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/sci/ - Science & Math

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11372612 No.11372612 [Reply] [Original]

how do fucking magnets work

>> No.11372623

Love is what makes opposites attract to one another.

>> No.11372628

Magnets move each other for the same reason a baseball moves when you hit with a bat.

>> No.11372682

this question is like "what is the matrix" that neo had in the beginning of the film. magnets just give you a little glimpse of how the world works. what you're really asking is what is reality.

>> No.11372697
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It's a miracle bro, you can't explain that

>> No.11372840

Magnetic monopoles push each other to opposite ends of a material and generate magnetic field lines which push other magnetic monopoles away.

>> No.11373722

When a positive loves a negative very much ...

>> No.11373739


>> No.11373767

There us a new theory emerging that it's anti neutrinos that cause magnets to work.

>> No.11373779 [DELETED] 

Coherent matter. This is why sticking a magnet on some metals magnetizes them. There's no other explanation, the matter has undergone an organizational change and become coherent.

>> No.11373782
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>> No.11373941

Electricity. Magnetism is caused by the electric force.







>> No.11373948


>> No.11373975


>> No.11373988

Fuck magnets, they at least make some sense. Better tell us how gravity works.

>> No.11374055

explained for people of your intelect level

>> No.11374057

Starting conditions of the energetic output of the big bang exploded with such force that it caught itself in waves of potentiality. Like The Flash stepping on his own foot.

>> No.11374071
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>> No.11374878

how many slices of gravity does one magnet have?

>> No.11374911

typically 2 a piece. higher end magnets can have as many as 4 slices of gravity each.

>> No.11374966

Let's take 4 minutes to watch ICP - Miracles

>> No.11375004

popsci was a fucking mistake

>> No.11375015
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>you will never constantly share ICP/Miracles jokes with your m8s in drumline circa 2013 ever again

>> No.11375083

Infinity doesn't exist, and electrons know that.
Magnetism closes the loop.

>> No.11375109

>so let me tell you about this one time my aunt slipped on ice and broke her hips

>> No.11375164
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>water, fire, air, and dirt
>fuckin magnets, how do they work?
lol such a good song i love it

>> No.11375194
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>you will never know what the fuck this anon is talking about

>> No.11375204

tfw never been in a drumline

>> No.11375916

>tfw we are getting old

>> No.11375959

>vector calc
Fucking pleb. What you meant to say is
[math]dF=0\\ d\star F=J[/math]

>> No.11375962

Didn't miracles come out in like 2007 or 8 or something?

>> No.11375984

Solid objects are in motion. They may appear still to your naked eye, but each nucleon from which it is composed is a tiny vortex in the luminiferous aether, possessing quite a bit of angular momentum. A magnet is a semi crystalline structure of many powerful vortexes, and these vortexes drag forcefully on the surrounding aether, transferring momentum to it through the direct contact of friction. The push or pull that you observe radiating in or out of a magnet is a current of the aether, and that's really all there is to it. Let that resonate with you. A mechanical description of magnetism that is both intuitive and easy to understand.

>> No.11375998

How does 2+2=4 work?