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11388294 No.11388294 [Reply] [Original]


The project is a collaboration between the privately-funded Seti Institute and the Very Large Array observatory in New Mexico, one of the world’s most powerful radio observatories. Gaining real-time access to all the data gathered by VLA is considered a major coup for scientists hunting extraterrestrial lifeforms and an indication that the field has “gone mainstream”.

Normal astronomy operations will continue at the VLA, which was featured in the 1997 film Contact, but under the new arrangement all data will be duplicated and fed through a dedicated supercomputer that will search for beeps, squawks or other signatures of distant technology.

“Determining whether we are alone in the universe as technologically capable life is among the most compelling questions in science, and [our] telescopes can play a major role in answering it,” said Tony Beasley, director of The National Radio Astronomy Observatory, which runs the VLA.

Stephen Hawking warned against attempting any form of contact, suggesting the outcome for humans would not necessarily be good. Siemion, director of the Berkeley Seti centre disagrees. “Personally I think we absolutely should and I think without a doubt, we would,” he said. “Part of being human is wanting to reach out into the unknown and wanting to reach out and make connections.”

He is less decisive about what Earth’s message should be, however. “I don’t know … I spend absolutely zero time thinking about that,” he said. “I guess I would just say, ‘Hello’.”

>> No.11388307

They won't find anything meaningful, but I guess we need the confirmation.

>> No.11388316

you can't know that for sure—there are certain things that would very difficult to explain without considering artificial origins. Of course unless they can decode some concrete message or something we won't know for sure.

>> No.11388318

I predict they will find absolutely fucking nothing.

>> No.11388332

>>11388294 Will they also use FAST for things like this? It recently started formal operation.

>> No.11388341

>very difficult to explain
That never stopped science to science the shit out of phenomenons.

>> No.11388362

I love that we're looking for aliens but to me communications SETI at this point is pretty hopeless. The chances that a alien civilization tried to signal us with a method we can recognize and with the right timing that we'd notice it seem pretty abysmal. I'd rather put all the effort first in finding by products of technology, then if something promising is found communications SETI (which does have the advantage that when it succeeds the evidence would be much more definitive) can be much more directed. As a side effect you can find other interesting astronomical phenomena even if you don't find aliens, which should make funding of it easier as well.

>> No.11388375
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Hawking also warned against what CERN was doing with the LHC. No one listens though.

>> No.11388388

>Personally I think we absolutely should and I think without a doubt, we would,” he said. “Part of being human is wanting to reach out into the unknown and wanting to reach out and make connections.

human beings kill literally everything and each other over resources and supremacy. it's hard to imagine any other life form wouldn't do the same especially given the rarity of resources on a planetary scale.

>> No.11388402

If they can reach us they don't need our resources come on anon. It's more likely that all intelligent life would rationalize killing off other intelligent life so that they don't progress past them to a point they can destroy their home planet. Basically paranoid genocide all over the place.

>> No.11388405

What valuable resources could possibly be here for an civilization advanced enough to travel here? Interstellar distances are huge. Either the travel is not worth it for them, or they are so advanced it's hard to think what we have that they'd need.

>> No.11388406

t. Psychics that should scientifically prove their abilities.

>> No.11388412

Hawking was a pseud.

>> No.11388416

Ok pseud.

>> No.11388417

He wrote pop-sci conjecture in the last two decades of his life. That is the definition of a pseud.

>> No.11388424

There's always a slim chance it will discover the galactic internet we can hook into using tech info sent out to everything. Slim chance, but 1337 ayy maymays mitebecool.

>> No.11388435

>for the first time

WTF?! you mean we've never tried this before?
Isn't this the most basic thing you can do with radio telescopes and it's never been fucking done?

>> No.11388446

it's the first time with the VLA, SETI has their own array which they use that Paul Allen built for them

>> No.11388454

do aliens have irrational numbers?

>> No.11388474

That's retarded because you can detect all Earth like life in the Galaxy using telescopes

>> No.11388525
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Fucking Paul! Try building satalites for NASA now you fucking bastard!

>> No.11388546

>humanity discovers the galactic interner
>a matter of decades later Starbook is the mainstream social media of the universe
>it's full of boomers of all planets making cringy memes and being dumb in general
>also, 4chan gets invaded by extraterrestrial newfags
>Hiroshima sells the site to an alien scammer that fills the site with intrusive ads that are gross but nobody understands
I thought this site couldn't get worse. I was wrong.

>> No.11388554
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>“I guess I would just say, ‘Hello’.”

>> No.11388670

There's a whole SF series with this premise Interstellar Net

>> No.11388677


>> No.11388719

The only appropriate message to send is "Fuck off, we're full".

>> No.11389179

How would we hook ourselves into this galactic internet? We call up an ayylien cable guy?

>> No.11389279
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since our radio technology transmits using the electrical and magnetic fields, it's limited to light speed. wouldn't it be safe to assume aliens have learned how to transmit information faster than light using other fields, singular or combined in novel ways?

>> No.11389314

I tend to think that for anything not prohibited by our current understanding of physics, our default assumption is that it should be doable given enough time to develop the technology. But for anything that's impossible according to modern physics, the default should be that it really is impossible. So it would not be "safe to assume" aliens have learned any form of FTL. Just the default though, after all our understanding of physics keeps being updated. We're probably wrong somehow about some things - but in so far it's reasonable to believe in modern physics at all and to think we have strong evidence and theoretical basis for it, for any particular "physics-violating" thing it's unlikely that we're wrong enough and in a way that makes that specific thing actually possible.

>> No.11389332

spacefaring aliens would never even recognize a pseud like you as intelligent life that they're consider stooping to communicate with. ayyys probably categorize you in the same intelligence class as fungus and plants

>> No.11389339

Isn’t everything so far away radio signals would all blend into the background noise of the universe ?

>> No.11389340

There is no reason to expect to detect signals from nearby civilizations due to attenuation.

>> No.11389341

Hello three body problem department we have another labcoat who thinks its beautiful and bold to send out messages to potentially batshit insane civilizations who could throw a light speed weapon at our sun and kill us.

>> No.11389344

>human beings kill literally everything and each other over resources and supremacy

Oh yeah I remember when my monkey tribe murdered the neighboring monkey tribe.

Oh wait you’re making shit up

>> No.11389345

>its pop sci to posit other civilizations might want to fucking kill us when our entire history is basically that

>> No.11389349

>I don’t know anything about history: the post

There is no civilization without cooperation.

>> No.11389351

It is not crazy to think another race of beings might want to branch out to as many far reaching plants that can host life as possible in the case that their home planet/system gets ass blasted for whatever reason natural or otherwise, and no it would likely not be retarded to think they would kill the natives to do this.

