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11359275 No.11359275 [Reply] [Original]

Does humanity belongs to a single race? Homo sapiens sapiens?

>> No.11359286

Almost. OP you're a special breed.

>> No.11359290

all species is false classification by humans that divests you from self-interest

>> No.11359833
File: 1.17 MB, 1223x722, RacialTimeline.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11359837

Real talk here. Different races one species. Jews and Nazis had to ruin the objectivity of race. It's not about superiority. It's about differences.

>> No.11359879


>> No.11359942

Races aren't a thing, it's literally social science shit.

>> No.11359973

I realize that talking about race will likely get you fired and removed from academics and jobs. And doesn't serve a usefull purpose in those fields and is a waste of time. So that's o.k. anon. It doesn't need to be brought up.

>> No.11360658
File: 106 KB, 889x550, DiKGIaQXcAEJ959.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Race is an informal term for subspecies. It is informal because academic politics prevents it from getting formalized.

>> No.11360686
File: 357 KB, 716x1157, 20200204_220959.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Sorry anon but race isn't another term for sub-species it's just a term we use for our own convenience instead of saying "polymorphic phenotype" which would be proper terminology.



>> No.11360720

>To be classified as such, morphs must occupy the same habitat at the same time and belong to a panmictic population (one with random mating)

That is the opposite of how the races developed. They developed specifically because they were geographically separated into different environments with very limited mixing

>> No.11360763

Race is more of a spectrum. There are distinct races yet there’s probably more people that land in between certain phenotypes than not. For instance, look at the people occupying the borders of two different races, they’re essentially a mixed people that’s become it’s own ethnic group.

human phenotypes. net /basic/

>> No.11360767

The left two would get it. The right two can go take a hike.

>> No.11362464
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That's how speciation generally works. When the in-betweens go extinct it becomes easier to draw the lines, but when they don't, their existence doesn't change the fact that different parts of the spectrum are still just as different as if there was nothing but gap between them.

>> No.11362539


>> No.11362566

are you implying he is african?

>> No.11363457

No. We actually append our race with 'sapiens' every time our brain mass gets significantly larger. For example, Ashkenazi Jew belong to the race, Homo Sapiens Sapiens Sapiens, while blacks are simply, Homo Sapiens.

>> No.11363477

But yet you bring multiple races together and what do you get? Random mating. I've seen many black bulls breed white beauties, in fact, I bred a fat ass white girl the other day. The geography is just a barrier, all humans are essentially the same base phenotype with some traits swapped around like skin/eye/hair color, hair texture, cranial and limb sizes, fat distribution ect.

>> No.11363940

If race didn't exist, then our species skin color, bone structure, susceptibility to certain congenital diseases, and hair type wouldn't vary by geographical location. We are not somehow magically different from every single other mammal on the planet.

>> No.11363950

>Things don't exist when you destroy them, therefore they never existed
When they mix, they generally produce a mutt that looks like something in between and cannot produce kids that look like either parent.

>> No.11363951

You don't even know what a phenotype is.
"In genetics, the phenotype (from Greek phainein, meaning 'to show', and typos, meaning 'type') of an organism is the composite of the organism's observable characteristics or traits. The term covers the organism's morphology or physical form and structure, its developmental processes, its biochemical and physiological properties, its behavior, and the products of behavior. "
>same base phenotype with some traits swapped around
>same phenotype
>different traits

>> No.11363964

Does anyone have that article by the UN worker in Africa explaining how none of the natives understood how to plan for the future?

>> No.11364005

There's no need for that because they know they'll get a water pump from the UN anyways without working for it.

>> No.11364039

it is a subspecies, not a race you dumb ass american

>> No.11364111

I know, I'm just asking for the link or the screenshot.