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/sci/ - Science & Math

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11337737 No.11337737 [Reply] [Original]

What does /sci/ think of the coronavirus?


>> No.11337748
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>> No.11337749

I'm not worried about it any more than I worry about getting the flu.

>> No.11337784

I think you should keep your autism on >>>/pol/

>> No.11337792
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The virus is nothing more than an excuse to pass even tighter airport safety regulations than before. Fuck the TSA, I won't let you human refuse crawl up my asshole to check if I'm infected or not.

>> No.11337796

Lol if our military doesn't start killing us asian citizens to save country because they're scared of being called racist im actually gonna die laughing

>> No.11337807
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Another day that /sci/ is wrong. Let's see how long this board will stay in denial.

>> No.11337833
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Damn that is a pretty scary image t b h .but i remain denialist and trust papa Xi. i expect it to peak around 10feb. wont reach 1m infected and after that it will go down.

>> No.11337842

900 billion dead by end of the year. calling it now.

>> No.11337843
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Nope, this is relevant to /sci/ as well.

>> No.11337882

What I want to know is, do the survivors develop immunity?

>> No.11337889

>t. /pol/ immigrant

>> No.11337896

china numbah one!!11!!!

>> No.11337927

Go back to where you came from: https://www.reddit.com/

>> No.11337930
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>its just sars retard

>> No.11337936

I think if you start having symptoms, you should invest for yourself Thymosin α1 and a Lobelia supplement to fight it.

>> No.11337940

About 20% of it is not SARS.

>> No.11337962

I'm legit scared guys. Is this the end of days?

>> No.11337976


>> No.11337985

Thanks for admitting you are a disgusting crossboarder

>> No.11338001

we are absolutely fucked. I am so sad. This will kill so many people and shut down society. I have two degrees and a phd from immunology research at the NIH. i want to live. i want to be ok. never would i have thought that we would meet our end by a biowarfare weapon.

best fighting chance you have is to share no surfaces or doorknobs with people going outside for three months. I am shaking in my boots. this will be horror and a bloodbath. May God help us all.

>> No.11338006

Not as disgusting as eating bats though.

>> No.11338008
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>tfw im actually going to die a virgin
honestly if i catch it im just gonna go out on a suprise sex spree

>> No.11338010

I live in Toronto and we have 2 cases now and over a dozen being tested... also I'm surrounded by 1000+ Chinese people everyday at UofT. Literally terrified and N95 masks are fucking sold out everywhere, some fucking jews bought them all and are reselling them on kijiji for 50x the cost.

>> No.11338014

the cases/deaths reported from China are extremely unreliable. we're probably hearing higher numbers this time around then we did for SARS but it's still greatly underreported.

>> No.11338021

And yet you didn't get your corona shot.

Are the SARS numbers we have from China now accurate?

>> No.11338027

I'm so hyped up boys, fucking finally.
My only regret will be not having sex even once, but maybe I'll just fuck a hooker when the time comes

>> No.11338029

Probably not.
The important thing is how China reacted to both.
The've gone from "eeeh not a big problem" with SARS to "SHUT DOWN EVERYTHING" over this shit.

>> No.11338030


>> No.11338033

Ebola originated in bat shit. And chinks literally eat that.

>> No.11338044

>not trying to set up a /sci/ orgy before we all go

The problem is that their government isn't really a rational entity, so we have no idea if they're reacting like this because they know it's a real threat, just to be safe, because they're desperate to be seen as a real country and don't want to be made fun of for covering up an outbreak again, or as a test of how well they can lock down cities in case anyone starts acting up.

>> No.11338045

This. Their reaction is what's most worrying.

>> No.11338047

A gay orgy? I'm sure all the engineers will attend...

>> No.11338052

Where the fuck are you getting these actuals from?

>> No.11338054

>The problem is that their government isn't really a rational entity
Imagine actually buying into this sinophobic CNN/journo constructed agitprop. The head of the ChiCom party is technocratic as fuck. sure the local Wuhan administration fucked up but now that its in national control they know what theyre doing. they learned their lesson from how poorly they handled sars. that was 17 years ago no one was thinking about China back then. Theyre the #1 worldpower now. the bulding of 2 hospitals within a months shows how serious they are taking this and how capable they are.

>> No.11338058

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2019%E2%80%9320_Wuhan_coronavirus_outbreak has a nice list with cased/death/countries that gets updated everyday

>> No.11338063

Just because you and them both hate Muslims doesn't mean the CCP is your friend.

>> No.11338064
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Okay that's really unsettling, what the fuck.

>> No.11338070

>Taking it seriously this time when they dropped the ball on SARS
>Spreading ten times faster than SARS anyway
Tell me more about how capable and competent they are today.

>> No.11338078

Ah, but imagine how much worse it could've been. If they weren't so good at their jobs today, 2 billion Chinese citizens would be infected.

>> No.11338081


Is this of any use?

>> No.11338087

It's going to devastate China, if they arent taking this 100% serious itll hurt a lot of other countries too

>> No.11338088

>imagine how much worse it could've been
I'd really rather not...

>> No.11338104

What if Chinese scientists sold toxic bat meat to the local market?

>> No.11338108

so much for the chinese century

>> No.11338112

plagues have been historically great for the economy though

>> No.11338115

Is that your personal predictions? That's a pretty crazy prediction that over a million people will die in just 1 month from it.

>> No.11338118

you mean the plague that killed off a third of europe? everyone was committing suicide. i'm sure that was jus splendid for their economy

>> No.11338121

>Idiots jack eachother off over doomsdays that never happen


>> No.11338122
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mother of god

>> No.11338124

>Lying and making things up to purposefully spread fear over nothing

>> No.11338129

I guess latinos will have to repopulate the Earth.

>> No.11338131

Que viva la raza pinche gringos de la mierda puto wey

>> No.11338132
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updated chart

>> No.11338133

Only if they build a wall to stop Americans from fleeing to the South.

