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/sci/ - Science & Math

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11350765 No.11350765 [Reply] [Original]

Should meat be banned considering how devastating it is to the environment?
Carnists will always talk about grass-fed beef, but it is possibly worse than industrial beef.


So, if you really are interested in science, what's stopping you from being vegan?

>> No.11350769
File: 7 KB, 264x191, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Being interested in Science means you gotta be part of my politicial affilations

Fuck off, I am perfectly fine with exploiting Earth of its resources for my race to grow stronger till we reach the stars then harvest the entire fucking cosmos.


>> No.11350775

Your race won't go anywhere if it destroys its own planet.

>> No.11350778

i don't refuse to eat beef, but i seldomly get it anymore. it's only for special occasions. chicken all the way for me.

>> No.11350780


Then we must kill all Cows. The farting Jewish Moos have gone too far.

>> No.11350782

But eating chicken is not only cruel, it's also way more damaging to the environment than plants based alternative.

>> No.11350788



>> No.11350796

Meat is an essential component of a healthy diet.

Flying on the other hand is completely unecessary so let's just ban flying instead.

>> No.11350798

bitch and moan all you want, you'll never change people
what you have to do is change the animals
you have to genetically engineer them to be less tasty

>> No.11350799
File: 344 KB, 1500x1000, filet-mignon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11350800

Fuck off and kill yourself, grassnigger

>> No.11350802
File: 187 KB, 490x627, Grilled-BBQ-Chicken.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11350804
File: 315 KB, 600x900, roast-beef-tenderloin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11350807

You don’t have to ban it. Taxes will destroy it when lab meat is commercially viable.

>> No.11350817


Ah yes, I cannot wait to become a crypto meat smuggler growing and selling the highest quality beef patties and shipping them in the darknet.

>> No.11350846

>Meat is an essential component of a healthy diet.
That's completely false.

>> No.11350881

>bitch and moan all you want, you'll never change people
Actually, veganism is growing strong everywhere in the modern world.

>> No.11350885


It's not.

if you rock vegan you need a bunch of supplements to cope with defeciences.

>> No.11350889
File: 86 KB, 732x624, maxresdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>1.16% of the global population
>0.75% growth in 5 years
>Significant rate of change

Imma go downtown for a burger, kumbaya

>> No.11350902
File: 155 KB, 800x870, 048021DD96FA45D79CB09D5329C0A4C0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, but we should reduce our intake to once or twice a week.
This could be accomplished by heavy taxation.

>> No.11350904
File: 53 KB, 719x900, _Df20sSqVQAA0F5K.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only B12.

Meat eaters too, though. The B12 in your meat comes from supplements anyway.

>> No.11350908


So, I was planning on drinking my monster ultra regardless. Tastes better with a yummy burger than some fucking ESTROGEN RIDDEN TOFU

>> No.11350911
File: 106 KB, 715x812, 02FCD651-C742-4C20-9E8A-A930A0EB4750.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11350912

Yes. Not only that, meat and dairy are animal abuse products

>> No.11350916


not really, how are you getting Omega 3 for example?

>> No.11350924

>Meat is an essential component of a healthy diet.
Oh really? What does it give you that no other food product has?
>inb4 B12
You can get it from enriched food.

>> No.11350929

Walnuts, Brussel sprouts, chia seeds and other seeds

>> No.11350931



S O Y B O Y!!

>> No.11351028


eating stuff like that is too much of a hazzle though, that's why all vegans look malnutrioned.

I pop open a can of tuna and call it a day, you people have to figure out how to make beans and seeds edible, it's a tough endevour so usually it seems like you live off of fast noodles.

Veganism seems to work fine in theory but nobody has the energy to deal with all the hassle that comes with.

>> No.11351032

it's not though? how is feeding animals plants that we can't eat destructive? if you want to save the environment nuke india.

>> No.11351035

essential amino acids for brain development, why do you think all vegans become retarded?

>> No.11351046

>So, if you really are interested in science, what's stopping you from being vegan?
the taste of meat? duh
i think we should just impose a global carbon tax on all co2 emissions and then let economy go its way. what that would probably do to meat production is, that it will slowly be changed to be produced in tanks and at that point its probably going to be a lot less harmful

>> No.11351048

>producing tanks
I agree in tanks would be a good way to crush Indians and others destroying the environment, then we can eat more meat.
I'm in charge of the global plan to fix the environment, I'm going to sign off now and tell my environment we figured it out.
Thanks guys.
4chan saves the world again
signing off

>> No.11351049

The only thing that should be achieved by heavy taxation is the reinvention of the guillotine.

>> No.11351054

oh don't thank me, it's nothing.

>> No.11351063

The exponential growth of populations especially in asia and africa are a far bigger cause for alarm than eating meat.

>> No.11351068

>essential amino acids for brain development
You can get those from plants. Do you seriously think that complete proteins are exclusive to meat?

>> No.11351075

oh. clearly it is too late for you.
do you honestly think you can have a complete diet without supplementing with plants?

how about meat?

