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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 413 KB, 1800x1200, social-coronavirus-1800x1200.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11391616 No.11391616 [Reply] [Original]

So let met get this straight.

This virus can

>Trick tests
>Incubates for a month
>Tries to kill you with pneumonia
>You can get reinfected
>If you do get reinfected you can get a heart attack
>If you survive that somehow it can go for your reproductive organs


And there are people still in denial that this is some type of bio-weapon?

>> No.11391621

>double spaced
all credibility has been lost

>> No.11391630




>> No.11391637
File: 281 KB, 669x360, maximumCredibility.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Here is a much more credible version for those that dislike legibility.

>> No.11391677


>> No.11391687


>> No.11391697

you forgot that its literally the HIV virus combined with corona, it is airborne, it can fly, it has a variable incubation period depending on how much cope you need anywhere from 2 weeks to 42 days, it causes seizures, literally 4 million people have already died but the virus can also hide all the bodies

>> No.11391725

Is this what happens to people who spend their days in a hoax-conspiracy-spreading echochamber? It's weaker than the flu. Stop spreading misinformation.

>> No.11391733

Even going by the official numbers it has a 14% lethality rate. The flu averages a 0.02% lethality rate.

And the flu doesn't make one of the most powerful countries in the world place a tenth of the world's population under quarantine.

>> No.11391750

what gave you that idea? Most spergs seem to say that it's 2%

>> No.11391757

That's literally the ratio of dead / (dead + recovered) right now.

No, it's not accurate yet because the outbreak is still ongoing, and the nature of the statistic deaths count immediately but recoveries don't count until some time later. But that's the official value, per China itself.

>> No.11391772


Yeah sure a report coming from the country that would want to keep the most secret about this is saying these are the affects, total conspiracy.

>> No.11391799

I am yet to see any of these so called reports acknowledged by an actual news source, it's just hoax spreading /pol/.

>> No.11391800

current numbers, they have lethality at 14%

>> No.11391809

Ok but it's still nothing. It's been 2 months and less than 2,000 Chinese are dead out of a billion. It's literally nothing.

>> No.11391823

>It's literally nothing
They've had to quarantine entire cities, build emergency hospitals, they have tankers driving down the street spraying disinfectants. This has cost them billions of dollars to contain, sure sounds like nothing.

>> No.11392189

>build emergency hospitals
You mean mass grave prisons?

>> No.11392442

>It's literally nothing.
A tenth of the world's population is under quarantine.

Even if the disease itself were actually literally nothing (it's not), there's going to be a worldwide depression very soon if that continues for much longer.

>> No.11392450

did it breach containment, are they doing some sort of test run, or are they trying to kill/hurt people?

>> No.11392451

They had to quarantine as a precaution. You know, in case the disease was actually threatening

>> No.11392464

Pneumonia is not a symptom.

>> No.11392468

>dead to recovered
>ignoring the people who aren't dead
Classic /sci/

>> No.11392474

>And the flu doesn't make one of the most powerful countries in the world place a tenth of the world's population under quarantine.
Why the hell do you idiots not realize that the quarantines happened specifically because it's related to SARS, despite not being severe right now? The entire point is that while still being mild, its viral family made the government want to take precautions in order to curb its spread instead of letting it run wild because, as anyone who knows about viruses knows, things could change for the worse at the drop of a hat.

>> No.11392500

>despite not being severe right now?
How much does the CCP pay you, Li?

It has nearly doubled SARS already in both infections and kills. And it's still growing. There is an out of control outbreak developing in both Japan and Singapore, and containment has completely failed within China.

That is literally how lethality rate is calculated. If you include the people currently suffering then the stat is completely fucked and pointless. Only completed cases count for a reason -- then, the stat measures the chance of someone dying vs someone making a complete recovery.

>> No.11392527

protip anons. if you get fever cover your balls with a damp cloth to avoid testicular damage

>> No.11392543

i feel like i have a fever but i just checked it and i dont
is corona-chan hiding inside of me?

>> No.11392550

Wouldn't they have a cure in such case? Who the fuck engineers a virus without a cure.

>> No.11393070

If you include the people who are sick but not dead, then the lethality looks much lower the more virulent the disease is, as the inflation of new cases outpaces the deaths. Dead / Total sick + recovered is basically useless unless you goal is to mislead people.

>> No.11393214
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>literally 4 million people have already died but the virus can also hide all the bodies

>> No.11393422
File: 76 KB, 680x664, f8d[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not really.

1. This is /pol/ logic, like how /pol/ in the first few weeks said that the lethality was 60% because 60% of concluded cases were deaths. Among those 60% a grand majority were elderly and/or had pre-existing complications.

2. With the above /pol/ logic, scientific studies came to a 14% lethality rate by taking into account that most deaths were the elderly and/or people with complications.

3. Using the "/pol/ method" the current lethality rate (after the construction of the emergency hospitals) is 14%.

The above dictates that the real lethality rate is far below 14% and actually makes the 2%-3% that WHO maintains plausible.

>> No.11393446

>/pol/ this, /pol/ that
You should know this immediately destroys any appearance of credibility you think you have.

>> No.11393454

700 000 000 people under quarantine? I was left at 60 000 000, which is nothing to sniff at but well... Literally 100 times less

>> No.11393457

Why would it? I was on /pol/ and the threads there were full of screaming for The Happening because of a 60% lethality rate. Hell, Mr. Metokur (who is a confirmed /pol/ browser and a self-admitted happening fag) even cited this 60% lethality rate on his first stream about the "Wu Flu". If it's the logic that /pol/ is actually using, I can call it /pol/ logic.

But feel free to seethe instead of offering actual arguments addressing my points rather than words that trigger you.

>> No.11393469

No one except you /pol/ browsing fags even heard about that retardation.
Your logic doesn't apply here. Stop obsessing over /pol/.

>> No.11393480

You know what, I concede on that point.
Have you noticed how that changes absolutely nothing about the point I was trying to make? Almost as if you're being pedantic.

>> No.11393481
File: 48 KB, 746x739, 1534645728757.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A few Chinese students come to my office tomorrow. Wish me luck, bros.

>> No.11393488

The thing is that certain lingo makes people react to how you say things instead of the content of your words. Stop pretending you didn't deliberately put /pol/ in your post to trigger people here.

>> No.11393494
File: 326 KB, 586x373, 2dktg9[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11393542

Communists. We know the Soviets engineered a super-strain of Legionella pneumophilia, immune to antibiotics, not giving a fuck about the immune sustem as it multiplies mostly inside macrophages, and extremely virulent (about 85% CFR). No cure, no vaccine. Only a low R0 and a lab in the middle of Siberia as prevention. The Chinese didn't take these precautions, and put their BSL-4 lab IN THE MIDDLE OF A FUCKING WORLD HUB.

>> No.11393543

Reaction images like this and anime also don't help you if you want to make a serious point FYI.

>> No.11393569

But I don't want children.

>> No.11393673

He's talking about the article, you dipshit tittymuncher

>> No.11393691

>700/60 = 100
>me smard

>> No.11393710

You can always tell the shills by their half assed or flat out lack of response because they don't bother addressing the real arguments in the thread like >>11393070, and>>11392442
they just spout
>go back to /pol/
>its less than the flu,

etc etc. I suggest that once the shillness becomes obvious you cease reading their crap. do not waste the extra 3 seconds it would take to finish

>> No.11393729

been to China and talked to some friends who are doctors working there. Some of them have their friends and teachers working on Wuhan. They are legit spooked and shit's not the end of the world but it is serious. /sci/ is full of pseuds in denial who can only regurgitate what the mainstream opinion says.
This is not science. This is the opposite of science. This is dogma.

