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File: 394 KB, 1125x1056, 57053045-4974-493D-952D-B1E4BFAED059.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11391137 No.11391137 [Reply] [Original]

*sips tea*

>> No.11391141

>half the world's brainpower
And men represent half the world's breasts.

>> No.11391143
File: 87 KB, 450x327, zs8dvj8v.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

imagine how much moar advanced society would be if we empowered and encouraged our individual strengths and didnt expect everyone to improve on potential weaknesses. imagine how much more advanced society would be if we focused on reality and disregarded pop-sci big-mouthed delusional narcissistic faggot cunts

>> No.11391157

>And men represent half the world's breasts.
If only every men could be like Neil

>> No.11391159

>humans should be equal from the beginning of civilization

Honestly, this is the most stupid thing I've ever read in my entire life. Is this idiot still doing pop sci and string theory scams?

>> No.11391170

Remember when he pointed out that more people die in car crashes and by medical mistakes than in mass shootings? Funny shit.

>> No.11391174

The society wouldn't even exist because women wouldn't have children.

>> No.11391196
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>> No.11391199

Why are you so mad anon?

>> No.11391223
File: 173 KB, 500x500, z9vh.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

because the world is full of fuck, haven't you noticed?

>> No.11391226

women are dumb

>> No.11391227
File: 32 KB, 150x290, VVMg.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

holy fukking winlol

>> No.11391230

I used to want science to unlock the secrets of the brain so we could finally, definitively know whether different human brains are better or worse, in terms of intelligence. But now that I know the brain is a black box, I know we will never know this, and are doomed to arguing forever over who is slightly more or slightly less intelligent than a dog.

>> No.11391234
File: 904 KB, 400x225, z0fv7h.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>and are doomed to arguing forever over who is slightly more or slightly less intelligent than a dog.
the retards can do that to their hearts' content

>> No.11391239
File: 20 KB, 564x214, criminology variables by race and gender.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

men are 50% of the population but commit 92% of the murders
explain yourselves m*n

>> No.11391249

Only 1% of the people who have ever lived have contributed to the advancement of the human species and they have been 99% men. 0% of those have been murderers. Unless you believe the conspiracy theory that Einstein killed 11 people, but the authorities covered it up, because his contributions to science were too great.

>> No.11391274

>0% of those have been murderers
lmao this sounds untrue as fuck, can you give some examples of that 1%? fuck nevermind you are going to cherrypick out your ass. I guess if you are talking about STEM people that is MOSTLY true but still not true

>> No.11391288
File: 278 KB, 605x838, Josef Mengele.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>0% of those have been murderers
you were saying?

>> No.11391290

>51% of population
>50% of brain power
wow what a sexist

>> No.11391291


>> No.11391294

What, y'all don't think we could have used a few more hypatias or noethers?

>> No.11391295

Why do racist incels love screenshotting tweets so much

>> No.11391300

The anti white ones too?

>> No.11391302
File: 1008 KB, 822x537, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying working a wageslave job is true enfranchisement of women
the real woman doesnt work for a greedy jew banker, she stays home with her husband and cares for her children and tends to the home. that is true empowerment of women. Of course, there should always be positions available in universities for them to be educated in their preferred fields of biology and chemistry, and it should be supported by the government, but to even suggest that women should be 'equally represented' in every goddamn stem program is absurd. This "women's liberty" bullshit is simply a form of political control. You may brand it as freedom and rights for women, but it is in actuality the control over feeble-minded women who are put up against men to destroy our nation. I myself am Arab and thankfully the (((feminist))) movement hasnt taken much root over here, but in the west and europe it is quite clear the motives of those who push for it; jewish feminist women with the only goal to wipe out the european white race

>> No.11391304

think men could do whatever they did but it'd be much harder to find elite women who could do a small fraction of what men have accomplished. women are the average sex due to evolution favoring a safer development because of their higher reproductive value

>> No.11391308
File: 1.69 MB, 1100x825, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

black men make up 6-7% of the population yet commit 50% of the crimes. It isnt 'm*n' who are committing these crimes, its niggers

>> No.11391310

also please explain how society can tolerate women writing great literature (jane austen) but as soon as it was time to pick up staff paper and compose music instead, the invisible hand of the patriarchy slapped it out of their tender little hands (much like when girls try to play chess as well).

>> No.11391323

>yet commit 50% of the crimes
I hate when /pol/sters say this shit. It's 50% of murders, not crime. Blacks only commit 27% of all violent crime.

>> No.11391332

Give him some credit, most wokies get mogged by means existing, at least black science nigger graduated to getting mogged by variance existing

>> No.11391337

What a pandering simp fuck.
Talent has always been recognized no matter race and gender, take ramanujan for example.
Even the ancient greeks had female poets.
Talent cant be hidden and raw ability will always trump any social prejudice.

