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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 140 KB, 940x627, 5G.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11341445 No.11341445[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

It seems my 5G thread full of hard science was just deleted.

That actually really pisses me off, and should piss off anyone who claims to be a scientist. I would like an explanation immediately (it won't come).

It took 18 posts to fit it all. That's 1 minute between posts, plus captcha. Probably roughly 20 minutes. To put this into perspective. Look at this board, look at these threads. And this gets deleted? A thread full of hard published science over decades?

That's criminal. To the dumb prick that deleted that last thread, you belong in jail for the rest of your life. You know what they say though, give em' enough rope. Moth, flame. You think about that while you're deleting this thread.

>> No.11341451

The jannies are in the pocket of the telecom companies. I wonder what their price was.

>> No.11341456

>To the dumb prick that deleted that last thread, you belong in jail for the rest of your life.
imagine demanding to be taken seriously after a statement like that

>> No.11341460

It could be they're pissed off when they see the tech they're addicted to and their starry eyed delusions of a cyberpunk future impinged upon, or they're just dumb. I passively assume 4chan is controlled.

For helping hide information that pertains to people's health? Yeah, you're damn right they do.

>> No.11341473

(The alternatives for moral and behavioral reform are of course a bit more creative, the point is the manner and severity of the offense, as well as the unfounded threat the individual poses to others)

>> No.11341483

Can you give us the down low on why 5g=bad? Is it the chink surveillance, the cancer from the waves, the sterilized population or the mind control? Please explain

>> No.11341509

All of the above. And surveillance period, it's not just a matter of Chinese backdoors or reliance. Honestly, our infrastructure is a mess anyway. Look up some people who do just physical penetration testing for more on that.

On the matter of mind "control" it's a bit more complex, I don't know that outright control has been achieved. There's definitely "activation" of already learned behaviors, altering mental state and emotions, putting voices in the head, disrupting motor control, and innumerable others in the literature. More a matter of behavioral bias and systematic coercion. Though millimeter waves have unique effects on nerves, which I go into in the document and the posts that were deleted. With other frequencies which increase the H+ layer up against the plasma membrane, their propagation could be enhanced.

Anyway, check that link and the document. The structure of why it's bad is outlined pretty much at a glance.

>> No.11341529

(This is assuming no implants though. A Delgado-like manner of control could be achieved with the proper receiving and or amplifying device, nanomachine networks, insertion of genetic material (eg magneto protein expression) whatever it may be)

>> No.11341535


>> No.11341568

And also on the note of magneto proteins.

Note the author affiliations, Rockefeller. Hm...


>> No.11341577

Holy shit OP, with all this "data" no wonder your thread got shut down. It's all uttter bullshit not deserving of /sci/.

>> No.11341584

Go on. You've made the claim, fine enough, now step up and make your case.

>> No.11341595

>Go on. You've made the claim, fine enough, now step up and make your case.
Calling bullshit isn't a claim moron.

>> No.11341602

It is. Saying something is false is a claim, and the burden of proof shifts to you. Saying you don't know but don't particularly believe is another matter.

Put up or shut up.

>> No.11341603

I'm not going to argue with a schitzo. I didn't say it was false I said it was bullshit.

>> No.11341607

What's the difference?

>> No.11341610

not everyone has the time or patience to sit in a 2.5 hour autism debate with schizos friend. however, everyone has the time to post "you are retarded, dumb schizo" and move on with their lives.

>> No.11341621
File: 234 KB, 773x2351, Frey 2012 - Opinion Cell Phone Health Risk.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not deserving of a response.

Alright, I've gotta focus on other things. Anyone who wants to discuss, here's the thread to do so. The data is there, linked in the OP of the last thread.

>> No.11341624
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>> No.11341628
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>> No.11341629
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>> No.11341632
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>> No.11341633

About 22 hot pockets

>> No.11341638
File: 75 KB, 852x421, pathways.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Basic gist of calcium signaling. Altered ion flux goes all the way back to Soviet research in the 50's.

>> No.11341774
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You seem to be mistaken, this is the science and math board, the board you want is >>>/x/

>> No.11341956


>> No.11342444

well hopefully the jannies will remove this one too.
>>it took 18 posts to fit it all probably 20 minutes
so you're a fucking spammer then? At 20 minutes to make a thread, maybe you should be doing something better with your life.

>> No.11342476

>maybe you should be doing something better with your life.

>> No.11342537
File: 52 KB, 474x380, external-content.ducokduckgo.com.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

good job OP.. this is how we subvert censorship

ceddit is a good site for getting around redit censorship

i downloaded the files so the data will live on brother

>> No.11342543
File: 72 KB, 420x549, bdsmnazi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dont let the PATHETIC TROLLS deter you OP

spreading truth is a worthwile cause and we need to all do our part every day to make sure they dont shut us down

these trolls are either glows themselves or brainwashed by them.. i bet most of them are lusting after bernie handouts and believe in climate alarmism LOL, they are pathetic beta sycophants that could never imagine being a free man

in short they are breed to DO WHAT THEY ARE TOLD

>> No.11342585
File: 75 KB, 645x729, 5862213378.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Study on the effects of EMR
>No mention of the frequency

>> No.11342824

>Can't even read the documents
>No desire (or ability) to consider how the particular paper fits into the history
>Can't even Google Moscow Signal

>> No.11343822
File: 537 KB, 2494x1663, 2050_Map_Megaregions2008.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's a distinct glow in here...