>> No.11393731

please stay on /pol/

>> No.11393837

"Shill" is used in a variety of contexts everywhere, even in everyday life with normalfags sometimes. There are actually shills hired by companies for promotion. Oil companies use shills to spread disinfo on climate change and nuclear energy, for example.
Your strong association of the word with /pol/ is legitimately some rent free shit. Get a grip, anon.

>> No.11393870

The outcomes of the currently infected are unknown. You can only go by dead and recovered, which have known outcomes(hint: they either recovered, or died) for mortality. What are you even doing here retard?

>> No.11393885

We don't exactly know if recovered means recovered yet.

>> No.11393891

>These idiots are the ones posting on /sci/

>> No.11393937

Don't try to argue with these mentally I'll schizos. They have an agenda it even looks coordinated they have even been caught in these retardation generals posting videos with fake background stories attached. Happening fags are the worst scum no use in wasting time on genetic trash like that

>> No.11393943

The shill is you tho

>> No.11393944

>no u
>no attempt whatsoever to provide valid arguments
Yeah you're totally not shilling.

>> No.11393965

You are shilling for a happening what was wrong about my statement? The fact that the death rate in germany is 0 so far with almost half of the cases recovered and none showing any serious symptoms is for you just a cover up anyway.
I talked enough with you trash people in cvg. You are just low life trash who wants to have something going on in their life or just enjoys to deceive people either way you are lower than a rat for me

>> No.11393972

Happening fags are cancer. Only thing I support is observation.
On both sides of the extreme you seem to desperately look for excuses to backup your obstinate beliefs.

>> No.11394007

Sorry you are not observing or are mentally dead if you think the fatality rate is 14% let alone higher

>> No.11394019

Okay. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QEtvhMgauq8

>> No.11394029

Going by the official, clearly under reported figures, the mortality rate is 6.5%

>> No.11394033
File: 96 KB, 1631x612, 1581972112106.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You dumbass realize that the recovered cases are also underreported then? No you just assume it for the deaths and cases because you are a shill as I said scumbag and I don't talk with rats

>> No.11394036

Back to pol faggots. I know you want this virus to actually do something but it doesn't do anything. We need to spend our energy focusing on developing science not pop science

>> No.11394038


Haha like clockwork the rats come out of their discord. Nice coordination

>> No.11394039

Wtf bros you told me the common cold was nothing but after 130 years it has 100% mortality

>> No.11394042


>> No.11394043

This is just fun and games. Just like Ebola was

>> No.11394047


>> No.11394050

You don't base it on confirmed cases with no outcome you colossal mongoloid.

>> No.11394079

Even if you take outcome you won't arrive at 14% and discharges heavily outpacing deaths. But keep coping rat

>> No.11394082

This is a dangerous flu that has paralized the second largest economy in the world and will probably last at least one more month. They do have the means to fight it, but it is still a big debacle. If this shit hits India or Africa we're in for the ride of our lives. If this was Somalia we'd be sending aid like crazy at this point.
>inb4 and that's a good thing.

>> No.11394088

Your dirty NEET asshole doesn't count as a source.

>> No.11394090

see >>11394029
Retarded pooh shill.

>> No.11394091

Alright, Xi. Maybe you should finish the entire post next time so you don't keep embarrassing yourself like this.

>> No.11394093

Chill he just made fun of happening retards because this is the kind of bullshit you will read on pol

>> No.11394095

>a precaution
Is that why they waited until it was too late to contain it after knowing about it for two months?

>> No.11394096


Retarded happening rat

>> No.11394097


>> No.11394100

>Quoting yourself giving a false number is somehow related to me
Nice try, idiot.

>> No.11394102

How many people on /sci/ are going to willingly expose themselves to the virus out of spite of /pol/? Ignoring something serious just because a group of people you hate are giving it attention is the most retarded logic imaginable.

>> No.11394108

It is related because nobody was actually talking to you and you just gave your bullshit out of context. If you read my post you wouldn't have to post the 6% number but you are a rat sitting on discord with your other friend I was talking to immediately in damage control mode. I never said 14% is a number very related to your scum tribe as I know you are 100% from pol here to spread the same agenda you do there

>> No.11394110

>implying they have the balls
When it comes down to it they will act like the cowards they are now. That's why they're defending this notion so vehemently now. They're scared of what it would mean if the numbers they desperately cling to are wrong.
They'd rather live in ignorance than take responsibility for their own health and preparedness.

>> No.11394112

Never said I wouldn't believe 6%*

Anyway fatality rate still dropping everyday

>> No.11394143

fuck, you are so stupyd. He is just rounding 60 to 70 to make things simples (the typical fisisian)
700/70= 100

>> No.11394259

Aight, jinping.

>> No.11394275

But the quarantine started after a couple weeks? Are you fucking dumb?

>> No.11394281
File: 1.06 MB, 1134x1014, unknown.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The first cases started in early December. The Chinese govt put their own military under quarantine in early January, almost a month they enacted broad quarantine in Hubei.

They knew it was a problem from the moment it started. But they did nothing.

>> No.11394283

>If you include the people currently suffering then the stat is completely fucked and pointless
No fucking shit, dumb ass. Trying to calculate the overall legality of a virus that hasn't been completely dealt with yet is fucking stupid. How did you possibly reach that conclusion? There are people who are alive that may or may not die.

>> No.11394285

>you forgot that its literally the HIV virus combined with corona
Holy shit you people are actually retarded.

>> No.11394291

China would have benefited if it hadn't hit a modern city like Wuhan.
Should have hit the poorest areas.

>> No.11394294
File: 18 KB, 330x416, 1448584957875.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Trying to calculate the overall legality of a virus that hasn't been completely dealt with yet is fucking stupid.
Holy shit what an idiot you are. I hope no one ever gives you any serious responsibilities in life.

>> No.11394302

They knew about it for months. Are YOU stupid?

>> No.11394313

>lets just ignore everyone who isn't dead yet, obviously since it will make the mortality rate higher and my fear mongering will be vilified
>you can't just include people who aren't dead int he statistic, that make s it meaningless
Here's a tip for you, retard. Mortality is only calculated by referencing the total dead within a specific population in question. You don't just ignore the people that haven't died, that just makes you look like a retard
>ree no you're wrong
How about actually proving it instead of just screeching like a dumb ass?
Kill yourself, moron.

>> No.11394319

They found out about the outbreak and its start in early/mid December. The quarantines started in early January.

>> No.11394324

>That is literally how lethality rate is calculated.

>> No.11394327

So an entire month.

>> No.11394330


>> No.11394331

2-3 weeks at most. Do you not know how long a month is?
>first said months
>now one month

>> No.11394334

Except he's right you immense clown. Nitpicking phrasing doesn't mean you're any less wrong, so please refrain from posting any further.

>> No.11394335

>that is literally how lethality rate is calculated
Hello retard tourist.

>> No.11394353

Get a load of this rube who doesn't understand extrapolation.
Have fun killing yourself because it's "just a flu lmao".

>> No.11394355

nice samefag

>> No.11394367

Not an argument. Prove me wrong for once instead of screeching like a retard.

>> No.11394370

It's very well known that the Chinese Govt ignored the problem and even tried to silence those trying to sound the alarm early.

>> No.11394377

You've been proven wrong several times already.

