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11363842 No.11363842 [Reply] [Original]

Scientifically, what's the most surefire way to cure depression?

>> No.11363847 [DELETED] 

prenatal screening for genetic disposition and abortion of any positives. legislation that determines who will be for to be a parent to minimize neglect and abuse during childhood.

>> No.11363851

prenatal screening for genetic disposition and abortion of any positives. legislation that determines who will be fit to be a parent to minimize neglect and abuse during childhood.

>> No.11363858


coming down? use more meth. and so on. how could you ever be depressed if 100% of the time you're on meth? just abuse drugs 24/7 and don't ever allow yourself to be sober for even a second

>> No.11363860

If it’s the type of depression with the symptoms like no energy and lack of motivation, then it means you are (not)doing something to your body that is making you tired. Common things include...
>Not sleeping enough
Obvious as to why this causes lack of energy
>Frequent masturbation
It takes a lot of energy to produce sperm
>Eating too much
It takes a lot of energy to digest food and your body can only use a certain amount. Once you pass the threshold, eating actually causes you to lose energy.
>Too much/little exercise
Too little causes a weak heart. Too much - obvious
>Socialising as an introvert
Introverts usually can’t be relaxed when socialising. A lot of energy is used by subconscious muscle tensing, putting on a front.
>Not finding a way to release intense emotions ie (bottling up your anger)
Also causes subconscious muscle tensing.
>High stress job
>High stress video games (competitive)
>Alcohol and drugs

>> No.11363890


>> No.11364061

If you can figure out why you are depressed (I suspect many never do, at least not before they stumble upon the solution), then at least you will know what is needed to cure it. The downside of this is that you might figure out that what is needed is nonattainable. I imagine there are incredible many different reasons to why people are depressed. Maybe a good way to start is to take a look at maslows hierarchy and see if you check all the boxes. If you check the whole hierarchy and still depressed, then you should inspect further into more specific directions systematically. Maybe start with the dichotomy of body and mind.

(Mind) You may have a particular psychological issue. Say a mental disorder. Unresolved trauma from stressful events in your life. Maybe something horrible happened to you at some point in your life. Maybe you have grown up in a an adverse environment which instilled dysfunctional coping skill and/or bad habits. Say shitty parents or a shitty friend when you were growing up.

(Body) Or it might a physiological issue. E.g. a common cause of depression is hypo or hyperthyroidism which is can be diagnosed by bloodwork. Another common cause is sleep apnea which reduces the quality of sleep by lack of oxygen (it can be very dangerous). I think even onset of diabetes or coronary heart disease is associated with depression. People often get depressed when their body is going to shit, both because of the effects of the damage and the psychological toll of feeling it happen, even if it is just a vague feeling.

Says a lot of good stuff that fits into both of these categories.

>> No.11364082

basically this plus vitamin/mineral deficiency, hormonal problems, illnesses, any life problem that has been troubling you and causing you a lot of constant distress.
if you don't have any of those and you are still legitimately depressed then be honest with yourself and if that didn't work then take ssris

>> No.11364087
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give up desire for hedonism and live life simply and with love
what's that? you don't wanna do that? then go fuck yourself LOL

>> No.11364527

I'd love to do this. I could live on 900USD a month. Just need a warm space, a toilet, basic food and dietary supplements (fish oil, vit D and multivitamins), a gym membership and computer with internet access. Living in the wageslave world fucking sucks ass and I'll do anything to escape, even if my life will be sparse with stuff, the peace of mind you'll get will be worth it.

>> No.11364536
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>> No.11364557

>a gym membership and computer with internet access
aka hedonism. Kys fool.

>> No.11364562
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how the fuck do you reconcile staying fit and enlightening yourself with hedonism?

>> No.11364581

I was in the foster care system in New York for 8 years. I was tough because I had to be, but now at age 27 I am just becoming more and more depressed. I have a good life. I'm married, have a great high paying job, but I'm miserable. The fucked up thing is that I can't go to a therapist (molested by one in the system) and I have a mental block to psychotropics because I was forced on them throughout my childhood.

I have life. Can I get a do over?

>> No.11364596

Clearly doesn't know what hedonism means, just excited using it in a sentence

>> No.11364604
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Try shrooms or ketamine

>> No.11364617

Stop living for yourself.

