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/sci/ - Science & Math

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11341510 No.11341510 [Reply] [Original]

What is the consensus on nCoV being a bioweapon that was accidentally released?

Do we have the knowledge to engineer such a virus?

>> No.11341514

Go back to pol

>> No.11341525

You're a coward

>> No.11341527
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you better start taking this seriously

>> No.11341532

polacks are the coawrds
they cower in their conspiracy theories every day rather than learn real truths the hard way

>> No.11341545

Don't forget that most of them are Christians lol, like how more delusional can they get

>> No.11341600

>if you dont spend the next 2.5 hours arguing with me about schizo topics you are a coward.

some how, im included to believe that there are people on this board with better things to do. /pol/ is more your ally

>> No.11341650

Exponential growth is a meme

>> No.11341653

until u get it

>> No.11341703



>> No.11341833


>Do we have the knowledge to engineer such a virus?

Absolutely, including the BSL-4 lab located in Wuhan where it started.

>What is the consensus on nCoV being a bioweapon that was accidentally released?

If it was accidentally released, then the Chinese will never admit that. If it was deliberately released (i.e. the Cyberattack hypothesis), the perpetrators will never admit that.

>> No.11341846

You can't handle the truth faggot.

>> No.11341868

It's too early to tell, it doesn't look like it even spreads much if at all outside of China (for whatever reason).
Go outside and fly a kite for a month and then come back and ask these questions, this sort of speculation is not very useful right now.

>> No.11341940

you have to be an absolute idiot to even consider it
believing this requires a level of ignorance in far too many fields, that is far too great to be even lightly touched upon in a 4chan thread
if you think this is even remotely plausible, i put it to you that you are the type of person that doesn't know anything about anything

>> No.11342842

They grew it in a lab

>> No.11342844

fake the 6k figure is from 29-01

>> No.11342847

>ground zero is literally a place known for eating bats and snakes
unless you think this is bioengineerd by the bat-nation im gonna give this a yikes

>> No.11342907

of course we have the knowledge. look up old papers. there was a group in australia that made a viru so lethal it killed all mice tested, they decided not to publish.

>> No.11342921
File: 6 KB, 239x211, F7807117-E90D-47B3-9F23-A0E0F2AF2009.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The users and ideas you see on /pol/ arent there because of cowardice, moreso they are there because they have been banned from the rest of the internet. Also /pol/ is always right you fucking nerd, i shoved fags like you in lockers back in high school

>> No.11343076

This data set ignores [essentially all] factors that attribute to humans getting infected; from the virus. An exponential incline =/= reality.

>> No.11343719

Schizos would run rampant throughout society if we didn't lock em up.

>> No.11343752

If a country released a bioweapon on purpose, they'd have to inoculate their entire population first; it's impossible to have this pass unseen.

>> No.11343766

Old christians were fucking hardcore

>> No.11343767

If by "we" you mean America, you guys have potential world enders, let alone a measly SARS rip off.

>> No.11343789

The current ones want to ban same sex marriage, cannabis, take the rights away feom poc, pretend trans rights don't exist, and they want to ban immigration. That seems extreme to me.

Most Christians are text-book fascists now days, which is scary since they are the largeat religion world wide. Once we implement systematic undoings of Christianity in western society, that is when science will finally progress. Like, you cannot be a scientist and a christian, that's stupid

>> No.11343937

killing it's host isn't exactly an important part of any viruses reproductive strategy.

because then it would weed itself out of the genepool, amirite?

>> No.11343972

>1990 + 30
>Unironically an atheist
Why are you even on this site dude. Go talk about tranny rights with your buddies on Reddit