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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 17 KB, 533x324, COVID-19_2020-02-16.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11391827 No.11391827 [Reply] [Original]

The plateau is here so it's now official: your hipped coronavirus pandemic will not happen. Period.

This is ebola-chan all over again, you anons are pathetic, time to look for some other end of the world delusion...

>inb4 b-but you can't trust CPC's numbers!!!1
you did trust those numbers when they were going up, but now that that doesn't fit into your apocalyptic delusion you are skeptical? lol

>> No.11391835


>> No.11391863

I don't give a shit. As long as China wipes out half their population due to them being second rate, the world would literally be a better place.

>> No.11391873

I hope so, I have things I need to order from aliexpress

>> No.11391879
File: 985 KB, 982x630, communist suicide nets.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wow someone is jealous his country disicenetivized manufacturing becuase of socialism and now unironically a communist country is a better place to place your factory

never gets old lol

>> No.11391910

Hopefully after all this shitshow China will finally stop the wet markets craziness.

>> No.11391944

What the fuck are you talking about? China wishes they were at the level the US or any western country is at. lmao

>> No.11391949

Thank God!

>> No.11392086

You have to be retarded to not understand how inaccurate these numbers must be when hospitals are overflowing and there's no way to test everyone who is sick. If people are dying before they can get a positive diagnosis there's no way to add them to the official total. /pol/ and /sci/ are both fucking retarded on opposite ends of the spectrum.

>> No.11392104

umm not with manufacturing sweetie

america cant make anything without costing the owners a lawsuit and 50 percent taxes

literally manufacturing tech has been lost in the west because of jewish regulations

>> No.11392105

Also doesn't help that chinese doctors were at one point labeling anyone with pneumonic symptoms as infected with the Corona virus. Fuckers could be dying from the actual flu and get labeled as a corona virus victim.

>> No.11392107

>Fucking JEWS won't let me force people to work 90 hours a week for pennies an hour with no sick time or vacation!!!!!!

>> No.11392112

Your denial is sad: more people are being tested yet less people is getting infected, and also the ratio between deaths vs recovered is growing.

>> No.11392135
File: 25 KB, 330x330, 02-winnie-the-pooh.w330.h330.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Winnie the Flu is getting ready to send everyone back to work.
He can't have them thinking they're been put in danger by ending the quarantine before its over.
The mortality rate is small enough that they can probably just keep the rest of the outbreak secret.

>> No.11392153

>But, but, but, but, The US military has taken hundreds of people who could be infected by COVID-19 safely away from populated areas it is already spreading here!!!! We are not prepared!!!

>> No.11392283

It will spread 100x as fast globally, checkem'

>> No.11392296

China wishes they had human rights and workplace health and safety overheads on top of having to pay western wage rates?
I doubt that

>> No.11392329
File: 137 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's better to be over-prepared than under-prepared. just because you wanna justify your normalcy bias with this being contained as it seems doesn't change this. in fact it was likely due to china's drastic measures that this was mitigated as it was.

>> No.11392344
File: 12 KB, 320x164, spanish-flu-fatality-chart1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it's over

>> No.11392347


Africa... Look into Africa

>> No.11392361

The people who believe these numbers are the same people who believed Hillary had a 99% chance at becoming US president.
This is an ADVERSARIAL statistic. You can't trust it even a little bit.

>> No.11392415
File: 44 KB, 718x351, KHxCefDRy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you did trust those numbers when they were going up
No, this is the only 'something official' that I somewhat trust.

>> No.11392644

>you did trust those numbers when they were going up,
I don't think anyone did. The fact there was a sudden spike when they re-evaluated who counts as infected sets a precident that they were purposefully downplaying it and likely still are.

>> No.11392672
File: 144 KB, 618x597, 1574152063287.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This same graph that we already established always reads zero change for the latest figures.

>> No.11392945

GREAT POST COMRADE! Thank you for supporting the CCP dictatorship's narrative. Your social credit score has been updated.

>> No.11392951
File: 327 KB, 300x366, zf0v87h.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

holy fuck are those actual suicide nets? LMAO god damn china is funny

>> No.11392981

just try to hit the bars lamo

>> No.11392993

GREAT POST COMRADE! Thank you for supporting the motherland's narrative. 1 rubel has been added to your credit.

>> No.11393217

>retards don't realize pandemics come in waves.

>> No.11393306

>comparing modern viral epidemics with the 1918 influenza pandemic
I seriously hate nu-/sci/, do you brainlets realize that the movement of masses had an extremely different pattern a 100 years ago right? please stop posting on this board

>> No.11393313

go read some qanon screencaps on leddit you brainless piece of shit

>> No.11393474
File: 86 KB, 600x550, 1534299752744.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's actually a Dutch website that edited the number on the far right to say "nu.nl" (the web adress of that website) to show how easy it is to doctor such images.


Even if you don't read Swamp German, the pictures alone speak for themselves.
>B-But that doesn't prove the numbers are false!
No, but it does show how easy it is to make up your own numbers, take a screenshot and pass them as true.

>> No.11393546

Wow, you mean pictures can easily be faked? That's amazing.

>> No.11393554

Considering that other anon actually believes an easily doctored image over official numbers, this is something that actually needs to be said.

>> No.11393625

Why do these people actively root for this kind of thing anyway? Are their lives that absolutely pathetic that they want it to just end, but are too pussy to do it themselves?

>> No.11393883

Or use inspect to change the html. That doesn't change the fact Tencent, who owns WeChat, which is China's Facebook, Twitter, youtube, gmail, skype, Amazon, etc. all rolled into one, who is essentially a state megacorporation, did publish those numbers briefly before "correcting" them.

thetaiwantimes com/tencent-might-have-leaked-the-data-of-actual-deaths-caused-by-wuhan-virus/1489
timesofindia indiatimes com/world/china/tencent-lists-25k-deaths-1-54-lakh-infections-from-coronavirus/articleshow/73978033.cms
>Tencent lists 25k deaths, 1.54 lakh infections from coronavirus
thesun co uk/news/10904402/coronavirus-chinese-media-giant-lists-deaths-as-24589/
>Chinese media giant lists death toll at 24,589 but quickly changes to 304 sparking conspiracies
taiwannews com tw/en/news/3871594
>Tencent briefly lists 154,023 infections and 24,589 deaths from Wuhan coronavirus

>b-but I'm not trying to say it didn't happen!
Well, you kind of are suggesting exactly that. But it did happen, ie Tencent or someone there did publish those numbers. Considering the undoubtedly harsh punishment that would befall someone for something like that, I highly doubt it was a prank. I'm inclined to believe it was a whistleblower who felt it was too important. And given how quickly every clickbait-tier CCP-owned english language news sites jumped to cast doubt over whether it actually happened and claims it was "just a photoshop, bro, I can tell by the pixels" just adds weight to that.

I'm not even inclined to believe those numbers, maybe the CCP thought it'd be in their interests to publish high figures only to then debunk them to kind of say "sure it's bad but at least it's not THIS bad" to lend credence to own "fake news fact checkers" or simply to make the real figures (which are probably higher than what's released) more palatable by comparison. Or it's a real whistleblower. Interpret however you will, it did happen.