>> No.11338141

Maybe we'll end up like the Deus Ex timeline- society has not collapsed but many people have died and martial law has been declared.

>> No.11338142

>100,000 people are born a day
>100 die over a period of several days

Oooooo we’re really in for it now guys

>> No.11338144

>latinos will have to repopulate the Earth.
Not so fast.
"MEXICO CITY (BLOOMBERG) - A man who fell ill in Mexico on Monday (Jan 20) following a December trip to Wuhan, China, is under observation as a potential case of the coronavirus"
and here is some conspiracy theory fuel for you, the man is a microbiology professor.

>> No.11338145

They are taking it seriously now by shutting everything down, but they waited too long and now it's like plugging a hole in a submarine with a cork.

>> No.11338146

Whatever fantasy story appeals to you for a few months, I suppose. Disease scares are over within a year, and everyone ignores actually dangerous diseases like Malaria which drop a million people dead annually,

>> No.11338147

Question, I know I'm not the only one to think this, but obviously China is understating their numbers of infected/dead. Is it possible for the data of the coronavirus to misrepresent how fast it's actually growing, assuming the numbers are much higher what if China is reporting a fraction of them?

So example, if there were already 10k cases, China decides to report it as 2k one day, 4k the next, so even if the actual number is higher, this would cause the rate of infection to seem more exagerrated.

>> No.11338148

Someone needs to tell Madagascar to close the borders, NOW!

It's not so much about 100 dying right now, it's about the risk of a lot more dying if it continues to spread.

>> No.11338149

>but obviously China is understating their numbers of infected/dead

WHO disagrees, but anon conspiracy theorists do love their spooky narrative.

>> No.11338150

>but obviously China is understating their numbers of infected/dead

WHO disagrees, but anon conspiracy theorists do love their spooky narrative.

>> No.11338151

Malaria is non-existent in cold countries.

>> No.11338158

>WHO disagrees
We'll have to wait for the dust to settle. China kind of has a history with this.

>> No.11338159

So what? It still kills a million people annually.

>> No.11338163

It also doesn't spread nearly as much as this.

>> No.11338170

Malaria does not have human-human transmission capability

>> No.11338199

>The've gone from "eeeh not a big problem" with SARS to "SHUT DOWN EVERYTHING" over this shit.
but they reacted the exact same way they did with SARS, ignoring the problem until it got real bad

>> No.11338200

By the end of the year, there will be more dead than there are stars in the galaxy. This is truly the end of all that is.

>> No.11338203

Literally who?

>> No.11338204

>10 years later, earth collapses into a black hole from the exponentially growing piles of bodies

>> No.11338209

Cough, headache, runny nose, fever, shortness of breath, sore throat. What! No diarrhea? I guess I had something worse.

>> No.11338212

See, climate alarmists? We're not going to die of climate change. Corona virus will get us first.

>> No.11338217

jesus, the chinks are such drama queens

>> No.11338243

Why do people that can't comprehend the simplicity of exponential growth browse /sci/?

>> No.11338269

>China has a lot of old people
>China has a lot of air pollution
>air pollution negatively affects the immune system
>>China has an intense work culture
>if someone felt ill, they most likely would continue working
>stress also negatively affects the immune system
When it comes to deadly viruses, your life is basically in the hands of your immune system, if you do things or live in a place that actively harms it, your odds are a lot worse

>> No.11338315

>The've gone from "eeeh not a big problem" with SARS to "SHUT DOWN EVERYTHING" over this shit.
Probably because how bad things got with SARS and how both the world and their own citizens reacted to it. Still they're lying, still they already knew it was a problem in december and just let it fester until it got worse, but now at least they're cooperating with the WHO. Think about it: it would be pretty bad if they just didn't cooperate with the WHO and let everyone ignore what happened.

There's this interview with a Canadian doctor on CBC who said that, at least for us outside of China, it matters very little because we still have a limited number of entry points (airports mostly).

To be fair, even with Ebola in West Africa (where there was far less of an incentive to lie) the WHO admitted that due to the difficulty of gathering data the real numbers were probably worse than the reported numbers. Now we're dealing with a secretive and totalitarian government, though one cooperating more than with SARS.

>> No.11338403

>Theyre the #1 worldpower now

Hahahahaha. Oh my aching fucking sides.

Their economy is a ponzi scheme.
Their technology is entirely based on plagiarism.
Their society is mostly uneducated superstitious peasants who cant drive
Those 2 hospitals are morgues.
The only think holding their aircraft carriers together is the paint, which they imported.

>> No.11338416


With China you do this: Divide anything good by a factor of 10, multiply anything bad by a factor of 10. This gives you are more accurate picture.
So if its reported that China is bringing in 1000 specialist medical staff to deal with the problem, then its more likely to be 100 staff.
If its reported that there are 4000 cases of infection with 50 people dead, then its more likely to be 4000 cases with 500 dead.

Its a simplistic approximation, but it generally works.

>> No.11338478

My theory is that the Hubei mayor thought it was a SARS resurgence and thought "it's just SARS, it'll just go away like last time, we can hide this"

>> No.11338482

I know. I saw a motorcycle with a roof on it. What kind of fag shit even is that?

>> No.11338484

Remember when /pol/ posted similar "predictions" claiming billions would be dead from ebola?

>> No.11338485

why didn't you multiple the cases of infection by 10?

>> No.11338492

Science/maths people are generally quite stupid when it comes to anything beyond their given field, their opinions here are worthless unless they are explicitly invested in this specific field.

>> No.11338497

>What? We need to burn even the control group? Why? They are healthy bats. My uncle Zhou could sell those for 100 RNB each on the wet market across the town. Nobody will know. 30 for me 30 for you, 40 for Uncle Zhou.
>Sound like a plan, Wang, now get the control speciman 125A, but make sure to burn speciman 152A.
Is it too far fetched?

