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/sci/ - Science & Math

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11352765 No.11352765 [Reply] [Original]

>14k official infected now
oh yeah baby

>> No.11352802

Literally no worse than a typical cold. Most people show no symptoms at all. Why are we even talking about this meme virus still?

>> No.11352805
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>> No.11352809

can this virus have spanish flu properties?
>first wave immunizes
>second wave kills by immune system response destroying lungs

>> No.11352823

Onions basedence basedboy basedgoy

>> No.11352878

>no worse than a typical cold
mortality rates:
seasonal flu: <0.01%
swine flu: 0.02%
coronavirus: 2%

that figure isn't taking into account the lag between seeing symptoms and dying. when taking that into account, the rate is much higher.
granted, the number of reported cases is going to be less than the number of people actually affected (not everyone shows symptoms, like you said). also, it seems that the mortality rate is lower once you take Wuhan out of the equation.

>> No.11353061

2% mortality rate is far far worse than the flu, plus 20% of people infected are in critical condition

>> No.11353078
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So what's the real number of infected?

>> No.11353082

Why are some people so excited by the imminent end of the world?
>Some people just want to watch the world burn

>> No.11353087

the REAL number?
it must be much higher
chinese officials only admit to the number that is directly proportional to what can be extrapolated from what is detected outside their borders

>> No.11353088

Our society isn't that great, most peoples lives suck. Everyone I know is depressed, going through divorces, losing their homes, living paycheck to paycheck. It's easy to imagine a better live without society. Everyone wants to be the person that survives the apocalypse and then picks them out a giant house at the beach, no bills, no jobs, no permits, licenses, taxes. Its a fantasy people have to really be free.

>> No.11353091

Hell no I'm not excited. But I swear to god if China ends up killing us because they can't control their exotic meat fetishes and totalitarian government...

Well, the virus is definitely a problem, don't let retards tell you otherwise.

>> No.11353096

any proof to that?

>> No.11353098

Correction, 20% of people with symptoms bad enough to talk to a doctor are in critical condition.
There are plenty more infected that aren't feeling any affects.

>> No.11353099

How retarded would it be for me to get infected on purpose and hopefully, survive to have an inbuilt resistance to the virus?

>> No.11353114

Depends, are you a boomer? Underage? Immunocompromised? Or have any genetically inborn traits which might make you especially susceptible to death by the virus? If not, then you'll likely be fine. Of course, I have no idea if I'm right, it's too early on into the outbreak to tell if it can kill healthy people.

>> No.11353163
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Press F to pay respects

>> No.11353173


Here are lab-detected incidences: 11,955, 259 deaths

Thats a 2.1% lethality rate.

>What is unknown is how many are infected but asymptomatic.
>infected, but have since cleared.
>Unknown/undetected incidences.
>number of total current hosts
>how many currently afflicted will die

The 11995, 259, and 2.1% are the only hard numbers

>> No.11353749

You can get reinfected as far as I've heard.

>> No.11353765
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>Trust the communist dictatorship bros
>Ignore the absolute shitstorm of leaked info and videos as well as reliable medical journals telling you it's fucked

>> No.11353791
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And what "reliable journal" would that be?

>> No.11353792


Sure was better when we worked in factories 12 hours a day for 6 days a week and died at 35 from bad living conditiions.

>> No.11353803


Everything about this outbreak is good. It is killing human beings, culling the human population with a minimum of "blame" factor once it really gets going, it is most directly harming the Chinese state and citizenry, providing a conceivable opportunity for the PRC to be put down and overthrown, and it will help to ensure Trump's re-election.

No downside. Why contain it?

>> No.11353806

That's a nonsensical argument. You could always find something worse to compare literally anything to. You don't have any legs, sure is better than being blind. You have cancer, better than aids. You got raped, at least you weren't murdered.

>> No.11353826
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According to /pol/: around 300 deaths and 300 recovered means that this virus has a 50% mortality rate, is this true /sci/?