>> No.11389353

>be alien
>receive "hello" message from Earth, 400 years after it was sent.
>send probe to Earth packed full of makers and doers.Takes a few thousand years to get there but who cares? The probe seeds Earth's entire solar system with molecular sized, virtually undetectable, self replicating robots which make a variety of weapons in unimaginable numbers. Once assembled they are released en-masse at Earth.
>Earth transmission was filed under "dealt with"

>> No.11389354

>It is not crazy to think another race of beings might want to branch out to as many far reaching plants that can host life as possible in the case that their home planet/system gets ass blasted

Any civilization that can cross interstellar distances can colonize a barren planet.

>> No.11389355

Retard every conqueror has cared very little about the civilizations they rule over besides their original home nation, Rome is a great example of this.

>> No.11389360

>colonize a barren planet.
>skipping over the as many as possible part of my post

It literally makes the most logical sense to blast away a foreign species that could potentially want to branch out in the same manor as you in the future to cut out competition

>> No.11389362

>Retard every conqueror has cared very little about the civilizations they rule over besides their original home nation

Your point? “Conquerers” are short-lived and now non-existent because conflict sucks and no one likes it.

>Rome is a great example of this.


>> No.11389363

Earth is a developing world and under quarantine. All artificial energy radiation is filtered at the edge of the our solar system.

>> No.11389365

>It literally makes the most logical sense to blast away a foreign species that could potentially want to branch out in the same manor as you in the future to cut out competition

Yeah, exactly. That’s why the United States invaded Africa and eradicated the entire local population.
There is no logistical reason whatsoever to ever bother doing anything but colonizing a handful of barren worlds.

>> No.11389367

Short lived because of the lack of our current modern and potentially future tech. Putin will be in charge of Russia likely until he dies, you are retarded.

>> No.11389372

>what is misscommunication between species causing military aggresion
>what is we just flew through space for 100 years just to meet another civilization when we got to previously barren planet

You realize this isnt exactly a complicated issue it only takes surface level thinking to understand what kind of problems you can face in this situation that could potentially cost you billions if not trilions of your races lives.

>> No.11389374

>Short lived because of the lack of our current modern and potentially future tech

No, modern technology is what DESTROYED the supposed “right of conquest”.

> Putin will be in charge of Russia likely until he dies

Who gives a fuck how long Putin lives? His greatest “conquest” is a peninsula that was never really part of the country it was seized from.

>you are retarded.

You are retarded.

>> No.11389377

>what is misscommunication between species causing military aggresion

Star Trek-tier plotline.
Resources are no object on interstellar scales. You live in an fantasy world.

>> No.11389385

>Star Trek-tier plotline

Are you serious? Its largely not an issue of resources and more social missteps between cultures that evolved likely under drastically different conditions and hence very different likes dislikes and ideas about whats right and wrong not to mention completely different languages that could end with trillions of either sides people dying.

Another note, habitable planets ARE a finite resource to some extent based on what level of travel tech a civ has and even if its unlimited there does come a point where they will btfo whatever race lives there because it only makes sense to before said btfo race sends a ship to one of their planets thinking its a okay to colonize and finding some faggots already made their home there and now this ship or fleet that traveled however many miles is what? Supposed to turn around? Lol.

>> No.11389395

> Are you serious? Its largely not an issue of resources and more social missteps between cultures that evolved likely under drastically different conditions and hence very different likes dislikes and ideas about whats right and wrong not to mention completely different languages that could end with trillions of either sides people dying.

Just translate the languages lol

>Another note, habitable planets ARE a finite resource

There’s a gorillion habitable planets and gorillions more room for orbital habitats. There’s a gorillion tons of hydrogen useable as propellant and fusion fuel. There’s a gorillion tons of iron, carbon, oxygen, water, lithium, gold, methane, and whatever the hell else material it is you desire. There’s a gorillion red dwarf stars and a gorillion class G stars. There’s a gorillion galaxies, too. There is technically a finite amount of resources available but their quantity is such that depletion is a nonexistent concern even on the scale of trillions of years.

>> No.11389411

>around 30 radio signals were detected showing alien origin
>none of them repeated
And very likely this will be fruitless too.

>> No.11389416

Who cares if they’re repeated? We don’t even repeat our own signals we send out.

>> No.11389440

History repeats

>> No.11389531

>according to modern physics,

it is beyond arrogance to be so proud, ignorant and foolish as to assume our "modern physics" has absolutely already determined and modelled all possible modes, operations and functions of the physical universe

its well established that Newtonian physics breakdown when applied to "Quantum" particles and operations, and "Quantum Physics" models do not work in Newtonian physics applications

this alone should make it pretty damned obvious that we are missing some pretty big and important parts of the puzzle

>> No.11389542

They should direct it to the opposite life, maybe they will find intelligent life on Earth.

>> No.11389544

>it is beyond arrogance to be so proud, ignorant and foolish as to assume our "modern physics" has absolutely already determined and modelled all possible modes, operations and functions of the physical universe
it is beyond arrogance to make up stuff about what I said without even reading my post.
>We're probably wrong somehow about some things - but in so far it's reasonable to believe in modern physics at all and to think we have strong evidence and theoretical basis for it, for any particular "physics-violating" thing it's unlikely that we're wrong enough and in a way that makes that specific thing actually possible.
I specifically said that modern physics is in some respects probably at least slightly wrong. Nonetheless if our modern physics strongly suggests something is impossible, it's NOT a "safe assumption" that alien civilizations would eventually overcome this. A possibility sure, but not a safe assumption.

>> No.11389546

It's more likely to think that there are plain hard borders in laws of nature no technolgy can't overcome.

>> No.11389578

>Nonetheless if our modern physics strongly suggests something is impossible, it's NOT a "safe assumption" that alien civilizations would eventually overcome this.
exactly what you said he first time and exactly what i was commenting on after reading your entire post

you are making the assumption that our "modern physics" virtually proves anything that doesn't subscribe to its rigid laws is impossible

massive fallacy which i clearly addressed and gave universally known scientific example of in previous post

>> No.11389588

any "alien" civilization that is potentially millions or 100s of millions of years ahead of us in evolution, industry and technology would be just that, "Alien" and probably advanced beyond us in ways that could be beyond our comprehension

>> No.11389592

>you are making the assumption that our "modern physics" virtually proves anything that doesn't subscribe to its rigid laws is impossible
No, I'm making the assumption that it's evidence against the idea that FTL is possible. Not proof. Proof exists only in mathematics, not in empirical questions. You really think our understanding of physics doesn't count as evidence for anything? What is the positive evidence for the idea that FTL is possible ("we could be wrong" is not positive evidence)? Just because our understanding of physics is incomplete doesn't mean there's room for FTL specifically in those gaps of understanding. There could be, but there's no evidence for it.

>> No.11389599

>we haven't seen it
>therefore it does not and can not exist

this is the same as some dark ages catholic church insisting the Sun and the universe revolves around the earth

>> No.11389622

who are you quoting? making stuff up again because you can't give a positive reason to believe in FTL? Just how fucking hard is this to understand. The only thing I was arguing against was the rather strong claim is that we can assume FTL to be possible. I made the rather weak claim is that modern physics provides SOME EVIDENCE on what is possible and what is not.