>> No.11338499
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have you seen "Pandemic" - a netflix documentary series? Shit. I didn't know that hunting and animal agriculture pose such a threat to humanity. What science can do? Are we ready to go vegan or still not? here the quot from the "Position of the American Dietetic Association":

>appropriately planned vegetarian diets, including total vegetarian or vegan diets, are healthful, nutritionally adequate, and may provide health benefits in the prevention and treatment of certain diseases.

>> No.11338503

you're being facetious, yes they ate bat shit but that's because it was inside the bat

>> No.11338523


>> No.11338535

Hey at least it's only 1/10th of the Spanish flu death toll.

>> No.11338540

Vegetarian, not vegan. Fish is okay. Vegan diets are ridiculously inefficient time and money wise.

>> No.11338551

>Vegan diets are ridiculously inefficient time and money wise.
quick rundown?

>> No.11338558

It involves a lot of planning, compared to normal diets, on which recipes you should use everyday and the variety of ingredients you should buy.

You can't just eat whatever vegetables or fruits you feel like or you'll end up malnourished.

>> No.11338559


Lol retard

>> No.11338563
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>eating the most nuturious foods on the planet requires difficult planning and will make you malnourished probably

>> No.11338567

Truth hurts doesn't it?

>> No.11338570

It's true though, unlike omnivore diets. You can't just eat whatever's available on the supermarket. You need to have a lot more variety with your fruits nuts and vegetables.

>> No.11338583
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>Are we ready to go vegan or still not?
well, we were ready even 40 years ago but people are just egoistic beasts they will never stop torturing animals until it ceases to be beneficial.

americans don't even bother to kill their chickens properly, before boil them alive

>> No.11338594

can you be more specific?
You can't eat whatever you want and be healthy anyway. You still need a diet.

>> No.11338633
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>> No.11338637

It's okay because they get about 7000% salt, sugar, fat, and onions rda

>> No.11338653

sunlight is halfway between electricity and heat

>> No.11338663

it's most likely the chinese government trying their best to look competent on the world stage now that the new hot virus came from one of their disgusting wet markets. I am sure the chinese government knew of this disease a while ago but did nothing about it, and don't want that to lead if the virus became a proper threat.

at this stage, coronavirus is a meme that is wiping out old people with compromised immune and respiratory symptoms in a country with some of the worst air pollution on earth and poor medical care for a significant portion of people. in addition, the public seems to be totally retarded and ignore any warnings in favour of ignorance or superstition and are the biggest threat to themselves. I would say that the lockdown is to protect people from themselves and reduce the ability for the virus to undergo a mutation to actually become a threat to young and healthy people. that mutation will create a scary scenario but right now, the virus itself could potentially be no worse than a common cold in a young person.

>> No.11338664

This prediction is boogus, this virus will peak at 25k deaths, maybe 30k

>> No.11338665
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>> No.11338683

Oh my god. I didn’t buy into the hysteria until I read this. /pol/ was right. This slightly milder SARS will end us. Oh my god

>> No.11338704

Looks like the West should stop outsourcing jobs to China:


>> No.11338709

reposting these translated lab results:


The coronavirus E protein found in Zhejiang bats is 100% the same (the corresponding DNA similarities are 225/228), and the next closest virus is only less than 95% the same.

Viral gene replication is different from humans; due to the error correction mechanism, the chance of mutation is quite high. Even if the E protein is a conserved sequence and the virus variety is relatively difficult to mutate, it is still very likely that the E proteins of the two coronaviruses are exactly the same in nature. SARS is slightly different from the E protein of the subspecies.

The -ORF8 gene is usually quite large among virus species. In 2017, ORF8 in Zhejiang Province was only 60% similar to other coronaviruses, but it was 94.21% the same as Wuhan SARS . 2. Computers estimated that Wuhan SARS virus invaded the human body. The method is similar to SARS anomaly, which is the first step of SARS invasion to human body. It is a virus S protein that deceives human ACE2 receptors. Wuhan SARS protein S protein is similar to SARS or 2017 Zhejiang province in general, but it is truly demented. The sacrificial part is like SARS. The most important five amino acids are similar to SARS, but they have similar physical properties. Computer analysis also estimates that Wuhan SARS has a very high affinity for human ACE2 receptor, only slightly lower than SARS

>> No.11338711

Therefore, the article concludes that it is possible that someone referred to SARS's invasion of ACE2 receptors in respiratory cells to modify the coronavirus found in Zhejiang bats in 2017 and then released the natural environment (such as Wuhan market) to reproduce for a short time

1) A series of coronavirus research on Zhoushan bats was conducted by the Nanjing Military Region in 2015-2018, and ZS bat-CoV coronavirus species were found.
2) The current nCoV and ZS bat-CoV coronavirus are highly similar. The evolutionary tree is much closer than SARS coronavirus
3) Although nCoV is closer to ZS bat-CoV, S protein is more like SARS. The author estimates that some people use the ZS bat-CoV virus as a model, but use the left SRS S protein gene to enhance human infectivity

>> No.11338760

It doesn't do anything
Faggot. Its harmless.

>> No.11338768


Look never mind, how about you make an investment in this company I run which promises you a 1000% return? Your money will be perfectly safe.

>> No.11338773

>dies from pneumonia

>> No.11338783

Remember how transmission of Ebola is much much less likely than a flu-like virus.

>> No.11338790
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I don't understand this, but here

TL;DR they created a virus from bat that cant be stopped by monoclonal antibiotics and vaccines and affects the respiratory trac (potential pneumonia causation from there)
also it replicates "robust" and chances are has high infectivity also

>> No.11338828

It’ll be under control within weeks

>> No.11338905


>> No.11338955

Within days

>> No.11338972


>> No.11338988

As much as I would love a good pandemic killing 1b people, it's highly doubtful that something so wonderful would actually happen

>> No.11339001


>> No.11339084


>> No.11339167

Don't virus's become less deadly when they mutate though?