>> No.11394382

>doubling down on his retardation

>> No.11394387

No I haven't. No one posted any sources. People just mass replied to me and said "no ur wrong!!!". That isn't getting "proven wrong". Now post official sources about how mortality rates are calculated to counter the one in >>11394313 already.

>> No.11394389
File: 1.32 MB, 1440x2960, Screenshot_20200217-180419_Chrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nope, just trying to enlighten the mentally misfurtouned, you clownposting fuck

>> No.11394391

No ur wrong!

>> No.11394393

Like that one doctor whistleblower who wasn't actually a whistleblower because by the time he leaked the virus the government already openly acknowledged it?

>> No.11394406

>editing html
Absolutely seething.

>> No.11394408

He proved you wrong and then some. Your lethality rate understanding is misconstrued and embarrassingly inaccurate. This is the last I reply to you. God speed.

>> No.11394420
File: 970 KB, 1440x2960, Screenshot_20200217-181008_Chrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>who wasn't actually a whistleblower
Not sure where you got that.
>the government already openly acknowledged it
Not until Jan, the doctor claimed the appearance of a SARS-like disease in late December. Please learn what you pass as the truth

>> No.11394427

I'm on my phone.

>> No.11394429

The government acknowledged the existence of the novel virus in December, dumb ass. They just didn't start quarantining it until January.

>> No.11394450
File: 1.10 MB, 1440x2960, Screenshot_20200217-181820_Chrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One minute in Google. Wrong again. Suggests that it wasn't acknowledged by the govt on New Year's Eve. Keep doubling down pls.

>> No.11394500

>do I fit in now
Election refugees leave

>> No.11394524

Well for starters, new years eve is in December. Secondly,
>first reports
Except that the government openly acknowledged that the first cases started in December.
Specifically details how the local authorities told investigators to start looking into the first cases of the virus going far back as at least December. You act like they completely ignored it until just last week, which is hilarious. You should probably learn how to search for sources better instead of just relying on some shitty google search.
>I get all my news from click bait news articles i'm not surprised that you're extremely misinformed if you do this regularly.

>> No.11394527


>> No.11394542

It's almost as if...it's all bullshit

>> No.11394554
File: 970 KB, 368x640, 1574468362022.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>And there are people still in denial that this is some type of bio-weapon?
I don't see how anyone can deny it being a bioweapon

>> No.11394796

Fuck off

>> No.11394827

lmao dumb chinks just let it burn itself out retards you dont need to close down your country

>> No.11394833

New year's eve is in December, but that doesn't really mean he's wrong. It's just one day off.
So when did they acknowledge the first cases happened in December?

>> No.11394844

Read the articles. They specifically talk about the first cases being investigated earlier in the month. The news just broke about the virus around New Years Eve. So yes, he's wrong.

>> No.11394890


I didn't know China had such a big homeless problem. Or are they regular people just having a nap before starting their 16 hour shift?

>> No.11394907

>I was on /pol/
Looks like (You) are a confirmed /pol/ browser and your opinion is therefore discarded.

>> No.11395003

>fuck, you are so stupyd. He is just rounding 60 to 70 to make things simples (the typical fisisian)
>700/70= 100

I can't tell if this is some extradimensional super autism or just another exceptionally stupid individual.

>> No.11395021

Why would you do this?

>> No.11395076

The people being covered aren't necessarily dead. There are videos of people in hospitals with the same garb but you still see them breathing. I don't really understand the logic behind covering them from head to toe, though.

>> No.11395552

Okay then. You could have mentioned that directly though.

>> No.11396249

I did. Read better, dumb ass.

>> No.11396255

What I can't understand is how this virus has not spread like wildfire though india and africa if it is as bad as everyone claims it is.

>> No.11396262

Investigating cases is the same as government acknowledgement? Hm, not too convinced your claim here is sound.

>> No.11396265

C'mon nigga, now you're grasping

>> No.11396270

Who do you think told the people the fucking go investigate? Did you even read the damn articles? Holy shit, stop coping already.

Yes, because a western clickbait article about when the CCP did something instead of a native source is a more valid source of information about when something happenes
>ignoring the rest of the articles
Like clockwork.

>> No.11396284

Read all your articles. All articles in January or later, mentioning that first cases certainly appeared in early December - no one is arguing this. When the Chinese govt acknowledged the existence of a novel pathogen, however, has yet to be stated explicitly. Note that this isn't the same thing as investigating people sick with an unidentifiable bug. Very different things.
>trusting Chinese reporting
Yikes, but this is immaterial. And where do you think Western news articles get their info? You think a journalist doesn't have the same internet access as a random schmuck on the interwebs?

If the info you're arguing for so angrily is easily available you would've provided a single article proving your point, but all you've posted is links to articles hypothesizing when the first cases were most likely to have happened (strawman Dorothy), CDC reports, a WHO page for the virus (lol), and nothing that demonstrably verifies your claim.

>> No.11396285

>You act like they completely ignored it until just last week, which is hilarious.
Who is arguing this? Dorothy please stop strawmanning.

>> No.11396287

(that claim being that the Chinkese gov't acknowledged a novel coronavirus in Jan which, because it seems you don't understand, is not the same as investigating a mysterious disease - can't be any more clear here)

>> No.11396304

>an article was made and or updated in X time, so the events depicted couldn't have happened earlier
It's good to know that i'm actually arguing with a fucking retard. Your argument doesn't even make any god damn sense
>they have to be lying
By this logic they would just say that the fucking virus didn't start until late December, right before the quarantines went into place. This would make them look better and more competent. But they openly acknowledged that the virus started in early December and that the quarantines didn't begin until early/mid January. For all intents and purposes, by your train of thought, the former is what they would do if they were lying.
>it's a chink source, so obviously it can't be telling the truth about timelines
Funny how you're basically just parroting the opposite of >>11394907.
>an unironic statement of when the epidemic time-frame began
>a hypothesis
Yeah, you're definitely retarded. We're done here.

>> No.11396309

Who the fuck is Dorothy? You people are the biggest fucking shitposters on this website, god damn.

>> No.11396335

Dorothy, the Lion, and the straw-man Scarecrow. Ring a bell?

>> No.11396361

I went ahead and compiled some links to provide a neat little timeline of events as they unfolded. Note that until Chinese researchers confirmed it was a novel coronavirus, it was only regarded as a pneumonia-causing pathogen, a weird influenza of sorts. Note further that in your original post you said that "by the time he leaked the virus the gov't already openly acknowledged it?" The gov't was still investigating the virus and the doctor, who knew ahead of time that it was a "SARS-like virus", was trying to bring attention to it. This article:
states that the Chinese didn't identify the new virus until "days later" after Dec 31 - i.e. January. This article
says that was Jan 7. I think we're arguing different things. I am arguing that the Chinese gov't didn't acknowledge that it was a NOVEL CORONAVIRUS until Jan 7,hence why they tried to silence the chinese doc from blowing the horn before they could confirm it. Until that point, it was merely referred to as an unusual pneumonia, the reason why the doc felt compelled to so eagerly report his findings. So no, the Chinese weren't already acknowledging it in this way. See what I mean?

>> No.11396374

The point was that they had acknowledged that this thing existed in December, dumb ass. Which is exactly what my entire point was. Not knowing that it was specifically a Coronavirus was not a part of the argument. For fucks sake. The fact that investigators were on the scene in Wuhan in December is proof enough that they obviously knew something was happening. Not knowing exactly what is irrelevant.This was never my argument. do you not know what the term "acknowledged" means? It's to notice or recognize something. My argument was never about "identification. Work on your reading comprehension you dumb mother fucker.