>> No.11353827


All the things you brought up has nothing to do with society.

My point is this; if you are unhappy in this society, the best society ever to exist anywhere in the history of humanity, then the problem is with you.

>> No.11353832
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>the best society ever to exist

>> No.11354021

I agree with your point but that image triggers me. Take it down pls

>> No.11354025


nice argument

>> No.11354027

I know right? Because global travel and meeting people is so boring! Who likes electricity and convenience that civilization brings with it? Pffft.. like i need specialists of different fields to help with many things that make my life easy, safe and secure. Like i need internet or clean water anywhere i want.

>> No.11354031

Think about this yourself. With this information you can come to that conclusion, but there isn't much way to confirm the real death toll aside from trusting a scumbag government

>> No.11354531

The problem is autonomy, which is a fundamental driving force for much of humanity. Modern life has luxuries and safety, but as a cost it requires that all participate in the system in a structured fashion.

This worked well up to a point because for those that desired more autonomy, more risk/reward and were willing to forego comfort and security, there was always a frontier to go to and forge your own path.

But we don't have any frontiers left. Space exploration and zombie apocalypse are surrogates for this but of course aren't real, and likely won't be within the time people have left before they die. Even if they did become reality, it likely wouldn't be anything like the escapist fantasies we imagine.

Video games and tiny houses and many other modern phenomena can be understood as surrogates for the loss of frontiers.

>> No.11354603

>2% on 2K cases
>flu has 0.1% on a billion

>> No.11354604

>Because global travel and meeting people is so boring!
>The bigger things get the smaller and duller or flatter the globe gets. It is getting to be all one blasted little provincial suburb. When they have introduced American sanitation, morale-pep, feminism, and mass production throughout the Near East, Middle East, Far East, U.S.S.R., the Pampas, el Gran Chaco, the Danubian Basin, Equatorial Africa, Hirther Further and Inner Mumbo-land, Gondhwannaland, Lhasas, and the villages of darkest Berkshire, how happy we shall be . At any rate it out to cut down travel. There will be nowhere to go. So people will (I opine) go all the faster.

>> No.11356153


>> No.11356189


>> No.11356191

That's an absolutely stupid way to measure lethality

>> No.11356362

They are only counting people who test positive, they have a limited capacity to run theses tests and are only testing people who present with flu like symptoms. They have admitted this all.

The actual number of infected are expected to be somewhere around 3x and 14x the the confirmed cases. Many infected people never present symptoms at all and simply get over it without ever knowing they had it.

>> No.11356756
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You actually make sense, but unfortunately you fail to realise that there are still plenty "frontiers". You wanna live by yourself? Live alone in siberia or some other place on earth where there aren't people for miles. It's actually wild there I'm not kidding. Well in the end it won't matter since there is no Ultimate happynnes and no matter if you don't want to admit it, but there hardly anyone (you included) that would like to discard all modern conveniences just to be constantly bothered by mosquitoes and lack of toilet paper

>> No.11356758

I don't know about you, but if i decide to travel somewhere i expect sanitation there... Stop hating on modern developments, you know perfectly well that this Kaczynski stance is not practically viable or enjoyable

>> No.11356759

>tfw everyone will die in your lifetime
feels good man

>> No.11356760

I want to know more about not presenting symptoms. Where did you hear about that?

>> No.11356764
File: 2 KB, 132x137, download.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>According to /pol/: around 300 deaths and 300 recovered means that this virus has a 50% mortality rate, is this true /sci/?
>mfw /pol/ is so bad at math
>mfw listening to /pol/ in the first place

>> No.11356844
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>Virus kills 1/100 people
>Takes 2 years to recover
>1 year in 1 person died, 0 recovered
>100% death rate
I honestly thought /sci/ was smarter than /pol/ until this coronavirus hit.
Now it's clear that this is the r*ddit wing of 4chan
How anyone interested in science could possibly think you can infer absolutely anything from both bad and incomplete data is beyond me
The only explanation is that you're all just LARPing, and are actually a lot more like the "I FUCKING LOVE SCIENCE" fags you like to make fun of

>> No.11356893

Nice job not reading the thread

>> No.11356908

>How anyone interested in science could possibly think you can infer absolutely anything from both bad and incomplete data is beyond me
>Nice job not reading the thread
Stop being a nigger and admit that I'm right

>> No.11356910

Can we have vaccine cost already?