>> No.11339330


thread theme


>> No.11339355

Entirely possible, considering totalitarian systems are famous for how hesitant lower level leaders are to report bad news to The Party. Remember: the trains are running on time.

>> No.11339369

This. 14 day incubation time and asymptomatic transmission speak for themselves.

It doesn't even matter if it's deadly. 1 single case in Germany, and health ministers are holding press conferences telling everyone to chill the fuck out. Next week it could be 10. Five days later maybe 200 and that same weekend all of a sudden 10000. Even if only a small percent dies, this could put a dent in public infrastructure.

Finally, it's way too early to know how bad it is, so there's no ruling out the worst-case scenario.

>> No.11339380

at least he got a free ride part of the way.

>> No.11339421

>this could put a dent in public infrastructure.

They aren't Liberia.

>> No.11339428

i think it is cool :D

>> No.11339492

Just wearing a mask is not going to stop people getting infected, this virus can travel into the eyes.

>> No.11339498

its more likely to wreak havoc on the elderly and immunocompromised in third world nations than to do anything more than induce a financial panic and public safety crisis in the west for a month or so. its much less deadly than other similar pathogens

>> No.11339499


>> No.11339500

Sure, but even a developed country will have an upper limit to its capacities. The idea is, it's too early to tell how close the virus will bring the developed world to a point of considerable stress. We'll have that data in the coming weeks. And I think this is why people are generally very nervous/excited

>> No.11339503
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It's going nuclear.


>> No.11339509

>Source: Twitter

>> No.11339514

> its much less deadly than other similar pathogens

where are you getting that information, Anon? I'm hearing that it's already started to mutate, that Chinese are dying in waiting rooms, and more importantly that the true mortality rate is obscured by the slow onset of the disease, admittedly a lot of that is coming from Faux News tier media outlets.

Is there any serious writing on this virus out yet?

>> No.11339515

>I hear garbage from fake news cites

Wow really hard hitting data.

>> No.11339522

>and more importantly that the true mortality rate is obscured by the slow onset of the disease, admittedly a lot of that is coming from Faux News tier media outlets.

True. Let's see what the Faux News tier media outlet of eurosurveillance has to say.
>One other caveat with estimating severity is that there can be long delays between hospitalisation and death for infections that are ultimately fatal. For SARS in Hong Kong, the average time from illness to death for fatal cases was 24 days [26]. This means that early estimates of the case fatality risk that ignore the potential outcomes of cases still in hospital are typically underestimates of the final severity profile [27]. We accounted for that by only including cases that either died or recovered in our estimate of the hospital fatality risk. Given that the cases reported outside Wuhan have mostly not been severe, it would be reasonable to infer that there might be a large number of undetected relatively mild infections in Wuhan and that the infection fatality risk is below 1% or even below 0.1%.

>> No.11339526

>Posts Twitter faggotry
Is sci pol now?

>> No.11339555

i'm 50/50 on this

i wouldn't give a shit, but i live with a mentally retarded parent who gave me the swine flu before and said it doesn't regret to sneeze on me on purpose. whenever it gets here (and that piece of shit will surely get it) i will need to isolate myself

>> No.11339567
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Let me tell you about my fucking co-worker
>Needs to check something out on my computer
>Sneezes into her hand
Why not sneeze into my mouth and skip the middle man?

>> No.11339584
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based on 7 samples of lung tissues from donors, it was found that ace2 receptor and other gene expression used at an advantage by ncov2019 is well more expressed in an asian males. and more in males that females.

long story short : coronavirus targets preferentially the asian male.

sampling systematically lung donors could be doable to better assert that hypothesis.


>> No.11339591

It's a virus.
It has pointy bits.
It's probably not going to kill us all, just like SARS didn't.

Sorry, I do things that pertain to engineering on a hobby basis.

>> No.11339595

I feel like this should put an end to the whole "biolab" shit, unless the CCCP is targeting their citizens for propaganda purposes, but that seems unlikely

>> No.11339705

I remember how I used to get banned for months for posting Ebola-chan

>> No.11339719

>unless the CCCP is targeting their citizens for propaganda purposes, but that seems unlikely

People like to meme but the Chinese government is genuinely concerned with the wellbeing of Han Chinese.

>> No.11339826

If that's true you'd think they'd enforce things like safe workplace standards

>> No.11339892

Anyone else hoping for as much chaos as possible? I know i am a sociopath for saying this but i just enjoy seeing disasters in progress.

>> No.11340364

yep that's how the Spanish flu managed to kill a third of the world, by becoming less deadly

>> No.11340369

the Chinese researchers are already reporting that the age range is changing

>> No.11340383


>> No.11340444

it was a monte carlo simulation

>> No.11340485
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Woo ahead of schedule!!! g'job, xi

A disease that spreads through blood and shit isn't that hard to contain unless you're a retarded africoon with no international help. Not quite the same thing as a disease with a long incubation period and asymptomatic transmissibility.

>> No.11340506

131 dead
107 recovered.

Do you like those odds? So much for "No worse than the flu."

>> No.11340525

old and frail people are dying faster than people can recover, not to mention that shit like pollution and stress makes your immune system worse, so some young overworked chinks dying wouldn't be a surprise

>> No.11340528

Yes check the fucking cdc, lancet and who pages there are actively updated reports available directly from chinese health authorities. of course they’re not reliable, our government would lie just the same, the difference is that chankaro will actually institute martial law and lock down whole regions, we won’t do anything like that. the growth rate is slowing down even as cases increase if reported cases have doubled by tomorrow ill get nervous again. 800 new cases is significantly less than what was reported yesterday. Now 40 more people have recovered, if that number increases steadily while mortality rate stays low its fucking nothing.

>> No.11340572
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>> No.11340576

Yeah it is retard, it's an awful lot more infectious.
It's not going to reach billions, but probably millions.

>> No.11340648

Ebola is not disguised as the common cold.

