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File: 3.07 MB, 4000x4000, 3PyLCGrocTHfXv4ybH23U4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11351367 No.11351367 [Reply] [Original]

There is still no plausible explanation for this.

>> No.11351377

There is still no plausible explanation for why the big bang occurred in the first instance. All we know is that it did.

>> No.11351402

No you don't. You believe it happened because a priest told you it did.

>> No.11351407

just a collection of certain interference conditions and obstructions that prevents visible light from reaching us from that particular direction, given our particular viweing position
its not really a "Void"

>> No.11351431


I didn't know it's name until now, but I could clearly tell this was some fluid blocking the light of stars. You can tell it's not a void because the stars around its limb are darkened, not simply absent. This means something like dust or gas is blocking their light partly. If this were a true void, the stars would simply be missing, not dimmed around the edges.

>> No.11351441

What's the context of the picture?

>> No.11351447

If a better priest proves otherwise, I won't cling desperately to the old theory for >2000 years

>> No.11351449

There's a massive 'void' in a region of space where stars should be.

>> No.11351450

Fuck priests dictating science. Science has become far too dogmatic.

It's not a void at all, it's a nebula.

>> No.11351463

Can't be a void. As someone previously stated, the stars around the peripheral are dimmed. They are still there, so it can't be a "void".

Has it been proven to not be a black hole? Looks like the effects of one.

>> No.11351478 [DELETED] 

Has someone done frequency analysis on the number of stars visible on the fringe of the anomaly? Distortion of light reaching us on the edge of it has to be the most promising leaf.

>> No.11351486

>There is still no plausible explanation for this.

Yes there is.
It’s a cloud of dust.
That’s it.
There’s thousands of others just like it.

>> No.11351488

Stop lying shithead. It’s a nebula known as Barnard 68.

>> No.11351489

Are you sure? How do you know? (not OP)

And if black holes exist, why haven't any been recorded?

>> No.11351504

>Are you sure? How do you know? (not OP)

Thirty seconds to find the source. Reverse image search will tell you it’s a Bernard 68, then I looked at the Wikipedia article for Bernard 68 and looked for the source of the image. It’s from ESO and is labeled correctly as Bernard 68.

>And if black holes exist, why haven't any been recorded?


>> No.11351541

If you follow the Wikipedia article’s link on dark nebula, you’ll find a number of other images of dark blobs in space.

Also, the Bootes void has galaxies in it.

>> No.11351591

That's where our universe is intersecting anther universe, in which antimatter is dominant and therefore everything in the intersection just cancels out, leaving behind literal nothing.

>> No.11351595

>in which antimatter is dominant and therefore everything in the intersection just cancels out

There’d be constant ongoing supermegadeath explosions that would send out constant and intense radiation.

>> No.11351602

Dyson spheres

>> No.11351605

If you rotate on the y axis it looks like smug pepe

>> No.11351612

Just so we are all clear, that image is of Barnard 68, a dark nebulae that is a half of a light-year across. For years it was passed off as an image of Boötes void, a relatively empty region of space that is 330 million light-years in diameter but only has around 2000 galaxies.

"Using a rough estimate of about 1 galaxy every 10 million light-years (about 4 times further than the Andromeda Galaxy is from Earth)"

>> No.11351613

You guys aren't reading. I posted a wiki link to the exact nebula.

>> No.11351616

The Bootes Void is an actual void though. It is due to nothing more than the fact that matter in the universe clumps, rather than being evenly distributed throughout the cosmos. Barnard 68 is not the same thing.

>> No.11351624

Yes, I was replying to myself as an addendum.

> though. It is due to nothing more than the fact that matter in the universe clumps, rather than being evenly distributed throughout the cosmos.

It is evenly distributed on even more macroscopic scales but evenly distributed in such a way that cavities form in between galaxy filaments.

>> No.11351628

I was agreeing with you and elaborating.

>It is evenly distributed on even more macroscopic scales
I'm not sure anyone could say that with certainty. You might assume it, but you could be wrong.

>> No.11351644

If it were just a void, wouldn't the stars behind it just shine through?

>> No.11351647


>> No.11351665

Thank you.

>> No.11351920

I do know it happened, but it wasn't what you dumbfuck subhuman think it was.

>> No.11351939

>Science has become far too dogmatic.

That has nothing to do with priests but with pop-sci fedora tippers who treat science as the new global religion.

>> No.11352011

Oh is that so? Who is the one who brought the big bang theory to us?

>> No.11352027

If you're talking about the Bootes void (which isn't that photo, that's a dust nebula called Barnard 68), it's just a region of space with not very many galaxies (there are only 60 galaxies in a region of space where there should be 2000), it's not completely empty

>> No.11352267

It would glow in ir

>> No.11352362

>Babby's first absorption nebula

>> No.11352395


>> No.11353891

nigga void

>> No.11354094

Sorry anon. But we don't converse with bullies. Your anger and hostility makes your argument null and void.