>> No.11356951

>14k infected in a month
Wow, what a doomsday weapon.

>> No.11356955

That's fucking retarded . Why would you ignore the people who haven't died yet?

>> No.11356977
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>deaths are now at 361
>recoveries are now at 475
oh dear

>> No.11356995

The 2% figure is the best estimate we have so far

>> No.11357018

Yeah it's also wrong
That's 2% of people who had pneumonia and died while in a hospital (not fever clinic. That wouldn't count) and also were lucky enough to get a test kit.
They also claim to have less than 200 people die per year from influenza
Are we just gonna start throwing that number around because it's "the best we have?"

>> No.11357092

Then show us the math. So far at least, all the people that recovered from the virus is at the same number that people who died from it. Why would you count the ones that are still sick? You want the final result, in this case its 50% u die 50% u live at the end of it. Go fuck yourself or at least post your stance instead of making fun of others comments

>> No.11357127

You got a better source then? Looking at the footage and photos coming out of Wuhan this thing is looking alot worse than a "cold". People are dropping I the streets,body bags are piling up outside apartments, entire apartment buildings are being boarded up,not enough test kits, hospitals are overwhelmed,etc. The virus has an incubation period of up to 14 weeks and can spread asymptomatically. This virus puts a normal healthy person in the ICU unlike the flu. If it hits America theirs not enough ICU beds to house the sick so expect people dying in the waiting room.

>> No.11357276

>Why would you count the ones that are still sick?
Because they're not fucking dead?

>> No.11357305
File: 8 KB, 223x226, images[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it me, or are we really fucked? The number of cases just keeps fucking growing. We're already over TWICE the numbers of SARS in a single month.

>> No.11357308

>up to 14 weeks
Delusional /pol/aks are starting to sound a lot like the financially enriched about the 6 trillion.

>> No.11357327
File: 253 KB, 600x536, 1562683709537.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It's another shitrona virus thread
It's literally another kind of flu that's slightly more aggressive against old people, infants and basedpeople with no immune system.

>> No.11357334
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>> No.11357335

if they haven't died already, they probably won't, so it's inappropriate to assume they wouldn't end up in the living column

>> No.11357365
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>> No.11357395

>Another meme disease thread

>> No.11357411
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Imagine believing modern society is better than Japan during the Edo Period (pic related)

>> No.11357429



>> No.11357472

Your source says 14 days or two weeks though, not 14 weeks. CTRL + F gives only one hit for weeks, and that says two weeks. It also only gives two hits for 14, both referring to 14 days.

>> No.11357588

Oh so that's why you spend the majority of your time consuming a much of non-renewable resources that prevent those conditions from coming back as possible. Makes perfect sense.

>> No.11357596

This bug will be with us now forever. This is our new reality. Expect drastic changes.

Fun fun!

>> No.11357600
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>> No.11357601

Sorry meant 14 days typo. You knew what I meant don't play dumb. That should terrify you that people can spread the virus for two weeks without having symptoms.

>> No.11357621

>can spread the virus for two weeks
Doesn't happen until proven otherwise. You need a certain viral load to be able to produce a large enough amount of the virus to infect other people. This isn't an instantaneous process, and essentially every viral disease has separate incubation, transmissible and disease and recovery stages with the middle overlapping one or more of the others. You retards sensationalize almost everything you don't understand and pathologically work yourselves into hysterics so I'm a bit skeptical that it was "just a typo" when other people are pretending that the virus has a 50-55% mortality rate.