I'll give you a hint since you're probably already experiencing atrophy in your brain, the answers are no, yes in that order, feel free to respond if you didn't understand.

>> No.11351077

>runs out of arguments
>uses ad hominem
I'm not even a vegan, your arguments are just shitty and easy to dismiss lmao

>> No.11351078 [DELETED] 

So y'd.

As far as bulldozing down forests, look what's happening, and spreading, in South America to grow s oy poison, and to an equal extent, palm.

His voice is even high pitched and everything.

It's very simple. Animal eats grass (not GMO glyphosate laden garbage grains), animal poops, soil is fertilized and it aids in its churn. Grow plants? You're either looking at crop rotation or intelligent use of complimentary crop co-habitation, or... extensive use of chemical fertilizers. Normally livestock are integrated into crop rotation.

Yes, the human condition is not ideal. You have two types of people, and only two. Those who believe man should accept the game, live within its rules, and dominate it completely. And you have those who think the ideal course is for man to exempt and remove himself from the game, the other animals can do their thing, the bacteria, plants, and the animals can eat each other in perpetuity.

These are all actually variations of a religious mindset. Therein, a distant third becomes "completion". Man ends suffering and the world enters its ideal state in accordance with God's plan. This can be anything from merging into one consciousness to whatever else, too many to list.

The ideal case would be making a plant that grows meat in pods or something.

Anyway, this guy looks like a hollowed out shell. He's toast in the days ahead. Check out John Rose for a more interesting vegan than this high pitched, whiny, sad bunch of empty sack.

>> No.11351082

where did I use ad hominem, I said that you can live on a healthy diet surviving on nothing but animals with out supplementation, the same cannot be said about plants

now I don't believe you're not vegan, but maybe I was wrong on it causing retardation, although there is scientific literature showing it causes the brain to atrophy, but anecdotally it seems like retarded people are the ones in support of it. maybe it's a trying to drag people down to their level thing, nice try jew.

>> No.11351088 [DELETED] 






>> No.11351089

>the same cannot be said about plants
That's wrong tho.
I asked you about which nutrient meat contains that you can't get from plants, you said "amino acids" which is wrong because many plants contain complete proteins, such as onions, lentils, chick peas, peanuts, almonds etc.
You ran out of arguments and said that my brain atrophied which was clearly an ad hominem.
Now you're calling me a Jew for no reason.

>> No.11351090 [DELETED] 




S O Y ' D

>> No.11351092 [DELETED] 

Looks like another pour soul tragically lost to s o y. It's too late for him. Let him go and meet his fate.

>> No.11351095 [DELETED] 

>for no reason
>eat bugs goy

fuck off kike.

I didn't say your brain atrophied, I said if you're vegan it likely has already. There is researched to support this.

>> No.11351096 [DELETED] 

poor* rather
My brain is being retarded by listening to a s o y animal ramble on.

>> No.11351099

Ah, you're just a brainless poltard, I see. What are you doing on the science based board if you don't believe in science anyway?

>> No.11351100 [DELETED] 

god damnit you're stupid, you think those proteins are produced the same way, I shouldn't need to break this down for you retards every time you fucking jews make one of these threads. good luck getting those to process in your same body meat will.
I don't care. Please keep doing what you're doing, I hope you enjoy dying of cancer and being too stupid to know how you fucked up, I hope it was worth your false altruism.

>> No.11351102

>everyone that distains jews is a poltard.

>> No.11351103

>you think those proteins are produced the same way
They contain essential amino acids, yes.
Sperging out and seething doesn't prove me wrong, silly racist.

>> No.11351106

no. you're right anon, I think you should keep eating like a fag. it's suuWuuper healthy. keep it up.

>> No.11351108

pretty much. there are very few plants which do offer complete proteins and the ones that do contain very little.

>> No.11351111

this is all i'm going to post for you because I kind of hope you die. but you're welcome

>> No.11351116

>hating jews is racist
it's impossible to be racist against those in positions of power, haven't you learned what the jews have been teaching you

>> No.11351124

Scientifically I can't say which exact proteins have an effect on the human body but from time to time my body tells me I need to eat other animals and I comply.
I'm not about to throw millions of years of evolution and intuition away just because some moral relativist tells me eating animals is bad.

>> No.11351130

>I think you should keep eating like a fag
>this is all i'm going to post for you because I kind of hope you die.
I already wrote that I am not vegan, are you ESL or just retarded? Oh wait, you are a poltard, of course you are retarded.

>> No.11351139

I already said I'm not a poltard. You're the one that's advocating for people to harm themselves through misinformation, this is why I assumed you already practiced, usually it's only those that have sustained brain damage that push it this hard, and also why I think you are likely a kike. Your retorts are only confirming my beliefs.

>> No.11351142 [DELETED] 


>> No.11351168

this is the highest quality post I've ever seen

>> No.11351182

I like the taste of meat too much. I rarely eat red meat, lots of chicken though. What meats are the least bad for the environment anons?

>> No.11351184


>> No.11351193

>give up things you like so that we can cram more people in the same space for a little longer!
Population control is the only answer to avoiding ecological collapse, but the only answers so-called environmentalists give amount to making people live the same horrific life we make factory-farmed animals live.