>> No.11389627

Wrong. They're probably as primitive as we are if not more so.

>> No.11389631
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>I made the rather weak claim
yes indeed. you certainly did

>> No.11389649

So we're in agreement that I never made any arrogant claim about the perfection of modern physics and you have fuck all arguments against what I said. Good.

>> No.11389674

We are pretty sure in the limits of our knowledge, and ftl information propagation is impossible. Any change we make to our understanding of physics must include QM and GR. Our measurements are so ridiculously precise, we are very close to hard physical limits in observation.
We know as fact that QM and GR do not deliver the whole picture, but we also know where they are correct and where the problems occur, and the speed of causality is not one of them. In fact, it is one of the assumptions about the world we are least likely to get rid of.

>> No.11389695

yep, we would have to be incredibly lucky that any intelligent life form exists close enough locally and temporally near us to pick anything up.
Space is really huge and evolves in timeframes of billions of years.

>> No.11389697

your just repeating the same argument
>"we already know everything and anything not described by our current models is impossible"

you have brain problems

>> No.11389702

i already stated my arguments which absolutely destroyed your claims in the beginning.
give it up.
your damage control is pathetic and embarrassing

>> No.11389710

They'd be broadcasting instructions on how to make a pulsar.

>> No.11389740

those are great counterpoints to consider, even though your reading comprehension seems to be lacking...

I can drop some more arguments for you to ponder: Never in the history of science has a functioning model been thrown out the window, only expanded. We can take your own example of Newtonian physics. For objects going less than 0.01c you can't even measure any difference between the old and new models. Classical mechanics is as valid as it ever was within its limits. Before QM was developed, we knew these limits very well.

Here's another one: without a few basic assumptions about the universe, our models wouldn't work. To claim these assumptions could be wrong requires you to explain why and how exactly our models work so well within their framework regardless.

>> No.11389753
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>> No.11389758
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>entire sky
what the fuck is this even supposed to mean?

>> No.11389762

>i already stated my arguments which absolutely destroyed your claims in the beginning.
*absolutely destroyed imaginary claims no one made
still waiting for the argument we should not only consider it a possibility but assume by default that aliens have achieved FTL. unfortunately your disability seems to prevent you from conceiving a middle ground between your over confident and baseless assumption that aliens would be able to do FTL and that we have already figured everything out so I predict more of the same strawmen as before.

>> No.11389775

>but assume by default that aliens have achieved FTL
i never said assume anything by default that is exactly what i was arguing against, and which you were doing

any "alien" race that could possibly visit or communicate with Earth from galactic distances would in all probability be millions or hundreds of millions of years beyond us in evolution and technological advancements

today's "modern science" has no clue compared to the things they may have discovered and developed in this time

stop pretending our science would be on equal footing. it wouldnt

>> No.11389809

>stop pretending our science would be on equal footing. it wouldnt
okay so if an alien came over here and claimed that according to their physics FTL is possible yes, that alien's claim would hold more weight than our physicists claims. but that's not the situation we're in. this imaginary scenario doesn't counter our non-imaginary evidence that it's impossible. we can quibble about how strong this evidence is, but to claim it amounts to nothing is not reasonable (>>11389740 explained it pretty well I think). We can also quibble how much evidence we need to make any guesses or have any default views, but that I think gets pretty arbitrary. My point was first and foremost to answer the question in >>11389279
>wouldn't it be safe to assume aliens have learned how to transmit information faster than light
that "no, we can't assume that".

>> No.11389827

Yeah, the "great filter," is just inverse square law and space is fuck huge. You'd need to block light from a start on the side of the galaxy you want to communicate with and use morse code to communicate.

>> No.11389864

so that's where binary stars come from :)

>> No.11389871
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>> No.11389882

To put in perspective from the scale and time span of the universe, this would be same as you blinking once and saying there are no one else besides yourself.

Right now, you're on your screen. You saw no one else.

>> No.11389936
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Most of this thread is assuming that contact would be physical and not simply in some form of waves if they even bothered with contact at all. I get that you guys wanna see an alien but there's so many reasons why they would not make contact.

1.) The resources used in the journey would be immense even for a species that has access to vast resources. The costs far outweigh the benefits.
2.) Why would they bother with making contact unless it was to trade Clyptons or Zenguls?
>With the rudimentary technology they have, it's unlikely they have more than MAYBE two or three Zenguls. Let's go home brother.
3.) Conquest wouldn't be an issue because they would have passed thousands, if not millions, of planets that probably have far more resources than Earth. To add, they would probably be far more prone to just terraforming a shit planet unless they put all their stat points into attack and agility rather than defense and strength. I digress. Why would they need anything from us at this point in time?
>inb4 if you're advanced enough to contact them you're probably valuable to them
Lol you're nuts if you think they don't know how easy it is to send football field sized sin waves out in any direction.
4.) After the aliens somehow stupidly ignored all of the logical reasoning related to the prior three points, let's assume they say "fuck it" and check us out anyway. Contact is probably not practical when you know nothing about the species. For instance, if we received some sort of message from an alien species, why would we risk dealing with some sort of latent spread of infectious alien disease that could potentially wipe out our species or a surprise attack of some kind? Why would we not just warp-jump to a location closer to them and scout them out in order to make decisions about whether or not contact would even make sense?

>> No.11390065

>terraforming a shit planet

Planets tend to be shit because they are not in the perfect position in their solar orbit to sustain an earth like environment, logically terraforming them is largely a excercise in futility ontop of the process of terraforming being an incredibly time consuming and intensive process.

Again theres also a massive advantage to simply traveling distance to further and further solar systems because it hedges your bets as a civ against your home solar system and subsequent colonized ones from being btfo due to natural or otherwise situations and losing your entire people

>> No.11390098

>Just translate the languages lol

Yup you must be either underage or not a very deep thinker, its not simply a matter of translating language it could be something as small as a smile setting off another civ because to them a smile is the equivelent of go fuck yourself and your mother and these types of things could end in missles or ships being launched after a series of seemingly harmless transgressions building up.

Again you go on and on about resources, for someone very aware of galatic scale you should also be very aware that the amount of actual habitable planets is not anywhere close to the number of x hydrogen farms or iron deposits etc etc planets that can hold life without any outside assistance like earth are infact RARE in a relative sense for many reasons and "terraforming" a dead rock is extremely difficult and time consuming especially when your sending out colony fleets that regardless of traveling ability will likely have limited sustainability functions.

Regardless of the little nuances involved with inhabiting a planet, it again only makes logical sense(and is likely inevitable) a species would want to expand to as many solar systems as possible this is infact hedging their bets againts their home and subsequent systems being btfo by natural disaster or more then likely by another competative species who understands on grander scales of time then we would be thinking in that it is inevitable that they would come to some type of conflict.