>> No.11344563

Imagine using one statement to discredit hard science. Fucking bias.

>> No.11344667
File: 332 KB, 2170x1562, 5G-Kid.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11344697

>4chan am become gay nazi schizos
I need to go back.
But there's nowhere for me to return to...

>> No.11344704
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>> No.11344717


>> No.11344793
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Threadly reminder that this is who you're talking to when you reply to these schizo posts:

>> No.11344797



>> No.11345053

so they predicted crspr cas9?

>> No.11345085

He's right.

>> No.11345089

In what way does an upgrade to cell phone networks impinge on a cyberpunk fantasy?

>> No.11345092

Where's your case?

>> No.11345098

So, yeah, like I said, do something better with your life.

>> No.11345113

No mention of frequency in the experiment, retard.

>> No.11345392


[DoD] Project Pandora.pdf
and so this go round doesn't continue the file is located in

I can't believe I'm having to spoonfeed you like this. What's the matter with you? Whenever I make these threads people show up who act like cleverbot.

>> No.11345406

Just post links to the sources, retard.

>> No.11345426

>full of hard science
The fact that you immediately posted a new thread to whine about your old one being deleted tells me that this is absolutely untrue.

>> No.11345452
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Exhausting, illegitimate infantile behavior. It didn't used to be this way.

You "win" for now. 5G schizo will go away and now badfeel and badthink will fade away, like it does for any addict. What a tragic nightmare.

>> No.11345462

Have lobotomy, sweaty

>> No.11345520

Jannies drank the telecom koolaid. When leading scientists have confirmed cellphone "non ionizing" radiowaves are causing cancer, they simply bury their head in the ground.

>> No.11345713
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>> No.11345718
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>> No.11345727

You can always try /pol/.
I hear they love this kind of stuff dude.
You can go there and take all the people that agree with you there too

>> No.11345748
File: 2.72 MB, 2800x2128, HPIM2510.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tried, no responses.

>> No.11345755
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>> No.11345757
File: 71 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>He posted it again?
>Delete ze thread
>Cut his wired internet
>Surroun his house with 5g antennas

>> No.11346089
File: 3.40 MB, 2800x2128, HPIM4097.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11346633
File: 3.01 MB, 2800x2128, HPIM4367.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11346661

I love this meme, all will bow to the bog

>> No.11346702

>hard science
>it's actually just a retard mentioning how microwaves heat water without saying anything about dosages and concentration
>doesn't even look at the FCC regulations regarding this subject

>> No.11346713

None of that is accurate.

>> No.11346779
File: 2.94 MB, 2800x2128, HPIM4163 (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11346783

B-but, they can't even penetrate the skin!
>penetrates your wall

>> No.11346788

>Wi-Fi penetrates your cement rebar reinforced wall
>Microwave oven fully penetrates your small-mid turkey

>> No.11346819

I guarantee that isn't 5G

>> No.11346832

Never said it was. It's primarily 10 and 18 GHz point to point, probably for backhaul.

>> No.11346965
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>> No.11347105
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>> No.11347350
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>> No.11347398
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>> No.11347418
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>hard science

>> No.11347451
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>> No.11347523
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>> No.11347909


>> No.11348636

>moscow signal 2.5–4 gigahertz
If youu can't handle variables you don't belong on /sci/.

>> No.11348652

I'm doing my masters right now in radio engineering. I'll tell you what I tell all the other 5G people. If we could get enough power to influence cells at the receiver of a phone my job would be a million times easier, but sadly we don't. I accept that microwaves can damage cells at close ranges and I will never claim to fully understand the biological repercussions of microwave radiation fully, but I do know how much power is transmitted from a base station and how much of the transferred power is dissipated in dielectric mediums and the answer is very little.

>> No.11348702

i'd rather be worried because "5G" means very accurate beamforming (the radio station follows your position in order to function)

>> No.11349045

It's athermal, for the most part. With millimeter and submillimeter waves it can be resonance with a certain structure, convection in water, change in the structure of water (increase of H+ up against the glycocalyx).

You should read the papers listed.

>> No.11349114
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>You won't

>> No.11349139
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Pastebin of the text file above none of you seem capable of downloading (won't be up to date for long)

Bibliography (incomplete, generated months ago)

>> No.11349187

ok schizo just tell me how to live forever

>> No.11349203
File: 2.98 MB, 2800x2128, HPIM2036.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


This is likely my second to last thread on the topic.

>> No.11349210

Are you finally getting therapy after this?

