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File: 18 KB, 300x358, pythagoras_2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1135481 No.1135481 [Reply] [Original]

Why do people blame christians for the dark ages, when it was easily arguably the workings of pythagorians and plato, particularly in their suppression of the irrational universe (2^.5)?

>> No.1135494

OP here, pragmatic atheist, by the way

>> No.1135500

whats with root(2)?

>> No.1135515

It was found to be that the pythagorian view of the universe was in fact incorrect given the irrational nature of 2^.5. The information was suppressed, and the pythagorians sought to separate thought from experiment.

Ultimately they were successful, and science as we knew it was put at a stand still

>> No.1135520

uhh cuz those fag were dead by the time of the dark ages so you blame the people who did the actual suppression at the time?

>> No.1135533

It started with these gentleman. The catholic church adopted the platian school of thought, that the earth and the heavens are seperate.

>> No.1135535

Actually, as far as I know, ancient greek teachings is what parly led to the eventual European 'Renaiisance'? Also, you seem to imply that 'dark age' europeans were widely and constantly influenced by greek teachings when the reality is that greek culture along with its Roman heir was largely ignored for the next couple of centuries.

Dark ages was mostly the result of the transition from nomadic barbaric tribes to nascent feudal-kingdom system.

>> No.1135543

The renaissance was based on Ionian tradition of experiment and interaction (I believe that is an island in greece)

>> No.1135547

and if that's true, whose fault is it that they followed Plato rather than cool scientific-ish Aristotle?

>> No.1135559


>> No.1135567

monks were the only group that preserved knowledge, in fact once people made the split from the catholic church they destroyed many monastaries full of top sekrit knowledge b/c their jew overlords commanded them to WAKE UP SHEEPLE

>> No.1135573

Plenty of scientists have withheld information

>> No.1135576

Also because the Muslims did a reasonably good job of preserving that information during the same time period, and in fact are the only reason for much of that knowledge surviving through to be rediscovered in the renaissance.

btw fuck modern derka derka sandniggers

>> No.1135578


But don't forget that Rennaisance was mostly an age of renewed interest in art, literature and classical studies. Sure, science got its jump start around the period, but the real footing of scientific started around the end of the 17th century.

I do grant that Platonian views is what partly shaped christianity, but to put blame on a single man as the result of the dark ages (even Jesus is not fully responsible) seems unfounded. I don't personally think pythagoras had much to do with it, but feel free to provide some evidence.

>> No.1135582

Most people who talk about or reference the dark ages don't know anything about it, even the rough timeframe

>> No.1135584

>I do grant that Platonian views is what partly shaped christianity, but to put blame on a single man as the result of the dark ages (even Jesus is not fully responsible) seems unfounded.

Similarly, placing the blame on a single institution, no matter how powerful.

Humanity, in general, was not interested in science.

>> No.1135598


Past People <> Today's People

>> No.1135617

>monks were the only group that preserved knowledge
We know this already. This is why the Church is blamed - it kept a lot of shit to itself.

>> No.1135623

Grow up.

>> No.1135638

Rough time period of dark ages: 1776 - Present

>> No.1135644

what other group was interested?

>> No.1135645


I said partly, not wholly. I don't see how I am putting blame to a single person. Also, I am not putting exclusive blame on christianity either--read >>1135535

>> No.1135658

The scientific dark ages lasted a lot longer, though

>> No.1135667

>implying we live in the dark ages

>> No.1135672


Cool story bro.

>> No.1135694


>The renaissance was based on Ionian tradition of experiment and interaction
That is inaccurate. Read up on Marsilio Ficino and Pico della Mirandola.

>Also because the Muslims did a reasonably good job of preserving that information during the same time period, and in fact are the only reason for much of that knowledge surviving through to be rediscovered in the renaissance.

The newly discovered texts of the Renaissance were brought over from the from the Greek East. The were brought over from Constantinople to protect them from invading Muslims.

>> No.1135722

People talk a lot about the conflict between christianity and science, but I've never seen too many examples of this. The christians built a lot of universities

>> No.1135753

where people jerked off until real science started happening

>> No.1135782



Why so much hate, atheists?

>> No.1135790


Ignorance begets hate etc.

>> No.1135796

>The catholic church adopted the platian school of thought

exactly. The cathlic church decided to adopt that school of thought.

there were hundreds of philosophies in ancient greece. they chose that one, they are responsible for their actions.

>> No.1135801

If only Pythagoras knew that <span class="math">\sqrt{2} = 1 + \frac{1}{2 + \frac{1}{2 + \cdots}}[/spoiler]

>> No.1135803

>hurr I'm a durr

if you were born in europe you were automatically considered a christian, and till 100 years ago you couldn't want out of it.

>> No.1135812

Did you read the article? It's about people who contributed to science and to christian thought?

>> No.1135817

You fucking serious?

>> No.1135818


So how come most of those posted on the wiki have some sort of related work advocating that science and religion can coexist.

Besides mine is a wiki page.
Your's is an an provable highly debatable statement.

You should have kept the "HURR DURR" for yourself faggot.

>> No.1135822


But it's true. And they DID contribute to a HUGELY in academia. Don't deny it without proof.

>> No.1135828


because in the times they lived if something couldn't coexist with religion then it couldn't exist at all.

>> No.1135830

There are modern and living people on the list as well

>> No.1135838

The Dark Ages were caused by the collapse of the Roman Empire. One of things that helped to bring Europe out of it and also salvaged much Roman knowledge was the Catholic Church.

>> No.1135839


They were Christians and they contributed to science, period.

>> No.1135846


Well, God bless the RCC then, no?!

>> No.1135855

yes, and for the most part those are irrelevant to the progress of modern science.

with hundreds of thousands of living scientists some of them are bound to be christian. but it doesn't prove anything.

>> No.1135872


Whose talking about proof? It's just shows that Christians don't believe that science and religion are mutually exclusive and anyone atheist who doesn't agree is clearly not familiar enough with Christian theology. For an atheist to say that he doesn't believe that's acceptable. For him to say that they are mutually exclusive that's just retarded.

>> No.1135877

It's not supposed to prove anything, just that belief doesn't preclude scientific accomplishment.

>> No.1135908
File: 37 KB, 250x321, 250px-Constantine_I.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well Christianity did have something to do with it but it was mostly the barbarians fault.
Their constant raids made people submit to a king for protection establishing the feudal system

>> No.1135991

Somebody has just studied Nietzsche at school