It only takes one fleet traveling a million miles to inhabit a planet that our observations originally showed to be uninhabited but is now infact filled with another species people who do not want neighbors(I.E. likely millions of another species) to start a war that could end both species, because guess what that fleet is not just going to turn around and go home its likely they cant and even if they could hundreds or thousands of years could have passed back home, thats just two examples.

>> No.11390162

except you're wrong. ufo observations are real and are beginning to be taken seriously. although there's nothing about ftl so far (how would you even observe that) they do things that shouldn't be possible according to our understanding of the universe.

>> No.11390735

>ufo observations are real and are beginning to be taken seriously
go back to /x/

>> No.11390743

>ufo observations are real
Yeah, except unidentified flying objects are just unidentified flying objects and not extraterrestrial in origin.

>> No.11391245

>it could be something as small as a smile setting off another civ because to them a smile is the equivelent of go fuck yourself and your mother and these types of things could end in missles or ships being launched after a series of seemingly harmless transgressions building up.

Actual TV show plot device. Cringe.
Everyone would expect differences in body language (if they have body language at all).

> Again you go on and on about resources, for someone very aware of galatic scale you should also be very aware that the amount of actual habitable planets is not anywhere close to the number of x hydrogen farms or iron deposits etc etc planets that can hold life without any outside assistance like earth are infact RARE in a relative sense for many reasons

Sure, but who cares? It doesn’t matter. There’s hundreds of bodies in our own solar system that can be colonized with a little spit and grit, and they’re all much easier to get to and even terraform than it’d be to colonize an exact replica of Earth orbiting Alpha Centauri even if we allow for near-luminal and even super-luminal propulsion methods. If you liked, you could dismantle the barren planets entirely and live in O’Neill cylinders and other sorts of constructions. In this Star Trek-tier scenario in which the technology exists to facilitate people colonizing worlds in other solar systems willy-nilly, why not also assume that they can just turn themselves into robots and live on the surface of the moon like it’s nothing? In that context, whether or not a planet is “habitable for life without assistance” has zero significance, and that seems much more plausible than interstellar colonization to be honest.

You live in a fantasy world.

>> No.11391476

>what is war

>> No.11391517

The absence of evidence is not evidence of absence.

>> No.11391533

It is evidence of absence to the extent we have looked for evidence.

>> No.11391663
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What about this wrong statement is it that so attracts you brainlets?

>> No.11391675

>wrong statement
What do you mean?

>> No.11391683

A primitive behavior that used to be everpresent and common but now barely happens except in undeveloped countries.

>> No.11391716
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>world superpowers dont fight every few years
>war is over

>> No.11391807

>with a little spit and grit

Retard you are the one living in scifi fantasy land if you really think this

>> No.11391831

Good concept for a humourous sci fi book

>> No.11391860

waste of time and money. we can't even go further than than our own moon (if we even went there at all), much less make contact with other lifeforms lightyears away

>> No.11391890

Is Interstellar Net its name?
I can find anything on it, sounds interesting.

>> No.11391894

>On a planetary scale
Any aliens we find have been for eons in space, their behavior won't be the same

>> No.11391896

Romans had a 250 year period of peace and assimilated other societies into their imperium after replacing their power brokers with their own. They didn't just ruthlessly slaughter people except in retaliation (like with Carthage or the Gauls)

>> No.11391988

The only assumption we can make about an alien race is that they would be rational actors in that they would make the best choices for their own species survival wellbeing etc otherwise they likely would never be able to develop anything let alone space travel and other wonderous tech.

This is why it is completely retarded to want to reach out to another race or what we really would be doing, revealing ourselves to them as the actual path of logic when considering grandscales of time(beyond the odd 80-90 years of typical life we frame our time in as humans) is that conflict is a possibility, a high possibility infact and it is not worth the chance that your species could be wiped out due to the difficultys that communication between species of likely very high degrees of culture difference or any other imaginable blunder that could occur.

This is not so much an issue if we somehow make contact with a species of lesser or equal tech capabilitys as we can potentially reach a stalement peace as we have here on earth with nuclear deterrence but if we do somehow connect with someone of higher tech levels that is potentially very bad news.

>> No.11392092
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the cucktard faggots who love this bullshit are unwilling to listen to reason. they're not paying for any of it because their parents pay for everything for them so you'll never convince them that their "free" sci fi imagination theatre shows are stupid and pointless.

>> No.11392159

>Stephen Hawking warned against attempting any form of contact,
I'm really tired of this stupid Hollywood idea of hostile aliens looking to steal our resources.
Intelligent life is obviously pretty fucking rare and the distances huge. Why would another space faring species want to kill us? I imagine they'd be pretty stoked to find us. Why would they travel light years to take our minerals when the galaxy is loaded with asteroids and planets? If they have the technology to reach us, we have nothing they could ever want.

>> No.11392199

This. The best way for US to find alien life is to go looking for it. Most alien life is probably primitive anyways.

>> No.11392225

read the Dark Forest.
Its not about stealing our ressources, its about being in a interstellar cold war kind of situation.

Imagine they know we exist and we know that they exist. However due to the speed of light we can't properly communicate and build trust. How long do you think until some kind of "anti-xeno party" forms on our planet? 100s or 1000s of years? Sooner or later its gonna happen, and if its going to happen here, who says the aliens aren't having their own anti-human sentiments? So eventually someone will push the red button and send weapons of mass destruction to the other party. They know that, we know that and both parties will think "well its better us than them"

>> No.11392227

So when will this take place?

>> No.11392270

As rare as life is and as vast as the universe is with practically infinite resources, anything that found us is going to be as excited and as curious as we would be.
As I said, the "hostile alien" concept is born out of Hollywood and irrational fears and if you actually think about it for 2 seconds you will realize how retarded it is.

>> No.11392274

They won't find anything. The universe is so big and the matter in it is spaced so far apart that the chances of advanced intelligent life being anywhere near us is comically small.

>> No.11392277

Considering how big the universe is the chances of there being life all over it is really big.

>> No.11392287

I was daydreaming about the wow signal today.
Imagine some advanced life form had cataloged every planet it could see in the galaxy that had a living atmosphere and fired a signal at it to see which ones replied.
It's something we'd do.
It could take thousands or millions of years.

>> No.11392293

Even if that were true the problem of distance and hard physical limits still reign supreme.

The universe could very well be teeming with life. The chances of us detecting any of it is still astrnomically small due to how sparse matter is.

>> No.11392444
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>it's hard to imagine any other life form wouldn't do the same
>especially given the rarity of resources on a planetary scale

>> No.11392482

Pointless. Aliens are not using fucking radio waves to communicate.

>> No.11392483

No of course not, they're using flatulence and interpretive dance.

>> No.11392763

>Yeah, exactly. That’s why the United States invaded Africa and eradicated the entire local population.
Yeah and look where that's left us, moron.

