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File: 85 KB, 800x800, GLORSUN-Korean-Stlye-Mouth-Mask-Anti-Dust-Mask-Winter-Running-Anti-PM2-5-Haze-Flu-Mask.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11331852 No.11331852 [Reply] [Original]

What is the /sci/ approved flu mask?

>> No.11331854
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>> No.11331861
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You can't get the flu if you never go outside.

>> No.11331908
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>tfw a chinese person sneezes near you

>> No.11331912

Nice Facebook memes, faggot.

>> No.11331914

Why the homophobia?

>> No.11331920


>> No.11331962

Kys faggot

>> No.11331969

Why should I kiss myself?

>> No.11331971
File: 47 KB, 250x194, gondolaspin.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Go back to /pol/

>> No.11331993

nothing wrong with facebook humor moron. id rather be wholesome and cringe than a zoomer with no actual character except calling everyone a normie and cringe

>> No.11332010

>facebook meme
You've got a lot of confidence for a newfag

>> No.11332280
File: 23 KB, 678x381, serveimage (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not op but also want to know. Is a P100 filter good enough for surviving the plague on the cheap?

>> No.11332335

Prove you are not underaged

>> No.11332408
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More than adequate.

>> No.11332417
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>a facebook meme

>> No.11332430

Coronavirus is 120nm. So anything with smaller filters than that.

>> No.11332544

Uncalled for

>> No.11332560
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>> No.11332567

But I am on /pol/

>> No.11332594

>being this new

>> No.11332607

>imply thats a /pol/ user

>> No.11332709
File: 8 KB, 225x300, s-l300 (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

S10 NBC Gas Mask

>> No.11332711

Ok poofter, imagine unironically thinking homophobia is a bad thing

>> No.11332725
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>> No.11332727
File: 652 KB, 1000x480, cambridgemask_filtration_technology.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cambridge masks are the only consumer ones I know with claims for viral particles.

>> No.11332735


>> No.11332743

One thing he misses with surgical masks is that they help stop you from touching your nose/mouth with your hands while out. If you're trying to stop something like coronavirus good hand hygiene is the best bet.

>> No.11332746

Yep, it doesn't seem to be airborne its more human contact as i'm sure you would know

>> No.11332750

Hearing rumors that the aerosol particles can infect you through your eyes

>> No.11332884

Are they actually good? All the non fake reviews keep saying that they suck.

>> No.11332888

>virus is infectious through eyes
>literally its in the fucking report
>he thinks mask will protect him
mask manufacturers are having a field day because of you retards

>> No.11332930

Yes because the virus not getting into your mouth and nose doesn't reduce the risk by a great amount or anything

>> No.11332933

>somebody sneezes two blocks down
>wind carrying it hits you right in the front
>the mask man it will protect me

>> No.11332972

Why does this design of mask turn me on?
I'm not sure what it is but just seeing a standard attractive girl in this mask and I'm fucking diamond dicked

>> No.11332977

A $3 google is going to offer enough protection to eyes

>> No.11332979

>Droplet transmission
>Carried by wind

>> No.11332982

I'll keep that in mind
That's why you use a mask/glasses combo.

>> No.11333011

Simple plastic bag does the trick. Make sure it's air tight.

>> No.11333146

>anon forgot about glasses again

>> No.11333148

additionally, pure nitrogen is a well-kept secret as an aerial viricide

>> No.11333186


>> No.11333708

>don't use anything at all cause i got a retort hur dur
shut up retard

>> No.11333744
File: 457 KB, 381x520, Paul_Fürst,_Der_Doctor_Schnabel_von_Rom_(coloured_version).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dont forget the stick and cloak

>> No.11333770

old as shit, GSR is better
t. got both

>> No.11333775
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Based, my fellow doctor

>> No.11333804


>> No.11333851

Shit, is this true? The P100 filter is rated for things larger than 300nm

>> No.11333956


wich mask do we need then, someone just post a link ffs

>> No.11334083

idk, P100 isn't rated for anything smaller than 300nm but I don't really know if it has to be, I'm no expert but would the virus need some sort of transmission vector to travel through the air? That might make it too big to get through the filter, unless the virus itself is able to float around then we're fucked. No idea if there's any other consumer filters better than that though.