>> No.11357642

What? Either you don't get infected and don't need or you get infected later on anyways. It wont mean shit in a decade so it wont protect you from some later disease.
The only reason why that might make sense is that if you're one of the first in your region to get infected, and you end up needing a hospital bed, it might be better to catch it early than when it's widespread. It would also be a dick move though.

>> No.11357648

It was a typo you moron why the hell would it stay dormant for three months you fedora tipping faggot? Take your head out of your ass and look at what is going on in China. This is much worse than their afraid to admit. The 50% death rate is based on the "recovered"/death ratio which is accurate. It is 50% but that's not what is important. What's important is that the virus is spreading faster than leaving fatalities. Ebola took a year to come to America and it wasn't a problem because it killed way too fast. 11 people are infected the US in under 3 weeks. We're not equipped at all to handle this thing.

>> No.11357653

>1/3 of patients experience respiratory failure after a week
Lol. Must be a pretty bad cold

>> No.11357663

Better get your ass into a bunker then schizo. Who knows, maybe if you let some redpilled survivalist fuck your wife he'll let you into his cabin in the woods while society falls apart from the new coronavirus bioweapon.

>> No.11357668

the word "liberal" is now a racial slur

>> No.11357680

I think your eating too much onions. We only have 100k ICU beds in America. So in a few months if this thing spreads pretty badly in the US basically our healthcare system is shot. Cancer and diabetic patients are turned away. Car accident victims will be pronounced dead at the scene. This virus is a bioweapon which means the world is fucked. Your leaders and the media are downplaying this virus because they know what it's going to do to our economy.

>> No.11357696

You're right, this is totally different from Ebola with 90% mortality having 2 deaths out of 11 US cases, or SARS with ~10% case mortality having 27 deaths and 0 US deaths. This time it's really going to happen, all of the other times weren't despite demonstrably showing no practical knowledge of virology or epidemiology and there's absolutely no way people are blowing the potential danger out of proportion this time. 100% verified happening.

>> No.11357701

*27 cases

>> No.11357716

Ebola had a Ro of 2.0 while this virus is a 4.1. The 90 % fatality rate is why it never became a global pandemic since it killed the host faster then it could spread. It was only contagious after exhibiting symptoms. This virus can spread without symptoms for up to two weeks. The Spanish Flu had a fatality rate of 2% so a 50% rate isn't good. Again look at the footage of people out it China and stop believing lies.

>> No.11357733

how many dead?

>> No.11357738

You're literally just repeating talking points with no evidence, even when they're contrary to basic reasoning and germ theory. R0 is a property of a virus and only one factor in transmission. If R0 was all that mattered everything with an R0>1 would eventually become a pandemic. Spanish flu mortality was somewhere in the ballpark of 10% considering 1/3 of people were estimated to be infected and 3% of the world population died. You are incapable of thinking critically or putting in basic effort to research and just assume what you want to be true is true while disregarding everything else as propaganda. Fuck off to whatever coronavirus general is on /pol/ if you want a doomsday circlejerk over something that will almost certainly never severely affect the first-world.

>> No.11357753

I wish I could be optimistic and have trust in first world authorities like you do, but I can't and I think they're mostly fucking idiots.

>> No.11357758

I think 368 so far.

It will affect the first world when 200k Americans need an icu bed. Your forgetting that if China is hit badly then guess what? Production shuts down for a while. What do you think that will do to our economy? Our healthcare system? Why was zerohedges Twitter account suspended for tweeting that the virus was a bioweapon from a Chinese lab? We never saw anything like this with H1N1 or Ebola. No one in the media wants to talk about this virus. AGAIN WATCH WHAT IS COMING OUT ON CHINESE SOCIAL MEDIA AND TELL ME THIS WON'T AFFECT THE FIRST WORLD?!

>> No.11357764

I wish I could be retarded like you so I could be entertained by other retards who have either no capacity to understand what they're talking about or will to find out. Blindly dismissing data off of stereotypes and not attempting to educate anyone would make my line of work easier.