>> No.11354129
File: 283 KB, 571x450, Void Pepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no explanation
ahem.. ahem.. here it is

>> No.11354197

void :)

>> No.11354236 [DELETED] 

>There is still no plausible explanation for why the big bang occurred in the first instance
inflaton field
google it
youtube it

thank you for the free education anon

>> No.11354712
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>> No.11354771

Does any radiation come out of it? We get no xrays or gamma rays or microwave background?

>> No.11355068

also interesting that they are mostly red near the border...

>> No.11355114

Red wavelengths aren't absorbed by interstellar dust as strongly as blue wavelengths. Infrared is absorbed even less, which is why infrared telescopes are so useful for seeing newly born stars enveloped in their molecular clouds.

>> No.11355135
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>> No.11355138

it's called interstellar gas chamber

>> No.11355171

No, there are literal priests that stop scientists from doing research that could disprove their most sacred dogmas. They're called IRBs.

>> No.11355187
File: 1.73 MB, 3543x3489, Solar_eclipse_1999_4_NR.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The sun has turned into a void!!
It shouldn't even be possible for this to happen! "Scientists" BTFO! Throw all our theories of physics in the trash, this disproves EVERYTHING!
Could black holes somehow be the cause of this?
One thing's for sure though: this definitely isn't caused by something coincidentally blocking our view. Nope. Only shills and popsci retards would suggest something that obviously wrong.

>> No.11355220

>Fuck priests dictating science.
You analogy is more appropriate for economists, medicine, sociology, and other fields that conform to the socioeconomic paradigm of the day.

>> No.11355290 [DELETED] 

There's less electricity there. No birkeland currents in that region.

Mystery solved.

>> No.11355294

See the series Lexx. It has an episode which explains this.

>> No.11355306

There are also literal scientists who stop other literal scientists from doing literal research which could disprove some of the dogmas in mainstream science, especially in astronomy.

>> No.11355313
File: 41 KB, 550x413, void.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Pic related: The Canes Venatici Supervoid (a.k.a. the Giant Void) is estimated to be about 1.3 billion light-years in extent, and about 1.5 billion light-years away.

Almost twenty years ago, astronomers believe they discovered that the Universe is expanding. Redshift observations of distant galaxies appeared to indicate that the Universe is expanding faster today than it did in the past. Since the data did not fit into models of the Big Bang, the existence of a negative pressure on gravitational fields was proposed. “Negative gravity” was not something they were prepared to defend, so the force was later called, “dark energy” because, like “dark matter” it cannot be detected with any instrument.

Rather than accepting that “anomalies” in their observations exist because the Big Bang theory is faulty, astronomers resort to increasingly arcane ideas involving extra dimensions a lá string theory, or that space is getting bigger.

A previous Picture of the Day commented on the discovery of a “cosmic void” based on the detection of a lower temperature region in space. As the redshift-equals-distance theory indicates, the void extends for more than a billion light-years. It is these “supervoids,” in conjunction with multiple galactic superclusters, that lead astrophysicists to believe they have a confirmation for dark energy.

Regions of greater density in the Universe are said to increase the gravitational energy imparted to microwave emissions from deep space. Conversely, lower density regions (voids) are thought to weaken the signals, because there is reduced mass. Looking at microwave signals from telescopes like the Very Large Array, there appears to be a wide expanse where microwave radiation possesses a larger energy curve than it should exhibit. The problems associated with the Cosmic Microwave Background are not the topic of this paper. Suffice to say, what was thought to be radiation from deep space is really radiation from Earth’s oceans.

>> No.11355319
File: 89 KB, 700x615, void2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One astronomer noted that: “The Universe is made mostly of dark matter and dark energy and we don’t know what either of them is.”

In other words, two of the most active phenomena in astrophysics could be false premises. Plasma physicists, on the other hand, know that plasma makes up 99.99% of the Universe. It is a fascinating convergence that the volume of gravitational mass invented to save Big Bang cosmology is the same as the mass of plasma that is overlooked.

In an Electric Universe, electricity drives galaxies and their associated stars. Laboratory experiments confirm that Birkeland current filaments form structures that resemble spiral galaxies. Birkeland currents have a longer-range attractive force than gravity by several orders of magnitude, diminishing with the square root of the distance from the current axis – which could account for the anomalous movement of stars as they revolve around the galactic core, as well as the anomalous acceleration of galaxies in deep space.

Instead of accepting that “anomalies” exist because the Big Bang theory is faulty, astronomers resort to the absurd idea that space can be pulled, twisted, or stretched.

A wise man once said: "It’s not that most of the matter and energy in the universe is dark, but that most cosmologists are totally in the dark about the real nature of the universe."