>> No.11351195

veganism is retarded I've debated it here before.
It's bad for your health, inefficient, wasteful, antii-wildlife, requires specific land types and is crap at producing lipids in cold climates

I think people eat too much crap meat and should be more choosey. but veganism is not a good option at all.

>> No.11351198
File: 95 KB, 667x1000, meat-a-benign-extravagance-simon-fairlie(2-10).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11351203

no it isn't

>> No.11351233
File: 17 KB, 592x472, kike.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11351239

How is it bad for your health? Meat and dairy give you cholesterol and heart disease

>> No.11351244

Imagine being so obese, you have to tell yourself that vegetables and fruits are bad for your health

>> No.11351251
File: 421 KB, 1544x586, let me just plop down a big ass soy farm here, never mind that it rains 290 or more days a year.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Should meat be banned
Let's see. Just cutting down on meat in my country would lead to an immediate reduction of 20-30% of land used for farming purposes.
Because the land in itself is ill suited for growing jack shit. This land would become useless forest that would not be trapping much carbon either for that matter, unless we'd keep cutting it down again and again, which would an environmental impact in and of itself due to again, my country is not some flat place.

Shall we replace this meat with vegetable protein, which does not grow here, we're going to have to import it from across the bloody globe. That does not come without an impact to the environment.

>> No.11351254

>actually caring about something being "cruel"

>> No.11351256

>be banned
Always such extremes, never any critical thinking or nuance.

Put a carbon tax on it and it will become a rare delicacy for the rich. Subsidize alternative proteins that are better for the environment for everyone else.

>> No.11351257

>cholesterol bad
nice 1980's mom science

>> No.11351261

Farm pigs and chickens instead of beef and you already cut carbon immensely.

>> No.11351264

Poultry or rabbit, ideally that which you raise and process yourself on a small amount of land.

Answer really depends on your location. If there's a pest species in your area thst you can hunt/trap and eat, you're doing the biosphere a favor.

>> No.11351265

Most our farm animals is pork and sheep, especially sheep on the part of the country where that picture is from, where I live.
Our emissions are also really fucking low, we've lived up to our end of the Paris Accord already and we're talking about cutting even more, although that's just a pretext to tax us even more.

The real big polluters are planning to increase their yearly emissions by 65 times more than our total yearly emissions before they start thinking about cutting down according the same Paris Accord. It's all one big fucking scam and I've fucking had it with cunts telling me to eat bugs and fucking legumes.

>> No.11351273

>Indians and others destroying the environment
The West and east Asia is far worse in emissions per capita than India. China are pretty bad but still below a lot of Western countries. One must also take into account that these countries are emitting so much because they're fuelling the West with their resources and manufactured goods.
In total India emits a lot, but only because it has so many people. The real problem is overpopulation -- I don't think there's anything wrong with certain countries consuming and emitting more than other, but we have too many people the world over, and all regions need to have far fewer people. Do not think that reducing the population of places like China and India alone will solve the problem: you'd be reducing the global population a lot but not emissions. And what will happen when there aren't enough chinky slaves to build all our stuff? We'll outsource somewhere else and then it'll be South America or wherever that has a huge population boom and increased emissions.

>> No.11351274

It's not a scam, it's some people trying to save the Earth and some people not giving a fuck. Your country is doing fine then, keep eating pork and lamb. Nothing wrong with taxing big carbon offenders still.
>I've fucking had it with cunts telling me to eat bugs and fucking legumes.
That's just a /pol/ meme

Let's focus on the real offenders like my country (USA) who STILL subsidizes the beef industry.

>> No.11351276

There's a difference between a diet including fruits and vegetables and a diet made up solely of fruits and vegetables.
70% of UK agricultural land is unsuitable for tillage, other countries aren't much different.

>> No.11351278

>monogastrics that compete directly with humans for feed.
>superior to ruminants that turn steep hillside pasture into food

>> No.11351280

>That's just a /pol/ meme
No, that's pretty much verbatim what my government politicians laid out yesterday in a new "Grand Plan" yesterday together with a taxation scheme to "Save the Planet".
There's 5 million of us, we're a piss in the ocean. Nothing we'll ever cut will ever be noticeable except on our wallets, which will get slimmer and slimmer for no reason whatsoever.

It is a fucking taxation scam.

>> No.11351282

what are the chances that they'll just use the tax to fund immigrant gibs?

>> No.11351292

Are they taxing you specifically? I don't get it. Typically taxes target a specific thing. If you tax anyone who emits over 1,000 tons of CO2 a year, and use those taxes for public projects, there is literally no harm.

If your government is corrupt, then you have other problems, and need to stop blaming environmentalists.

>> No.11351306

Are you implying I'm vegan or eating tofu all day?

What other Anon said, plus flax oil. It's not difficult at all.

>> No.11351310

flax only has ala

>> No.11351313

Nice polscience, it has no estrogen tho
>b-but muh phytoestrogens
There's no evidence for it having any negative effects.