>> No.11364625

Electro Convulsive Therapy

>> No.11364634
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Learn to pronounce
noun: hedonism

the pursuit of pleasure; sensual self-indulgence.
pursuit of pleasure
i dont think staying healthy fits. maybe internet though i'll give you that.
if you don't live for yourself you will be taken advantage of and deteriorate mentally

>> No.11364639

Drugs that fuck your serotonin.

>> No.11364642
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and you can still live for others while living for yourself as well.

>> No.11364646


>> No.11364731


>> No.11365619

I did a huge dose of psilocybin and I've never had to take SSRI's since.

>> No.11365673 [DELETED] 

I'm just going to point out, the fact that we can recognize this stupid fucking thing as pepe is incredible.

>> No.11365675

>Scientifically, what's the most surefire way to cure depression?
What have you tried?

>> No.11365689

Get a girlfriend and have babies with her

>> No.11365693

Hedonism is good. Kys fool

>> No.11365740


>> No.11366166

A bullet.

>> No.11366188

high iq
why haven't i thought about this before?
you just cracked the code of life

>> No.11366190

>>Frequent masturbation
>It takes a lot of energy to produce sperm
incredibly high, beyond god tier iq how is thread full of geniuses jesus christ

>> No.11366192

virtually all depressions can be traced back to SPILS (Semen Production Induced Lethargy Syndrome)

have less sex, OP

>> No.11366193

Psychology isn't science

>> No.11366292

You go to a psychiatrist.
They give you SSRIs.
You take the SSRIs.
You don't stop taking them when you stop feeling depressed, else you'll feel more depressed and maybe want to kill people.
Seriously, just don't stop taking the anti-depressants... ever.

>> No.11366348

kek. I though the same thing about the gym membership...but the ideal anti-j*w way would be to have/make your own set of weights and work out at home ... the least money your need the better
danm that sucks.

we are living a decline, people have access to everything now but they are not happy and notice how someone will say "this are the best times in history" "we have acces to everything"

>> No.11366478

It's actually Apustaja

>> No.11366626

you can't cure depression you can only suppress it. Having friends to talk to and have fun with. having a hobby, having a significant other you get along with, having a goal in life. etc. sometimes you just have to wait it out. i have regular episodes of depression so i now know to just wait it out because it comes and goes.

you can't cure depression for the same reasons you can't cure anger, depression is more of an emotional state than it is an illness someone has.

>> No.11366785

>sometimes you just have to wait it out. i have regular episodes of depression so i now know to just wait it out because it comes and goes.

i agree with you, although I'm very recluse right now I do get a lot of enjoyment from my hobbies

>> No.11366798

having a happy and supportive family. Good luck on finding one of those tho lmao

>> No.11366979 [DELETED] 

>having a happy and supportive family. Good luck on finding one of those tho lmao
Not OP, but lmao, when my friends and family understood that I was depressed (an unfortunate series of events) they revealed their true colors. I will be forever grateful that I now can deeply fathom what assholes some of them are. When you suddenly change in the eyes of someone, there are a lot of interesting things that can happen. If this change means that you are appear weaker and more vulnerable, especially if they see you as better than than them in some regard important to them, such that have some envy of you, then there are high chance that they will try to fuck you up in all sorts of creative ways. This can happen regardless of whether they feel like you have wronged them in some way. If you have been a resource to them, then mainly one of two things can happen. Either they see an opportunity to gain more control over this resource (you). Or they now see this resource as damaged, thus no longer have any motive to treat you well.

>> No.11366984


>> No.11367309

Diet, exercise, socializing, and engaging in some sort of work that makes you feel like you're making progress as the days go by is the proper way to deal with it. The most surefire way would be taking the exact anti-depressant that works best for you, which people can take months/years of trial-and-error to find.

>> No.11368641
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There is no efficient , permament cure , unless you will be happy with being bluepilled , naive NPC.

>> No.11369294


ketamine is now approved as treatment for depression and is being used in hospitals

>> No.11370530

Ayahuasca and dmt also help

>> No.11370583

Well nothing left to do except brave it out and go see one, to make slightly easier go see one that is a woman.