>> No.11357776

you're the one who shills for the "optimal" carbon tax, aren't you?


>> No.11357795

>when 200k Americans need an icu bed
I'm more likely to get hit by lightning before hitting the post button than 200k Americans needing an icu bed from coronavirus simultaneously
>What do you think that will do to our economy?
Prices of goods will go up and/or we'll just start buying more from India which won't be hit nearly as hard as China. Companies that outsource labor might take hits on the stock market. A real tragedy.
>Our healthcare system?
Basically fucking nothing.
>Why was zerohedges Twitter account suspended for tweeting that the virus was a bioweapon from a Chinese lab?
Probably for violating twitter policy about spreading false information with the intent to cause panic or something. Since I'm straight, I don't actually use twitter and that's just an educated guess.
>No one in the media wants to talk about this virus.
I see about an article a day in AP about it. You're a retard.
Why the fuck would I watch social media in a language I don't speak and pretend to understand what's going on or know that it's legitimate and not some sort of performance piece?

>> No.11357801

No, I'm a medfag.

>> No.11357803

>overreacting just a weee bit here with this post donchathink?

maybe you oughta talk to your government head doctor about the current cocktail you're on

>> No.11357810

I think you're lying
This post (>>11357764) has the unmistakable stench of everyone's favorite "optimal" carbon tax shill.

>> No.11357815

I honestly have no idea what you're talking about. I stick to /med/ 95% of the time. To be fair I initially assumed you were the same person as >>11357758 but he's pretty clearly in hysterics and you're not.

>> No.11357822
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>> No.11357837

There was no real argument in the first place. In what non-superficial way is this the best society ever?

>> No.11357838 [DELETED] 

>I'm more likely to get hit by lightning before hitting the post button than 200k Americans needing an icu bed from coronavirus simultaneously

Ok your officially retarded. Over time this could happen. Maybe in a month or two as the infection rate climbs and the infected have to be put in ICU units we'll be running into problems. Imagine your mom is in the ICU after having an operation and she has to be moved to a non ICU room. How does that make you feel?

>Prices of goods will go up and/or we'll just start buying more from India which won't be hit nearly as hard as China. Companies that outsource labor might take hits on the stock market. A real tragedy.

Kek you think India can save the day? Do you realize where we do our manufacturing?

>Probably for violating twitter policy about spreading false information with the intent to cause panic or something. Since I'm straight, I don't actually use twitter and that's just an educated guess.

What about just doing nothing and calling it fake news? Deleting the account for no reason doesn't help the panic image. Oh and the BuzzFeed reporter who got their account terminated is a confirmed pedo.

>I see about an article a day in AP about it. You're

Is it the main headline? No it is not

>Thinks it's a performance piece

Yes slamming my head into the pavement will totally help my acting career.

>> No.11357841

I said I think. It's 362. Are you really going to sweat a 6 number difference?

>> No.11357855

no, even if its 1000 it completely insignificant (I mean on a country and international level), What is significant is infection rate and possibility that the virus will mutate again

>> No.11357856

Can anyone who understands statistics tell me whether the virus is slowing down, speeding up or will keep constantly infecting the same number of people? I'm scared, I want off mr. Xi's wild ride!

>> No.11357861

>i'm scared
Christ, fuck off.

>> No.11357863

Really hating edgefags lately

>> No.11357866

>someone in my university is under quarantine after flying with someone who was infected
Uh oh

>> No.11357871

Come on dude... think about it...

>> No.11357878

>this could happen
>How does that make you feel?
Probably not great since it means I and everyone else will be putting in a lot of extra hours to meet demand and errors will be more likely since everyone will be sleep deprived, but hey, God made modafinil for a reason.
>you think India can save the day
I would expect a country of comparable population, lower wealth and ~1/3 the amount of smokers would be capable of picking up where China leaves off if they're economically crippled by a respiratory infection, yeah.
>What about just doing nothing and calling it fake news?
Probably because idiots would still believe and propagate it.
>Deleting the account for no reason doesn't help the panic image
If fewer people see it, fewer people react to it.
>Oh and the BuzzFeed reporter who got their account terminated is a confirmed pedo
>Is it the main headline?
It probably will be if it picks up steam and becomes relevant to the US, which it hasn't yet.
>Yes slamming my head into the pavement will totally help my acting career
Yeah, you're right, performance pieces are never weird and things like ARGs couldn't possibly exist. Just look at how sensible that one woman who stuffs paint eggs in her vagina is.