>> No.11396404

Let me ask you this: Why would the doctor feel the need to sound the alarm if "the government had already acknowledged it"? Why would the gov't try to silence the doctor if they "had already acknowledged it"? These are easy questions, which should hopefully illustrate what my point was initially.

>> No.11396417

Nitpicking here (not really lol), but the def. of acknowledge is "accept or admit the existence or truth of," in this case the novel coronavirus. The Chinese had not done this when the doc did. They acknowledged a "potentially new virus," but not a "new coronavirus". It really does seem like a small detail we're arguing over, but for some reason you're very mad. We can just agree to disagree. I've a meeting anyway. God bless anon.

>> No.11396425
File: 96 KB, 501x693, 1559587063765.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There was no pitpicking you stupid fuck, I was never talking about virus family identification.>>11396417
>but the def. of acknowledge is "accept or admit the existence or truth of,
Newsflash, moron, acknowledgement has multitudes of general meanings. Not knowing about something then learning it exists and admitting that it exists is "acknowledgement" even if you don't know exactly what it is. The definition you posted even alludes to this. Accepting that something exists is acknowledgement, it doesn't say that you need to specifically know what it is.

>> No.11396436

Probably to not start a panic, which clearly failed. This doesn't change the fact that the government was apparently investigating this before the guy came out and said it was related to SARS. Like I said, my argument was never about identification, it was specifically about general acknowledgement of something happening.

>> No.11396440

god, what nasty people...

>> No.11396660

Not sure where in my post I appeared nasty.

>> No.11396669

>Who the fuck engineers a virus without a cure.

>> No.11396672

>If this shit hits India or Africa we're in for the ride of our lives.
Interestingly enough its all over Japan and the Western World but not there.

>> No.11396685


Corona is a joke.

>> No.11396689

That's funny. What if dark skinned people are resistant?
Anyway india is probably going to get infected if they take back their students and they break containment

>> No.11396697


>> No.11396730

You can't even read your own posts then? Okay. Because you didn't.

>> No.11396733

You dumb, nigger?

>> No.11396749
File: 29 KB, 460x322, 1541553763378.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you see the pic to left? That's you.

>> No.11396760
File: 57 KB, 1224x750, cube.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


what is this?

>> No.11396761

>>Specifically details how the local authorities told investigators to start looking into the first cases of the virus going far back as at least December.
Nice job having shit reading comprehension.

>> No.11396772


>> No.11396829

You mentioned that with regard to new year's eve, fucknut. I said you could have dorectly mentioned it happened _earlier that month_ you fucking failure. Now go be ashamed of yourself.

>> No.11396836

No I didn't you stupid mother fucker. I specifically stated that it was earlier in the month of December. For fucks sake, go back to learning English, Pablo. Actually read the quote line or fuck off already.

>> No.11396855

Mobile death chamber obvi

>> No.11396932

As far as I can tell that paper only says that it MIGHT cause testicular damage

>> No.11396969

>Trick tests
It's super similar to the flu in it's symptoms so it's pretty easy to misdiagnose
>Incubates for a month
more like 2 weeks
>Tries to kill you with pneumonia
common with respiratory type diseases
>You can get reinfected
If you're old, immune compromised, and live in a heavily polluted city then yeah, it's possible to get the same virus twice
>If you do get reinfected you can get a heart attack
>If you survive that somehow it can go for your reproductive organs
that article says that it "might" bind with testicular cells because the ace2 receptors are highly expressed in testicular cells

>> No.11396983

You know I just realized something, Japan has just about as much cases of the virus as other places like Hong Kong, South Korea, Thailand, Taiwan, and Singapore. All of those nations have practically the same amount of infections, nowhere near as much as China, and thanks to quick learning they are successfully preventing the virus from going out off control until the next month or so. So hear me out on this one, how come nobody here BATS an eye when the rest have cases but everyone loses their minds when Japan has practically the same amount of cases despite it being the healthiest of all the other countries I mentioned?

>> No.11396992


>> No.11396997

>Leading specialist Zong Nanshan says this over covers a minority of cases and the median period is three to seven days

>> No.11397017


yes, a minority of hundreds of thousands of infections

>> No.11397188

People are taking far too many things at face value right now. We need more peer work an information before making claims.

>> No.11397395

Corona didn't start in December, it started beginning of 2019 in several provinces. What they don't tell you is that at least 500 million chinese have died already.

>> No.11397401

>there's going to be a worldwide depression very soon if that continues for much longer.
was talking with a friend anout this. china hjas the entire global economy by the balls. if this keep going any longer the entire world will enter in a economic depression and very few people seem to have acknowledge this fact even among the political class and wall street

>> No.11397514

Look up rates for SARS and MERS in India and Africa, the Covid virus is extremely similar to SARS. If SARS couldn't touch them, then Covid probably won't either.

>> No.11397577
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is this what passes for gate keeping nowadays.

>> No.11397584

Go back to your insectional feminist blog and talk about problematic anime or something

>> No.11397589
File: 1.03 MB, 1920x1080, D438F61A-51F6-4F89-A020-0ABAA5E93C52.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>actually trying to be this serious

>on 4chan

bro, you are caring way too much

>> No.11398488
File: 12 KB, 209x209, 1568346636249.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are literally retarded, lol. You only mentioned that in the post
>earlier in the month
after the original post
>no mention except new year's eve
which we are discussing here.
Boy, I haven't witnessed such a bad case of delusion in weeks on /sci/. Just admit you remembered what you've written wrong.

>> No.11398492
File: 182 KB, 426x423, 164.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it can go for your reproductive organs
based af. i hope corona infects everyone now. enough with this birth and death cycle. and no i'm not saying people need to die, just stop reproducing so civilization depends on longevity instead of reproduction. stupid lifecucks think immortality is achieved by passing on their genes not realizing the evolutionary trickery they are simps to.

>> No.11398496
File: 55 KB, 524x451, 1580886312817.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that's what happens when you eat live snakes and don't wash your hands regularly.

we figured it out 1000 years ago but we keep doing it for some reason, good thing they shut down this putrid meat market in wuhan

>> No.11398506

>its literally HIV virus
there isn't even a complete gene section that matchs fucking HIV, the longest continuous sequence is like 14 amino acids which matches up with literally hundreds of other viruses.

>> No.11399001

>You know I just realized something, Japan has just about as much cases of the virus as other places like Hong Kong, South Korea, Thailand, Taiwan, and Singapore.
Current case count:
Hong Kong: < 100
South Korea: < 50
Thailand: < 50
Taiwan: < 50
Singapore: < 100
Japan: ~ 700
Granted most of the Japanese cases are aboard that cruise ship, but these countries certainly don't have comparable case counts. It's getting attention because of the cruise ship (600+ cases aboard I believe), and passengers are international.

>> No.11399007

This is either bait or a retardpost, but I'll bite: source??

>> No.11399010

I was the anon he was arguing with earlier. It's really not worth it friend, trust me.

>> No.11399109

>original post
God, you're fucking stupid. That wasn't the first post in the quote line that you randomly decided to jump into.
>government started investigating weird disease earlier in the month of December (>>11394429)
>wrong (>>11394450)
>no, right - sources [specifically stated again that it was earlier in December] (>>11394524)
>you [retard who can't read] (>>11394833)

I specifically stated, earlier, that it was initially investigated earlier in the month of December. Apparently reading is hard for you. Now fuck off.