>> No.11351316

It's almost impossible to have a decent healthy diet being vegan. By decent I mean a low carb, high protein, low phytoestrogen diet.

>> No.11351318

Water vapor plays more of a destructive role to the environment than methane and carbon dioxide combined.

>> No.11351321

What would cause an increase in water vapour?

>> No.11351322

Also, once again, there's nothing harmful about phytoestrogens, they even help prevent cancer.

>> No.11351323

This is misleading

It shouldn't be per kilogram of food, it should be per kilogram of protein, or fat - or something quantifiable.

Your body doesn't need X kilograms of "food" - it needs specific, quantifiable macro and micro nutrients.

>> No.11351327


>> No.11351330

it's also probably being very selective of its numbers

>> No.11351332

If it's bullshit, then describe exactly what should I eat on my breakfast, lunch and dinner that would provide me with the nutrients on the proportions that I mentioned.

>Also, once again, there's nothing harmful about phytoestrogens, they even help prevent cancer.
Everyone is different, I know my body, now describe what should I eat to have high protein, low carbs and low phytoestrogens, with around 1500kcal.

>> No.11351346

>Everyone is different
>and low phytoestrogens

>> No.11351355

I'm waiting for you to describe what should I eat on breakfast, lunch and dinner. Should I assume that it's impossible to eat low carb, high protein and low phytoestrogen without animal based food?

>> No.11351364

It’s meatist*, disgusting barbaric anglx

>> No.11351373

Squirrel stew it is.

>> No.11351444

>should we ban the very thing that made us evolve in the first place?
onions overload

>> No.11351514

Everyone. Higher prices for food, for gas, for everything.
Gotta pay the price, us "rich" people, you know. Gotta let those poor polluting mastodons continue to choke us with pollution. It is a scam, look into the fucking numbers.

>> No.11351539

I’m vegan because I find it morally repulsive to murder billions of sentient beings

>> No.11351542

I'm not an expert in biology but i'm pretty sure that those emissions go back into the grass that the cows eat. Hence the cycle in "natural cycle".

>> No.11351557

I'm omnivorous because I find it morally repulsive to have to import most of my diet from across the planet. That shit on your plate didn't grow in your garden, those container ships that brought it to your table didn't run on wishes.
Not everybody lives in a pleasant sub-tropical garden of Eden, buddy. We make do with what we got.

>> No.11351561

There is no ethically correct difference between eating plants, animals or insects. They're all living beings so objectively it's neither worse nor better to kill one of them over the other in order for us to live. The only argument regarding food is our health and the mediterranean diet has been known to be the healthiest for a long time now.

>> No.11351635


This canuki speaks truth.

>> No.11351639

Sorry, but cattle are going to save the environment.
Your plant-based agriculture is what is destroying it.

>> No.11351642

>That fucking face

Not gonna watch.

>> No.11351711

Except that many plants evolved to be eaten, while animals didn't, also plants feel no pain while all most commonly eaten animals (cow, chicken, pig) do.

>> No.11351725

>evolved to be eaten
No, that's called a survival strategy, not "evolved to be eaten". And for the record, livestock animals have "evolved to be eaten" through selective breeding too, they would not make it in the wild.
>also plants feel no pain
And how would you know that?

>> No.11351730

The only plants that evolved to be eaten by mammals, are fruits. The sucrose and fructose in those do not trigger hormonal satiety, so a mammal eating them will gorge itself, and thus the maximum amount of seeds will be distributed.
They evolved to be eaten, but we did not evolve to eat them. That's a big difference. The simple sugars pretty much hijack your brain by triggering dopamine and endorphin release as well. Its more of a parasitic relationship.

>> No.11351792

If you care more about animal welfare than human welfare you should kill yourself because you are traitor to our species.

>> No.11351809 [DELETED] 

Telling another person they should kill themselves is wimp clamp speak. You want another man dead, you make it clear that he ought to be destroyed, and better yet, state your intention to functionally nullify him by force yourself. Otherwise you're demanding the world do what you want like a child.

Clamped, so y'd, wimp'd.

>> No.11351822

Its common practice for a weak organism, damaging its colony to remove itself so that others don't have to waste the effort doing it.

>> No.11351828


>> No.11351830 [DELETED] 

You're mindlessly sending apoptotic signals, passive, local, no sense of scale or personal growth. It's based around a reliance on a greater machine to take care of you and the world. Take ownership, engage. Unclamp.

>> No.11351833

What are you even trying to say, it's a literal picture of a piggy?

>> No.11351834

>Except that many plants evolved to be eaten
Nothing has evolved to be eaten, everything has evolved towards maximum rate of survival, different species have simply adopted different strategies. Some of the plants you're referring to have simply adopted the survival strategy of "making selective parts of me more desirable so in case predators come to eat me, they eat only selective parts and not all of me". There are animal species too that have similar strategies, like crabs that cut off their arms to leave them behind as bait for predators they otherwise couldn't get away from, i guess in your opinion they are meant to be eaten too as they're so nice and leave body parts for us behind?

