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File: 18 KB, 460x313, bp-oil-leak-close-up.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1133570 No.1133570 [Reply] [Original]




guys listen

Guys I have the best ide

guys listen

Guys I have the best idea ever


I'll put A CAP


a cap

I'll put A CAP
guys listen here

I'll put A CAP.... on the OIL LEAK

>> No.1133583
File: 27 KB, 200x351, oil spill.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1133587

No, the only option is to nuke it.

>> No.1133596

sounds like the typical engiqueering bullshit!

>> No.1133600


I lol'd.

>> No.1133615


>> No.1133630


They already tried a cap, but that didn;t work due to icing. So instead of using a pump for de-icing like they were told to do in the first place, they declared "Caps don;t work, we are out of ideas" and they are just letting it flow freely"

>> No.1133641

Boycott BP.

>> No.1133654

Ya, boycott the company trying to fix their mistake. that'll help stop the oil

>> No.1133658
File: 352 KB, 500x600, 1275794854789.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I dunno.

>> No.1133659

I don't think we'll have to
They're probably on their way to bankrupcy

>> No.1133662

fuck that, they're taking their sweet ass time I'll take my business elsewhere.

>> No.1133665

How does that make the oil in the ocean go away? Seriously.

>> No.1133668


>> No.1133679

I haven't watched much news on it. What exactly is this icing phenomena?

>> No.1133683

has /sci/ had thoery thread on cleaing up the oil problem ?

>> No.1133693

What the hell did BP do wrong? This was just an accident. They didn't break any laws last time I heard. The US government apparently didn't want them drilling close to shore so they forced BP to drill out deeper where capping wouldn't be possible.

I wonder if this will affect the ability of nations to control international waters around them.

>> No.1133694

guys oil evaporates in the gulf all the time this is just sensationalism

>> No.1133698


>> No.1133697

I suggested a lighter.

>> No.1133702

True, a lot of it is sensationalism. But your evaporating comment is retarded.

>> No.1133703


I really don't think there's a viable "fix" at this point. It's going to take years and years to even slightly reverse any of the ecological and economic damage this is causing.

I think that's why everyone's so upset over this; it's one of those cardinal, "DON'T FUCKING DO THIS BECAUSE YOU DO IT ONCE AND YOU'RE FUCKED FOR GOOD! DO YOU UNDERSTAND ME?" kind of 'sins' if you will.

You just know from the get-go what the ramifications of spilling that much oil are.

>> No.1133707

Wrong, BP pushed to continue drilling when they were advised to let some plugs set early on. Also, someone on the rig says they knew the BOP might have failed, because some chunks of rubber came up the well.

>The US government apparently didn't want them drilling close to shore so they forced BP to drill out deeper where capping wouldn't be possible.

>> No.1133716

I fucking lold

>> No.1133717

The ecological issues will all be pretty much over in a couple of years. Oil breaks down with sun and heat, and plenty of that in the gulf area.

>> No.1133722

I heard the US didn't want them drilling the well closer to shore because of the ecological problems it would cause, so they told them to build it in international waters. Out of sight, out of mind.

>> No.1133723

> What the hell did BP do wrong? This was just an accident.

I'm hearing there may have been some negligence involved.

> They didn't break any laws last time I heard.

Oil companies don't break laws. Oil companies *write* laws.

> The US government apparently didn't want them drilling close to shore so they forced BP to drill out deeper where capping wouldn't be possible.

Sarah Palin? Is that you?

>> No.1133743

I had heard that BP could have drilled within US waters but were forced out.

>> No.1133751
File: 39 KB, 604x341, Tiber_well[1].gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Grey dots are oil wells in the gulf of mexico.

>> No.1133756

The Gulf is all kinds of fucked. That much oil will take a long time to go away. And now they're saying they won't have the thing fixed until sometime in the fall. I'm starting to wonder if they'll *ever* be ale to fix it. What if they never really come up with a solution that works? What if BP does go bankrupt?

In Pennsylvania, there's a town called Centralia. Or there used to be a town. After the coal mines caught fire, and they eventually realized there was no way to put out the fires, they just abandoned the place.

Y'all down there living on the gulf coast? Start packing.

>> No.1133778

>This was just an accident.

There is no way that this was "just an accident"

There is already evidence there was a failure to follow prudent practices, let alone "best" practices.

The capping of the well was rushed because it was overbudget.

>> No.1133787

Hey I think BP is urgent to solve this as much as the rest of us
If they don't soon they'll go bankrupt

>> No.1133797

>>implying BP will pay for more than a fraction of the cleanup.

>> No.1133803

> If they don't soon they'll go bankrupt

And once that happens it's no longer their problem, right? Just pack up and leave town?
It's probably starting to look like an appealing option.

>> No.1133813


You don't understand the definition of the "capping" I was talking about.

The original capping is what failed. They were supposed to cap it and move to another site and start drilling with Deepwater Horizon. However, since it was late, and the cost was LOL A MILLION DOLLARS A DAY. There was pressure to rush the job and move.