>> No.11370607

Dangerous pseudoscience. You might as well get an insulin coma

>> No.11370664
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In the nosology of premodern medicine, there was a medical diagnosis called "Melancholia". It corresponded to an excess of "black bile" one of the four humors - the fundamental fluids of the body which conferred personality traits. The word melancholy is actually derived from the greek word from black bile. The diagnosis of melancholia lingered through medicine for centuries taking on a variety of different meanings related to sadness and lethargy. Abraham Lincoln was diagnosed with melancholia and was prescribed mercury as a cure. All of this is now correctly understood as pseudoscience.

"Depression" is simply the modern rebranding of melancholia. It means pretty much the same thing: a nebulous emotional condition involving excessive sadness. The proposed etiology of depression is similarly pseudoscientific. The idea that depression results from a "chemical imbalance", a disruption of the fundamental fluids that constitute personality, bares striking similarity to the notion of the abnormal humors which were thought to cause melancholia. Furthermore, the "chemical imbalance" theory has been completely repudiated by all empirical attempts to confirm it. There is not a single study that links depressive symptoms to some kind of "serotonin depletion".

For all of medicine's history, there have been people who experience excessive sadness for no clear reason. Instead of just admitting this, doctors of the past resorted to the baseless theory of "melancholia". The same thing happens today. No one has a clue why people suffer prolonged sadness. Every attempt to understand "depression" on a biological basis has been a complete failure. But instead of simply admitting this problem, the medical community has created the baseless theory of "Major Depressive Disorder".

In one hundred years, no one will take "depression" seriously. The doctors who diagnosed it will be regarded in the same way that the doctors who diagnosed melancholia are.

>> No.11370669

Having sex regularly cured my depression

>> No.11370673
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Does anyone know how ketamine compares to 2-FDCK or DCK in terms of antidepressant effects?

>> No.11370676

This. In terms of evolutionary psychology it makes sense for your brain to punish you if you’re not passing on your genes. If you’re happy while not having sex regularly then you’ll have no motivation to change.

>> No.11370827

Ketamine is, by far, the most likely thing to work, and it seems microdoses work. Second place come psychedelics, tho their antidepressant effect is probably via completely separate mechanism, probably a side effect of their moodenhancement. Again, microdoses work both against depression and general mood improvement. There's that whole thing with people prone to psychosis-related disorders possibly developing schizophrenia, but this doesn't seem to happen with microdoses. Mescaline is probably the safest psychedelic. Still, as far as I know, this latent schizophrenia thing isn't a problem with ketamine.

Just be aware that no method is 100%. For example, people with hypertension, hyperglycemia or hyperlipidemia show diminished response at the first doses of ketamine, but sustained treatment worked just as well: sci-hub.se/10.1097/JCP.0000000000001149

Also it seems that AMPA receptor impairment blocks the antidepresant effect. A study said that opioid receptor impairment also did it, but apparently that was debunked.

There's plenty of anecdotal evidence of ketamine analogues having the antidepressant effect, but, for now, only K itself is scientifically confirmed. Keep in mind some of its analogues might induce activity of the 5-HT2A receptor, which is the suspected mechanism of the schizophrenia problem. MXE, for example, most likely has the antidepressant effect but acts on this receptor.

>> No.11371069

>never had to take SSRI's since.
I mean did you get better or just less bad

>> No.11372723

Nofap. Lacto-vegetarianism (fruits, dairy, and grains only). Meditation. Prayer to God. Vows of silence. Running away from people that make you angry, depressed, jealous, horny, etc.

>> No.11372743

Monk mode. Fasting. Abstinence from all artificial foods and drugs. Observance of the eleventh lunar day tithi.

>> No.11373129

I tried your mom but that only made me feel worse

>> No.11373156
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>> No.11373163

a .38 caliber special outta do it

>> No.11373667

>Having work or study you like
>Having good relationships
>Exercising a bit
>Sleeping well

I bet 99/100 people with anxiety/depression/ocd etc aint doing at least half of those

>> No.11373757

Unironically a low dose adderall prescription "cured" my depression.

>> No.11374132

The normal depression is magnesium deficiency, limit calcium, take magnesium.
The "burnout" "adrenal fatigue" depression is from copper deficiency, as copper is needed for converting dopamine into noradrenaline.