>also plants feel no pain while all most commonly eaten animals (cow, chicken, pig) do.
Pain is a distress signal and plants have them too, what do you think the smell of freshly cut grass is?

>> No.11351836 [DELETED] 

>Nothing has evolved to be eaten,
Fruit. Rest of your post is invalid.

>> No.11351838
File: 15 KB, 404x394, commie yoba.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anything but admitting the main problem is overpopulation, nooooo we must cram even more ~~consumers~~ p-people into the world so the economy can continue growing and we don't have to admit that all of our financial systems mortgaged against future growth are never going to deliver thus invoking a massive crunch.

>> No.11351839

Eh, mass carbon capture tech and the death of coal will negate the harm of beef.

>> No.11351840

fuck that's a mobi, here's an epub

>> No.11351841 [DELETED] 

This is why they clamp, vaccinate, circumcise, fluoridate, brominate, chlorimate, irradiate, and formula feed. People have not yet realized that a system which brutalizes you from birth is not your friend.

>> No.11351844

I literally just told you the survival strategy behind fruits, they're not meant to be eaten, they're meant to be bait for predators to not eat the rest of the plant.

>> No.11351845

life is cruel, deal with it >nooo not the heckin goodgirl mooerinos

>> No.11351846

Uncontrolled growth is a meaningless positive feedback process. Akin to a destructive explosion or cancer.
Accept it or not, you are part of a machine. You need the machine. And you should take care of the machine. Structure of the machine is preserved through careful elimination of detrimental components. A balance of both positive and negative feedback. Homeostasis.

>> No.11351856 [DELETED] 

Then you don't know about spatial distribution guarding against extinction, don't know about fertilization of seeds with poop, and have never considered how fruit trees would spread beyond even the smallest space.

Just look at the avocado. The fruit isn't sweet to help the seed. The seed doesn't give a fuck. Bacteria will never turn that material into fertilizer.

>> No.11351862 [DELETED] 

You're not eliminating or maintaining anything.

>> No.11351863

Eternal growth is gooooooooooooood.
Gotta inflate the fiat economy.

Get me off this fucking rock, please.

>> No.11351866 [DELETED] 

There's too much clamp in here. I have to go.

>> No.11351869

The ground sloth berries?

>> No.11351879

>how fruit trees would spread beyond even the smallest space.
Like with many other plants, it's called wind.

>don't know about fertilization of seeds with poop
Animals can poop on the ground on which the seeds fall on, parts of the plant don't need to be eaten for that.

>> No.11351889

>everyone talking about carbon emissions
>nobody talking about soil health
Soil is far more impact than greenhouse gasses and mass farming of corn and onions have damaged it beyond foreseeable repair
The only thing which can fix it is getting rid of farms and turning it back into grazing land for ruminants, since they replenish the soil.

>> No.11351893 [DELETED] 

>Like with many other plants, it's called wind.
Apple, pear, raspberry, strawberry, avocado (nearly extinct without the intervention of Man), apricot, date, plum, cacao even, several vines like grapes. These are not going anywhere via the wind. Distribution is clustered so close to the source that a plant would have to absolutely retarded to waste the energy to generate its fruit. It's not like it's churning the soil in its favor either.

Nope. Designed to be eaten and carried far, then pooped.

>> No.11351895

kek I didn't realize the word filter was site-wide.

>> No.11351901 [DELETED] 

I think we're being killed deliberately. Ecological legs quietly cut out from under us.

>> No.11351913

Bet you can't even type out soyuz, but have to use söyuz instead. Pretty good look for the board that has /sfg/, right?

>> No.11351915

Wow, they actually let that one go through. Amazing.
Wordfiltering is fucking dumb anyway. There shouldn't be any on a board for discussing science.

>> No.11351918 [DELETED] 

Livestock should be clamped, by the way. Why aren't we clamping livestock? Something bad might happen if we let placental transfusion complete.

>> No.11351944

When calves are born it naturally snaps as they fall out the back of the cow

>> No.11351953

Jesus Christ. Fruits didn't came into existence for the sake of being eaten, fruits came into existence because these plants were getting eaten anyway. Just because plants made the best of a problem through evolution doesn't mean it's not a problem to begin with.

>> No.11351967 [DELETED] 

The genesis is irrelevant.

>> No.11351968

What we know as fruits came into existence through generation upon generation of selective breeding, in many cases through cross-breeding and grafting.
Vegans act as if everything drops from the fucking heavens.

>> No.11351976

So literally all taxes are a scam... They're meant to make bad things expensive, and that money is meant to be used towards alternatives. That's taxes. If the money is just disappearing, that's corruption.

>> No.11351980 [DELETED] 


>> No.11351984

I see, if that's so then the genesis of several ecosystems is irrelevant too, including the ones that are now depend on human predators. For example forests that have been emptied of other predators except human predators, meaning if we don't kill the prey in these forrests they will overpopulate and overeat everything in the forrest and the ecosystem collapses without our hunting. Hmm, i guess deer are meant to be eaten by us then, considering their survival now depends on us killing them for the sake of the forest ecosystem they depend on. The genesis is irrelevant after all, who cares how it came to be :^)

>> No.11351986

Taxes are to make sure you don't rise above your station. Social mobility is bad for society. Go be a good little drone.

