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11353973 No.11353973 [Reply] [Original]

is evolutionary biology the most important branch of science?

>> No.11353988
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It is. Everything is in there, from IQ to race differences, to sex differences, everything.

Evolutionary biology explains why women are inferior, why blacks are inferior, why men are men and women are women, why equality is a doomed concept.

When we started ignoring evolutionary biology, reject Darwinism and tried to create this realm of insanity, where men can become women, where negros are to be treated equal, were intelligence is inherently racist and sexist, we sent our society into a downward death spiral ending up in a pre-enlightenment state.

>> No.11353992

lol no. it's not even the most important branch of bio. that said evo algos is useful but the evo bio is nothing more than an interesting hobby with little application.

>> No.11354005
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>> No.11354006

fuck no, we could easily be a spacefaring species without ever knowing a thing about evolutionary biology

>> No.11354008

ok projection

>> No.11354024

not scientific. in evolutionary biology there is only able to survive and unable to survive.
also whites being smart because of the selection that has been happening since ancient greeks means that blacks can also become smarter (it's not a pure skin color thing) if you give them time since they are experiencing radical selection in Africa (wars killing retards and smarts flourishing) while selection in white countries is halted because they are "civilized" and "humane"

>> No.11354029

Wrong, we would easily have spacefaring races if we would just fucking listen to evolutionary biology and not try to treat equal what is unequal, i.e babysitting subspecies of different kinds and having our developed societies by marxism perpetuated by an entire sex that is unable to comprehend its only purpose is to breed more offspring. Evolutionary biology is key to this understanding, the most important science there is.

>> No.11354540

So, evolutionary biology is the /pol/ of science. Good to know

>> No.11354614


>I like Science except when it tells me things I don't want to hear
I feel a genuine sensation of pure disgust

>> No.11354672

Unironically no.

There is nothing applicable to gain from studying evolutionary biology other than knowledge. We cant apply evolutionary concepts because it's a million year process.
>inb4 muh AI programs
Natural selection algorithms are not the same as evolutionary biology.m

>> No.11355107

>viral evolution
how couldn't you came up with so easy application?
unironically - you are dumb.

>> No.11355190

>It is. Everything is in there, from IQ to race differences

Not this shit again.
Why do rich and successful people have stupid kids then?
How do you measure IQ?
Is IQ relevant to the environment? i.e. if you are adapted to an environment how does IQ measure this?

Define race scientifically and consistently, given that Darwin's theory asserts that variation breeds greater resilience in populations against disease.

>> No.11355193

t. Thinks Eugenics is science

>> No.11355195

This aptly explains why recently arrived African migrant's children significantly outperform generations of cletus's in the US and abroad.

>> No.11356661

The only people who think evolutionary biology justifies racism are people who aren't in STEM and likely not in school at all. All of the fascist thinkers are dipshits with no legacy except among angry lumpenproletariat.
Evolutionary biology is a science like anything else and shouldn't be politicized. The only political application it has is confirming dialectics, and even then that's much more a philosophical application.

>> No.11356673

It is the most important science in that the whole of western culture was irrevocably driven away from religion because of its discoveries and the offspring of evo bio, genetics, dev bio will in time destroy humanism entirely.
>confirming dialectics

>> No.11356775

No, it's physics by far.

>regression to the mean.
>IQ tests and any other g-loaded test as g is what actually matters. Now it does have its problems being essentially an ordinal scale derived from a ratio test somewhat like other ranking scales like elo or grades and so on and so forth, there are galtonianesque measures of intelligence using things like reaction times and so forth pertaining to central nervous system integrity and there is work on the neuroscience side to relate brain functions
>elaborate a bit on what you mean

I can't wait till western liberal whites disappear and we don't have to have these autistic semantic debates about race, none of my Chinese colleagues would ever bog themselves down on whether a useful category like race should be used because it may hurt people's fee-fees.

not all Africans are the same, they are the most genetically diverse continent despite what "race is skin deep DURRR" thinking may have you believe.

IQ scores are the same on average for men and women, also how does evolutionary biology "explain why women are inferior"? May I infer that someone is bitter that they are going to be a genetic dead?