>> No.11340667
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>Symptoms of 2019-nCoV (Wuhan coronavirus). There are reports that it may spread even without symptoms.

>> No.11340688

>Yeah it is retard

No it isn’t lol.
Say, will you stop paying any attention to disease memes after this one peters out within a year?

>> No.11340692

male-female ratio wanting to go back to normal, nature is wonderful

>> No.11340728

You’re mentally ill.

>> No.11340748
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can nothing stop coronachan?

>> No.11340773

Two months and basic medical procedure.

>> No.11340783


so it took Ebola 6 months to go from under 100 to over 6000

>> No.11340788
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Jesus, someone appease coronachan before she gets out of control.

>> No.11340909

>The health body said they were also monitoring more than 9,000 suspected cases of the virus.


>> No.11341319

Good watch. This dude here speaks perfect English.

Fuck I hope they both survive both the virus and "the Party".

>> No.11341957

t. chink

>> No.11341965

this is worse than SARS lol

>> No.11341972

Because that graph doesn't account for preventive measures like quarantining, medicine, evacuation, martial law, etc.

>> No.11341973

so is this like a real life plague inc.? pretty based ngl

>> No.11341980

why are people so surprised they shut their borders? it was chinese new new year on saturday and their spring festival is soon i.e. millions upon millions of chinese from all around the world flying back for a few weeks

>> No.11341984

not even once

>> No.11342026

Yes it is. Retard.

Ebola had an rvalue of 1.5, nCoV has rvalue of 3.5, nCoV is more infectious than ebola

>> No.11342031

131 confirmed today, model predicts 155.

>> No.11342033

it says there was one asian male in their study, needs a lot more samples to definitively say it prefers asian males

>> No.11342054

This day is not over yet, look at the previous one.

>> No.11342060

I take selenium supplements and feel like a fucking beast, probably doubles my testosterone.

>> No.11342085

Reminder that if you're not a chink, an old fuck or a child you have nothing to worry about.

>> No.11342086

It's 7 AM EST nigga

>> No.11342107

The propaganda is strong in this one.

>> No.11342108


>> No.11342113

60K in quarantine.

>> No.11342168

Why do you even post?

>> No.11342172

Viruses have no preferential direction in terms of mortality when they mutate. They just mutate. If it's extremely fatal then typically it'll kill its host and lose the vector so becomes an evolutionary dead end or something along those lines. Usually the least harmful strain is most evolutionary beneficial due to the ability for the virus to propagate unhindered.

Though I'd still hold breaks on losing your minds (Though I am going to go buy loads of rice tonight as am genuinely worried other people are going to start panic buying etc...) a virus is unsurprisingly devastating when it has a high spread and then extremely potent, consistent symptoms. Coronavirus is a little worrying due to its long incubation, easy asymptomatic spread and potential 3% mortality rate. If the virus was to mutate, keep it's current traits then yes it would be very concerning but as said there is no particular direction of mutation and it's quite RNG for what'll come out. Ultimately I would say most outcomes of a mutation is by numbers, a lesser concerning virus.

>> No.11342181

I'm obviously no virologist, but you seem to know some things so I'll just ask this: if viruses mutate randomly and a higher spread makes it more dangerous (because it increases the ways the virus could potentially mutate), then why is nobody concerned about influenza? It infects so many people every year globally, doesn't it stand to reason that the common influenza could at some point mutate into something lethal?

>> No.11342189
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About 100 deaths in 5 days? Impressive, meanwhile the regular flu killed about 450 at the same time

>> No.11342192

Now compare the number of infected people, retard.

>> No.11342194

Now look at the people who have actually died of Corona, and compare it with the flu

>> No.11342200

Corona has bigger fatality rate and healthy people have died from it.

>> No.11342205
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Yeah, hand me that source chink

>> No.11342218

Plague Inc. sales are spiking right now, esp. in China!

>> No.11342235


>> No.11342249


>> No.11342265
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nothing to be scared of, is just another Ebola, Swine flu, mad cow disease, People will act like is going to kill 50% of the population, but most likely nothing will happen and everybody will forget about this shit in 3 months from now
>1 mil deaths by the end of the next month

>> No.11342266
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>mortality rate: 2.9%
By the way, young people can still die of the flue if they have a weaker immune system or another condition that favours the virus. Same goes for that shit virus called Corona

>> No.11342274

Ordinary influenza has mortality rate <0.1%.

>> No.11342276

Rolling for 1 million

>> No.11342281

sure it is, but whats the mortality rate within the risk groups?

>> No.11342296


>> No.11342303

This is a classical logistics equation. We just need to estimate the carrying capacity of it. It may be a function of time K(t). But clearly it is in the linear phase, expect the slow down soon.

>> No.11342327

Depends on the strain but about one percent, tops.

>> No.11342365

With the current numbers the mortality is between 3% ~ 60%

The 3% is a useless figure from taking dead/infected, because the disease obviously hasn't run the full course on all the infected.
Taking only the dead and recovered we get around 50%~60%.

>> No.11342374

50-60% is a useless figure because some people who were infected at the same time as those who died are still recovering.

>> No.11342387

The mortality rate is 56%

>> No.11342389


A pandemic is more likely when everyone is complacent.

>> No.11342394


the confirmed infection cases may slow down simply because there isn't enough doctors to identify more than 10000 cases a day

>> No.11342399

>1 million deaths
not gonna happen and most wll be chinks and pakis. nothing lost

>> No.11342407

That's because the supply of doctors has been kept down by the doctor mafia to keep wages high

>> No.11342413

The virus has infected yt countries and chink countries. India and Pakistan haven't even been infected because nobody goes there

>> No.11342434

Yes, with (critical patients + dead) / (infected + recovered) we have (1239 + 132)/(6152 + 116), so 22% chance of being in a bad state.
Same problem as before in the estimate, but we get a bigger sample size.

>> No.11342462

You are still missing those who weren't confirmed infected yet.

