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File: 338 KB, 1200x1200, hawking.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11341328 No.11341328 [Reply] [Original]

Here is his famous phD script:


Prof. Hawking is no doubt, extremely influential in his findings throughout his life. However, even if you look at how he incorrectly spells on numerous occasions, can we really say that he was what we'd call the 'smartest man' on earth? What a meme.

Like most things in science, its creativity that gets us to further horizons. Hawking; more than others.

>> No.11341333


So with that I'm either reckoning he got lucky, or that there is undeniably a cognitive trade off we here in biology all the time. You are either one way or the other. The ability of language, or the ability of unquestionable critical thinking.

>> No.11341352

all you need to know he was a brainlet. and this one in particular was a literal cuck too.

>> No.11341354

wasting time memorizing spellings when they don't impede the average person's ability to understand you is low IQ

>> No.11341394

hawking was a very good physicist. like super good. can you do perturbative quantum field theory in a curved background? even if you can, have you discovered anything new?

hawking could and did.

is he as great as he is made out to be? maybe not given he has a god-like image whereas his contemporaries like ‘t Hooft did things like renormalizing Yang Mills theories to all loop orders. but he was from england and he was a cripple so maybe his image got blown out of proportion. that doesn’t make him anything less than a very good physicist, however

>> No.11341399

I love how you can't even get "PhD" correct and you wanna talk shit.

>> No.11341427


did i say i was a fucking genius? did i say i was a world renowned physicist? btfo

>> No.11341442 [DELETED] 


yeah i totally agree. im not seeing hes not practically a genius, but i dont think he could be considered the smartest. unfortunately, that title probably goes to a coronavirus chink.

>> No.11341448


im not denying that he was an amazing physicist, but i think his genius was way blown out of perception. there is this white kid in the netherlands whos like 12, and at university.

>> No.11341450


ngl though, i think its fake as fuck. apparently its 9 now.


>> No.11341467

What are some misspellings? I ain't gonna read all that shit. I flew through and It looked alright. Are you American?

>> No.11341484 [DELETED] 


Scottish. Doing Masters for Chem

>> No.11341498

child savants rarely actually translate to being adult geniuses

>> No.11341502


scottish. the paper isn't of the spelling standard of a retard, but for someone formerly labelled 'smartest man', I don't think its viable. i mean surely, for a fucking PhD paper, you'd expect him to at least check it once or twice.

>> No.11341517

There was a lot of spelling reform, just before the 20s and his teachers would have been before that time. Typewriters are a bitch too. Typing was women's work and nobody cared about that shit. Yeah, not the smartest. A cultural icon and moved the "zeitgeist" into the modern era. In the 80s, people still thought the witch trials of the 1600s were appropriate.

>> No.11341548
File: 92 KB, 1600x900, xray ass candy cane.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The only thing you need to know about stephen hawking, atleast if you are unaware, is that he was faked as a psyop since the 80s or something as per a few miles mathis papers on him. insert some red pills (pic related).


>> No.11341659

Usually I can tell if you are extraordinary by the manner of your speaking. This kid was groomed to be something he isn't. I sincerely doubt he has an IQ of 145; attending college and having mommy and daddy teach you geometry isn't exactly the same thing. Furthermore, an IQ of 145 is what I suspect to be exceedingly rare then it actually appears. Remember: IQ tests are administered by fallible humans. Donald Trump probably has this IQ even though news sources claim it at 150. If you are a public figure and you release your IQ it is most likely rounded up to the nearest ten. JFK had a rounded IQ and so did many Nazis.

>> No.11341666

Do you know how fucking hard it is to operate a typewriter when you hardly have use of your hands?

>> No.11341903

>memorizing spelling
That's brainlet tier. Chad high IQ individuals who aren't completely asocial know etymology and can deduce the correct spelling effortlessly.

>muh correct English is a waste of resources
is a cope.

>> No.11342121

scientists don't spend much time reading writing, most of them have poor grammar
research papers are essentially strings of prepositions and conjunctions peppered throughout terminology and read like a crumpled up love letter draft from the back of the short bus
not everything a smart person does is because they're smart

>> No.11342416

You did not btfo him

>> No.11342423

I have never seen a single 100 page document in all of math or physics that doesn't contain a single typo, and neither have you.

>> No.11342511
File: 377 KB, 1750x2500, child deluxe frog costume.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

speaking of well renowned geniuses, i am one and the greatest in my field. u r all plebians before me.

>> No.11342528


fuck off satan.

>> No.11342532


different btfo

>> No.11342574

Who the fuck cares about spelling if you can understand it ? It constantly changes with time anyway. Some academics make a deal and approve it. It doesn't prove anything.

>> No.11342588


no as in, he can't spell, and he has a lot of typos. its a PhD paper fuck sake. his MND never really affected him at that point

>> No.11342617

>guy is legit a fucking retard
>Hurr look goy this man is SMART, he thinks about BLACK HOLE

Hawking is proof low IQs will buy anything fed to them as an authority, and his bullshit is the cornerstone of the great academic hijack thats been going on since the 70's.