>> No.11399431

>stupid lifecucks think immortality is achieved by passing on their genes not realizing the evolutionary trickery they are simps to.
>evolutionary trickery
basically walking headlong into extinction all the while thinking you've "won"
well said. social darwinists are the cancer

>> No.11399511

>official numbers as of yesterday are around 70,000 infected and 2,000 dead
>6.5% mortality rate

>> No.11399828
File: 592 KB, 2089x3715, 1415762555217.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

guess that means my life expectancy is infinity since my life hasn't run its course yet

>> No.11399870
File: 197 KB, 294x256, 1463897953363.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Every time I begin to think this board isn't populated exclusively by utter fucking morons, I see posts like this which could not possibly be more obviously sarcastic yet garner half a dozen sincerely angry replies

>> No.11399898

>2000 out of 70k is 6.5%

>> No.11399913

>comparing to cases with no outcome even though those cases BECAUSE THEY HAVE NO OUTCOME could still result in death

>> No.11399938
File: 181 KB, 1414x769, 1575038350765.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You calculate mortality by dividing the dead from the total population in question within a certain time frame, moron. You don't exclude people who are sick just because it makes your argument look better. Yes, the outcome on their illness is still in question. No, they are not dead yet. This is always how mortality was calculated. The mortality rate is obviously a rolling figure which will change as time goes on and will not be set in stone until the illness in question as been dealt with.

The only dumb one here is the person vehemently trying to deny this mathematical formula because they came up with their own retarded version.

>> No.11399948

>multiplying inside macrophages

>> No.11399960

>can only follow a recipe instead of using his own head
the only relevant number is dead and recovered, especially when dealing with unreliable reports.

>> No.11399969

>no this doesn't count because I say so

>> No.11399980

>blind faith
you're treating this like religious doctrine
even the cdc whom you're referring to by using that picture are saying they're working under the assumption that the numbers are grossly underreported

>> No.11399994

And how, exactly, does this change how mortality is calculated?
>the numbers are clearly under reported
This can mean many things. Like other people have mentioned, people may have gotten sick/recovered but never bothered bringing up to anyone. Maybe the government is hiding numbers. Either way, this also means that the recovered and dead are also under reported and not just the sick/dead. All figures would be under reported here, not just one of them. In which case if you're so convinced that the numbers can't be believed, nothing matters and even your own mortality rate figure is moot because obviously the numbers you have aren't true.

>> No.11400147

>recovery section was removed from wikipedia
I wonder who could be behind this

>> No.11400193

it's wikipedia you can just look at the article history

>> No.11401010


>> No.11401020

>sincerely angry replies
>populated exclusively by utter fucking morons
Seems to be true (n=1).

>> No.11401067

Wow you're a dumbass. Wrong quote, nigga.
This post does not contain "earlier in the month", as you quote incorrectly. Seriously, kys. Dumbest poster on here. Cannot even quote his own posts.
None of the posts you quoted contain "earlier in December".

Agree. Thanks.

>> No.11401077

Wew, this is some high iq posting right here.

>> No.11401394

I think the dumbest thing about your posts is that you actually referenced the "original post" in >>11394524 as specifically stated in >>11398488 where you say "no mention except new year's eve", as if nothing was mentioned about anyone saying anything about a specific time-frame of when the virus started, yet the very bottom of the post specifically says "going far back as at least December" which obviously means that the thing in question obviously started somewhere earlier in December, if not late November. It's obvious that you didn't read it, at least not properly, because if you did you wouldn't be saying that it didn't say things that it did actually say. For fucks sake, other people ITT even mentioned the virus starting earlier in December. I know you're probably a dumb nigger who can't read, but at least try.

>> No.11401396

youre not seriously asking for sauce on that

>> No.11401469

>idiots arguing over wording
>autists shouting shills
It's all so tiresome.

>> No.11401610

I wonder why though. Perhaps because India is warmer? That Indians have built up a strong immune system from living around filth?

>> No.11401809

it's not a 100% death rate nor is it that for infertility. just sayian there is a logical way to go with children of man a la corona. just suit up in a hazmat and disinfect everything you keep in airlock clean room so kung flu can't infect you.

>> No.11401857


>> No.11402013

Probably a mobile quarantine chamber.

>> No.11402082

Hence the obvious skepticism. Just the other day I saw a news article with a prof (an academic mind you) claiming that there are "millions of Chinese infected." So much speculation I'm not sure what to believe.

>> No.11402095

>>If you do get reinfected you can get a heart attack
Not that anon, but it attacks ACE2 (angiotensin converting enzyme 2) receptors in the lower lung. These receptors have some kind of effect on heart function.

I don't think those were anything like as contagious as wuflu.
ACE2 receptor density seems to have some genetic variation across populations; maybe dravidians and middle-easterners aren't as vulnerable. (This obviously didn't apply to MERS.)

I'd be interested to hear the non-/pol/ take on the ACE2 speculation that isn't mealy mouthed boomers saying all genes are equal. (/pol/tards are just as willing to kid themselves.)

>> No.11402183

>please do what i want

>> No.11402190

people keep claiming it's less dangerous than flu, but then all one needs to ask in reply is what do they know of spanish flu?

>> No.11402205

we don't know that yet. if the numbers are right it didn't spread not even in china. it is contained in that hubei region.

>that isn't mealy mouthed boomers saying all genes are equal.
but that is their take
>you see this random inferior whitoid got it too this proves that everyone is equal lel

>> No.11402210

Secretly I want this to spread over the whole world.
As a backseat scientist this is extremely interesting.
Bonus points that the weak/old/sick are most susceptible to not surviving:
Means less people populating the world. Which lowers humanity's carbon footprint as a whole.

>> No.11402222
File: 260 KB, 1354x1504, wojak_alien_sweating.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you can't engineer a virus senpai. and even if you claim its possible, how would you go about it? its one of the smallest lifeforms in existence.

you can't culture it, and you can't make it reproduce without a host, then how the fuck are you going to engineer it?
the reason we have all of these nasty viruses is because populations around the world are becoming more dense despite 70% of the earth is not populated. and then you have these sickos in china eating snakes because "muh meat". they deserve it, let them burn

>> No.11402230

>you can't engineer a virus senpai.
you literally can though

>> No.11402236

if its man-made then why didn't give it the strength of ebola and the ability to go airborne?

>> No.11402263
File: 1.40 MB, 1656x2012, 1580106867655.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it has both.
Pic related mostly for the imaging

>> No.11402277
File: 426 KB, 856x886, crispr.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the ability to go airborne
it goes airborne. but it could be literally anything because the chinese don't create shit. they either pay someone to develop that stuff or they tweak or mix it with other stuff that they already have because it is cheap or because they just don't know any better/don't care. also the release had to be "accidental"

>> No.11402290

Because it wouldn't have been designed to kill off a large percentage of humanity, it would've been designed to put the country on lockdown, justify even more tyrannical measures and surveillance and crackdowns on dissidents and critics and magically make everyone forget about Hong Kong and Taiwan and Xinjiang.. and Tibet.. and the social credit nightmare game being unleashed on mostly unsuspecting citizens now etc. etc. etc. etc. etc. etc. etc.

Except it's failed at pretty much everything except being fairly viral and moderately lethal. Which is why if I was considering this theory I would be inclined to believe this was a last-ditch effort by the upper CCP echelons (who, remember, are also locked in a perpetual conflict with every non-retarded Chinese upper hierarchy person who do want China to one day become an actual democratic, open and free country) borne purely out of panic and desperation.