>> No.11342463
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>> No.11342473

Obviously, but it's impossible to account for those.

>> No.11342505

>Russia is manufacturing 25K test-kits per week and preparing to ramp it up to 100-200 thousands per week.
Everyone is fucked.

>> No.11342555

lmao it's only 6'000 infections and 132 deaths

>> No.11342560

Not the fooking pakis

>> No.11342564

>doesn't it stand to reason that the common influenza could at some point mutate into something lethal?
Yes this is a genuine concern and a possibility. Humans have (Eurasians at the very least) have evolved alongside the influenza virus for millennia however so our immune systems are very adept in regards to it but WHO and other organisations are quite vigilant with a deadly influenza appearing as we know it eventually will. The novel coronavirus (This 1) has never been seen before therefore it has people a little on edge as no one is adapted to it and it's a little 'quirky' in its spread.

Will this possibly get to the levels of the spanish flu? I personally don't think so. When looking at the Spanish flu (An avian flu, not pandemic flu so quite different) as the most recent 'huge huge' pandemic it was notably deadlier to those with healthier immune systems as it was the inflammation which was dropping people. If you had a tanked immune system you were in some regards better off. With corona it doesn't yet appear to be in that line of action and preys more on the vulnerable than the healthy so in many ways so far I just see this in line as a very nasty pandemic flu. It likely won't kill you but it'll fucking suck to catch it. Especially as I believe so far 98% present high fever, 50% dyspnea (Probably why so many are going to the hospital) and around 5% pneumonia (Nothing to scoff at mind you but the west is adept at dealing with pneumonia, especially in the last 10 years).
With there being a good chance of having both a fever and dyspnea (Shortness of breath / don't feel like you can get in enough air) then you'll be in for a few really uncomfortable days.

At least this is my take away so far from what I've seen.
I'm no virologist but do an undergrad in biochemistry and work in a hospital now doing an MSc. I will note though I never particularly covered viruses in any module to any great extent in my undergrad so am not particularly qualified.

>> No.11342565

>lmao it's only 10 deaths
>lmao it's only 132 deaths
>lmao it's only 1K deaths
>lmao it's only 100,000 deaths
>lmao it's mostly asians and elderly
>lmao it's just a cough, where are you taking me

>> No.11342570

Should be noted that influenza has an 'infectivity' rate of 1:1.3 (Vector:People who catch it from vector) and coronavirus has some forecasts of having a ratio of 1:>3.

>> No.11342575

This is going to get the muzzie that keeps lurking here mad. Good, I hope it wipes out Muslims. It seems like Allah keeps trying to rid the Earth of Muslims in the middle east but they are persistent (instability, terrorism, war, famine, stupidity, even Mecca has gotten destroyed and hit by plagues).

>> No.11342578

>preys more on the vulnerable than the healthy
Let's hope it infects the entire european continent, we have too many old people.

>> No.11342587
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>> No.11342591

It's still unsure if the demographics in age is predominantly just 60+ or 40+. If it's 40 plus then that could leave a lot of single parents or orphans (Even though it's just 1%). I imagine it's loosely 40+ predominantly 60+ however you should remember that the majority of consultants and nurses are over 40 and in a crisis of health losing your main healthcare providers whether to death (Still small) or just getting absolutely mopped the floor with by the disease and struggling to recover, therefore absent from work for long periods of time is not a good issue. Especially as the tables would turn where the newer and fewer qualified would have to be caring for their peers who they'll need to depend on when they get ill so in this regard the time it takes to recover is definitely extremely interesting to me as it has these knock on effects which exacerbate the issue.

>> No.11342598

Among the first 24 people who died, three were under 60 (36, 48, 53) and only one of them had other serious health issues (48 year old female).

>> No.11342633

>Confirmed in the states
>Confirmed in the UK
>Confirmed in Finland
>Confirmed in India

>> No.11342649

When / where was it confirmed in the UK?

>> No.11342667


>> No.11342670

Yes, literally front page headlines

>> No.11342706

Zoomer SARS. I'm not saying that it isn't a problem but it's kill count won't leave the four digit range.

>> No.11342760

Hopefully and probably not but I think the truth is no one really knows much at all. People don't trust China is transparent, people don't quite know / understand the epidemiology but do understand it's very transmittable and by all accounts and is human-to-human and people know that it can swing nasty (mutate) though doesn't necessarily mean it will or is likely to and also there's no immediate vaccine (To be honest good chance by the time there's a vaccine then the virus will have mutated enough to render either itself or the vaccine irrelevant.)
At the moment I don't think there's too much to worry about at all but there won't be any proper picture of the situation for at least a month and it was badly handled to begin with.
My main worry is that it establishes over here and spreads as my parents aren't young anymore.

>> No.11342771

Multiply all that good shit by 10 and you'll get the real numbers. Yes, also those in north America and whatever.

>> No.11342785

Often viruses mutate to be less lethal. But you are right. China and many other East Asian countries have a big aging problem. Well, so does most of the first world but you get the point.

>> No.11342788

honest question /sci/
how long can this virus potentially survive on inanimate cargo?
my mother's colleauge's husband was unloading railway wagon from china some time ago and he recently developed high fever, coughing and headache
am I alredy fucked?
should I quarantine my mother?

>> No.11342792

you are already dead

>> No.11342804

Depends on the temperature/humidity/insolation. It's very, very unlikely to get infected by viruses deposited in environment for hours/days though.

>> No.11342805

It's flu season. I had it literally at the beginning of December so by far most likely that.
I think estimates are coronavirus can last up to 5 days on surfaces but this would also be with optimal conditions for the virus. I really wouldn't worry and what's the worst case anyway if it turns out it is Corona as with that you can see it's just standard flu-like symptoms so easy time really.
If he's rushed to hospital either having seizures or pneumonia then maybe worry but even then it's easily treatable. If he was patient 0 I'd go lick him so I ensured I got the hospital care in worst case scenario.

