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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 22 KB, 370x320, 1550166253186.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11376076 No.11376076 [Reply] [Original]

If time is just another dimension like the 3 in spacial ones, can you measure time with distance units and vice versa? And if so, how many meters are in a second? Is it related to c?

>> No.11376078

No. "Time is the fourth dimension" is a popsci meme

>> No.11376083

no, you are a meme

>> No.11376087

Time is not a "dimension". That idea is cancer, coming from religious people who worship the Jew Einstein and "Consensus Science" (which isn't science -- Truth isn't found by a voting).

> What is Time?

>> No.11376088

1 second = 186,000 miles.

>> No.11376089

at least i'm not a popsci meme

>> No.11376092

>Electric Universe cult
Fuck off.

>> No.11376096
File: 152 KB, 1300x1279, (You).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Waahhh! Waaahhhh! Someone posted truthful knowledge which contradicts my Jewish brainwashing!! Waaahhh! This hurts!! Lord (((Einstein))) plz save me!!

>> No.11376098

>(((MUH JEWS))))
it comes full circle back on the /pol/tards. all you can do is repeat your echo chamber memes like true NPCs

>> No.11376101
File: 490 KB, 449x401, kek.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he believes time is a dimension
>he believes time is a fabric
>he believes time can be stretched
>he believes time can be warped
>he believes time is a tangible thing
>he believes in space-time

>> No.11376102

You don't need to be retarded just because you recognize jews are bad people you retard. Try being slightly less gullible. Electric Universe might be even worse than falling for Scientology to be honest with you here.

>> No.11376103

Thanks for exposing yourself. You truly do worship Einstein.

Same with you.

>> No.11376105
File: 61 KB, 750x600, bitch_slap_-_get_this_satisfaction_look_on_your_face_today.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Time is tapering congruence, sort of like a bulge on a data tape infinitely long.

It exists because people agree, we are literally all in the singularity and so many of you want to keep your heads in the sand that I gotta slap you from the internet.

>> No.11376106

I didn't claim any of that. Just pointed out you're a retard who fell for Electric Universe bullshit.

>> No.11376108

Not same with me because I don't subscribe to Electric Universe / Thunderbolts Project like you do. This is a one-way street of poor judgement here.

>> No.11376112

>You truly do worship Einstein.
great argument. you realize that special relativity is confirmed literally billions of times per day at every particle physics experiment in the world including the LHC, brookhaven, DESY, KEK, SLAC, etc etc? you realize that right? and yet you still hang onto 1930’s “Jew Physics” memes because einstein being right just fucks your worldview

>> No.11376118

Great minds discuss ideas, concepts, facts and science. Small minds (like yours) work on solely on emotion and are programmed to automatically attack any individual or group of individuals who presents science and facts which contradicts your belief system.

When small minds like yours are confronted with uncomfortable scientific truths, they run away from the facts covering their ears and eyes while screaming the name of the individual who presented the information. For example as you demonstrate here: >>11376106 and >>11376108

You can't deal with the science. At all. You have absolutely no ground to stand on. You cannot confront it, you cannot discuss it, because it's rock solid and far beyond your ability to comprehend.

Just try, debunk the following. We're waiting.













>> No.11376123

any post like this is suspect for copypasta. especially with all the ad-hominem. i didn’t even read any of your links but please give me the tl;dr on what your argument is

if it happens to be EU then please die

>> No.11376126


More for you to try disproving:





























>general relativity and special relativity
Both have been proven false over and over again, and completely debunked.

The religious believers in mainstream "Science!" are legit schizos, without even knowing it. To believe in "black holes" you literally /must/ be a schizo. It requires a schizo mind. It requires doublethink. "Black holes" violate Einstein's Relativity theories (which itself is full of problems). Yet you're supposed to believe in Relativity at the same time. And "Black holes" (as they are defined by the "black hole" believers) can't exist in a Big Bang universe. Yet you're also supposed to believe in the Big Bang at the same time. And going by the "official" "black hole" "science", there can't be multiple "black holes" at the same time in the same universe, yet you're meant to believe there are.

>I have nothing, I can't deal with the science and I can't challenge any of it scientifically, I will just keep screaming about the "EU"

>> No.11376129

>Great minds discuss ideas, concepts, facts and science. Small minds (like yours) work on solely on emotion and are programmed to automatically attack any individual or group of individuals who presents science and facts which contradicts your belief system. When small minds like yours are confronted with uncomfortable scientific truths, they run away from the facts covering their ears and eyes while screaming the name of the individual who presented the information.

>When small minds like yours are confronted with uncomfortable scientific truths, they run away from the facts covering their ears and eyes while screaming the name of the individual who presented the information.

