follow protocol and did not report it.

>> No.11395327

I've done some digging into this.
The paper was deleted off of researchgate and so was the author's account. I hope he's ok. I've heard that china forcibly got the paper taken down but can't confirm that.

>> No.11395963

dude we already know this
i dont get how anyone could think otherwise

>> No.11395969

they dont wanna spread it their just shit at containment because their low resource and quite frankly super stupid

the jap conspiracy there dont really have any substance either

>> No.11395973

youve never played plague inc have you?

>> No.11397736

so how wide reaching is the censoring becoming?

>> No.11397768

First case in Canada made a recovery and was released. Cringe wording btw, boy.

go back to facebook kid

>> No.11399816
File: 327 KB, 500x353, 1577845075917.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the jap conspiracy there dont really have any substance either
unit 731 was testing and preparing it