>> No.11357346

>the reactions to this post so far

>> No.11357362

learn how to 4chan before posting please faggot

>> No.11357370

No, and in fact it's probably the most damaging theory ever proposed, even if it is right. It makes retards like >>11353988 apply it to literally everything. Survival of the fittest applied to culture, economics and social structures is clearly, demonstrably a terrible way of organization. The above referenced poster almost certainly has a long post history bemoaning female selection of the top 1% of men and how he thinks sex should be a public utility they have the right to. It's too bad evolution is telling him he's a failed bloodline and shouldn't be allowed to pass on his genes.

>> No.11357392

It’s really important but physics and engineering are probably more significant.

>> No.11357451

>It is the most important science in that the whole of western culture was irrevocably driven away from religion because of its discoveries and the offspring of evo bio, genetics, dev bio will in time destroy humanism entirely.

What discoveries exactly?

>> No.11357824

>autistic semantic debates
>Comes on /sci/
>Makes an assertion
>Can't define what he's talking about

I bet you think genetic engineering is just some cells and shit
Be specific,cite your reasoning and logic, use evidence and/or sources. Don't evade.

>not all Africans are the same, they are the most genetically diverse continent despite what "race is skin deep DURRR" thinking may have you believe.

Indeed; Just go to India. There is no real genetic
>Indian Race
either. From Kashmir to Anathapurram, from Assam to Balochistan/Sindh.

>> No.11357844

How can IQ tests in of themselves measure intelligence in relation to adaptation and

Which IQ tests? Who designed them? What do they measure? What do they not measure?

Again, why do recently arrived African migrants in UK schools have children that on average outperform

>I use African deliberately in the sense that race related posters such as yourself do.

>none of my Chinese colleagues would ever bog themselves down on whether a useful category like race should be used because it may hurt people's fee-fees.

Bog? So don't bog, define race and we can test your logic. What do you mean?
It's the same thing I ask trannies when they ask to be treated as if they were

Yes, race exists in reality as a combination of some genetic characteristics and some social circumstances - But it isn't linear or strictly defined in the way you would like it to be, and it certainly isn't statistically significant enough to account for assertions of entire groups' "intelligence," without taking into account a huge range of environmental and socio-economic factors.

Environment plus genetics matters -But if you take the route that genetics matters far more and that that genetics is linked linearly with a definition of genetic race and that then is linked to average intelligence through a particular metric then you best back this up.

>> No.11357848

BASED Chad scientist
Wait until he realises about genetic variation for a population to survive...

>> No.11357852

>The state of that spacing
I regret this

>> No.11357885

Differential breeding success, genetic drift, molecular genetics, and the possibility of sub-optimal form and function due to randomness, or more disturbing the dominance of a form of life due to randomness.

>> No.11357924
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yes, and the older the more important, also geology, the most important is the uncovering of origins of eukaryotic chromosomes and eukaryotic cells, viruses, mitochondria, chloroplasts, bacteria, archaea, shape of the earth, composition of the sky, time before hadean eon, why is life only found on earth, this kind of things

>> No.11358023

>more disturbing the dominance of a form of life due to randomness.

What makes that so disturbing?

>> No.11358161

No it's pretty trash because it's so easy to hide an agenda.

Based retard. Even glancing at the famous Bell Curve book cover reveals that blacks and whites have more or less the same intelligence, but whites weren't subjugated and prevented from learning for 2 centuries. I do agree that "nigga culture" is the main thing preventing blacks from rising out of meme status right now.

Any such proposal could only operate on the scope of individual family lineages, necessarily precluding any significance of "race." Also, if you think that apes are capable of lasting any significant time in space, you're a meme. It's gotta be extremophile microbes.

>> No.11358198

>blacks and whites have more or less the same intelligence, but whites weren't subjugated and prevented from learning for 2 centuries
>it's "nigga culture's" fault
The fact that a group that resides in one of the most powerful nations in the world and is favored over other groups for scholarships and opportunities with universities and companies has developed a culture around being frivolous, rambunctious, and violent should be evidence enough that, no, in fact they are not the equals of white people in terms of intelligence.

>> No.11358211

Blame the Jews man, my people simply provides the scholarships and opportunities.