>> No.11392772

Romans didn't have exponentially more advanced technology than their opponents.

>> No.11392786

>world superpowers dont fight every few years

They don’t. They haven’t since the 40’s.

>> No.11392789

>Colonizing Mars is sci-fi fantasy land but flying hundreds if not thousands of light years is not

Holy shit cringe kill yourself

>> No.11392791

>Yeah and look where that's left us, moron.

An awesome world with lots of cool people, including Africans.

>> No.11393110


I also had this idea. Would make sense to leave us isolated until we are ready to get invited to galactic community

>> No.11393301
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congratulations. you have solved the test. you will be given free tickets to join the alien community

>> No.11393732

This. I honestly just figured we'd already done something like this before.

>> No.11393744

Everytime I read a headline like this, I can't help but feel the sad desperation in it.

>> No.11393767

Well, it would be nice to find intelligent life somewhere, because there's a distinct lack of it here.

>> No.11393781
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>I also had this idea.
So did millions of other people. It's not a unique idea, it's been discussed in sci fi for centuries.
In Star Trek, for example, civilizations are only contacted when they create a warp drive.

>> No.11393854

and then starlink comes and shits on their data.

>> No.11393857

Starlink and radio astronomers have worked out a thing

>> No.11393861

Remind me again why should tax money go into that shit after the total disaster that was SETI?

>> No.11393864

Would it rather it go towards a carton of newports and a bottle of 40s?

>> No.11393868

Fucking schizo scientists. First, there is the Fermi paradox, second it is very likely a civ would not be friendly if there actually is one.

>> No.11393869

yeah, they will start painting them black. that's all. it still won't stop the satellites from messing with their data, though.

>> No.11393873

baka idiot dumbass that's for optical astronomers, we're talking about radio astronomers here

>> No.11394428

Why the fuck do brainlets continue to mention "resources" after explicitly being told the issue is not resources jesus fuck

>> No.11394441

What is the issue?

>> No.11394447

Yes going from one place to another is only a matter of time dependent on tech, terraforming requires tons of effort from several fields of science and even while in the process one must question what made said planet uninhabitable in the first place its orbit perhaps?

>> No.11394496

That issue is you miss the point of the dark forest, its not about aliens being hostile hollywood caricatures its a logistical problem of communication between two rational actors leading to the possibility that one group may act in a way that will cause you harm so the only logical move is to act first.

>> No.11394556

There's a lot against this. In order for this to work, ALL of the following must be true:
>Inverse square law: the signal must be EXTREMELY narrow, in order to remain strong enough to reach a listener at such distances.
>The signal between sender and listener must be free of debris, planets, black holes, massive plasma storms, etc.
>Related: the signal must not be excessively degraded through background noise, such as from stellar radiation, by the time it reaches a listener.
>The listener must have the technology and understanding to tell the signal from background noise.
>The listener must have their technology set to watch for the frequency (or frequencies) the signal is being sent on, while potentially not watching, expecting, or perhaps even wanting such a signal.

The first point, especially. It'll be like firing pins into the ocean to try and catch a purple krill.

>> No.11395050

This is frankly just a waste of time

>> No.11395063

>Astronomers to sweep entire sky for aliens for the first time
Doesn't matter 4chan told ayys to fuck off we're full

Look to the moon for space tourists.

>> No.11395093
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>yfw we discover a federation of advanced species and they give us all their gibs

>> No.11395202

I don't care about some fictional weeb book's opinion

>> No.11395213

Its one of many respected theorys that could explain the fermi paradox and didnt exactly come into existance with the dark forest book the author just expanded on the theory with a very modern scientific framing(I.E. the idea of photoids which would be an essentially unstopable weapon that could killshot a revealed civilization).

>> No.11395257

>with a very modern scientific framing

To extrapolate on this because it is important, the author points out how simple and even within our tech grasp a weapon like a RKV is and that any civ out there could potentially decide to become a super predator so logically any other civ should try to hide itself because all it takes is just that one super predator to start fucking people up.

>> No.11395277
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>In Star Trek, for example, civilizations are only contacted when they create a warp drive.

>> No.11396220

>small objects in LEO won't disrupt signals because I say so

>> No.11396437

do you have a source for that?

>> No.11396465

I propose we build huge ass radio dishes and start blasting directed high power signals to all <500ly stars.
You could imagine the universe as a forest and the only way to get noticed is yell real hard.
It's how animals often do their mating call thing so it's perfectly natural we should do the same.

>> No.11396470

The biggest problem with that is that you can't actually hide your civilization; any species capable of building RKVs would also be able to create big ass space telescopes capable of checking every single star in the galaxy for planets in the habitable zone. So if you believe a super predator species may exist in the milky way, the logical action is to try and spread humanity as far & wide as possible. Since they would have already launched at us.

>> No.11396478

It would be depressing if aliens are all around us but we live in a caged bubble with fake empty space projected at us because we are not advanced enough to join them.

>> No.11396486

>preemptive RKV'ing of habitable zone planets
My personal headcannon for the sorry ass state of Venus is precisely that.
Who knows maybe our very own moon is related as well...

>> No.11396601

It would be hilarious if life is actually incredibly rare, and all other forms intelligent life either died out, killed themselves off, or never existed in the first place.
Because, you know, with our data sample of one, we have ALL that data on exactly how common intelligent life is. We also have heaps of data on if the universe is truly finite or not, and if the universe is finite with a set beginning, whether there exists/existed any other form of intelligent life at all.

>> No.11396635

>My personal headcannon for the sorry ass state of Venus is precisely that.
By that logic, earth would also be already a no life zone, mars would also be a target as well, but everything points to mars dying of unfortunate natural circumstances that earth was lucky to avoid.

If Aliens do exist and can travel at near light speeds, its very possible our planet is already being monitored for millennia, for all we know inside the moons of Saturn there is a giant automated data center, collecting all of our radio transmissions and determining if we are a threat or not.

There is also the fact that every "night" we light up our planet with artificial sources of light that can be seen from orbit, if there is an alien race searching for us, lets say they have an automated drone traveling from star system to star system, just the light from our planet would give us away, let alone radio transmissions.

Once you reach a certain level of technological development, its all or nothing, trying to hide is more harmful than trying to reach for space, because sooner or later, if they are out there, they will find us.

>> No.11396667

>just the light from our planet would give us away, let alone radio transmissions.
Inverse square law.
All of the "unintentional" signals we've been sending become effectively non-detectable after 10 light years or so, and completely undetectable after less than 20 (barely out the front door, universally speaking).

It's REALLY not that likely.