>> No.11391342
File: 167 KB, 657x554, sweden_1pct.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so it's not men who are committing crimes, it's a subset of men.
oik, that makes sense.
then, isn't it possible that it isn't niggers that are committing the crimes, but a subset of niggers?

they're not interested in accuracy anon, it's just about blaming niggers for their problems.
ever notice if a white shoots up a bunch of grandmothers at a church it's his failing mental health?
if a black commits a driveby shooting killing children in the crossfire you never hear anything about his mental health.

>> No.11391345

gender standards my sweet summer child

>> No.11391348
File: 374 KB, 245x175, zf0b78.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

based leet GET post

>> No.11391353

>Talent has always been recognized no matter race and gender
Imagine being this bluepilled

>> No.11391356
File: 1.19 MB, 496x276, 98hg].gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

instead of being a faggot, why not post examples to counter refute?

>> No.11391362

>explain yourselves m*n
women make up the other 50% of the population

>> No.11391364

A Surprisingly large number of arabs seem to post on these boards.
Stay safe bro.

>> No.11391367

Your post is insanely stupid. If someone grows up starving in some third world country or oppressed and disallowed to play guitar, any musical talent they had will never manifest. The people we see who ended up becoming successful/influential are just the lucky ones who didn’t get fucked over.

>> No.11391368

People want to call out stupid shit when it's said by someone who wants to set themselves up as an authority, anon.

>> No.11391371

be honest m8, whatever names he posts, you'll just say they didn't deserve any recognition anyways

>> No.11391373

You must be a sheltered retard with ni life experience.
People naturally gravitate to their areas of talent and theres thousands upon thousands of examples of this.

>> No.11391374

me on the left

>> No.11391379
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Firstly Im not white and its not that I am looking 'to blame niggers for everything,' I only seek the truth. From my experience, blacks are violent and very unintelligent but I only argue based on data. The data clearly says that blacks commit 50% of the crimes (robbery and murder to be exact)

>stay safe bro
not sure how safe I will be with this bomb strapped to my chest. regardless, you stay safe as well with the guidance of allah, mashallah

>Blacks only commit 27% of all violent crime.
control for population and that number will be ridiculous. that means blacks on average commit more crime than any other race on this planet. if that doesnt clearly show how blacks fit the 'chimping out' meme then nothing will

>> No.11391383

Much black on black crime goes unreported

>> No.11391388

So that means I'm naturally talented at posting on an Eritrean glass-blowing forum?

>> No.11391390
File: 435 KB, 616x400, gangshit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

delet this lil nigga

>> No.11391393
File: 141 KB, 1242x1157, 1520871415804.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>United States statistics
>blacks commit more crime than any other race on this planet
Looks like spics got the nigs beat sorry bro

>> No.11391395

but it's not the same for white on white crime?

>> No.11391398

>I only seek the truth.
i notice you completely ignored the first half of the post. if you're seeking the truth, why not try some intellectual honesty?

>The data clearly says that blacks commit 50% of the crimes (robbery and murder to be exact)
the data also show that men commit 92% of murders, remember?

>> No.11391400

It doesn’t matter what someone gravitates towards if they’re prevented from functioning.

>> No.11391402
File: 1022 KB, 500x300, vj98fw98.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>excuse after excuse after excuse after excuse

>> No.11391403
File: 414 KB, 593x438, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thats cartel crime which is a little different. but solely within the united states its nigs who got everyone beat- one of the few accomplishments of blacks.

pic related. its the cross-over of the two that matters most

>why not try some intellectual honesty?
robbery and murder are some of the most egregious crimes.

>the data also show that men commit 92% of murders, remember?
yes, the black men are bunched up with the men so that is to be expected moron. why are you afraid if we divide men into their races and see what race is really committing the most crimes among men

>> No.11391409
File: 32 KB, 512x512, 1509099914802.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Im more convinced that male and females gender roles have simply been psychologically conditioned since the very beginning of our evolution, descending from the trees, males and females have always been predisposed towards certain roles.

Qualities and skills of the male gender given conditions over time tended towards planning, mental analysis of a situation, strategy, long term thinking, intellectualism, rationalism, mathematics, and engineering, this was psychologically conditioned for thousands of years, the same way female gender norms had been.

What if its the case due to environmental factors, its actually merely the female gender "catching up" to male standards of mathematics, rationalism, long term thinking and strategy, etc. , and that men in the past were actually making a fair judgement its not the best investment to educate females because civilization hadnt reached that level of development yet.

The other part of this logic is I believe you need accompanying ideas, even technologies, for "things to go right"; just because you can think of a case where women participate in science, engineering, mathematics, and other traditionally male gender roles, at an earlier point in time, doesnt mean everything would pan out well. Women arnt perfect just as men arnt; women also play villains in history. Who knows what that timeline could reveal.

>> No.11391411

nice argument gif poster. your gifs are compfy but you are ironically as bluepilled as they come

>> No.11391412
File: 472 KB, 716x374, z0vj.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

aint lief a bitch? sometiems it takes a miracle. god help us all

>> No.11391415

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