>> No.1133816

After reading this thread, I have come to the conclusion everyone here gets their information from twitter and youtube. Get the hell off of 4chan and learn something before you speak about shit you don't know. BP committed mulitple violations and had warning signs long before the well exploded. Why did the CEO of BP sell over 30% of his stock in the company weeks before the blowout. Why did Goldman Sachs sell over 50% of their BP stocks weeks before the blowout. It was one of two things: 1. They knew they had a tiger by the tail and didn't know if they could contain it or 2. It was blown intentionally.

>> No.1133824


"Twice an Exxon Valdez spill worth of oil seeps [naturally] into the Gulf of Mexico every year"

Yes, it's a disaster - but nothing like as bad as it's being made out to be.

>> No.1133829

LOL. And you get yours from conspiracy.com it seems.

>> No.1133846

>>1133816 And it is already known that the spill is occurring in different locations miles apart, seeping from the ocean floor. It is not known if the well casing is cracked or some other phenomenon unique to the geography. This spill will occur until the oil reserve pressure has reached equilibrium, possibly years or decades . . . can you say "we are all fucked now?"

>> No.1133844

> "Twice an Exxon Valdez spill worth of oil seeps [naturally] into the Gulf of Mexico every year"

And this is one Exxon Valdez every 4 days. That's huge.

Let's call 1 Exxon Valdez size spill a 'fukup'. You're saying annual seepage is 2 fukups per year. At 1 every 4 days, we're talking about an annual rate of over 90 fukups.

>> No.1133839

ITT: Dumb teenagers crying "HURR BOYCOTT BP" not realizing that's just going to effect local gas station owners and not the people actually responsible for what's going on.

>> No.1133854

Hey buttface, do you consider nationally recognized media as a conspiracy?

>> No.1133860

This is actually suprising
I didnt know that. If thats true then its really not that big of a deal?

>> No.1133873

Sure is 9/11 in here

>> No.1133875

Meh, it's just southern US that's fucked, no matter.

Too bad about the birds, though.

Also too bad about the toothless government that is going to give in to big money again. See how much the owners of Exxon Valdez have had to pay...

>> No.1133880

But consider this: the seepage is spread out over a year across the entire gulf, not from one small region multiple times the Exxon Valdez. Did you know you can inhale helium in small quantities, but a sufficiently large amount will kill you?

>> No.1133881

What the fuck? Of course it's a big deal.
Holy shit. Is this really /sci/?

>> No.1133886

Where the fuck did you get one Exxon every four days from? Every 20 days maybe.

>> No.1133890

And the Exxon Valdez was a lot 'higher quality' oil spread on the surface whereas a lot of this is mud and so on, diffusing throughout the ocean. I'm not saying it's not bad, but that's too much simplification.

>> No.1133896

I doubt the well was destroyed purposefully, but prior knowledge of a potential fatal problem was known. The crews that drill for BP are slowly coming out and exposing the events leading up to the explosion. During certain test procedures, anomalies occured that were of the scale of their experience. They were nervous with the drill.

>> No.1133901

Go to bed, Sarah.

>> No.1133903

9/11 was an inside job.

>> No.1133906


No, I call you, spouting nonsense that you can't back up, a conspiracy nut.

>> No.1133909

>Guys I have the best ide

I expected a chemistry joke response.

>> No.1133940





and the best for last:
BP Oil Spill Probe Finds New Warning Signs Before Deepwater Horizon Explosion

Is that backup enough for you?

>> No.1133946

sheeple status

told [X]

not told [ ]

>> No.1133956

19,000 barrels/day is a current reasonable estimate. 50,000/day is also a reasonable estimate. Could actually be more, but it's tough to confirm. That's oil, not counting all the mud and whatnot. Total mass of stuff coming out is much higher.

Exxon Valdez: 257,000 barrels of oil total. 1 every 4 days is a high estimate, but it's not crazy-high.

>> No.1133960

this anon speaks truth. wake up sheep!

>> No.1133984

50,000 may be on the low side, bro.

>> No.1133992

or... the european debt crisis fucked up their shit and they needed money or wanted to get out of a EUROPEAN company

>> No.1134000


Just to appease him, halve the rate. 1 Valdez every 8 days.

That's what, 6 Valdez spills so far?

Yeah, 2 Valdez amounts *seep* into the gulf over 360 days. As opposed to 6 in 48 days. This spill is no big deal. Rush Limbaugh says it will take care of itself. Because he's an expert on these thoughts of things.

>> No.1134011


>these thoughts of things.

I said what?

thoughts =sorts

This is what I get for listening to stuff in the background while trying to type.

>> No.1134025

>It was one of two things: 1. They knew they had a tiger by the tail and didn't know if they could contain it or [HURR] 2. It was blown intentionally. [Hurr DURR]

Or 3. It was a co-incidence.

>> No.1134027
File: 62 KB, 266x223, 1275434591581.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>My face when I live in the middle of the country and don't give a fuck about the coast

>> No.1134031

see >>1133992

>> No.1134043

>The US government apparently didn't want them drilling close to shore so they forced BP to drill out deeper where capping wouldn't be possible.