>> No.11351990 [DELETED] 

What does this have to do with fruit.

>> No.11351997

Upward mobility is dysgenic, downward is eugenic.

>> No.11351999

Well you're claiming that fruit is meant to be eaten for the fruit plant to survive, and i claim that prey needs to eaten to survive because otherwise they overpopulate and fuck over the ecosystem they depend. Ergo, whether we eat apple or deer doesn't make a difference, both is necessary for the survival of both these species.

>> No.11352007


>> No.11352008 [DELETED] 

I'm not a vegan. At a macro scale the two are similar but not identical. I think we both know that.

Gotta go.

>> No.11352010

What do you mean? Flaxseed oil has the perfect omega 3 to omega 6 ratio.

>> No.11352028


>This process likely continued until the Late Modern Era, where it has been noted that among Western populations living between the 15th and early 19th centuries, those with higher social status (which shares genetic variance with, and is therefore
a proxy for GCA; Trzaskowski et al., 2014) typically produced the most surviving offspring.
>These in turn tended toward downward social mobility due to intense competition, replacing the reproductively unsuccessful low-status stratum and effectively ‘bootstrapping’ those populations via the application of high levels of skill to solving problems associated with production and industry, eventually leading to the Industrial Revolution in Europe (Clark, 2007,

Specifically refer to:

>> No.11352348

There's a natural sorting effect. but broadly yes, though some genes can be so beneficial they move up the hierarchy fast.

>> No.11352353

The ratio is not that important what fatty acids are more important.

>> No.11352357

>And how would you know that?
Cause they have no pain receptors for starters?

>> No.11352361

is there a difference in success between males and females?

>> No.11352404

ALA is not very bioavailable to humans as it has to first be converted to EPA and DHA to be usable.
As with many plant derived vitamins and minerals the actual chemical has to be converted into the form used by animals. A smaller amount of vitamins from animals is equivalent to a much larger amount from plants. That isn't even accounting for the many phytotoxins which down-regulate the absorption of many types of nutrients.

>> No.11352429

The research of course is still very much still open when it comes to women, as most of it comes from family names, which were patrilineal.
I can say it depends on the marital traditions of the society in question, but in general the same downward mobility applied. The higher strata always had more marital demand, no matter the gender.
From the above book by Clark:
>there is no indication that were we to measure status persistence rates through the matrilineal line, we would observe
more mobility.
>It is notable, however, that the emancipation of women in recent generations has had no influence on social mobility rates. Emancipated women mate as assortatively as before and transmit their status to children as faithfully as in the patriarchal societies of the past.

>> No.11352897

I've been meaning to buy copies of his A farewell to alms and the son also rises are they a good read?

>> No.11352906

one option would be a mitchondria study of churchyards, though I would expect women to have slightly better upwards mobility than men.

>> No.11352920

>it's another episode of clueless youtuber talks about agriculture despite never having worked on a farm

>> No.11352931


It's not meat. It's scale.

>> No.11352943

>/sci/ - /pol/ 2
does anyone actually discuss science here? it's just politics and an undergrad math thread

>> No.11352970

wait did he just use a study of fym vs mineral fertiliser in an atempt to go against an argument on monocropping?
this has absolutely no relevance to a discussion on permanent pasture vs tilled land?
Does he know nothing of nutrient cycling or the distributive effect of dung pats?
Is this kid a complete retard?

>> No.11352980
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>what's stopping you from being vegan?
I like steaks.

>> No.11352983

Some of us have relevant training or study in the fields.
Some of us literally
you have a likely broad distribution of competencies and fields though concentrated in certain areas and demographics more than others.
it's a bit of a shitshow but that's to be expected. a shame about the shills though.

>> No.11352984

For the most part, anonymous image boards are a terrible place to discuss science. There are exceptions, of course.

This board is for 4chan level discussion of science related topics. It's not science. It's about topics that sound sciencey.

>> No.11352990

If that's global population, then yeah, it is a huge amount of people you retard.

>> No.11352992

Is it wrong to want to tittyfuck arnold?

>> No.11352993

It's ok anon, not everyone can have self control.

>> No.11352998

I definitely recommend farewell to alms if you are at all interested in the economics, the quantitative side of anthropology, or HBD.
The Son also Rises is drier, but also a great read for anyone seriously interested in the topic.

>> No.11353011

Next you'll tell me you want to ban my coffee because of CO2. Fuck off. No one wants your stupid religion.

>> No.11353012

>”men” (Australopithecus) eats grass
>Evolves to eat meat so can get a bigger brain and not spend the whole day eating since grass does not give much energy
Let’s get back to grass guys???

>> No.11353013

thanks, maybe I should finally invest in some sort of reader tablet?
I have a mountain of e-books and pdfs left.

>> No.11353015

>plant based

Such an irritating buzzword

>> No.11353043


enriched "food" == supplements you dumbass

any diet (ie vegan) that would kill you without supplements is not healthy.

