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11355829 No.11355829 [Reply] [Original]

what is the most interesting fact about existence?

>> No.11355853
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>> No.11355868

truly fascinating

>> No.11355883

it doesnt stop, open individualism

>> No.11355891

That the entropy in a closed system can never decrease.

>> No.11355895
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this is indeed intriguing. is the universe a closed system or i imagine we dont know?

>> No.11355916

Bullshit arrow of time theory debunked entropy fags on suicide watch.

>> No.11355936


>> No.11355952

This doesn't violate the 2nd law.

>> No.11355956


If you were to tell an ancient scientist of one important things, it should be that some materials are the building blocks of everything else.

>> No.11355965

The Greeks already believed that.

>> No.11355967

But the Greeks knew that. The word atomos is itself Greek.

>> No.11356024

Yes, and?

>> No.11356052

Don't we order shit all the time?

>> No.11356056

Why would telling an ancient scientist something he already knows be important?

>> No.11356060

closed system

>> No.11356061

As the time passes, space itself expands which will eventually result in all galaxies travelling away from eachother at a faster than light speed. If humans are still around at such a time, we would look into the night sky and see no signs of other galaxies, and no way to prove they ever even existed since they had redshifted out of our visible horizon.

>> No.11356062

Don't we order shit in closed systems all the time?

>> No.11356065

You’re reading this

>> No.11356070

Shit rolls downhill and payday is on friday

>> No.11356083

the quantum eraser experiment is certainly the most mindblowing experiment ever performed

>> No.11356088

t. undergrad

>> No.11356093

My favorite thing about existence is how you can have sex in it and lick lady’s assholes

>> No.11356100
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It doesn't matter.

>> No.11356105

The fact that existence exists is the most interesting thing. Not even being ironic, existence itself is the ultimate miracle.

>> No.11356108

>existence itself is the ultimate miracle.

Existence not existing is logically impossible.

>> No.11356111

Don't we reduce entropy in closed systems all the time?

>> No.11356115

Closed systems don’t exist, so the second law is basically fake.

>> No.11356116

>logically impossible.
care to elaborate?

>> No.11356118

The cause of existence is a pre-condition one need establish before one can assert its mode of existence, i.e. nothing exists because it necessarily exists. To conclude we must exist because we must exist is fallacious reasoning. Go play with your science.

>> No.11356125
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My misunderstandings of QM

>> No.11356137

Bell's Theorem

>> No.11356141

If we find the answer to a question we are always left with a new "why?" We can never completely understand the universe.

>> No.11356147

t. undergrad who thinks themselves above other undergrads when really they just as poorly informed

>> No.11356150

Yes, why something instead of nothing?

Why are there things we can truly never understand?

>> No.11356161


>> No.11356165

Life as a whole, is meaningless. There is no point to even existing, save for what we make for ourselves.

>> No.11356194

plato was a cuck

>> No.11356231

Fuck off, just because you aren't a total hack like Krauss, the black science man and Bill Nye doesn't mean you have to fucking clue what you are talking about fucking arrogant prick trying to have an authoritative opinion on fields you know jackshit about.

Go back to Twitter.

>> No.11356243

What does word meaning means in your own opinion? If you do something with your hands for example cutting a tree your existence is to cut tree so you can build a hut or have wood to fuel fire so you wont get cold. What you think of this existence is and what you take the whole existence as is Birth -> Death -> Zero/0/Nothingness.

So with your fragmented mind, human mind, ignorant mind you take whole existence then try to give it meaning yet you see those three things birth,death,nothing. Human life is meaningless because you give meaning to it and you see there is no meaning.

Do you get what im trying to say? Your logical process which is fragmentary is trying to give meaning to something you do not know about and you are making up things.

No one knows how does death feels like or what it is. No one knows what birth is even though you have been born. There is observer of death and birth but the experiencer will never experience those because your thought gives it meaning and feeling and fears and shit.

Nom im sayin my nigger?

>> No.11356248

Not even reddit tier comment

>> No.11356254

Everyone has a meaning. Just some meanings are more worthy of others. Most of them should even be discarded and probably already realised this

>> No.11356258
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learn to recognize genious
the fact that we're built to lie to ourselves in order to exist. but we're also built to determine truth. we're constantly on the edge of realizing what we are but also ignoring what we are.

>> No.11356271

Depends on how "early." If we're talking 9th century BCE, Indians had it. If we're talking 5th century BCE, Greeks learned of the Indians. If we're talking 3rd century AD, Indians had advanced the atomic theory referencing pointlike packets of energy.

>> No.11356283

3-4 billion years of evolution lead to the creation of Reddit

>> No.11356293

The Square-Cube Law, hands down

>> No.11356376

learn English retard lmao

>> No.11356385

Retarded medieval pseudophilosophy. Go play with your Aquino action figure

>> No.11356391
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>> No.11356392

Is our system truly closed if its ever expanding, or is our heat death model just based on the density of energy ever decreasing ad infinitum as the volume expands ad infinitum

>> No.11357475
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It is forever.

>> No.11358696

That there will never be no existence.

>> No.11358703

A plebbitor defeating their muscle memory and using single sentence spacing is logically impossible.