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/sci/ - Science & Math

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11352043 No.11352043 [Reply] [Original]

Does /sci/ go to a good school?

>> No.11352057


>> No.11352087

do you really think people care about selling the data of a bunch of 4chan posters?

>> No.11352344

(((Top 100))

>> No.11352354

bragging about muh prestigeeeee has nothing to do with science and math, fuck off retard

>> No.11352687

the top schools aren't Jewish, though

>> No.11352695

Most of the "top 100" schools on that list are kinda easy to get into though. It's the top 10-20 schools that are elite

>> No.11352713

>Most of the "top 100" schools on that list are kinda easy to get into though. It's the top 10-20 schools that are elite
>tfw best school I'm looking at is the 27th
At least I can transfer to Duke right guys?

>> No.11352744
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>U.S. News & World Report

>> No.11352766
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The best you jew

>> No.11353121


Haha, I'm number 3. Fuck you CalTech and MIT.

>> No.11353132

No just specific ones who show promise.

>> No.11353206
File: 8 KB, 400x400, gLz2r8Si_400x400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol. I go to the actual best public uni (arguably). Dearborn is even worse than MSU

>> No.11353391
File: 659 KB, 640x640, 604A08B9-5478-4A31-850E-F01D3CCBF800.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not even close. Ann Arbor campus is full of kikes and gooks. I’m white but based arabs don’t bother me at all. The smartest kids in my class went to Dearborn, the attention loving thots went to Ann Arbor.

>> No.11353430

How the fuck do I write a good statement of purpose for applications? Like, I just want to go to your damn school. I want to do the science and x prof is good as said science. Damn.

>> No.11353444

>uni is ranked 166 in the country
haha fuck me

>> No.11353450
File: 1.29 MB, 3008x1960, EA798AB0-22F4-461A-95EC-01F272D2A542.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You may not understand this now but the uni you go to doesn’t matter much as long as it’s accredited my guy.

That’s ok Uni ratings are only useful for Jews and degenerates.

>> No.11353470

Name ONE good top school that doesn't just hand degrees to above average students
>protip: you can't
>t.WVU student

>> No.11353476

If you are a nigger or Jew attending MIT they will HAND you the degree. Ok?

>> No.11353483

How do I get into research that's worth an actual shit?
It feels like this current institution gives anybody who tries at least a little bit a degree.

>> No.11353484

Is top 100 on us news what most people would constitute a good university? (srs question)

>> No.11353493

I was say good is a bit different from excellent/elite. Not everyone will get into a top 20 but at the least want to be in a solid/good school

>> No.11353503

None of it is worth an actual shit. You will find this out if you go down the “academic” path.

>> No.11353509

What IS worth an "actual shit" tho?

>> No.11353517
File: 28 KB, 387x464, DD1962E3-CB80-4CAC-BB0A-97278AD43B8C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Faith. Family. Friends. Anything but this fucking bullshit.

>> No.11353527

What if I don't have any of that?
>t.can't HoldAConversationWithAnyoneInTheirFamilty

>> No.11353530

Ask God. Academia will not help you.

>> No.11353550

There are twitch streamers the fart on stream in front of tens of thousands of people and slam the desk that make more money then harvard grads in fact they make in a month what harvard grads make in a year, a college degree is just the backup so just get it done quickly and cheaply

>> No.11353552

Cumming deep in your wife/girlfriend’s pussy and impregnating her.

Also licking her asshole that’s more fun IMO

>> No.11353557
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Reality pilled but not based


>> No.11353562

>haha u achieve basic animal goals like fucking which i can’t achieve

You’re literally worse at life than the fleas that infest my dog. They at least get flea pussy.

>> No.11353570

2nd year Quantum Physics undergrad at Caltech here just to shit on all you losers. I got a 4.0 so far and I basically have a guaranteed job after graduation. Just wanted you all to know that your unis are worthless and you're getting fucking scammed if your IQs are lower than 150, which they are.

>> No.11353573
File: 306 KB, 722x767, FF2EAA70-8133-45D2-8AEA-1B04792D8BB9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Based if satire. Gook if not.