>> No.11334174

lmao, your a normie bluepilled circumclampinated cringe fag dude

>> No.11334180


>> No.11334182

wtf man dont talk about my clamping bruh

>> No.11335260

Sauce? I was reading a cdc study talking about P100s catching shit in the 20s and 30s of nm.

>> No.11335424

No sauce just theorizing

>> No.11335637
File: 25 KB, 352x550, 176505064-352-k348553.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Our time is now

>> No.11335795

My wife's boyfriend and I love the plague doctor!

>> No.11335818

The virus isn't floating directly in the air though. It rides on droplets, and you aren't going to find those at less than a few um.

P100 is fine for casual exposure.

>> No.11335821

What's a good mask to use when I want to go outside and hate it when random people sneeze and cough?

>> No.11335862

N95 mask over real surgical masks is more than enough to stop coronavirus.

>> No.11335892

>he thinks airborne virus needs to be in a droplet

>> No.11335899

Anyone out here unironically wearing an autism mask as if they were a chink?

>> No.11335903


>> No.11335928
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>> No.11335939

bet if some reputable mask manufacturer made a plague doctor looking model that would also offer adequate protection it'd sell out because of zoomers who like memes and boomers who think it looks cool

>> No.11335948

>Airbrone transmission

>> No.11336027


>> No.11336720

How long you be can exposed to bemreathing in a flu environments?
Like, if i took that off, would you die?

>> No.11336721
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Do you require our services?

>> No.11338099

good luck finding affordable filters that, 40mm MASTER RACE

>> No.11338125

>if i took that off, would you die?
For you.

>> No.11338677

If I catch pneumonia it's basically a coin toss whether I can survive so as soon as cases here are confirmed I'm wearing the cheapest multilayer shit I can find, no way I'm spending 6€+ a day on a N95 rated disposable shit, I'm betting a 10-20c disposable affords at least some protection from droplets (combined with glasses that I wear anyway).

If you have no noteworthy medical conditions and are able to take anti-inflammatory drugs you should count yourself lucky, and the possibility of pneumonia shouldn't be that scary. If I didn't have these medical issues I probably wouldn't bother with masks at all and just wash my hands more frequently.

>> No.11338851

I understand that you do if you have medical issues, thanks for the reply.

>> No.11338865

It was proven that these prevent the transmission of y.pestis, so your post refutes itself.

>> No.11338893
File: 51 KB, 423x422, 3xzkf4tcuf941.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Plague doctor here. You're in luck. We offer free euthanasia for those afflicted with hyperestrogenism and sexual perversions authorized by his Holiness, the true Vicar of Christ and Bishop of Rome, Benedict XVI.

>> No.11339130

Although I disapprove your lifestyle, I hope you're happy in your polyamorous thing, anon

>> No.11339216

A cheapshit disposable will filter large droplets, but may not catch the smallest ones. The biggest issue with them is leakage around the edges though, and the inability to capture extra small droplets is mostly a theoretical issue. Make sure you get a tight fit, and shave your facial hair. Overall, a disposable offers moderate protection from inhaling droplet based airborne pathogens, but you can still be infected through your eye tissue when wearing glasses, and you can still accidentally your clothing/etc into a formite and infect yourself with it later.
Good luck anon.

>> No.11339234

>We offer free euthanasia for those afflicted with hyperestrogenism
Like people who find plague doctors "cool"?

>> No.11339331

Fags like rainbows and butterflies, but that shouldn't make you unable to appreciate the beauty of nature in those things. To limit yourself so would be a symptom of deep insecurity.
Plague doctors are pretty cool regardless of their popularity with normalfag man children.

>> No.11340084
File: 432 KB, 976x1000, 4609897645.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not being fascinated by the stories of both the monstrous greed and the heroic sacrifice shown by these ancestral masked madlads
Another one for the cart, I see


>> No.11340109


>> No.11340134


>> No.11341278

Thanks anons. I went ahead and tracked down 150 disposables for 30 bux inc. shipping and learned about proper use, better than nothing should worst comes to worst at least.
>but you can still be infected through your eye tissue when wearing glasses, and you can still accidentally your clothing/etc into a formite and infect yourself with it later.
I know it's basically a matter of time should it become pandemic, but that's time the virulent strains might well evolve to become less harmful to hosts or less likely to cause pneumonia, or maybe even until a vaccine gets synthesized (unlikely given there still isn't one for SARS though it is) or they isolate a particularly effective antiviral drug or treatment.