If you're going to critique this line of thought then at least don't be a total dumbass and assume it was made to kill billions (even if that might be a possible outcome if it picks up the worst mutations or genes and we apply Murphy's Law to it). Then again, I wouldn't put it past the CCP what with their bodycount, but I just prefer to assume the CCP elite roughly on average posses the IQ of let's say a dog, rather than that of a turnip (which is the most unflattering way I could think of, of calling them morons but not actually so incredibly stupid they'd want to unleash a killer virus on the world, although I suppose that's exactly what the P4 Lab was meant to be researching so even that may be a gross overestimate of their intellect and underestimate of their boundless cruelty).

>> No.11402291

ebola has 80% mortality rate
aerosol transmission and airborne is not the same

>> No.11402294

>the strength of ebola

btw, the best bioweapon is one that will hospitalize you over and over and spread to others, back and forth, rather than just killing you and be done with it

>> No.11402298

His lungs are basically liquid mate.

>> No.11402301

>Bonus points that the weak/old/sick are most susceptible to not surviving:
if it's anything like spanish flu then those with the strongest immune response will also die as their lungs fill with lymphocytes, those in their 20s-40s died in droves.

>> No.11402309
File: 58 KB, 450x450, 4e064e44-7460-4c0a-a62b-3a1525a4f7df_1.1e74427aa5d418ffcdc88e10562f8871.jpeg-af29fb5e2c73f86b9a42444a5b0f39e10431971c-optim-450x450.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>liquid mate

>> No.11402327
File: 10 KB, 853x86, airborne.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11402387

>purely out of panic and desperation
It's a matter of time before a majority of Chinese citizens realize that despite the government's best efforts they can never censor, remove or filter all online dissent. Which eventually emboldens the public over time. When you hear reports that the CCP is working overtime to hire more people to monitor internet usage then it logically follows that currently they do not have that (enough capacity). And we're hearing this pretty frequently over the last years. I mean we know the tendency of networks like the internet, and even China's heavily filtered and censored version of the internet, to proliferate and thrive like no other technology in the history of humanity, and this:
can never in any way significantly impede the public's ability to use the internet the way it was intended.

>> No.11402483

I recently got schooled on the ACE2 thing by being told that Iranians are Asians because of the Mongol invasion, and therefore what happens to them isn't indicative of anything.
Basically, /pol/'s understanding of genetics is almost witchcraft. I want to know about what kinds of lung are susceptible, not listen to burgers brag about not having any slave ancestry.

>> No.11402619
File: 462 KB, 675x675, 15760962961402.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yep, trying to argue on his level.

>the post specifically says "going far back as at least December"
Yes, which you falsely quoted as "earlier in December". Those mean different things. Now fuck off.

>other people ITT even mentioned the virus starting earlier in December
Who the fuck cares? I said YOU could have mentioned that directly. You didn't. Stop deluding yourself.

>> No.11402626

that study states that asians and smokers are far more likely to get infected (and die), not that other races are "naturally" immune to it

this guy for example https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Carlo_Urbani is hu-white and died of SARS.

>> No.11402858

>Yes, which you falsely quoted as "earlier in December". Those mean different things. Now fuck off.
Holy shit, imagine not being able to actually understand nuance. Are you actually an ESL? Do you really need everyone to spell everything out for you?
>doesn't actually argue, just screeched no u all day
Wew, i'm obviously arguing with some nigger right now.

>> No.11403127

>>doesn't actually argue, just screeched no u all day
May I remind you of your replies?
And then having the audacity to samefag
After having used the exact same phrases. Just give up already.

All I said was that you could have dorectly mentioned that you meant earlier in December. Why are you so upset about that?
Your IQ is at most 150. By which u obviously mean below 90. See?

>> No.11403129

uh huh

>> No.11403133
File: 20 KB, 822x157, 1558031051943.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mocking your obviously low intelligence is the same as actually talking like a dumb chimp
>pulls the samefag card when more than one person calls him a moron
Here's your last (you), shitposter.

>> No.11403173

Yeah and Epstein totally killed himself bro.

>> No.11403368

ayeeee, this guy right here. this guy caught it.

>> No.11403374

SARS and MERS. Read up. You'll understand why infectious disease agencies are going overkill on this.

>> No.11403831

If the reinfection can lead to death what can anyone do to stop it since the recovered do not develop strong enough antibodies?

>> No.11404284

Funny how you completely neglect having started the shitshow and having lied multiple times. This board is lost. Good riddance, phoneposter.

>> No.11404494


Also all this could have been prevented if the surfaces that people commonly touch, particularly with their mouths and hands, were made of copper or brass

You could have prevented this
(Jpg of a coppersmith)

>> No.11404778
File: 241 KB, 1304x1438, Coronavirus_ACE2_receptors_population_genes.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"It will be fine if you're white."

Does this make sense?


>> No.11404954

Legionella spp. enter the lungs either by aspiration of contaminated water or inhalation of aerosolized contaminated water or soil. In the lung, the bacteria are consumed by macrophages, a type of white blood cell, inside of which the Legionella bacteria multiply, causing the death of the macrophage. Once the macrophage dies, the bacteria are released from the dead cell to infect other macrophages. Virulent strains of Legionella kill macrophages by blocking the fusion of phagosomes with lysosomes inside the host cell; normally, the bacteria are contained inside the phagosome, which merges with a lysosome, allowing enzymes and other chemicals to break down the invading bacteria.[15]

>> No.11405678
File: 34 KB, 1169x1024, 1563467285846.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


It's 100% confirmed to be a biologically engineered virus at this point. Whether it was intended as a weapon or not might be up for debate, but engineered it certainly was:






>> No.11405689

>linking to /pol/
Wow guess the gatekeepers were right. Kys

>> No.11405693

low iq

>> No.11405707

you are a shill as are most people on /pol/ as much as the tourists and hardcore libertarian oldfags on this site are shills. you are shilling for an agenda, there are literally pro-american radio/web podcast channels you can find twitter pages for funded by Trump and Republican affiliated groups that are spreading blatant lies about the epidemic right now. Tom Cotton has been lying about it for weeks now, there are lots of shills. The chinese shills lied about the infection numbers, the CDC shills lied about their quarantine measures and currently another case is confirmed in Cali because no one, including Trumpy did anything to ban flights from China in January. Shilling is a near universal habit of the eternal slave human, like you anon :^)

>> No.11405711

Ok retard.


This guy's hypothesis is that COVID-19 hits the Chinese harder due to an incredibly shoddy vaccination program in China against SARS that actually made its population more vulnerable against something that should literally be "just the flu, bro". It's why, if I'm not mistaken, all fatalities except maybe the two new ones in Iran (about which the Iranis are being incredibly secretive) are Chinese. It's a hypothesis that makes some sense, and would also explain why the Chinese don't want any information to leak. It would mean the Communist Party completely fucking up the deal they have with the Chinese people: we take care of you, you shut the fuck up and tolerate everything we do.

>> No.11405712

you're fucking stupid

>> No.11405724


>> No.11405746

I just had an argument with one of the /pol/ users about the virus using actual facts but he obviously dismissed me because he claimed i was a WHO shill, later he claimed that it will be worse than FUCKING NUCLEAR WARFARE! I've seen silly comparisons before but this takes the cake.

>> No.11405758

and now you're blogposting about it

>> No.11405760

>I've seen silly comparisons before but this takes the cake
I wanted to link you to a sillier comparison, but the "doctor" making it finally made an intelligent decision and deleted his tweet.