>> No.11349220
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>> No.11349237
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>> No.11349241
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>> No.11349316

What do pictures of the sky have to do with "hard science"

>> No.11349340
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>> No.11349358
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>> No.11349367

You are literally too fat and stupid to come up with a reason behind ur shilling? You dont have the time for conversation? I don't get this sort of mentality, you're the same guy that said germs dont exist and you aren't going to bother arguing it. Seriously the lowest form of retardation, I'd rather have my diapers changed reduced to a vegetative state than ever tell someone I cant tell them the reason for why I think the way I do because I'm too lazy and I'd rather look at feet pics. Its revolting

>> No.11349392


What are thoughts on this?

>> No.11349407
File: 2.84 MB, 2800x2128, HPIM2659.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't understand it either, but I can say this kind of behavior is relatively new. And it's everywhere. People don't even read what I posted and no matter how much you press, they can't engage or respond in a way that connects with the subject. It's not even a conversation, there can be no conversation, it's as though they actually can't. It's not rational or even human behavior, it's like talking to a machine.

This isn't the Twilight Zone, this is a nightmare scenario. The only solution is to get these damn things away from people before whatever is going on gets to a point where we, collectively, cannot mobilize to halt it. Reversibility is another topic entirely.

>> No.11349416
File: 3.14 MB, 2800x2128, HPIM2718.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll read it a bit later. Right now though I'll just say Carpenter has been in this for a long time.

“In almost any other type of environmental exposures, if the evidence were as strong as the association between EMFs and cancer, there would be extensive government regulation. The major reason that many members of the committee were unwilling to set more rigorous standards was that it would be horrendously expensive and unrealistic to enforce them.” - David O. Carpenter, 1995

>> No.11349429
File: 217 KB, 793x638, Adey_qEEG.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Adey 1990 - Joint actions of environmental nonionizing electromagnetic fields and chemical pollution in cancer promotion.
"To pursue these problems in the environment and in the laboratory, our needs for further research with appropriate budgets are great. We recognize the importance of studies that address the effects of long-term, recurrent, intermittent exposures to environmental electromagnetic fields, which is an area where simplistic concepts of cumulative dose effects do not apply. These epidemiologic and laboratory studies emphasize the growing impact of environmental chemical pollution and the rapidly increasing deployment of an almost infinite variety of environmental electromagnetic fields as possible joint factors in cancer promotion. As we move towards the twenty-first century, elucidation of mechanisms underlying these interactions at the cellular and molecular level will become matters of urgency. At the same time, implementation of public policies that would mitigate risks from these exposures may impact heavily on existing industrial practices and on important aspects of environmental planning in housing and urban development. At this stage, it is of paramount importance that the significance of these issues no longer be ignored.
Do these EM fields constitute a health hazard? Based on available epidemiological data and laboratory studies, it has become increasingly clear that these fields acting either alone or in conjunction with chemicals that occur as environmental pollutants may constitute a potential health hazard. Much has been accomplished in the past decade in establishing a firm base of new knowledge, despite a grave and growing lack of research funds and also entrenched and often self-serving attitudes among influential groups who have denied the possibility of adverse effects, based simply on their a priori positions."

>> No.11349480

I've been researching 5G from a purely physics bassed perspective i.e. heating capacity. Thanks for the links, it has opened my eyes to the fact that there may be more to this issue. If we are interested in the effects of EMFs on biological systems then we cannot simply stop at physics, we need to be aware of and understand biology, microbiology, and neuroscience and the psychological impacts that could arise from all of these. Bottomline, it is not as simple as saying
>hur dur heats water..

>> No.11349508
File: 8 KB, 250x250, 1539151965530s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They do it for free.

>> No.11349676
File: 3.14 MB, 2800x2128, HPIM2393.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Welcome. Might want to bookmark the mediafire, I'll be adding more as time goes on. I don't think I'd even call it a v1.0 yet.

An anon a while back suggested I use mega. Will probably start maintaining that mirror again, soon.

>> No.11349685
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>> No.11349850
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>> No.11349885
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>> No.11350126
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>> No.11350175
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>> No.11350356
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>> No.11350513
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>> No.11350535
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Mind your social credit.

>> No.11350550

What am I supposed to be looking at here?

>> No.11350561


>> No.11350574



>> No.11350579
File: 623 KB, 600x613, micro is macro.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And also, the beauty of the natural world at its various levels of organization.

>> No.11350784

This subject is such a pimple on the butt of geopolitics, that the only questions I have about it do not pertain to science-and even there I don't care much who "wins" dominion over the run-down global dystopia of tomorrow: They're all so full of shit that I wonder why they bother talking to eachother, and may as well be in the literal madhouse for all it matters to the quality of their own lives, never mind anyone else's.

>> No.11350834
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It's connected to far more than you realize.

>> No.11350906
File: 110 KB, 683x1024, RayPeat-photo--683x1024.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stop being metabolically dysfunctional.

>> No.11350917
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I'd like that, That's what this thread is for.