>> No.11357883

Realistically, the number is much higher

>> No.11357889

The main issue is whether the Chinese government can be believed. Alot of the local media reporting in China is taking place in the green zone (according to the leaker out of Wuhan). So no one is at ground zero. The numbers are alot higher especially the amount of infected since most infected are dying in their homes and can't travel to the hospital. Theirs been numerous reports of pneumonia patients who died having their bodies cremated without testing. And their new hospital looks like a prison.

>> No.11357892

>Doesn't happen until proven otherwise
All over the news, strong evidence suggests this is true.
>You retards sensationalize almost everything you don't understand and pathologically work yourselves into hysterics so I'm a bit skeptical that it was "just a typo" when other people are pretending that the virus has a 50-55% mortality rate.
Taking the bait this hard and using it as an excuse to have a schizophrenia fueled outburst - you must know what you're talking about. Calm down and stop posting.

>> No.11357898

>The 50% death rate is based on the "recovered"/death ratio which is accurate.
No it's not. Dead/infected is used to calculate mortality, which is currently 2%. This info can easily be found on Google.

>> No.11357901

>strong evidence suggests that ncov19 is miraculously able to jump host immediately upon reaching a new one and retains this ability for the entire period between infection and presentation of symptoms
Based speedreader.

>> No.11357905
File: 880 KB, 720x720, e09[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No. Listen to actual scientists instead of /pol/.


The above study only compares recoveries vs deaths, like /pol/ does. They do however also take other circumstances into account like the pre-infection condition of these patients. Their mortality rate itsn't 50%, it isn't even 15%. It's 14%, with the caveat that the real number may be lower. In other words a 14% mortality rate is (according to the data we have) the absolute worst case scenario.

/pol/ (and Mr. Metokur, whom I'm convinced gets most of his data from /pol/) made the mistake of assuming every single lethality and recovery are the exact same: the exact same age, the exact same health condition, the exact same medical history. If every patient were the exact same, 50% would make sense. But among mortalities the old, immuno-compromised and generally frail are overrepresented.

In other words:
>Dead/Dead + Recovered = 14% mortality (taking into account various other factors)
>Dead/infected = somewhere between 2% and 4%
>Dead/infected + presumed self-recoveries that aren't hospitalized = potentially(!) 1%

If you're a pessimist like me, just presume 14%.

>> No.11357906

The Chinese have been prolonging the holidays to stop the spread
What will happen when the holidays end and people from all over China return to their workplaces and schools?

>> No.11357907

Okay now I know you're retarded. I'm going to ignore retard posts now

>> No.11357914 [DELETED] 

It'll mean your going to have chaos in hospitals. Our healthcare system is meds and will be quickly overwhelmed. Prepare for doctor's telling healthy patients their going to have to die.

>I would expect a country of comparable population, lower wealth and ~1/3 the amount of smokers would be capable of picking up where China leaves off if they're economically crippled by a respiratory infection, yeah.

India is nowhere the manufacturing powerhouse that China is you fucking moron. India literally worships shit. China has been very efficient at manufacturing goods. If they tank no one could fill their spot for the next 20 years. What do you think the world will be like without chink manufacturing?

>Probably because idiots would still believe and propagate it.

"Idiots" went from taking it with a grain of salt since it's zerohedge to an actual coverup by a pedophile blogger. Good job retard. Good job

>If fewer people see it, fewer people react to it.

Well great fucking job because now it's trending you massive idiot.