>> No.11396710

>the logical action is to try and spread humanity as far & wide as possible

Yeah good luck with that. What do you think will happen once we colonize mars? How long will it take until we have our first interplanetary wars? Decades, centuries, maybe millenia but sooner or later it will happen.
Now imagine having a human or alien civilization dozends or hundreds of lightyears away. We can't even communicate with them.
One message takes years and years before we even get an answer.
Nobody will know what they are up to. If they decide to launch some kind of weapon of mass destruction towards earth we won't even know that they are considering this until its too late. Worse than that is that they know that we know this and so its only logical to assume that we prepare ourselves for this eventuallity, maybe by striking first, so they conclude that they should strike first.

Now you are saying: but they wouldnt do that, they think that cooperation is better!
No. Maybe they wouldnt do it at first but thats short term thinking. We would be trying to coexist with them indefinitely, that means hundreds of thousands of years. How can anyone conclude that they won't attack us in that timeframe? Just look at how crazy earth politics have been the last few decades. So the only option to secure your existence for the forseeable time would be to nuke them first with watever weapon you can muster.

>> No.11396933

>How long will it take until we have our first interplanetary wars?

Most likely, there will never be an interplanetary war inside the solar system, once you get to the level where you can colonize dead worlds like Mars or build orbital habitats, resources are no longer a problem, and the risk and cost of war becomes ridiculous prohibitive.
It will take hundreds of years to terraform wars, maybe 5,000 years or more, to undo all of that, just thrown some asteroids towards the planet, the same can be said of earth, Orbital habitats would also be too fragile to risk in wars.

>only option to secure your existence for the foreseeable time would be to nuke them first

That would be the same as suicide on the level of civilizations, because there is no way to know how much more of those aliens there is out there, we nuke one of their worlds first, only to find out there are 999,9999 living colonies under their control, and we just lost any chance at a peaceful encounter and cooperation.

The opposite is true, any alien coming to attack us would have to wonder if perhaps we are just colony number 9,999 of the human empire, and by attacking us, they have just doomed themselves be hunted down like animals.

To have any chance of making an successful attack and not dooming ourselves to extinction, we would need 100% reliable information about a alien species, how many worlds they control, how many orbital stations they have secreted away in other solar systems, do they know of other alien species and are in friendly terms with them? Otherwise is pure idiocy to attack blindly.

>> No.11397013

Firstly war will only become cheaper. You simply have to accelerate mass to near relativistic speed. A rogue Mars colony could also reroute an asteroid on collision course with Earth.

>only to find out there are 999,9999 living colonies under their control,

But that was my point. There is no thing as having colonies under control. The fastest you can communicate is the speed of light. How can you control a colony dozens or hundreds of light-years away? By the time a simple message arrives there they might have already changed culturally, politically and eventually even genetically they could no longer be considered one of your own. There will never be an human empire. If we ever colonize distant planets over the centuries they will become completely alien to us.

>> No.11397461
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>Entire Thread in a Nut Shell

No wonder aliens don't transmit or appear too us.

>> No.11397470

Resources aren't rare, especially to a civilization that can travel among the stars. There are zero resources found on Earth that aren't completely in abundance all over the universe.

>> No.11398030

>There will never be an human empire. If we ever colonize distant planets over the centuries they will become completely alien to us.

Honestly, if we reach the point where keeping contact with multiple solar systems is an actual worry, then we have already "won" the race of life, one way or another, humanity would have escaped earth and spread itself among countless planets.
That is the true test, getting out of earth and becoming a space age civilization, doing that will secure the survival of the human race, we will no longer be dependent on a single world, a single point of failure.
And in the end, civilizations change, we have no idea how the future will look, if technologies like genetic modding, cybernetic implants or uploading your consciousness to digital space actually become real in the decades to come, humanity may change so much without even leaving earth, humans from 2,000 would think humans from 2,150 are actual aliens.
If we survive long enough, the metamorphose of humanity into something else is inevitable, even if we never leave the solar system.

>> No.11398075

>he said. “Part of being human is wanting to reach out into the unknown and wanting to reach out and make connections.”

I've never seen ignorance like that come right off someone's tongue that isn't immediately self-recognized. It begs the question, what is part of being alien? That's the only consideration that matters.

>> No.11398077

>wouldn't it be safe to assume aliens have learned how to transmit information faster than light

You could assume but it wouldn't be safe. FTL information means you can create time paradoxes.

>> No.11398102

Imagine not having clean drinking water or non processed, non carcinogenic foods yet millions of dollars are spent looking for aliens that we'll never be able to make any meaningful contact with at the rate the world is destroying itself. I also get that money is spent on other, more damaging things then this. You don't have to point that out.
I fucking love science

>> No.11398157

>FTL information means you can create time paradoxes.
How so?

>> No.11398160

The world isn’t “destroying itself” Lol

>> No.11398188
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>FTL information means you can create time paradoxes.


FTL information means you create what APPEARS to be causal violations.

but they are just.... optical illusions.

>> No.11398301

Imagine being such a successful Stromatolite that you poisoned yourself to death and gave rise to oxygen breathing lifeforms.
You'd do well to read "light of the stars" to help stop you from being so much of a faggot. The living Earth does not give a fuck about us. It will continue, life adapts and continues. the climate is not static.
We are not "destroying the Earth" Only ourselves if we can't adapt (protip: adapting is out strong point)

>> No.11398369

>they're gonna share if they actually do

>> No.11398383

People like you can only think about one thing at a time.

>> No.11398623

So, it’s like posting one’s full name, adress, phone number, and credit card details on 4chan, for all to see?

>> No.11398649
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>> No.11398683

Makes me wonder, how well could possible alien visitors represent THEIR civilization? Because of time dilation.

>> No.11399343

no, you're just stupid

>> No.11399350

retard AND reddit spacing

>> No.11400018

How do you know life is rare? There could a civilization just like ours on proxima b (closest exoplanet to us) , and we would have no idea. We lack the technology.

We can't even eliminate the possibility of life on the moons of our solar system. Life could be, and most likely is very abundant in the universe.

>> No.11400097

There is literally no more important question than if we are alone. Aliens existing changes fucking everything.

And if you think that minuscule money used on space exploration could be put to better uses you are a fucking idiot.

Trillions were pumped into Africa and it achieved nothing. Trillions are pumped into health care and social bullshit and people still complain.

People cry over JWST costing 10 billion $ while a single carrier costs twice as much. F-35 program cost 1.5 trillion $. I'm sure those few billion used on space exploration would magically make Earth a paradise.

>> No.11400192

>Imagine not having clean drinking water or non processed, non carcinogenic foods yet millions of dollars are spent looking for aliens
I doubt your argument is that we can't use money on non-utilitarian stuff before we have fixed all of those everywhere in the world. Art, entertainment, science that has no immediate practical use etc. Compared to other non-utilitarian stuff we spend money on I think finding aliens is potentially a very good target, it's not even some obscure academic thing but something that captures public imaginations.
>aliens that we'll never be able to make any meaningful contact
there probably won't be much meaningful back and forth given the distances and apparent impossibility of FTL but we might still be able to learn interesting stuff about them.