1. there are dozens of platforms close to shore, they're cold stacked(on an oil well, and functional, but not being used) because the oil companies don't want to pay the extra tax on drilling for oil close to shore because the dept. of the interior is finally making the oil companies pay for using land which is technically owned by the citizens of the US.

2. capping is possible on the deep water platforms, we did it dozens of times pre and post Katrina, we do it almost every time a hurricane hits.

3. BP is in the wrong here. there should have been at least one company man at the platform who reported directly to BP and one man who reported directly to deepwater horizon. either one of these two men should have reported something wrong on the rig. if they did and neither company did anything, it's negligence. if they didn't then regular maintenance checks weren't being done and deep water horizon and BP are in the wrong. no matter which way you spin this, BP and DWH are at fault.

>> No.1134068
File: 15 KB, 328x357, 1275298388978.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>My face when next time you have rainfall that originated from a hurricane that your county gets covered in a thin film of oily slime

>> No.1134073
File: 96 KB, 700x500, face46.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol no

>> No.1134080

Yes, I'm sure this whole thing isn't some kind of political ploy to get us to surrender to the government the right to drill closer to the shore, netting them more profit.

This was no accident.

>> No.1134086

I used to believe in coincidences. I found out the fuckers were lying to me too many times. I'm safer believing they fucking did it. Prestigious study shows that swine flu scare was concocted to increase profits for big pharma by experts for the WHO (who happened to be getting money from big pharma). So don't tell me about conspiracy theories, the world is fucking full of them. Any time two people get together and make a plan, they conspire.

>> No.1134087


>> No.1134094

GTFO crazy dude. We don't tolerate your sort around here.

>> No.1134103

Apparently WE do.

>> No.1134104

You mean the sort that doesn't have their head up their ass?

>> No.1134106




guys listen

Guys I have the best ide

guys listen

Guys I have the best idea ever




a giant dildo

guys listen here

I'll put A GIANT DILDO.... in the OIL LEAK

>> No.1134110


>> No.1134129

So uh...

Why isn't there a fucking shut off valve at the very mouth of the well?

>> No.1134132


Painful samefaggery.

>> No.1134137



Yes, because everyone disagrees with everything and there is never any consensus about anything.

>> No.1134144

i'm not sure if a valve can handle te pressure

>> No.1134152

LOL. Wrong. I am responsible for 2 out of 3. You pick which ones. oooohhh, im sooo smart....oooohhhh

>> No.1134151

>hurricane that your county gets covered in a thin film of oily slime

no more rust for that country, ever again.

>> No.1134163


Logic would imply


but maybe you aren't being logical.

>> No.1134182

Nope, you got 1 out of 2, the first is mine. I don't know who posted the +1. Twern't me.

>> No.1134202

Logic? /sci/ has never been about logic. I've seen logic refuted here constantly. Facts seldom matter either. It more about what you believe. People think if they believe it, it must be right or they wouldn't believe it. How is that for logic.

>> No.1135172
File: 73 KB, 322x450, 1265678549334.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guize wikipedia says the liability limit for BP is $75 million due to US law, which is shit all compared to what the cleanup will actually cost.
But the reference it provided is to an article that no longer exists.
Can anyone confirm or deny this with an actual reference?

Copypasta from Wikipedia page
"The United States Oil Pollution Act of 1990 limits BP's liability for non-cleanup costs to $75 million unless gross negligence is proven"

>> No.1135349

wouldn't he be happy because he just got a shitton of free oil?

>> No.1135383

Anotherfag here, posted:

Not that this all matters.

As long as capitalism has no working restraints, all that matters is that the shareholders get more money than others.

>> No.1135399

the fuck are you faggots talking about? There IS a cap on the leak right fucking now and it's been there for a few days already. They don't collect all the oil though.

>> No.1135401
File: 137 KB, 640x480, Angry-Asian-Boy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>People on the internet
>having an intelligent discussion?

>> No.1135470

LMAO and nostalgia

>> No.1135477


tinyurl dot com/37zb82j when ur done being a thief copycat scumbag dcfd9e942511679b4204ce593b3b7f78

>> No.1135485


tinyurl dot com/37zb82j when ur done being a thief copycat scumbag 65dc003c80d5a3f2f1b40aa9baa15ca9

>> No.1137072
File: 69 KB, 500x667, bp_spills.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"Louisiana isn't the only place that has shrimp" said BP rep Randy Prescott.

>> No.1138547

And BP isn't the only place that has fuel for my car.

>> No.1138581

BP have already said they'll pay for everything though.

>> No.1138612

hahaha I'll buy that for a dollar

>> No.1138834

Oil company bought 'oil' phrases on Google, Yahoo redirecting users to its website. In addition to purchasing the search terms, BP also released a television ad earlier this week featuring CEO Tony Hayward. In it, Hayward stares directly into the camera and explicitly apologizes for the spill, saying, "BP has taken full responsibility for cleaning up the spill in the gulf."

"I'm deeply sorry," Hayward says. [lying through his teeth]

>> No.1138843

fucking lold