Basically he cited the R0 the WHO decided on early during the crisis of 3.8, started his tweet with an all-caps "Holy mother of God", called an R0 of 3.8 a sign of a "thermonuclear pandemic" (without explaining what "thermonuclear" even means in the context of virology) and claimed that he had never seen an R0 that high in his entire career. Even though SARS (you know, the other coronavirus disease that everyone keeps fucking comparing COVID-19 to?) had a roughly equivalent R0 and the measles has an R0 of 12-18.

For me, that remains the dumbest thing anyone has ever said about this crisis and a lot of laymen actually bought this. Luckily a lot of other doctors on Twitter pointed out just how stupid this guy is. Hopefully someone has his retarded tweet archived.

>> No.11405764

It's pretty rare for me to get such a high quality salt (you) from someone after correcting them.

>> No.11405777

To play devil's advocate, if it does actually cause male infertility as it is currently theorized (note, no actual data of this yet, it's just theoretical), and it spreads into a worldwide pandemic like it is looking it might... then... it probably would be on the same order of magnitude as a light thermonuclear war.

That's a lot of ifs, and definitely not what that idiot was talking about, but there's a nugget of a possibility that this is a near extinction level event, yes.

>> No.11405785

Well the only nuclear warfare we've ever had produced a mere ~200k dead. Coronachan is 1% of the way there in just a few weeks. We might actually get over to 200k eventually, at which point that polfag would be technically correct.

>> No.11405800

>Coronachan is 1% of the way there in just a few weeks.
About 5%, actually. Someone called one of the crematoriums in Wuhan and convinced them they were from the government and got all kinds of info from them. Namely, that they have been cremating 100 to 130 coronavirus victims daily since late January, and that only about 20% of those are officially diagnosed as coronavirus victims; any death without a proper diagnosis is not classified as such, even if it meets all the signs, and 60% of the dead never made it to the hospital (or went home after they saw how overcrowded they were).

There are five such crematoriums in Wuhan, all about the same size. If we take the lower bound of that number and extrapolate it across just February, you get to 10k deaths right there.

>> No.11405817

Honestly, based chinks.

>> No.11405826


>> No.11405831


>> No.11405859

Where did you get the info of the male infertility? No flu like this ever caused anything like that and it hasn't even been proven, not even the zika virus(which did cause something similar) was at that magnitude.

>> No.11405863

This is purely theoretical, there is no field data suggesting this yet, but there also really wouldn't be at this stage either.

It's pretty concerning, though.

>> No.11405889

If it's theoretical than it probably Isn't a thing. If it were I would have heard surviving patients mention it. I wouldn't worry about it

>> No.11405893

I mean, how many surviving patients have tried to have kids yet and known that they're failing at it? It's barely been a full month since the first recovery, let alone enough time for some couple to go through several menstrual cycles and start to suspect that something's not working right. This is the kind of problem you'd need to go out and look for, or else it'll take several months before anybody starts to suspect it was an issue.

>> No.11405910

Damn your fast, but again its only theoretical, I did hear from someone else that it might have been a misconception and that it wouldn't go for the sex parts.

>> No.11405920

So is this verified in about any way at all? This could easily be faked.

>> No.11406077

>Some facts about ACE2 might aid in quelling the idea that any country could target another using genes that are more highly expressed in tissues in people from one ethnic group than others:

>(1) ACE2 is also expressed in every other human being on the planet;

>(2) ACE2 is expressed in many different tissues, the variation among different ethnic groups is largely unknown.

>So, ACE2 variation in the study is not an indication in any way that SARS 2 is expected to more deadly to Asians, or to Asian males.

Seems kind of handwavy, to be honest. He's mainly interested in replacing one conspiracy theory with another rather than addressing population genetics.
Occam's razor: China's having another SARS epidemic because they're more susceptible to it in the first place. The question is, how much more dangerous is SARS-2 for the rest of the world than its earlier iteration?

>> No.11406082

hello Mr. Obvious.

please include more mispronunciations of your own language in your next video.

>> No.11406096

>This could easily be faked.
just like anything from the CCP. we need to watch south korea for accurate data.

>> No.11406106

Fair enough, but still.

>> No.11406219

are you talking about that thread on /a/?

>> No.11406883

>Uhhh I know china is literally nuking its own economy, the one thing it cares about, ruining it's import/export and tourism reputation, and making the several billion dollar One Belt One Road initiative a failure after over half a decade of working on it
>It's a nothingburger lmao

>> No.11407077
File: 46 KB, 320x213, AEEAF0CF-8115-4B86-896E-1571C904A989.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dr. Todd Rider, working around MIT Lincoln Labs, invented DRACO 20 years ago, but his invention, a broad-spectrum antiviral that could stop almost all pathogenic viruses, fell into a funding black hole. Imagine how lulzy it would be if anons funded his research and saved the planet? People would be so butthurt that they owe their lives, their entire existence, to 4chan.

>> No.11407233

>It's nothing guys
>Guy just got confirmed reinfected after having been cured
>disease also confirmed to be way worse upon reinfection along the lines of dengu
It's not a bioweapon lol, it's all fine.
also https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LqgbJVTpmiQ

>> No.11407271

I propose a new equation:
Killability = Dead / Infected

>> No.11407353
File: 1.84 MB, 540x540, solarcorona.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11407577

too bad /pol/tards are too busy being retarded happening doomers to actually show some of that meme muscle
maybe /b/ can help

>> No.11407613

>r*ddit trying to downplay this hard
get the desperate chinks on it, they'll probably fund the hell out of this like they did with Remdisvir

>> No.11407619

speaking of that, what does /sci/ think of this and the other treatment?
WHO said they're going to be reviewed in 2-3 weeks for clinical testing for late April

>> No.11407868

Here's data vetted by an actual professional

>> No.11408072

The Spanish flu had a mortality rate of 2% and it killed 50 million people.

>> No.11408184

>Trick tests
Correct, but the first conclusion we should draw for that isn't "bioweapon".
Tests check the upper respiratory system, when the disease starts out in the lower respiratory system. It's why China started diagnosing people with CT-scans and X-rays, which allows you to check the lower respiratory system.

>Incubates for a month
Dubious. There has been one instance of which the Chinese claimed it had a 28 day incubation period. Claimed. It's entirely possible that the Chinese faultily tested. It's why no health organization takes one case as being representative. More information/research is needed but... y'know... China. Even then, the grand majority of cases have incubation periods of up to 5 days.

>Tries to kill you with pneumonia
Yes, just like the flu in very severe cases.

>You can get reinfected
>If you do get reinfected you can get a heart attack
Look at the full message Taiwannews reported
>“It’s highly possible to get infected a second time. A few people recovered from the first time by their own immune system, but the meds they use are damaging their heart tissue, and when they get it the second time, the antibody doesn’t help but makes it worse, and they die a sudden death from heart failure.”
The problem appears to be the medicine used rather than the virus itself per se. But this is another case where more data and research is necessary, rather than the word of one doctor.

>If you survive that somehow it can go for your reproductive organs
IDK, I guess. It's not "somehow" though, it's associated with the same way it damages the kidneys.

>And there are people still in denial that this is some type of bio-weapon?
Yes. Nothing you said implies a bioweapon. Explain how your premises lead to the conclusion "bioweapon".

>Eric Ding
>Actually professional
The man who never saw an R0 of 3.8 in his entire career?

