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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 261 KB, 499x402, corona.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11358830 No.11358830 [Reply] [Original]

Get to work.

>> No.11358832

Yes I'm sure /sci/ will find a cure by circlejerking about circumcision and IQ.

>> No.11358853

I thought this said a cure for consciousness hahahaha

>> No.11358854

Some quick ideas:
>postnatal abortion
>that thing they did with LeBron James to ease his HIV
>not being a retarded country and actually helping the sick
>CRISPR or its successor to find and alter the virii

>> No.11358856


>> No.11358857

develop a completely new recombinant virus that inserts into human cells:
-a selfish gene that codes against its own removal
-immunity to the virus for example by changing cell surface proteins
then spread it in all major cities.

anti-vaxxers will be SEETHING.

>> No.11358873


>> No.11359291

honey and onions

>> No.11359292

Cure: Wait for media frenzy to go away in ~4 weeks or so
Holy shit guys, look. I did it!

>> No.11359297
File: 76 KB, 400x200, .22.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying /sci/ doesn't want to watch the world burn

>> No.11359300

thymosin beta 4
elderberry juice
thymus extract

Sources: /pol/
Ez game CIA niggers

>> No.11359301


>> No.11359332

For something like one person in /sci to cure it it would probably have to be another virus engineered to insert a Gene that makes the Coronavirus unable to attach to cells. It would have to be incredibly infectious and have fail-safes against mutation. Then rinse and repeat everytime ncov mutates. If /sci actually managed to do this it would kickstart some wild shit. I don't think it'll happen simply because of the price of equipment but one can dream.

>> No.11359561
File: 142 KB, 820x627, 1557709324283.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what if we kill all the niggers, all the women and all the jews?

>> No.11359562

>Do I fit in yet?

>> No.11359567
File: 20 KB, 688x668, 1580671894215.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As if the Coronavirus isn't the best thing to happen to humanity in quite some time.

>> No.11359594

now we're talking. now we just need to repeat this message every day hatefully until the coronavirus goes away.

>> No.11359619
File: 13 KB, 450x450, Garlic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11359645

If someone were vaccinated against HIV would they also be resistant to it since the viruses are similar in makeup?
In that case just vaccinate everyone against HIV.

>> No.11359836

what's 4chan? this is 4channel

>> No.11359839
File: 157 KB, 500x500, .5.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck you this will always be 4chin

>> No.11359840


>> No.11359843

why the aggression friend, it clearly says 4channel in the web address

>> No.11359845

>wash hands
Dear God I think I've done it

>> No.11359846
File: 636 KB, 512x512, .444.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>why the aggression friend
aggression is proper chan ettiquette

>> No.11359847

Nuke China

Gief noble prise now

>> No.11359849

anger seems quite unbecoming of an image board dedicated to the maths and sciences

>> No.11359871

This is a channel, sir. What is a chan?Please use proper etiquette next time, friend. If it's just a typo, I recommend that reconfigure the autocorrect in your phone.

>> No.11359872

*noble nuke prize*

>> No.11359886

inb4 next generation of kids all have aids

>> No.11359920


>> No.11359962


>> No.11359966

chicken noodle soup

>> No.11359970

Get people to stay inside and avoid all unnecessary human contact for a couple months. In the quarantines in China they are trying to achieve this by telling everybody to stay inside and having the military patrolling the streets. It doesn't seem to work that well though. I think might be easier in the west with the rising rates of depression, voluntary & involuntary isolation and lonliness, I think we are halfway there. To get people to stop having sex we could fuck up the datins apps in some way. I think if we just turn them off, people will actually go outside and talk to each other. We need to do some subtle stuff. For the same reason it's very important that we keep the internet running. Maybe give people even more incentive to sit on the computer all day. How about the most amazing media coverage of the virus situation? Let's make it interactive and extremely detailed. Let's make it a fucking game. Let's make it fun. People must get POINTS for spotting people having human contact. People must get POINTS for washing their hands. People must get POINTS for nailing a highly detailed test on how to use protective gear. Etc. Let them trade in points for tax reduction. And make the points public! :D People must feel a deep urge to eradicate this virus as soon as possible. Every employer must force their workers to work from home if possible. Employers must be very flexible with this. We must tolerate some reduction in productivity in non-urgent sectors. Pay the employers to cover their losses. We must CLOSE THE GROCERY STORES. We must have people without the infection (approved with 14 days quarantine) PACKING the food that people ORDER ONLINE. They can go to the store and pick up the bags, or maybe deliver on the door. The only thing they need to touch is the actual bag. We must simply close the schools. Although the virus is not much of a risk to kids, it is a risk to their parents. Kids are too unsanitary. 50% will get it. Not sure how to fix this yet.

>> No.11359971


>> No.11359972

Just wait it out

>> No.11360213

that would be really funny if we could convince everyone of this

>> No.11360243

Goldenseal and high dose vitamin C and A. Also large doses of D3.

/sci/ was unfortunately too clamped to complete the task.

>> No.11360575


>> No.11360583

Kike blood.

>> No.11360610

it seems the cure is chicken soup, orange juice and corona beer.

>> No.11360613

the cure for the corona virus is to put a slice of orange, lemon or kiwi into a corona beer and drink it.

>> No.11360624

I don't. I want humanity to study of their free time and accelerate the rise of science.

>> No.11362000
