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11370433 No.11370433 [Reply] [Original]

>Diagnosed with aspergers and schizoid personality disorder
>Every male in my immediate family has similar personality traits

What is the evolutionary purpose of aspergers? Why didn't my ancestors die off?

>> No.11370449

it's not aspergers that is the problem. it is the rest of humanity who haven't evolved to that point.

>> No.11370457

Not everything has an evolutionary purpose. Neutral or even slightly negative traits can propagate through populations through drift.

>> No.11370459

Asperger people were better warriors in the age where you could just pillage a village and rape women without having to be socially nice.

>> No.11370463

>Everything about you and everything that's ever happened to you, is genetically deterministic and your ancestor's experiences were identical to yours in most every way.
Where did this ridiculous idea come from, and when will it die.

If you get hit in the head with a rock as an infant and subsequently develop some problem and epilepsy, does that mean all your ancestors were epileptics?

>> No.11370468

In fairness to OP, ASD has been demonstrated to be largely genetic.

>> No.11370488

>Pervasive deficits in pleasure/personality
>Inability to look people in the eye
>High verbosity, one sided conversations
>Lack of social skills

Riiiight, tell me that these traits don't matter in social creatures. They'd get you killed in ancient times.

>> No.11370500

You don't have genetic epidemics, sorry. You could tell me solar activity and RF from the region of the cosmos we're now passing through are awakening, epigenetically, those with certain traits, and I'd take it seriously. Anything other than a simple muh genes gave me 'tism garbage.

>> No.11370502


Once again, it is completely possible for negative traits to propagate through a population because evolution is a random process. The facts that it (1) has a strongly genetic basis and (2) exists proves that.

>> No.11370749

Could be epigentic factors. Basically, your genes could be fine evolutionary but thanks to to the way certain environmental factors leave marks on our genes, some gene expressions could manifest in disadvantageous ways unrelated to the primary gene's role. Some of these "marked" genes can get passed on to children too. Your grandparents may have had stress or hormonal influences that caused the gene expression of the aspergers/schizoid traits you and your relatives experience today. That would make it a recently inherited family trait that was never expressed in your ancestors, so never evolutionary bred out.

It could also be also be that the aspbergers/schizoid traits expressed in you because you've had some environmental influence that your ancestors never experienced. For a hypothetical example, you might have been bottle fed unlike great grandpa who was breast fed. A small change like this wouldn't affect most people, but if you and your family have something in your genome that causes you to be susceptible to epigenetic change, it might manifest as a life altering expression.

All that said, there might not be any purpose. It just happened. If you pass on your DNA it will stick around, otherwise it will leave the gene pool.

>> No.11370864

Just because it may not be advantageous for you specifically doesn’t mean it’s not advantageous for the tribe. Now make me a quantum smartphone sperg.

>> No.11370866
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>What is the evolutionary purpose of aspergers?
to not give a fuck about the opinions of the surrounding retards and drag their stubborn miserable wretched asses forward whether they fucking liek it or not

>> No.11370876

Being a sperg wouldn’t get you killed off in ancient times. Able to work the soil to half-way starve to the next growing season? Good enough.

>> No.11370882
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>Being a sperg wouldn’t get you killed off in ancient times. Able to work the soil to half-way starve to the next growing season? Good enough.
fucking hell ya, this mother fucker is tuned in

>> No.11370892

Both my sister and father have chronic depression and anemia, with no medical explanation besides genetic. There may be some strange genetic/epigenetic interaction that happened when I was born, as I've never been depressed in my life, ever. I used to think it was a good thing that I never suffered depression(and it is), but I think at this point I'd trade aspergers for depression.

>> No.11371535

>Anything other than a simple muh genes gave me 'tism garbage.
nobody here is arguing that. a child's immune response to foreign viral particles and media cause more rapid development of the brain, as it would be detrimental for the brain to keep specializing while there are viruses floating around in the bloodstream because if they infect specialized tissue the organism would be more dysfunctional/less likely to survive

the regions of the cortex associated with mirror neurons and emotions does not fully articulate, meaning they are hypersensitive to input signalling from each other. this is why the aspd person tends to be a passive people pleaser, avoids emotionally charged confrontations

high functioning autism is a complete miscategorization when positioned next to autism with profound disability (true autism), which is an incomplete or even non-existent specialization of mirror neurons as well as the frontal lobes being hyperconnected to one or more areas of the sensory cortex (causing the amplified response to stimuli of the senses i.e. loud noises, certain textures, and so on). this could be caused by any number of agents encountered in the womb. in any case, not genetic.

vaccines cause autism

>> No.11371543
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>What is the evolutionary purpose of aspergers? Why didn't my ancestors die off?

to prevent males from breeding and stop white male racism in the future, isnt evolution great?


>> No.11371688
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>> No.11371708
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>What is 16p11.2
>What is chromosomal deletion syndrome
>What causes copy number variation