I do actually agree that this particular project is probably not a very good use of money, but not that looking for aliens is an absurd thing to spend money one as I explained in >>11388362

>> No.11400230

The sad truth. We could've fully explored our entire solar system by now, if we simply made it a priority. There's nothing more important, but were too busy arguing over literal dicks and stuff.

Even now it wouldnt be hard for us to launch hundreds of cubesats and rovers all over the solar system, if we wanted. For some reason, we have our priorities all fucked up.

>> No.11400472

JWST is up to $14.7 billion now, the government just allocated it more of other people's money to the embarrassing failure of a government space science program which still hasn't produced it's first meaningful or important discovery just a few weeks ago.
You don't care because its not your money.

>> No.11400559


>> No.11400834

From https://astronomynow.com/2015/11/06/looking-for-artificial-radio-signals-from-star-system-kic8462852/

"Analysis of the array data show no clear evidence for either type of signal between the frequencies of 1 and 10 GHz. This rules out omnidirectional transmitters of approximately 100 times today’s total terrestrial energy usage in the case of the narrowband signals, and 10 million times that usage for broadband emissions."

To put it in perspective, global power usage is 18 TW, which means a hypothetical omnidirectional transmitter would use 1800 TW to 180,000,000 TW. The amount of solar power that falls on Earth is 175,000 TW.

And that's just the necessary strength of an omnidirectional signal from KIC 8462852 where the alleged Dyson sphere is, which is only 1400 ly from earth. A transmission on the other side of the galaxy, 70,000 ly or 50 times the distance, would have to be 2500 times more powerful.

And good luck with catching a focus narrow beam that uses less energy but is far less likely to pass through Earth just as the Earth is in the right position for someone with a radio telescope to pick up the signal.

Really, we shouldn't be surprised if it turns out the Wow Signal was a legitimate extraterrestrial radio signal but it never repeated because the planet the transmitter was on just happen to be facing our system at that exact moment and it'll be a very long time before we're lucky again.

I'm not saying SETI is impossible, but it will be incredibly difficult especially because the energy cost to transmit is so much more higher than it is to listen and that very few technically advanced ETs would set aside resources for tens of thousands if not hundreds of thousands of years just for the off chance someone will detect their signal in comparison to the number willing to point their radio antennas to their local star systems and listen.

>> No.11400835

I don't care because military is farting this kind of money every week.

>> No.11400862

>Imagine not having clean drinking water or non processed, non carcinogenic foods yet billions of dollars are spent on Hollywood blockbusters or watching millionaires chase about footballs and basketballs or going to frivolous theme parks.

Funny how we prioritize our entertainment over expanding human knowledge even though history has shown that science has a positive long-term effect on the economy and standard of living of the general population.

Before we sack science programs like SETI or the CERN supercollider, maybe we should consider a sin tax on Hollywood and the sports industry.

>> No.11401021
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>> No.11401119

Scientific progress cannot stop just because some people can't look after themselves without leeching off others.
Humans will keep pressing forward and keep exploring. The insights and the new technologies benefit everyone in the end

>> No.11401135

>There could a civilization just like ours on proxima b
Tidally locked around an unstable red dwarf, I don't think so but it does get the general pop excited. There could very well be microbial life but I'm highly doubtful of a civilization

>> No.11401379

You missed the point

>> No.11401480

I think you are ignorant to just how rare our solar system is. It's not the norm which seems to be gas giants orbiting in close to a star.
Jupiter has moved in and cleared out the inner orbits, then moved back out because of Saturn to act as a gravitational shield. A planet has hit earth giving it it's huge moon which stabilizes our orbit and gave us tides, seasons and an active core.
Life on Earth existed for billions of years as slime before some freak occurrence where a cell absorbed another cell and made a symbiotic relationship. There is no drive for life to become intelligent, only to reproduce.
Various epochs under different atmospheres have given us huge amounts of fossil fuels without which we would still be riding around on horses.
If Intelligent life wasn't rare, we'd have million year old civilizations colonizing the galaxy by now.
Perhaps we are leading the way? At least in this tiny corner of the Milky Way with our tiny 100 light year radio bubble

>> No.11401677

People who can only think about one thing at a time don't get distracted easily and actually solve problems

>> No.11401959

t. schizo

>> No.11401963

People who can only think about one thing at a time lose their trail of thought and don't solve anything

>> No.11402034

>we discover ayylmaonet
>send our first request
>it's 20000 light years away
>latency of 40k years
>basically totally useless except for reading alien communication and trying to learn from it

>> No.11402071

Fuck off tranny.

>> No.11402120

Hawking is a idiot. Unless the aliens want bomb everything from orbit which I doubt, they are messing with a species who from the dawn of history was at war. We are the baddest guys in the universe.

>> No.11402191

Lol what if we did get a message which appeared to be instructions on how to do some advanced science stuff for power and advancement and instead it's the equivalent of mixing bleach and ammonia and we wipe ourselves out, and the aliens did it for the lulz

>> No.11402462

The extrapolated ideas of this concept alone have already been rehashed in science fiction. I'm sure there are many cosmic litmus tests being sent around like net jester AIs

>> No.11402642
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>We are the baddest guys in the universe
What makes you think they can't be even better at it?

>> No.11402672

Yeah let's assume we are arriving to the intergalactic party when it's only half over, that would mean we are probably not the highest level, nor anywhere near it

>> No.11402678

ayy lmao

>> No.11402681

They only need to hear us first, grab a rock, accelerate it to a fraction of lightspeed and point it at Earth. Doesnt need to even be a big rock. We'd never even see it.

>> No.11402973

This is how I want to die, comfy.

>> No.11403367

What if the aliens are just a bunch of bumblefucks like us at our exact technology level and at best we get a back and forth that takes 60 years for each message to travel?

>> No.11403408
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Guys we looked everywhere for smoke signals. But we found none.

Surely this can only mean that there is nobody out there.

>> No.11403440

I won't lie, it would be really interesting working on the compatibility issues between the Internet and a hypothetical alien interstellar network broadcasting their protocol(s).

>> No.11403444

>implying they didn't work around the FTL communication problem

>> No.11403657
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>i believe the academic ivory tower dogma
sorry kiddo, discussing your religious beliefs isn't permitted on this board. you have no evidence at all that any of the past 100 years of efforts on extrasolar astronomy have benefited a single person on this planet in any way.

>> No.11403669

fucking kek, that is a great image

>> No.11403718
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>Advanced civilizations use stone-age tier radio technology

How fucking stupid is the official scientific consensus of ET life?

Meanwhile, you got people being pulled out of their bedrooms by entities that phase through walls, possess mastery of physics that looks like magic to observers, and who can interface with our nervous system as if they knew every human nerve connection like a micro-chip...

And they choose to aim radio telescopes at stars...

Fucking hell..

>> No.11403729

>Meanwhile, you got people being pulled out of their bedrooms by entities that phase through walls, possess mastery of physics that looks like magic to observers, and who can interface with our nervous system as if they knew every human nerve connection like a micro-chip...