>> No.11355332
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>Third, there may appear more telltale signs that we are living in a simulated universe. This could be in the form of what we might call “lazy programming”, such as the recent and unexpected discovery that all galaxies rotate at the same speed[73]. Another, closely related set of possible evidence would be cosmic macrostructures that hint at an Architect’s involvement. One possible example is a “supervoid” at the CMB cold spot 6-10 billion light years away. It is spherical in shape, ~1,000 times larger than similar voids, and is supposed to be missing ~10,000 galaxies[74]. This translates into 1041 flops to simulate that amount of “Hive Worlds”, and 1057 flops to simulate that amount of Matryoshka Brains (reminder that 1043 operations are needed to simulate a biosphere history). Perhaps that region of space “awoke” several billions of years ago, spread in an expanding sphere, and had to be wiped by the Architect? Moreover, perhaps the Supervoid only became so big because it was the first to go into metastasis, and the Architect could wait longer before shutting it down, since computationally intensive biospheres had yet to form in other parts of the universe?

>> No.11355394

What happens if a large-scale scientific telescope gets a smudge or something on its lenses/mirrors? How do you clean something like that?

>> No.11355397

My guess: a trans-stellar organism that absorbs light.

>> No.11355507

A dustbroom with a really long and flexible handle, duh.

>> No.11355521
File: 78 KB, 640x360, adolfo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finally, a Solution

>> No.11355530
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red pills

>> No.11355532
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I know you mean well Barnard 68 bro but people just want to be conspiracy theorists here.

>> No.11355629

it's obviously just a contraction of the luminiferous aether fucking idiots

>> No.11356984

Isn't there no plausible explanation for why gravity works as well, just theories?

>> No.11357003
File: 11 KB, 501x504, ixSdAMb.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I see this

>> No.11357028
File: 168 KB, 850x468, 79B960DE-D35B-4AF5-9D5C-177A1DB88D80.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not anon, but it looks rather homogenous to me. It really depends on when you would declare something at least nearly homogenous

>> No.11357039
File: 388 KB, 634x636, luz extinguido.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes there is.

>> No.11357665

That's a map of the CMBR, not the current mass distribution of the universe. Even so, you can clearly see how things were starting to "clump" together that early in the universe's history, which has led to even more prominent differentiation in the 13 billion years since then.

>> No.11357714

sure their is. a massive nova happend years ago and and gravity causes everything to hold together in this shape. the nova just blew a giant hole in the structure. it's really simple when you think about it.

>> No.11357725

The universe is under no obligation to make sense to you

>> No.11357744


>> No.11357757


Whats with all the electric theory shills lately

>> No.11357762
File: 318 KB, 952x717, teslabrain.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they're always here. in fact they are less than usual this past two weeks. all you need to do is post the teslabrain meme anytime they start revealing their true intentions, pic related

>> No.11357767
File: 813 KB, 600x600, 1516618104141.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dios mío...

>> No.11357772

i really really really like this image

>> No.11357888

How crazy is it that the moon perfectly obscures the sun within our lifetimes?
Amazing how everything is just random and there is literally no way that we could live in a universe with an intelligent designer

>> No.11357919

how can there be a cloud in vacuum?

>> No.11357940

Who made your favourite intelligent designer?

>> No.11357941

Do you have a plausible explanation for why there are unequal amounts of matter and antimatter in the observable universe?

>> No.11357945
File: 39 KB, 600x600, 92D370F3-D80D-4D56-85BE-E1CDA2938BF5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11357946

Bruh it's a cloud of cool matter

>> No.11357993

That's a paradoxical question. What came before the big bang?

>> No.11358032

Oh that's the area you unlock when you buy the dlc

>> No.11358079
File: 519 KB, 1024x576, 1024px-Galaxy_superclusters_and_galaxy_voids.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

scary shit

regions in the universe where there is nothing

not even stuff plank length between them, just nothing

>> No.11358388

They cleared out that section of space in order to construct your mom's dildo

>> No.11359170

>not even stuff plank length between them
Do you mean "light years between them"? Also there is matter in the voids, it's just far more sparse than in the filaments.
There are even a few galaxies in the voids. Imagine a society developing astronomy there, having to come to grips with just how alone and isolated they are.

>> No.11359445

In the far future, every galaxy will be like this. They will be so far apart, it will seem like each one is the only one in existence.

>> No.11359459

why does this use cylindrical coordinates

>> No.11359491

It vaguely looks the similar shape as Africa.

>> No.11360348

we are just as isolated since interstellar travel is impractical and intergallactic is just straight up impossible
their night sky would still be bright so they dont lose out on anything

>> No.11360482

by looking at the spectra. Certain molecules in the cloud will emit certain spectra which we can detect.

>> No.11360535


>> No.11360549

>All we know is that it did.
yeah. all we know is that the big bang happened and that you find a pot of gold at the end of the rainbow

>> No.11360626

any literal examples?

>> No.11360651

it is a glitch in the matrix