>When small minds like yours are confronted with uncomfortable scientific truths

>they run away from the facts covering their ears and eyes

>i didn’t even read any of your links

>> No.11376131

>thunderbolts project
stopped reading there

>> No.11376137

>Great minds discuss ideas, concepts, facts and science. Small minds (like yours) work on solely on emotion and are programmed to automatically attack any individual or group of individuals who presents science and facts which contradicts your belief system. When small minds like yours are confronted with uncomfortable scientific truths, they run away from the facts covering their ears and eyes while screaming the name of the individual who presented the information.

>When small minds like yours are confronted with uncomfortable scientific truths, they run away from the facts covering their ears and eyes while screaming the name of the individual who presented the information.

>When small minds like yours are confronted with uncomfortable scientific truths

>they run away from the facts covering their ears and eyes

>"stopped reading there"


>> No.11376141
File: 194 KB, 932x1390, blood-and-soil-agriculture-1933-1945-C465R1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You've made it 100% clear for everyone seeing this thread that you are 100% incapable of dealing with the science. You can't disprove any of this:


I rest my case.

>> No.11376146

PSA: this thread is now a Electric Universe pseud thread. all posts from here on out are guaranteed to be either pseudoscience or anons making attempts at debunking pseudoscience ideologues. but the EU pseuds are very persistent so you can bet that they will spam their shit harder than any real scientist would, since EU is a conartist game that lives on spamming platforms like 4chan as opposed to doing any real science and putting it on real scientific platforms, since EU has absolutely 0 in the way of real science

>> No.11376155
File: 118 KB, 550x365, woah.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is what Electric Universe cultists actually believe.
>The broad claim is that traditional astrophysics is wrong, particularly in the way it deals with gravity, or prioritizes gravity in its models. As an alternative it presents a model where gravity plays a minor role. Planets, stars and galaxies are guided and even formed through electromagnetic forces. The universe is electric, not gravitational.
>Dude, this plasma form looks like ancient artwork! Let’s rewrite physics!
>As they write in the first chapter, after more than thirty years spent studying ancient history they have come to the shocking conclusion
>The evidence suggests that only a few thousand years ago planets moved close to the earth, producing electrical phenomena of intense beauty and terror. Ancient sky worshippers witnessed these celestial wonders, and far-flung cultures recorded the events in the great myths, symbols, and ritual practices of antiquity.
>There’s a lot of strange claims made in the EU model, but one of the strangest is that stars are not powered by nuclear fusion. Findlay’s book reiterates this point numerous times, arguing that fusion does not occur in stars. In chapter 4, Findlay writes:
>We will be returning to the idea of nuclear fusion-powered stars later to delve into why this, in fact, is not the way the Sun works and to take a close look at how all stars actually do work, electrically of course.
>In Chapter 6, Findlay explains that stars shine due to cosmic electric currents flowing through a star’s plasmasphere. Rather than nuclear fusion, stars are powered like an arc light. There are two big problems with this idea. One is that without nuclear fusion, the Sun would produce no neutrinos, but solar neutrinos have long been observed. The second is that plasma arc light doesn’t emit light in a continuous thermal spectrum, whereas the observed spectrum of the Sun is a thermal blackbody.

>> No.11376170

what the fuck is going on on this board? there's obvious psyops with all the race bait shit on /b/, kinda surprised it's here too. that or highly motivated conspiracy theorists.

I'll make this easy for whoever else finds this thread. If someone uses data to come to a different conclusion than the researchers who collected the data, it's propaganda. A competing idea can and should be proven by observation. Reinterpretation of someone else's data is sketchy unless it is supplemented with contradictory data.

Plasma cosmology filled a few gaps at the time but other models and tools worked better at predicting data. Why does that become a conspiracy theory?

>> No.11376174

>another schizo wall-of-text
take your pills

>> No.11376180

They get it first from their /pol/ background because of the "jew science is a lie / Einstein was a fraud" angle. Then from there they get into the Electric Universe "science" alternative and head over to /sci/ to discuss it because they genuinely believe this is the scientifically correct framework for understanding physics and anyone who thinks otherwise was just brainwashed by mainstream academia.

>> No.11376197

ugh it's like the postmodernists on /lit/ You can disprove any of science or physics with data and theory. hell, that's kinda the point, reinvent the model when you get new data. all these poor bastards with secret knowledge that would change the world if only not for the perceived boogeyman. if it's real it's there for the taking, do it.

>> No.11376201

The scientist equivalent of a communal neckbeard setup.

>> No.11376204

I am. God of Time here, just waiting until you scientists calm the Large Circle Jerk collider thought experiment down.

>> No.11376208

the alt-right equivalent of a newager science denier. your version of “chakras” is for sure some evangelist christian shit, right?

>> No.11376212

Sure you can relate distance and time via a rate

>> No.11376224

It's kinda telling that I'm lumped in with the LHC researchers. like entertaining data and a model makes me "one of them" instead of seeing someone as an individual with an opinion. who knows, maybe i'm a jew psyops infiltrator getting paid to suppress the truth.

>> No.11376293

Why make me google the word chakra?

You can be anything you like in my world. I dont charge anyone for any service I provide.