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11390653 No.11390653 [Reply] [Original]

How do the tree roots "know" where the seams are in the bricks?

>> No.11390659


>> No.11390663

They feel, like when you look for something in the dark with your hands out

>> No.11390674

growth in path of least resistance

>> No.11390679

how is that least resistance at work in that pic?

>> No.11390684

crack soft
brick hard

>> No.11390691

>crack soft
are you retarded or blind?

>> No.11390746

it's where the water is duh

>> No.11390748


>> No.11390749

I dont like that tree. It's a spawn of the devil. It should burn, I say, burn it!

>> No.11390758

all plants sense gravity so they know which way the roots are suppose to go

all the roots refuse to go upwards, so they stay in the tiny cracks growing laterally, and make 90 degree turns while growing, refusing to grow upwards even 1 inch, because roots go down ya dum dum, never up

>> No.11390949

>plants sense gravity
how can plants "sense" anything?

>> No.11391008

They've got a mechanism similar to our vestibular sense in the bottom part of the root

>> No.11391021

>mechanism similar to our vestibular sense in the bottom part of the root
and what processes the inputs? their plant brain that they don't have?

>> No.11391038

porifera know up from down without a single nervous cell in their bodies. that's a bad argument.

>> No.11391046

it's not an argument
I'm just trying to understand how something as "simple" as a plant can "sense" anything at all

>> No.11391052

The cells which recieve the mechanical stimulus simply emit certain chemical substances which make the stem cells grow in certain direction

>> No.11391062

You ever seen a field of sunflowers fix its collective gaze on the moving sun? Plants have some motive ability, but no nervous system. See also: venus fly trap.

>> No.11391065

How does nature "know" what trajectory of motion will result in the least action?

>> No.11391073

>their plant brain that they don't have?

Somebody recreated Pavlov's dog experiment using plants, and succeeded in proving that not only do plants have memories, but they can learn same way pavlov's dog did.

>> No.11391074

>Plants have some motive ability, but no nervous system
I know, that is why I'm asking about HOW it works

>> No.11391090

How does does water sense which way is downhill? Plants aren't even all that simple. They're sophisticated multicellular organisms.

>> No.11391092

>the information processor model of mind
The brain is a receiver, mind is an artifact.

>> No.11391095

>How does does water sense which way is downhill?

how does the sun know what time is sun rise?

>> No.11391109

>How does does water sense which way is downhill?
are you retarded? how is this comparable?
how the fuck does the sunflow know which angle the sun is at, and how to "move" to face it? the sun doesn't pull on the sunflower like gravity "pulls" water down hill

>> No.11391197


just like a gear, based on sunlight

>> No.11391206

Based and burnpilled.

>> No.11391229

The sun isn't being acted upon by the earth, it's the other way around.

Imagine being so retarded you think someone vastly more intelligent than you is retarded.

>> No.11391293

ALOT of pseudo-intellectuals in this thread
The plant is a hive organism
Everything is technically a hive organism, even humans
Put short, plant roots have water sensors
The more water sensed the more it grows in that root area
It does this because roots primary function is water collection
More water is detected in the cracks
Is this really that complicated? Are plants like aliens to you city slickers?

>> No.11391320

HOW is the question

>> No.11391335
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life finds a way? god? jesus what fucking answer are you looking for

>> No.11391347

>Calling people smarter than you pseuds
Dunninged and krugerpilled

>> No.11391354

>calling other people pseuds
>"everything is a hive organism"
Holy shit you're retarded

>> No.11391366

t. bottom of dooning-kruger

>> No.11391372

>jesus what fucking answer are you looking for
are you that retarded?

>> No.11391378


>> No.11391406

a solar panel converts light into energy
but it doesn't know where to angle itself nor does it know how to move/angle itself

>> No.11391410

a solar panel doesnt know anything but you can build and program it to do that

>> No.11391420

Plants interact with their environment. Where it doesn't work they don't grow.
If a root can't do its job of bringing in nutrients and water, it just doesn't develop. So they don't grow on the stones.