You took a wrong turn. You want to go here ---> >>>/x/

>> No.11403740


It's a documented phenomenon with no psychological basis.

>> No.11403761
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>> No.11403773

Electromagnetic waves travel at the speed of light, are easy to send recieve and can transmit anything. Why wouldnt they be universally used?
We aren't that far off understanding nature.

>> No.11403781

Quantum physics are so fucked up we may learn one day it was all real.

>> No.11403849

dumbasses missed

>> No.11403864

What the fuck are you talking about?!? There is a psychological basis. It's called sleep paralysis.


>> No.11404373

Lmao, nor public flame, nor private, dares to shine;
Nor human spark is left, nor glimpse divine!
Lo! thy dread empire, Chaos! is restored;
Light dies before thy uncreating word:
Thy hand, great Anarch! lets the curtain fall;
And universal darkness buries all. Retards

>> No.11404546

Anon, I was thinking this very thought yesterday. Where are all the aliens? I've got a hypothesis. We could barely begin to imagine what a species that has another 10,000 or 100,000 years of technoclogical advances would look like. They would be God like I'd imagine. However with such insane power it wouldn't be to difficult to potentially destroy your entire civilization in a second. Imagine the Cold War but with weapons we only see in sci-fi.

Even if there's been thousands of civilizations that have lasted for millions of years eventually they could have fallen or been annihilated from countless possibilities. 2 coexisting spacefaring civilizations overlapping could be super rare and there's millions of planets teeming with primitive life but only a few make it big before inevitably self-destructing. In the grand scheme of things we've barely just started to explicitly look for signs of life outside of our system or inside. To draw any conclusions anytime soon, at least several (tens?) thousands of years of observation, would be arrogant.

Sadly unless we start hauling ass you and I will be dead long before we figure this out. Hope we find out the truth in the void.

>> No.11404775

>sleep paralysis.

Easily debunked.

A great many abductions occur when the victims are fully awake, some even out of moving cars/trains.

>> No.11405041

Yeah, the whole thing is a fucking mess. People stick their head in the sand and act as if one thing doesn't exist despite there being a lot of evidence that needs to be looked into and explained. And then put all their efforts into some childish wishful thinking.

>> No.11405071
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>> No.11405748


>> No.11406375
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I told u fuggin go straight
stobb missing :DD

>> No.11406757

>we absolutely should contact the aliens
>i spend zero time thinking about what we should say

not even like trying to counterargument him i just thought that was funny

>> No.11406760

Not sure what you find funny about that, it's like saying you need to eat without concerning yourself with what specific food. What you say is especially relevant since there is no guarantee aliens would even understand us so regardless of the actual content of the message the message itself is the most important message any alien could recive.

>> No.11406911

ur low iq mate

>> No.11407033

why yes we have discovered this new physical phenomeon that's way more convenient for interstellar communication than electromagnetic waves and we're finally able to communicate with millions of otherwise isolated worlds through the intergalactic internet (unfortunately bad the latency is still bound by the speed of light)

we're not gonna distribute electormagnetic waves in random directions with hopes that some civilization technologically just on the edge happens to catch them and they don't need to wait a few more hundred years after their industrial revolution to discover this phenomenon.

>> No.11407979

Do you have a FTL communication system stuffed in your closet that we can borrow to talk to the aliens?!? We keep getting people saying "oh the aliens won't use primitive "human" tech. They're using super advanced tech". Well, we don't have that technology, assuming it is possible if we had a perfect understanding of the physical laws governing this universe. So until then, we'll rely on the shit we know works: the electromagnetic spectrum.

>> No.11407986


>> No.11408000

Absence of evidence is evidence of absence.
Otherwise, you can claim whatever bullshit you want, and say "you can't disprove it".
For example: "There are Ugandan spy networks active in the united states, preparing to cripple our infrastructure through sabotage."
There is zero evidence of this.
Given Ugandan competency, we would expect to see evidence of these spies and saboteurs if they existed.
That there is no evidence for their existence is evidence against their existence.

>> No.11408005
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Both of you are wrong.
Alien civilizations would have advanced telescopes(not super advanced, just the ones we will have in 30-50 years will be enough) that would allow them to detect and observe life bearing civilizations in their nearby galactic neighbourhood.
Since biological and geological evolution would be on different level than ours they would already be ahead by millions of years.
This leads to conclusion that either nearby aliens don't exist or aren't interested in communication. There are valid reasons for this, we might be more interesting as unique non contaminated civilization with its own culture and philosophy or we might be one of thousands they have seen arise and fade away. They might be post biological and waiting for our AI to talk to them and so on.
Also for the record it is quite possible that we detected beacons and signs of artificial activity but classify them as unknown natural phenomenona

>> No.11408015

There's a chance that next generation telescopes will detect life on other planets, we should have them within next 10-30 years. Signs of artificial activity could be detected by scientists but they wod require extra checks to be confirmed.
For all we know things like Hoag's Object could be monuments of Godlike civilizations and we are just too limited to grasp this

>> No.11408063

They don't need to listen, hypertelescopes would allow them to take photos of continents on other worlds and detect both pollution and night lights

>> No.11408150

That's cool and all, except for the fact that aliens have been on earth since forever. (Most likely)

>> No.11408192


>> No.11408211

unironically oil. You can't find it in asteroids you can't find it on any planets or in any stars, you can only get it from millions of years old carbon lifeform deposits. The rarest resource in the universe.

>> No.11408220

Wow. It really gets the noggin jogging.

>> No.11408301

The world reserves of oil are about 300 cubic kilometers, just one sea in titan contains about 7000 cubic kilometers of various hydrocarbons

>> No.11408511

beyond retarded argument. too low iq you're just meant to read and not write with that low quality brain dude.

>> No.11408566

Is your IQ so low that you don't understand implications of different geological and evolutionary timescales and ability to detect life without using radio waves?

>> No.11408657

Literally useless to a space faring civilization.
Energy density of oil and its derivatives are vanishingly small compared with the energy density of any fuel useful for interstellar travel.
Nowhere near worth transporting to distant stars, or even nearby planets.

>> No.11408689

>What is titan (and presumably billions of similar celestial bodies)
>What is synthetic oil

>> No.11408695

Any resource is valuable once you run out. Presumably, an alien civilization would eventually run out of basic raw materials, and would need to expand.

>> No.11410207


>> No.11410221

it was warning shot or zero-in shot
depends how optimistic you want to be

>> No.11410375

dumbass, both of those take years to understand the response to or adjust your aim
and the second shot would take millions of years to fire again
anyway oumuamua wasn't relativistic

>> No.11411949

what are proxy wars? Regime changes? False flags?

If I were a space faring race I would stay away from us. Nothing more then lying stealing monkey's willing to murder each other on industrial scale for some vague sense of dominance