>> No.11342836

can we have updated graph? its at 6k now

>> No.11343005

neet here
how safe am I

>> No.11343017


>> No.11343145
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people are already recovering from the virus, stay in good hygene friens, if you are unfortunate to get the virus, stay hydrated and control your fever/congestion.

>> No.11343212

Spoken to a few ER doctors and a hospital supervisor I knew and they said they're gearing up for a big one. For whatever reason the med community thinks this may be the real deal.

>> No.11343305

doctors getting ready for a lot of patients doesnt necessarily mean everyone's gonna die. people who just need monitoring and routine treatment can still overwhelm a hospital

>> No.11343474
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where are you seeing the computer simulation for binding to ace2? im wondering if ace2 is still the receptor

>> No.11343493

This, specially when they're dealing with a flu-like disease that requires constant overlooking over the infected for several days and up to a week, something that can easily cram an unprepared hospital.

>> No.11343500

there's 60 to 70 people that recovered and got better and about 140 who died from the illness
I'm starting to get worried

>> No.11343503

56% die.

>> No.11343512

out of how many that have been infected? i dont know if it's really soon enough to see how that figure shakes out

>> No.11343785

>planking montage in anno domini MMXX
Damn China is really behind the times.

>> No.11343804

>the most nuturious foods on the planet
Animals? The beings that evolved to consume and concentrate nutrients?

>> No.11343926

>What does /sci/ think of the coronavirus?

its a meme.


63 million people die each year on earth from normal shit like car crashes and heart disease...

If the corona virus IS a bio-weapon, it sucks hard, and the investors should sue.

>> No.11344013

The question is how many stayed home with milder symptoms and were fine

>> No.11344021

106 ded of 4000. 2.5% ded rate. cmon pssy

>> No.11344060

Don't look at deaths vs infections.
Look at deaths vs recoveries.

>> No.11344128

doing it that way is flawed in the fact that old people are dying faster than healthy people are recovering

>> No.11344212

someone better inform the cuck shitposter about this.

>> No.11344273

both methods are flawed.
obviously, people who just caught the flue aren't going to die right away so infected/dead is a dumb way to measure it until it's stops growing.

>> No.11344300


>> No.11344381

Good riddance, Mexico City is a rat hole

>> No.11344390

actully if you take wuhan out of equation (since there are propably so many sick that they cant tend to everyone) you get more recovered than dead. 43rcovered:8dead

>> No.11344418

The term States requires a capital S. You ought to to learn proper American, chong.

>> No.11344495

No it doesn't.

>> No.11344524

I dont think it's been long enough since infections took off to accuratelly comparecases with deaths
and that's assuming communist party of china is actually diving accurate numbers

>> No.11344750

>THE States

>> No.11344774

These are all the infected countries
China (mainland) 7,728 170 [64][65][66][67][68]
Thailand 14 0 [69][70]
Japan 11 0 [71][72][73]
Hong Kong 10 0 [74][75][65]
Singapore 10 0 [76][77]
Malaysia 8 0 [78]
Taiwan 8 0 [79]
Australia 7 0 [80][81][82]
Macau 7 0 [83][84]
France 5 0 [85][86][87]
United States 5 0 [88]
Germany 4 0 [89][90]
South Korea 4 0 [91][92]
United Arab Emirates 4 0 [93][94]
Canada 3 0 [95][96][97]
Vietnam 2 0 [98]
Cambodia 1 0 [99]
Finland 1 0 [100][101]
Nepal 1 0 [102][103]
Sri Lanka

>> No.11344828

It's growing exceptionally fast though. 2.5% of seven billion humans is 175,000,000 deaths. It could also be as impossible to eradicate as the flu and keep killing millions every year forever.

>> No.11345565

>trusting chinks

why are you like this anon?

>> No.11345823

You realize of course that this virus will stick around even after the first outbreak subsides.

>> No.11345846

>Eighty-one deaths out of 2,827 reported cases would mean a 3% mortality rate. However, this is likely to be a overestimate since there may be a far larger pool of people who have been infected by the virus but who have not suffered severe enough symptoms to attend hospital and so have not been counted in the data. For comparison, seasonal flu typically has a mortality rate below 1% and is thought to cause about 400,000 deaths each year globally. Sars had a death rate of more than 10%.
lel, it's literally nothing

>> No.11345863

1. Some of the infected will die which will increase the mortality rate. Less people have recovered than died so far.
2. Seasonal flu has mortality rate less than 0.1%.

>> No.11345881

I really hope this is the end.

>> No.11345885
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>> No.11345889

>Less people have recovered than died so far.
In China, with a disproportionate number of them being old and/or frail.

Even if we exclusively look at the death vs recovery ratio (keeping those who are still recovering out of the equation, even though most new cases and especially most non-Chinese cases appear mild), the absolute worst case scenario is a 14% if we keep in mind the condition of those who lived and those who died.


The worst case scenario isn't ID'S HABBEDINGS, it's a slightly more virulent and a slightly more deadly SARS. That's still a big deal and the death toll could therefore be an order of magnitude higher than that of SARS, but it's not the end of the world. Far from it.

>2.5% of seven billion humans is 175,000,000 deaths.
Yeah, hence the quarantine. Not some retarded conspiracy bullshit.

>It could also be as impossible to eradicate as the flu and keep killing millions every year forever.
That could be true and that would really suck (and be enough reason to label the Chinese as fucking subhuman), but let's hope there will be a vaccine soon that can be rolled out quickly to leave the disease to die.

>> No.11345893
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The real hope is that the virus is very effective at spreading and kills off the bugchasers

>> No.11345917
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Any Corona boys in this thread?

>> No.11345919

Fuck off Jimbo, shouldn't you be on /pol/?
That said, AIDS/HIV is famous for lowering your resistance so if it spreads in commiefornia they will be disproportionately represented among the ill. Healthy non-degenerate adults will generally weather the storm though. If it spreads in my country, I mostly fear for my mom. She's nearing retirement age and is just recovering from a major surgery.