>> No.11353576

I'm a freshman at a shitty state school and already have multiple people that guaranteed me a job after graduation. Nothing to be proud about

>> No.11353578

Ummm.... Based? Yes based

>> No.11353588

>u haev sex dat is insult somehaow

>> No.11353770

bachelors degree was from a university in the top 130-139, phd will be from a university in the top 20-29 although closer to top 5 or top 10 in the field depending on who you ask. only in 1st year though so maybe i flunk out and become a homeless crack addict

>> No.11353796

>coping this hard

>> No.11354250

I'm just about to complete my AA.
I keep on applying to universities and they just won't accept me. It's not like I have a trash GPA.
What the fuck do I do if no university will let me in? Do I just have to go "well fuck me I guess" and abandon my degree?

>> No.11354682

Yeah I guess, but my thesis combined with Seattle weather makes me want to an hero every day.

>> No.11355503

but they have large percentages of jews who get in by way of nepotism and (((donations)))

Simon Fraser University; worst sjw nigger-infested hellhole.

>> No.11355523

>based arabs
Its hard to find real arabs (most shitskins are pakis, or some other ambiguously brown monstrosity) but when you do, they are pretty based and redpilled
t. real arab

>> No.11355542

No, U.S. News is just a bullshit popularity contest. The colleges that are lower on the list are the colleges that aren't participating in the contest.

>> No.11355588

all the rankings are kind of bullshit, but US news is unironically the least bullshit. post a ranking you think is better and i will show you something completely retarded in it.

US News actually sticks some things like "survey of experts' opinions" or "reviews by peer institutions" into their methodology instead of only relying on statistics of faculty publications or student job outcomes. and it fixes the pathologies. for instance US News never ranks places like UC Davis and UC San Diego super high, but they are so big publishing lots of meh-tier research and have lots of professional schools churning out wealthy but meh professionals that it skews them into looking actually good. when in reality everyone in california knows that e.g. USC is a better school than either of those two

>> No.11355605
File: 38 KB, 250x250, rpi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anyone else go here? am undergrad in math department

>> No.11355691

I've visited there
They seem okay but not Great

>> No.11355693

I didn't think it was possible to cram this much cope into a single line.

>> No.11356036

What the fuck does a ranking in innovation even mean?

>> No.11356978

>have online test due tomorrow
>was nervous about taking it so decided to study first and take it today
>turns out I need to know my student username and password to get in
Welp, guess I have to wait until I get home.

The class is college algebra btw. I'm a mathlet and trying to git gud. It's pretty easy so far tho

>> No.11356991

How can a flipnigger undergrad in the Philippines can get accepted in another Amerifat or Europoor university for postgrad?

>> No.11357001

I was in the top percentile of a shit uni in the UK and I've applied for some Master's degrees in the US at the top 10 schools. What are the chances I'll get into any of them? Places available range from about 30 to 300.

>> No.11357085
File: 45 KB, 313x500, 1555584289458.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All sciences professors who don't grade based on quantitative factors and instead give you the final grade they feel you "deserve" should not be teaching sciences. Take that shit to the English department

>> No.11357126

If your uni is specialist in something (Warwick for Business/Maths for example), you shouldn't have a problem. You'll be at a disadvantage otherwise, especially since you're international. Why not try Oxbridge? Or Imperial, Durham..?

>> No.11357311

You guys are so naive about your top ratings. It's biased towards English-speaking countries. My uni is like top 500, but the bachelor degree holders of my program easily get into Harvard, MIT and such,

>> No.11357321


City is arab infested.
I wish LMU or even TUM would have such strong topology and alg geo chairs, since they are in Bavaria and close to beautiful-ish landscape and not an NRW shithole.
University is ok; I'd definitly prefere the anglo-american modus of educational examination with multiple exams and homework being the grade than just an (often oral) end term exam.

>> No.11357326

went to a university in france, total waste of fucking time, education is free but you will not find a job and living is expensive, so a waste of money also, would not recommend.

>> No.11357454

Im planning on going to University of New Hampshire in the spring for EE, what should I expect?

>> No.11357650

I studied in the university of Buenos Aires (#73) and literally any mongoloid can study there. It's free so people don't care in wasting like 10 years of their life studying there. It used to be a really good university tho, but during the last years it excellence went to hell due to muh inclusivity.

>> No.11357673

Is the University of Illinois Champagne good?

>> No.11357847

I know it is one of the best universities for engineering, and probably some other STEM degrees. It is probably top 100 overall as it is a large state university

>> No.11357957

University of Arizona, a wannabe ivy league school for fratbros and sororities to have sex 24/7.

>> No.11357960

what are you going for? hows CS there?

>> No.11357977

Based based arab
t. real based based arab