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/sci/ - Science & Math

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11344600 No.11344600 [Reply] [Original]

is there any chemical reaction that destroys it and doesn't affect our body? what's its weakness?

>> No.11344603

any poison?

>> No.11344604

Look up Royal Rife. they buried it in the 1930's, and repeatedly thereafter. Nowadays you have people giving TED talks and Novocure and these others, no credit to its origins. No notable progress either.

>> No.11344608

If you kill yourself, you can't get infected. This plan is fool-proof.

>> No.11344640

>So coronavirus is a virus
Wew you sure are a sharp observer

>> No.11344676

something that the virus would try to eat but die

or a chemical like acts like acid for it but doesn't harm your cells

>> No.11344680

Based big brains.

>> No.11344681

>something that the virus would try to eat
Need the calculus captchas soon.

>> No.11344682

what is the interest of coronavirus in our cells? what the part of the cell that is "eaten"?

>> No.11344683


>> No.11344686

>something that the virus would try to eat but die
Like a poisoned dick? Oh wait, that's something you would eat.
Why do you post if you don't even have a basic understanding of viruses?

>> No.11344687

just wondering if it's protein that it eats, is it?

>> No.11344689

They don't eat, you retarded faggot.
They invade cells to reproduce.

>> No.11344690

protein and glucose maybe?

>> No.11344691


sorry nigga you to understand that every living being eats to take some energy

>> No.11344692

Viruses aren't alive, you piece of shit troll.

>> No.11344693


not according to me

>> No.11344696

may I own Biology too? I make fun of these books

>> No.11344698

you need to know that I decide things here Academy is mine

>> No.11344700

why do you die after getting infected? does it eat your protein?

>> No.11344705

so the virus is made of protein and you think that it doesn't it your protein?

>> No.11344707

that it doesn't eat*

so where the protein of the new viruses come from?

>> No.11344713

maybe a diet with less protein could help a bit while you threat it... the virus would multiply less

you can lack of protein it's true but maybe doctors could find a way to keep you alive with other food until the virus is being attacked

>> No.11344718

This is the true power of /sci/. The same board that mocks pol.

>> No.11344744


Elementary, my dear Watson.

>> No.11344759

I don't have any. I can't build muscle

>> No.11344788


Good for the guys who are sick.

>> No.11344814

I would try to avoid eating protein and gain antibodies at the same time.

I think that a no-protein diet could avoid the introduction of protein in your body and estimulate the production of antibodies since these protective proteins are produced by our body.

I don't think that viruses produce proteins so fastly... they likely take it from our cells.

So that's what I have for now.

>> No.11344818

I'm certain that you can produce muscles without a diet rich in protein but that requires a longer time.

>> No.11344820

so protein is not a good idea

>> No.11344833
File: 79 KB, 1136x640, C1CA45AB-E324-4D24-8C02-2FD4B0588187.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It’s believed that certain pairings of frequencies have the ability to rupture viruses. also deer velvets active ingredient igf1 is great for combating any sort of viral issue. IFG1 is endogenous to the human body so ur system knows just how to run with it. Now if you were to genetically modify wheat to have loads of IFG1 you would be in for a fuck ton of cash.

>> No.11344841
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>> No.11344849

ok so keep believing that viruses want our cells not because of food and that they do not take energy from anything

the lesson is clear

>> No.11344852

I would develop this ideais more to understand that viruses are really taking from cells besides protein which is very clear that its body is made of protein

>> No.11344854

so they really really need protein

very suspicious isnt it

cells... protein... virus is made of protein...

just a fag wouldn't understand

>> No.11344861

I wonder why viruses don't like plants

>> No.11344865

well that's it guys they go for proteins and preffer animals than plants because animals have more proteins

>> No.11344869

now spread the word and save someone. eat some plants and let's see if coronavirus likes it

>> No.11345900

Viruses are not organisms and they do not try to seek out food. They don't "try to eat" anything.

>> No.11346013

Viruses are microorganisms

>> No.11346026

why not other boards? why is it always /sci/ the psycho-infected board?

>> No.11346196

Viruses are not alive things. They are genetic material wrapped in proteins and shit that if touches the right cells triggers a replication reaction.

>> No.11346202

This board has one of the largest populations of proud unassimilated redditors and is in general laden with meek gullible autists, science is also the successor to psychospiritual folk religions, philosophy and theology so it is a magnet for this kind of interstitional pseudoscientific schizo shit

>> No.11346389

Oh really? What kingdom does your non living organism belong to, pseud faggot?