>Yeah, you're right, performance pieces are never weird and things like ARGs couldn't possibly exist. Just look at how sensible that one woman who stuffs paint eggs in her vagina is.

Yet I'm the delusional one.

>> No.11357915

>strong evidence suggests link between autism and strawmanning arguments online
Based indeed

>> No.11357921
File: 919 KB, 1439x2709, Screenshot_20200203-172501_Chrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>If you're a [retard] like me, just presume 14%.

>> No.11357925

OK, I used the wrong term. I'm no medical professional, give me a break.

>> No.11357935

>75,000 infected as of Jan 31

>> No.11357953

>Prepare for doctor's telling healthy patients their going to have to die
Maybe in your apocalyptic fantasies.
>India is nowhere the manufacturing powerhouse that China is you fucking moron
Gaps that China would leave behind would be filled by other markets and in an absolute worst case scenario India would probably be the most capable of filling most of those gaps, namely cheap labor for mass-producing consumer goods.
>I'm the delusional one
I would say believing what other people tell you about a video with no context, many of which seem to not be recent, in a language you don't understand, and assuming there's some huge conspiracy behind a deleted twitter account even though a bunch of e-celebs constantly bitch about their twitter accounts getting deleted and reflexively dismissing possibilities outside of your narrative suggest delusion, but maybe I'm misinterpreting something.
Why would anyone even come here if they didn't want to engage in autistic nitpicking?

>> No.11357964

reminder that some hot whiskey and honey can cure any flu
EVEN the wuflu

>> No.11358026

>Why would anyone even come here if they didn't want to engage in autistic nitpicking?
Except it isn't nitpicking? You rebutted (if that) an argument I didn't make. Stop using words you don't know the meaning of.

>> No.11358042

Then you literally did not read the post you initially responded to. I made it quite clear that I was refuting the idea that the ncov19 is infectious for the entire imaximum incubation period, not that there couldn't be any period of asymptomatic transmission. The person who I was responding to also affirmed that he considered the 50% mortality rate legitimate so I think the second claim is justified, if pre-emptive.

>> No.11358043
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>> No.11358047
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>arduino project

>> No.11358053
File: 11 KB, 644x800, 6e4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>parts from adafruit

>> No.11358054
File: 662 KB, 850x1368, 58236F2F-6718-4B14-BB6A-8967E0000DA8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11358390

Catgirl paradise when

>> No.11358702

>quarantines millions
>cancels flights
>seals citizens inside of homes
nothing to see here xddd

>> No.11359206

>>seals citizens inside of homes

>> No.11359477

I have a friend from china. If they travel from one city/province/airport to another destination they need to stay inside for 14 days. If they come in contact with someone who came from an airport or public transport in another location that same thing applies

>> No.11359490

It's called overreacting.

>> No.11359492

>but if i decide to travel somewhere i expect sanitation there...
>If I decide to travel somewhere I expect it to be exactly like the place I just left....
Why the fuck are idiots like you obsessed with traveling?

>> No.11359500

Someone posted a webm of someone sealing a door. Check the other thread

>> No.11359531

That's not a source.

>> No.11359540

I just checked every single thread related to the virus on the board and none of them had this video you're referencing.


>> No.11359578

It might increase due to the lack of medical supplies and Chinese incompetency in the government. China needs to admit that it's a really bad situation so that the world may help, otherwise they'll drag everyone down with them.

>> No.11361051

It's more like SARS, but who knows.

>> No.11361145

Ironic, those hobbyist microcontroller kits are the epitome of onions

>> No.11361156
File: 7 KB, 259x194, fripp10.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

based eloposter

>> No.11361171

>The 50% death rate is based on the "recovered"/death ratio
>300/300 = 50%
The absolute state of /pol/ brainpower

>> No.11361174

a British LAD said NO to antibiotics and cured the corona virus with HOT TODDYS

>> No.11361991

You have a very shallow world view desu senpai If you think a frontier is just simply living in the wilderness without modern comferts