This isnt real science, hawking radiation my ass

>> No.11342645

>MND never really affected him at that point
Wrong. He was using two canes by the time he got his Ph.D.

>> No.11342647

is this yet more miles mathis?

>> No.11342726


i hope you aren't taking this from a film.

>> No.11342740


big difference between shaky hands to only moving a finger. MND having little effect would obviously still be bad mongoloid.

>> No.11342751

"claculted" at page 16

>> No.11342753

That's a typographical error you seething brainlet.

>> No.11342784

I much rather discover ground breaking new physics theories or publish A Brief History in Time, then be able to spell EVERYThing correctly. I do appreciate your post though, it has given me so much more reassurance in the other direction.

>> No.11342795

>oh no he spelled some words wrong


>> No.11342797

ITT people caring about a propaganda puppet that is was the principal scientific authority mouth piece of the shadow masters.

>> No.11342808

Hawkings wasn't exactly the smartes man alive, and he's never done anything groundbreaking. You can't name me anything worthwhile he's done other than "inventing" bullshit he just made up without proper mathematical foundation. He was the perfect cliche physishit

>> No.11342838

You realise this was written on a typewriter. Typographical errors aren't highlighted and if you make a mistake you have to retype the whole page.

>> No.11343964

"hawkings" is a moniker for what mossad wants you to believe.

>> No.11344252

You know if mathematical extrapolation without empircal confirmination determining the direction of said maths is bad, we could probably say that the whole program of modern physics starting from Einstein is BS. At the time Tesla thought Einstein was a bullshitter and he even proposed a unified field theory of dynamical gravity which was lost when he died and really when it comes to jews I suppose /pol/acks would be suspicious of him.

Personally most theortical physicists I feel are bullshitting around with theories that are disconnected from the experimentalists. They are all gonna get fucked when a real physicist not stuck in the rut that they are in comes a long most probably a nonconformist willing to think outside the box of established models and unifying theories. inb4 people accuse me of being self promoting.

>> No.11344554
File: 100 KB, 512x384, 1580181301125.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Man, you are speaking my language, I think he was a vegetable they just wheeled around and had an another nearby phycisist answer the questions,
All his work was cowritten, he could only type several words a minute, bit he apparently wrote all that work, it just doesn't make sense. And he book, a brief history of time, is gibberish lol.

>> No.11344569

Hawkings ALS made him more famous than he would have been otherwise. Someone known to the general public instead of only the physics community and science geeks.

>> No.11344636

Why do you Big Bang Theory™ (((mainstream))) fags care about some guy in a wheelchair??

>> No.11344656
File: 122 KB, 600x613, two nonlegs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cripples should be aborted

>> No.11344714

Read the book and it was all over the place at times. Really if you look at any righteous celebrirty from the 20th century they have a hidden 'conspiratory' side e.g. mother teresa, gandi, churchill, stephen hawking, martin lutherking, etc. I suppose many figures from history before the 20th century were also over hyped and painted in too simplistic a character. People gloss over the true story too often and when the populace is unwilling to learn things indepth, that's when a (((propagandist))) can hide the truth.

>> No.11344770

Pretty based bro. I would accidentally correct in my mind. Here is a fun fact. Don't know why you fucking zoomers don't correct it: our modern keyboard configuration is based on the first mechanical typewrites to minimize the hammers smacking and binding up. It is biased towards the left hand to slow people down and give the action time to catch up. If we rearrange that shit, the next generation wouldn't know the difference and communication speed, as well as accuracy will increase. Only those currently alive would need to suffer.

>> No.11344800

boomers don't care about the future though.

>> No.11344804

I don't understand how this boomer shit works, these days. I'm 43. I care. But younger people need to stop the presses and fix some stupid shit because they are at the helm. My voice is mute. They are only interested in my pockets.

>> No.11344848

Well boomers are american baby boomers who grew up in a prosperous post war economy and as such became generally spoilt and selfish in expecting things to always be their way I suppose. boomers, in their spoilt selfishness, would only care about their current systems so wouldn't bother changing standards such as keyboards, that would cause them hassel. Hmm you know what this popular theory of generational characteristics seems a bit weak and over generalising so maybe my comment was a bit wrong.

In regards to standards though, some standards aren't worth the hassel of changing due to the rate of innovation probably rendering old technologies obsolete in the future. I suppose current automation and robotics trends would render many human tools (such as keyboards) and their standards obsolete. Instead of fixing current systems we should be developing new systems that replace and 'ephemeralize' the old ones.

>> No.11344874

Clearly a schizo brainlet faggot

>> No.11344878

Yes and yes. Unfortunately, you are not the typical dumbass I deal with. Party on dude!

>> No.11345156
File: 414 KB, 678x381, Stephen-hawking-replaced.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11345157
File: 98 KB, 960x960, stephanhawking.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11345655

I'm well versed on the rest that you mentioned, but can you fill me in on Mother Theresa did?

>> No.11345762

This is very handy but not very true. Especially, for Americans. Nobody anywhere gave a fuck how to spell before the 19th century. The phrase was "How do you spell"

>> No.11345874
File: 106 KB, 728x815, mitsudomoe futaba loling.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol it looks like after a few hours of reading some http://mileswmathis.com from >>11341548
they came came back with some red pills.

