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/sci/ - Science & Math

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11373256 No.11373256 [Reply] [Original]

Literally every second of your life is conditioned by internal and external factors you barely have any control of. Fucking depressing.

>> No.11373266

Nothing depressing about it, because you niggerfaggots only argue semantics in retarded argument which boils down to
>dude your entire existence was predetermined by particle interactions
who gives a fuck you fucking autist?
The supposition that me calling you a niggerfaggot is a set in stone fact as old as the universe itself, is filling me with sexual pleasure.

>> No.11373276
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The examples of some individual lives proves the existence of free will, whether you like it or not.

>> No.11373284

kys niggerfaggot op. and take this free will pleb question that gets posted every day and shove it up your asshole.

>> No.11373286

You are far away from /b/

>> No.11373291


>> No.11373309

Learn how to use words correctly, underage faggot.

>> No.11373326


OP is a raging faggot who thinks that his little thought experiment changes the fact that he still has a life to live and things to do. If he does it poorly it'll be a waste but we already know that's the truth.

Then you're going to DIE and find out that not only was your life shut but you have an eternity of far worse shit headed your way. Your will is not just particle interactions and your life will have consequences. Get ready OP, faggot.

>> No.11373339

>Browsing /sci/ as a god believer
lmao, you cant be so retarted

>> No.11373342
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>> No.11373353

There is no need to fight it.
The Big Bang itself has called you a niggerfaggot all those aeons ago.
I'm just its humble messenger, fettered by chains of causality.

>> No.11373367

What's with all these Calvinists invading the /sci/ board?

>> No.11373376


>> No.11373383


>> No.11373387

When I was like, 5 or so.

>> No.11373390
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>> No.11373392

Not depressing, liberating

>> No.11373406

Thats pretty cringe bro

>> No.11373407

We already know you are a NPC from /b/ don't have to make it clearer

>> No.11373414

It was pre determined he would say that so you can't fault him.

>> No.11373421

i was predetermined to respond his predetermined insults also, so you cant blame me either

>> No.11373429

Damn you're right. We are all just slaves to this simulation. No one is at fault.

>> No.11373430


I am the sum of those internal factors. So, I do have free will. Your implied definition of free will is non-sensical, so of course, reality does not satisfy it. It would require us to not be governed by natural forces, to not be part of the physical world. You could state it another way: "are we magical fairies floating in the ether"? Of course not. We're flesh and blood, and we are real.

>> No.11373439

>flesh and blood.
That's just your electro-chemical reactiins giving you those feels. Perhaps if there was a god and we had souls you could say it allows us some level of independance from this series of molecular processes.

>> No.11373448


How can anything have independence from physical and chemical laws? How can anything be made from anything else than physical materials subject to chemical forces? It is almost by definition impossible unless we're talking about God in some religious/metaphysical sense.

Why would you want to have a quality that cannot be real? And why would you pretend that life is somehow less because you don't have this imaginary, impossible quality?

>> No.11373508

>unless you're talking about god in a religious way. What other way is there? Even so you could believe that there is a certain amount of uncertainty at play. Even without god.

>> No.11373514

>Fucking depressing.

Why is it fucking depressing?

What other way do you want life to be? There is no life without a preset of desires.

>> No.11373523


This is a science board, not a religious board. This definition of free will is not scientific.

If something at all has total freedom from external constraints, it must be entirely self-contained. It cannot be anything within reality, it must be the entirety of reality. I happen to believe that reality is an entirely self-contained, self-configuring, self-processing meta-language distributed over the whole of itself, at all levels of existence, that we are endomorphic images of God acting as his agents to shape reality to his liking ... but that is another matter.

>> No.11373580

Believing in god but in a scientific eva sorta way, o.k. you still have no more valid evidence. If what you say is true the bible could still be valid within that context.

>> No.11373615


We can simply define reality as all that exists and treat as a unified whole. Nothing can be outside reality because then it wouldn't be real. So reality cannot possibly have any external restrictions. No restrictions = godlike power. Reality has godlike powers. Reality is God.

>> No.11373673

But if "G" has a plan or knows how things are going to turn out, what will have we? Or, what will do we have? Wouldn't our free will be impotent?

>> No.11373677
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