There is a reason why 95% of people give up the vegan cult in less than a year => it is unhealthy.

>> No.11353049

> seeds for Omega 3

They contain short chain Omega 3 not the long chain forms needed by the BRAIN (DHA) and the rest of the body(EPA). Almost all people cannot make enough and some people cannot make any of the longer forms

>> No.11353050

List of nutrients that vegan diets either can't get at all or are prone to lack, especially when uninformed. Vegans will usually argue that "you can get X nutrient from Y specific source", but a full meal plan containing even 1-16 in sufficient quantities will always be ridiculously strict and/or at risk of supplement intoxication. Coincidentally, a lot of them are related to mental health.

Vitamin B12 (some people can't properly digest supplements and require injection)
Vitamin B6 (Pyridoxal, Pyridoxamine)
Niacin (bio availability)
Vitamin B2
Vitamin A (Retinol, variable Carotene conversion)
Vitamin D
Vitamin D3
Vitamin K2 (variable K1 conversion)
Omega-3 (EPA/DHA, inefficient & limited & variable ALA conversion, ratio to Omega-6)
Zinc (bio availability)
Protein (density, digestibility, Lysine, Leucine, elderly people, athletes)

>> No.11353051

Honestly vegan diets are complete overkill. They don't even have an advantage in heart disease over meat eaters. Vegetarian diets are likely the healthiest option.

>> No.11353062

Bullshit. Even if you ate potatoes alone every day all day, you would only be deficient in B12, zinc and possibly selenium. With a well rounded vegan diet you'd only be missing B12, which is why a vegetarian diet is better.

>> No.11353089

I went overboard and got a onyx boox max 2 pro. I have over 10,000 books and probably will never read them all. I wanted something that takes notes and has a large screen for textbooks.

>> No.11353105

>Even if you ate potatoes alone every day all day, you would only be deficient in B12, zinc and possibly selenium.
The most evil part about vegans is that they always have to lie about how deficient their diet is to get other people to join their cult.

>> No.11353108

Spirulina has DHA. There are brands that lab test every batch for contaminates. Fish get their dha from their diet

I do wonder though if what vegans say is true about different civilizations not eating meat in history then what about b12? As far as I know there isn't a natural not modified source of vegan b12. I heard there was some oat or something recently in the news that was discovered. But if b12 is necessary and vegans need to take supplement, how can it be a natural way to live?

Everyone talks about oh well things are fortified with b12. Ok well if you say not eating meat is the natural way to thrive, why the fuck do you need an unnatural source of a critical nutrient? I don't get it. I do believe we over consume meat, but I don't believe it's unnatural to eat meat.

>> No.11353162

meat is protein and fat. and a bit of blood. easily replaced as a vegetarian, except for the blood lol. b12 is as good as the only deficiency a vegetarian who knows how to cook may ever have to worry about. still pretty easy to avoid if you make a little effort to buy and eat a food that contains b12
vegans however need to be very very learned/well-red on and conscious of their entire intake as well as what their bodies need. that is, if they even manage their own diet. many vegans seek/spend on professional advice and help with their diets. (it means someone who made their job of something. vegan diet professionals are mostly echo chamber lowquality moral enforcers)

vegetarians are superior to meateaters in that theyre healthier IF a "normal" carnist diet is any tier of consumer meat in meals thrice+ a week. meateaters that eat less than that dividend are simultaneously a fraction of the populace and pretty much as healthy diet-wise as vegetarians.

vegetarians are also superior to vegans in that a vegetarian diet is incredibly easy to manage compared to vegan diet. very simplified, you just cut out things that have capability to not want to be eaten and fill that void with iron from spinach, protein from eggs/dairy/tofu/replacements(vegetarian "beefsteaks" which leak red juice exist lol) and an extra few drops of oil/butter while cooking.
next to that production of vegetarian foods is a thousand times more cost efficient and environmentally friendly than vegan foods and also a few hundred times more than meat production

>> No.11353167

for the record, meat production industry in its entirety (worldwide) puts double the sulfur in the atmosphere per year than the entire infrastructure industry (both manufacture and driving of vehicles worldwide) emisses co2. and sulfur is way more toxic to everything on earth than co2

tldr if you wanna easily eat healthier and are willing to gather a bit (but not too much) information on food as a whole, vegetarian is the way to go

~ a perma low level vegan who tried convincing themself to go all the way but realised veganism is just as denialistic as social justice is


>> No.11353639

All of this is nonsense. The biosphere is carbon neutral. Cows produce carbon yeah but they are made of carbon and they give rise to more things made of carbon. Trees die too and release all of their carbon too to only be absorbed again into new life. Total CO2 in biosphere directly links to total mass of biosphere, and in the long run fossil fuel burning will have done more good than whatever beach houses it may slightly inconvenient.

>> No.11353663

>heh vegans are liars, vegetables and fruits don't contain a single nutrient by the way
This is your brain on meat

>> No.11353669

>enriched "food" == supplements you dumbass
Wrong lol once again, a meat eater has to spread lies.
Enriched food has nothing to do with supplements and is food that has been added nutrients to it after they've been lost through processing. It's hilarious that tons of foods you eat have been enriched, especially bread, but somehow vegans aren't allowed to eat those.