>> No.11391423

>program it
yes retard, but a plant doesn't have a brain to process nor to remember information

>> No.11391428

Roots grow against gravity, what are you talking about anon

>> No.11391432
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as anon said:>>11391378
and as other anons have stated
path of least resistance as it grows. it is growing. it just ends up in the cracks because there is nothing in the cracks so it ends up growing into the cracks as it is growing

>> No.11391439

plants have other biological mechanisms for transmitting signals in place of neurons

>> No.11391440
File: 60 KB, 500x681, e70e9ffbe24a3b74b0943d81163b4aa1--propaganda-art-kampf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shit calm down anon.

>> No.11391444
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i cant :( im addicted to mania. sorry.

>> No.11391447

here took 5 seconds. fuck man....


>> No.11391460

some chain of chemical reactions act as a machine and it moves towards some stimulus it is programmed to want grow toward; the program is its DNA; there is no central authority in the plant dictating the movement, each small portion of it moves toward some "goal" stimulus as best it can; probably a thorough answer with a breakdown of all the inputs and communication molecules would net you a PhD

>> No.11391466

It's pretty obvious. If you don't know, you are a brainlet.

>> No.11391474

OP you win the prize for biggest goddamn retard I've seen all week

>> No.11391491
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dun worry op, it's k. keep pushing forward. this place exists to make you stronger. don't let our hostility deter you.

>> No.11391493

How do you know a wall is in the way of your passage?

>> No.11391539

They have an organelle in their cells that signals based on the direction of gravitational pull.

Their root-brain, which works like a crude analogue computer. Are you one of those retards that thinks all non-human life is basically dead?

>> No.11391548

Using membrane proteins and signaling pathways, just like you, you fucking retard

>> No.11391556

Trees are amazing.
They have senses we don’t have. They might not have ears, but they can sense the direction of water well before they reach moisturize in tests.
They also take care of their young. They will share sugars in the roots till the young are tall enough to reach the sun.
They also trade with other species. Deciduous Trees will take sugars from evergreens in roots in winter then trade them back during summer

>> No.11391562

It might net you a nobel prize

>> No.11391578

Thanks anon, this answers most of my question

>> No.11391581

nice! do you have a video or some other source that goes into detail about these things? it's fascinating

>> No.11391646

itt: salty pseuds larping as "scientists" get salty when someone asks them questions they don't actually know the answers to

>> No.11391666

i refrained from replying with my thoughts but i'll humour you
we can assume there is sufficient diffusion in the plant's fluids, so there is probably a uniform concentration of electrolytes etc. that's why it can grow upwards as well as down.
the grout is lower than the bricks, so water will pool there first, and the plant will grow there. Also, the grout is more permeable than the brick, so diffusion of nutrients from the soil below will occur there faster, so roots will grow there faster. you can see that it doesn't grow exclusively in the grout, just faster. there are smaller roots growing on the brick.
i'm certain plant growth follows the most favourable thermodynamic path, i.e. where the chemical potential gradient is largest. it follows that the areas with the highest concentration of nutrients (the grout) would have the most growth.
i can't prove it but i'd like to see a better explanation

>> No.11391703

This is a good analysis of the macro events emergent from the micro causal.

>> No.11391713

Satan coming in hot with a reasonably good rephrasing of all the smart posts itt. Don't worry though, OP will still find a way to ask "but why?" like a goddamn toddler.

>> No.11391727

root tip growth is directed by changing the rate of expansion of cells on different sides of the root. this is done by changing hormone flux through the root. gravity is sensed by heavy starch granules in the cells of the tip, which change the localization of auxin efflux proteins, which changes hormone flow, which affects cell expansion, which turns the root

>> No.11391756

Actually correct

The rest of you are all idiots lol

>> No.11391789

>water will pool there first, and the plant will grow there.
this has nothing to do with it.
watch: >>11391447