>> No.11345933

Thread theme: https://youtu.be/MegkASUhaX4

>> No.11345950

This data is very misunderstood. It doesn't imply that the virus was created to "target" Asian males. Rather it works as an explanation for why such a virus would more likely pop up in such an environment.

>> No.11346102
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Poor monkeys, it won't be long till the CCP sends them all to concentration camps for rebelling.

>> No.11346126

WHO declares international public health emergency
/pol/ was right again

>> No.11346141

Oh wait. It's just joining a list of diseases such as SARS, the Swine Flu, Polio, Zika, Ebola and other diseases that aren't wiping out humanity. Hell, Ebola and Polio still are to this very day. Remember when /pol/ flipped their shit over Ebola? Still an international public health emergency. It's gonna kill us all any day now. AAAAAAAny day now!

Honestly, it just makes sense for this to happen after we discovered it can be spread asymptomatically.

>> No.11346145

Yes, it makes sense. The problem is we knew this days ago. Why not declare it then?

>> No.11346147

it might not have met the burden of evidence at that point to declare the emergency

>> No.11346161


Its director recently called Corona a Chinese emergency, but not yet a global emergency. I guess one of two things may have changed over the past week or so:
1. The WHO has no faith in China's ability to contain the virus
2. The growth of cases across the world (both in number and in countries affected) makes the disease "more global"

>> No.11346163 [DELETED] 

>infected only inncreased by 4000
exponentialfags btfo

>> No.11346165

Given the characteristics of this virus, when you see one case there are probably hundreds or thousands already incubating.
Seeing a single case outside of china is irrefutable proof that there will be a massive spread forming around those cases over the next few weeks.

Complete global quarantine is the only chance to stop this and they are blowing it.

>> No.11346169

its following /pol/s projection, still ahead of schedule

>> No.11346170

>infected only increased by 400
exponentialfags btfo

>> No.11346197

source? did linearchads claim another victory?

>> No.11346262

Is that a good or a bad thing? Because new cases seem to be rising pretty rapidly.

>> No.11346310

They're not gonna blow it.
It's acceptable losses to the authorities.

>> No.11346380

last night it was 7700, now it's 8100

>> No.11346386
File: 265 KB, 500x600, 1580173694836.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

uh huh, but you have to wait for tonight for it to be 24 hours since then
here have an updated chart while you wait
i fixed the ugly numbers from earlier

>> No.11346390

It sucks. I don't like it. It's mother is mean and sleeps with many gentlemen.

>> No.11346393

Holy shit it's actually worse than the predictions.

>> No.11346619

You're actually believing that chart?
Everyone knows its actually tapering off.
If you keep being so gullible /pol/ will turn you into a terrorist

>> No.11346651


>> No.11346690

>Everyone knows its actually tapering off.
Even if it is, what makes you believe there won't be another spike? Especially with how nonchalant some Western countries are being about security. And even if it does taper off, it will guaranteed surpass the SARS numbers.

>> No.11346707

>Especially with how nonchalant some Western countries are being about security.
did you not here about how italy halted an entire cruise liner of over 1000 people because a chinese lady coughed? the passengers are still in there at the dock

>> No.11346716

True, but on the flipside the Netherlands isn't even taking any precautions on it's biggest airport and there are still flights to and from China with zero screening.

>> No.11346729

except they've reacted to SARS 2 Pandemic bogaloo the exact same way as with SARS 1.

They've actively ommited info until this month. And they're still actively ommiting and downplaying the current severity of the situation within China. This is not speculation or rumour at this point.

Several news outlets have pointed out how several cases that resulted in deaths are simply not accounted for

>> No.11346734

I mean, I understand why a mainland chinese would eat up the CCP's shit, but someone with free access to information and a free internet access should be a little less retarded than you

>> No.11346738

Am I mistaken or is a linear growth pattern for a virus statistically impossible and more likely indicative of them being at capacity for testing people?

>> No.11346750

the number's were bullshit from the get go. Now they're even more bullshit because they are objectively at capacity for testing people.

>> No.11346758
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>> No.11346759
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It's not, linear growth can be possible and it will happen given enough time, as it is the normal evolution of any kind of disease spread. Usually it could mean we're at the sigmoid inflection point, but i personally doubt it.

>> No.11346768

ahah, i noticed the stupid typo the moment i pressed send. oh well.
My excuse is that i'm not a native speaker.

>> No.11346772 [DELETED] 

What is the rational motivation for conservativism
I cannot wrap my head around the idea

>> No.11346797

When you're too open aids sperm ends up in your butthole. Clinically speaking of course.

>> No.11346825
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Just found out I have a fever. I'm not gonna make it. I-Its up to you now.

>> No.11346868

mortality rate of flu: 0.1%
mortality rate of corona-chan: 3.0%

You should be about 30 times more worried.

>> No.11346881

>WHO knew full-fucking-well it was bad enough to declare global emergency
>it waited as long as it fucking could rather than giving countries with poor health infrastructures time to prepare
>:it praises glorious emperor to high heaven because the CPC would basically tell them to fuck off if they didn't suck Xi cock
Dismantle this shitty cartel and replace it with an actual body staffed by experts from various CDCs rather than would-be politicians please.

>> No.11346884


The corona virus might kill off the generation of boomers in their 60's that are destroying the economy with their bullshit unsustainable government retirement plans that were designed to fuck over the next generation by stealing tax revenue.

They'll also die before dipping into social security.


>> No.11346893

enjoy your multiculturalism and bat soup.

diversity is our strength! war is peace! freedom is slavery!

>> No.11346899

Toronto was one of the few places outside of China that had SARS warnings.
ur fucked m8.

>> No.11347152
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>only 3%
These are the same people who think a cancer test with 99% accuracy is good.

>> No.11347299


>> No.11347979

>0.1 = 0