>> No.11345895

christopher hitchen did some good talks about mother theresa and basically she is a fundamentalist catholic and she was responsible for many death due to her stupid ideas about healing people due to 'god's will' and stuff. She was even made a saint by the catholic church which is even more corrupt bullshit which just goes to show the character of the church on top of all their pedo priest shit.

>> No.11345999

Who gives a flying fuck about spelling

>> No.11346238
File: 54 KB, 612x612, 1576540866268.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kek, turns out everyone that ever did anything was jewish and everything that ever happened was a ruse

>> No.11346369

Who cares what was going on in the 19th century? We're 200 years past that.
If you care about your peers, you use correct grammar and orthography.

>> No.11346374
File: 89 KB, 1080x1072, 91a91e73ea0b988051a4d48c42102041.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11347135

A film that was written using heavy consultation with Hawking himself? One whose story beats can be easily corroborated with real-life information on Google? Of course not - why would anyone be so foolish?

>> No.11347149

There is no "correct," you knucklehead.

>> No.11347158

But there is "incorrect", poophand.

>> No.11347176

I guess but that changes all the time and the rules are prescriptive or fiat. They are destroyed by the common idiot who makes new rules.

>> No.11347279

I smell a shitty/farty smell of a moral relativist. no no you are wrongy and any perspective which states it takes no perspectives is in itself an oxymoronic and retarded position. stephen hawking however was still a replacable elite puppet cuck.

>> No.11347342

I'm not sure why you smell that. Maybe you should wipe your arse. Just talking about spelling and grammar. Is that a subject of morality?

>> No.11347383

You implied their wasn't a difference between the 19th century and the present day (moral relativism) which it's not due to the superiority of our current civilisation over 19th century civilisation that would include language and spelling; standard spelling and language, like other standards developed at the time such as the time zones, allow for greater cooperation and greater degrees of trade and economic prosperity. Containerization is another more vivid aspect of standards allowing for economics that would ultimately converge towards globalisation.

If you're interest in moral relativism check out the 'critical theory' and 'frankfurt school' wikipedia articles.

>> No.11347390

>can we really say that he was what we'd call the 'smartest man' on earth
At the time, not through all history.

>> No.11347391

He means the 'standard' (which isn't even the only standard) was invented in the 19th century along with standard education for the masses. Prior to that everyone spelt however they learnt (from tutors) and prior to that still everyone spelt in accord with their own speech, meaning hundreds of variations not just in spelling but letter assignment too. The only reason for any kind of standard is widespread use of the printing press slowly codifying different spellings (often randomly chosen ones) followed by education of the masses.

I personally like that history is embedded in our orthography and don't want reform.

>> No.11347395

Also another reason for standard orthographies is political. Different spelling itself can be a barrier to a language or force different languages/dialects under the same authority and language.

>> No.11347402

>You implied
Why would I do that? You better quit being retarded. You're not very good at it. Time Zones make no sense. It should just be the same time everywhere. I'll check those out though.
I'm down with this.

>> No.11347476

if thats the deluxe version of the costume I wonder what the regular is

>> No.11347484

Hey so i'm another dude but if you happen to be an expert on orthography and such fields, I have a pet theory in which I notice that higher IQ societies have move vowel centred syllables. Italian, japanese, and chinese of high IQ socieities have very constant-then-vowel specific wording such as japanese "A-ri-ga-tō" compared to more more constanant wording in lower IQ societies such as arabic and african languages such as arabic for television "al-til-faz". Know anything a bit this as I'm not an expert? I've made a hypothesis based on cognitive styles resulting in varying language construction.

>> No.11347504

Only brainlets such as yourself obsess over this crap.

Hawking was a Chad who wrote as he pleased.

He understood language constantly changes.

>> No.11347517

>prosperous post war economy

>> No.11347527

boo hoo boomer, stagflation so bad. look at the income inequality numbers and get back to me

>> No.11347545


thank you for your contribution

>> No.11347547


if hawking was a chad, why couldn't he fuck like a man?

>> No.11347550
File: 36 KB, 648x748, regular child frog costume.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11347566

He somehow managed to cheat on his wife while totally confined to a wheelchair. I’d say he fucked quite enough.

>> No.11347571


>> No.11347632

This is a math board. You better get your boomer shit straight.
Fuck bro! Maybe we should hang on /lit/ sometime. I wish thos thread was about the history and influences of English and spelling reform. Also the evolution of indo-European language. But, not /sci/, yes? I'm not smart enough to /lit/:(

>> No.11348503

145 is approx. 1/1,000 people by most measures. The kid could either be a) genuinely that bright, but doesn't need to be a 180 IQ mega brain because he simply brute forces the work by his parents pressuring him and having extreme work ethic

or b) his parents' pressuring him has given him far more knowledge and critical thinking than is expected for his age and thus overestimates his IQ as his knowledge leaks into the test score, and he'll likely flatten out as an adult as most child prodigies do

>> No.11348730

God put him to test, Hawking delivered.
The madman.