>> No.11408215 [DELETED] 

Also check Dr. John Hopkins' bit on reinfection during his stream.
Reinfection again doesn't have to imply a bioweapon. The Dengue Fever had the same problem, due to there being multiple types of Dengue Fever. Which would imply...


>> No.11408222

Also check Dr. John Campbell's bit on reinfection during his stream.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=57fVBsJtwbA [Embed]
Reinfection again doesn't have to imply a bioweapon. The Dengue Fever had the same problem, due to there being multiple types of Dengue Fever. Which would imply...


>> No.11408251

>personal attack instead of an argument

>> No.11408252

It has started spreading in Lombardy and Veneto, soon whole of Europe will be infected
Hold on to your butts

>> No.11408259

i'll hold onto my filters instead.

>> No.11408263

APA is double spaced you absolute moron

>> No.11408267


>> No.11408268

>personal attack
Not really. He has proven that he doesn't know his shit before. Give me a reason why to trust him after making such a gross mistake for the sole purpose of fearmongering (why else start a tweet with all caps HOLY MOTHER OF GOD or use the nonsense-term "thermonuclear pandemic"?).

A personal attack would be calling him a retarded chink. Pointing out that he has no idea what he's talking about isn't a personal attack.

>> No.11408269

It can't do anything a regular flu can't, it's just slightly better at it.

>> No.11408310

So at 2% we're looking at about 150,000,000 this time.

>> No.11408398

It seems to be a lot better at it. More contagious, longer incubation, deadlier.

>> No.11408405

Reinfections, infertility.

>> No.11408470

This. Anybody here good enough to play /b/?

>> No.11408493

The firs year of the Spanish Flu was also uneventful. Then things went south, killing about 100 millions.

>> No.11408494

>But the quarantine started after a couple weeks?
That is a lie. And you should know it.

>> No.11408536
File: 50 KB, 600x605, 1582408336411.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11408587 [DELETED] 

why are normies like this

>> No.11408591
File: 8 KB, 97x37, cancer.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why are normies like this

>> No.11408598

>just a flu bro

>> No.11408691

They don't mean anything by it. They press the button three times because that's just what you do. It's social signaling.

>> No.11408735

Whites are the master race.
Immune to the virus

>> No.11408750

How do I read an image like this?
dark = BAD, light = GOOD?
Also why did the dark spot at the bottom disappear?

>> No.11408752

Wrong. There's no actual difference between races in terms of infectivity.
Smokers however are at a higher risk.

>> No.11408766

From what MedCram videos taught me, black means oxygen in the lungs. If the lungs are entirely white, it means there's (practically) no oxygen in them.

>Also why did the dark spot at the bottom disappear?
Either because there's no more air there or because these are fucking uncomfirmed photos on Twitter.

>> No.11408794
File: 1.27 MB, 1000x562, xenex.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>create a machine that could kill off Ebola and Coronaviruses in said room a few minutes
>don't mass produce these to several hospitals
>complain about copyright fears for the lack of chinese distributions
>deployment news was just a week
good lord

>> No.11408802

It's a big lamp.
>Virus hides in the shadow
>nothing personnel

>> No.11408804

a big lamp that works it job

>> No.11408806

More info on this?

>> No.11408807

The Spanish flu had a mortality rate of 10% the highest ever seen for an infuenza, although poor conditions and healthcare because of ww1 probably had a lot to do with it. This coronovirus has a mortality rate of .2%. it's fucking nothing compared to the Spanish flu

>> No.11408811

UV sterilisation

>> No.11408815

There are 1 million cases of infection and 2k deaths. The mortality rate is .2%

>> No.11408826


There are 73,000 cases and 2300 deaths. The death rate is 3%.


>> No.11408828

most recent Xenex i could find

more info on Lightstrike:
also check around some old news pertaining to Ebola/MERS and Xenex
shit fucking works, its even in Korea/Japan atm. but damn, they really need to produce and send out more of this shit.

>> No.11408837

>that works it job

>> No.11408842

>no argument

>> No.11408843

Black fields have high lucency - filled with gas. Brighter fields have lower lucency, meaning the x-ray beams cannot pass through them due to high density. This indicates consolidation within these lung regions, there’s inflammation.
The bottom region was just bowel gas.

>> No.11408854

They xrayed a 2 year old's farts
>crying face emoji x3

>> No.11408882

I hope my country has the industrial potential still to manufacture this

>> No.11408887

does smoking cannabis put you at higher risk of death or contracting the disease the way that tobacco or nicotine fucks with ace2 or whatever?? i don't understand this shit but i've stopped consuming cannabis in any form just in case.

>> No.11409017

Ikr, just get some tomato soup, stay in bed, and drink lots of fluids. How hard is that lmao?

>> No.11409031

That's the box that allows the obsidian God to absorb the souls of there population to free them from the bioweapon inflicted upon them by the isreal-us trade allyance

>> No.11409038

The new xbox.

>> No.11409107

you should have used "their" instead of "there" and the correct spellings are "israel" and "alliance." keep practicing! you are doing a good job.

>> No.11409171

We've had this technology forever. It's a fucking ionizing radiation death lamp that will burn the shit out of your skin. UV lamps are excellent for sticking in air handlers, or mounting above a room such that it only irradiates things above 8 feet (convection will ensure all the air in a room is exposed several times an hour).
But just putting it in the middle of a room will result in destroyed corneas, burnt skin, and embrittled plastic/rubber.

>> No.11409217

The HIV parts couldd have been scattered around to avoid suspicion.

>> No.11409494

Asians, to an extent maybe. After all it did originate in China so it makes sense evolutionarily (that is if coronavirus did spring from a natural zoonotic recombination event). But the statistical associations are weak in the few studies so far conducted that indicate differential ACE2 receptor expression status across ancestral populations. And the effect sizes pale in comparison to smoking and air pollution. Air pollution the force multiplier here -- look at cities where fatality rates seem to be higher than elsewhere. The air quality in Chinese cities ranges from the equivalent of smoking half a pack to two packs of cigarettes a day. Qom and Iranian cities in general have appalling air quality, especially in winter. Italian cities have consistently the worst air pollution in western Europe. South Korea's air is famous for shredding lungs.
>Air Pollution from Traffic and the Development of Respiratory Infections and Asthmatic and Allergic Symptoms in Children
>Synergistic proinflammatory responses induced by polymicrobial colonization of epithelial surfaces
>Air pollution and case fatality of SARS in the People's Republic of China: an ecologic study
SARS patients from regions with moderate APIs had an 84% increased risk of dying from SARS compared to those from regions with low APIs (RR = 1.84, 95% CI: 1.41–2.40). Similarly, SARS patients from regions with high APIs were twice as likely to die from SARS compared to those from regions with low APIs.
>Air pollution and infection in respiratory illness
is significantly associated with mortality and morbidity, provide evidence for possible mechanisms and interaction with infection and confirm that reducing pollutants could improve public health.

>> No.11409688
File: 82 KB, 1000x563, francis boyle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>>11391616 (OP)
It's pretty much been confirmed to be a bio-weapon. Dr. Francis Boyle creator of the Biological Weapons Anti-Terrorism Act of 1989 has formally stated this and laid out substantial evidence proving it. Recent interview here:

>> No.11409713


>> No.11409716


>> No.11410457

>We've had this technology forever.
no we haven't
and go back to your shit /pol/ general

>> No.11410469

We have. Since the literal dawn of humanity, sunlight has been used to sterilize
>/pol/ /pol/ /pol/ oh my god why do you keep talking about /pol/ I can't stand all this /pol/ /pol/ /pol/ constantly!
Take your meds.