>> No.11353703

Lost through processing? This is true food looses nutrients in processing depending on the process the amount will vary, but that is not what enriched means. Donuts are enriched, milk has added vit d and dha and a and that shit is added even when that food never had those nutrients and in amounts larger than even when the food was in it's raw form. The idea that it's not supplementation... supplementation just means in addition to. In addition to calcium, milk is supplemented with vitamin d. It is is enriched, having added nutrients. It's the same fucking thing.

I'm not saying I think eating meat every day is good for health, but you should not have to supplement with anything in order to survive. None of your food should have to be enriched and you shouldn't have to supplement with anything. Try not getting any b12 for 10 years lol. It cant be natural if humans couldn't live vegan 5000 years ago. Maybe there were whole food sources before

>> No.11353713

Not really. Vegans just get away with lying too often.


>Generally, toxic levels of vitamins stem from high supplement intake and not from natural food. Toxicities of fat-soluble vitamins can also be caused by a large intake of highly fortified foods, but natural food rarely deliver dangerous levels of fat-soluble vitamins.

>> No.11353726
File: 80 KB, 459x832, qXnsiG1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thats probably because vegans are liars.

>Muh potatoes are super nutritious, vegans don't need a single supplement.

>> No.11353728

Sure, off the cows.
Do we get to keep pigs and chicken?

>> No.11353733

the latter would naturally affect the othermeasurements to expand, you stupid piece of shit.

>> No.11353801


Weird how so many vegans have to inject B12 when they could just get it from enriched food right?

>> No.11353959

fossil hydrocarbons, land degradation and mineral extraction

>> No.11354266

It is, in fact, the most important aspect.

Not sure if that's accurate. Vegans need less of certain nutrients compared to meat eaters, like iron for example.

>> No.11354268

Reminder that meat is an enriched food. At least the meat you and I eat.

>> No.11355266

I can't wait for one of them to die of an air bubble in their bloodstream.

>> No.11355317

don't get me wrong there, just saying what is the absolute ratio of c6 to c3 is not what I'm referring to, the individual fatty acid profiles are the true root of this question

>> No.11355337

This is why climate change activist are percieved as misanthropic gaia worshippers. It's this cultist belief that humans are the only organism on this planet that are not ethically permissed to exploit their environment and toil for natural resources through an extension of their labor. It's so convienant the IPCC is memory holed on their bad science and unfounded studies, whilst claiming thier findings are corroborated with fraudulent scientists (they cite endorsements from people without any formal background).
It's all so bothersome to see these people cite every environmental woe on emmisions so they can economically control the energy sector with tariffs and taxes.

>> No.11355345

Now make this graph per kcal

>> No.11355354
File: 86 KB, 681x496, 1580682679760.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>from time to time my body tells me I need to eat other animals and I comply.
>I'm not about to throw millions of years of evolution and intuition away just because some moral relativist tells me eating animals is bad.

>> No.11355356


Even veg/vegan diets are unsustainable.

The real thing we should all be switching to is INSECT based diets. And it's something I actually welcome and have participated in briefly. Cricket flour is common and tastes like regular flour.

>> No.11355375

Yeah, good luck having crickets when they're all dead from chemtrails, ie geonegineering and weather warfare, and from radiofrequency emissions.

>lalalalala can't hear you it's just going to have to work out!


>> No.11355379


>> No.11355380


>> No.11355389



>> No.11355392

Those are not boards, now go back.

>> No.11355393


>> No.11355707

I did understand you wrong. Okay.

>> No.11355721

maybe life right now is too easy and we'd benefit from the Earth becoming an antagonistic force. Science in wartime is always faster and better than science during peace. If we have to cooperate as a global community to fight against our planet, we'll probably see another boom on the other side like we saw after WW2.

>> No.11357027

>the thing that made us evolve

>> No.11357038

how does wild fishing produces less co2 than fish farms? Shouldn't fish farms be more efficent?

>> No.11357043

Spend just 5 minutes reading about fish farms and you'll begin to understand why they're a bad idea.

>> No.11357087


It's not

>> No.11357094

>Science in wartime is always faster and better than science during peace
Shit myth caused by bias

>> No.11357691

That graph is so misleading it's disingenious. Yes, cattle use most agricultural land for grazing and yes cattle eat most of what is farmed from the crop. HOWEVER, most agricultural land is unsuitable for farming so it's used for grazing (that or nothing) and most of the crop is fed to animals because most of the crop is unfit for human consumption.

>> No.11357713

that graph also very disingenuously chooses very unusual figures

>> No.11357727

I don't like most of the animal meats. I don't like most of the vegetables taste. So I do a bit of both to get a minimum nutrients.

>> No.11357768

I think it takes that into account and only shows the land that is changed to support cattle. Take away the green bars completely and it's still bad though.

>> No.11357782

Without looking at their source data I'm sceptical of their resources.
there are many different cattle production systems with problem types.